Spry dropdown menubar works in everything but IE

I'm having a problem with a site I just launched. The site: www.gmiloans.com/commercial
When viewed in IE, the buttons that have a menu overlap with the buttons directly to the left. I've researched left and right but for the life of me, I can't figure out a fix.
Here's my CSS file:
/* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;
font-size: 100%;
width: auto;
border-top-width: 0px;
border-right-width: 0px;
border-bottom-width: 0px;
border-left-width: 0px;
border-top-style: none;
border-right-style: none;
border-bottom-style: none;
border-left-style: none;
/* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
z-index: 1000;
/* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;
font-size: 9pt;
position: static;
text-align: left;
cursor: pointer;
width: auto;
float: left;
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
background-color: #888;
/* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;
font-size: 9pt;
z-index: 1020;
cursor: default;
width: 8.2em;
position: absolute;
left: -1000em;
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
color: #888;
background-image: url(images/header-template_05.gif);
float: right;
/* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
left: auto;
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
color: #888;
/* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
width: 8.2em;
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
border-top-width: 0px;
border-right-width: 0px;
border-bottom-width: 0px;
border-left-width: 0px;
border-top-style: none;
border-right-style: none;
border-bottom-style: none;
border-left-style: none;
padding: 2px;
color: #bbb;
background-color: #bbb;
/* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul ul
position: absolute;
margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
border-top-width: 0px;
border-right-width: 0px;
border-bottom-width: 0px;
border-left-width: 0px;
border-top-style: solid;
border-bottom-style: none;
/* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
left: auto;
top: 0;
border-top-style: solid;
border-right-style: solid;
border-bottom-style: solid;
border-left-style: solid;
border-top-width: 0px;
border-right-width: 0px;
border-bottom-width: 0px;
border-left-width: 0px;
DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
/* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
border: 0px solid #CCC;
/* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
display: block;
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: none;
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
color: #555;
width: auto;
background-color: #bbb;
margin: 3px;
padding-top: 1px;
padding-right: 3px;
padding-bottom: 1px;
padding-left: 3px;
right: 50px;
overflow: hidden;
/* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-style: normal;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
color: #000;
background-color: #BBB;
/* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
color: #EEE;
margin: 0px;
padding-top: 1px;
padding-bottom: 1px;
padding-left: 15px;
width: auto;
SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
/* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-style: normal;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border-top-width: 0px;
border-right-width: 0px;
border-bottom-width: 0px;
border-left-width: 0px;
border-top-style: none;
border-right-style: none;
border-bottom-style: none;
border-left-style: none;
/* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
background-repeat: repeat-x;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
/* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
background-image: url(../../Documents/GMI%20commercial%20funding/gmi-funding-3_02-hover.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
background-repeat: no-repeat;
BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
/* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
position: absolute;
z-index: 1010;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border-top-width: 0px;
border-right-width: 0px;
border-bottom-width: 0px;
border-left-width: 0px;
border-top-style: none;
border-right-style: none;
border-bottom-style: none;
border-left-style: none;
overflow: hidden;
/* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
@media screen, projection
ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
display: inline;
f\loat: left;

