SSL VPN Group-Lock problem

I am trying to lock groups to a specific tunnel group but unfortunitly no matter what I do the group-lock feature doesnt seem to work. Basically here is what I want to do:
1-Users detail is pulled from AD through LDAP
2-AD group is mapped to the appropriate group on the ASA using attribute mapping
3-user should only use the tunnel that he/she is locked to
4-this all should be done without the user needing to select a group the vpn portal
5-we will be using Any connect and VPN portal for communication
All works fine except the group-lock feature. If enabled and set to "group-lock value NET_ADMIN_G" I get the following error on debug webvpn and the user is not allowed in.
WebVPN: user: (test) authenticated.
User came in on group he wasn't supposed to come in on!
when removed no matter what I do the user is mapped to DefaultWEBVPNGroup tunnel group,
SSLVPN(config-group-policy)# sho vpn-sessiondb webvpn
Session Type: WebVPN
Username     : test      Index        : 132
Public IP    :
Protocol     : Clientless
License      : AnyConnect Premium
Encryption   : Clientless: (1)AES256  Hashing      : Clientless: (1)SHA1
Bytes Tx     : 252897                 Bytes Rx     : 48894
Group Policy : NET_ADMIN              Tunnel Group : DefaultWEBVPNGroup
Login Time   : 11:18:13 EDT Fri Mar 22 2013
Duration     : 0h:01m:12s
Inactivity   : 0h:00m:00s
NAC Result   : Unknown
VLAN Mapping : N/A                    VLAN         : none
Asa is on 9.11.4.
group policy:
group-policy NET_ADMIN internal
group-policy NET_ADMIN attributes
wins-server none
dns-server value
vpn-access-hours none
vpn-simultaneous-logins 3
vpn-idle-timeout 30
vpn-session-timeout none
vpn-session-timeout alert-interval 25
vpn-filter value VPN_SPLIT_TUNNEL
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 ssl-client ssl-clientless
password-storage disable
ip-comp enable
re-xauth disable
pfs disable
ipsec-udp disable
ipsec-udp-port 10000
split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
split-tunnel-network-list value VPN_SPLIT_TUNNEL
default-domain value
split-dns value
secure-unit-authentication disable
user-authentication disable
user-authentication-idle-timeout none
ip-phone-bypass disable
client-bypass-protocol disable
gateway-fqdn value
leap-bypass disable
nem disable
backup-servers clear-client-config
msie-proxy method no-modify
vlan none
nac-settings none
address-pools value SSL_POOL
ipv6-address-pools none
scep-forwarding-url none
client-firewall none
client-access-rule none
  url-list value NETADMIN_BOOKMARK
  filter value INTERNAL_WEBACL
  homepage use-smart-tunnel
  anyconnect ssl dtls enable
  anyconnect mtu 1406
  anyconnect keep-installer installed
  anyconnect ssl keepalive 20
  anyconnect ssl rekey time none
  anyconnect ssl rekey method none
  anyconnect dpd-interval client 30
  anyconnect dpd-interval gateway 30
  anyconnect ssl compression lzs
  anyconnect dtls compression lzs
  anyconnect modules value posture
  anyconnect profiles value net_admin_p type user
  anyconnect ask none default webvpn
  customization value NETADMIN_PORTAL
  hidden-shares visible
  activex-relay enable
  file-entry enable
  file-browsing enable
  url-entry enable
  deny-message value Login was successful, but because certain criteria have not been met, you do not have permission to use any of the VPN features. Contact your IT administrator for more information.
  anyconnect ssl df-bit-ignore disable
  always-on-vpn profile-setting
  auto-signon allow uri * auth-type all
Tunnel Group:
tunnel-group NET_ADMIN_G type remote-access
tunnel-group NET_ADMIN_G general-attributes
address-pool SSL_POOL
authentication-server-group LDAP
authorization-server-group LDAP
accounting-server-group RGROUPADMIN
default-group-policy NET_ADMIN
tunnel-group NET_ADMIN_G webvpn-attributes
customization NETADMIN_PORTAL
group-alias infra_network enable
group-url https://x.x.x.x/network enable
dns-group DNSGROUP
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

