SSO between EP and GRC systems

We have EP 7.0 and GRC 5.3 systems in our landscape. In the login page of the portal, we have a link configured to the GRC system to use the Compliant User Provisioning application.
On clicking the GRC link for accessing CUP, the user is prompted to enter the username and password to login to the GRC system. In our landscape both the EP and GRC systems have the ECC ABAP system as the UME and hence the user credentials are exactly the same for both EP and GRC systems for a particular user.
I would like to avoid another logon for the user in GRC as he has already logged in with the same user credentials in EP system.This, i believe is achieved through SSO but i'm not sure about configuring SSO between two Java systems.
Please help me in the configuration.

Ragav_ss wrote:
Everything is working fine when i click User Logon link in GRC system which comes up through the link from EP. The SSO is working fine there. But when i click Request Access or Request Status link, the SSO does not work.
Any clues.
GRC version is 5.3 SP 12
Did you ever get that resolved? I'm having the same problem with 5.3 SP 15.

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    Can anybody give me some insight about setting up SSO between EP and back-end SAP systems. If possible some links to write up would be great.

    This link gives you a detailed information on setting up SSO :
    Some How-guides:

  • SSO between Portal and Nakia.....problem with SSO... library not found..

    Hi Sdn's  and Nakisa tehnical experts,
    We have a Portal environment 7.02 , a Nakisa environment 3.0  (CE) and and HR backend environment 701 (604).
    We are busy setting up SSO between Portal and Nakisa via the, URL iview for the Org chart (http://<host>:<port>OrgChart/default.jsp).
    We have done as indicated in wiki:
    We are however stil having issues with the SSO and in the cds.log the following is being displayed:
    ++01 Aug 2011 13:11:42 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.mysap.sso.SSO2Ticket : Could not load library: sapsecu.dll - java.lang.Exception: MySapInitialize failed: rc= 14null++
    ++01 Aug 2011 13:11:42 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : java.lang.Exception: MySapEvalLogonTicketEx failed: standard error= 9, ssf error= 0++
    ++01 Aug 2011 13:11:42 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Internal error (9) - No SSF error (0)++
    Can someone indicate what I am doing wrong?
    Regards Dries

