SSMS 2012:FOR XML PATH Using XPath Node Tests-Columnn name 'test()' contains an invalid XML identifier as required by FOR XML?

Hi all,
I am learning XPATH and XQUERY from the Book "Pro T-SQL 2008 Programmer's Guide" written by Michael Coles, (published by apress). I copied the Code Listing 12-8 FOR XML PATH Using XPath Node Tests (listed below) and executed it in my
SQL Server 2012 Management Studio:
--Coles12_8.sql // saved in C:/Documemnts/SQL Server Management Studio
-- Coles Listing 12-8 FOR XML PATH Using XPATH Node Tests
-- Retrieving Name and E-mail Addresses with FOR XML PATH in AdvantureWorks
-- 16 March 2015 0935 AM
USE AdventureWorks;
p.NameStyle AS "processing-instruction(nameStyle)",
p.BusinessEntityID AS "Person/@ID",
p.ModifiedDate AS "comment()",
pp.PhoneNumber AS "test()",
FirstName AS "Person/Name/First",
MiddleName AS "Person/Name/Middle",
LastName AS "Person/Name/Last",
EmailAddress AS "Person/Email"
FROM Person.Person p
INNER JOIN Person.EmailAddress e
ON p.BusinessEntityID = e.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Person.PersonPhone pp
ON p.BusinessEntityID = pp.BusinessEntityID
I got the following error message:
Msg 6850, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Column name 'test()' contains an invalid XML identifier as required by FOR XML; '('(0x0028) is the first character at fault.
I have no ideas why I got this error message.  Please kindly help and advise me how to resolve this error.
Thanks in advance,  Scott Chang

Hi Michelle, Thanks for your nice response.
I corrected the mistake and executed the revised code. It worked nicely.
I just have one question to ask you about the appearance of the xml output of my Co;les12_8.sql:
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="1" />
<!--2003-02-08T00:00:00-->697-555-0142<Person><Name><First>Ken</First><Middle>J</Middle><Last>Sánchez</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="2" />
<!--2002-02-24T00:00:00-->819-555-0175<Person><Name><First>Terri</First><Middle>Lee</Middle><Last>Duffy</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="3" />
<!--2001-12-05T00:00:00-->212-555-0187<Person><Name><First>Roberto</First><Last>Tamburello</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="4" />
<!--2001-12-29T00:00:00-->612-555-0100<Person><Name><First>Rob</First><Last>Walters</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="5" />
<!--2002-01-30T00:00:00-->849-555-0139<Person><Name><First>Gail</First><Middle>A</Middle><Last>Erickson</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="6" />
<!--2002-02-17T00:00:00-->122-555-0189<Person><Name><First>Jossef</First><Middle>H</Middle><Last>Goldberg</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="7" />
<!--2003-03-05T00:00:00-->181-555-0156<Person><Name><First>Dylan</First><Middle>A</Middle><Last>Miller</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="8" />
<!--2003-01-23T00:00:00-->815-555-0138<Person><Name><First>Diane</First><Middle>L</Middle><Last>Margheim</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="9" />
<!--2003-02-10T00:00:00-->185-555-0186<Person><Name><First>Gigi</First><Middle>N</Middle><Last>Matthew</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="10" />
<!--2003-05-28T00:00:00-->330-555-2568<Person><Name><First>Michael</First><Last>Raheem</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
<?nameStyle 0?>
<Person ID="11" />
<!--2004-12-29T00:00:00-->719-555-0181<Person><Name><First>Ovidiu</First><Middle>V</Middle><Last>Cracium</Last></Name><Email>[email protected]</Email></Person></row>
I feel this xml output is not like the regular xml output.  Do you know why it is diffrent from the regular xml xml output?  Please comment on this matter.
Scott Chang
What do you mean by regular xml document? Are you referring to fact that its missing a root element? if yes it can be added as below
USE AdventureWorks;
p.NameStyle AS "processing-instruction(nameStyle)",
p.BusinessEntityID AS "Person/@ID",
p.ModifiedDate AS "comment()",
pp.PhoneNumber AS "text()",
FirstName AS "Person/Name/First",
MiddleName AS "Person/Name/Middle",
LastName AS "Person/Name/Last",
EmailAddress AS "Person/Email"
FROM Person.Person p
INNER JOIN Person.EmailAddress e
ON p.BusinessEntityID = e.BusinessEntityID
INNER JOIN Person.PersonPhone pp
ON p.BusinessEntityID = pp.BusinessEntityID
FOR XML PATH('ElementName'),ROOT('RootName');
replace ElementName and RootName with whatever name you need to set for element as well as the root element
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    While SOA is based on handling XML messages, it has no relation with a presentation layer. Characters such as new-line, line-feed are processed as whitespace.
    If you want to add specific characters, you must encode this. So a new line would be &#10; This also applies for characters like quote and less-then and greater then.
    You must encode your information into UTF8 format.

