---SSD and deleting files---

Just installed a SSD as my boot. Works great.
Accidently dropped a file onto the desktop when transferring scratch to one of my internal sata disks. When I try to delete the file in all kinds of ways, it does not move.
I have a feeling it might be because you can't move the files off the SSD. In other words, when you delete it, it deletes but the image icon doesn't disappear until its written over with something else.
Is this correct? Anyone know anything about this? Any solutions?
Please advise.

No, that isn't correct. SSDs are just fast versions of a flash drive. When you delete an item it is removed from the SSD in the same way it would be removed from any storage device.
Try this: Open the Terminal in your Utilities folder. At the prompt enter the following:
sudo rm -rf thefilename or leave a space after "-rf" then drag the file icon into the Terminal window.
Press RETURN. You will be prompted for your admin password which will not be echoed.

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    Since you have not identified the OS your MBP is using, these extract may or may not assist you.
    You may also download from the Internet OmniDiskSweeper (free) and open it it will show all of the files on your MBP and the respective sizes.

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    @zoid Thanks i 'll give thunar no-trash a try.
    @david batson If i uninstall gvfs then I wouldn't be able to use removable devices, not to mention that files actually move to trash but there is no way of accessing it
    @lmsguer That's what I do so far.

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    tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,size=5% 0 0
    tmpfs /var/spool tmpfs defaults,size=5% 0 0
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    du -h / |sort -h -r|head -n 5:
    3,7G /
    2,7G /usr
    1,6G /usr/lib
    845M /usr/share
    771M /var
    System plików rozm. użyte dost. %uż. zamont. na
    /dev/sdb1 118G 27G 90G 24% /
    devtmpfs 3,8G 0 3,8G 0% /dev
    tmpfs 3,8G 1,4M 3,8G 1% /dev/shm
    tmpfs 3,8G 4,0M 3,8G 1% /run
    tmpfs 3,8G 0 3,8G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    tmpfs 3,8G 13M 3,8G 1% /tmp
    tmpfs 389M 32K 389M 1% /var/log
    tmpfs 389M 0 389M 0% /var/spool
    /dev/sda1 50G 241M 49G 1% /home
    /dev/sdc1 30G 45M 29G 1% /run/media/kaira/karta
    27G was the state before most data was transfered to different hard drive.
    Both commands where executed after partition with music was unmounted.
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    I know that 24% fulfillment is trivial, but now it definitely should show 3,5%.
    Last edited by kaira (2013-11-01 19:45:31)

    Yes, I run this command as a root. I manage to repair this problem by mounting root partition in ubuntu live cd. I found folder which should get deleted, but it still was in filesystem. Unfortunetly I don't remeber, how i copy files. Propably i used rsync and forget to delete files. Now it's too late too check this theory, but I'm really happy with proper sizes:
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sdb1 118G 3.6G 113G 4% /
    devtmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev
    tmpfs 3.8G 6.0M 3.8G 1% /dev/shm
    tmpfs 3.8G 3.9M 3.8G 1% /run
    tmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    tmpfs 3.8G 356K 3.8G 1% /tmp
    tmpfs 389M 0 389M 0% /var/spool
    tmpfs 389M 32K 389M 1% /var/log
    /dev/sda2 410G 25G 381G 7% /dane
    Lesson learned - never manage important system changes after getting up, without enough sleep time.
    Thank you for you're help, and sorry for wasting time with my mistakes.

  • FAQ: File Basics: How do I Upload, Download, Share, and Delete files in Revel?

    The top level of organization is Libraries
    Libraries can contain several albums.
    Libraries can have collaborative users that are invited to share. (requires Revel Premium) Invited users have access to add, delete and edit files. They must have a Revel account to do this.
                     Albums contain photos
                     Albums cannot contain other albums
                     Albums can be shared with other users. They can be viewed, but not added or deleted by these users. People who view albums via shared links to not need to have a Revel account.
            *See SHARING topic below.
    If you are a premium user, you can create additional libraries in Revel.
    You can create new albums in your  revel library easily to help organize your photos. You can not have albums within albums. (nested albums)
    REVEL UPLOAD/IMPORT PHOTOS- copying files to Revel (cloud)
    From IPad, Iphone, Mac:  Upload to Revel is possible
    From a Browser: Upload to Revel is possible
    FROM Elements: Upload to Revel is possible
                How Do I upload files to Revel?
    To Mac, IPhone, IPad:  export from Revel is possible (single or group export)
    To Android devices: export from Revel is possible (one file at at time)
    To computer using a web Browser: export from Revel is possible (one file at at time)
                 How Do I Download files from Revel?
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    FAQ: How do I delete a file from Revel?
                 FAQ: How do I delete a file or  an album from Revel?
    You can open from and Save to Revel in the editors on mac/iphone/ipad. When you edit, your device will download the full image rather than having just the thumbnail.
    FAQ: How do I edit photos in Revel?
    Collaborative sharing- can be done at the library level only. Other users are invited by email and must be logged into a Revel account to see the shared libraries.
    Read/download only sharing- can be done at the album level- a link is sent and the user does not need Revel to view them.
    Sharing of individual photos not currently available, creating your own personalized link name is not available
    FAQ: How do I share my photos in Revel?