Firstly, I cannot see what you have done because the online code has not changed.
Secondly, have a look here to see what is wrong with your HTML-code.
Thirdly, have a look at removing your tables and using DIV's instead as per following example
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
    font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    margin: 0; /* it's good practice to zero the margin and padding of the body element to account for differing browser defaults */
    padding: 0;
    text-align: center; /* this centers the container in IE 5* browsers. The text is then set to the left aligned default in the #container selector */
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFF;
#container {
    width: 839px;  /* using 20px less than a full 800px width allows for browser chrome and avoids a horizontal scroll bar */
    background: #FFFFFF;
    margin: 0 auto; /* the auto margins (in conjunction with a width) center the page */
    text-align: left; /* this overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */
#header {
    background: #DDDDDD;
    padding: 0;  /* this padding matches the left alignment of the elements in the divs that appear beneath it. If an image is used in the #header instead of text, you may want to remove the padding. */
#menu {
    margin: 0; /* zeroing the margin of the last element in the #header div will avoid margin collapse - an unexplainable space between divs. If the div has a border around it, this is not necessary as that also avoids the margin collapse */
    padding: 10px 0; /* using padding instead of margin will allow you to keep the element away from the edges of the div */
    font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
#mainContent {
    padding: 0 20px; /* remember that padding is the space inside the div box and margin is the space outside the div box */
    background: #FFFFFF;
#footer {
    padding: 0 10px; /* this padding matches the left alignment of the elements in the divs that appear above it. */
#footer p {
    margin: 0; /* zeroing the margins of the first element in the footer will avoid the possibility of margin collapse - a space between divs */
    padding: 10px 0; /* padding on this element will create space, just as the the margin would have, without the margin collapse issue */
<script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<div id="container">
  <div id="header"><img src="images/gmi-funding-4_01.gif" width="839" height="238" alt="" border="0"></div>
  <div id="menu">
      <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
        <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
        <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Multifamily</a>
          <li><a href="mall">Shopping Mall</a></li>
          <li><a href="anchored">Anchored or Unanchored Center</a></li>
          <li><a href="restaurant">Restaurant</a></li>
          <li><a href="user-occupied">User Occupied</a></li>
          <li><a href="convenience">Gas Station or Convenience Store</a></li>
          <li><a href="franchise">Franchise</a></li>
          <li><a href="mixed-use">Mixed Use</a></li>
        <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Retail</a>
          <li><a href="production">Production Facility</a></li>
          <li><a href="storage">Storage</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 4</a></li>
  <div id="mainContent">
    <h1> Main Content </h1>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam,  justo convallis luctus rutrum, erat nulla fermentum diam, at nonummy quam  ante ac quam. Maecenas urna purus, fermentum id, molestie in, commodo  porttitor, felis. Nam blandit quam ut lacus. Quisque ornare risus quis  ligula. Phasellus tristique purus a augue condimentum adipiscing. Aenean  sagittis. Etiam leo pede, rhoncus venenatis, tristique in, vulputate at,  odio. Donec et ipsum et sapien vehicula nonummy. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce  varius urna id quam. Sed neque mi, varius eget, tincidunt nec, suscipit id,  libero. In eget purus. Vestibulum ut nisl. Donec eu mi sed turpis feugiat  feugiat. Integer turpis arcu, pellentesque eget, cursus et, fermentum ut,  sapien. Fusce metus mi, eleifend sollicitudin, molestie id, varius et, nibh.  Donec nec libero.</p>
    <h2>H2 level heading </h2>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam,  justo convallis luctus rutrum, erat nulla fermentum diam, at nonummy quam  ante ac quam. Maecenas urna purus, fermentum id, molestie in, commodo  porttitor, felis. Nam blandit quam ut lacus. Quisque ornare risus quis  ligula. Phasellus tristique purus a augue condimentum adipiscing. Aenean  sagittis. Etiam leo pede, rhoncus venenatis, tristique in, vulputate at, odio.</p>
    <!-- end #mainContent --></div>
  <div id="footer">
  <!-- end #footer --></div>
<!-- end #container --></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
If you want differing widths for your menu items then add a CSS rule as follows
<li style = "width: 70px;"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
For obvious reasons, I have not completed your page completely, the above is merely an example.
I hope this helps.