    Hi Luke,
    thanks a lot for your help so far.
    I have created a root/XML folder under the diretory, and the path is now as follows:
    It seems like it finds the verify.pse, but not the library, sapsecu.dll.
    My credentials.xml file is as follows:
    <assembly name="SapSso"/>
        <item name="PseFilePath">XML\verify.pse</item>
        <item name="SsfLibFilePath">XML\sapsecu.dll</item>
        <item name="PsePassword"></item>
        <item name="WindowsPlatform">64</item>
        <item name="TicketFile"></item>
        <item name="Base64decode">true</item>
    I however stilll get the following in the cds.log
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:53 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - Tenant ID: 000
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - LoginSettingsObject Load: 1719
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Credential provider SapSso
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Using cert: K:\usr\sap\NKP\J14\j2ee\cluster\apps\Nakisa\OrgChart\servlet_jsp\OrgChart\root\XML\verify.pse
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Ticket is: AjExMDAgAA9wb3J0YWw6eXNzZWxhZ2OIABNiYXNpY2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uAQAIWVNTRUxBR0MCAAMwMDADAANEUDkEAAwyMDExMDgxNTExNDcFAAQAAAAICgAIWVNTRUxBR0P%2FAQQwggEABgkqhkiG9w0BBwKggfIwge8CAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATGBzzCBzAIBATAiMB0xDDAKBgNVBAMTA0RQOTENMAsGA1UECxMESjJFRQIBADAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoF0wGAYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQUxDxcNMTEwODE1MTE0NzIwWjAjBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxFgQUK13ubzFiQrY4H%2FLRk2ysyvPSvccwCQYHKoZIzjgEAwQuMCwCFF1W9d!tAjLvP8dnb1bs4XghaHSBAhQ9kd9N!bJubUWITtkzU!za96lxNg%3D%3D
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Version of SAPSSOEXT: SAPSSOEXT 4
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : SCUE LIB base path is:
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.mysap.sso.SSO2Ticket : Could not load library: sapsecu.dll - java.lang.Exception: MySapInitialize failed: rc= 14null
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : java.lang.Exception: MySapEvalLogonTicketEx failed: standard error= 9, ssf error= 0
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Credentials_SapSso : Internal error (9) - No SSF error (0)
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : User to authenticate null
    15 Aug 2011 13:59:55 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Authentication provider SapSso
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : User authenticated null
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Authentication row is {SapSsoTicket=AjExMDAgAA9wb3J0YWw6eXNzZWxhZ2OIABNiYXNpY2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uAQAIWVNTRUxBR0MCAAMwMDADAANEUDkEAAwyMDExMDgxNTExNDcFAAQAAAAICgAIWVNTRUxBR0P%2FAQQwggEABgkqhkiG9w0BBwKggfIwge8CAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATGBzzCBzAIBATAiMB0xDDAKBgNVBAMTA0RQOTENMAsGA1UECxMESjJFRQIBADAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoF0wGAYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQUxDxcNMTEwODE1MTE0NzIwWjAjBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxFgQUK13ubzFiQrY4H%2FLRk2ysyvPSvccwCQYHKoZIzjgEAwQuMCwCFF1W9d!tAjLvP8dnb1bs4XghaHSBAhQ9kd9N!bJubUWITtkzU!za96lxNg%3D%3D}
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : User population provider is Database
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - FunctionRunner : ensurePool : Current pool size:0
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - FunctionRunner : ensurePool : Current pool size:0
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - FunctionRunner.executeFunctionDirect: /NAKISA/RFC_REPORT took: 266ms
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - BAPI_SAP_OTFProcessor_Report :  WhereClause : ( (Userid is null) or (Userid='') ); Table : (SAP_UserPopulation); Dataelement : (UserPopulationInfo)
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : User populated
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Role mapping provider is: SAP
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 ERROR com.nakisa.Logger  - SAPRoleMapping_SAP.MapRoles() : while trying to invoke the method java.lang.String.toUpperCase() of an object loaded from local variable 'value'
    15 Aug 2011 14:00:00 INFO  com.nakisa.Logger  - com.nakisa.framework.login.Main : LogIn : Login process finished with errors
    Any ideas? Should I maybe hardcode the location in the credentials.xml?
    Kind regards
    Dries Yssel

  • SSO Between EP  and R/3 6.4

    I am trying to implement SSO between SAP EP 6.0 and SAP R/3 6.4 using logon tickets.
    I've downloaded the .pse and .der files from Portal,uploaded the .pse in the backend system,added it to the ACL,but when i tried to test the connection in portal using system admin->system configuration->UM configuration->SAP system
    i am getting an error----
    (System ID):$Exception: (101) RFC_ERROR_PROGRAM: 'mshost' missing
    (System ID & System Number):$Exception: (102) RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION: Connect to SAP gateway failed Connect_PM TYPE=A ASHOST=ctsgvcsap3 SYSNR=03 GWHOST=ctsgvcsap3 GWSERV=sapgw03 PCS=1 LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode ERROR service '?' unknown TIME Thu Feb 23 16:24:39 2006 RELEASE 640 COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 37 RC -3 COUNTER 2
    Where am i going wrong?Please help.
    If anyone is having detailed documentation please forward the same.
    Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by: SwarnaDeepika

    Hi Swarna
    the procedure for importing portal certificate in r3 system i already mentioned
    u have a  authorization for strustsso2 on r3 system
    ask for that to basis person or done with their id
    after importing portal certificate into r3 system u have to restart the r3 system no need to restart the portal system
    and make sure for SSO  both portal and R3 system are in same domain.
    if not u have to specify the DNS entry for that by creating alias.