    Hello All,
    As all you said I have used apache third party jars to upload a file into server.
    Thanks for help me out regarding this issue.
    But Now what the problem is When I run this locally it is running fine.
    When I deploy it on server It is giving the following exception.
    SRVE0026E: [Servlet Error]-[UploadLetter]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/fileupload/FileUpload
    these files are in classpath.and successfully compiled but in runtime this is happening
    can anyone have any idea on this..??
    Please help me out.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Cant find and delete files

    Oh boy where do I start. I don't want to sound like one of these windows switchers who complains that things on a Mac seem complicated but things on my new Mac mini sure do seem so complicated.
    I've had my mini Server (2 x 1TB drives) only a little while, I'm running it alongside my Windows 7 PC which it is to replace eventually. I'm just familiarizing myself with it at present.
    The only thing I've done was to import 300Gb worth of photos/videos to the 'second' drive to have a play with iphoto, big mistake.  Iphoto constantly hangs and crashes, it cant seem to handle this amount of files so I deleted the pics/vids.  I've put nothing else on the Mac. 
    I then notice that the 'first' drive (the server drive) shows 320Gb worth of photos/videos on it?  They are the photos/vids I deleted from the second drive. How, I didn't put them there?  iphoto shows all pics/vids still there.
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    I only found the location above by taking a screenshot of a spotlight search, if I navigate in finder it only shows stuff up to 'iphoto library' nothing after. The 'iphoto library' is 75Gb but there are 300Gb in total. I've have finder set to show hidden folder.  In iphoto I put the files into trash and tried to delete them, it deleted some of them but it very easily crashes. There are some files iphoto won't let me put into trash saying it doesn't support those files and to use Aperture. (I don't have nor want Aperture).
    This is where I am now: some of the files seem to be in the dated folder above which I can't find (Finder doesn't seem very good at finding stuff). I can't delete the files from iphoto as it crashes very quick, in fact iphoto can now barely start up without crashing.  I don't know where the other 200+Gb files are but they are on the first drive. The object is simply to delete all the pics and vids on the first drive.
    No doubt one of you guys are going to show me some Mac magic to solve this problem in a flash making me look an idiot, well I'm cool with that just tell me what it is.
    Thanks in advance.

    iPhoto is, and always has been, a very cumbersome app.  That really doesn't have anything to do with Finder though. I used iPhoto way way back around version 4 or 5, before I took up "Photoshopping". I've had it on every Mac I've owned, but I don't think I've opened it since 2006. The iPhoto library takes up MASSIVE amounts of space and the bigger it gets, the harder it is to manage. Adobe Bridge does a much better job, and so does Photoshop.
    Once you get used to the ins and outs of Finder, you'll see that it's more intuitive than Explorer. Things it does that Windows may or may not ever do, like showing a complete file path from the top of window with just a right click on the title.
    And that's just a start.

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    If you receive the following error message "Error ./pnarchiver Thread 2051:PN-0102:SQL error: ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied" then there is a Problem with archiving to NFS server. The directories for the archiving are properly created on the server but those directories remain empty. The workaround is that an inter operability issue exists between MARS and CygWin NFS server running on Windows 2003 server. To work around such inter operability issues, replace the NFS server with Microsoft Windows Services for Unix.

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    Sometimes (randomly) all the server go very slow .. i have verified. Network is ok and i have just retrospect running. Copying a file can go as long as 2 hours for 100 megs and all is very slow.
    any idea ?

    Thierry Arnould-
    How full are your storage devices?
    It sounds as though your disk access could be slowing down.

  • IPhoto 08 and Deleting Files

    I recently upgraded from iLife 06 to ILife 08 and having major problems with new version of *IPhoto 08.* First and foremost, messages began showing that my startup disk is almost full and to delete unwanted files. I'm assuming this is happening because of ILife 08 installation including SuperDuper and Lacie external hard drive. No matter, before doing any installations I did massive backups to external hard drive and cds. Once ILife 08 was installed, I began deleting unwanted pictures within *_IPhoto Library via the Finder_* including File browser when I had Photoshop open. Unbeknownst to me, this is not recommended due to possible corruption of IPhoto. OK, apparent this is happening because when I go to IPhoto there are blank photos when I do a full screen.
    My question is what is the best way to delete ALL originals and duplicates of older iphoto 06 pictures including other unwanted pictures in current IPhoto 08 Library? Will I have to uninstall IPhoto 08 then go into my finder and start deleting pictures like I used to do whenever I wanted to delete files? Of course, even then I always had blank photos within IPhoto.
    BTW, with ILife 08 installed, I have deleted (trashed) all sorts of applications such as iMovie, and iDVD to free up space. This has made barely any difference. My main criteria is to delete HUGE pictures no longer needed in my IPhoto 06 (or rather IPhoto 08 too) Library Folders. Also considering I'm tapped with my current disk space, currently unable to download any programs such as duplicate annihilator, etc.
    Hope this isn't to confusing. Any help overwhelmingly appreciated!

