Spry Table Customization

Hi, I need to be able to indicate certain things in a Spry
table. For example, I have a list of invoices, which the user can
click and see the details of.
The invoices are in several different states, depending. If
it's "outstanding", I'd like it to be black. If it's "in arrears",
I'd like to mark it red. That kind of thing.
Maybe a different background color would be good. I'm not
Is there any way to do that with Spry Tables?
Neil Alexander

I think you want something more like this:
<div spry:region="dsCustomerOrderLineItems">
<table width="100%" style="font-size:12px">
<th width="20%">Item</th>
<th width="40%">Desc</th>
<th width="20%">Price</th>
<th width="20%">Qty</th>
<tbody spry:repeatchildren="dsCustomerOrderLineItems"
<tr spry:when="'{OrderLineItems_fCredit_Code}' != '0'"
class="rowCredit" >
<tr spry:default="default">
If you add more conditionals, you'll want to duplicate the
<tr> with the spry:when on it and modify its expression to do
whatever comparison you need to, and modify the class name it uses.
--== Kin ==--

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    Hello, Spry experts!
    This is probably simple, but I've searched for hours and can't find what I need. I'm using Dreamweaver CS4 and Spry 1.6.1 to create a simple Spry Table from an XML data set using PHP as my back end.  I've used Dreamweaver's Insert->Spry->Spry Data Set to create everything, and the table is working fine.  Colors, clicks, sorts, etc., are all working correctly as expected.
    What I want is to be able to add a behavior such that when a table row is clicked, I can open a new page.  Moreover, I want to pass a parameter from the table to the new page, like http://www.mydomain.com/newpage.php?aid=12345 or whatever.
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    <div spry:region="xml_assignments">
    <table width="500">
    <th spry:sort="a_id" class="spry_header">ID</th>
    <th spry:sort="a_name" class="spry_header">Assignment</th>
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    So my questions are: 
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    2. How to extract the {a_id} value from the current row and pass it as a parameter to the action?
    Or maybe just take another approach entirely?
    I know that I can make the actual text in the table cells hyperlinks, and use them to link to the new page, which is fine.  The desire here is just to make it so that the user can click "anywhere" on the table row (as they can currently do with the spry:select behavior) and have the link kick off, whether they actually click on the linked text or somewhere in the row where there is no text.
    I'm sure this is obvious and simple, but I'm new to this level of Spry detail, and my brain is fried from hunting.  Any guidance will be gratefully appreciated!
    Glen Barney

    I found the answer myself, after posting this, of course!
    I changed:
    <tr spry:repeat="xml_assignments" spry:setrow="xml_assignments" spry:odd="spry_odd" spry:even="spry_even" spry:hover="spry_hover" spry:select="spry_select">
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    I'm working with a fresh install of the 32bit version of Photoshop CS6, and my OS is Windows 7 Home Premium x64 (mentioning my OS, just in case my OS somehow has some effect on this).

    When I hover my cursor over a cell in the color table customizer, the "info" panel is supposed to show the RGB values of that cell (there's 256 cells, one for each color). Which cell the cursor is pointing at for this RGB info purpose is supposed to be determined by the upper left corner of the mouse cursor, that is to say, where the is the "point" of the arrow cursor is. Unfortunately the RGB info is being shown for the cell near the middle or lower right portion of my cursor, and not the upper left point. However the upper left point of my cursor DOES properly select the color when I click on the cell and it brings up the color picker dialog box). Does anybody know how to fix this for the "info" panel's interaction with pointing at the color cells of the color table?
    I'm working with a fresh install of the 32bit version of Photoshop CS6, and my OS is Windows 7 Home Premium x64 (mentioning my OS, just in case my OS somehow has some effect on this).

  • Using javascript to dynamically generate the html for a  Spry table

    I have some javascript which generates html code for a Spry
    table which displays the content of a Spry data set. The problem is
    that after I generate the html, Spry never fills in the values for
    the table.
    Here's what I'm doing:
    Using a data set observer, check for onPostLoad and generate
    the html code
    Using innerHTML, stuff the code into the appropriate
    Use regionName.updateContent() to update the region I just
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    Interestingly, if I take the generated source for my page and
    remove the data set observer, the Spry table displays correctly
    with all the expected values. This suggests to me that my generated
    html code is correct, but that there is some sort of timing issue
    (i.e. Spry doesn't know about the new code I generated).
    Any suggestions?