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    " in the below block
    1 declare
    2 SBI_count pls_integer;
    3 begin
    4 select count(*)
    5 into SBI_count
    6 from xml_table,table(XMLSequence(extract(OBJECT_VALUE, '/BIF/SBI') ) );
    7 dbms_output.put_line( 'SBI_count '||SBI_count );
    8 for I in 1..SBI_count
    9 LOOP
    10 INSERT INTO Subclass_Date_Flags( Subclass_Id,
    11 subclass_date_flags_8 )
    12 SELECT 'SID',extractvalue(VALUE(li), '//flag')
    13 FROM xml_table,table(XMLSequence(extract(OBJECT_VALUE, '/BIF/SBI[I]/SBC/flag'))) li;
    14 dbms_output.put_line( 'Row '||SQL%ROWCOUNT );
    15 END LOOP;
    16 commit;
    17* end;
    SQL> /
    SBI_count 2
    Row 0
    Row 0
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Try this code, just keep a reference to your root node so you can keep appending children to it:
    xmlDoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    xmlNode xmldom.DOMNode;
    xmlNode1 xmldom.DOMNode;
    xmlElem1 xmldom.DOMElement;
    xmlElem2 xmldom.DOMElement;
    xmlText xmldom.DOMText;
    CURSOR cur_emp IS
    SELECT *
    FROM emp;
    --WHERE empno = 7369;
    row_emp emp%ROWTYPE;
    xmlDoc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
    xmlNode := xmldom.makeNode(xmlDoc);
    xmlElem1 := xmldom.createElement(xmlDoc,'root');
    xmlNode := xmldom.appendChild(xmlNode,xmldom.makeNode(xmlElem1));
    OPEN cur_emp;
    FETCH cur_emp INTO row_emp;
    xmlElem2 := xmldom.createElement(xmlDoc,'name');
    xmldom.setAttribute(xmlElem2, 'empno',TO_CHAR(row_emp.empno));
    xmlNode1 := xmldom.appendChild(xmlNode,xmldom.makeNode(xmlElem2));
    xmlText := xmldom.createTextNode(xmlDoc,row_emp.ename);
    xmlNode1 := xmldom.appendChild(xmlNode1,xmldom.makeNode(xmlText));
    CLOSE cur_emp;

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    How about adapting your TSP code as follows. Your graph G(V, E) has two special vertices: v_s and v_d (start and destination). Let a candidate solution consist of a permutation of V\{v_s, v_d}u{v_m} where v_m is a new marker vertex whose purpose is to allow you to treat part of the candidate solution as irrelevant. Given candidate solution v_0 v_1 v_2 ... v_n v_m v_n+1 ... the weight is c(v_s, v_0) + c(v_0, v_1) + ... + c(v_n-1, v_n) where c(v_a, v_b) is the cost of the edge ab.

