SQL Error: ORA-04092: cannot COMMIT in a trigger

Trying to drop the table inside the trigger but i'm unable to do it.
SQL Error: ORA-04092: cannot COMMIT in a trigger
I need to drop the table based on the some condition say condition is the archive table with more than millions of records which is of no use so i plan to drop the table.
I will be inserting the the unwanted table to mytable ,mytable which is having the trigger will fire to drop the table.
I need this to be done on automatic basis so i have chosen trigger.
is there anyway of automatic other than trigger in this case.

933663 wrote:
Trying to drop the table inside the trigger but i'm unable to do it.
SQL Error: ORA-04092: cannot COMMIT in a trigger
I need to drop the table based on the some condition say condition is the archive table with more than millions of records which is of no use so i plan to drop the table.
I will be inserting the the unwanted table to mytable ,mytable which is having the trigger will fire to drop the table.
I need this to be done on automatic basis so i have chosen trigger.
is there anyway of automatic other than trigger in this case.You can't COMMIT inside a trigger. Oracle issue an auto COMMIT before and after the execution of DDL. So you can't use DDL in trigger. You may get suggestion to use AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION to perform COMMIT within tirgger. But dont do that. Its wrong idea.
I will suggest you look back into your requirement and see what exactly you want. You could schedule a job that runs on a daily basis that will pick up the object details from your table and drop them accordingly.

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    Hi guys,
    I know this error has been explained in the forum before and I understand where the error comes from, but I need expert's opinion to make the trigger works.
    Here is the actual situation:
    Table A has a trigger on after insert, and BASED ON THE LAST ROW inserted (only this data is subject to the trigger's actions) does the following:
    1. MERGE the data (last row from the source table=A) with the data from the table destination=B. This data is specific to an employee;
    2. Open a cursor that goes through all the ancestors of the employee (I have an employees hierarchy) and MERGE the same data (but for ancestors) with the table destination;
    To be more specific :
    EmpID LOB Day Status
    12 1007 29 Solved
    EmpID has ancestors 24 and 95. Therefore in the destination table I will have to do:
    1. Merge data for EmpID 12;
    2. Merge data for EmpID 24, 95:
    EmpID LOB Day Status
    24 1007 29 Just S (this is the status for ancestors)
    95 1007 29 Just S
    Steps 1 and 2 are inside a PL/SQL procedure that works fine by itself, but not within the trigger (since there are many transactions on the destination table). These 2 steps are required because for EmpID 12 I set a status and for the ancestors I set up a different status (this was the only way I could think of).
    Can someone give me a hint how should I handle this situation ?
    Thank you,

    Try this
    create or replace procedure SEQ
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create sequence ' || V_PROD ||
    ' minvalue 1 maxvalue 999999 start with 1';
    N_ID NUMBER := 0;
    CT NUMBER := 0;
    ERR_MSG VARCHAR2(2000);
    -- Retrieve the ID e of the last inserted row which is 100 by default
    -- set the default client_id value with nextvalue of sequence prod_IDS
    IF :NEW.ID = 100 THEN
    V_PROD := :NEW.PROD;
    :NEW.ID := N_ID;
    END IF;
    IF CT = 0 THEN
    -- create the sequence with name of V_PROD if doesn't exist
    V_PROD || ' sequence will be created ', SYSDATE);
    --EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create sequence ' || V_PROD ||
    ---' minvalue 1 maxvalue 999999 start with 1';
    V_PROD || ' sequence alreday exist',
    END IF;
    ERR_MSG := TO_CHAR(SQLERRM) || ' ';
    ERR_MSG := TO_CHAR(SQLERRM) || ' ';

  • Getting error SQL Error : ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query