    jalperin wrote:
    > Here's what I'm doing:
    Using a data set observer, check for
    onPostLoad and generate the html
    > code
    Using innerHTML, stuff the code into
    the appropriate <div>
    Use regionName.updateContent() to
    update the region I just created
    > with the html code I generated
    > Interestingly, if I take the generated source for my
    page and remove the data
    > set observer, the Spry table displays correctly with all
    the expected values.
    > This suggests to me that my generated html code is
    correct, but that there is
    > some sort of timing issue (i.e. Spry doesn't know about
    the new code I
    > generated).
    > Any suggestions?
    I'd guess that it is a timing issue as well. I haven't looked
    much at the dataset capability in Spry, but it may be that the
    dataset "finds" all of the regions and code that it applies to
    before the onPostLoad event is triggered. If that is the case, then
    your generated code doesn't exist yet,and so the dataset thinks
    that there is nothing for it to apply to.
    Will the HTML that you generate change based upon the dataset
    that is actually returned? I guess I'm looking for the reason why
    the HTML is being generated when it could be in the page itself and
    avoid this issue completely.
    Danilo Celic
    | WebAssist Extensioneer
    | Adobe Community Expert

  • Fade Effect from Spry Table

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    appears at 100% then snaps to 0% and fades to 100%. What is the
    correct method for using spry effects from Spry Region Table Links
    to a targeted DIV or Spry region detail?

    So this example is exactly what I am looking for, however,
    when one uses images instead of simple text I think it fouls up the
    smoothness of the code presented here. My problem is it works,
    however, if you click through the images back and forth eventually
    the image fades out to 0%. I am guessing this it could be related
    to a preloading and cache issue? Or does this code handle spry
    details that load in images differently?
    Click print item 1 and 2 back and forth to create the error.
    Any insight on how to make this run smoothly would be greatly
    appreciated and when I am done with this AJAX application I will
    share it with the SPRY community.

  • Spry Table works in Firefox but not IE

    I have a Spry table working just fine in Firefox in a site
    I'm developing:
    but in IE 6 and 7 it first shows the table, unpopulated, and then
    disappears altogether. I'm new to Spry and XML... have I done
    something wrong? Any light anyone could shed would be hugely
    appreciated! Thank you!!
    The XML looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <course id="1">
    <name>New! Introduction to Social Assistance and Case
    <startdate>10 21 2008</startdate>
    <duration>4 days</duration>
    <desc>This course covers the setup, daily and periodic
    procedures for Abenaki’s Social Assistance and Case
    Management Module.Topics to be covered include: organization
    profile setup, rate maintenance, security, vendor and client
    maintenance, cheque production in Sage Accpac, cheque production in
    the Social Assistance module, reports, case planning, month and
    year end processing.</desc>
    <course id="2">
    <name>Introduction to Safe Water Infrastructure
    Management System</name>
    <startdate>10 28 2008</startdate>
    <duration>2 days</duration>
    <desc>No description available at this
    <course id="3">
    <name>Introduction to Housing Inspection and Management
    <startdate>10 30 2008</startdate>
    <duration>1 day</duration>
    <desc>This introductory level course covers all of the
    steps involved in the data entry and report generation for housing
    units in the community. Topics to be covered include: rating the
    condition and estimated cost to repair of the interior, exterior,
    amenities, fire and health hazard items. Students will learn how to
    generate reports to identify housing units in need of minor or
    major repairs and those units that are potential fire and/or health
    <course id="4">
    <name>New! Post Secondary Education and Student
    <startdate>11 12 2008</startdate>
    <duration>3 days</duration>
    <desc>No description available at this
    <course id="5">
    <name>New! Introduction to Social Assistance and Case
    <startdate>11 18 2008</startdate>
    <duration>4 days</duration>
    <desc>This course covers the setup, daily and periodic
    procedures for Abenaki’s Social Assistance and Case
    Management Module.Topics to be covered include: organization
    profile setup, rate maintenance, security, vendor and client
    maintenance, cheque production in Sage Accpac, cheque production in
    the Social Assistance module, reports, case planning, month and
    year end processing.</desc>
    <course id="6">
    <name>Introduction to Safe Water Infrastructure
    Management System</name>
    <startdate>11 18 2008</startdate>
    <duration>2 days</duration>
    <desc>No description available at this
    <course id="7">
    <name>Introduction to Housing Inspection and Management
    <startdate>11 20 2008</startdate>
    <duration>1 day</duration>
    <desc>This introductory level course covers all of the
    steps involved in the data entry and report generation for housing
    units in the community. Topics to be covered include: rating the
    condition and estimated cost to repair of the interior, exterior,
    amenities, fire and health hazard items. Students will learn how to
    generate reports to identify housing units in need of minor or
    major repairs and those units that are potential fire and/or health
    <course id="8">
    <name>Sage Accpac ERP 5.5 Refresher</name>
    <startdate>01 20 2009</startdate>
    <duration>4 days</duration>
    <desc>No description available at this
    <course id="9">
    <name>Sage Accpac ERP 5.5 General Ledger and Accounts
    <startdate>01 20 2009</startdate>
    <duration>4 days</duration>
    <desc>No description available at this
    Abenaki Course

