Stage has wrong fullScreen sizes when launched in adl

Actually this problem only occurs when these two properties are set in the descriptor file:
As aspected the stage has the following correct properties:
stage.autoOrients  –>  false
stage.deviceOrientation  –>  rotatedLeft
But the values for the fullScreen size values are (iPad screen size):
stage.fullScreenHeight  –>  1024
stage.fullScreenWidth  –>  768
So although the deviceOrientation is set to a landscape aspect ratio, the values for fullScreenWidth and fullScreenHeight do not reflect this. The odd thing is that this does not apply when the same application is launched on the device – in this case iPad3 (normal resolution). Then the values are correct:
stage.fullScreenHeight  –>  768
stage.fullScreenWidth  –>  1024
When I launch adl I set the following two properties:
-profile extendedMobileDevice -screensize iPad
It seems that although the descriptor file sets the aspect ratio to landscape adl sets the stage values initially to the default/normal aspect ratio in portrait orientation. It gets really weird when I set the screen sizes explicitly like this:
-profile extendedMobileDevice -screensize 1024x768:1024x768
Then window adl launches is in portrait orientation but the fullScreen sizes are correct! I did a very quick search online but could find anything regarding this issue. Is it known? Does a bug report already exist?
I should add that I'm running on OS X 10.7.4 with the latest Air SDK added to the latest Flex SDK (Flex, Air 3.3). I haven't tested other Air versions and neither did I run any tests on a PC.

Hi Chris,
just opened a bug:

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  • Wrong image size when placing

    When I try to place a picture in photoshop CS6 either from drag&drop in the application window or from the place command, my image gets automatically resized based on the resolution (pixels per inch) of my document.
    I create a new blank document, 1000*1000px @ 300ppi.
    I have another image that I want to place in the document and this image measures 500*500px @ 100ppi.
    I then go to File->Place  and the image that appears is way too big.  In the Info panel, it says that the image is 1500x1500 and the transform settings at the top indicate that the image hasen't been scaled because both width and height are at 100%
    If I cahnge my document resolution (no resample) to 100ppi, the image has the right size when I place it.
    So my question is:  Is this normal?  Because it has never done that with past versions of Photoshop.  If it is normal, is there a way I can change this because placing an image based on it's physical (printed) size makes absolutely no sense.  1 pixel = 1 pixel.
    Thank you for your help