Hi Portu,
Heres debug Ldap:
[553] Session Start
[553] New request Session, context 0x00007fff33beb228, reqType = Authentication
[553] Fiber started
[553] Creating LDAP context with uri=ldap://
[553] Connect to LDAP server: ldap://, status = Successful
[553] supportedLDAPVersion: value = 3
[553] supportedLDAPVersion: value = 2
[553] Binding as bind
[553] Performing Simple authentication for test to
[553] LDAP Search:
Base DN = [OU=xx ENTERPRISE,DC=xxx,DC=com]
Filter  = [sAMAccountName=test]
Scope   = [SUBTREE]
[553] User DN = [CN=test,OU=Users,OU=xx,OU=Australia,OU=APAC,OU=ENTERPRISE,DC=xxx,DC=com]
[553] Talking to Active Directory server
[553] Reading password policy for test, dn:CN=test,OU=Users,OU=xxx,OU=Australia,OU=APAC,OU=ENTERPRISE,DC=xxx,DC=com
[553] Read bad password count 0
[553] Binding as test
[553] Performing Simple authentication for test to
[553] Processing LDAP response for user test
[553] Message (test):
[553] Authentication successful for test to
[553] Retrieved User Attributes:
[553] objectClass: value = top
[553] objectClass: value = person
[553] objectClass: value = organizationalPerson
[553] objectClass: value = user
[553] cn: value = test
[553] sn: value =
[553] c: value = AU
[553] l: value = xxx
[553] st: value = xxx
[553] title: value = test user  / IT
[553] description: value = Network
[553] postalCode: value = xxx
[553] physicalDeliveryOfficeName: value = xxx
[553] telephoneNumber: value = xxx
[553] givenName: value = test
[553] distinguishedName: value = CN=test,OU=Users,OU=xxx,OU=Australia,OU=APAC,OU=BS ENTERPRISE,DC=br
[553] instanceType: value = 4
[553] whenCreated: value = 20110327224420.0Z
[553] whenChanged: value = 20130319223953.0Z
[553] displayName: value = test
[553] uSNCreated: value = 84454809
[553] memberOf: value = CN=APAC.Cisco.Tel.Users,OU=Security Groups,OU=xxx,OU=Australia,OU=APAC,OU=
[553] mapped to IETF-Radius-Class: value = CN=APAC.Cisco.Tel.Users,OU=Security Groups,OU=xxx,OU=Australia,OU=APAC,OU=BS ENTERPRISE,DC=xxx,DC=com
[553] mapped to LDAP-Class: value = CN=APAC.Cisco.Tel.Users,OU=Security Groups,OU=xxx,OU=Australia,OU=APAC,OU=BS ENTERPRISE,DC=xxx,DC=com
[553] memberOf: value = CN=Networks,OU=Distribution Groups,OU=xxx,OU=Australia,OU=APAC,OU=
[553] mapped to IETF-Radius-Class: value = NET_ADMIN
[553] mapped to LDAP-Class: value = NET_ADMIN
[553] memberOf: value = CN=Email Notify SG10,OU=Distribution Groups,OU=Corporate
[553] mapped to IETF-Radius-Class: value = CN=Email Notify SG10,OU=Distribution Groups,OU=Corporate,OU=US & Canada,OU=BS ENTERPRISE,DC=xxx,DC=com
[553] mapped to LDAP-Class: value = CN=Email Notify SG10,OU=Distribution Groups,OU=Corporate,OU=US & Canada,OU=BS ENTERPRISE,DC=xxx,DC=com
aaa common debug:
AAA API: In aaa_open
AAA session opened: handle = 3
AAA API: In aaa_process_async
aaa_process_async: sending AAA_MSG_PROCESS
AAA task: aaa_process_msg(0x00007fff28d327d0) received message type 0
AAA FSM: In AAA_StartAAATransaction
AAA FSM: In AAA_InitTransaction
Initiating authentication to primary server (Svr Grp: LDAP)
AAA FSM: In AAA_BindServer
AAA_BindServer: Using server:
User: test
callback_aaa_task: status = 1, msg =
AAA FSM: In aaa_backend_callback
aaa_backend_callback: Handle = 3, pAcb = 0x00007fff3401b550
AAA task: aaa_process_msg(0x00007fff28d327d0) received message type 1
AAA FSM: In AAA_ProcSvrResp
Back End response:
Authentication Status: 1 (ACCEPT)
AAA FSM: In AAA_NextFunction
AAA_NextFunction: i_fsm_state = IFSM_PRIM_AUTHENTICATE, auth_status = ACCEPT
AAA_NextFunction: authen svr = BSTAR_LDAP, author svr = LDAP, user pol = NET_ADMIN, tunn pol = DfltGrpPolicy
AAA_NextFunction: New i_fsm_state = IFSM_USER_GRP_POLICY,
AAA FSM: In AAA_InitTransaction
Got server ID 0 for group policy DB
Initiating user group policy lookup (Svr Grp: GROUP_POLICY_DB)
AAA FSM: In AAA_BindServer
AAA_BindServer: Using server:
grp_policy_ioctl(0x00000000047eb0e0, 114698, 0x00007fff28d31c90)
grp_policy_ioctl: Looking up NET_ADMIN
callback_aaa_task: status = 1, msg =
AAA FSM: In aaa_backend_callback
aaa_backend_callback: Handle = 3, pAcb = 0x00007fff3401b550
AAA task: aaa_process_msg(0x00007fff28d327d0) received message type 1
AAA FSM: In AAA_ProcSvrResp
Back End response:
User Group Policy Status: 1 (ACCEPT)
AAA FSM: In AAA_NextFunction
AAA_NextFunction: i_fsm_state = IFSM_USER_GRP_POLICY, auth_status = ACCEPT
AAA_NextFunction: New i_fsm_state = IFSM_AUTHORIZE,
AAA FSM: In AAA_InitTransaction
Initiating authorization query (Svr Grp: LDAP)
AAA FSM: In AAA_BindServer
AAA_BindServer: Using server:
User: test
callback_aaa_task: status = 1, msg =
AAA FSM: In aaa_backend_callback
aaa_backend_callback: Handle = 3, pAcb = 0x00007fff3401b550
AAA task: aaa_process_msg(0x00007fff28d327d0) received message type 1
AAA FSM: In AAA_ProcSvrResp
Back End response:
Authorization Status: 1 (ACCEPT)
AAA FSM: In AAA_NextFunction
AAA_NextFunction: i_fsm_state = IFSM_AUTHORIZE, auth_status = ACCEPT
AAA_NextFunction: author svr = BSTAR_LDAP, user pol = NET_ADMIN, tunn pol = DfltGrpPolicy
AAA_NextFunction: New i_fsm_state = IFSM_AUTH_GRP_POLICY,
AAA FSM: In AAA_InitTransaction
Got server ID 0 for group policy DB
Initiating authorization group policy lookup (Svr Grp: GROUP_POLICY_DB)
AAA FSM: In AAA_BindServer
AAA_BindServer: Using server:
grp_policy_ioctl(0x00000000047eb0e0, 114698, 0x00007fff28d31c90)
grp_policy_ioctl: Looking up NET_ADMIN
callback_aaa_task: status = 1, msg =
AAA FSM: In aaa_backend_callback
aaa_backend_callback: Handle = 3, pAcb = 0x00007fff3401b550
AAA task: aaa_process_msg(0x00007fff28d327d0) received message type 1
AAA FSM: In AAA_ProcSvrResp
Back End response:
Authorization Group Policy Status: 1 (ACCEPT)
AAA FSM: In AAA_NextFunction
AAA_NextFunction: i_fsm_state = IFSM_AUTH_GRP_POLICY, auth_status = ACCEPT
AAA_NextFunction: New i_fsm_state = IFSM_TUNN_GRP_POLICY,
AAA FSM: In AAA_InitTransaction
Got server ID 0 for group policy DB
Initiating tunnel group policy lookup (Svr Grp: GROUP_POLICY_DB)
AAA FSM: In AAA_BindServer
AAA_BindServer: Using server:
User: DfltGrpPolicy
grp_policy_ioctl(0x00000000047eb0e0, 114698, 0x00007fff28d31c90)
grp_policy_ioctl: Looking up DfltGrpPolicy
callback_aaa_task: status = 1, msg =
AAA FSM: In aaa_backend_callback
aaa_backend_callback: Handle = 3, pAcb = 0x00007fff3401b550
AAA task: aaa_process_msg(0x00007fff28d327d0) received message type 1
AAA FSM: In AAA_ProcSvrResp
Back End response:
Tunnel Group Policy Status: 1 (ACCEPT)
AAA FSM: In AAA_NextFunction
AAA_NextFunction: i_fsm_state = IFSM_TUNN_GRP_POLICY, auth_status = ACCEPT
Class attribute created from LDAP-Class attribute
AAA_NextFunction: New i_fsm_state = IFSM_DONE,
AAA FSM: In AAA_ProcessFinal
Checking simultaneous login restriction (max allowance=3) for user test
AAA FSM: In AAA_Callback
user attributes:
  1     User-Name(1)      6    "test"
  2     User-Password(2)     10    (hidden)
  3     Group-Policy(4121)      9    "NET_ADMIN"
  4     AAA-AVP-Table(4243)    11268    "[04],[00][00]t[00][00][00][F8][03][00][00][0F][04][00]"
  5     LDAP-Class(20520)     10    "NET_ADMIN[00]"
  6     LDAP-Class(20520)     11    "USERS[00]"
user policy attributes:
  1     Filter-Id(11)      8    "VPN_SPLIT_TUNNEL"
  2     Session-Timeout(27)      4    0
  3     Idle-Timeout(28)      4    30
  4     Access-Hours(4097)      0    0x00007fff35d685e0   ** Unresolved Attribute **
  5     Simultaneous-Logins(4098)      4    3
  6     Primary-DNS(4101)      4    IP:
  7     Secondary-DNS(4102)      4    IP:
  8     Primary-WINS(4103)      4    IP:
  9     Secondary-WINS(4104)      4    IP:
10     Tunnelling-Protocol(4107)      4    52
11     Banner(4111)    446    "This is a PRIVATE computer system, which may be acces"
12     Store-PW(4112)      4    0
13     Split-Tunnel-Inclusion-List(4123)      8    "VPN_SPLIT_TUNNEL"
14     Default-Domain-Name(4124)     18    ""
15     Secondary-Domain-Name-List(4125)     18    ""
16     Nat-Enabled-IPSec(4130)      4    0
17     IPSec-UDP-Port(4131)      4    10000
18     IPComp(4135)      4    1
19     Authentication-On-Rekey(4138)      4    0
20     Required-Firewall-Vendor-Code(4141)      0    0x0000000002e006b0   ** Unresolved Attribute **
21     Required-Firewall-Product-Code(4142)      0    0x0000000002e006b0   ** Unresolved Attribute **
22     Required-Firewall-Description(4143)      0    0x00007fff35d687fa   ** Unresolved Attribute **
23     Secure-unit-config(4144)      4    0
24     Individual-user-auth-config(4145)      4    0
25     User-auth-idle-timeout(4146)      4    0
26     Cisco-IP-telephony-config(4147)      4    0
27     Split-Tunneling-Policy(4151)      4    1
28     Required-Firewall-Capability(4152)      0    0x0000000002e006b0   ** Unresolved Attribute **
29     Client Firewall Optional(4154)      0    0x0000000002e006b0   ** Unresolved Attribute **
30     Backup-Ip-Sec-Peers-Enabled(4155)      4    2
31     Network-Extension-Mode-Allowed(4160)      4    0
32     URL list name(4167)     17    "NETADMIN_BOOKMARK"
33     ACL-like filters(4169)      8    "INTERNAL_WEBACL"
34     Cisco-LEAP-Passthrough-config(4171)      4    0
35     IKE Client Type and Version Limiting policy rules(4173)      0    0x00007fff35d68835   ** Unresolved Attribute **
36     IE-Proxy-Server-Method(4177)      4    1
37     The tunnel group that tunnel must be associated with(4181)     11    "NET_ADMIN_G"
38     User ACL for inbound traffic(4182)      8    ""
39     User ACL for outbound traffic(4183)      8    ""
40     Indicates whether or not PFS is required for IPSec(4184)      4    0
41     WebVPN URL Entry enable(4189)      4    1
42     WebVPN File Server Entry enable(4191)      4    1
43     WebVPN File Server Browsing enable(4192)      4    1
44     WebVPN SVC Keep enable(4201)      4    1
45     WebVPN SVC Keepalive interval(4203)      4    20
46     WebVPN SVC Client DPD period(4204)      4    30
47     WebVPN SVC Gateway DPD period(4205)      4    30
48     WebVPN SVC Rekey period(4206)      4    0
49     WebVPN SVC Rekey method(4207)      4    0
50     WebVPN SVC Compression(4208)      4    2
51     WebVPN Customization(4209)     15    "NETADMIN_PORTAL"
52     WebVPN Deny message(4212)    180    "Login was successful, but because certain criteria ha"
53     WebVPN SVC DTLS Compression(4213)      4    2
54     Extended Authentication-On-Rekey(4218)      4    0
55     WebVPN SVC DTLS enable(4219)      4    1
56     WebVPN SVC MTU(4221)      4    1406
57     CIFS hidden shares(4222)      4    1
58     CVC-Modules(4223)      7    "posture"
59     CVC-Profile(4224)     17    "net_admin_p#user,"
60     CVC-Ask(4227)      4    4
61     CVC-Ask-Timeout(4228)      4    0
62     WebVPN ActiveX Relay(4233)      4    1
63     VLAN ID(4236)      4    0
64     NAC Settings(4237)      0    0x00007fff35d68985   ** Unresolved Attribute **
65     WebVPN Session timeout alert interval(4245)      4    25
66     List of address pools to assign addresses from(4313)     13    "SSL_POOL"
67     List of IPv6 address pools to assign addresses from(4314)      0    0x00007fff35d68998   ** Unresolved Attribute **
68     Smart tunnel on home page enable(4324)      4    1
69     Disable Always-On VPN(4325)      4    0
70     SVC ignore DF bit(4326)      4    0
71     Client Bypass Protocol(4331)      4    0
72     Gateway FQDN(4333)     29    ""
73     CA URL for SCEP enrollment(20530)      0    0x00007fff35d689c7   ** Unresolved Attribute **
tunnel policy attributes:
  1     Filter-Id(11)      8    "VPN_SPLIT_TUNNEL"
  2     Session-Timeout(27)      4    0
  3     Idle-Timeout(28)      4    30
  4     Access-Hours(4097)      0    0x00007fff351cddd0   ** Unresolved Attribute **
  5     Simultaneous-Logins(4098)      4    0
  6     Primary-DNS(4101)      4    IP:
  7     Secondary-DNS(4102)      4    IP:
  8     Primary-WINS(4103)      4    IP:
  9     Secondary-WINS(4104)      4    IP:
10     Tunnelling-Protocol(4107)      4    124
11     Banner(4111)    446    "This is a PRIVATE computer system, which may be acces"
12     Store-PW(4112)      4    0
13     Group-Policy(4121)     13    "DfltGrpPolicy"
14     Split-Tunnel-Inclusion-List(4123)      8    "VPN_SPLIT_TUNNEL"
15     Default-Domain-Name(4124)     18    ""
16     Secondary-Domain-Name-List(4125)      0    0x00007fff351cdfc7   ** Unresolved Attribute **
17     Nat-Enabled-IPSec(4130)      4    0
18     IPSec-UDP-Port(4131)      4    10000
19     IPComp(4135)      4    0
20     Authentication-On-Rekey(4138)      4    0
21     Secure-unit-config(4144)      4    0
22     Individual-user-auth-config(4145)      4    0
23     User-auth-idle-timeout(4146)      4    30
24     Cisco-IP-telephony-config(4147)      4    0
25     Split-Tunneling-Policy(4151)      4    1
26     Client Firewall Optional(4154)      0    0x00007fff351cdfec   ** Unresolved Attribute **
27     Backup-Ip-Sec-Peers-Enabled(4155)      4    1
28     Group-giaddr(4157)      4    IP:
29     Intercept-DHCP-Configure-Msg(4158)      4    0
30     Client-Subnet-Mask(4159)      4    IP:
31     Network-Extension-Mode-Allowed(4160)      4    0
32     WebVPN Content Filter Parameters(4165)      4    0
33     WebVPN Parameters configuration(4166)      4    1
34     URL list name(4167)      0    0x00007fff351ce008   ** Unresolved Attribute **
35     Forwarded ports(4168)      0    0x00007fff351ce009   ** Unresolved Attribute **
36     ACL-like filters(4169)      8    "INTERNAL_WEBACL"
37     Cisco-LEAP-Passthrough-config(4171)      4    0
38     Default WebVPN homepage(4172)      0    0x00007fff351ce016   ** Unresolved Attribute **
39     IKE Client Type and Version Limiting policy rules(4173)      0    0x00007fff351ce017   ** Unresolved Attribute **
40     Application Access Name(4175)     18    "Application Access"
41     IE-Proxy-Server(4176)      0    0x00007fff351ce02b   ** Unresolved Attribute **
42     IE-Proxy-Server-Method(4177)      4    1
43     IE-Proxy-Server-Exceptions(4178)      0    0x00007fff351ce030   ** Unresolved Attribute **
44     IE-Proxy-Server-Bypass-Local(4179)      4    0
45     The tunnel group that tunnel must be associated with(4181)      0    0x00007fff351ce035   ** Unresolved Attribute **
46     Indicates whether or not PFS is required for IPSec(4184)      4    0
47     NAC Enable/Disable(4185)      4    0
48     NAC Status Query Timer(4186)      4    300
49     NAC Revalidation Timer(4187)      4    36000
50     NAC Default ACL(4188)      8    ""
51     WebVPN URL Entry enable(4189)      4    0
52     WebVPN File Server Entry enable(4191)      4    0
53     WebVPN File Server Browsing enable(4192)      4    0
54     WebVPN Port Forwarding enable(4193)      4    0
55     WebVPN Port Forwarding Exchange Proxy enable(4194)      4    0
56     WebVPN Port Forwarding HTTP Proxy enable(4195)      4    0
57     WebVPN SVC enable(4199)      4    0
58     WebVPN SVC Required enable(4200)      4    0
59     WebVPN SVC Keep enable(4201)      4    0
60     WebVPN SVC Keepalive interval(4203)      4    20
61     WebVPN SVC Client DPD period(4204)      4    30
62     WebVPN SVC Gateway DPD period(4205)      4    30
63     WebVPN SVC Rekey period(4206)      4    0
64     WebVPN SVC Rekey method(4207)      4    0
65     WebVPN SVC Compression(4208)      4    2
66     WebVPN Customization(4209)      0    0x00007fff351ce08a   ** Unresolved Attribute **
67     Single Sign On Server Name(4210)      0    0x00007fff351ce08b   ** Unresolved Attribute **
68     WebVPN SVC Firewall Rule(4211)     17    "private#,public#,"
69     WebVPN Deny message(4212)    180    "Login was successful, but because certain criteria ha"
70     WebVPN SVC DTLS Compression(4213)      4    2
71     HTTP compression method(4216)      4    0
72     Maximum object size to ignore for updating the session timer(4217)      4    4
73     Extended Authentication-On-Rekey(4218)      4    0
74     WebVPN SVC DTLS enable(4219)      4    1
75     WebVPN SVC MTU(4221)      4    1406
76     CIFS hidden shares(4222)      4    0
77     CVC-Modules(4223)     20    "dart,vpngina,posture"
78     CVC-Profile(4224)     15    "IPSEC_VPN#user,"
79     CVC-IKE-Retry-Timeout(4225)      4    10
80     CVC-IKE-Retry-Count(4226)      4    3
81     CVC-Ask(4227)      4    2
82     CVC-Ask-Timeout(4228)      4    0
83     IE-Proxy-Pac-URL(4229)      0    0x00007fff351ce1a4   ** Unresolved Attribute **
84     IE-Proxy-Lockdown(4230)      4    1
85     WebVPN Smart Tunnel(4232)      0    0x00007fff351ce1a9   ** Unresolved Attribute **
86     WebVPN ActiveX Relay(4233)      4    1
87     WebVPN Smart Tunnel Auto Download enable(4234)      4    0
88     WebVPN Smart Tunnel Auto Sign On enable(4235)      0    0x00007fff351ce1b2   ** Unresolved Attribute **
89     VLAN ID(4236)      4    0
90     NAC Settings(4237)      0    0x00007fff351ce1b7   ** Unresolved Attribute **
91     MemberOf(4241)      0    0x00007fff351ce1b8   ** Unresolved Attribute **
92     WebVPN Idle timeout alert interval(4244)      4    1
93     WebVPN Session timeout alert interval(4245)      4    1
94     Maximum object size for download(4253)      4    2147483647
95     Maximum object size for upload(4254)      4    2147483647
96     Maximum object size for post(4255)      4    2147483647
97     User storage(4256)      0    0x00007fff351ce1cd   ** Unresolved Attribute **
98     User storage objects(4257)     19    "cookies,credentials"
99     User storage shared key(4258)      0    0x00007fff351ce1e2   ** Unresolved Attribute **
100     VDI configuration(4259)      0    0x00007fff351ce1e3   ** Unresolved Attribute **
101     NAC Exception List(4312)      4    0
102     List of address pools to assign addresses from(4313)      0    0x00007fff351ce1e8   ** Unresolved Attribute **
103     List of IPv6 address pools to assign addresses from(4314)      0    0x00007fff351ce1e9   ** Unresolved Attribute **
104     IPv6 filter-id(4315)      8    ""
105     WebVPN Unix user ID(4317)      4    65534
106     WebVPN Unix group ID(4318)      4    65534
107     Disconnect VPN tunnel when a Smartcard is removed(4321)      4    1
108     WebVPN Smart Tunnel Tunnel Policy(4323)      0    0x00007fff351ce1fe   ** Unresolved Attribute **
109     Disable Always-On VPN(4325)      4    1
110     SVC ignore DF bit(4326)      4    0
111     SVC client routing/filtering ignore(4327)      4    0
112     Configure the behaviour of DNS queries by the client when Split tunneling is enabled(4328)      4    0
113     Client Bypass Protocol(4331)      4    0
114     IPv6-Split-Tunneling-Policy(4332)      4    0
115     Gateway FQDN(4333)      0    0x00007fff351ce217   ** Unresolved Attribute **
116     CA URL for SCEP enrollment(20530)      0    0x00007fff351ce218   ** Unresolved Attribute **
Auth Status = ACCEPT
AAA API: In aaa_close
AAA task: aaa_process_msg(0x00007fff28d327d0) received message type 3
In aaai_close_session (3)