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    Let's get this out of the way:
    Don't change anything in the iPhoto Library Folder via the Finder or any other application. iPhoto depends on the structure as well as the contents of this folder. Moving things, renaming things or otherwise making changes will prevent iPhoto from working and could even cause you to damage or lose your photos.
    The way to delete pics from iPhoto is to do it in the iPhoto Window. Drag the pics from the Library to the iPhoto trash. iPhoto Menu -> Empty the trash.
    Deleting a pic here or there is not going to make a difference to your HD space? How big are these pics? 2 - 5 mb if they're from a point and shoot camera, 10 - 15 from a dslr? Why not move your library to the external disk:
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library Folder as an entity from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    As you've been mucking about in the iPhoto Library Folder then you'll need to start over and create and populate a new library:
    To create and populate a new library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same Events and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, modified versions, books, calendars etc.
    In the iPhoto Preferences -> Events Uncheck the box at 'Imported Items from the Finder'
    Move the iPhoto Library to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual Event Folders to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.
    To use Photoshop with iPhoto:
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

  • Finding and deleting files

    As an Automator newbie, here is what I did to delete all the .DS_Store files under a certain directory:
    1) Find Finder Item:name contains .DS_Store
    2) Move to trash
    I was hoping this will find all the .DS_Store files under a directory and its sub directories and delete them, but turn out nothing was achieved, any idea what I did wrong here? thanks,

    There are free utilities that will remove those files. Look for them at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.
    You are aware that although you may delete them they will simply be re-created by the operating system?

  • How to open files with "return" key and delete files with "delete" key?

    Hi friends,
    It's been over a week since I got my iMac and I'm loving it. However, while I'm adapting alright to 'mac' key shortcuts (e.g. using the COMMAND-S for save as opposed to CONTROL-S used in PC).
    However, there are 2 things that are annoying me greatly right now.
    1. I like selecting files with keys as opposed to using the mouse. I make animations and prefer keyboard shortcuts. However, when I hit "return", instead of opening the file it goes into file-renaming mode. How do I change this? Likewise, I would like to delete files by hitting the delete key. This does not work - how do I change this?
    2. When I click SHIFT key sometimes, it gets 'stuck' - which is annoying because I start typing CAPITALS when I wasn't aware I've activated the CAP-LOCK key. How do I get rid of this? Like, I don't want to hit SHIFT for instance, and have that up arrow thing 'stuck' there.
    Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Thanks for the star.
    If you went into Mac Help & searched, 2 results come up:
    Full keyboard access shortcuts for interacting with items (for selecting & activating controls).
    Full keyboard navigation keyboard shortcuts (for navigating Desktop, Windows, Menu bar etc)
    From the lists, select the link that closely describes your situation.
    I have to say that I can't reproduce your problem, does this happen just in applications or in everything? I don't know if it's to do with this but pressing Shift 5 times turns on Sticky Keys & Option(Alt) 5 times to turn on Mouse Keys (System Preferences>Universal Access>Keyboard).
    After typing "Sticky Keys" into Mac Help, I found this:
    "Pressing a group of modifier keys as a sequence
    To perform many tasks on your computer, you need to press one or more modifier keys (Shift, Command, Option, and Control) at the same time as another key. For example, pressing Shift-Command-Q in the Finder opens the Logout dialog.
    If you have difficulty pressing several keys at once, you can make it easier to press a set of keys by turning on Sticky Keys in the Universal Access preferences pane. With Sticky Keys turned on, you can press a set of modifier keys as a sequence. As you press each key, the symbol for the modifier key appears on the screen.
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences and click Universal Access. Then click Keyboard.
    Select the On button next to Sticky Keys.
    To hear a sound whenever the computer registers that you have pressed a modifier key, select "Beep when a modifier key is set."
    To see an icon indicating which modifier keys you have pressed, select "Display pressed keys on screen."
    You can also use Slow Keys to adjust the amount of time between when you press a key and when it is activated."
    Any of this close to your problem?
    Edit: I'm right, it's Sticky Keys:

  • Deleting files keeps prompting me for password and deleted files don't appear in trashbin

    When I delete files from my macbook, it keeps prompting me for my password everytime.
    And when I delete to file, it does not go into the trash. Somehow it deletes completely.
    Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Ok. Found the answers from the community. Thanks a bunch!

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