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    // SpryMenuBar.js - version 0.12 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1
    // Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    // All rights reserved.
    // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
    // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    //   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    //   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
    //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
    //     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    //   * Neither the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated nor the names of its
    //     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
    //     software without specific prior written permission.
    This file handles the JavaScript for Spry Menu Bar.  You should have no need
    to edit this file.  Some highlights of the MenuBar object is that timers are
    used to keep submenus from showing up until the user has hovered over the parent
    menu item for some time, as well as a timer for when they leave a submenu to keep
    showing that submenu until the timer fires.
    var Spry; if (!Spry) Spry = {}; if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {};
    Spry.BrowserSniff = function()
              var b = navigator.appName.toString();
              var up = navigator.platform.toString();
              var ua = navigator.userAgent.toString();
              this.mozilla = this.ie = this.opera = this.safari = false;
              var re_opera = /Opera.([0-9\.]*)/i;
              var re_msie = /MSIE.([0-9\.]*)/i;
              var re_gecko = /gecko/i;
              var re_safari = /(applewebkit|safari)\/([\d\.]*)/i;
              var r = false;
              if ( (r = ua.match(re_opera))) {
                        this.opera = true;
                        this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
              } else if ( (r = ua.match(re_msie))) {
                        this.ie = true;
                        this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
              } else if ( (r = ua.match(re_safari))) {
                        this.safari = true;
                        this.version = parseFloat(r[2]);
              } else if (ua.match(re_gecko)) {
                        var re_gecko_version = /rv:\s*([0-9\.]+)/i;
                        r = ua.match(re_gecko_version);
                        this.mozilla = true;
                        this.version = parseFloat(r[1]);
              this.windows = this.mac = this.linux = false;
              this.Platform = ua.match(/windows/i) ? "windows" :
                                                      (ua.match(/linux/i) ? "linux" :
                                                      (ua.match(/mac/i) ? "mac" :
                                                      ua.match(/unix/i)? "unix" : "unknown"));
              this[this.Platform] = true;
              this.v = this.version;
              if (this.safari && this.mac && this.mozilla) {
                        this.mozilla = false;
    Spry.is = new Spry.BrowserSniff();
    // Constructor for Menu Bar
    // element should be an ID of an unordered list (<ul> tag)
    // preloadImage1 and preloadImage2 are images for the rollover state of a menu
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar = function(element, opts)
              this.init(element, opts);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.init = function(element, opts)
              this.element = this.getElement(element);
              // represents the current (sub)menu we are operating on
              this.currMenu = null;
              this.showDelay = 250;
              this.hideDelay = 600;
              if(typeof document.getElementById == 'undefined' || (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' && typeof window.XMLHttpRequest == 'undefined') || (Spry.is.ie && typeof document.uniqueID == 'undefined'))
                        // bail on older unsupported browsers
              // Fix IE6 CSS images flicker
              if (Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7){
                        try {
                                  document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
                        } catch(err) {}
              this.upKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_UP;
              this.downKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_DOWN;
              this.leftKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_LEFT;
              this.rightKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_RIGHT;
              this.escKeyCode = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_ESC;
              this.hoverClass = 'MenuBarItemHover';
              this.subHoverClass = 'MenuBarItemSubmenuHover';
              this.subVisibleClass ='MenuBarSubmenuVisible';
              this.hasSubClass = 'MenuBarItemSubmenu';
              this.activeClass = 'MenuBarActive';
              this.isieClass = 'MenuBarItemIE';
              this.verticalClass = 'MenuBarVertical';
              this.horizontalClass = 'MenuBarHorizontal';
              this.enableKeyboardNavigation = true;
              this.hasFocus = false;
              // load hover images now
                        for(var k in opts)
                                  if (typeof this[k] == 'undefined')
                                            var rollover = new Image;
                                            rollover.src = opts[k];
                        Spry.Widget.MenuBar.setOptions(this, opts);
              // safari doesn't support tabindex
              if (Spry.is.safari)
                        this.enableKeyboardNavigation = false;
                        this.currMenu = this.element;
                        var items = this.element.getElementsByTagName('li');
                        for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
                                  if (i > 0 && this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
                                  this.initialize(items[i], element);
                                            this.addClassName(items[i], this.isieClass);
                                            items[i].style.position = "static";
                        if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
                                  var self = this;
                                  this.addEventListener(document, 'keydown', function(e){self.keyDown(e); }, false);
                                  if(this.hasClassName(this.element, this.verticalClass))
                                            this.element.style.position = "relative";
                                  var linkitems = this.element.getElementsByTagName('a');
                                  for(var i=0; i<linkitems.length; i++)
                                            linkitems[i].style.position = "relative";
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_ESC = 27;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_UP = 38;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_DOWN = 40;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_LEFT = 37;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.KEY_RIGHT = 39;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getElement = function(ele)
              if (ele && typeof ele == "string")
                        return document.getElementById(ele);
              return ele;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hasClassName = function(ele, className)
              if (!ele || !className || !ele.className || ele.className.search(new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1)
                        return false;
              return true;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className)
              if (!ele || !className || this.hasClassName(ele, className))
              ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className)
              if (!ele || !className || !this.hasClassName(ele, className))
              ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), "");
    // addEventListener for Menu Bar
    // attach an event to a tag without creating obtrusive HTML code
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture)
                        if (element.addEventListener)
                                  element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);
                        else if (element.attachEvent)
                                  element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, handler);
              catch (e) {}
    // createIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // creates an IFRAME underneath a menu so that it will show above form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.createIframeLayer = function(menu)
              var layer = document.createElement('iframe');