Similar Messages

  • Clientless ssl vpn homepage after login problem

    Hi all,
    I have a problem with my clientless vpn portal.
    I need to configure that when a user logs in through the portal, something that works just fine, that he ends up on the homepage.
    Right now he ends up immediatly on the anyconnect button.
    With the homepage I do mean the first button that says "Home".
    Users must be able to click on the "Web Applications", below "Home".
    Below "Web Applications" users must have their "Anyconnect" button aswell.
    First of all I wasn't able to make the portal display the "Anyconnect" button in the menu.
    Then after a while, I figured out that when de Dynamic Access Policy said "Unchanged" on the "Access Method" page.
    When changing that parameter to "Anyconnect client" the portal is no portal anymore, I immediatly end up on the anyconnect client start.
    When selecting "Web-Portal" I get the portal page, but the anyconnect menu is missing.
    When selecting "Both-Default-Web-Portal" I get the anyconnect button, and all other menus, which is good.
    But, I want the home button to be the default.
    And not the anyconnect button, after logging in you immediatly get the start anyconnect page.
    And then last but not least, when selecting "Both-Default-Anyconnect" you login to the webportal, anyconnect starts immediatly from the menu.
    Something we want the end user to do manually (Click "Start Anyconnect") I mean!
    I'm pretty sure the DAP is forcing that because of the options above.
    But when selecting unchanged or anything that doesn't include Anyconnect, then the anyconnect button is gone...
    I don't know what I can do to change that.
    Am I missing something??
    I would say DAP isn't needed, but when I set everything to default in the default DAP, then the anyconnect button is gone in the menu...
    Kind regards,
    Here's my configuration:
    group-policy GP_company_intranet_portal attributes
    wins-server value x.x.x.x
    dns-server value x.x.x.x
    vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client ssl-clientless
    split-tunnel-policy tunnelall
    default-domain value company.local
    address-pools value IPP_SSLVPN01
      url-list value BML_company_intranet_portal
      http-proxy disable
      anyconnect keep-installer installed
      anyconnect ask enable default webvpn
      customization value CO_company_intranet_portal
      http-comp gzip
      hidden-shares none
      activex-relay enable
      file-entry disable
      file-browsing disable
      url-entry disable
      smart-tunnel auto-signon disable
    tunnel-group TG_company_portal_localauth type remote-access
    tunnel-group TG_company_portal_localauth webvpn-attributes
    customization CO_company_intranet_portal
    group-url enable
    username testaccount password xxxxxxxxxx encrypted privilege 0
    username testaccount attributes
    vpn-group-policy GP_company_intranet_portal
    vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client ssl-clientless
    password-storage disable
    group-lock value TG_company_portal_localauth
    service-type remote-access
    Troubleshooting when logged in, just to verify if the right group-policy is being used:
    FW-company# show vpn-sessiondb webvpn
    Session Type: WebVPN
    Username     : testaccount              Index        : 510
    Public IP    : x.x.x.x
    Protocol     : Clientless
    License      : AnyConnect Premium
    Encryption   : 3DES                   Hashing      : SHA1
    Bytes Tx     : 114897                 Bytes Rx     : 16087
    Group Policy : GP_company_intranet_portal
    Tunnel Group : TG_company_portal_localauth
    Login Time   : 14:50:56 GMT+2 Thu Oct 25 2012
    Duration     : 0h:00m:03s
    Inactivity   : 0h:00m:00s
    NAC Result   : Unknown
    VLAN Mapping : N/A                    VLAN         : none