    The reason its not working its because its "crashing" at the
    sort function in IE, I have no clue why.
    To be more specific,, this part of the SpryData.js
    if (this.unfilteredData)
    if (this.filterFunc)
    this.filter(this.filterFunc, true);
    /*this->*/ this.data.sort(sortfunc);
    Maby try to delete the setColumnType for your startdate, to
    see if that helps. Because your startdate is not a "valid" date
    string. (i think)

  • Spry table does not display properly in Explorer 10

    I have set up a web page including a Spry table which works great in all browsers EXCEPT Explorer 10.  Does anyone know how to fix this?
    Here's how it looks in Explorer 10:
    This is how it should display (from Chrome):

    hm, there is no problem in my IE 10. Spry works fine - in my case even without using compatiblity mode - (see screenshot, with IE 10 Info):
    BUT you should consider - I quote from different contributions of the forum - "Spry has been deprecated and is no longer officially supported by Adobe" and: "Spry framework related examples available here: http://adobe.github.com/Spry/samples/ or use jQuery."

  • Spry tables: Sort by date

    I need a spry table to sort by title and date columns; the
    title works fine by selecting the 'sortable column' option when
    making the table - this didn't work for the date column, but I
    think this was because the excel/xml data used had the date info in
    a text format. Once I'd formatted the date column cells in excel
    doc as 'date' in (e.g.) Jan-07 format, the xml conversion changed
    the data to what i think is the standard date format (e.g.
    2007-07-01 00:00:00). Making this column sortable resulted in rows
    being rearranged in the spry table, but not in any logical order.
    please help!
    many thanks,
    (apologies if that was long-winded, wasn't sure whether you
    needed any context)

    You cannot sort a formatted date by default using the Spry.  How is the data stored, in XML or HTML?  And is the date stored as a formatted date or a timestamp?  What is typically suggested is that you store the dates in two formats.  First is a timestamp format or a formatted date as yyyy-mm-dd.  You use that column to sort and then you have a date formatted however you want in a second column and that gets displayed to the user.
    You can see more about this in the following thread: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/85718
    The problem with the dd/mm/yy format is that Spry (and many other solutions) read the information as plain text.  So here's a quick example of oldest to newest
    30122011 - Dec 30, 2011
    31012011 - Jan 31, 2011 - January would come after Dec
    01302011 - Jan 31, 2011
    01312010 - Jan 30, 2010 - 2011 would be before 2010
    20100131 - Jan 31, 2010
    20110131 - Jan 31, 2011
    20111230 - Dec 30, 2011 - In this format all numbers show up in numerical order.

  • Spry Tables and Xml Data Sets viewed in IE7

    Has anyone ever run into a problem with Spry Tables and Xml
    Data Sets viewed in IE7? Work fine in IE6 and Firefox, but get the
    error "exception caught while loading feed.xml: [object Error]" in
    IE 7. Any ideas?
    Attached is the xml I'm using.

    I came looking for the answer to this question. I could not
    find an answer. Eventually I found it the answer that worked for
    me, a graphic designer with not much experience in xml.
    The following url provided an errata file in PDF format:
    which includes the following addendum to the incomplete
    instructions in the book i was using to learn about spry:
    "If Internet Explorer 7 is your primary browser, you'll nee
    to take some extra steps to view spry dynamic content locally.
    First, your site must be within the local server webroot; be sure
    your Lessons folder is stored within the Inetpub>wwwroot folder.
    Next, double-click the site name in the files panel to open the
    Site Definition dialogue. Click the Testing Server category; from
    the Access List choose Local/Network. Click Okay to close the Site
    Definition dialogue. Now, when you preview your page with Internet
    Explorer, your local Web server (localhost) serves the page as
    Horray for me! Now i can move on from here and actually get
    some work done!