              layer.tabIndex = '-1';
              layer.src = 'javascript:""';
              layer.frameBorder = '0';
              layer.scrolling = 'no';
              layer.style.left = menu.offsetLeft + 'px';
              layer.style.top = menu.offsetTop + 'px';
              layer.style.width = menu.offsetWidth + 'px';
              layer.style.height = menu.offsetHeight + 'px';
    // removeIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // removes an IFRAME underneath a menu to reveal any form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeIframeLayer =  function(menu)
              var layers = ((menu == this.element) ? menu : menu.parentNode).getElementsByTagName('iframe');
              while(layers.length > 0)
    // clearMenus for Menu Bar
    // root is the top level unordered list (<ul> tag)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.clearMenus = function(root)
              var menus = root.getElementsByTagName('ul');
              for(var i=0; i<menus.length; i++)
              this.removeClassName(this.element, this.activeClass);
    // bubbledTextEvent for Menu Bar
    // identify bubbled up text events in Safari so we can ignore them
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.bubbledTextEvent = function()
              return Spry.is.safari && (event.target == event.relatedTarget.parentNode || (event.eventPhase == 3 && event.target.parentNode == event.relatedTarget));
    // showSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // set the proper CSS class on this menu to show it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.showSubmenu = function(menu)
                        this.currMenu = null;
                        this.addClassName(menu, this.subVisibleClass);
                        if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && !Spry.is.opera && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
                                  if(!this.hasClassName(this.element, this.horizontalClass) || menu.parentNode.parentNode != this.element)
                                            menu.style.top = menu.parentNode.offsetTop + 'px';
                        if(Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7)
              this.addClassName(this.element, this.activeClass);
    // hideSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // remove the proper CSS class on this menu to hide it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hideSubmenu = function(menu)
                        this.removeClassName(menu, this.subVisibleClass);
                        if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' && !Spry.is.opera && navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
                                  menu.style.top = '';
                                  menu.style.left = '';
                        if(Spry.is.ie && Spry.is.version < 7)
    // initialize for Menu Bar
    // create event listeners for the Menu Bar widget so we can properly
    // show and hide submenus
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.initialize = function(listitem, element)
              var opentime, closetime;
              var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
              var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
              var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
                        this.addClassName(link, this.hasSubClass);
                        // define a simple function that comes standard in IE to determine
                        // if a node is within another node
                        listitem.contains = function(testNode)
                                  // this refers to the list item
                                  if(testNode == null)
                                            return false;
                                  if(testNode == this)
                                            return true;
                                            return this.contains(testNode.parentNode);
              // need to save this for scope further down
              var self = this;
              this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseover', function(e){self.mouseOver(listitem, e);}, false);
              this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseout', function(e){if (self.enableKeyboardNavigation) self.clearSelection(); self.mouseOut(listitem, e);}, false);
              if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
                        this.addEventListener(link, 'blur', function(e){self.onBlur(listitem);}, false);
                        this.addEventListener(link, 'focus', function(e){self.keyFocus(listitem, e);}, false);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.keyFocus = function (listitem, e)
              this.lastOpen = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
              this.addClassName(this.lastOpen, listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul').length > 0 ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
              this.hasFocus = true;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.onBlur = function (listitem)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.clearSelection = function(el){
              //search any intersection with the current open element
              if (!this.lastOpen)
              if (el)
                        el = el.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
                        // check children
                        var item = this.lastOpen;
                        while (item != this.element)
                                  var tmp = el;
                                  while (tmp != this.element)
                                            if (tmp == item)
                                                      tmp = tmp.parentNode;
                                  item = item.parentNode;
              var item = this.lastOpen;
              while (item != this.element)
                        var link = item.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
                        this.removeClassName(link, this.hoverClass);
                        this.removeClassName(link, this.subHoverClass);
                        item = item.parentNode;
              this.lastOpen = false;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.keyDown = function (e)
              if (!this.hasFocus)
              if (!this.lastOpen)
                        this.hasFocus = false;
              var e = e|| event;
              var listitem = this.lastOpen.parentNode;
              var link = this.lastOpen;
              var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
              var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
              var hasSubMenu = (menu) ? true : false;
              var opts = [listitem, menu, null, this.getSibling(listitem, 'previousSibling'), this.getSibling(listitem, 'nextSibling')];
              if (!opts[3])
                        opts[2] = (listitem.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li')?listitem.parentNode.parentNode:null;
              var found = 0;
              switch (e.keyCode){
                        case this.upKeyCode:
                                  found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'y', 1);
                        case this.downKeyCode:
                                  found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'y', -1);
                        case this.leftKeyCode:
                                  found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'x', 1);
                        case this.rightKeyCode:
                                  found = this.getElementForKey(opts, 'x', -1);
                        case this.escKeyCode:
                        case 9:
                                  this.hasFocus = false;
                        default: return;
              switch (found)
                        case 0: return;
                        case 1:
                                  this.mouseOver(listitem, e);
                        case 2:
                                  this.mouseOut(opts[2], e);
                        case 3:
                        case 4:
                                  // left - right
                                  this.removeClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
              var link = opts[found].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
              if (opts[found].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ul')
                        opts[found] = opts[found].getElementsByTagName('li')[0];
              this.addClassName(link, opts[found].getElementsByTagName('ul').length > 0 ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
              this.lastOpen = link;
            //stop further event handling by the browser
              return Spry.Widget.MenuBar.stopPropagation(e);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.mouseOver = function (listitem, e)