    Hi jportugu,
    I can't believe it, i serieously though I already did that... And that removed my anyconnect button from the menu.
    Which is why I started playing with the DAP function in the first place.
    I tried your suggestion and that now works..
    The only new problem now is that my bookmarks aren't showing up anymore now.
    But that must be a different problem I guess.
    Might be DAP related again?
    Result: I activated under the default DAP: "Bookmarks" ==> "Enable bookmarks"
    Now everything works as it is supposed to...
    Really strange though... I thought I did that already...
    Thanks jportugu!!
    Kind regards,

  • Problem establishing SSL VPN from only 1 IP address

    I'm experiencing strange problem.
    I can't establish SSL VPN connection from 1 IP address, but I don't have problem establishing SSL VPN from any other IP address.
    Remote IP address:
    ASA's public IP address:
    Output of packet-tracer:
    1. with problematic source IP address:
    packet-tracer input wan tcp 50601 443 detailed
    Phase: 1
    Subtype: input
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    in identity
    Phase: 2
    Result: ALLOW
    Implicit Rule
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff37573f00, priority=119, domain=permit, deny=false
            hits=861, user_data=0x0, cs_id=0x0, flags=0x0, protocol=6
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=443, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=identity
    Phase: 3
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff38a10a50, priority=8, domain=conn-set, deny=false
            hits=4069, user_data=0x7fff38770910, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=6
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=443, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=identity
    Phase: 4
    Type: IP-OPTIONS
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff395c7d70, priority=0, domain=inspect-ip-options, deny=true
            hits=4044934, user_data=0x0, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=any
    Phase: 5
    Type: VPN
    Subtype: ipsec-tunnel-flow
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff37560700, priority=13, domain=ipsec-tunnel-flow, deny=true
            hits=2268518, user_data=0x0, cs_id=0x0, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=any
    Phase: 6
    Type: TCP-MODULE
    Subtype: webvpn
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff38a10cc0, priority=13, domain=soft-np-tcp-module, deny=false
            hits=4627, user_data=0x7fff38c14300, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=6
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=443, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=identity
    Phase: 7
    Type: VPN
    Subtype: encrypt
    Result: DROP
    Additional Information:
    Reverse Flow based lookup yields rule:
    out id=0x7fff375504a0, priority=69, domain=encrypt, deny=false
            hits=40747, user_data=0x0, cs_id=0x7fff3754fa40, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=any, output_ifc=wan
    input-interface: wan
    input-status: up
    input-line-status: up
    output-interface: NP Identity Ifc
    output-status: up
    output-line-status: up
    Action: drop
    Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule
    If I run packet-tracer with any other source IP address, let's say, everything is OK:
    packet-tracer input wan tcp 50601 443 de
    Phase: 1
    Subtype: input
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    in identity
    Phase: 2
    Result: ALLOW
    Implicit Rule
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff37573f00, priority=119, domain=permit, deny=false
            hits=862, user_data=0x0, cs_id=0x0, flags=0x0, protocol=6
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=443, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=identity
    Phase: 3
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff38a10a50, priority=8, domain=conn-set, deny=false
            hits=4090, user_data=0x7fff38770910, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=6
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=443, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=identity
    Phase: 4
    Type: IP-OPTIONS
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff395c7d70, priority=0, domain=inspect-ip-options, deny=true
            hits=4047886, user_data=0x0, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=any
    Phase: 5
    Type: VPN
    Subtype: ipsec-tunnel-flow
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff37560700, priority=13, domain=ipsec-tunnel-flow, deny=true
            hits=2270040, user_data=0x0, cs_id=0x0, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=any
    Phase: 6
    Type: TCP-MODULE
    Subtype: webvpn
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x7fff38a10cc0, priority=13, domain=soft-np-tcp-module, deny=false
            hits=4648, user_data=0x7fff38c14300, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=6
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=443, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=wan, output_ifc=identity
    Phase: 7
    Subtype: user-statistics
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Reverse Flow based lookup yields rule:
    out id=0x7fff3a1cc320, priority=0, domain=user-statistics, deny=false
            hits=4902651, user_data=0x7fff3a0043c0, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip/id=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip/id=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
            input_ifc=any, output_ifc=wan
    Phase: 8
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    New flow created with id 4384689, packet dispatched to next module
    Module information for forward flow ...
    Module information for reverse flow ...
    input-interface: wan
    input-status: up
    input-line-status: up
    output-interface: NP Identity Ifc
    output-status: up
    output-line-status: up
    Action: allow
    I run packet capture on WAN interface - and I can only see incoming packets (SYN) with destination to tcp/443 but there isn't any outgoing packet (SYN/ACK).
    I even can't open web page from internet browser (url when source IP is, but I can open "SSL VPN Service" web page from any other source IP address.
    The only thing different with this IP address is that there's configured site-to-site (IPsec) vpn tunnel from same source to same destination IP address.
    Here is the configuration of the tunnel:
    group-policy GroupPolicy_10.0.0.1 internal
    group-policy GroupPolicy_10.0.0.1 attributes
    vpn-filter value VPN-ACL
    vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 ssl-client
    access-list VPN-ACL:
    access-list VPN-ACL extended permit ip object-group DM_INLINE_NETWORK_83 object-group DM_INLINE_NETWORK_84
    object-group network DM_INLINE_NETWORK_83
    object-group network DM_INLINE_NETWORK_84
    tunnel local & remote networks:
    access-list wan_cryptomap_5 extended permit ip
    crypto map wan_map 5 match address wan_cryptomap_5
    crypto map wan_map 5 set connection-type answer-only
    crypto map wan_map 5 set peer
    crypto map wan_map 5 set ikev1 transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA
    I've configured the same setup in my lab and I can't reproduce the error.
    The SW version running on ASA is asa861-12.
    I'm out of ideas.

    Just collected some other information:
    1. traceroute shows that traffic is not leaving ASA at all
    1   *  *  *
    2   *  *  *
    3   *  *  *
    I double checked that there is no "strange" entry for remote public IP in routing. Traffic with destination to remote IP should be sent via default gateway like all other traffic.
    2. debug crypto ipsec shows this information when I ping public IP address of the remote host (with VPN
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-3: Looking for crypto map matching 5-tuple: Prot=1, saddr=, sport=30647, daddr=, dport=30647
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 1: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_1.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 2: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_2.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 3: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_3.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 4: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_4.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 5: skipping dormant map.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 5: skipping dormant map.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 6: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_6.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 7: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_7.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 8: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_8.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 9: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_9.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 10: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_10.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 11: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_11.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 13: skipping because 5-tuple does not match ACL wan_cryptomap_13.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-5: Checking crypto map wan_map 65535: skipping dynamic_link.
    IPSEC(crypto_map_check)-1: Error: No crypto map matched.
    It really seems that the whole problem is that ASA is trying to encrypt traffic sent from public IP address of one VPN endpoint and targeted to public IP address of another VPN endpoint and send it to remote VPN endpoint via IPcec tunel.
    There is indeed VPN tunnel established between both VPN endpoints, but there are just local and remote networks defined with private IP address space for this tunnel, VPN endpoint's public IP addresses are not included in the definition of this IPsec VPN tunnel.
    And there are at least two more IPsec VPN tunnels configured the same way and I can't reprodure this error on there two VPN tunnels.
    Any idea?

  • SSL VPN Problem - ACL Parse Error

    Hi there.
    Testing some features in Cisco ASA SSL VPN(Clientless).
    But when i connect to the portal, trying to login i get the following error, anybody seen this before?
    It works if i ADD a ACL to the DAP, but dosn't if there is only a WEBACL applied??
    It also works if i remove my "check" in "ssl-client" box in the global_policy  (Group Policy).
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|716002|||||Group <global_policy> User <[email protected]> IP <X.X.X.X> WebVPN session terminated: ACL Parse Error.
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|720041|||||(VPN-Primary) Sending Delete WebVPN Session message user [email protected], IP X.X.X.X to standby unit
    4|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|716046|||||Group <global_policy> User <[email protected]> IP <X.X.X.X> User ACL <testcustomer_attribute> from AAA dosn't exist on the device, terminating connection.
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|720041|||||(VPN-Primary) Sending Create ACL List message rule DAP-web-user-E4EAC90F, line 1 to standby unit
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|720041|||||(VPN-Primary) Sending Create ACL Info message DAP-web-user-E4EAC90F to standby unit
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734001|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X, Connection Clientless: The following DAP records were selected for this connection: testcustomer_common_dap
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute = common_tunnelgroup
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute =
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute = [email protected]
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute = [email protected]
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute = global_policy
    7|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|734003|||||DAP: User [email protected], Addr X.X.X.X: Session Attribute aaa.radius["11"]["1"] = testcustomer_attribute
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|113008|||||AAA transaction status ACCEPT : user = [email protected]
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|113009|||||AAA retrieved default group policy (global_policy) for user = [email protected]
    6|Mar 20 2014|16:45:09|113004|||||AAA user authentication Successful : server =  X.X.X.X : user = [email protected]

    If you have implemented SSLVPN i18n then I think you are hitting bug.

