SQL #temp table

Hi Guys,
How do we create a local temporary table in tempdb of SQL server under SDK environment?
We need users to create same temporary table name with their connection. And drop the table after getting the treated data.
I am using VB6 and 2004B. Thank you for your input.

You are not allowed to create views or tables in your SBO database if you use the Recordset object of SB1. You are only allowed to use the Recordset object to browse. There is however a distinct between allowed and possible. You are only allowed to read/browse while using the Recordset object, though it's possible to add and update records using the Recordset object. (It's not possible to create tables)
You can do this creating a direct connection (so not through the SDK) to your database using ODBC or ADO, but note that this is <i>not allowed</i> by SAP and there will <i>not given any more support</i> on your database.
If you don't mind that, just use option 2, and if you want to ever certify your Add-on by SAP, you might want to add a User Defined Table using the DI-API as part of the installation of your Add-on. Later on use this table as your temp table.
Hope it helps,

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    >1. Local temporary tables
    >2. Global temporary tables
    >3. Normal tables.
    When used in stored procedures, local temporary tables (#table) are automatically multi-user.
    For global temp (##table) & normal tables, you need to develop your own mult-user logic.
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Design & Programming
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Table or Object type - like #temp table in SQL Server

    I need to create a temp table to hold certain data and then validate. What is the best way to do this oracle. Something similar to #temp tables in SQL Server.

    IN Oracle, you create the temporary table once, before you start your program. Then anyone can use that definition, but the system keeps the data isolated to eachr/session.
    The difference in using Oracle: all DDL, including creating temp tables, performs commits and aquires locks that you want to avoid. It creates unnecessary serialization, causes transactional consistency issues and puts Oracle's Read Consistent model at risk (of ORA-01555 errors).
    So, you (or the DBA) would "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE ..." with the appropriate definition you want, and indicate whether you want the data deleted on commit, or on logoff.
    Then you write your procedure, similar to the way you would do it in SQL Server, but you would not bracket it with creating/dropping the temp table - no need.

  • Global Temp Table or PL/SQL Table

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    Here is the situation,
    I have a data block that is based on a stored procedure. This stored procedure will return table of records from different database tables with join conditions. Some of the fields within the table of records will not have data returned from database tables. They will be the fields displayed on the form and the data will be entered by user.
    For example:
    Records will look like:
    Id          (will be populated by procedure)
    Hist_avg     (will be populated by procedure)
    My_avg     (will be used as field on the form so that user can enter their own avg)
    Cheked     (will be populated by procedure)
    My questions are:
    1.     Is this doable in form using a data block based on PL/SQL table?
    2.     Will users be able to manipulate (update) the data that based on the PL/SQL table in the memory as they wish and invoke the procedure to update the underlying table when clicking on a button (Update Avg)?
    3.     What is the advantage of using PL/SQL table and global temp table from database and form point of views?
    Any info is appreciated.

    Hi there...
    Here is the Reference...
    Best Regards...
    Muhammad Waseem Haroon

  • MS SQL Server 2014: Error inserting into Temp table with index and identity field

    In this thread, I mentioned a problem with SQL Server 2014:
    SQL Server 2014: Bug with IDENTITY INSERT ON
    The question was answered, it is a bug. To keep you informed on this issue, I open this discussion.
    The code below works perfectly fine on MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and MS SQL Server 2012, but gives an error every second time the proc is executed on MS SQL Server 2014. If I do not define any index on the temp table, the problem disappears. Defining the index
    after the insert, does not help.
    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.procedures WHERE name = 'usp_Test') DROP PROC dbo.usp_Test;
    CREATE PROC dbo.usp_Test AS
    CREATE TABLE #Source(ID integer NOT NULL);
    INSERT INTO #Source VALUES (1), (2), (3);
    CREATE TABLE #Dest (ID integer IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL);
    CREATE INDEX #IDX_Dest ON #Dest (ID);
    PRINT 'Check if the insert might cause an identity crisis';
    SELECT 'Source' AS SourceTable, * FROM #Source;
    SELECT 'Destination' AS DestTable, * FROM #Dest;
    PRINT 'Do the insert';
    PRINT 'Insert ready';
    SELECT * FROM #Dest;
    DROP TABLE #Source;
    DROP TABLE #Dest;
    PRINT 'First execution of the proc, everything OK';
    EXEC dbo.usp_Test;
    PRINT '';
    PRINT 'Second execution of the proc, the insert fails.';
    PRINT 'Removing the index #IDX_Dest causes the error to disappear.';
    EXEC dbo.usp_Test;
    DROP PROC dbo.usp_Test;