              var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
              var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
              var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
              var hasSubMenu = (menu) ? true : false;
              if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
                        // ignore bubbled text events
              if (listitem.closetime)
              if(this.currMenu == listitem)
                        this.currMenu = null;
              // move the focus too
              if (this.hasFocus)
              // show menu highlighting
              this.addClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
              this.lastOpen = link;
              if(menu && !this.hasClassName(menu, this.subHoverClass))
                        var self = this;
                        listitem.opentime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.showSubmenu(menu);}, this.showDelay);
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.mouseOut = function (listitem, e)
              var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
              var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
              var menu = (submenus.length > 0 ? submenus[0] : null);
              var hasSubMenu = (menu) ? true : false;
                        // ignore bubbled text events
              var related = (typeof e.relatedTarget != 'undefined' ? e.relatedTarget : e.toElement);
                        if (listitem.opentime)
                        this.currMenu = listitem;
                        // remove menu highlighting
                        this.removeClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? this.subHoverClass : this.hoverClass);
                                  var self = this;
                                  listitem.closetime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.hideSubmenu(menu);}, this.hideDelay);
                        if (this.hasFocus)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getSibling = function(element, sibling)
              var child = element[sibling];
              while (child && child.nodeName.toLowerCase() !='li')
                        child = child[sibling];
              return child;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getElementForKey = function(els, prop, dir)
              var found = 0;
              var rect = Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getPosition;
              var ref = rect(els[found]);
              var hideSubmenu = false;
              //make the subelement visible to compute the position
              if (els[1] && !this.hasClassName(els[1], this.MenuBarSubmenuVisible))
                        els[1].style.visibility = 'hidden';
                        hideSubmenu = true;
              var isVert = this.hasClassName(this.element, this.verticalClass);
              var hasParent = els[0].parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li' ? true : false;
              for (var i = 1; i < els.length; i++){
                        //when navigating on the y axis in vertical menus, ignore children and parents
                        if(prop=='y' && isVert && (i==1 || i==2))
                        //when navigationg on the x axis in the FIRST LEVEL of horizontal menus, ignore children and parents
                        if(prop=='x' && !isVert && !hasParent && (i==1 || i==2))
                        if (els[i])
                                  var tmp = rect(els[i]);
                                  if ( (dir * tmp[prop]) < (dir * ref[prop]))
                                            ref = tmp;
                                            found = i;
              // hide back the submenu
              if (els[1] && hideSubmenu){
                        els[1].style.visibility =  '';
              return found;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.camelize = function(str)
              if (str.indexOf('-') == -1){
                        return str;
              var oStringList = str.split('-');
              var isFirstEntry = true;
              var camelizedString = '';
              for(var i=0; i < oStringList.length; i++)
                                            camelizedString = oStringList[i];
                                            isFirstEntry = false;
                                            var s = oStringList[i];
                                            camelizedString += s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
              return camelizedString;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp = function(element, prop)
              var value;
                        if (element.style)
                                  value = element.style[Spry.Widget.MenuBar.camelize(prop)];
                        if (!value)
                                  if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle)
                                            var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
                                            value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(prop) : null;
                                  else if (element.currentStyle)
                                                      value = element.currentStyle[Spry.Widget.MenuBar.camelize(prop)];
              catch (e) {}
              return value == 'auto' ? null : value;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getIntProp = function(element, prop)
              var a = parseInt(Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp(element, prop),10);
              if (isNaN(a))
                        return 0;
              return a;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getPosition = function(el, doc)
              doc = doc || document;
              if (typeof(el) == 'string') {
                        el = doc.getElementById(el);
              if (!el) {
                        return false;
              if (el.parentNode === null || Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp(el, 'display') == 'none') {
                        //element must be visible to have a box
                        return false;
              var ret = {x:0, y:0};
              var parent = null;
              var box;
              if (el.getBoundingClientRect) { // IE
                        box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
                        var scrollTop = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop;
                        var scrollLeft = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
                        ret.x = box.left + scrollLeft;
                        ret.y = box.top + scrollTop;
              } else if (doc.getBoxObjectFor) { // gecko
                        box = doc.getBoxObjectFor(el);
                        ret.x = box.x;
                        ret.y = box.y;
              } else { // safari/opera
                        ret.x = el.offsetLeft;
                        ret.y = el.offsetTop;
                        parent = el.offsetParent;
                        if (parent != el) {
                                  while (parent) {
                                            ret.x += parent.offsetLeft;
                                            ret.y += parent.offsetTop;
                                            parent = parent.offsetParent;
                        // opera & (safari absolute) incorrectly account for body offsetTop
                        if (Spry.is.opera || Spry.is.safari && Spry.Widget.MenuBar.getStyleProp(el, 'position') == 'absolute')
                                  ret.y -= doc.body.offsetTop;
              if (el.parentNode)
                                  parent = el.parentNode;
                        parent = null;
              if (parent.nodeName){
                        var cas = parent.nodeName.toUpperCase();
                        while (parent && cas != 'BODY' && cas != 'HTML') {
                                  cas = parent.nodeName.toUpperCase();
                                  ret.x -= parent.scrollLeft;
                                  ret.y -= parent.scrollTop;
                                  if (parent.parentNode)
                                            parent = parent.parentNode;
                                            parent = null;
              return ret;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.stopPropagation = function(ev)
              if (ev.stopPropagation)
                        ev.cancelBubble = true;
              if (ev.preventDefault)
                        ev.returnValue = false;
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.setOptions = function(obj, optionsObj, ignoreUndefinedProps)
              if (!optionsObj)
              for (var optionName in optionsObj)
                        if (ignoreUndefinedProps && optionsObj[optionName] == undefined)
                        obj[optionName] = optionsObj[optionName];

