SSL login redirect

I placed a bit of php on my login page to redirect using https:, however once a user is logged in, I want them to be redirected to a NON secure page. (http:)
A post in the forum indicated you can enter full url's in the redirect fields of the email settings | user-levels tab cure+https+in+login.html
This doesn't work for me ... instead it redirects to (ignore spaces): //
basically appending whatever you put in the redirect fields to the end of your hostname.
Is there a way around this? I don't want to have every page OTHER than my login check to see if it's https, and then redirect back ... that seems too messy.

So after a couple of hours hunting, here's what I found:
In the file includes/tng/triggers/ :
Line 233 tries to take care of the "relative/absolute" path decision:
$relPath = '';
if (isset($tNG->dispatcher) && isset($tNG->dispatcher->relPath)) {
$relPath = KT_makeIncludedURL($tNG->dispatcher->relPath);
(Actually this "decision" is made by KT_makeIncludedURL() in the /includes/common/ file on line 475)
It turns out all of this depends on the dispatcher:
// Make a transaction dispatcher instance
$tNGs = new tNG_dispatcher("../");
If the dispatcher is relative, it will make the redirect relative. IF THE DISPATCHER IS ABSOLUTE, THE REDIRECTS WILL BE AS WELL.
Actually I didn't even need to change the paths in the login settings, I just changed the dispatcher to an absolute URL, like this:
// Make a transaction dispatcher instance
$tNGs = new tNG_dispatcher("");
and everything's gravy!
PS, in case you're interested in the PHP to force SSL for a particular page, you can find it here:

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    Hi, all -- I'm running into a recurring WebMail login
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    If you want to fix this, make sure that:
    1) Your document root (aka "Web Folder") is set properly for the "" site in "Server Admin > Web > Settings > Sites > > General."
    2) In the same window, make sure "index.php" is listed as one of the default index files.
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    domain. Then add them to whatever place you need (cookie, session,

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    In order to understand why LDAP is not working run a "debug ldap 255" and then try to login or run a AAA test.
    Attach the output to find out the issue.
    Please check this out as well, to make sure that you have the correct settings:
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    IF issueid url variable EXISTS THEN use recordset1
    IF issueid url variable DOES NOT EXISTS use recordset2
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    Do a search for the file and make sure there is a DAD entry for both the portal and login server and that they are correct.

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    User accesses a page with a url such as "addtocookbook.php?recipeid=6".
    Since the user is not logged in, they are redirected to"login.php".
    After successfully logging in, the user is redirected to "addtocookbook.php" without the "recipe=6".
    My login page does attempt to direct the user to the previous url (if it exists). I'm not sure if there is a simple way to make the variable $_SESSION['PrevUrl'], used by DW to redirect,  store the entire url.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Elie Chocron

    The problem lies with some obsolete code in the Restrict access to page server behavior. Fortunately, the fix is quite simple.
    The affected section of code is as follows:
    if (!((isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) && (isAuthorized("",$MM_authorizedUsers, $_SESSION['MM_Username'], $_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'])))) {  
      $MM_qsChar = "?";
      $MM_referrer = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
      if (strpos($MM_restrictGoTo, "?")) $MM_qsChar = "&";
      if (isset($QUERY_STRING) && strlen($QUERY_STRING) > 0)
      $MM_referrer .= "?" . $QUERY_STRING;
      $MM_restrictGoTo = $MM_restrictGoTo. $MM_qsChar . "accesscheck=" . urlencode($MM_referrer);
      header("Location: ". $MM_restrictGoTo);
    All that is necessary is to replace the three instances of $QUERY_STRING like this:
    if (!((isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) && (isAuthorized("",$MM_authorizedUsers, $_SESSION['MM_Username'], $_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'])))) {  
      $MM_qsChar = "?";
      $MM_referrer = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
      if (strpos($MM_restrictGoTo, "?")) $MM_qsChar = "&";
      if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) > 0)
      $MM_referrer .= "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
      $MM_restrictGoTo = $MM_restrictGoTo. $MM_qsChar . "accesscheck=" . urlencode($MM_referrer);
      header("Location: ". $MM_restrictGoTo);
    The redirect will then work correctly.

  • User Login Redirect

    Hi, I have a php login using Dreamwearver tools. The users
    have access levels from "A" through "J" (to simplify things). When
    a user logs in I want them to be directed to the appropriate page
    according to their access level. For example, if the user's access
    level is "F" they go to "f.php" . But because there are so many
    access levels, redirecting down the line via the "restict access to
    page dreamweaver function" , (as mentioned in other solutions on
    this topic), is unpractical. Any suggestions?

    Use the switch statement to redirect the user depending on
    their access
    level eg
    switch ($access_level){
    case "A":
    case "B":
    case "C":
    PHP Login Suite V2 - 34 Server Behaviors to build a complete
    Login system.

  • Possible to reexecute BeforePhase methodbinding after login redirection?

    ADF 11gR1 PS1
    I have a menu built dynamically (based on ), which calls a bean method to populate the menu. This method is called during the BeforePhase of a page.
    By standard built-in security functionality, if the user is not authenticated, the user is redirected to a login page, and then brought back to the original page.
    BUT, it turns out the BeforePhase event was already triggered prior to authentication, and isn't executed again. Therefore, the dynamic menu is not rebuilt showing the items for authenticated users.
    Any way to execute a method in "a beforephase scope" after authentication?

    Your class should override onPageLoad() method for that you will need to implement PagePhaseListener. You can execute your method in onPageLoad().

  • IE alert after ssl login to calendar server

    I have successfully setup SSL calendar server. When I login using IE6, I got the alert message "Do you want to display nonsecure items" and all the gif buttons were missing.
    I have tried other browser like mozilla and firefox and found no problem.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks fo your help!
    My settings are:
    service.http.ssl.sourceurl "https://MYSERVERNAME:443"
    ui.base.url = ""
    ui.proxyaddress.url = ""
    I have tried the following combination and still not work.
    1)ui.base.url = "https://MYSERVERNAME"
    ui.proxyaddress.url = ""
    2) ui.base.url = ""
    ui.proxyaddress.url = "https://MYSERVERNAME"
    3)ui.base.url = "https://MYSERVERNAME"
    ui.proxyaddress.url = "https://MYSERVERNAME"
    I am wondering what could be going wrong.

Maybe you are looking for