    There is some progress. Communication from a former Microsoft employee tells us this:
    Shivendra Vishal
    Engineer at Microsoft
    I am no longer with MS, and I do not have code access, however from the public symbols, I could make out following:
    000007fe`f4d865d3 488b10 mov rdx,qword ptr [rax] ds:00000000`00000000=????????????????
    ExceptionAddress: 000007fef4d865d3 (sqlmin!SetidentI2I4+0x00000000000001f3)
    ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
    ExceptionFlags: 00000000
    NumberParameters: 2
    Parameter[0]: 0000000000000000
    Parameter[1]: 0000000000000000
    Attempt to read from address 0000000000000000
    This is a read AV and from registers it is clear that we were trying to move the value of location pointed by qword of register rax which is not valid:
    rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000038 rcx=0000000000001030
    rdx=0000000000000006 rsi=00000001f55def98 rdi=00000000106fd070
    rip=000007fef4d865d3 rsp=00000000106fcf40 rbp=00000000106fcfe9
    r8=0000000000000000 r9=00000001f55def60 r10=00000001f55defa0
    r11=00000000106fcd20 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000002
    r14=00000001f49c3860 r15=00000001f58c0040
    iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
    cs=0033 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010206
    The stack is:
    # Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
    00 00000000`106fcf40 000007fe`f30c1437 sqlmin!SetidentI2I4+0x1f3
    01 00000000`106fd050 000007fe`f474e7ce sqlTsEs!CEsExec::GeneralEval4+0xe7
    02 00000000`106fd120 000007fe`f470e6ef sqlmin!CQScanUpdateNew::GetRow+0x43d
    03 00000000`106fd1d0 000007fe`f08ff517 sqlmin!CQueryScan::GetRow+0x81
    04 00000000`106fd200 000007fe`f091cebe sqllang!CXStmtQuery::ErsqExecuteQuery+0x36d
    05 00000000`106fd390 000007fe`f091ccb9 sqllang!CXStmtDML::XretDMLExecute+0x2ee
    06 00000000`106fd480 000007fe`f08fa058 sqllang!CXStmtDML::XretExecute+0xad
    07 00000000`106fd4b0 000007fe`f08fb66b sqllang!CMsqlExecContext::ExecuteStmts<1,1>+0x427
    08 00000000`106fd5f0 000007fe`f08fac2e sqllang!CMsqlExecContext::FExecute+0xa33
    09 00000000`106fd7e0 000007fe`f152cfaa sqllang!CSQLSource::Execute+0x86c
    0a 00000000`106fd9b0 000007fe`f152c9e8 sqllang!CStmtExecProc::XretLocalExec+0x25a
    0b 00000000`106fda30 000007fe`f152a1d8 sqllang!CStmtExecProc::XretExecExecute+0x4e8
    0c 00000000`106fe1e0 000007fe`f08fa058 sqllang!CXStmtExecProc::XretExecute+0x38
    0d 00000000`106fe220 000007fe`f08fb66b sqllang!CMsqlExecContext::ExecuteStmts<1,1>+0x427
    0e 00000000`106fe360 000007fe`f08fac2e sqllang!CMsqlExecContext::FExecute+0xa33
    0f 00000000`106fe550 000007fe`f0902267 sqllang!CSQLSource::Execute+0x86c
    10 00000000`106fe720 000007fe`f0909087 sqllang!process_request+0xa57
    11 00000000`106feee0 000007fe`f2bf49d0 sqllang!process_commands+0x4a3
    12 00000000`106ff200 000007fe`f2bf47b4 sqldk!SOS_Task::Param::Execute+0x21e
    13 00000000`106ff800 000007fe`f2bf45b6 sqldk!SOS_Scheduler::RunTask+0xa8
    14 00000000`106ff870 000007fe`f2c136ff sqldk!SOS_Scheduler::ProcessTasks+0x279
    15 00000000`106ff8f0 000007fe`f2c138f0 sqldk!SchedulerManager::WorkerEntryPoint+0x24c
    16 00000000`106ff990 000007fe`f2c13246 sqldk!SystemThread::RunWorker+0x8f
    17 00000000`106ff9c0 000007fe`f2c13558 sqldk!SystemThreadDispatcher::ProcessWorker+0x3ab
    18 00000000`106ffa70 00000000`775d59ed sqldk!SchedulerManager::ThreadEntryPoint+0x226
    19 00000000`106ffb10 00000000`7780c541 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
    1a 00000000`106ffb40 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
    Unassembling the function:
    000007fe`f4d8658e 4c8b10 mov r10,qword ptr [rax]
    000007fe`f4d86591 4533e4 xor r12d,r12d
    000007fe`f4d86594 410fb7d5 movzx edx,r13w
    000007fe`f4d86598 4533c9 xor r9d,r9d
    000007fe`f4d8659b 4533c0 xor r8d,r8d
    000007fe`f4d8659e 488bc8 mov rcx,rax
    000007fe`f4d865a1 4489642420 mov dword ptr [rsp+20h],r12d
    000007fe`f4d865a6 41ff5230 call qword ptr [r10+30h]
    000007fe`f4d865aa 8b5597 mov edx,dword ptr [rbp-69h]
    000007fe`f4d865ad 4c8b10 mov r10,qword ptr [rax]
    000007fe`f4d865b0 4489642438 mov dword ptr [rsp+38h],r12d
    000007fe`f4d865b5 4489642430 mov dword ptr [rsp+30h],r12d
    000007fe`f4d865ba 458d442401 lea r8d,[r12+1]
    000007fe`f4d865bf 4533c9 xor r9d,r9d
    000007fe`f4d865c2 488bc8 mov rcx,rax
    000007fe`f4d865c5 c644242801 mov byte ptr [rsp+28h],1
    000007fe`f4d865ca 4488642420 mov byte ptr [rsp+20h],r12b
    000007fe`f4d865cf 41ff5250 call qword ptr [r10+50h]
    000007fe`f4d865d3 488b10 mov rdx,qword ptr [rax] <=================== AV happened over here
    000007fe`f4d865d6 488bc8 mov rcx,rax
    000007fe`f4d865d9 4c8bf0 mov r14,rax
    000007fe`f4d865dc ff5268 call qword ptr [rdx+68h]
    000007fe`f4d865df 488d55e7 lea rdx,[rbp-19h]
    000007fe`f4d865e3 4c8b00 mov r8,qword ptr [rax]
    000007fe`f4d865e6 488bc8 mov rcx,rax
    000007fe`f4d865e9 41ff5010 call qword ptr [r8+10h]
    000007fe`f4d865ed f6450a04 test byte ptr [rbp+0Ah],4
    I remember few issues with scan2ident function, I am not sure if they have fixed it however it appears that this is intoduced to SQL 2014 and we need help from MS to get this resolved as it needs code analysis.
    It is not getting simulated for other versions of SQL apart from SQL 2014.
    Also to add, interestingly, the value of rax is not visibly changed and it was successfully passed on to rcx, which has a valid value, so something should have changed the value of rax inside call to function using call qword ptr [r10+50h], and looking at this
    it appears that it might be a list of functions and we are going at particular offset [50h]. So, bottom line is that the call to function qword ptr [r10+50h], should be changing something in rax, and debugging/analyzing this code might give us some more idea.