    Once you understand how Photoshop works you can batch some some things you create some actions for.  Size is difficult to deal with in actions and often you will have problems dealing with aspect ratios and image orientation.
    To automate a process well scripting is more powerful then actions for you can use logic to solve problem area involving sizing, orientation, aspect ratios and positioning.  You can size an image to cover an area then mask off any excess to virtually crop the image to the areas aspect ratio.  If you download my Photoshop Photo Collage Toolkit there are script that create composite that can deal with any size image.
    One script PasteImageRoll.jsx can past selected images into a document to be print on roll paper. Images will be tiled into the document some images may be rotated for a better fit for the tiles aspect ratio. Image will be resized to fill the tile area and masked to virtually make a center crop of the images.  Other scripts will place in images file into collage template as smart object layers. Smart object images layers will be scaled to fit the various templates images areas position over the area and masked to the area. Link Documentation and Examples for the toolkit and Link Paste Image Roll Script Information
    Scripting is very powerful you can even open image off the web using its URL even stack all the image on a web page using its url
    // OpenImageFromWeb.jsx
    // Copyright 2006-2009
    // Written by Jeffrey Tranberry
    // Photoshop for Geeks Version 3.0
    // modified by MLH
    // modified by JJMACK 2010
    <about>$$$/JavaScripts/OpenImageFromWeb/About=JJMack's OpenImageFromWeb.^r^rCopyright 2010 Mouseprints.^r^rJJMack's Script.^rOpen Image From Web as a Placed smart object layer!</about>
    <category>JJMack's Script</category>
    This sample script shows how to download images from a web server using the
    Socket object.
    // Note: parameter & behavior
    // will read or time out. It may not read all data fromserver. <---------------
    // will read 999999 bytes, or timeout, or socket will be
    // closed by the server.
    // enable double clicking from the
    // Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer
    #target photoshop
    // Make Photoshop the frontmost application
    // SETUP
    var html = "";
    var request = "";
    var url = "";
    var binary = "";
    var requesthtml = "";
    var socket = new Socket;
    var domain = "" // the domain for the file we want
    var sImg = "/old/dpr/JJMack8btiSrgb.png"; // the rest of the url for the file we want
    var port = ":80"; // the port for the file we want
    // MAIN
    var url = prompt("Enter the image's full URL http://domain/full image path",url);   // prompt for domain name
    if (url != null && url != ""){
              if ( (url.indexOf("http://") != -1)  || (url.indexOf("HTTP://") != -1)  ) {
                        domainPathLength = url.length - "http://".length;
                        domainPath = url.substr(7, domainPathLength);
                        pathOffset = domainPath.indexOf("/");
                        domain = domainPath.substr(0, pathOffset);
                        sImg = domainPath.substr(pathOffset, domainPath.length - pathOffset );
                        // Isolate Image name
                        var Name =  sImg
                        var imagePath = "";
                        while (Name.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {                                        // Strip Path
                                  imagePath= imagePath + Name.substr(0, Name.indexOf("/") + 1);
                                  Name = Name.substr(Name.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
                        //alert("domain = " +  domain + " , Image = " + sImg + " Image File Name = " + Name);
                        if ( domain != "" && sImg != "" && sImg != "/" && Name.indexOf(".") != -1 ) {
                                  var f = File("~/" + Name); // Image file name
                                  f.encoding = "binary"; // set binary mode
                                  if ( + port, "binary")){
                                            //alert("GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                                            requesthtml ="\n\nDmain:" + domain + " Port" + port + " binary\n"
                                            request ="GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n"
                                            socket.write(request); // get the file
                                            var binary =;
                                            binary = removeHeaders(binary);
                                  else { alert("Connection to Domain:" + domain + " Port" + port + " Failed   ");}
                                  if (binary.length != 0) {
                                            //alert ("file length = " + binary.length );
                                            if(app.documents.length == 0) {
                                                      //app.documents.add([width] [, height] [, resolution] [, name] [, mode] [, initialFill] [,pixelAspectRatio] [, bitsPerChannel] [,colorProfileName])
                                                      app.documents.add(new UnitValue(1600,'px'), new UnitValue(1200,'px'), 72, null, NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.WHITE, 1,BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT, "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" );
                                            placeSmartObject( f );
                                  f.remove(); // Remove temporary downloaded files
                        else { alert("Invalid Image URL: " + url ); }
              else { alert("Invalid URL: " + url ); }
    else { if ( url == "" ) alert("No URL Entered"); }
    function placeSmartObject(fileRef){
              //create a new smart object  layer using a file
              try {
                        var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
                                  desc.putPath( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), new File( fileRef ) );
                                  desc.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" ), charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" ),charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" ));
                                  desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" ),charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                                  desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Hght" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                                  desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Angl" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Ang" ), 0 );
                                  desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "Lnkd" ), true );
                        executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "Plc " ), desc, DialogModes.NO );
                        activeDocument.activeLayer.resize(100 ,100,AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
              } catch (e) { alert("Placeing file: '" + fileRef + "' failed"); }
    // Remove header lines from HTTP response
    function removeHeaders(binary){
              var bContinue = true ; // flag for finding end of header
              var line = "";
              var httpheader = "";
              var nFirst = 0;
              var count = 0;
              while (bContinue) {
                        line = getLine(binary) ; // each header line
                        httpheader = httpheader + line;
                        bContinue = line.length >= 2 ; // blank header == end of header
                        nFirst = line.length + 1 ;
                        binary = binary.substr(nFirst) ;