    Try the following changes to the JS file
    Lines 103 and 104 change the values
    this.showDelay = 100; // was 250
    this.hideDelay = 200; // was 600
    Comment out line 286
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.bubbledTextEvent = function()
    //    return Spry.is.safari && (event.target == event.relatedTarget.parentNode || (event.eventPhase == 3 && event.target.parentNode == event.relatedTarget));
    Comment out line 366 and add new lines 366 and 367
    var self = this;
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'click', function(e){self.Click(listitem, e);}, false);
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'click', function(e){self.mouseOver(listitem, e);}, false);
    //   this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseover', function(e){self.mouseOver(listitem, e);}, false);
    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseout', function(e){if (self.enableKeyboardNavigation) self.clearSelection(); self.mouseOut(listitem, e);}, false);
    I have not tested the above changes ontouch screens; they do seem to work Ok on desktops.
    NOTE: Line numbers could be different because of the difference in our versions.

  • XML (RSS) Spry Dataset File Works in Preview But Not Over Internet

    I am trying to build a custom feed reader using the Spry framework in Dreamweaver CS4 and everything seems to go smoothly until I actually host the file (with the accompanying js and css files) and try to view it over the internet
    previewing from DW shows everything working the way it should
    I feel like I am missing something obvious ... but not sure what
    thanks for any help!