  • Writing to a temp table in a stored procedure with dynamic sql

    I am writing into a temp table with dynamic sql:
    select coloum_name into #temp_table from
    and then I am trying to use #temp_table in the procedure:
    select coloum_name into #anotherTable from #temp_table
    but I am getting an error that #temp_table is not recognized.
    Can a temp table not be used in dynamic sql ?
    How can I overcome this problem ?

    Temp Table Can used easily in Dynamic Query in SQL Server and here is small Exmaple you can check it and do like it 
    CREATE PROC test
    (ID  int , NAME Nvarchar(50))
    (ID  int , NAME Nvarchar(50))
    DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX)='Insert into #T1 
    SELECT database_id , Name FROM Sys.Databases
    Insert into #T2 Select ID , Name from  #T1 '
    EXEC SP_ExecuteSQL @SQL
    Exec Test
    If you found My reply is helpful for you please vote me 
    Mustafa EL-Masry
    Principle Database Administrator & DB Analyst
    M| +966 54 399 0968

  • DESKI Report using Temp tables in MS- SQL server 2005

    I am trying to create a Free hand SQL DESKI report using temp tables in MS SQL Server-2005, I am using ODBC connection.
    When I run the report, I am getting the error
    u201CConnection or SQL sentence error (DA0005) No column or data to fetchu201D
    Select *
    into #t1
    from region
    select * from #t1
    drop table #t1
    Please help.