  • IOS SSL VPN problem

    I am implementing a SSL VPN with IOS version 12.4(13r)T5 on a 2801 but when I try to connect to the tunnel mode with the latest svc (anyconnect-win-2.2.0133-web-deploy-k9.exe) with the ssl vpn client can't connect.
    The error on the router is:
    Jun 5 16:07:55.755: WV: Appl. processing Failed : 2
    Jun 5 16:07:55.755: WV: server side not ready to send.
    The following is the configuration:
    ip local pool WEBVPN group vpn2
    webvpn gateway ISR2801-RM
    hostname ISR2801-RM
    ip address port 443
    ssl trustpoint TP-self-signed-50153718
    webvpn install svc flash:/webvpn/svc.pkg
    webvpn install csd flash:/webvpn/sdesktop.pkg
    webvpn context vpn1
    ssl authenticate verify all
    url-list "eng"
    url-text "wwwin-eng" url-value ""
    policy group vpn1
    url-list "eng"
    default-group-policy vpn1
    gateway ISR2801-RM domain clientless
    webvpn context vpn2
    ssl authenticate verify all
    policy group vpn2tunnel
    functions svc-enabled
    svc address-pool "WEBVPN"
    svc split include
    default-group-policy vpn2tunnel
    gateway ISR2801-RM domain tunnel

    Thanks for the reply !!!!
    the configation is the following:
    interface Ethernet 0
    ip address
    ip http secure-server
    ip local pool WEBVPN group policy-sslvpn2
    webvpn gateway ISR2801-RM
    hostname ISR2801-RM
    ip address port 443
    ssl trustpoint TP-self-signed-50153718
    ssl encryption aes-sha1
    webvpn install svc flash:/webvpn/svc.pkg
    webvpn install csd flash:/webvpn/sdesktop.pkg
    webvpn context context-sslvpn1
    ssl authenticate verify all
    user-profile location flash:webvpn/sslvpn/context-sslvpn1/
    url-list "eng"
    url-text "wwwin-eng" url-value ""
    nbns-list cifs-servers
    nbns-server master
    nbns-server timeout 10 retries 5
    nbns-server timeout 10 retries 5
    login-message "UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO THIS NETWORK DEVICE IS PROHIBITED. You must have explicit permission to access this device. All activities performed on
    this device are logged and violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action."
    port-forward "portlist"
    local-port 30019 remote-server ssh-server remote-port 22 description SSH
    local-port 30020 remote-server mailserver remote-port 143 description IMAP
    local-port 30021 remote-server mailserver remote-port 110 description POP3
    local-port 30022 remote-server mailserver remote-port 25 description SMTP
    policy group policy-sslvpn1
    url-list "eng"
    port-forward "portlist"
    nbns-list "cifs-servers"
    functions file-access
    functions file-browse
    functions file-entry
    citrix enabled
    default-group-policy policy-sslvpn1
    gateway ISR2801-RM domain clientless
    webvpn context context-sslvpn2
    ssl authenticate verify all
    user-profile location flash:webvpn/sslvpn/context-sslvpn2/
    policy group policy-sslvpn2
    functions svc-enabled
    svc address-pool "WEBVPN"
    svc keep-client-installed
    svc dpd-interval gateway 30
    svc dpd-interval client 300
    svc rekey method new-tunnel
    svc rekey time 3600
    svc split include
    svc default-domain
    svc dns-server primary
    svc dns-server secondary
    default-group-policy policy-sslvpn2
    gateway ISR2801-RM domain tunnel
    ISR2801-RM#show webvpn install status svc
    SSLVPN Package SSL-VPN-Client version installed:
    CISCO STC win2k+
    Mon 05/19/2008 12:58:52.34 v
    * the ssl client installed on the pc tell me can't connect.
    * on the router the log:
    Jun 6 10:28:08.283:
    Jun 6 10:28:08.283:
    Jun 6 10:28:08.283: WV: Entering APPL with Context: 0x6AA85130,
    Data buffer(buffer: 0x6C4B4280, data: 0xF5C043D8, len: 560,
    offset: 0, domain: 0)
    Jun 6 10:28:08.283: CONNECT /CSCOSSLC/tunnel HTTP/1.1
    Jun 6 10:28:08.283: Host:
    Jun 6 10:28:08.283: User-Agent: Cisco AnyConnect VPN Agent for Windows 2.2.0133
    Jun 6 10:28:08.283: Cookie: webvpn=00@1566900393@00025@3421729574@3982902438@context-sslvpn2
    Jun 6 10:28:08.287: X-CSTP-Version: 1
    Jun 6 10:28:08.287: X-CSTP-Hostname: telefonicadata
    Jun 6 10:28:08.287: X-CSTP-Accept-Encoding: deflate;q=1.0
    Jun 6 10:28:08.287: X-CSTP-MTU: 1406
    Jun 6 10:28:08.287: X-CSTP-Address-Type: IPv6,IPv4
    Jun 6 10:28:08.287: X-DTLS-Master-Secret: 27EA2210E377A9E039E458FA604F523C69BEB2BF8D9B40334F72C9F424B83EE26C6D5D57D0F84419DC7A1139D3F08EE9
    Jun 6 10:28:08.287: X-DTLS-CipherSuite: AES256-SHA:AES128-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:DES-CBC-SHA
    Jun 6 10:28:08.287:
    Jun 6 10:28:08.291:
    Jun 6 10:28:08.291:
    Jun 6 10:28:08.291: WV: Appl. processing Failed : 2
    Jun 6 10:28:08.291: WV: server side not ready to send.
    SSLVPN sock pid 182 sid 161: closing

  • Problems when trying to surf the Internet through a SSL VPN tunnel

    I have a small/big problem, I have a customer who have the need for the possibility to surf the internet through the SA500W when they are connected through a SSL VPN tunnel in to their network. I am not using a Split Tunnel. What I have seen until now, when you run IPCONFIG/ALL the default gateway for the SSL VPN IP settings is Is this the problem and if so, how can this be solved?
    Thanks in advance!
    Niklas Eklov

    There are various causes for this error, see [[Firefox is already running but is not responding]] for details.

  • Watchguard SSL VPN client on OSX 10.7 Lion TUN/TAP Kernel Problem

    I upgraded to OSX 10.7 Lion and lost the use of the Watchguard VPN client.
    I eventually found a solution at
    I had already uninstalled Watchguard VPN and tried to reinstall to see if that worked (poor advice from another forum)
    I hadn't manually removed Watchguard icon from the dock.
    When you try to reinstall the dialog tells you to run an postupgrade script on the TUN/TAP kernel and then quits with a fail.
    If you install openVPN in this scenario you get an openVPN app and menu item, both of which do nothing.
    Click on the Watchguard dock icon and connect.
    I was then asked to upgrade and ended up with the run post upgrade script dialog and quit with a fail.
    I then clicked on the Watchguard doc icon again and connected.
    This time it connected with no problem.
    Hope this helps!

    WG has new firmware that will fix the problem, once flashed, download the new client vpn client (11.5.1) and you should be good to go.
    I had to contact WG to get the patch as it was not in the portal  Version 11.3.4 CSP6 for my device.  Hope this helps someone.

  • SSL VPN, "Login failed" and "WebVPN: error creating WebVPN session!"

    Just ran the wizard for Anyconnect SSL VPN, created a tunnel group, a vpn pool and added user to it. When trying to logon on the SSL service, it simply says "login failed". I suspect that the user might not be in correct groups or so?
    some relevant config
    enable wan
    svc image disk0:/anyconnect-win-2.4.1012-k9.pkg 1
    svc enable
    group-policy vpnpolicy1 internal
    group-policy vpnpolicy1 attributes
    vpn-tunnel-protocol svc
    tunnel-group admins type remote-access
    tunnel-group admins general-attributes
    address-pool sslpool2
    default-group-policy vpnpolicy1
    username myuser password 1234567890 encrypted privilege 15
    username myuser  attributes
    vpn-group-policy vpnpolicy1
    asa01# debug webvpn 255
    INFO: debug webvpn  enabled at level 255.
    asa01# webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CD5734D0
    webvpn_login_transcend_cert_auth_cookie: tg_cookie = NULL, tg_name =
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: tgCookie = NULL
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: tunnel group name from default
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: TG_BUFFER = DefaultWEBVPNGroup
    webvpn_login_set_auth_group_type: WEBVPN_AUTH_GROUP_TYPE = 4
    WebVPN: calling AAA with ewsContext (-867034168) and nh (-849922864)!
    webvpn_add_auth_handle: auth_handle = 17
    WebVPN: started user authentication...
    WebVPN: AAA status = (ACCEPT)
    webvpn_login_transcend_cert_auth_cookie: tg_cookie = NULL, tg_name =
    webvpn_login_set_auth_group_type: WEBVPN_AUTH_GROUP_TYPE = 4
    WebVPN: user: (myuser) authenticated.
    WebVPN: error creating WebVPN session!
    webvpn_remove_auth_handle: auth_handle = 17
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CD5734D0
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CD5734D0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CD5734D0

    AnyConnect says:
    "The secure gateway has rejected the agents VPN connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact your network administrator if this problem persists.
    The following message was received from the secure gateway: Host or network is 0"
    Other resources indicate that it's either the tunnel group, or the address pool.. The address pool is:
    ip local pool sslpool2 mask
    asa01# debug webvpn 255
    INFO: debug webvpn  enabled at level 255.
    asa01# debug http 255
    debug http enabled at level 255.
    asa01# webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_login_transcend_cert_auth_cookie: tg_cookie = NULL, tg_name =
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: tgCookie = NULL
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: tunnel group name from default
    webvpn_login_resolve_tunnel_group: TG_BUFFER = DefaultWEBVPNGroup
    webvpn_login_set_auth_group_type: WEBVPN_AUTH_GROUP_TYPE = 4
    WebVPN: calling AAA with ewsContext (-845538720) and nh (-828624376)!
    webvpn_add_auth_handle: auth_handle = 22
    WebVPN: started user authentication...
    WebVPN: AAA status = (ACCEPT)
    webvpn_login_transcend_cert_auth_cookie: tg_cookie = NULL, tg_name =
    webvpn_login_set_auth_group_type: WEBVPN_AUTH_GROUP_TYPE = 4
    WebVPN: user: (myuser) authenticated.
    HTTP: net_handle->standalone_client [0]
    WebVPN session created!
    webvpn_remove_auth_handle: auth_handle = 22
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C3208
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE863DE8
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    HTTP: Periodic admin session check  (idle-timeout = 1200, session-timeout = 0)
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    WebVPN: session has been authenticated.
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    ewsStringSearch: no buffer
    Close 0
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CE9C32C8
    webvpn_allocate_auth_struct: net_handle = CC894AA8
    Close 1043041832
    webvpn_free_auth_struct: net_handle = CC894AA8