    Hi gurus ,
    Your help is greatly appreciated ..
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                     blnGDS_Allowed :=True;
                      varSTMT := 'UPDATE PROD.TMS_PROCESS_COUNTER ';
                      varSTMT := varSTMT ||' SET last_count_added = last_count_added+1';
                      varSTMT := varSTMT ||' WHERE process_name = ''DAILY_GDS_COUNT''';
                      varSTMT := varSTMT ||' AND COUNTER_IND = ''750FD130''';
                     PROC_LOG('Update Tms_Process_counter varSTMT --' || varSTMT);
                     IF INSERT_BATCH(99,varSTMT) > 0 THEN
                     END IF;
    Function for insert_batch :
    varINSERT_BATCH_STMT  VARCHAR2(32767)     := NULL;
    RETURN 1;
        PROC_LOG('Failed in INSERT_BATCH');
        PROC_LOG('SQL Error : ' || SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,1000));
        RETURN -1;
      QUEUE_ID           NUMBER(15)                 NOT NULL
      TABLE_ID           NUMBER(2)                  NOT NULL
      STATEMENT          VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE)        NOT NULL
      QUEUE_SEQUENCE_ID  NUMBER(5)                  NOT NULL
    Some how when its calling the insert_batch , its giving me the error in the logs as below:
    04:01:41 - Update Tms_Process_counter varSTMT --UPDATE PROD.TMS_PROCESS_COUNTER  SET last_count_added = last_count_added+1 WHERE process_name = 'DAILY_GDS_COUNT' AND COUNTER_IND = '750FD130'
    04:01:41 - INSIDE INSERT_BATCH IRC : UPDATE PROD.TMS_PROCESS_COUNTER  SET last_count_added = last_count_added+1 WHERE process_name = 'DAILY_GDS_COUNT' AND COUNTER_IND = '750FD130'
    04:01:41 - Failed in INSERT_BATCH
    04:01:41 - SQL Error : ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query

    Some how when its calling the insert_batch , its giving me the error in the logs as below:
    04:01:41 - SQL Error : ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query
    Yes - and the exception is telling you EXACTLY what the problem is. You have a query
    And you are performing a DML operation inside that query:
    Like the exception says: you can't do that.
    You need to call the function using PL/SQL and capture the return value into a variable. Then test that variable:
    myVar := INSERT_BATCH(99,varSTMT);
    if myVar > 0 THEN

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    Error report:
    ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table
    ORA-06512: at line 11
    01779. 00000 -  "cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table"
    *Cause:    An attempt was made to insert or update columns of a join view which
               map to a non-key-preserved table.
    *Action:   Modify the underlying base tables directly.
    please how can i do this update?

    The "fa_additions" is a view, not a table.
    You should update the base table "fa_additions_b".

  • SQL Error: ORA-12899: value too large for column

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    SQL Error: ORA-12899: value too large for column "USER_XYZ"."TAB_XYZ"."COL_XYZ" (actual: 10, maximum: 8)
    12899. 00000 - "value too large for column %s (actual: %s, maximum: %s)"
    *Cause:    An attempt was made to insert or update a column with a value
    which is too wide for the width of the destination column.
    The name of the column is given, along with the actual width
    of the value, and the maximum allowed width of the column.
    Note that widths are reported in characters if character length
    semantics are in effect for the column, otherwise widths are
    reported in bytes.
    *Action:   Examine the SQL statement for correctness.  Check source
    and destination column data types.
    Either make the destination column wider, or use a subset
    of the source column (i.e. use substring).
    The source database runs - Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    The target database runs - Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    The source and target table are identical and the column definitions are exactly the same. The column we get the error on is of CHAR(8). To migrate the data we use either a dblink or oracle datapump, both result in the same error. The data in the column is a fixed length string of 8 characters.
    To resolve the error the column "COL_XYZ" gets widened by:
    alter table TAB_XYZ modify (COL_XYZ varchar2(10));
    -alter table TAB_XYZ succeeded.
    We now move the data from the source into the target table without problem and then run:
    select max(length(COL_XYZ)) from TAB_XYZ;
    So the maximal string length for this column is 8 characters. To reduce the column width back to its original 8, we then run:
    alter table TAB_XYZ modify (COL_XYZ varchar2(8));
    -Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big
    01441. 00000 - "cannot decrease column length because some value is too big"
    So we leave the column width at 10, but the curious thing is - once we have the data in the target table, we can then truncate the same table at source (ie. get rid of all the data) and move the data back in the original table (with COL_XYZ set at CHAR(8)) - without any issue.
    My guess the error has something to do with the storage on the target database, but I would like to understand why. If anybody has an idea or suggestion what to look for - much appreciated.

