Stack Size

For an assignment I had to create a postfix calculator, and one of the errors we had to catch was:
if there is more then one integer left in the stack when printing the final result, it needs
to give an error message and exit.
We were provided the implementation and interface for the Stack by our instructor and here is the method he used for toString.
    public String toString() {
     if (empty()) {
         return "Empty Stack";
     } else {
         return recursiveToString(top);
    /* recursive method to print a non-empty stack
     * @param     the starting index in the array
     * @return     a string representing the stack
    private String recursiveToString(IntNode start) {
     if (start == null) {
         return "";
     String separator = "";
     if (start != top) {
         separator = " :: ";
     return recursiveToString(start.getNext()) +
                start.getValue() + separator;
    }Basically if there is more than one integer in the stack it will print it like so:
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4
This is what I used to tell if there was more than one integer left in the stack when printing the final results. I used this code:
//Checking for the "::" that the toString method prints between integers
//when there is more than one left in the stack. If there is more the one
//integer left in the stack then give an error and exit.
for(int i = 0; i < intStack.toString().length(); i++) { //looping through the toString
//if there are two colons, consecutively, there is more than one integer in the stack
     if(intStack.toString().charAt(i) == ':' && intStack.toString().charAt(i+1) == ':') {
          System.out.println("Error:\tMore than one integer in final stack. Make sure equations\n\tin " + param[0] + " are valid. Exiting program...");
}Now my question is... is there a better way to do this? Ideally I would like this part to work regardless
of how the toString method formats the integers. Because right now if the toString method was
changed my little check would not work. So is there a way to determine the amount of items in a stack
or a better way to do this.
To give a better understanding of those snippets here is the code as a whole:
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class KinseyAnthony4 {
     public static void main(String[] param) {
          /** Declare new IntLinkedStack Stack Object */
          IntLinkedStack intStack = new IntLinkedStack();
          //Make sure there is only one parameter entered.
          if(param.length == 1) {
               //try to read the file
               try {
                    /** declaring new file object */
                    File calcMe = new File(param[0]);
                    /** declaring new scanner object */
                    Scanner readIt = new Scanner(calcMe);
                    /** declaring int for line number */
                    int line = 1;
                    /** declaring int for first number popped from stack */
                    int top = 0;
                    /** declaring int for second number popped from stack */
                    int next = 0;
                    /** declaring int to hold the result of calculations */
                    int result = 0;
                    //Report current status
                    System.out.println("Reading through " + param[0] + ":");
                    //Use loop to view each line until there are none left
                    while(readIt.hasNextLine()) {
                        /** declaring string that holds current line's content */
                         String lineContent = readIt.nextLine();
                         //Report current line number and it's contents
                         System.out.println("\nLine " + line + ": " + lineContent);
                         //Use for loop to analyze each character in the line
                         for(int i=0; i < lineContent.length(); i++) {
                              //Is it a digit?
                              if(Character.isDigit(lineContent.charAt(i))) {
                                   /** declaring int that holds numeric value of the char */
                                   int pushMe = Character.getNumericValue(lineContent.charAt(i));
                                   //Report what's being pushed on stack
                                   System.out.println(">Pushing " + pushMe + " to stack.");
                                   //Push the value on the stack
                              //It's not a digit
                              else {
                                   //Use a switch statement for computations
                                   switch(lineContent.charAt(i)) {
                                        case '*':
                                             top = intStack.pop(); //Pop top number
                                             System.out.println(">Popping " + top + " from stack."); //Status
                                             next = intStack.pop(); //Pop next number
                                             System.out.println(">Popping " + next + " from stack."); //Status
                                             result = next * top; //Multiply them
                                             System.out.println(">Calculating " + next + " * " + top); //Status
                                             intStack.push(result); //Push result back onto stack
                                             System.out.println(">Pushing result of " + result + " to stack."); //Status
                                        case '/':
                                             top = intStack.pop(); //Pop top number
                                             System.out.println(">Popping " + top + " from stack."); //Status
                                             next = intStack.pop(); //Pop next number
                                             System.out.println(">Popping " + next + " from stack."); //Status
                                             result = next / top; //Divide them
                                             System.out.println(">Calculating " + next + " / " + top); //Status
                                             intStack.push(result); //Push result back onto stack
                                             System.out.println(">Pushing result of " + result + " to stack."); //Status
                                        case '+':
                                             top = intStack.pop(); //Pop top number
                                             System.out.println(">Popping " + top + " from stack."); //Status
                                             next = intStack.pop(); //Pop next number
                                             System.out.println(">Popping " + next + " from stack."); //Status
                                             result = next + top; //Add them
                                             System.out.println(">Calculating " + next + " + " + top); //Status
                                             intStack.push(result); //Push result back onto stack
                                             System.out.println(">Pushing result of " + result + " to stack."); //Status