    Hi, i have a similar problem..
    These URL returns a XML:
    1) http://www.bolsadesantiago.com/intradayServlet?symbol=IPSA
    2) http://www.valorfuturo.com/contenidos_vf/proyectos/clientes/penta/titularnoticias.asp
    I use a CS4 and both works in preview, but only first works over internet (IE7).
    I suspect that 2° has a problem of syntax XML, but work with jQuery.

  • Spry form validation working in IE but not in Firefox or...

    Ok putting together a contact us form and would like a few
    fields to be required. It works in IE7 but not in Firefox, Safari
    or Google Chrome. In IE7 I get the error msg for no valid email but
    in the other browsers it just does nothing. Here is the link to the
    Can anyone help with this? I have used Spry on a couple other
    site and never had an issue. I am updated to the most recent
    version also. I am running
    Vista Ultimate (64-bit)
    DW CS3 or DW CS4 (both do the same thing)
    I have attached my code here in a txt file


  • My Apple ID works with everything but I cant use it to log in for facetime!

    I'm trying to log in with my apple ID to activate facetime, but it always say no connection, any ideas???
    My apple ID works with everything else except facetime....

    i m on ipad 2,  4.3.2 i version/ I cannot login  to face time doesn't log me  in. some time it says it is network issue some time it says email / password in not correct. 
    everything else is fine. i can use ipad2 to login to itunes. and other channels but not face time.
    help required.

  • ITunes won't download to my laptop, its an MSI and has windows 7. It works for everything but iTunes fails to download, help please

    iTunes wont download to my laptop,its an MSI and has windows 7, its works for everything else. Please help

    Do you get an error message when you try to download iTunes? If so, what does it say? (Precise text, please.)

  • Spry drop down works in IE but not in FireFox or Chrome. Why?

    I have used the standard spry drop down on several other sites with great success and no browser compatibility issues. I think what's happened is that I messed up my Spry Assets when I was tweaking things so now I can't get it to work the way it did by default. Is there some way that I can reset everything to the original settings or download a replacement set of assets that will get me back to square one?

    Use your Widget Browser and grab Spry Menu 2.0. 
    Spry Menu 2.0 improved support for browsers & other web devices.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

  • SAPWebConsole - dropdown field works in ABAP but does not work on Web

    Hi All,
    I am writing an RF transaction in ABAP using regular dialog programming. My transaction works fine in the GUI. But it does not work OK when I access the transaction over the web (using IE) via SAPWebConsole.
    My issue is that on the SAPGUI I have a dropdown box that is populated with entries and I can choose an entry but on the same transaction on IE I cannot choose any entries in the same field as it does not have a dropdown option.
    Am I doing something wrong here in the ABAP? Am I assuming incorrectly that SAPWebConsole can have dropdown lists?
    I know that this is stictlynotan ABAP issue but it does have possible overlap.

    Hi Niall!
    WebSAPConsole has in it's own limitations with regards to Dialog Programming Development, but a much better version than SAPConsole(Text Based).You cannot have drop down on WebSAPConsole on RF Transaction,pl suppress it in you dialog programming, both F1 & F4.Pl look at the Supported Features in the WebSAPConsole USers Guide.
    Let me know if you have any additional questions regarding this?
    Message was edited by: Sivakumar Ganesan(Gisk)

  • I built a website for a customer using HTML only, so it would work on everything, but some of the text numbers are not clear on the ipad. It works perfectly on all the other browsers.

    I built a website for a customer using HTML only, so it would work on any browser, and it works perfectly on everything except ipad safari. I'm loosing information with most of my text numbers - instead of being black they are displaying a 'ghost' image (white) of the numbers.
    Is this a memory issue, or cache issue, or something else?  I've downloaded iCab and the site works perfectly with it.
    Also wondering if I can manually reload/refresh web pages in iPad Safari.
    Since most people with iPads will use Safari rather than iCab, I have to tweak this site to work in Safari.