  • Spry Table displaying blank in IE9

    Spry table created in XML using CS5 (SpryData.js - version 0.52 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1) at http://www.jacquipatterson.com.au/slideshow_celebrant.html
    The table displays as required in Firefox, Chrome, Navigator but draws a blank page with IE9. I have searched all over for a similar case but to no avail.
    I would be most praisefull if someone has a solution to this annoying problem or has a suggestion on how to get around it.

    Change line 35 to
    var slides_120609 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("http://www.jacquipatterson.com.au/Slideshowjune.xml", "Root/Row", {sortOnLoad: "venue", sortOrderOnLoad: "ascending"});
    and remove line 195

  • Filter spry table from repeater list

    Using Dreamweaver, I am looking to find out how to link a
    spry repeat list (Select Drop-Down) to a Spry table.
    I have created a repeat list (Select Drop-Down) using a
    distinct filter on a field in my XML data base :
    The XML database is:
    var ds2 = new
    The drop down list is created by
    <div spry:region="ds2">
    <select name="select" spry:repeatchildren="ds2">
    <option value="{SubType}">{SubType}</option>
    I have a table which I want to show only the values on the
    table where the subType that matches the value from the select
    This data is populated by:
    var ds1 = new
    and is created by
    div spry:region="ds1">
    <tr spry:repeat="ds1">
    <td><img src="{ImageURL}"/></td>
    I believe that I need to create a spry:Choose statement in
    the drop down list which runs a function that filters the DS1 XML
    I beleive that The function need to look like
    var myFilterFunc = function(dataSet, row, rowNumber)
    some funtion here that filters ds1 on {SubType}.......
    I will then need to run ds1.filter(myFilterFunc);
    Any pointers or examples most welcome.

    to do the the spry:if="'statement" needs to be in the
    <tr> rows you want to filter on

  • Sorting numberic data in a spry table

    First Problem:
    I am having trouble getting an secondary sort to work in a
    spry table. As long as I do a single sort every thing works just
    fine, but as soon as I try to do a secondary sort.... nothing
    Second Problem:
    The data I am using ranges from 0 to 10. When I sort "1" and
    "10" end up being right next one each other, but the 10 should be
    on top. So the sort ends up as 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10,1. when it should
    be 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.
    I'm sure it is something simple that I have not figured
    out.... has anyone else run into this and solved it?

    there is an issue with this, regardless if you do ds1.setColumnType("Q407Q207A", "number"); the Damn thing does not sort negative numbers. Is there a way to fix this, You know what amazes me is that people would not take this into consideration, yeah lets release a framework with half the basic functionality. Sorry don't mean to complaint but I've been trying to find a fix for this for over a month and nothing not on the Live Docs nor out there on the WEB.

  • Sorting a Spry Table

    For a table listing events and fed by an xml file I need to sort the date and time columns. First priority is date, second is time. This is possible in a regular html table, but not an option in spry tables, at least not in CS 3 which I am using.
    It probably needs some change in the JavaScript to do that. Any help with that is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Click the column headers here http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/data_region/DataReferences.html and here http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/data_region/SortSample.html
    For a table listing events and fed by an xml file I need to sort the date and time columns. First priority is date, second is time. This is possible in a regular html table, but not an option in spry tables, at least not in CS 3 which I am using.
    Sorting is a built-in Spry function.
    It probably needs some change in the JavaScript to do that.
    Under normal circumstances, it is advisable not to touch the Spry JS files.

  • Way to have a Spry table fill remainder of a window

    Does anyone know of a cross platform way to get a Spry table
    to fill the remainder of a window, assuming the top has, for
    example, controls for performing a query?
    None of the Spry samples I've seen are designed this way. But
    then I guess that's not surprising considering CSS, AFAIK, requires
    that co-ordinates and sizes be specified either in some particular
    units, or as a percentage of the parent element, NOT some
    expression involving both.
    Is the only solution to somehow, in Javascript, query the DOM
    for the window's dimensions (assuming that's possible), subtract
    the height of the DIV element for the controls, and dynamically
    update the height of the DIV element for the Spry table with the
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    I ended up using this guy's functions :

  • Spry Table

    Hello, I am using an XML file that has been exported from an
    Access 2007 database for the spry table. The data displays in the
    table just fine. Is there any way to automatically refresh the data
    in the export when the database gets updated? Thank you much!

    That code should go in your call back function, its the code
    that fires after the update has been perfomred. It depends on how
    your updating your database, but normally its a javascript function
    that is called after you insert to the database.
    Look at this link and check the Spry Datasets tab for
    Also look at this for some examples
    Also check this forum out

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