                                        case '-':
                                             top = intStack.pop(); //Pop top number
                                             System.out.println(">Popping " + top + " from stack."); //Status
                                             next = intStack.pop(); //Pop next number
                                             System.out.println(">Popping " + next + " from stack."); //Status
                                             result = next - top; //Subtract them
                                             System.out.println(">Calculating " + next + " - " + top); //Status
                                             intStack.push(result); //Push result back onto stack
                                             System.out.println(">Pushing result of " + result + " to stack."); //Status
                                        //Invalid Characters
                                             //Ignore them if they're spaces
                                             if(!Character.isSpaceChar(lineContent.charAt(i))) {
                                                  //So if they're not spaces give an error and exit
                                                  System.out.println("Error:\tInvalid character read. Exiting program...");
                         //Checking for the "::" that the toString method prints between integers
                         //when there is more than one left in the stack. If there is more the one
                         //integer left in the stack then give an error and exit.
                         for(int i = 0; i < intStack.toString().length(); i++) { //looping through the toString
                              //if there are two colons, consecutively, there is more than one integer in the stack
                              if(intStack.toString().charAt(i) == ':' && intStack.toString().charAt(i+1) == ':') {
                                   System.out.println("Error:\tMore than one integer in final stack. Make sure equations\n\tin " + param[0] + " are valid. Exiting program...");
                         //Once it passes that check, print the final calculation
                         System.out.println("***The final result is " + intStack.toString() + "***");
                         //Clear the stack for the following loop
                         while(!intStack.toString().equals("Empty Stack")) {
                         //Increment the line number and loop back
                    //If it's the end of the file, exit
               //catch invalid postfix equations
               catch(Exception e) {
                    System.out.println("\nError:\tThe " + e + " occured while reading " + param[0] +".\n\tMake sure equations in " + param[0] + " are valid. Exiting program...");
          //The user entered more than one parameter
          else {
               //Give the error and exit
               System.out.println("Error:\tToo many parameters. One file name parameter is allowed. " + param.length + " were found. Exiting program...");
/* a stack of ints implemented using a linked list of nodes
* @author     Biagioni, Edoardo
* @assignment     lecture 8 and homework 4
* @date     February 6, 2008
class IntLinkedStack implements IntStackInterface {
    /* only need to store a single pointer to the node holding
     * the top of the stack.
     * The pointer is null if the stack is empty.
    private IntNode top;
    /* no-arguments default constructor creates an empty stack */
    public IntLinkedStack() {
     top = null;          // start with an empty stack
    /* @return     whether the stack is empty */
    public boolean empty() {
     return (top == null);
    /* @param     int to push onto the stack */
    public void push(int value) {
     top = new IntNode(value, top);
    /* @return     the top int on the stack */
    public int pop() throws EmptyStackException {
     if (empty()) {
         throw new EmptyStackException();
     int result = top.getValue();
     top = top.getNext();
     return result;
    /* convert the stack to a printable string
     * @return     a string representing the stack
    public String toString() {
     if (empty()) {
         return "Empty Stack";
     } else {
         return recursiveToString(top);
    /* recursive method to print a non-empty stack
     * @param     the starting index in the array
     * @return     a string representing the stack
    private String recursiveToString(IntNode start) {
     if (start == null) {
         return "";
     String separator = "";
     if (start != top) {
         separator = " :: ";
     return recursiveToString(start.getNext()) +
                start.getValue() + separator;
    // simple test
    public static void main(String[] args) {
     IntStackInterface s = new IntLinkedStack();
     System.out.println("before pushing anything, " + s);
     System.out.println("after pushing 999 and 216, " + s);
     System.out.println("pop returns " + s.pop());
     System.out.println("after popping, " + s);
     // push 100 values
     for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
     // now pop them and make sure the same values are returned
     // in LIFO order
     for (int i = 99; i >= 0; i--) {
         int returned = s.pop();
         if (returned != i) {
          System.out.println("error: pop returns " + returned +
                       ", expected " + i);
     System.out.println("after pushing 477, 381, 888, " + s);
     System.out.println("pop returns " + s.pop());
     System.out.println("pop returns " + s.pop());
     System.out.println("pop returns " + s.pop());
     System.out.println("pop returns " + s.pop());
     System.out.println("after popping, " + s);
     /* expected output:
    private class IntNode {
        /* two fields, the first to store the item itself,
         * the second is a pointer to the next node in the linked list.
      * If there is no next node, the pointer is null.
     private int item;
     private IntNode nextNode;
     /* constructor:
      * @param     value, the value for the node
      * @param     next, the next node in the linked list
     public IntNode(int value, IntNode next) {
         item = value;
         nextNode = next;
     /* accessor methods -- since there are no mutator methods,
      * each node is immutable.
     public int getValue() {
         return item;
     public IntNode getNext() {
         return nextNode;
/* an interface to a stack of ints
* @author     Biagioni, Edoardo
* @assignment     lecture 8 and assignment 4
* @date     February 6, 2008
* @inspiration     William Albritton's integer stack and Java's stack class,
interface IntStackInterface {
    /* @param     string to push onto the stack */
    void push(int value);
    /* @return     the top string on the stack */
    int pop()
     throws java.util.EmptyStackException;
    /* @return     whether the stack is empty */
    boolean empty();
}and this is the file i tested it on:
1 1 +
7 2 /
8 1 1 + /
2 3 * 1 -
5 5 + 2 2 * -
8 2 / 9 3 / +
2 2 * 2 *
1 2 3 1 + * +
2 6 + 3 - 2 *The outcome should be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Thanks in advance, any help would be appreciated!