    843217 wrote:
    Note that widths are reported in characters if character length
    semantics are in effect for the column, otherwise widths are
    reported in bytes.You are looking at character lengths vs byte lengths.
    The data in the column is a fixed length string of 8 characters.
    select max(length(COL_XYZ)) from TAB_XYZ;
    So the maximal string length for this column is 8 characters. To reduce the column width back to its original 8, we then run:
    alter table TAB_XYZ modify (COL_XYZ varchar2(8));varchar2(8 byte) or varchar2(8 char)?
    Use SQL Reference for datatype specification, length function, etc.
    For more info, reference {forum:id=50} forum on the topic. And of course, the Globalization support guide.

  • SQL Error: ORA-01704: string literal too long

    select * from table(fn_split('some 10000 characters with comma separation .........................'))
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-01704: string literal too long
    01704. 00000 - "string literal too long"
    *Cause:    The string literal is longer than 4000 characters.
    *Action:   Use a string literal of at most 4000 characters.
    how to pass my 10k record string

    933663 wrote:
    The string is through a user interface.So, that interface is using what datatype for the string? What language is the interface written in?
    insert into table
    select * from table(fn_split('2,4,2,5,7'));Do you understand what a string literal is? You cannot provide a varchar2 string that exceeds 4000 bytes from within SQL. Fact. It just cannot be done.
    If you are passing the string from a user interface using a datatype that supports more than 4000 bytes, and you pass it directly to PL/SQL code by calling the function or procedure directly (not using SQL) then you can use up to 32767 bytes for your VARCHAR2.
    The code you've posted (which happens to be some of my own code posted years ago on these forums) takes a VARCHAR2 as an input. You would have to change that to accept a CLOB datatype and work on the CLOB instead. However, you still wouldn't be able to pass in a string literal of more than 4000 bytes from SQL for it.
    Looking at your other thread: Seperate the string value
    ... it looks like the 'user' is trying to pass in a table definition. What is it your application is trying to do? Surely you are not trying to create a table at run time?
    So explain, what is the business issue you are trying to solve? We may be able to provide a better way of doing it.