  • Different ways to establish SSO between Portal and ADP

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    Please let me know different ways of establishing SSO between portal  and ADP
    Bala Duvvuri

    You may a few issues. SSO with logon tickets is based on accessing web sites in the same domain. So, if the portal is on, then the web site being accessed needs to have a URL like Is the ADP system accessible by a DNS alias that is within If so, you're OK. If not, then there will be problems.
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    Message was edited by:
            sameer chilama

    Hi Sameer,
    All the information you are looking for is in the
    This help guide is really very clear and thorough.

  • SSO between Portal and Java WD application

    Hi Experts,
    I am using CE 7.2 on localhost and I am very new to SAP.
    I need to know how can I get SSO between Portal and Java WD.  I have a WD application that displays the logged in user using "IUser currentUser = WDClientUser.getCurrentUser().getSAPUser()", as well I can use "IUser user = UMFactory.getAuthenticator().getLoggedInUser()".  Both work.
    Q1. What is the difference in the 2 above?
    Q2. My WD application is set to authenticate user.  The WD application is in URL iView.  I need SSO between Portal and WD application.   Is there a way to get this SSO without SAP Backend (ECC), for now I just need SSO between Portal and Java WD appl.
    Everything is in localhost.
    Please advice. Thanks.

    > need to know how can I get SSO between Portal and Java WD.
    Then I suggest you ask your question in the Web Dynpro Java forum instead of the Web Dynpro ABAP one.

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    /BIC/CQZDS_REC00001000 - Header (ZDS_RECIHDR)
    /BIC/CQZDS_REC00003000 - Allocation (ZDS_RECTPALL)
    /BIC/CQZDS_REC00001000 - Allocation (ZDS_RECTPALL)
    /BIC/CQZDS_REC00003000 - Header (ZDS_RECIHDR)
    Kindly let me know where it might have gone wrong?

    We done it already. Still it is failing.
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    Program ZPI_CL_IA_PAYMENT_ALLOCATION1=CP, Include ZPI_CL_IA_PAYMENT_ALLOCATION1=CM001: Syntax error in line 000016
    The data object 'L_S_DATA' has no component called'/BIC/ZSALENUM', but there is a component called
    Program ZPI_CL_IA_PAYMENT_HEADER======CP, Include ZPI_CL_IA_PAYMENT_HEADER======CM001: Syntax error in line 000016
    The data object 'L_S_DATA' has no component called'/BIC/ZTRANDATE', but there are the following com
    The Structure is mismatched in SE11 between header and allocation structures. That is the reason it is failing.
    Any more ideas pls?

  • Consistency between dev and prod systems!!!!

    Hi All,
    I wuld like to check the consistency between Dev and Prod systems for all the Data model and other objects existing. I would like to do this sanity check to see whether the two systems are in sync. Are there any tools or transaction codes within SAP framework which can guide me in this direction.
    Kind Regards,
    Surya Tamada.

    Hi Surya ,
    First build whole data flow :
    1 .Create Infoarea ,Infoobjects & Masterdata ,Infoproviders ,Infoobject Catelog under Infoarea,MetaData - Characteristics MeteData - Key Figures 
    2 DSOs  ,Infocubes ,Infosets, Multiproviders ,Views in the development system ,Datasources for BW system,Flat File Datasources,Transformations
    then get data from the se11 tables as per your requirement :
    like RSDVCHA ,RSDBCHATR,RSDCUBEIOBJ,RSDICMULTIIOBJ etc and built view on it  as per your requirement .
    then built flat file data sources and transformation .
    get all data downloaded to flat file in ur PC .In the same way from other system.
    make flow from PC File Datasource -> DSO -> Infocube and build queries for different objects .load the downloaded files to them and then run query .
    ex : query to compare cube will take cube name and systems name as input and compare objects .

  • Can you tell me some differences between R2 and R3 systems?