AnthonyJK wrote:
Thanks, I'm working on breaking it into methods now.Good.
I also whipped something up,but I currently don't have access to a compiler so there might be errors in it. It's basically the same as what your big main method does, but in a much more readable manner:
public class KinseyAnthony4 {
     * @param a     the first number
     * @param op    the mathematical operator
     * @param b     the second number
     * @return      the outcome of the expression 'a <op> b'
    private static int evaluate(int a, char op, int b) {
        switch(op) {
        case '+': return a+b;
        case '-': return a-b;
        case '*': return a*b;
        case '/': return a/b;
        default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown operator: "+op);
     * @param calcMe    the File in which the expressions are stored.
     * @return          the expressions as an array of Strings.
    private static String[] readLinesFrom(File calcMe) throws FileNotFoundException {
        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
        Scanner readIt = new Scanner(calcMe);
        while(readIt.hasNextLine()) {
            String line = readIt.nextLine();
            line = line.replace(" ", ""); // remove all white spaces
        return lines.toArray(new String[]{});
     * @param param     one parameter needed: the file containing the expressions
    public static void main(String[] param) throws FileNotFoundException {
        if(param.length != 1) {
            System.out.println("usage: java KinseyAnthony4 FILENAME");
        String[] expressions = readLinesFrom(new File(param[0]));
        for(String exp: expressions) {
            System.out.println("\nLINE = "+exp);
            IntLinkedStack stack = new IntLinkedStack();
            for(char ch: exp.toCharArray()) {
                if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
                    int digit = Character.getNumericValue(ch);
                    System.out.println("push: "+digit);
                } else {
                    int b = stack.pop();
                    int a = stack.pop();
                    System.out.println("pop: "+a);
                    System.out.println("pop: "+b);
                    System.out.println("calculating: "+a+" "+ch+" "+b);
                    int temp = evaluate(a, ch, b);
                    System.out.println("push: "+temp);
            int result = stack.pop();
            System.out.println("***The final result is "+result+"***");
}Now as to your problem: you see that the pop() method throws an exception? You can wrap the necessary lines of code between *try { ... } catch(...) { ... }* statements to catch the exception when an expression in malformed. I hope that makes a bit sense to you, if not, post back.
Good luck.

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    Assembled 23 August 2011
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    Line No:  135
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    sunil-online wrote:
    > I am calling an external DLL and running it in the UI thread. How much
    > stack space is available when they are on separate threads or on the
    > UI thread?
    > The problem is that I am getting seemingly random crashes while
    > running this VI and after I quit labview after stopping and uninit-ing
    > my DLL.
    Unless you know this DLL is using exceedingly lots of stack (at least
    several dozens of MB) for whatever obscure reasons it is very unlikely
    that running out of stack space is causing your problem. More likely
    either the DLL does something nasty to a data pointer passed in to it or
    you made an error in setting up the call to the DLL.
    For instace if the DLL expects strings or array pointers to be passed in
    they need to
    be allocated by the caller (here LabVIEW) and you need to
    tell LabVIEW to do that in the diagram code.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Call Stack Size