    Pratik, the SQL does not seem right. BTW you can only retreive data via Deski Free hand SQL. Also try to use OLE DB connection.

  • Temp tables not dropped SQL Server 2012

    I have a server that houses a database application that makes heavy use of temp tables. It appears that temp tables are not getting dropped from the tempdb.  In perfmon the temp table count is hanging around 1000 and is not going down over time.
    Even if the programmers are not using drop table at the end of their sps, shouldn't these temp tables be cleaned up when they go out of scope?

     shouldn't these temp tables be cleaned up when they go out of scope?
    Hello Jeff,
    If global temp tables (##temp) are used, then they will be dropped if no session any longer reference this temp table. Local temp table will be dropped as soon as the session, which created the temp table, is closed.
    See CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL) => Remarks => Temporary Tables
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • PL/SQL to create a temp table that will be dropped after session ends

    Is it possible in PL/SQL to create a temp table that will be dropped after the session ends? Please provide example if possible. I can create a global temp table in PL/SQL but I am not sure how (if possible) to have it 'drop' once the session ends.
    DB: 10g
    OS: Wiindoze 2003 Server

    As others have mentioned (but probably not clearly explained), Oracle treats temporary tables differently to SQL Server.
    In SQL Server you create a temporary table and it gets dropped (automatically I assume, I dont do SQL Server) after the session finishes. This will obviously allow each session to "request" a temporary table to use, then use it, and not have to worry about cleaning up the database after the session has finished.
    Oracle takes a different approach...
    On the assumption that each session is likely to be creating a temporary table for the same purposes, with the same structure, Oracle let's you create a Global Temporary Table a.k.a. GTT (which you've already come across). You only have to create this table once and you leave it on the database. This then means that any code written to use that table doesn't have to be dynamic code and can be verified and checked at compile time, just like code written for any other table. The difference of a GTT from a regular table is that any data you put into that table can only be seen by that session and will not interfere with any data of other sessions and, when you either commit, or end the session (depending on the "on commit delete rows" or "on commit preserve rows" option used when creating the GTT), that data from your own session will automatically be removed and hence the table is cleaned up that way, whilst the actual table itself remains.
    Some people from SQL Server backgrounds try and create and drop tables dynamically in their PL/SQL code, but this leads to problems...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  begin
      2    execute immediate 'create table my_temp (x number)';
      3    insert into my_temp values (1);
      4    execute immediate 'drop table my_temp';
      5* end;
    SQL> /
      insert into my_temp values (1);
    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-06550: line 3, column 15:
    PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-06550: line 3, column 3:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignoredi.e. the code will not compile for direct DML statements trying to use that table.
    They then try and get around this issue by making their DML statements dynamic too...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace procedure my_proc is
      2  begin
      3    execute immediate 'create table my_temp (x number)';
      4    execute immediate 'insert into my_temp values (''A'')';
      5    execute immediate 'drop table my_temp';
      6* end;
    SQL> /
    Procedure created.... which looks great and it compiles ok... but... when they try and run it...
    SQL> exec my_proc;
    BEGIN my_proc; END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01722: invalid number
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.MY_PROC", line 4
    ORA-06512: at line 1... oops the code has a bug in it. Our DML statement was invalid.
    This is really something that would have been caught at compile time, if the statement had been a direct DML statement rather than dynamic. And thus we see the problem with people trying to write all their code as dynamic SQL... it's more likely to contain bugs that won't be detected at compile time and only come to light at run time... sometimes only under certain conditions and sometimes once it's got into a production environment. Bad Idea!!!! ;)
    Far better to never create tables (or most other database objects) at run time. Just create them once as part of the database design/implementation and use them as required, allowing you to catch the most common coding errors up front before they get anywhere near a test environment or worse still, a production environment.

  • Create temp table in PL/SQL

    How to create temp table in PL/SQL procedure/function?
    In SQL plus, I can create a table using
    create table <table name>
    on commit reserve ..

