SQL - transform a date string

I have scenario where I need to transform a date string in SQL (from "yyyy-mm-dd" to "dd/mm/yyyy"):
E.g My table EMPTABLE looks like this
1111 2000-11-30
2222 1998-01-22
I need an output of
1111 30/11/2000
2222 22/01/1998
I know that we can user "to_date" and "to_char" functions to do that. The query would look like:
SELECT EMPNO as EMPNO, to_char(to_date(STARTDATE,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'mm/yy/dddd') as STARTDATE from EMPTABLE;
Are there any other ways to achive this? Like just using string manipulation.
Why I'm asking with the above query if there is any data discrepancy (e.g for one record the month value is 25 by mistake), the query fails.
Any help is appreciated.
Edited by: kIDMan on Nov 20, 2009 7:29 AM

Welcome to the forum!
A lot of folks store dates in DATE columns; then it just takes one TO_CHAR call to get them in any format, and invalid data is impossible.
You can use SUBSTR to extact parts of the string, and || to re-assemble them in a different order.
Starting in Oracle 10, you can also use regular expressions, like this:
,     REGEXP_REPLACE ( startdate
                        , '([0-9]{4})-'     ||     -- \1 = year
                              '([0-9]{2})-'     ||     -- \2 = month
                   '([0-9]{2})'          -- \3 = day
                        , '\3/\2/\1'
                        )          AS startdate_dmyIf startdate does not contain the pattern (4 digits, hyphen, 2 digits, hyphen, 2 digits), the the expression above will return startdate unchanged.
Edited by: Frank Kulash on Nov 20, 2009 1:11 PM

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    It would be more helpful for troubleshooting the issue if you post the SQL Server error log and SQL Server version. Additionally, please state what purpose of using the agent job.
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    Hope that all helps.
    Also, hope I have not missed the point of your email.
    Kind regards,

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    On SQL Server you could have found this with
    SELECT po_date FROM po_table WHERE isdate(po_date) = 1
    What you should use on Progress, I have no idea.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • SQL Transform with VARIABLE

    I have the SQL Transform with global variable.
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    $DATE_CUST= to_date('2011/11/15 00:00:00.000','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS.FF');
    I print the variable, in the execution write:
    2800     896     PRINTFN     2011.11.15 00:00:00.000000000
    STEP in SQL Transforms: 
    2.  PUSH the update Schema button
    3.  add the where clause:  WHERE DATE_CUSTOMER > [$DATE_CUST]
    4.  save the DataFlow.
    When the execute the job, But we got error...  The variable is null or empty
    In the log trace: 
    |Data flow DF_VAR|Reader SQL
    SELECT query <select * from TABLE_CUSTOMER
    The database error message is <Sybase SQL Server <CRMGCPSA> error message for operation <ct_results>: <Sybase ASE Server message number <102> State <1> Severity <15> From Server <ASEDWHD>:   Message Text is: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
    Why no have value the variable ?
    The script correct should be
    SELECT query <select * from TABLE_CUSTOMER
    WHERE DATE_CUSTOMER  >  2011.11.15 00:00:00.000000000

    Both braces and square brackets can be used to reference variables, however they behave slightly differently.
    suppose I have the following hard-coded SQL statement
    select * from al_funcinfo where name = 'avg'
    Now I want to make it dynamic, I can use a variable and some square brackets
    select * from al_funcinfo where name = '[$G_Name]'
    or braces
    select * from al_funcinfo where name = {$G_Name}
    As you can see, braces adds single quotes around the varible value.  It is very useful when constructing complex statements requiring string values to be delimited with quotes (as most SQL DBs do).  These variable interpolation techniques can be used in scripts.

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    Hi dejani
    first get the user name and password enter by the user
    String sUsername=request.getParameter("name of the textfield");
    String sPassword=request.getParameter("name of the textfield");
    after executeQuery() statement
    int exist=0;
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    String sPass_wd= rs.getString("password");
    if(sUserId.equals(sUsername) && sPass_wd.equals(sPassword))
    out.println("user exist");
    out.println("not exist");

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    You can certainly connect to M$ SQL Server using the JDBC driver:
    Connecting to a data warehouse is no different from any relational database. (My understanding is that a data warehouse usually means a star schema implemented in a relational database.) This will connect you.
    If you're not familiar with JDBC, you might need the tutorial:

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    I started to write it based on what I have but I know this is not correct :/
    # Here is the select statement for the data source in SQL Server...
      FROM data_source_table_name
    #It loads data into the table in Oracle....   
    Insert into oracle_destination_table_name (