    Is there a way to increase the call stack size of LabVIEW or to know
    when it has been exceeded?

    sunil-online wrote:
    > I am calling an external DLL and running it in the UI thread. How much
    > stack space is available when they are on separate threads or on the
    > UI thread?
    > The problem is that I am getting seemingly random crashes while
    > running this VI and after I quit labview after stopping and uninit-ing
    > my DLL.
    Unless you know this DLL is using exceedingly lots of stack (at least
    several dozens of MB) for whatever obscure reasons it is very unlikely
    that running out of stack space is causing your problem. More likely
    either the DLL does something nasty to a data pointer passed in to it or
    you made an error in setting up the call to the DLL.
    For instace if the DLL expects strings or array pointers to be passed in
    they need to
    be allocated by the caller (here LabVIEW) and you need to
    tell LabVIEW to do that in the diagram code.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    If I split the method (in which the error occurs) into two separate methods and call them sequentially, this works in the release build as well.
    I am using Flex SDK 3.4. This is reproducable on Win and Mac.

    I have a question regarding the method stack size. Running my project in the debug version works fine. Running the same project as release causes a StackOverflowError (60 entries). Is there any difference in the allowed stack size?
    If I split the method (in which the error occurs) into two separate methods and call them sequentially, this works in the release build as well.
    I am using Flex SDK 3.4. This is reproducable on Win and Mac.

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    Fatal error: Cannot find class java/lang/StackOverflowError
    Process exited with exit code -1.when running within JDeveloper. I have tried adding
    -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m(yes, I know an outrageous stack size) to the project run properties, and it still crashes. However, if I change to the server JVM instead of ojvm, it works fine, even with a much smaller stack, although the default stack size will crash as well.
    1). Shouldn't -Xms and -Xmx work for OJVM? If not, this is going to be a pain when I need to debug, as OJVM rocks for that.
    2). Is there some way to configure ADF/OC4J so that I won't bomb like this? I'm guessing that the XML document (JSPX) is big enough that it's causing the XML parser to blow up. Just a guess however.

    It's unclear if the problems discussed happen after OJC compiles, or Javac compiles, or both. We have uncovered a bug in the compilation of jspx files using OJC. There is a chance that this bug fix will fix the problems mentioned. Email me at keimpe.bronkhorst AT if you want to try out a patched OJC. This is not an OJVM fix, so if you compile with Javac, I can't help you at this time.
    Keimpe Bronkhorst
    JDev team

  • Error stack size

    i have build a package framework which in exceptional situations uses an encapsulated raise_application_error method with the
    -add to error stack- option. In combination with
    -speaking- messages it seems as if i am now running against the error stack size border. What i see is that the primarily generated errors are lost.
    Is it possible (and recommended) to increase the size and does anyone now how to do this ? (I still have to use 8.1.7)
    Thanks in advance,

    First of all: you should mention it when you cross-post, to prevent people from wasting their time providing an answer already given in the other site.
    Doing a google for "The stack size specified is too small, Specify at least 160k" gives plenty of reason to believe it is not really a 'problem', but simply a requirement of the JVM; how and why can only be answered by the developers of said JVM, you're not going to find them here because this is a user to user forum. And this isn't any different under Java 7.
    So other than downgrading, I don't see how you're going to make any impact. I would do the Google yourself, collect the search results that all indicate that the startup scripts are adjusted to the wishes of the JVM and present that to the vendor to shut them up. Anything more - well good luck getting an official statement from Oracle.

  • Checking stack size

    I have written a JNI app and it seems to work fine, but processing with very large files I run out of stack space.
    I have solved this issue for the moment by changing the stack size with the -Xss param to java but this is not the ideal issue because with even bigger files I still will have issues.
    So, I have 3 questions:
    1. Is there any way (in the c++ dll) to query the total stack size ?
    2. Is there any way to determine free (available) stack size ?
    3. Is there any way to increase the stack size when the dll is already running (if it starts to get low)
    I look forward to your thoughts