  • ASA 5505 8.2 - SSL VPN - Cannot Ping inside host's

    Hello All,
    I'm an ASA Newb. 
    I feel like I have tried everything posted and still no success.
    PROBLEM:  When connected to the SSL VPN I cannot ping any internal host's.  I cannot ping anything on this inside?
    Result of the command: "show running-config"
    : Saved
    ASA Version 8.2(5)
    hostname MCASA01
    enable password xxbtzv6P4Hqevn4N encrypted
    passwd 2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted
    name VLAN
    name VPNPOOL
    interface Ethernet0/0
    switchport access vlan 2
    interface Ethernet0/1
    interface Ethernet0/2
    interface Ethernet0/3
    interface Ethernet0/4
    interface Ethernet0/5
    switchport access vlan 3
    interface Ethernet0/6
    interface Ethernet0/7
    interface Vlan1
    nameif inside
    security-level 100
    ddns update hostname MC_DNS
    dhcp client update dns server both
    ip address
    interface Vlan2
    no forward interface Vlan1
    nameif outside
    security-level 0
    ip address
    interface Vlan3
    no nameif
    security-level 50
    ip address
    ftp mode passive
    clock timezone PST -8
    clock summer-time PDT recurring
    dns server-group DefaultDNS
    access-list SPLIT-TUNNEL standard permit
    pager lines 24
    logging enable
    logging asdm informational
    mtu inside 1500
    mtu outside 1500
    ip local pool VPNPOOL mask
    icmp unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1
    no asdm history enable
    arp timeout 14400
    global (outside) 1 interface
    nat (inside) 1
    route outside 1
    timeout xlate 3:00:00
    timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02
    timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00
    timeout sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 sip-invite 0:03:00 sip-disconnect 0:02:00
    timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute
    timeout tcp-proxy-reassembly 0:01:00
    timeout floating-conn 0:00:00
    dynamic-access-policy-record DfltAccessPolicy
    aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
    http server enable
    http inside
    http outside
    http authentication-certificate inside
    no snmp-server location
    no snmp-server contact
    snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 28800
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
    crypto ca trustpoint ASDM_TrustPoint0
    enrollment terminal
    keypair digicert.key
    crl configure
    crypto ca certificate chain ASDM_TrustPoint0
    certificate 00b63edadf5efa057ea49da56b179132e8
        3082051c 30820404 a0030201 02021100 b63edadf 5efa057e a49da56b 179132e8
        300d0609 2a864886 f70d0101 05050030 72310b30 09060355 04061302 4742311b
        30190603 55040813 12477265 61746572 204d616e 63686573 74657231 10300e06
        03550407 13075361 6c666f72 64311a30 18060355 040a1311 434f4d4f 444f2043
        41204c69 6d697465 64311830 16060355 0403130f 45737365 6e746961 6c53534c
        20434130 1e170d31 33313130 35303030 3030305a 170d3134 30323033 32333539
        35395a30 52312130 1f060355 040b1318 446f6d61 696e2043 6f6e7472 6f6c2056
        616c6964 61746564 3111300f 06035504 0b130846 72656520 53534c31 1a301806
        03550403 13117670 6e2e6d65 74726f63 656c6c2e 6f726730 82012230 0d06092a
        864886f7 0d010101 05000382 010f0030 82010a02 82010100 a0d97d51 fcd18293
        eaf8e9b2 d632b2e3 e4d92eb1 5b639766 52677a26 2aa7d09d 437be3b6 dfb8649c
        4d715278 e1745955 27e8aab2 9c9da997 694a73e8 c1c426f3 a519adba acc2ad94
        aa0e09af 6db7bfc6 bad90bf2 b057dc56 c69a4276 1b826c83 6cd7ae09 af39bd7d
        4abe60b4 9b04613a 287a1ae6 9d117d05 c7cdc15f 09d588b0 fcc05c47 c1cb6d67
        c3701389 d3b7691d b05ff82c b0be475d 746a4916 0bbf11a6 7ee1b7ec bd05e1d2
        dda305a6 918bfd35 17447b04 bca1e6d9 10955649 d8211878 168c4c21 279a6584
        4b560a9f 414aea15 91e21581 a71d6b98 86d9eac3 47ea3a1d a172c71a ecf77aaa
        536d73e4 bc53eb68 c7bfacdd fab87ea5 121baf55 067dbd19 02030100 01a38201
        cb308201 c7301f06 03551d23 04183016 8014dacb eaad5b08 5dccfffc 2654ce49
        e555c638 f4f8301d 0603551d 0e041604 14fabb1d f439c41f e59207c7 202c2fda
        b46bcacc ee300e06 03551d0f 0101ff04 04030205 a0300c06 03551d13 0101ff04
        02300030 34060355 1d25042d 302b0608 2b060105 05070301 06082b06 01050507
        0302060a 2b060104 0182370a 03030609 60864801 86f84204 01304f06 03551d20
        04483046 303a060b 2b060104 01b23101 02020730 2b302906 082b0601 05050702
        01161d68 74747073 3a2f2f73 65637572 652e636f 6d6f646f 2e636f6d 2f435053
        30080606 67810c01 0201303b 0603551d 1f043430 323030a0 2ea02c86 2a687474
        703a2f2f 63726c2e 636f6d6f 646f6361 2e636f6d 2f457373 656e7469 616c5353
        4c43412e 63726c30 6e06082b 06010505 07010104 62306030 3806082b 06010505
        07300286 2c687474 703a2f2f 6372742e 636f6d6f 646f6361 2e636f6d 2f457373
        656e7469 616c5353 4c43415f 322e6372 74302406 082b0601 05050730 01861868
        7474703a 2f2f6f63 73702e63 6f6d6f64 6f63612e 636f6d30 33060355 1d11042c
        302a8211 76706e2e 6d657472 6f63656c 6c2e6f72 67821577 77772e76 706e2e6d
        6574726f 63656c6c 2e6f7267 300d0609 2a864886 f70d0101 05050003 82010100
        2484b72c 56161585 c9caa1a3 43cbc754 d3b43cef 7902a775 d40d064f 6918d52f
        0aaaea0c ad873124 11b68847 406812da fd0c5d71 6e110898 1ebddcab ddf980e4
        b95be4e2 0633cc23 7a4cbc27 f1f5e4e8 1de3c127 2b28a364 f1f26764 98afe871
        45547855 c0ceaf39 256f46db 4ac412a7 2b594817 a967ba5a 24986b24 57002ce4
        f046c6b3 5f7c9cc2 e6cd8ede 8fbcac60 b87fd497 71328783 8b148f7f affec249
        191c460b 3d46d352 0651f35e 96a60fbe 7b22e057 06aa7722 da447cd3 0ea72e7f
        5ec8c13c b550f502 b020efdc 35f62b89 52d7e6e3 14ade632 802dee70 1cdbf7ad
        a39a173b 916406e4 887ba623 4813b925 8a63a300 fd016981 a8d70651 a736267a
    no crypto isakmp nat-traversal
    telnet timeout 5
    ssh inside
    ssh outside
    ssh timeout 5
    console timeout 0
    dhcpd auto_config outside vpnclient-wins-override
    dhcpd address inside
    dhcpd dns interface inside
    dhcpd lease 86400 interface inside
    dhcpd ping_timeout 4000 interface inside
    dhcpd domain interface inside
    threat-detection basic-threat
    threat-detection statistics access-list
    threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept rate-interval 30 burst-rate 400 average-rate 200
    ntp server source outside
    ssl trust-point ASDM_TrustPoint0 outside
    enable outside
    svc image disk0:/anyconnect-win-2.5.2014-k9.pkg 1
    svc enable
    tunnel-group-list enable
    group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes
    vpn-tunnel-protocol IPSec l2tp-ipsec svc webvpn
    group-policy VPNGP internal
    group-policy VPNGP attributes
    vpn-tunnel-protocol svc
    split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
    split-tunnel-network-list value SPLIT-TUNNEL
    username GaryC password TGbvzEO3d6HlfU66 encrypted privilege 15
    username GaryC attributes
    vpn-group-policy VPNGP
    tunnel-group MCVPN type remote-access
    tunnel-group MCVPN general-attributes
    address-pool VPNPOOL
    default-group-policy VPNGP
    tunnel-group MCVPN webvpn-attributes
    group-alias MCVPN enable
    group-url enable
    class-map inspection_default
    match default-inspection-traffic
    policy-map type inspect dns preset_dns_map
      message-length maximum client auto
      message-length maximum 512
    policy-map global_policy
    class inspection_default
      inspect dns preset_dns_map
      inspect ftp
      inspect h323 h225
      inspect h323 ras
      inspect rsh
      inspect rtsp
      inspect esmtp
      inspect sqlnet
      inspect skinny 
      inspect sunrpc
      inspect xdmcp
      inspect sip 
      inspect netbios
      inspect tftp
      inspect ip-options
    service-policy global_policy global
    prompt hostname context
    no call-home reporting anonymous
    profile CiscoTAC-1
      no active
      destination address http
      destination address email [email protected]
      destination transport-method http
      subscribe-to-alert-group diagnostic
      subscribe-to-alert-group environment
      subscribe-to-alert-group inventory periodic monthly
      subscribe-to-alert-group configuration periodic monthly
      subscribe-to-alert-group telemetry periodic daily
    : end
    My goal is to allow Remote Users to RDP(3389) through VPN.
    Thank you,
    Message was edited by: Gary Culwell