    If you're referring to temp table similar as the temp table of informix .. the answer is you cannot create a temp table in oracle than will automatically be cleaned by oracle session.
    However its possible to create a remporary table but this will be a permanent part of your schema.. and you'll be the one responsible for dropping this table.
    Victor ([email protected])
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike Chan:
    How to create temp table in PL/SQL procedure/function?
    In SQL plus, I can create a table using
    create table <table name>
    on commit reserve ..

  • SQL tune for temp table

    I am executing a query for which there is a system temp table is used, How could i tune for better execution?
    Please see the execution plan below
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 25 | 2650 | 83 (2)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 1 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | | | |
    | 2 | NESTED LOOPS | | | | | |
    | 3 | NESTED LOOPS | | 25 | 2650 | 83 (2)| 00:00:01 |
    | 4 | NESTED LOOPS | | 25 | 1900 | 81 (2)| 00:00:01 |
    | 5 | VIEW | | 603 | 28341 | 78 (2)| 00:00:01 |
    | 6 | TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION | | | | | |
    | 7 | LOAD AS SELECT | PRODUCTS | | | | |
    | 8 | HASH UNIQUE | | 114 | 2736 | 1435 (2)| 00:00:18 |
    |* 9 | HASH JOIN | | 114 | 2736 | 1434 (2)| 00:00:18 |
    |* 10 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | CUSTOMERS | 65 | 780 | 865 (2)| 00:00:11 |
    | 11 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | ORDER_LINES | 252K| 2956K| 567 (1)| 00:00:07 |
    |* 12 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | OL_O1 | 252K| | 85 (0)| 00:00:02 |
    | 13 | SORT ORDER BY | | 603 | 81405 | 439 (3)| 00:00:06 |
    | 14 | HASH GROUP BY | | 603 | 81405 | 439 (3)| 00:00:06 |
    |* 15 | HASH JOIN RIGHT ANTI | | 603 | 81405 | 437 (2)| 00:00:06 |
    | 16 | VIEW | | 114 | 912 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 17 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6B20_523F10 | 114 | 912 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 18 | HASH JOIN | | 604 | 76708 | 435 (2)| 00:00:06 |
    | 19 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | PRODUCTS | 411 | 8220 | 6 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 20 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | PR_U2 | 411 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 21 | HASH JOIN | | 2177 | 227K| 428 (2)| 00:00:06 |
    | 22 | NESTED LOOPS | | | | | |
    | 23 | NESTED LOOPS | | 7348 | 423K| 325 (2)| 00:00:04 |
    |* 24 | HASH JOIN | | 114 | 3078 | 176 (3)| 00:00:03 |
    | 25 | VIEW | | 114 | 912 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 26 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6B20_523F10 | 114 | 912 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 27 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | CUSTOMER_CLUSTERS | 86315 | 1601K| 173 (2)| 00:00:03 |
    |* 28 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IDX_RULES_COMM_ANTE_PROB | 64 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 29 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| RULES | 64 | 2048 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 30 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | CLUSTER_PRODUCTS | 18418 | 863K| 103 (1)| 00:00:02 |
    | 31 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | CUSTOMERS | 1 | 29 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 32 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | CU_PK | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 33 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | PR_PK | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 34 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | PRODUCTS | 1 | 30 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |

    ID 17 and 26
    17 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6B20_523F10 | 114 | 912 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |

  • Temp Tables - Best Practice

    I have a customer who uses temp tables all over their application.
    This customer is a novice and the app has its roots in VB6. We are converting it to .net
    I would really like to know the best practice for using temp tables.
    I have seen code like this in the app.
    CR2.Database.Tables.Item(1).Location = "tempdb.dbo.[##Scott_xwPaySheetDtlForN]"
    That seems to work, though i do not know why the full tempdb.dbo.[## is required.
    However, when i use this in the new report I am doing I get runtime errors.
    i also tried this
    CR2.Database.Tables.Item(1).Location = "##Scott_xwPaySheetDtlForN"
    I did not get errors, but I was returned data i did not expect.
    Before i delve into different ways to do this, i could use some help with a good pattern to use.