    Can you tell me some differences between R2 and R3 systems?
    I guess R2 is used only for mainframe systems some time back. But i dont know why we prefered R3 over R2.
    Please clarify this!

    SAP R/3 is
    Client server
    3 tier
    Relatively hardware and database independent
    ABAP/4 applications runs on application servers.
    Dispatcher, shared memory, gateway, work processes are major components of an application server.
    SAP R/3 offers
    Comprehensive suite of integrated applications meeting the needs of most business
    Best practice process design
    Ability to configure to
    Industry sector
    Unique business requirements
    In a R/2  System - it is a 2 Tier System based on Mainframe Systems with Intelligent terminals
    R/3 is based 3 tier Client Server architechture and supports the R/2 system as well.
    R/3 Middleware -
    Client server
    Uses underlying relational databases
    SQL server
    Its graphical user interface
    Sap GUI
    hence R/3 is preffered over R/2 systems because they support Client Server Architecture which is easily configurable,scalable and can integrate with ERP systems and integrate with SOA or Web based Apps.
    Saurabh Shukla

  • SSO between EP and ECC-- JCo RFC Provider- Error-- JCO_ERROR_SERVER_STARTUP

    Hello Everyone
    I am setting Up SSO between my EP 7.0 and my ECC 6.0 system. During the phase JCO RFC PRovider i am giving the following values:
    The following was done;
    1. start Visual Administrator -> Service : Choose JCo RFC Provider
    2. Created JCo RFC provider:
    Program ID: SAPJ2EE_Port
    Gateway host: EPDEV ( host of my EP System)
    Gateway service: sapgw00
    Server Count 5
    Application Server Host: ERP6 ( Host of my ECC System)
    System Number: 00
    Client: 000
    Language: EN
    User: SAPJSF
    Password: ..
    When i click on SET i am getting the error " ERROR When ADDING TO BUNDLE" Check LOG FOR DETAILS".
    I checked the DEFAULTTRACE.TRC and get the following MEssage :
    Date , Time , Message , Severity , Category , Location , Application , User
    03/01/2011 , 3:33:30:101 , Error changing bundle SAPJ2EE_PORT , Error , /System/Server , conf) ,  , Administrator
    03/01/2011 , 3:33:30:085 ,$Exception: (129) JCO_ERROR_SERVER_STARTUP: Server startup failed at Tue Mar 01 03:33:30 PST 2011.
    This is caused by either a) erroneous server settings, b) the backend system has been shutdown, c) network problems. Will try next startup in 1 seconds.
    Could not start server: Connect to SAP gateway failed
    Connect parameters: TPNAME=SAPJ2EE_PORT GWHOST=EPDEV GWSERV=sapgw00
    ERROR       partner 'EPDEV:sapgw00' not reached
    TIME        Tue Mar 01 03:33:30 2011
    RELEASE     700
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     38
    RC          -10
    MODULE      nixxi.cpp
    LINE        2823
    DETAIL      NiPConnect2
    SYSTEM CALL connect
    ERRNO       10061
    ERRNO TEXT  WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused
    COUNTER     1
    I have configured my SLD as well. Any suggestions. Please Advise.

    Hi Ahmed,
    Please do check the validity of the certificate.
    Please do cross check these steps again.
    1.     Transaction u2013 STRUSTSSO2 (Trust Manager for Logon Ticket)
    2.     Double Click Owner certificate. It gets reflected under the certificate tab.
    3.                  Choose Format Binary
    4.                  Choose File Path.
    5.                  Enter the File Name
    6.                 saved in local drive.
    You can import into portal as x.509 certificate.
    check this thread -
    Certificate no longer has signature (use restriction)
    Renew certificate via SAP MarketPlace, and install from tcode slicense.  If you are working on a trial version, there is a SAP license request application form. Fill the form with the hardware key. you will get the new license via email. Install using slicense. Then try exporting the certificate.
    Edited by: Divya V on Mar 10, 2011 11:25 AM

