ST02 analysis

Can any body give a detailed analysis of ST02 Tune buffers screen. I always look only for swaps
and hit ratio. But I am aware that the analysis of SAP memory like roll area, paging area, extended memory can be done  with ST02. Please explain me.
Thanks in advance,

please check out the link belo it might help you
**********please reward points if the information is helpful to you***********

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    Buffer: The first column shows the names of the buffers:
    Four ABAP repository buffers.
    The program, CUA, screen, and calendar buffers.
    The table buffers.
    Hit Ratio:
              A hit is when an object (such as a table, screen, or program) in the buffer is accessed. If the object has to be read from the database, the buffer access fails.
    Allocated Size:
            The allocated size is measured in KB. It is different from the available buffer size because a part of the size is used for buffer management.
    Freespace :    
            Freespace is important for analyzing the buffer size. The space remaining in the buffer is displayed in KB and percentage of the available buffer size.
    Number of Directories:
                 Even though there is freespace in the buffer, objects may not always be loaded into the buffer because there are no more free directories. The Buffers Monitor displays the number of directories available for the buffer, and the number and percentage free. The buffer directories point to the location of the objects that are located in the buffer.
                    When a buffer has insufficient freespace or free directories, it has to swap objects out of the buffer in order to load a new object. The column Swap shows how many objects have been swapped out since system startup.
    Database Accesses
                          When an object cannot be read from the buffer, the database has to be accessed. The number ofdatabase accesses is displayed in the last column of this screen.

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    points are guaranteed...

    SE30 - gives you a run time analysis and points out the issues more at design time.
    ST05 - Is the most useful if you want to track time taken for execution of each of the sections.
    SM50 - Will give you a work process overview, not sure at a program level how can it help you.
    Some times you will have to use a combination of SE30 and ST05.
    I would like to use St05 personally.
    SQL Trace (ST05) we use for performance tuning
    In se38,you have a report and you want to test the performance of that report
    ST05 tells about the summary of sql statements used in that program.
    -Go to Tcode ST05
    -Select Trace on
    -In se38,Execute your report-
    -Come back to st05 and select Trace off
    -Select Trace list.
    Now you check your select stmnts and how much time taking
    -Some columns showing pink color are expensive select stmnts
    You have so many options inside to check for summary and also index..
    ST02 --> Memory management
    ST03 --> Dialog Service
    OS06 --> Operating System
    SCI --> Code Inspector

  • ST02 buffer tuning

    Hi all,
    In ST02 for Screen buffer  and export/import Free directory  entries  and % are showing  '0' , what does it mean ... Hit ratio for all buffers is 99.96 nearly for export/import it's showing 85% and swaps also rising .
    Please suggest...

    Tune Buffers monitor shows the percentage usage of buffers and memory.
    The Setups / Tune Buffers monitor displays data on:
    - Buffer sizes
    - Buffer qualities (hit ratios)
    Bottlenecks may be indicated if buffer swaps occur
    Choose Detail analysis menu to display other data, such as :
    - Memory usage
    - Semaphores usage
    - Table calls
    Max. use (in KB) should be less than In memory (in KB).
    - The lower part of the Setups / Tune Buffers monitor displays data on:
    - Extended memory size and usage
    - Usage and configuration of the roll mechanism
    Bottlenecks may be indicated if:
    - For extended memory: Max use. = In memory
    - For roll area: Max use. > In memory
    good luck
    if it useful reward points are appreciated

  • Reg:Swaps in ST02

    Hi Gurus,
    I have been seeing lot of swaps occuring in ST02,in one our production servers.
    I could see the swaps occuring on CUA buffers in huge volumes
    Can any body give me any clue on how to go about it,interms of analysing the swaps and fixing the same
    Your help would highly be appriciated
    Thanks in advance

    you will find some help here : [Online help about buffers|]
    "When a buffer has insufficient freespace or free directories, it has to swap objects out of the buffer in order to load a new object. The column Swap shows how many objects have been swapped out since system startup."
    This means that you have to increase the size of the buffer to avoid swapping.
    To find the relevant parameter (in RZ10) for a specific buffer => transaction ST02, double click on the buffer and then click on the button "Current parameters". Here is/are the parameter(s) to increase (be careful of some parameters ... your system can crash or not restart !)
    After saving & activating the profile in RZ10, perform at os level the command (under <sid>adm) : sappfpar check to fix the memory problems.
    Hope this will help you

  • ST02 Swaps issue

    Hi Folks,
    As per daily monotioring in ST02 i am getting swaps.Can any body advice me .Tunning the buffers is one solutiion i know this.but i am facing the problem daily .
    My Environmet:
    OS- AIX5.