    Detecting phone numbers and making them clickable is a feature of the browser, and rebuilding your web-site links will not make any difference. Its done when the page is shown in the browser, not when the page is created.
    According to the Safari iOS developers guide, you can turn these data detectors off using this code:
    <meta name = "format-detection" content = "telephone=no">
    http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#featuredarticles/iPhoneURLScheme_Referen ce/Articles/PhoneLinks.html

  • Home Sharing works on everything but iPhone 4 video

    I have Home Sharing enabled on my iMac. My iPad, 2 iPod Touch and Apple TV all see it ok.
    The iPhone 4 has home sharing enabled in both the Music and Video settings. It sees the shared Music in the Music app but there is no Shared option in the Video app on the iPhone.
    I have rebooted the iMac, switched on and off home sharing in iTunes, rebooted the iPhone.
    Can anyone shed any light on what is going on here?? Everything is running the latest iOS5 versions.

    I have the same issue.  Anyne can help?

  • Basic spry dataset not working in IE7 but will in FF & IE6?

    I did no coding on this.  I simply selected the xml file and used the spry wizard to set up the table:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:spry="http://ns.adobe.com/spry">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/xpath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("febBank.xml", "banks/bank", {sortOnLoad: "date", sortOrderOnLoad: "ascending"});
    ds1.setColumnType("date", "date");
    ds1.setColumnType("consumer", "number");
    ds1.setColumnType("commercial", "number");
    ds1.setColumnType("sum", "number");
    <div spry:region="ds1">
          <th spry:sort="date">Date</th>
          <th spry:sort="name">Name</th>
          <th spry:sort="city">City</th>
          <th spry:sort="state">State</th>
          <th spry:sort="consumer">Consumer</th>
          <th spry:sort="commercial">Commercial</th>
          <th spry:sort="sum">Sum</th>
        <tr spry:repeat="ds1">
    Why will this not work in IE 7???
    Here is some of the xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <banks xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
            <name>1st Constitution Bancorp</name>
            <name>1st Enterprise Bank</name>
            <city>Los Angeles</city>

    Turns out I was having a common problem- our web servers were not set up to send the xml as xml.  The mime headers were set to text rather then xml.  I work in a large federal site where the hardware is 3 contractors removed from the web team...
    This was only a problen in IE 7 as it looks for the header type, while IE6 and FF do not...

  • Logitech webcam works in everything but ffmpeg

    It's a Logitech QuickCam Express
    $ lsusb
    Bus 005 Device 002: ID 046d:0870 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express
    and it works fine in cheese and vlc, but with ffmpeg, I get:
    $ ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video1 test.avi
    [video4linux2 @ 0x96513a0] Cannot find a proper format for codec_id 0, pix_fmt -1.
    /dev/video1: Input/output error
    I've tried pretty much every permutation of ffmpeg options that I can think of, to no avail.
    Clearly the webcam works, as I can see it in vlc/cheese just fine...any idea how I can get ffmpeg to play nice with it?
    Is there a good command-line alternative to ffmpeg which can record both video and audio? Surprisingly, I haven't really found a CLI program that can simply capture from webcam+microphone and save to a file.
    Thanks! And let me know if you need any more info/diagnostic output, etc.

    Having similar issue; webcam is recognized and functions under "Options" but have no "Video Call" button to make a video call. Skype only displays txt and voice call buttons. Contacts are online and have video. Contacts see me as online and with video, and can even "Video Call" me but cannot see me; I see and hear them fine, but they cannot see me.
    Problem experienced on an HP Compaq Pasario running Ubuntu 10.04.1, 12.04.1, and finally Mint 14.1 (both cinnamon and mate) with all software packages updated and current. Spent the entire day yesterday going through fresh installs and setup trying each separately with the same result every time; webcam is recognized and functions under "Options" but have no "Video Call" button to make a video call.
    Camera being used is a Logitech c270h which works great with Skype on two other PCs (Dell Laptop, Dell Tower) one running Ubuntu 10.04.1 and 12.04.1 (both LTS).
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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