    I have written a JNI app and it seems to workfine,
    but processing with very large files I run out
    stack space.
    That suggests that you have a design problem.
    As a guess you are using recursion. Start by
    unrolling the recursion code to produce a
    non-recursive solution.ood Guess but there is no recursion in my code :-)
    While I am always trying to optimize my design, in
    this case I am constrained by 3rd party c libraries
    that are using very large multi dimensional arrays of
    doubles that are neccessary for lots of complicated
    math doing triangualtion of satellite data. So, I
    have no control over how much memory they want to
    ood Guess but there is no recursion in my code :-)
    Then it is unclear as to what you think a good solution would entail.
    Do you intend to just to keep retrying the processing step with ever increasing stack sizes? Will that not impact the processing time? Why not just start with a larger stack size? And if the stack size just continues to grow because the file sizes are continuing to grow then what?
    While I am always trying to optimize my design, in
    this case I am constrained by 3rd party c libraries
    that are using very large multi dimensional arrays of
    doubles that are neccessary for lots of complicated
    math doing triangualtion of satellite data. So, I
    have no control over how much memory they want to
    One solution would be to create a C app, not a java one. Find the maximum amount of stack space that you can allocate via a C app and still operate (this depends on what happens with the file itself.) The output goes to a file.
    Your java app just starts that in a separate process space.
    I was referring to the native C stack, used within
    the c++ dll, for which the java VM starts via the
    -Vss flag. I know the initial total as I am setting
    it at runtime. I just wanted to print the value from
    within the dll. #2 (below) is more important
    That would depend on your OS and compiler.
    2. Is there any way to determine free(available)
    stack size ? This is the part I was mostly hoping for an answer
    to, as I need to communicate with the parent java app
    if the stack space gets too low, instead of just
    allowing the dll to crash when it runs out
    That is a two part question. You want to know the size and you want to know if it gets 'too low'.
    You suggested that this is all stack based processsing. So unless you have C methods that are called by the library and in addition it is recursive in nature then this is not possible. There is no point where you could detect it.
    You can analyze the file yourself and compute a size before you start processing. But if that is what you are doing then you should do it first and let the java app know the result.
    Other than that most OSes allow you to catch 'system exceptions' (which might or might not be actual C++ exceptions.) One of these would be generated when the stack overflows.
    You then convert into something that java understands.
    For example in Windows there is a function that allows you to set up system exceptions so that they cause a C++ exception to be thrown. You would then catch this exception and convert it into a java exception.
    That lets you know that it didn't work but then what?
    For example in windows you can create a custom stack for the dll but only when the dll loads (so far as I know.) So to restart this you would have to unload the dll and that means that you will have to have everything wrapped in a custom class loader (which is the only way to cause a dll to be unloaded.)
    Not to mention that in my experience the windows function that I mentioned above doesn't necessarily always catch everything.
    No. The VM must be restarted.if that is true, It i a bummer :(You can however, on most OSes, increase the stack size for the shared library. This is done on start up of the shared library. To resize it however means that the shared library must be reloaded. And the only way you can do that in the Sun VM is with a class loader.

  • Thread stack size problem

    Hi all,
    I am having a multithreaded application and the threads are created with 256 KB thread stack size.
    This application was developed in windows(32 bit) now ported to Solaris 8.
    The same was failed while running because of stack overflow and then the thread stack size is increased to 257 KB then the application is working fine.
    Please anybody suggest me how the same application is working fine in windows with lesser thread stack size?
    Please also suggest me any tool which can be used to get the thread stack details while running the application.

    Hello Farhan
    We had similar issues and we tackled it in a few ways. First you may want to track down what type of memory issues you are hitting, permgen verse heap
    Simple Tomcat updates I would look into
    set your inital memory pool to something like 256 MB
    Up your max to 2 or 3 GB
    if you are having permgen issues i would set the following in your tomcat java options
    I would also look into increasing your treads and adding compression to your 8080 listener
    Tomcat Vertical Scale
    Once you have done the simple tomcat updates if you still have issues you may want to add more tomcat instances and use use a proxy server to load balance them. You can use Apache with mod_proxy or mod_jk. or even a more enterprise solution with an appliance like BigIP f5 or Cisco CSS.
    I would really recommend front your tomcat(s) with Apache and doing a split deploy. Then fronting your apache servers with an appliance load balancer. James Rapp has a great article on how to do this. 

  • How to set the stack size for alchemy application?

    Anybody know how to set the stack size for alchemy application?
    If you know, please tell me how to adjust the stack size for alchemy application?

    The stack size is set as public const gstackSize in the alchemy generated code.  You can see this if you build with ACHACKS_TMPS set.  The default is one megabyte.
    One way to change the stack size is to use llvm-dis to disassemble avm2-libc/lib/avm2-libc.l.bc, generating avm2-libc.l.ll, modify the constant, and then use llvm-as to recompile your modified library and overwrite the old one.  These utilities should be in your path if alchemy is set up.

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