  • Java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from

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    Any idea how do i resolve this error ?
    Error Stack::
    java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:457)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:405)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(T4C8Oall.java:889)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(T4CTTIfun.java:476)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(T4CTTIfun.java:204)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(T4C8Oall.java:540)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(T4CPreparedStatement.java:217)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe(T4CPreparedStatement.java:924)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(OracleStatement.java:1261)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1419)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3752)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3806)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.java:1667)
         at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.executeQuery(PreparedStatement.java:135)
         at oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl.doEntitySelectForAltKey(OracleSQLBuilderImpl.java:869)
         at oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl.doEntitySelect(BaseSQLBuilderImpl.java:553)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.doSelect(EntityImpl.java:8259)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.lock(EntityImpl.java:5964)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.setAttributeValueInternal(EntityImpl.java:3756)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.setAttributeValue(EntityImpl.java:3635)
         at oracle.jbo.server.AttributeDefImpl.set(AttributeDefImpl.java:3203)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.setAttributeInternal(EntityImpl.java:1971)
         at oracle.jbo.server.AttributeDefImpl.resolveSet(AttributeDefImpl.java:3412)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.setAttrInvokeAccessor(EntityImpl.java:1952)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.setAttribute(EntityImpl.java:1879)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowStorage.setAttributeValue(ViewRowStorage.java:2327)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowStorage.setAttributeInternal(ViewRowStorage.java:2131)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.setAttributeInternal(ViewRowImpl.java:1427)
         at com.awRostamani.leadWeb.model.uiView.PartyVORowImpl.setNationality(PartyVORowImpl.java:2103)
         at com.awRostamani.leadWeb.model.uiView.PartyVORowImpl$AttributesEnum$19.put(PartyVORowImpl.java:207)
         at com.awRostamani.leadWeb.model.uiView.PartyVORowImpl.setAttrInvokeAccessor(PartyVORowImpl.java:4204)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.setAttribute(ViewRowImpl.java:1063)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.setAttribute(ViewRowImpl.java:1003)
         at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.setAttributeValues(ViewRowImpl.java:1677)
         at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl.setAttributesInRow(DCDataControl.java:2427)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.setAttributeValuesInRow(JUCtrlValueBinding.java:967)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding.setTargetAttrsFromLovRow(JUCtrlListBinding.java:2778)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding.updateTargetFromSelectedValue(JUCtrlListBinding.java:2906)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding.setAttributeFromValueList(JUCtrlListBinding.java:2851)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding.setSelectedIndex(JUCtrlListBinding.java:1745)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding.setInputValueInRow(JUCtrlListBinding.java:3499)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.setInputValue(JUCtrlValueBinding.java:2804)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.setInputValue(JUCtrlValueBinding.java:2767)
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlListBinding.setInputValue(FacesCtrlListBinding.java:226)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.put(JUCtrlValueBinding.java:2424)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding.put(JUCtrlListBinding.java:3395)
         at javax.el.MapELResolver.setValue(MapELResolver.java:229)
         at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver._setValue(DemuxCompositeELResolver.java:252)
         at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver.setValue(DemuxCompositeELResolver.java:278)
         at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.setValue(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.el.ValueExpressionImpl.setValue(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXEditableValue.updateModel(UIXEditableValue.java:289)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXEditableValue.processUpdates(UIXEditableValue.java:252)
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl$UpdateModelValuesCallback.invokeContextCallback(LifecycleImpl.java:1320)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1410)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnNamingContainerComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1380)
         at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.UIXRegion.invokeOnComponent(UIXRegion.java:555)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent.invokeOnComponent(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:194)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.UIXInclude.invokeOnComponent(UIXInclude.java:147)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnChildrenComponents(UIXComponentBase.java:1330)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIXComponentBase.java:1424)
         at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.RichDocument.invokeOnComponent(RichDocument.java:168)
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.invokeOnComponent(UIComponent.java:720)
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.invokeOnComponent(UIComponentBase.java:678)
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(LifecycleImpl.java:334)
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(LifecycleImpl.java:186)
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:265)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:300)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:26)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(ADFBindingFilter.java:205)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.rich.RegistrationFilter.doFilter(RegistrationFilter.java:106)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(TrinidadFilterImpl.java:446)
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.AdsFilter.doFilter(AdsFilter.java:60)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(TrinidadFilterImpl.java:446)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(TrinidadFilterImpl.java:271)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(TrinidadFilterImpl.java:177)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(TrinidadFilter.java:92)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at com.awRostamani.leadWeb.ui.filter.SecurityCheckFilter.doFilter(SecurityCheckFilter.java:80)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at oracle.adf.library.webapp.LibraryFilter.doFilter(LibraryFilter.java:175)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter$1.run(JpsAbsFilter.java:111)
         at oracle.security.jps.util.JpsSubject.doAsPrivileged(JpsSubject.java:313)
         at oracle.security.jps.ee.util.JpsPlatformUtil.runJaasMode(JpsPlatformUtil.java:413)
         at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter.runJaasMode(JpsAbsFilter.java:94)
         at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter.doFilter(JpsAbsFilter.java:161)
         at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsFilter.doFilter(JpsFilter.java:71)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(DMSServletFilter.java:136)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(RequestEventsFilter.java:27)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun(WebAppServletContext.java:3715)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3681)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2277)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2183)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1454)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:209)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178)