  • Generate xml using FOR XML PATH from table with hierarchy

    I need to create xml from a table like:
    EL1 EL2 EL3 Attr01 Attr02 Attr03 Attr04
    E10,    ,    ,a,b,c,d
    E10,E1010,    ,a,b,c,d
    E10,E1020,    ,a,b,c,d
    E20,    ,    ,a,b,c,d
    E20,E2010,    ,a,b,c,d
    E20,E2020,    ,a,b,c,d
    The hierarchy is EL1--EL2--EL3, and the 3 columns should be elements of xml;
    The other for columns Attr01,Attr02,Attr03,Attr04 should be attributes of xml;
    The actual table could have more than 500 rows(there are many values for El1,EL2,and EL3). 
    The expected xml should like:
      <E10 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d">
        <E1010 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d">
          <E101010 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d" />
          <E101020 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d" />
          <E101030 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d" />
        <E1020 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d">
          <E102010 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d" />
      <E20 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d">
        <E2010 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d">
          <E201010 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d" />
        <E2020 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d">
          <E202010 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d" />
          <E202020 Attr01="a" Attr02="b" Attr03="c" Attr04="d" />
    I create a sample Src table:
    EL1 VARCHAR(10),
    EL2 VARCHAR(10),
    EL3 VARCHAR(10),
    Attr01 VARCHAR(10),
    Attr02 VARCHAR(10),
    Attr03 VARCHAR(10),
    Attr04 VARCHAR(10)
     SELECT 'E10','','','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E10','E1010','','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E10','E1010','E101010','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E10','E1010','E101020','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E10','E1010','E101030','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E10','E1020','','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E10','E1020','E102010','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E20','','','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E20','E2010','','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E20','E2010','E201010','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E20','E2020','','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E20','E2020','E202010','a','b','c','d'
     UNION SELECT 'E20','E2020','E202020','a','b','c','d'
    I tried to use FOR XML PATH to generate xml for the sample data. When the records increase to a few hundreds, it's not a good idea.
    Here is my script:
    (SELECT Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL3 = 'E101010'
    FOR XML PATH('E101010'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL3 = 'E101020'
    FOR XML PATH('E101020'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL3 = 'E101030'
    FOR XML PATH('E101030'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL2 = 'E1010' AND (EL1 <>'' AND EL3 ='')
    FOR XML PATH('E1010'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'--1010
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL3 = 'E102010'
    FOR XML PATH('E102010'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL2 = 'E1020' AND (EL1 <>'' AND EL3 ='')
    FOR XML PATH('E1020'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'--1020
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL1 = 'E10' AND (EL2 ='' AND EL3 ='')
    FOR XML PATH('E10'),TYPE) 'node()'
    ,(SELECT Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL3 = 'E201010'
    FOR XML PATH('E201010'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL2 = 'E2010' AND (EL1 <>'' AND EL3 ='')
    FOR XML PATH('E2010'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'--2010
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL3 = 'E202010'
    FOR XML PATH('E202010'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'
    ,( SELECT
    Attr01 AS '@Attr01'
    ,Attr02 AS '@Attr02'
    ,Attr03 AS '@Attr03'
    ,Attr04 AS '@Attr04'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL3 = 'E202020'
    FOR XML PATH('E202020'),TYPE
    ) AS 'node()'
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL2 = 'E2020' AND (EL1 <>'' AND EL3 ='')
    FOR XML PATH('E2020'),TYPE
    FROM Src
    WHERE EL1 = 'E20' AND (EL2 ='' AND EL3 ='')
    FOR XML PATH('E20'),TYPE) AS 'node()'
    FOR XML PATH(''),ROOT('root')
    If I get a few hundreds of rows, how huge the script should be. Does anyone have better solution for this? Thanks.

    Thanks! And sorry for late feedback.
    The XSD requires the xml structures like the following
    <School01>Some school</School01>
    <School02>Some other school</School02>
    I have to use the number in the element name. 
    Right now I just use the nested FOR XML PATH, although I have to write thousand lines code.
    Thanks anyway.

  • XML Schema Collection (SQL Server 2012): How to create an XML Schema Collection that can be used to Validate a field name (column title) of an existing dbo Table of a Database in SSMS2012?