  • Error in SSO between Portal and IDM

    Hi All,
    In my scenario i need to configure the IDM workflow in portal and do SSO between them. I followed the steps given in IDM-Workflow installation document and did following things.
    1. Uploaded the par file available in IDM installation kit in to portal.
    2. Imported the Portal Content package (epa file) in to portal.I got the role Identity Center in my masthead.
    3. Created System as said in the document.
    4. Completed the necessary steps for transporting certificate between them.
    But when click on the role 'Identy Center' or do preview of any iViews of IDM i am getting the following error.
    Portal runtime error.
    An exception occurred while processing your request. Send the exception ID to your portal administrator.
    Exception ID: 05:58_06/12/08_0860_1657450
    Refer to the log file for details about this exception.
    Here is my default trace log for that exception id.
    #1.5[impl:3]_16##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Java###Exception ID: 05:58_06/12/08_0860_1657450
    #1#com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error in service call of Portal Component
    Component : pcd:portal_content/
    Component class : com.sapportals.portal.sapapplication.SAPApplicationIntegratorComponent
    User : xxxxx
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.handlePortalComponentException(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
         at Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: Exception in SAP Application Integrator occured: Unable to parse template &\#39;&lt;System.protocol&gt;://&lt;System.hostname&gt;/&lt;System.appcontext&gt;/welcome.php?SAPIDStore=&lt;System.idstore&gt;&amp;wf_portal=1&\#39;; the problem occured at position 38. Cannot process expression &lt;System.appcontext&gt; because Invalid System Attribute:
    System:    &amp;\#39;SAP_LocalSystem&amp;\#39;,
    Attribute: &amp;\#39;appcontext&amp;\#39;.
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.AbstractIntegratorComponent.doContentPass(
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.AbstractIntegratorComponent.doContent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.doPreview(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         ... 29 more
    Please help me to get rid of this issue.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Tamil K

    Hi Tamil,
    Please have a look in your log
    Exception in SAP Application Integrator occured: Unable to parse template &\#39;<System.protocol>://<System.hostname>/<System.appcontext>/welcome.php?SAPIDStore=<System.idstore>&wf_portal=1&\#39;; the problem occured at position 38. Cannot process expression <System.appcontext> because Invalid System
    Please check the above values in system properties which are in bold

  • Users mapping between EP and ABAP system

    I'd like to ask for some guidance in my quest
    Current situation looks like this:
    I've configured UME in AS Java to work with LDAP as read only data source. Then I've configured SPNego to run SSO - It works, users from MS AD can log into portal.
    Now I have application in WD which authorizes via EP/AD - works fine.
    And next step is users mapping between AD and ABAP backend (serving some BAPI's for WD app)
    I've found a bunch of help pages starting from
    But somehow it's quite complicated to achieve this mapping. I've tried to set RFC destinations logon type to user mapping but without succes.
    Can anyone point me to some more clear example or give path to configure this scenario? Is there a way of configuring this with NWA or some XML file editing is required?
    Any help will be appreciated.
    BTW: whole environment is in version 7.11
    Best regards

    There is no equivalent to SPNEGO on the ABAP side.
    If your goal is to propagate the user, then possible options are:
    -> Wait for SAML 2.0 or invest now in a SAML 1.0 provider.
    -> Use the same kerberos ticket for the EP as what your ABAP system will accept: route = SNC and 3rd party libraries.
    -> Issue SAP logon tickets for the ABAP system from the EP, and use these in your WDA.
    Another option is to expose the service with saved logon data in the ICF. If the service is just a wrapper for the BAPI, then you can also consider using trusted RFC between the service and the backend, but this might not be acceptable for your service.
    I have only done experimental stuff with this and some of the above is not released yet. Also consider the consequences, even if it "does work"...