    When trying to commit from business tester, then also the following error is coming
    Jdev - locking mode is optimistic.
    OracleSQLBuilderImpl.doEntitySelect failed...
    java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:457)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:405)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(T4C8Oall.java:889)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(T4CTTIfun.java:476)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(T4CTTIfun.java:204)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(T4C8Oall.java:540)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(T4CPreparedStatement.java:217)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe(T4CPreparedStatement.java:924)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(OracleStatement.java:1261)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1419)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3752)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3806)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.java:1667)
         at oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl.doEntitySelectForAltKey(OracleSQLBuilderImpl.java:869)
         at oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl.doEntitySelect(BaseSQLBuilderImpl.java:553)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.doSelect(EntityImpl.java:8259)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.lock(EntityImpl.java:5964)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.beforePost(EntityImpl.java:6484)
         at oracle.jbo.server.EntityImpl.postChanges(EntityImpl.java:6665)
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBTransactionImpl.doPostTransactionListeners(DBTransactionImpl.java:3286)
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBTransactionImpl.postChanges(DBTransactionImpl.java:3089)
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBTransactionImpl.commitInternal(DBTransactionImpl.java:2093)
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBTransactionImpl.commit(DBTransactionImpl.java:2374)
         at oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl.commitTransaction(DCJboDataControl.java:1608)
         at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl.callCommitTransaction(DCDataControl.java:1416)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlActionBinding.doIt(JUCtrlActionBinding.java:1437)
         at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl.invokeOperation(DCDataControl.java:2149)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlActionBinding.invoke(JUCtrlActionBinding.java:740)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JUActionBinding.actionPerformed(JUActionBinding.java:193)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar.doAction(JUNavigationBar.java:412)
         at oracle.jbo.jbotester.NavigationBar.doAction(NavigationBar.java:111)
         at oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar$NavButton.actionPerformed(JUNavigationBar.java:118)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1995)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2318)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:387)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:242)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(BasicButtonListener.java:236)
         at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased(AWTEventMulticaster.java:272)
         at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:6289)
         at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(JComponent.java:3267)
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:6054)
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:2041)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:4652)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2099)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:4482)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:4577)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:4238)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:4168)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2085)
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:2478)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:4482)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:644)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.access$000(EventQueue.java:85)
         at java.awt.EventQueue$1.run(EventQueue.java:603)
         at java.awt.EventQueue$1.run(EventQueue.java:601)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at java.security.AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(AccessControlContext.java:87)
         at java.security.AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(AccessControlContext.java:98)
         at java.awt.EventQueue$2.run(EventQueue.java:617)
         at java.awt.EventQueue$2.run(EventQueue.java:615)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at java.security.AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(AccessControlContext.java:87)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:614)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:269)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:184)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:174)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:169)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:161)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:122)
    [348] JUErrorHandlerDlg.reportException(oracle.jbo.DMLException)
    [349] DBG: afterActionPerformed :javax_swing_JToolBara1_175
    Edited by: in the line of fire on Jul 12, 2011 2:54 PM

  • SQL Error: ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout

    Dear Friends,
    I executed the following stmsts:
    3)CREATE TABLE ext_tab18 (
    old_cust VARCHAR2(8),
    new_cust VARCHAR2(8)
    TYPE oracle_loader
    BADFILE TEST_DIR:'bad-upload.bad'
    LOGFILE TEST_DIR:'log_upload.log'
    LOCATION ('datafile1.csv')
    4)SELECT * FROM ext_tab18;
    1 -3 execute successfully.
    4 throws up the error:
    Error starting at line 1 in command:
    SELECT * FROM ext_tab18
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout
    ORA-29400: data cartridge error
    KUP-04063: unable to open log file log_upload.log
    OS error The system cannot find the file specified.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.ORACLE_LOADER", line 19
    29913. 00000 - "error in executing %s callout"
    *Cause: The execution of the specified callout caused an error.
    *Action: Examine the error messages take appropriate action.
    What is to be done?

    Yes if I put it on the server it works.
    But if I put the file on the client in a shared folder and put the ip address as below:\mydata
    it doesn't work.
    So it seems that this will work if the file is on the server and not on any client.
    If that be the case then it is a definite disadvantage.
    thanks for ur reply.

  • Java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 7 - see DB

    I am deploying my application components on Oracle RAC database, when i install my app component i will run a script which creates a user and tablespace on bot rac-nodes(node1 and node2)
    as database is clustered, the user are created on 2 nodes and tablespace is stored in a shared location for two rac nodes
    i am able to successfully run my script on rac-node1 and and installed my component and when i started installing the app component on node2 getting error
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 7 - see DBWR trace file
    ORA-01110: data file 7: '/db/db/db/ora10g/10.2.0/admin/dbadmin_01.dbf'
    ORA-06512: at "ADMIN.XL_SP_DBCHECK", line 48
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    "dbadmin_01.dbf is the custom tablespace which created by me"
    i a mgetting error while installing the app component on rac-node2

    You should not create database files outside of the ASM.
    I'm not sure you can move the datafile, I would export the data from the tablespace (if there is data you need there), delete the tablespace and recreate it in the ASM, then import the data back.
    If you want to move the datafile, you can try using RMAN (from node1).
    First connect to the database with sqlplus and execute:
    alter tablespace <tbs_name> offline;Then start RMAN: rman target /
    BACKUP AS COPY DATAFILE '<file>' FORMAT '+<ASM_DG>';Then in sqlplus, execute:
    alter tablespace <tbs_name> online;I'm not sure it will work, and I hope I got the commands right because I can't check it right now.
    Good luck
    Liron Amitzi
    Senior DBA consultant