    Hello Jon,
      Thank you so much for your response. Clients will not be connect to a specific RDP server.  I was hoping if we were to establish a VPN Client tunnel I would like that tunnel to provide full local are access.  So the way the clients are used to is while in the field they use RDP to connect to their desktops on the internal LAN.
    Would you say this would work:
    route inside 1
    Do you have examples?
    Thank you,

  • SSL VPN Connection Issue

    Having an Issue with an SSL VPN I can't seem to get past. Using Anyconnect software on PC or android phone I am not able to send any traffic thru the tunnel. The Client is able to authenticate beforehand successfully and assigns a private ip via the pool configured as its supposed to but nothing there. I have listed the configuration below along with the debugs. I have omitted any public ip information. The debugs say there is any issue w/ an ACL but everything appears correct. Any help would be most appreciated.
    Cisco 2851 Router Version 15.4(M9) Software
    ip local pool webvpn1
    ip forward-protocol nd
    no ip http server
    ip http secure-server
    ip access-list extended webvpn-acl
     permit tcp host eq telnet
     permit tcp host eq telnet
     permit tcp host eq telnet
     permit tcp host eq 22
     permit tcp host eq www
     permit tcp host eq 443
    webvpn gateway CCIELAB
     hostname Porshe_GT3
     ip interface GigabitEthernet0/0 port 443
     http-redirect port 80
     ssl trustpoint my-sslvpn-ca
    webvpn install svc flash:/webvpn/anyconnect-win-3.1.07021-k9.pkg sequence 1
    webvpn context CCIELab
     title "Networking Lab"
     ssl authenticate verify all
     login-message "All Sessions are logged and monitored.Please be respectful and if any questions contact [email protected]"
     policy group Labrats
       functions svc-enabled
       banner "Success, You Made It"
       filter tunnel webvpn-acl
       svc address-pool "webvpn1" netmask
       svc keep-client-installed
       svc rekey method new-tunnel
       svc split include
     default-group-policy Labrats
     aaa authentication list webvpn
     gateway CCIELAB
    *May  2 09:12:50.601: [WV-TUNL-PAK]:[4BB44B08] TxServer, Forwarding the pak 4A2D3B94
    *May  2 09:12:50.601: [WV-TUNL-PAK]: IP4 Len =60 Src = Dst = Prot =6 
    *May  2 09:12:50.601: [WV-TUNL-PAK]:TCP sport=53571, dport=2001, seq=4091902471 ack=0, bits=SYN 
    *May  2 09:12:50.601: [WV-TUNL-PAK]:[4BB44B08] TxServer, Pak 4A2D3B94 failed ACL webvpn-acl
    *May  2 09:13:19.841: [WV-TUNL-EVT]:[4BB44B08] CSTP Control, KeepAlive Detected. Dropped
    *May  2 09:19:57.757: [WV-TUNL-EVT]:[4BB44B08] CSTP Control, Recd DPD Req frame (User RemzRR, IP
    *May  2 09:19:57.757: [WV-TUNL-EVT]:[4BB44B08] CSTP Control, Sending DPD Res frame (User RemzRR, IP
    *May  2 09:25:27.925: [WV-TUNL-EVT]:[4BB44B08] CSTP Control, KeepAlive Detected. Dropped
    *May  2 09:25:58.025: [WV-TUNL-EVT]:[4BB44B08] CSTP Control, KeepAlive Detected. Dropped
    *May  2 09:26:28.509: [WV-TUNL-EVT]:[4BB44B08] CSTP Control, KeepAlive Detected. Dropped
    *May  2 09:27:00.381: [WV-TUNL-EVT]:[4BB44B08] CSTP Control, KeepAlive Detected. Dropped
    Porshe_GT3#show webvpn policy group Labrats context all
    WEBVPN: group policy = Labrats ; context = CCIELab
          banner = "Success, You Made It"
          idle timeout = 2100 sec
          session timeout = Disabled
          functions = 
          citrix disabled
          address pool name = "webvpn1"
          netmask =
          tunnel-mode filter = "webvpn-acl"
          dpd client timeout = 300 sec
          dpd gateway timeout = 300 sec
          keepalive interval = 30 sec
          SSLVPN Full Tunnel mtu size = 1406 bytes
          keep sslvpn client installed = enabled
          rekey interval = 3600 sec
          rekey method = new-tunnel 
          lease duration = 43200 sec
          split include =

    The problem is related to either of these issues:
    Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)/Maximum Segment Size (MSS) size
    Fragmentation policy during encryption
    Perform a sniffer trace from the client to the server side in order to find out which is the best MTU to use.Continue to reduce the value of 1400 by 20 until there is a reply

  • SSL VPN Failed to validate server certificate (cannot access https)

    Hi all,
    I have the next problem.
    I've configured in an UC520 a SSL VPN.
    I can access properly and I can see the labels, but I only can access urls which are http, not https:
    I can access the default ip of the uc520 ( but
    When I try to get access to a secure url I get the msg: Failed to validate server certificate
    I'm trying to access a Cisco Digital Media Manager, whose url is https://pc.sumkio.local:8080
    Does the certificate of both hardware has to be the same?
    How can I add a https?
    Here is the config of the router:
    webvpn gateway SDM_WEBVPN_GATEWAY_1
    ip address port 443 
    ssl trustpoint TP-self-signed-2977472073
    webvpn context SDM_WEBVPN_CONTEXT_1
    secondary-color white
    title-color #CCCC66
    text-color black
    ssl authenticate verify all
    url-list "Intranet"
       heading "Corporate Intranet"
       url-text "DMM Sumkio" url-value "http://pc.sumkio.local:8080"
       url-text "Impresora" url-value ""
       url-text "DMM" url-value "https://pc.sumkio.local:8443"
       url-text "DMM 1" url-value ""
       url-text "UC520" url-value ""
    policy group SDM_WEBVPN_POLICY_1
       url-list "Intranet"
       svc dns-server primary
       svc dns-server secondary
    default-group-policy SDM_WEBVPN_POLICY_1
    aaa authentication list sdm_vpn_xauth_ml_1
    gateway SDM_WEBVPN_GATEWAY_1
    max-users 10
    Any help would be apreciatted.
    Thank you

    Hi, thanks for your advise.
    I'm trying to copy the certificate via cut and paste, but I'm getting a
    % Error in saving certificate: status = FAIL
    I dont know if I'm doing this right.
    I open the https page from the DMM with Mozilla Firefox, and in options I export the certificate in PEM format.
    I get a file which if I open with notepad is like
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    If I try to authenticate the trustpoint, I get that error.
    how can I export the certificate from the DMM?
    I think that this file is not the right file.
    and then, do I have to make some changes in
    webvpn gateway SDM_WEBVPN_GATEWAY_1?
    Should I choose the new trustpoint?
    I understand that the old trustpoint is for the outside connection, no for the LAN connection.
    Dont worry about me, answer when you can but I really need to fix this.
    Thank you so much

  • SSL VPN (WebVPN) issues with IOS 15.0(1)M1

    Hello everyone... I need your help!
    I am having some weird issues with webvpn/anyconnect, please find the relevant information below;
    - AnyConnect Client prompts users with the following error:
    "The secure gateway has rejected the agent's VPN connect or reconnect request. A new connection requires re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact your network administrator if this problem persists."
    Mar  5 13:09:45:
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Tunnel CSTP Version recv  use 1
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Allocating tunl_info
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Allocating stc_config
    Mar  5 13:09:45: Inserting static route: SSLVPN-VIF36 to routing table
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Use frame IP addr ( netmask (
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Tunnel entry create failed:IP= vrf=77 session=0x67234340
    Mar  5 13:09:45: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Mar  5 13:09:45:
    Mar  5 13:09:45:
    Mar  5 13:09:45:
    Mar  5 13:09:45: Deleting static route: SSLVPN-VIF36 from routing table
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Failed to install (addr, table_id 77) to TCP
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL*: Received server IP packet 0x6692EB08:
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: CSTP Message frame received from user usr-test (
    WV-TUNL:      Severity ERROR Type USER_LOGOUT
    WV-TUNL:      Text: HTTP response contained an HTTP error code.
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Call user logout function
    Mar  5 13:09:45: WV-TUNL: Clean-up tunnel session (usr-test)
    When the error occurs, the "SVCIP install TCP failed" counter increments:
    VPN-Router1#  show webvpn stats detail context CUSTOMER-VPN
    Tunnel Statistics:
        Active connections       : 1       
        Peak connections         : 3          Peak time                : 19:09:04
        Connect succeed          : 9          Connect failed           : 5       
        Reconnect succeed        : 0          Reconnect failed         : 0       
        SVCIP install IOS succeed: 14         SVCIP install IOS failed : 0       
        SVCIP clear IOS succeed  : 18         SVCIP clear IOS failed   : 0       
        SVCIP install TCP succeed: 9          SVCIP install TCP failed : 5       
        DPD timeout              : 0        
    IOS Version Details:
    Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    System image file is "disk2:c7200-advipservicesk9-mz.150-1.M1.bin"
    The router also runs IPSEC remote access VPN in addition to the webvpn/anyconnect scheme.
    webvpn context CUSTOMER-VPN
    title "SSL VPN for Customer"
    ssl authenticate verify all
    login-message "Enter username and passcode"
    policy group CUSTOMER-VPN
       functions svc-required
       svc keep-client-installed
       svc split include
       svc split include
    vrf-name CUSTOMER-VPN
    default-group-policy CUSTOMER-VPN
    aaa authentication list AAA-LIST
    aaa authentication auto
    aaa accounting list AAA-LIST
    gateway vpn virtual-host
    logging enable
    The error happens sporadically, at least once a week, and on different contexts. Does anyone have any clue on what can cause this issue? Any help is appreciated!