    CREATE TABLE statements would have been better as MS-SQL and Oracle don't have the same data types.
    OUR_DATE, OUR_TIME will (most likely) be ONE column in Oracle.
    Personally, I'd just load the data over a database link:
    insert into oracle_destination_table_name ( <column list> )
    select ... <transform data here>
    from data_source_table@mssql_db_link
    As far as creating the database link from Oracle to MS-SQL ... that is for somebody else to answer.
    (most likely you'll need to use an ODBC driver)
    If the data from MS-SQL is in a CSV file, just use and external table.
    same concept:
    insert into oracle_destination_table_name ( <column list> )
    select ... <transform data here>
    from data_source_external_table

  • Converting to a date string

    I am running the following select statement into Oracle SQL Developer.
    However in my results the date hows as 01-APR-29.
    I was wondering if there is a way to convert this over to another date string ie: I would like the date in this column to show 2029-04-01. I am not bothered if the time comes out at the end, as I have a program which can delete that.
    Jon Ditchfield

    Hi Jon, and welcome to the forums.
    I was wondering if there is a way to convert this over to another date
    string ie: I would like the date in this column to show 2029-04-01.
    I am not bothered if the time comes out at the end, as I have a program which can delete that.select to_char(to_date('01-APR-29', 'dd-MON-YY'), 'yyyy-mm-dd') from dual;
    select to_char(to_date('01-APR-29', 'dd-MON-YY'), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') from dual;
    Please be sure to read the forum FAQ. Also, read the "sticky" thread by BluShadow at the
    top of the list of posts on the forum home page.
    Always give your version of Oracle - the answer can vary greatly with version - although
    not in this case.
    These forums are a great resource - you will get the maximum benefit from them
    if you follow the guidelines.
    Jon Ditchfield

  • Please HELP!!!  Issue w/ Transformation from date to dateTime type

    Hi Guys,
    I'm having a problem with converting date to dateTime. We have a webservice that contain dateTime type and the input is date type. Is there a simple way to convert/transform a date to dateTime format? Example date = "2009-09-12", need to convert to dateTime = "2009-09-12T00:00:00". Thanks for helping!!!

    For this specific situation you could also make use of the concat string funtion: concat(date, 'T00:00:00'). The result equals your dateTime format.
    Kind Regards,

  • Regarding disabling the Pushdown SQL feature in Data Services

    Hi Experts,
    I have created a mapping using decode function for replacing the original values in legacy system to new SAP values specified. The mapping is showing no syntax errors, but while executing the job, it is saying that there are no sufficient priviliges in the source database to perform that query. That mapping query that I wrote is being pushed to source database where there are no sufficient priviliges to execute that query,
    Can you suggest me a way to disable that pushdown SQL feature so that I can be able to eliminate that error?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Manoj,
    The query that is getting pushed to database is the decode function used in the mapping to change the values. It is saying insuficient priviliges to execute it. I removed that mapping and kept in an SQL transform while fetching data from the source and it executed successfully. I didnt understand how it could execute the job successfully when I put the same mapping in the SQL transform rather than putting it in a Query transform.

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    currently the engine will throw error when we type a date string as (for example) '10/10/10', while this command can be accepted in MS-SQLServer.

    AMaster wrote:
    i have stored three numbers in three different variables and want to join all of them to concatanate:
    make a date string , kindly help me with this.
    Edited by: AMaster on Sep 6, 2012 4:12 AMto_date:
    How to ask a question:
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ

  • BOBJ DI| SQL Transform call stored procedure on MSSQL 2008 FAIL

    Hello everyone!
    Sorry for my bad english.
    in my job is one dataflow with sql transform, query and target table (LOG).
    SQL Text is :
    EXEC dbo.ProcName
    in this SP next content:
    CREATE TABLE #t(...)
    INSERT INTO Table1
    SELECT(...) FROM #t
       SELECT (row with error number, error message)
      IF NOERROR SELECT (row with no error and rows affected)
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    But When I run it in Job on JobServer exact row inserting into LOG BUT! no data inserting into Table1. and rowcount is equal in both cases.
    What's happening?
    Help please.

    for calling a stored procedure from DI, SQL Transform is not the correct way of doing it, the better option is to import the stored procedure in SQL Server Datastore and calling in a script or in a mapping depending on what that SP is doing
    to import a stored procedure in a DataStore, expand the Datastore select function node and click Import by name, in the type select function and enter the stored procedure or function name
    for DI both Stored Procedure and Functions are treated as Functions

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