    Hi all,
    I used the following code to create a new Database (ScottChangDB) and a new Table (marvel) in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012) successfully:
    -- ScottChangDB.sql saved in C://Documents/SQL Server XQuery_MacLochlainns Weblog_code
    -- 14 April 2015 09:15 AM
    USE master
    (SELECT 1
    FROM sys.databases
    WHERE name = 'ScottChangDB')
    USE ScottChangDB
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[marvel] (
    [avenger_name] [char] (30) NULL, [ID] INT NULL)
    INSERT INTO marvel
    ('Hulk', 1),
    ('Iron Man', 2),
    ('Black Widow', 3),
    ('Thor', 4),
    ('Captain America', 5),
    ('Hawkeye', 6),
    ('Winter Soldier', 7),
    ('Iron Patriot', 8);
    SELECT avenger_name FROM marvel ORDER BY ID For XML PATH('')
    SELECT @x=(SELECT avenger_name FROM marvel ORDER BY ID FOR XML PATH('Marvel'))--,ROOT('root'))
    person.value('Marvel[4]', 'varchar(100)') AS NAME
    FROM @x.nodes('.') AS Tbl(person)
    --Or if you want the completed element
    SELECT @x.query('/Marvel[4]/avenger_name')
    DROP TABLE [marvel]
    Now I am trying to create my first XML Schema Collection to do the Validation on the Field Name (Column Title) of the "marvel" Table. I have studied Chapter 4 XML SCHEMA COLLECTIONS of the book "Pro SQL Server 2008 XML" written by
    Michael Coles (published by Apress) and some beginning pages of XQuery Language Reference, SQL Server 2012 Books ONline (published by Microsoft). I mimicked  Coles' Listing 04-05 and I wanted to execute the following first-drafted sql in
    my SSMS2012:
    -- Reference [Scott Chang modified Listing04-05.sql of Pro SQL Server 2008 XML by Michael Coles (Apress)]
    -- [shcColes04-05.sql saved in C:\\Documents\XML_SQL_Server2008_code_Coles_Apress]
    -- [executed: 2 April 2015 15:04 PM]
    -- shcXMLschemaTableValidate1.sql in ScottChangDB of SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012)
    -- saved in C:\Documents\XQuery-SQLServer2012
    tried to run: 15 April 2015 ??? AM
    USE ScottChangDB;
    CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION dbo. ComplexTestSchemaCollection_all
    N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:element name="marvel">
    <xsd:element name="avenger_name" />
    <xsd:element name="ID" />
    DECLARE @x XML (dbo. ComplexTestSchemaCollection_all);
    SET @x = N'<?xml version="1.0"?>
    SELECT @x;
    DROP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION dbo.ComplexTestSchemaCollection_all;
    I feel that drafted sql is very shaky and it needs the SQL Server XML experts to modify to make it work for me. Please kindly help, exam the coding of my shcXMLTableValidate1.sql and modify it to work.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang

    Hi Scott,
    2) Yes, FOR XML PATH clause converts relational data to XML format with a specific structure for the "marvel" Table. Regarding validate all the avenger_names, please see below
    SELECT @x=(SELECT ID ,avenger_name FROM marvel FOR XML PATH('Marvel'))
    SELECT @x
    n.value('avenger_name[1]','VARCHAR(99)') avenger_name,
    n.value('ID[1]','INT') ID
    FROM @x.nodes('//Marvel') Tab(n)
    WHERE n.value('ID[1]','INT') = 1 -- specify the ID here
    --FOR XML PATH('Marvel')  --uncommented this line if you want the result as element type
    3)i.check the xml schema content
    --find xml schema collection
    SELECT, collection_name FROM sys.xml_schema_collections xsc JOIN sys.schemas ss ON xsc.schema_id= ss.schema_id
    select * from sys.schemas
    --check the schema content,use the name,collection_name from the above query
    SELECT xml_schema_namespace(N'name',N'collection_name')
    3)ii. View can be viewed as virtual table. Use a view to list the XML schema content.
    CREATE VIEW XSDContentView
    SELECT, collection_name,cat.content
    FROM sys.xml_schema_collections xsc JOIN sys.schemas ss ON xsc.schema_id= ss.schema_id
    SELECT xml_schema_namespace(, AS content
    ) AS cat
    SELECT * FROM XSDContentView
    By the way, it would be appreciated if you can spread your questions into posts. For any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • XML Signature using an XPath filter