    Have you seen my post ?
    At that point in time we were running with local pool definition.
    As the http 401 rc happens very sporadically we still gathering incident reports internally.
    Will open a case if you did not yet.
    cheers, Andy

  • ASA 5505 VPN Group Policies (RADIUS) and tunnel group

    I have a single ASA firewall protecting a small private developing network, and I need it in order to access remotely to two distinct network spaces both of wich are VLAN tagged: 1 is LAN and 3 is management. Each net has its own IP address space and DNS server.
    I'd like to set up Anyconnect to land on lan 1, and SSL VPN in order to see the IPMI and management websites sitting on VLAN 3. In order to make things "safer" I have found a free OTP solution, OpenOTP, and I decided to implement it on a virtual machine, setting up a radius bridge to allow user authentication for VPN. I can pass wichever attribute I'd like to using this radius bridge (for example "Class" or "Group-Policy" or whatever is included in the radius dictionaries). 
    Actually all I need is quite simple. I have to segregate my remote users in 2 groups, one for Anyconnect, and one for SSL based on the radius response from authentication. (I don't need authorization nor accounting) I'm no Cisco Pro, what I've learnt is based on direct "on the field" experience.
    I'm using two radius users for testing right now, one is called "kaisaron78" associated to a group policy "RemoteAC" and a second one called "manintra" associated to a group policy called "SSLPolicy". "kaisaron78" after logging in should only see the Anyconnect "deployment portal", while "manintra" should see the webvpn portal populated with the links specified in the URL list "Management_List". However, no matter what I do, I only see the default "clean" webvpn page. This is an example of "sh vpn-sessiondb webvpn" for both users..
    Session Type: WebVPN
    Username     : kaisaron78             Index        : 1
    Public IP    :
    Protocol     : Clientless
    License      : AnyConnect Premium
    Encryption   : Clientless: (1)RC4     Hashing      : Clientless: (1)SHA1
    Bytes Tx     : 518483                 Bytes Rx     : 37549
    Group Policy : RemoteAC               Tunnel Group : DefaultWEBVPNGroup
    Login Time   : 10:59:33 CEDT Mon Aug 18 2014
    Duration     : 0h:00m:23s
    Inactivity   : 0h:00m:00s
    VLAN Mapping : N/A                    VLAN         : none
    Audt Sess ID : c0a801fa0000100053f1c075
    Security Grp : none
    Asa5505# sh vpn-sessiondb webvpn
    Session Type: WebVPN
    Username     : manintra               Index        : 2
    Public IP    :
    Protocol     : Clientless
    License      : AnyConnect Premium
    Encryption   : Clientless: (1)RC4     Hashing      : Clientless: (1)SHA1
    Bytes Tx     : 238914                 Bytes Rx     : 10736
    Group Policy : SSLPolicy              Tunnel Group : DefaultWEBVPNGroup
    Login Time   : 11:01:02 CEDT Mon Aug 18 2014
    Duration     : 0h:00m:05s
    Inactivity   : 0h:00m:00s
    VLAN Mapping : N/A                    VLAN         : none
    Audt Sess ID : c0a801fa0000200053f1c0ce
    Security Grp : none
    As you can see, it seems like the policies are assigned correctly by radius attribute Group-Policy. However, for example you'll notice no vlan mapping, even if I have declared them explicit in group policies themselves. This is the webvpn section of the CLI script I used to setup remote access.
    ip local pool AnyConnect_Pool mask
    object network NETWORK_OBJ_192.168.10.0_27
    access-list Split_Tunnel_Anyconnect standard permit
    nat (inside,outside) source static any any destination static NETWORK_OBJ_192.168.10.0_27 NETWORK_OBJ_192.168.10.0_27 no-proxy-arp route-lookup
    aaa-server OpenOTP protocol radius
    aaa-server OpenOTP (inside) host
     key ******
     authentication-port 1812
     accounting-port 1814
     radius-common-pw ******
     acl-netmask-convert auto-detect
     port 10443
     enable outside
     dtls port 10443
     anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-3.1.05170-k9.pkg 1
     anyconnect profiles AnyConnect_Profile_client_profile disk0:/AnyConnect_Profile_client_profile.xml
     anyconnect enable
    group-policy SSLPolicy internal
    group-policy SSLPolicy attributes
     vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-clientless
     vlan 3
     dns-server value
     default-domain value management.local
      url-list value Management_List
    group-policy RemoteAC internal
    group-policy RemoteAC attributes
     vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev2 ssl-client
     vlan 1
     address-pools value AnyConnect_Pool
     dns-server value
     split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
     split-tunnel-network-list value Split_Tunnel_Anyconnect
     default-domain value home.local
      anyconnect profiles value AnyConnect_Profile_client_profile type user
    group-policy SSLLockdown internal
    group-policy SSLLockdown attributes
      vpn-simultaneous-logins 0
    tunnel-group DefaultRAGroup general-attributes
     authentication-server-group OpenOTP
    tunnel-group DefaultWEBVPNGroup general-attributes
     authentication-server-group OpenOTP
    tunnel-group VPN_Tunnel type remote-access
    tunnel-group VPN_Tunnel general-attributes
     authentication-server-group OpenOTP
     default-group-policy SSLLockdown
    I had to set up DefaultWEBVPNGroup and RAGroup that way otherwise I couldn't authenticate using radius (login failed every time). Seems like in ASDM the VPN_Tunnel isn't assigned to AnyConnect nor to Clientless VPN client profiles. Do I have to disable both default tunnel groups and set VPN_Tunnel as default on both connections in ASDM ? I know I'm doing something wrong but I can't see where the problem is. I'm struggling since may the 2nd on this, and I really need to finish setting this up ASAP!!!!
    Any help will be more than appreciated.
    Cesare Giuliani

    Ok, it makes sense.
    Last question then I'll try and report any success / failure. In this Cisco webpage, there's a list of supported radius attributes. Actually I'm using number 25 Group-Policy, in order to get the correct group policy assigned to users. I see, in that list an attribute 146 Tunnel-Group-Name. Will it work out for the purpose you explained in the previous post ? I mean, if I set up two tunnel groups instead of 1, 1 for anyconnect with its own alias and its own url, and 1 for SSL VPN again with its own alias and url, do you think that using that attribute will place my users logging in into the correct tunnel group ?
    Thank you again for your precious and kind help, and for your patience as well!
    Cesare Giuliani

  • SSL VPN with machine certificate authentication

    Hi All,
    I've configured a VPN profile for an Anyconnect VPN connection on my test environment. I've enabled AAA (RSA) and certificate authentication, configured the RSA servers correctly and uploaded the root and issuing certificates. I managed to get this working with machine certificates using a Microsoft PKI. With crypto debugging enabled I can see the CERT API thread wake up and correctly authenticate the certificate. So far so good....
    Now I configured the same on our production environment and can't get it to work!! The anyconnect client shows an error: "certificate validation failure"
    The strange thing is that the crypto debugging doesn't give me one single line of output. It looks like the certificate doesn't even reach the ASA. My question is, what is stopping the "CERT API thread" I mentioned before from waking up and validating the certificate?? Does someone have an explenation for that?
    btw. We have other VPN configurations on the same production/live ASA's with certificate authentication the are working and show up in the debugging.
    Thanks in advance for your help
    Hardware is ASA5540, software version 8.2(5).
    Some pieces of the configuration below:
    group-policy VPN4TEST-Policy internal
    group-policy VPN4TEST-Policy attributes
      wins-server value xx.xx.xx.xx
    dns-server value xx.xx.xx.xx
    vpn-simultaneous-logins 1
    vpn-idle-timeout 60
    vpn-filter value VPN4TEST_allow_access
    vpn-tunnel-protocol IPSec svc webvpn
    group-lock none
    ipsec-udp enable
    ipsec-udp-port 10000
    split-tunnel-policy tunnelall
    default-domain value
    vlan 44
    nac-settings none
    address-pools value VPN4TEST-xxx
      svc modules value vpngina
      svc profiles value KLM-SSL-VPN-VPN4TEST
    tunnel-group VPN4TEST-VPN type remote-access
    tunnel-group VPN4TEST-VPN general-attributes
    address-pool VPN4TEST-xxx
    authentication-server-group RSA-7-Authent
    default-group-policy VPN4TEST-Policy
    tunnel-group VPN4TEST-VPN webvpn-attributes
    authentication aaa certificate
    group-alias VPN4TEST-ANYCONNECT enable

    Forgot to mention, I'm using the same laptop in both situations (test and production). Tested with anyconnect versions and

  • Accessing Home Dir's via ASA SSL VPN

    I have an ASA 5540 and an ACS 4.0. i am configuring an SSL based VPN for users in an active directory. I want to give the users access to their Windows Home Dir and have created a CIFS link in the URL list in the tunnel group policy for those users.
    I want to give the users access to \\SERVER\Share\%username% as it is described in windows terms. how do a go about this in the ASA, as the above does not work at all? the ASA wants to use the / instead of \ in the CIFS shares. It works fine for normal shares and hidden share specified with $, but not using the %username% variable.
    The documentation on SSL VPNS on both ASA and ACS 4.0 is terrible.
    Best regards,
    Neal Lewis

    This question might be a bit outdated, yet I stumbled across it since even in times of OS 8.4(3), I've had exactly the same problem. Menawhile I've found the solution to it:
    You can work with the usual WebVPN variables which ASA offers for single sign-on (SSO) purposes. The following example works for my customer for a profile in which he applies two-factor authentication and allows his users to access their Windows home share using SSO (using the secondary WebVPN login information, which is their AD login name, accessed via LDAP):
    Bookmark URL:
    cifs:///CSCO_WEBVPN_SECONDARY_USERNAME%24 (where %24 is a code substitution for the '$' sign)
    SSO config:
    group-policy attributes
        auto-signon allow ip auth-type ntlm username CSCO_WEBVPN_SECONDARY_USERNAME password CSCO_WEBVPN_SECONDARY_PASSWORD
    There are two important things to consider, though:
    The share name *must* match the user's login name
    The folder effectively has to be configured to be a share (not just an ordinary folder). My tests have shown that it doesn't work even if that desired, ordinary destination folder is a subfolder of an accessible share.
    Hope that helps other people.

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