    When a buffer has not sufficient free-space or free directories, it has to swap objects out of the buffer in order to load a new object on request. The column Swap shows how many objects have been swapped out since system start-up.
    Along with the useful suggestions provided by Raghu, I would do the following analysis to optimize the swaps by keeping in mind that "the performance optimization is an on going process".
    1. Analyze the Hit Ratio and Swap Counts of each memory components in ST02. Prepare and Excel Sheet and note down the memory components which are required special attention for the performance of the system
    e.g. If your PXA buffer is having more than 95% hit ration, but its showing more than 20000 swaps per day then you need to re-size it to reduce the swaps
    2. Analyze the concurrent & active User Access to the SAP System and the workload.
    3. Compare the existing Memory parameter and other dependent parameter settings (with respect to SAP system(s), Database and OS) with the recommendation suggested by SAP official Documents (Inst Guide, SAP Notes, etc..).
    3. By keeping in mind the available RAM and SWAP Space, step-by-step, Increase the space value of affected Memory components by 10% to 20% of Existing settings.
    4. If the System is configured with more work processes of same types and the all are not used at all even during peak workload (of month or of week or of year), then decrease the counts of work processes to reduce the memory usage so that we can optimize other required memory parameters with more space.
    5. If the System is having not enough resources to provide better performance due to resource bottlenecks, then One will prefer:
    - to upgrade the H/W on existing SAP System host
    - to install additional Application Server(s) (on other system with highly equipped H/W resources), to take the advantage of Log-on Load Balancing.
    Please refer these SAP Notes:
    Note 750205 - High memory usage with AIX5.2/5.3 and Oracle9.2
    Note 425207 - SAP memory management, current parameter ranges
    Note 830576 - Parameter recommendations for Oracle 10g,
    Note 146289 - Parameter Recommendations for 64-Bit SAP Kernel
    One more thing we are not taking Offline back up due to business need system continuous available.Please advice me
    Perform Consistent Online Backup (Online Backup + Redo Log Backup) and frequent Archive Log Backup.
    Bhavik G. Shroff

  • ST02 Buffer State issue

    In Tcode ST02 --> Detailed Analysis, there is an option to check Table Call Statistics.
    In that statistics page there is a column Buffer State
    For table A807 the Buffer state is Error.
    I tried searching but couldn't find anything on the Buffer State in Error.
    COuld you help me with the reason and solution for this error?

    Analysis log
    Date/time of analysis:                  21.05.2010  11:34:42
    Analyzed table:                         A807
    Total number of rows:                      4.234.059 rows
    Requested bytes per row:                          81 bytes per row
    Requested bytes to be buffered 100%:     342.958.779 bytes
    Current buffering mode:                         100% buffering
    Rows per      Distinct              1           11          101        1.001       10.001      100.001    more than
    neric key     values             - 10        - 100      - 1.000     - 10.000    - 100.000   -1.000.000    1.000.000
    Key fields               Number of areas that are specified by the generic key and contain the given number of rows
    MANDT                 1            0            0            0            0            0            0            1
    KAPPL                 1            0            0            0            0            0            0            1
    KSCHL                 6            0            0            2            0            1            2            1
    PLTYP                41            7            8            4            1           12            9
    MATNR           416.822      256.631      159.975          216
    VARCOND         903.442      903.442
    DATBI         4.234.059    4.234.059