    I want to sign an XML document, just based on the content of a particular element in the document. Based on the jwsdp docs it looked pretty simple, but I'm getting strange results. I'll get the same digest value in the SignedInfo for different Xpath filter strings.
    Anybody out there have good luck trying to sign XML documents using Xpath filters?
    I'm using JDK 1.5.05 and JWSDP 1.6.
    Here is my simple XML doc
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <myns:whole_doc xmlns:myns=""
    attr1="attr_one" attr2="attr_two" attr3="attr_three">
    <myns:part_one attr="attr_one">
    <myns:tag1>this is part_one tag_one</myns:tag1>
    <myns:tag2>this is part_one tag_two</myns:tag2>
    <myns:part_two attr="attr_two">
    <myns:tag1>this is part_two tag_one</myns:tag1>
    <myns:tag2>this is part_two tag_two</myns:tag2>
    <myns:part_three attr="attr_three">
    <myns:tag1>this is part_three tag_one</myns:tag1>
    <myns:tag2>this is part_three tag_two</myns:tag2>
    When I use an XPath filter = "/myns:whole_doc/myns:part_one" I get the same digest as when I use "/myns:whole_doc/myns:part_two", which is the same digest when I don't use XPath filtering. See example output below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <myns:whole_doc xmlns:myns="" attr1="attr_one" attr2="attr_two" attr3="attr_three">
    - <myns:part_one attr="attr_one">
    - <Signature xmlns="">
    - <SignedInfo>
    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
    <SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
    - <Reference URI="">
    - <Transforms>
    <Transform Algorithm="" />
    - <Transform Algorithm="">
    <DigestMethod Algorithm="" />

    It took me all day, but I did find the answer.
    When using XPath filters in references, you can't use XPath exactly the way you would use XPath to find nodes in a document. I can't exactly explain why, but it has to do with the fact that the XPath statement is acting as a filter.
    Anyway, to just include the part_one element from the following abbreviated XML
    <myns:whole_doc> .....
    <myns:part_one> ..... </myns:part_one>
    <myns:part_two> .... </myns:part_two>
    the XPath statement should be "ancestor-or-self::myns:part_one"
    to make sure that part_one was part of whole_doc you could use something like
    (ancestor-or-self::node() = /myns:whole_doc/myns:part_one)
    This allows me to sign a document, but still allow portions outside of whole_doc/part_one to change.

  • How to generate xml file with multiple nodes using sqlserver as database in SSIS..

    Hi ,
    I have to generate the xml file using multiple nodes by using ssis and database is sqlserver.
    Can some one guide me on to perform this task using script task?

    Why not use T-SQL for generating XML? You can use FOR XML for that
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  • "for XML path "  Oracle equivalent of this SQL expression

    SELECT StudentID + ' '
    FROM StudentinSchoolLocation TL
    WHERE (LocationID = Results.LocationID)
    FOR XML PATH ('')
    ) AS StudentIDs,
    What is the equivalent of 'For XML path' used above
    The goal is to get a concatenated list of the group by columns. Like where ever the location is same , get the studentIds and make a comma seperated list of all ids for common location
    Works perfectly in SQL.
    Thank you

    user6287828 wrote:
    The goal is to get a concatenated list of the group by columns. Like where ever the location is same , get the studentIds and make a comma seperated list of all ids for common locationThat's called "String Aggregation"
    [|] shows several different ways to do it.
    I recommend the first one, the user-defined function STRAGG, which you can copy from that page.
    On Oracle 10 (and up) you may have a similar function, WM_CONCAT (owned by WMSYS), already installed.
    WM_CONCAT is not documented, so you may not want to use it in your Production applications.
    STRAGG is not so convenient if the order of items in the concatenated string is important.
    In that case, use XMLAGG or SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, as shown later in the asktom page.
    MODEL can also do ordered string aggregation.

  • Set XML attribute from SetValue using Xpath

    Is there a trick to assigning a value to an attribute of an element in an XML variable using XPATH inside a setValue activity?  When I try something like
    it complains about the @ sign in the location assignment.  I seem to be able to retrieve attributes just fine.