  • Java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file : PLz Help

    My datafiles are in ASM file system, however the only one file ACIPEN_DATA is the one, which is not in ASM file system, and this the file which is in concern.
    We are getting the following exception in the lxkratgas1.lex1.lexmark.com when connecting to ACIPEN_DATA.
    This exception is coming up sometimes and the sometimes the file is getting processed successfully
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 9 - see DBWR trace file
    ORA-01110: data file 9: '/oracle/SE/product/10.2.0/db_1/dbs/ACIPEN_DATA'
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:112)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:331)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:288)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(T4C8Oall.java:743)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(T4CPreparedStatement.java:216)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForRows(T4CPreparedStatement.java:955)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1169)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3285)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3368)
    at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(WrappedPreparedStatement.java:278)
    at atg.adapter.gsa.SQLStatement.executeUpdate(SQLStatement.java:725)
    at atg.adapter.gsa.Table.insert(Table.java:1378)
    at atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor.addItem(GSAItemDescriptor.java:6272)
    ... 61 more
    We have checked the datafile, it is absolutely online.
    Can some expert jump in and resolve this issue Please.

    01157, 00000, "cannot identify/lock data file %s - see DBWR trace file"
    // *Cause:  The background process was either unable to find one of the data
    //         files or failed to lock it because the file was already in use.
    //         The database will prohibit access to this file but other files will
    //         be unaffected. However the first instance to open the database will
    //         need to access all online data files. Accompanying error from the
    //         operating system describes why the file could not be identified.
    // *Action: Have operating system make file available to database. Then either
    //         open the database or do ALTER SYSTEM CHECK DATAFILES.is this a RAC database?

  • Java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24813: cannot send or receive an unsupported LOB

    Hello everyone:
    Our JSP application with a whole bunch of classes talks to an Oracle database using JDBC. The Oracle DB was 9i, but we upgraded to 10g. When this happened, we get the following error during processing a call that brings out a clob out of the DB.
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24813: cannot send or receive an unsupported LOB
    I googled the error message to find out that it is caused by the difference in versions of the Oracle.
    Thus, here is an interesting point. When the app had 10g on his side and the database being 9i, everything worked fine. But, now that they are both of 10g, it does not work.
    Does anyone have any idea what's causing this error?
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Just to add in some more background to this problem...
    The app machine has Oracle 10g under c://oracle/product/10.2. Since this is only copy of Oracle, this lead me to believe that 10g is what the app is using to connect to the DB through its JDBC classes.
    Another interesting point is that the app is JSP/java solution via Tomcat. So, perhaps Tomcat provides its own JDBC kind of libraries?
    Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.

  • Java.sql.SQLException:ORA-01407: cannot update ("WAVESET", "TASK", "XML")

    We are currently facing the above mentioned error while trying to install Sun IdM 7.1 in WebSphere 6.0. The same ear works fine in all my other environments (all are WebSphere 5). This is what we did
    1. Took a copy of the ear thats works.
    2. Extract.
    3. Modified the serverrepository.xml by using the lh command. Use the newly generated xml file in the extracted folder (WEB-INF), Pack it to a new EAR
    4. Configure the datasource that will be used to communicate with the Index repository.
    5. Deploy.
    Deployment completes successfully. However, when we try to run a task, or import file using IdM admin console, we get this error 'java.sql.SQLException:ORA-01407: cannot update ("WAVESET", "TASK", "XML") to NULL'. we even checked the user permissions on this db schema. they all look good.
    We also checked if we are using the right iiop port number in lh command.
    We arent sure what could be the issue. I am not able to simulate this issue in other environment, as they all turn out to be successful.
    any pointers?

