SRM and Demand Planning

Hi all,
Can anyone explain me how demand planning is related to SRM.
In which areas of demand planning SRM is going to be related.
Thanks in advance!

If I am not wrong Demand Planning is a feature of APO advance planning and optimiser.
The linkage which I have seen is for PDP SI supplier integration scenario.
Here the on the base of DP ... MRP is run in ECC MM
Delivery schedules are generated and the same are brodcasted to SRM SUS portal for suppliers to confirm and generate ASNs
prior to delievry

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    02/19/2009-16:08:23 -> ODP Version 1.15500
    02/19/2009-16:08:23 -> Begin Downloading Data from Planning Server.
    02/19/2009-16:08:23 -> Cleaning up shared databases and deleting planner databases.
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    Process resuming...
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    02/19/2009-16:08:42 -> Loading dimension values.
    02/19/2009-16:10:09 -> Verify that all dimensions have values.
    02/19/2009-16:10:09 -> Setting backend hierarchy information.
    02/19/2009-16:16:14 -> Loading Input Parameters and Scenarios.
    02/19/2009-16:16:16 -> Loading Item Unit of Measure information.
    02/19/2009-16:17:49 -> Loading events.
    02/19/2009-16:17:51 -> Loading data for specified Input Parameters.
    02/19/2009-16:17:51 -> Loading data for the following Input Parameter: Panasonic Avionics Backlog:End Date.
    02/19/2009-16:54:30 -> Loading Unit of Measure conversion information.
    02/19/2009-16:54:47 -> Calculating conversion coefficients for Product dimension.
    02/19/2009-16:55:00 -> Loading variable Product pricing information.
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    02/19/2009-16:55:21 -> Converting to application metadata.
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    02/19/2009-16:59:53 -> Allocating input parameters.
    02/19/2009-16:59:53 -> Aggregating other input parameters.
    02/19/2009-19:38:28 -> Setting DP system flags.
    02/19/2009-19:38:28 -> Disconnecting from Planning Server.
    02/19/2009-19:38:37 -> Completed Downloading Data from Planning Server.
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    02/20/2009-14:38:32 -> Performing measure copy for the following measure: Tactical Forecast.
    02/20/2009-14:40:47 -> Completed Populating Measures.
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    02/20/2009-15:11:00 -> Building personal database A1 for assignment Keith Elliott.
    02/20/2009-15:16:43 -> Build of personal database A1 was successful.
    02/20/2009-15:17:35 -> Building personal database A11 for assignment Quincy Perry.
    02/20/2009-15:22:48 -> Build of personal database A11 was successful.
    02/20/2009-15:23:02 -> Creating Submissions Measures.
    02/20/2009-15:23:02 -> Performing measure copy for the following measure: Submissions, ASTRONICS (20-FEB-2009).
    02/20/2009-15:23:07 -> Completed Distributing Data to Planners.

    Hi user602232,
    the batch logfile does not reveal any issues. It would be helpful to get more details:
    1. what kind of data does not appear in the worksheets? Level values etc?
    2. some more details about the demand plan setup and demand plan assignments would help.
    The first things I would check:
    a) was data collection successful
    b) check the demand planner assignments

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    Thanks & Regards,

            It's a big list of things to follow. You need to have portal or ITS setup.
    Go through the sap help [Collaborative Supply and Demand Planning|]

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    Babak Bolourchi

    You can combine the planning strategy also main as 56 and second as 65 and in demand managment MD61 you have the option select requirement type.
    Then while creating sales order use MTO strategy and take MRP run through MD50 and then MD02.
    and if you want to assign the stock to sales order then you and do it through MB1b with 412 E movement type.
    As per my knowledge, generally 56 strategy only takes Sales Order Stock into consideration.
    Consider setting the Individual/Collective indicator to 2.
    Mark those characteristics that should have a usage probability in demand management as Relevant for planning.
    Hope clear to you.

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    MRP can be used without production planning. SOP and Demand Management are not Production.
    Nevetheless, if you want a simpler planning cycle, provided that you understand its ads and cons, you could go for Consumption Based Planning MRP.
    See this link for details:

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    I am Exploring differnt Forecast Model , like  constant
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    Cheers & Thanks

    Hi Raj
    Below link will give you entire information on forecasting models, forecasting accuracy technequues etc,:
    For MLR refer the following link:
    Which is the best model to use:
    You should try running forecasting using various model(seasonal, seasonal linear, linear, constant etc) and comapre
    the forecast accuracy and find out which one is the best suitable.
    Another way is to choose auto model which will select the best possible forecast strategy and give the result.
    I hope thos will help you.
    Please let us know if you require any more information.

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    Dear Ram..
    SPP is purely base on BOD (Bill of Distribution)..
    following are the points u can cover in AS is TOBE..
    1. On what Level (Chs) the Client performing Spare Parts Planning?nd how u want to disagreegate on lowest level ie.Hierarchy Level?
    Ex. from ..Customer..
    2. Have u configured Spare Parts in R/3?
    3. What is the Pattern of Sales History?Seasonal/Trend/Constant  etc?
    4. u can ask questions on Deployment...Inventory?
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    for more details...
    Rajesh Patil

  • Demand Planning and eSOA

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    I am experienced with SAP APO, but am now interested in how the emerging eSOA environment can help with Demand Planning solutions.
    Can anyone share thoughts/experiences of how web services in general and SAP eSOA in particular can provide 'added value' to Demand Planning?
    Bob Austin, Atos Origin