    Still having this issue.
    If I have an XML process variable which currently contains
        <Title />
        <Author />
        <Date />
    Try this, it fails.
    Location: /process_data/xml/Document/@ID
    Expression: 54
    Try this, it works.
    Location: /process_data/xml/Document/ID
    Expression: 54
    Now, alter the XML by adding an ID attribute
    <Document ID="">
        <Title />
        <Author />
        <Date />
    Try this, it works, where it failed earlier.
    Location: /process_data/xml/Document/@ID
    Expression: 54
    It appears to me, you can ADD a new node, but you can't ADD an attribute

  • How to update XML file using XSLT

    Hi there,
    I have a "small" issue with exporting data to an XML file using XSLT.
    A two steps process is needed to import data from a non-hierarchical XML file into ABAP, change the data, and then update the XML file with new values. The problem is not trivial, since the format of the XML file is a complex one: there are many interdependent elements on the same level, pointing to each other by using id and ref attributes. Based on these values the data can be read and written into an internal table. I use XSLT and XPath for that. So the inbound process is done and seems to work correctly. I have to mention that the file contains much more data than I need. I am working only with a small part of it.
    Now the changed data must be exported back into the XML file, meaning that the content of certain elements must be updated. How can this be done with XSLT? I can pass only the internal table to the transformation, so how do I access the XML file in order to update it? I have tried to use the <B>xsl:document()</B> function to access the content of the file store locally on my PC, but it fails each time by throwing and URI exception. I have tried the absolute path without any addition and the path with the file:/// addition. Same result. Please advise.
    Many thanks,
    P.S. Please provide me with links only if they are relevant for this very matter. I will not give points for irrelevant postings...

    Now the changed data must be exported back into the XML file, meaning that the content of certain elements must be updated. How can this be done with XSLT?
    XSLT approach:  check these online tutorial
    ABAP approach:
    for example you have the xml (original) in a string called say xml_out .
    data: l_xml  type ref to cl_xml_document ,
            node type ref to if_ixml_node  .
    create object l_xml.
    call method l_xml->parse_string
        stream = xml_out.
    node = l_xml->find_node(
        name   = 'IDENTITY'
       ROOT   = ROOT
        name    = 'Name'
        value   = 'Charles'
        node    = node
    (the above example reads the element IDENTITY and sets attribute name/value to the same)
    like wise you can add new elements starting from IDENTITY using various methods available in class CL_XML_DOCUMENT
    so how do I access the XML file in order to update it?
    you have already read this XML into a ABAP variable right?
    Sorry couldnt understand your whole process, why do you need to read local XML file?

  • Special character ( , ) in XML Path (' ')

    Hi ,
    some times my query use the  >  or <   for few records. But XML path is not supporting these values can you please help me with this.  Below is the example for what i am working on .
    create table #test (id int ,NAME varchar(50),NAME1 varchar(50),NAME2 varchar(50))
    insert into #test
    values( 1,NULL,'TEST1','TEST1')
    ,( 2, 'TEST1',NULL,'TEST12')
    ,( 3,'TEST2','TEST13',NULL)
    ,( 4,'TEST2 > ', NULL,NULL)
    ,( 5,NULL,'TEST15',NULL)
    ,( 6,NULL, NULL, 'TEST6')
    ,( 7,'TEST8', 'TEST9', 'TEST7')
    ,( 8,NULL, NULL, NULL)
    WITH unpivo AS (
                         WHEN 2 THEN NAME1
                         WHEN 3 THEN NAME2
                  END AS anyname, n
       FROM   #test
       CROSS APPLY (VALUES(1), (2), (3)) AS n(n)
    SELECT, CASE WHEN len(u.concat) > 4
                      THEN substring(u.concat, 1, len(u.concat) -
                      ELSE ''
    FROM   #test t
    CROSS  APPLY (SELECT u.anyname + ' AND '
                  FROM   unpivo u
                  WHERE =
                  ORDER  BY u.n
                  FOR XML PATH('')) AS u(concat)
     where id = 4
     DROP TABLE #test