  • Problem SSO between VPN and NAC

    Description of our problem : SSO doesn't work
    -on the first connexion from vpn client we insert two time the login and password :one time for the client vpn and the seconde time for CAA (clean Access agent).
    -although for the other connexion that succeed, we insert only one time the login and password (for vpn only) and for CAA the connexion is done automatiquely and a some hours later we reinsert two times login and password for vpn and CAA.
    The following steps are done to configure Cisco NAC Appliance to work with a VPN concentrator:
    Step 1 Add Default Login Page =ok
    Step 2 Configure User Roles and Clean Access Requirements for your VPN users =ok
    Step 3 Enable L3 Support on the CAS = ok
    Step 4 Verify Discovery Host =ok (CAS IP ADDRESS
    Step 5 Add VPN Concentrator to Clean Access Server =ok (ASA IP ADDRESS
    Step 6 Make CAS the RADIUS Accounting Server for VPN Concentrator =ok
    Step 7 Add Accounting Servers to the CAS (accounting server is CAM IP ADDRESS
    Step 8 Map VPN Concentrator(s) to Accounting Server(s)=ok
    Step 9 Add VPN Concentrator as a Floating Device =ok
    Step 10 Configure Single Sign-On (SSO) on the CAS/CAM =ok
    the database for vpn authentication is cisco secure acs(
    Tanks to any anybody to give us a possible solution.
    FILALI Saad
    Ares Maroc

    I have just gone the the same issues with SSO VPN with my CAS in real-ip mode.
    First thing to consider, when your testing, every time you test a user, make sure you go into the CAS or CAM and remove them as a certified device or active user before you perform your next test. I found that while I was testing that it would sometimes cache the user and I was getting successful auth attempts but due to their device being already accepted on a previous connection because the CAS was not made aware that the user had logged out correctly.
    1. Make sure you have a fully functional DNS system on the inside network, I didnt realize how important it was to have forward and reverse look ups for your CAS and CAM. Make sure that all CAS and cams are listed in dns with correct domain names.
    This in very important if your running your own CA certificates on cas and cam. Make sure that the CAM and CAS can resolve each other via dns. Make sure the CAM and CAS can perform reverse lookups of each other. Also make sure that when the user VPN's into your ASA that they can also perform DNS lookups and reverse lookups. If they cant perform dns look ups, you may need to temporarily allow the untrusted network full access while you resolve the DNS lookup problem on the client computer. One of the issues I had was that the VPN clients couldnt resolve internal DNS names and so the CCA agent would never auto pop-up and start the auto login process because it was trying to resolve the CAM name and also check that the CA certificate I had on the CAS was legitimate as I had used names in my certs and not IP addresses.
    2. Make sure your VPN group settings on the IPSEC policy of the ASA has DNS pointing to your internal DNS server.
    3. I know you already said you have done this but check to make sure that the VPN group setup on your ASA for your remote access users, has been setup with the radius accounting being directed the INSIDE interface IP address of your CAS, (if you are running your CAS in real-ip, I found that the inside interface was the only interface listening on 1813, do a 'netstat -an' on the cas to check) if your running in VGW mode then you only have 1 ip address to direct it to anyway.
    Follow from step 15 in following link
    3. Troubleshoot and make sure that the ASA actually sends a radius accounting message to the CAS. I did this by ssh into the CAS and doing a 'tcpdump -i any src and not tcp 22'. I then logged into the VPN client and made sure that once I entered my vpn user and pass, that the ASA authenticates the vpn user and then passes a radius accounting message to the CAS informing the CAS it has allowed a new user. If you dont see this radius accounting message hit the CAS interface go back to my step 3 and resolve.
    4. Finally check that you have not mistyped a shared secret somwhere, ie between CAM and ACS, Between ASA and ACS, Between ASA and CAS. I had all my users authenticate though radius on my ACS server, a number of times I got caught out by a simple typo in a shared secret.
    Try these things first.
    Also someone else here on the forums linked this guide to me that also helped me setup my CAS correctly.
    You may find it useful too.

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