    Generally speaking, the demand plan or forecast is ultimately the "image" of the demand side that the supply side wishes to "mirror" or fulfill against. This view is a consolidation of many views from several players on the demand side -- whose input is provided to a much smaller group of planner-users of the Demand Planning tool.
    What eSOA does is to essentially extend the Demand Planning process to this larger audience via a number of means:
    The new Duet/Excel capability is one example of this extensibility. Think of all the spreadsheets that are being used to do <i>something</i> associated with the demand management process that you can now start to inject some process discipline and control into.
    Another example is the ability to integrate with tools like 3rd party sales force automation or channel partners across mobile devices, etc. Because eSOA decouples the interaction layer from the data itself, I now have greater flexibility to extend and collaborate across an increasingly fragmented "demand chain" and different types of users and devices. The opportunity to add value requires some analysis and creativity -- but we are in the age of user-driven innovation and eSOA is designed for this "self service" paradigm.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to manage slow and fast moving goods in Demand Planning

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    Kindly let me know how to manage slow and fast moving goods in Demand Planning.
    1. First how to detect slow and fast moving goods
    2. which DP model to use
    3. Any Best practice while dealing with slow and fast moving goods

    There are two main concerns with forecasting slow moving goods. For fast moving, yes, trend, level and seasonality combined with a decent demand level gets you through.
    So, either you don't have demand in the market for that product; if the product is not critical (like go/no go spare parts) I recommend just averaging out the demand over a period and going with that. Any errors incurred there won't have a significant business impact. On the other hand if it is critical, safety stock and/or contractual obligations come to play.
    OR, if there is market demand but your market share is too low for whatever reason, then it gets tricky because you need a predictor variable(s) for which you have good knowledge off (such as CPI index, demand for related products, etc). The forecast is then done on the predictor variable(s) and the low market share applied to 'translate' the expected demand to the product in question. Unfortunately, the case of low demand/low market share I have no idea of how to implement it on SAP. Since forecasting is just the tip of the iceberg, it may pay to do it outside of SAP (say in Excel) and manually input it (unless the products are many and varied).
    Hope this helps. Please let me know if this makes sense and/or applies to your question.

  • DP - Sales and Demand Forecast values in the Planning book were increased.

    Dear DP Experts,
    The Sales and Demand Forecast values in the Planning book were increased.  Is there a way to tract who user could have made the changes?  Can we view the last change like in the document flows?

    hi Glason
    if the values have been changed by the user community, I am not sure if there is a way to find out. However if there is technical flaw in data processing, you can check for the steps as posted in the above post.
    We faced a similar issue in our project. We were not able to trace the user ids under which the values were changed. However since we retain the 15 days of back up, we were able to check that the values were changed on a certain date but not the user ids. but we were still able to restore the original values.
    As an additional step, we also developed macros to store (in the form of alerts) the exisitng value and the updated value incase the there was a manual change in the Sales forecast and other editable key figures.  This ensured that there was a check if there was a manul change. we also ensured that these macros were not executed during the background jobs.
    SAP also provides a standard SAP APO Change Monitor add-on which can be used to track chnages to the key figures. Please refer to note 1308968 for further information on the add on.
    let me know if this helps.
    Rgds, Sandeep

  • Pros and cons Demand Planning in APO or ECC

    is there a paper/pdf out there describing the pros and cons of DP in APO and ECC. We are planning to implement demand planning and are in an evaluation face whether to go with an APO solution or not. The financial aspect is not an issue. We already have the licensing in place for APO and ECC.
    Which solution provides better flexibility and usability? Have any of you guys got experience with implementing demand planning in a non-manufacturing orgnisation. That is we are looking for a tool to forecast/plan external and internal procurement.
    Any suggestions are  welcome.

    Hi ,
    Definitely APO DP have many advantage over ECC. 
    => More Flexibility than ECC demand management
    => Complex statistical tool can be used for forecasting
    => Complex macros can be build as per the business need
    => Easy visilbility & maintenance of the data
    => Advance Demand planning functionalities like Promotional planning, LCM, Management decisions, etc can be incorporated easily.
    Also refer the details provided in the below thread for more details:
    General Discussion - Why to choose APO over R/3 for planning?
    Re: General Discussion - Why to choose APO over R/3 for planning?
    Hope this helps,

  • Demand Plan and Supply commit

    The forecast or demand plan from Demantra (monthly bucket) is sent to suppliers by Collaboration planning Via ASCP (broken to weekly bucket). The supply commit will be received through CP (wkly bucket) to ASCP (wkly bucket) to Demantra (aggregated to monthly).
    The reason being demantra values are in montly bucket and we want weekly break up and thats why we are thinking to use ASCP.
    Is this true?
    View Plan vs. commit by month in Demantra
    View Plan vs. commit by week in ASCP
    CP is a portal for file exchange
    Or supply commit is visible only in CP?
    Please explain and suggest alternate design if possible?

    You need to define the SNP Demand Profile and SNP Supply Profile in the Product Location master data.
    Goto -> /n/SAPAPO/MAT1 -> On the selection screen below the Product / location fields, you see the fields for 
    - Lot Size Profile
    - Demand Profile
    - SNP: Demand Profile
    - SNP: Supply Profile
    - Deplloyment Profile.
    Here you can enter the name of any profile you want to create and use the 'Create' button to create your profile. This will be then available for selection when you create your Product Location master.
    Hope this helps. Let us know if you still have any doubts.
    Hope this helps.

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