  • Solaris/SAP Memory Analysis/Audit

    We have a landscape that is only a couple of years old, but seeing some paging and buffer issues.  We are running in a solaris/Oracle environment, and I was wanting to do some memory analysis, or a memory audit to make sure that we had everything configured correctly. 
    Memory is not really my stong suit, so if any of you have some handy resources that you dont mind sharing, I would like to  research and better understand. 
    Our Prod Landscape is this:
    Sun e2900 (#1) 8cpu (multicore) 64g
    Global Zone - Ecc 600 ASCS /Oracle 10.2 Cluster (Slave)
    Local zone - BI 7 CI+DB
    Local Zone - XI 7 CI+DB
    Sun e2900 (#2) 8cpu (multicore) 64g
    Global Zone - Ecc 600 ASCS /Oracle 10.2 Cluster (Master)
    Local zone - ECC CI
    Qty 3 - Sun V490 (#1, #2, #3) 4cpu (Multicore) 16g
    Global Zone - OS only
    Local zone - ECC APP
    Local zone - BI APP
    Local zone - XI APP
    I have the performance tuning book, and have been studying up on buffers and parameters.  But first mainly looking to research how memory is assigned, where, and determine if any changes need to be made, or there is memory room to increase buffers.
    Thank you.

    Apologies.  I was struggling with how exactly to articulate the question.  And even more with how to go about determining where we are with our memory both inside and outside of SAP.  With Solaris you have Zones (containers), projects, oracle, sap, user environment settings, etc.  All of which have an impact on memory, either from consumption, or limitation of memory (projects and user environment settings.) 
    I have looked at ST02, and we do see swaps of greater that 10k, however, before increasing the buffers, I'm trying to determine what memory we have available, and where the current memory is being used.
    Our response times are not absurd.  We hover around 800 - 1000 ms.  Our CPU is average less than 15% util.  But I think there is room for improvement/tuning on our memory and buffers, because performance does degrade over a period of weeks without an app restart.
    Thank you for your response, and the help link.  I am reviewing it now.
    Best Regards,
    Phil May
    Edited by: Phil May on Sep 11, 2009 9:52 AM

  • St02-03-04-06 how to interpret?

    in the tcode st02 st03n st04 and st06, there are many voices.
    But which of them are most important for a quick bottleneck analyze?

    For Bottleneck short i check this way.
    SM50 - WP status ( Find what is creating the block) A quick analysis would give its a SPACE [DB issue or at OS level issue]
    If its OS go to -> ST06 (FileSys)(Memory) used at times
    If its DB go to -> ST04  (State on disk - DB02)and Lock Wait situtations.
    ST03N is utilised for User - Tcoide analysis and other stuff which is discussed at length in many threads.
    Ifits an SAP (Application level) issue..then jump to ST22 and SM21 (My best frds)
    Hope the inputs are helpful in some sense to make up your mind. Also awaiting inputs from others on their views
    Awards points if helpful.

  • SWAP - ST02

    Hi Gurus, I am doing daily monitoring for a server.  Right in ST02 t-code i have some issue which i dont know how to resolve it.
    One of the buffer which is Table Definition buffer directory is getting filled and increase day by day.
    Buffer               HitRatio % Alloc. KB Freesp. KB % Free Sp. Dir. Size FreeDirEnt % Free Dir   Swaps    DB Accs
    Table definition     99.69    4,924           8      0.21         20,000      40             0.20         0          0      74,946
    Day by day the directory size is just keep increasing. I dont have confident to tune-up the parameter setting in Production system. Even when i checked the Program buffer free directory size is 0.40% at the moment. I also have monitor that occuring in the program buffer day by day. From yesterday until today the swap that was occured was 24560 swaps. So i need your guideline what to do next in regards to this. I would sincerely appreciate your kind guidance and help.
    Thank You.

    Go through following links for ST02 & ST03 in sap help portal. it will give you fair idea of memnory management and work load analysis.

  • ABAP Runtime Analysis

    We have very poor performance on your ERP ECC 6.0 EHP 3 system. We are using MaxDB 7.7.
    We have done a abap runtime analysis (SE30) on transaction code FD03.
    The result is the following:
    How can we solve this? And why is the system and abap execution time equal to zero?