    I still think it's a jdbc error.what is your DB platform?
    is you ServerRepository.xml configured with a jndi data source (and that's why you use iiop)? If so then try to create a new connection through a direct DB URL like:
    lh setRepo -tDBTYPE -uURL -Uusername -Ppassword -n -oServerRepository.xml
    and then try to re-run your update command. if it fails again then please post the complete error message.. hope this helps

  • Autconfig error : ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APPLSYS"."FND_NODES"."NODE_NAME")

    Good day,
    I am running EBS 11.5.10  with DB I applied patch 7429271 following the steps in  Doc Id. 233044.1.
    After restarting the application, I got a "node id does not exist for the current application" when the forms started.
    After purging fnd nodes (exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean) I ran autoconfig successfully on the dbtier but got the error below in the apps tier.
    I also noticed that the contents of my dbc file has been erased and replaced with the template data (all values are default). I tried restoring it but it just got over written again with default data.
    Hope my explanation was clear enough.
    Any suggestions?
    ---error from adconfig.log-----------
    Unique constraint error (00001) is OK if key already exists
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APPLSYS"."FND_NODES"."NODE_NAME")
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_CONCURRENT", line 1504
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_APP_SERVER_PKG", line 163
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    - Database error modifying the server

    Logs after autoconfig and services started - not connection attempted to the application yet.
    -----access log--------
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=XmlSvcsGrp&port=19000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=DiscoGroup&port=17000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=OACoreGroup&port=16000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    ----error log--------
    [Fri Oct 25 13:28:59 2013] [notice] Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19 configured -- resuming normal operations
    ----error log_pls----
    [Fri Oct 25 13:29:00 2013] [notice] Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19 configured -- resuming normal operations
    Logs after a connection attempt to the application
    -----access log-----
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=XmlSvcsGrp&port=19000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=DiscoGroup&port=17000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=OACoreGroup&port=16000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:32 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2589 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:33 -0500] "GET /apptitle.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1015 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:33 -0500] "GET /applist.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1602 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:33 -0500] "GET /appdet.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1009 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:33 -0500] "GET /appsmed3.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 1981 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:36 -0500] "GET /aplogon.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1953 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:38 -0500] "GET /OA_HTML/US/ICXINDEX_PROD_mobay.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 417 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:38 -0500] "GET /OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 411 0
    **the error logs remain unchanged.

  • Solved: ORA-20001: get_dbms_sql_cursor error ORA-01445: cannot select ROWID

    I got an error, googled it and couldn't find a good answer. Joe Fuda helped me to fix the problem. Here is the answer for future google results.
    ORA-20001: get_dbms_sql_cursor error ORA-01445: cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a join view without a key-preserved table
    Query that triggered the error:
    , p.product_id
    , p.product_type
    , p.product_name
    , p.product_description
    product p
    , link_release_product rp
    rp.release_id = 1
    p.product_id = rp.product_id
    This is casued by the keyword "rowid".
    The same error occurs if 'p.rowid' is replaced with 'p."ROWID"'.
    You can replicate this error in SQL Command by adding wrapping the query with 'select * from ( [the query] )'
    Add an alias to 'p.rowid' so the query is now like:
    p.rowid product_rowid
    , p.product_id
    , p.product_type
    Unclear, it might have something to do with how APEX does pagination.

    ok, found the answer... it has to do with the single row view issue addressed in this thread... ORA-01446 on Interactive query
    (sorry if there's a better way to link to other threads in this forum).

  • Error ORA-01446:cannot select ROWID  - Bug?

    I am getting an error message in SQL Developer
    Error ORA-01446:cannot select ROWID from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
    (you can read the full details at http://www.techonthenet.com/oracle/errors/ora01446.php )
    when I create a view containing "DISTINCT" even though it doesn't have a rowid anywhere in the select.
    Is this a bug? The view seems to function well enough but sql developer itself seems to be struggling a bit.
    I have found accounts of similarish bugs on this site from about 2007 but relating to slightly different sets of circs, but if I am asking an old and obvious question then apologies in advance.

    Hi C,
    Well, the question may be old (see at least: ORA-01446 error in SQL Developer 3EA4 but I doubt it's obvious.
    The simplest cases of create view ... as for the following selects
    select distinct deptno from dept; 
    select deptno, count(*) employees from emp group by deptno;work fine in all the 2.x, 3.x releases in the object viewer data tab. Of course, running a select which includes a rowid on these views from a worksheet will fail as expected.
    In such situations a simple, reproducible test case is always nice but, at a minimum, please provide a listing of the broken code and a description of exactly how/where in SQL Developer the error occurs.
    Gary Graham
    SQL Developer Team

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