    Hi Scott,
    Are you using the RDC still? It's not clear but looks like it.
    We had an API that could piggy back the HDBC handle in the RDC ( craxdrt.dll ) but that API is no longer available in .NET. Also, the RDC is not supported in .NET since .NET uses the framework and RDC is COM.
    Work around is to copy the temp data into a data set and then set location to the data set. There is no way that I know of to get to the tempdb from .NET. Reason being is there is no CR API to set the owner of the table to the user, MS SQL Server locks the tempdb to that user has exclusinve rights on it.
    Thank you

  • How to read the data file and write into the same file without a temp table

    I have a requirement as below:
    We are running lockbox process for several business, but for a few businesses we have requirement where in we receive a flat file in different format other than how the transmission format is defined.
    This is a 10.7 to 11.10 migration. In 10.7 the users are using a custom table into which they are first loading the raw data and writing a pl/sql validation on that and loading it into a new flat file and then running the lockbox process.
    But in 11.10 we want to restrict using temp table how can we achieve this.
    Can we read the file first and then do validations accordingly and then write to the same file and process the lockbox.
    Any inputs are highly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Lakshmi Kalyan Vara Prasad.

    Hello Gurus,
    Let me tell you about my requirement clearly with an example.
    i am receiving a dat file from bank in below format
    105A371273020563007 07030415509174REF3178503 001367423860020015E129045
    in this detail 1 record starting from 38th character to next 15 characters is merchant reference number
    REF3178503 --- REF denotes it as Sales Order
    ACC denotes it as Customer No
    INV denotes it as Transaction Number
    based on this 15 characters......my validation comes.
    If i see REF i need to pick that complete record and then fill that record with the SO details as per my system and then submit the file for lockbox processing.
    In 10.7 they created a temporary table into which they are loading the data using a control file....once the data is loaded into the temporary table then they are doing a validation and updating the record exactly as required and then creating one another file and then submitting the file for lockbox processing.
    Where as in 11.10 they want to bypass these temporary tables and writing it into a different file.
    Can this be handled by writing a pl/sql procedure ??
    My findings:
    May be i am wrong.......but i think .......if we first get the data into ar_payments_interface_all table and then do the validations and then complete the lockbox process may help.
    Any suggestions from Oracle GURUS is highly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Lakshmi Kalyan Vara Prasad.

  • Global Temp Table or Permanent Temp Tables

    I have been doing research for a few weeks and trying to comfirm theories with bench tests concerning which is more performant... GTTs or permanent temp tables. I was curious as to what others felt on this topic.
    I used FOR loops to test out the performance on inserting and at times with high number of rows the permanent temp table seemed to be much faster than the GTTs; contrary to many white papers and case studies that have read that GTTs are much faster.
    All I did was FOR loops which iterated INSERT/VALUES up to 10 million records. And for 10 mil records, the permanent temp table was over 500k milliseconds faster...
    Anyone have an useful tips or info that can help me determine which will be best in certain cases? The tables will be used for staging for ETL Batch processing into a Data Warehouse. Rows within my fact and detail tables can reach to the millions before being moved to archives. Thanks so much in advance.

    > Do you have any specific experiences you would like to share?
    I use both - GTTs and plain normal tables. The problem dictates the tools. :-)
    I do have an exception though that does not use GTTs and still support "restartability".
    I need to to continuously roll up (aggregate) data. Raw data collected for an hour gets aggregated into an hourly partition. Hourly partitions gets rolled up into a daily partition. Several billion rows are processed like this monthly.
    The eventual method I've implemented is a cross between materialised views and GTTs. Instead of dropping or truncating the source partition and running an insert to repopulate it with the latest aggregated data, I wrote an API that allows you to give it the name of the destination table, the name of the partition to "refresh", and a SQL (that does the aggregation - kind of like the select part of a MV).
    It creates a brand new staging table using a CTAS, inspects the partitioned table, slaps the same indexes on the staging table, and then performs a partition exchange to replace the stale contents of the partition with that of the freshly build staging table.
    No expensive delete. No truncate that results in an empty and query-useless partition for several minutes while the data is refreshed.
    And any number of these partition refreshes can run in parallel.
    Why not use a GTT? Because they cannot be used in a partition exchange. And the cost of writing data into a GTT has to be weighed against the cost of using that data by writing it (or some of it) into permanent tables. Ideally one wants to plough through a data set once.
    Oracle has a fairly rich feature set - and these can be employed in all kinds of ways to get the job done.

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