    Please perform SQL trace using ST05. Look at the action in SM50 where it is taking more time.
    Check the CPU/MEMORY bottleneck issue at DB Server using ST02 and ST06.
    Also refer the following useful links to get more info.
    [FAQ's, intros and memorable discussions in the Performance and Tuning Forum|FAQ's, intros and memorable discussions in the Performance and Tuning Forum]
    [SAP ABAP Runtime Analysis - SE30|]
    [SE30 -Measurement Overview|]
    Bhavik G. Shroff

  • Data Base Analysis

    Hi Friends,
    Will any body tell the Transaction Code for Analyse a Query and database.

    Hi please check out ST02 tcode

  • ST02 / ST03 Troubleshooting

    Dear Experts,
    do you have any guidline or checklist on what to do if there are swaps problems on ST02 or Response Time Problems on ST03?
    Thanks a lot for any help!

    Hi Marc,
    Swaping happens if the data is not availabel in various buffers as it needs to access the database for the rquired data. there are various parameters which needs to be taken care of. Please check the values of the parameters if required finetune them.
    GenericKey:zcsa/table_buffer_area Bytes
    Entries: zcsa/db_max_buftab
    SingleRecord Size: rtbb/buffer_length
    Screen:zcsa/presentation_buffer_area Bytes
    CUA rsdb/cua/buffersize
    Table Definition Size is determined by the number of entries
    Entries: rsdb/ntab/entrycount
    Field Description Size: rsdb/ntab/ftabsize
    Entries: 2 * rsdb/ntab/entrycount + 1
    Initial Records
    Size: rsdb/ntab/irbdsize
    Entries: 2 * rsdb/ntab/entrycount + 1
    Size: rsdb/ntab/sntabsize
    ST03 performance problem
    Check which component (CPU/Dialog/Batch etc) is taking more time and then you have take appropriate actions
    1) I would suggest to Investigate the select statements more closely. Discover which tables and indexes they are using transaction ST04 > detailed analysis tab. if index are not there consider creating indexes.
    2) Execute / check update statistics.
    3)find the ZTcodes and Zprograms which are taking more time and you have to work with ABAP and Fuctional teams to stream line the programs and Tcodes.
    Thank you,

  • Open PO Analysis - BW report issue

    Hello Friends
    I constructed a query in BW in order to show Open Purchase Orders. We have custom DSO populated with standard
    datasource 2lis_02_itm (Purcahse Order Item). In this DSO we mapped the field ELIKZ to the infoobject 0COMP_DEL
    (Delivery completed).
    We loaded the data from ECC system for all POs and found the following issue for Stock Transport Purchase orders (DocType = UB).
    We have a PO with 4 line items. For line items 10 and 20, Goods issued, Goods received and both the flags "Delivery
    complete" and "Final delivery" checked. For line items 30 and 40, only delivery indicator note is issued for zero
    quantity and Delivery complete flag is checked (Final delivery flag is not checked) in ECC system. For this PO, the
    delivery completion indicator is not properly updated in the DSO for line items 30 and 40. The data looks like the
    650000001       10     UB        X
    650000001       20     UB        X
    650000001       30     UB
    650000001       40     UB      
    When we run the Open PO analysis report on BW side this PO is appearing in the report but the same is closed in ECC
    Any help is appreciated in this regard.
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Priya and Reddy
       Thanks for your response.
                         Yes the indicator is checked in EKPO table for items 30 and 40 and delta is running regularly for more than 1 year and no issues with other POs. This is happening only for few POs of type Stock Transport (UB).
                        I already checked the changes in ME23N and the Delivery completed indicator was changed and it reflected in EKPO table. Further, i checked the PSA records for this PO and i am getting the records with the Delivery completed flag but when i update from PSA to DSO the delivery completed indicator is not updating properly.
                       In PSA, for item 30 i have the following entries. Record number 42 is capturing the value X for ELIKZ but after that i am getting two more records 43 and 44 with process key 10 and without X for ELIKZ. I think this is causing the problem.
    Record No.    Doc.No.                    Item              Processkey         Rocancel     Elikz
        41               6500000001            30                    11                            X           ---    
        42               6500000001            30                    11                            ---           X
        43               6500000001            30                    10                            X           ---
        44               6500000001            30                    10                            ---         ---
    (Here --- means blank)        
    Thanks and Regards

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