    Naomi's solution should work well with:  FOR
    XML PATH(''),
    You can concatenate the columns without using XML.
    Stuff(ISNULL(NAME +' AND ', '')+ISNULL( NAME1 +' AND ', '')+ ISNULL( NAME2+' AND ',''),
    len(ISNULL(NAME +' AND ', '')+ISNULL( NAME1 +' AND ', '')+ ISNULL( NAME2+' AND ',''))-3,4,'')
    Replace(Stuff(ISNULL(NAME +'|', '')+ISNULL( NAME1 +'|', '')+ ISNULL( NAME2+'|',''),
    len(ISNULL(NAME +'|', '')+ISNULL( NAME1 +'|', '')+ ISNULL( NAME2+'|','')),1,''), '|',' AND ')
    --SQL Server 2012 , 2014
    , ISNULL(Replace(Stuff(concat(name+'|', name1+'|',name2+'|' ), Len(concat(name+'|', name1+'|',name2+'|' )),1,''), '|',' AND '),'') from #test

  • Parse xml document with xpath

    I would like to parse an xml document using xpath, see:
    however, in the documentation (in the link above), it states that I need J2SE 5.0.
    Currently, I have:
    $ java -version
    java version "1.5.0_11"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_11-b03, mixed mode, sharing)
    Does that mean that I really have to install J2SE 5.0 in order to use J2SE 5.0's XPath support? Does anybody know anything about getting started with XPath, and whether I can just use my existing version of Java? I've never used XPath.
    For more documentation, one can view:
    Thank you.

    I have copied the code for the xpath tutorial on
    exactly as it is on the tutorial, and imported the correct jars (I think).
    But still my code is giving lots of errors!
    Granted its my first shot but anyway here's the code and the errors...
    package test;
    import org.jdom.xpath.*;
    import javax.xml.xpath.*;
    public class XPath {
         public static void main (String [] args){
              XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
              XPath xPath=factory.newXPath();
              XPathExpression  xPathExpression=xPath.compile("/catalog/journal/article[@date='January-2004']/title");
              File xmlDocument = new File("/home/myrmen/workspace/Testing/test/catalog.xml");     
              //FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(xmldocument); 
              InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(xmlDocument));
              String title = xPathExpression.evaluate(inputSource);
              String publisher = xPath.evaluate("/catalog/journal/@publisher", inputSource);
              String expression="/catalog/journal/article";
              NodeSet nodes = (NodeSet) xPath.evaluate(expression, inputSource, XPathConstants.NODESET);
              NodeList nodeList=(NodeList)nodes;
              SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
              org.jdom.Document jdomDocument =;
              org.jdom.Attribute levelNode = (org.jdom.Attribute)(XPath.selectSingleNode(jdomDocument,"/catalog//journal[@title='JavaTechnology']" + "//article[@date='January-2004']/@level"));
              org.jdom.Element titleNode = (org.jdom.Element) XPath.selectSingleNode( jdomDocument,"/catalog//journal//article[@date='January-2004']/title");
              titleNode.setText("Service Oriented Architecture Frameworks");
              java.util.List nodeList = XPath.selectNodes(jdomDocument,"/catalog//journal[@title='Java Technology']//article");
              Iterator iter=nodeList.iterator();
              while(iter.hasNext()) {
                   org.jdom.Element element = (org.jdom.Element);
                   element.setAttribute("section", "Java Technology");
              XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("/catalog//journal:journal//article/@journal:level");
              xpath.addNamespace("journal", "");
              levelNode = (org.jdom.Attribute) xpath.selectSingleNode(jdomDocument);
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
         Type mismatch: cannot convert from XPath to XPath
         The method compile(String) is undefined for the type XPath
         InputSource cannot be resolved to a type
         InputSource cannot be resolved to a type
         NodeSet cannot be resolved to a type
         NodeSet cannot be resolved to a type
         NodeList cannot be resolved to a type
         NodeList cannot be resolved to a type
         SAXBuilder cannot be resolved to a type
         SAXBuilder cannot be resolved to a type
         The method selectSingleNode(Document, String) is undefined for the type XPath
         The method selectSingleNode(Document, String) is undefined for the type XPath
         Duplicate local variable nodeList
         The method selectNodes(Document, String) is undefined for the type XPath
         Iterator cannot be resolved to a type
         The method newInstance(String) is undefined for the type XPath
         The method addNamespace(String, String) is undefined for the type XPath
         The method selectSingleNode(Document) is undefined for the type XPath
         at test.XPath.main(

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