              if (httpheader.indexOf("Bad Request") != -1 || httpheader.indexOf("Not Found") != -1) {
                        alert (requesthtml + request + httpheader);
                        var binary = "";
              //alert (requesthtml + request + httpheader + "\nFile length = " + binary.length);
              return binary;
    // Get a response line from the HTML
    function getLine(html){
              var line = "" ;
              for (var i = 0; html.charCodeAt(i) != 10; i++){ // finding line end
                        line += html[i] ;
              return line ;
    // Copyright 2007.  Adobe Systems, Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
    // This script demonstrates how to download images from a web server using the Socket object.
    // Adobe's Socket.jsx Photoshop sample javascript
    // modified by JJMACK 2011
    <about>$$$/JavaScripts/StackWebPageImages/About=JJMack's StackWebPageImages.^r^rCopyright 2011 Mouseprints.^r^rJJMack's Script.^rPlaces Images used in a Web page as smart object layers in stack in a new document!^rOnly images embedded coded with path relative to the domains root will be Placed though.^rImages that fail to be placed may be Placed into the document using your browser right click to copy image URL.^rThen paste that URL into the OpenImageFromWeb script URL input field. </about>
    <category>JJMack's Script</category>
    // Note: parameter & behavior
    // will read or time out. It may not read all data from server.
    // will read 999999 bytes, or timeout, or socket will be
    // closed by the server.
    // Settings
    #target photoshop
    app.bringToFront(); // bring top
    //if("en_US" == $.locale) { // display only US build
    //          alert("This sample script shows how to download images from a web server using the Socket object.");
    // Remove header lines from HTTP response
    function removeHeaders(binary)
              var bContinue = true ; // flag for finding end of header
              var line = "";
              var nFirst = 0;
              var count  = 0;
              while (bContinue) {
                        line = getLine(binary) ; // each header line
                        bContinue = line.length >= 2 ;  // blank header == end of header
                        nFirst = line.length + 1 ;
                        binary = binary.substr(nFirst) ;
              return binary;
    // Get a response line from the HTML
    function getLine(html)
              var line = "" ;
              for (var i = 0; html.charCodeAt(i) != 10; i++){ // finding line end
                        line += html[i] ;
              return line ;
    var socket = new Socket;
    var port = "80";
    var html = "";
    //if ("")){
    //          socket.write("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\n\n");
    //          html =;
    //          socket.close();
    var url = "";
    var url = prompt("Enter the Web page full URL the images are in like http://domain/index.html",url);   // prompt web page
    if (url != null && url != ""){
              if ( (url.indexOf("http://") != -1)  || (url.indexOf("HTTP://") != -1)  ) {
                        domainPathLength = url.length - "http://".length;
                        domainPath = url.substr(7, domainPathLength);
                        if ( domainPath.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {
                                  pathOffset = domainPath.indexOf("/");
                                  domain = domainPath.substr(0, pathOffset);
                                  wPage= domainPath.substr(pathOffset, domainPath.length - pathOffset );
                        else {
                                  domain = domainPath;
                                    wPage = "/";
                        // Isolate Page name
                        var pName=  wPage;
                        var pagePath = "";
                        while (pName.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {
                                  pagePath= pagePath + pName.substr(0, pName.indexOf("/") + 1);
                                  pName = pName.substr(pName.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
                        //if ("")){
                        if ( +":" + port)){
                                  //alert("GET page = " + wPage + " HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                                  socket.write("GET " + wPage + " HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                                  html =;
                                  //var aImg = html.match(/src=\"\/images\/(.*?)\"/g);                    //  src="/images/~~~"
                                  //var aImg = html.match(/img src=\"(.*?)\"/g);                              // img src="~~~"
                                  //var aImg = html.match(/img src=\"(.*?)[\"?]/g);                    // img src=["|?]~~~" 
                                  //var aImg = html.match(/img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)[\"?]/g);                    // img ~~~src="~~~" 
                                  var aImg = html.match(/<img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)\"/g);                    // <img ~~~src="~~~"
                                  //var aImg = html.match(/<img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)[\"?]/g);                    // <img ~~~src=["|?]~~~"
                                  //alert("Image List\n" + aImg);
                                  if (null != aImg) { // parsed image tags
                                            //app.documents.add([width] [, height] [, resolution] [, name] [, mode] [, initialFill] [,pixelAspectRatio] [, bitsPerChannel] [,colorProfileName])
                                            app.documents.add(new UnitValue(1600,'px'), new UnitValue(1200,'px'), 72, null, NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.WHITE, 1,BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT, "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" );
                                            for (var i=0; i < aImg.length; i++) {
                                                      var str = aImg[i];
                                                      //var sImg = str.substring(5, str.length-1); // remove "src=" & ["]
                                                      //var sImg = str.substring(9, str.length-1); // remove "img src=" & ["]
                                                      var sImg = str.substring(str.indexOf('src="')+5, str.length-1); // remove "<img ... src=" & ["]
                                                                if (sImg.substring(0,7) == "http://" || sImg.substring(0,7) == "HTTP://")  { placeWebImage(imageNo, sImg); } // redirect image
                                                                else {
                                                                          if (sImg.substring(0,1) != "/" ) { sImg = pagePath + sImg ; }                               // image is relative to web page path
                                                                          //else { sImg = sImg.substr(1, sImg.length - 1) ; sImg = pagePath + sImg; }          // aways include web page path bad idea
                                                                          // Isolate Image name
                                                                          var Name =  sImg;
                                                                          var imagePath = "";
                                                                          while (Name.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {                                        // Strip Path
                                                                                    imagePath= imagePath + Name.substr(0, Name.indexOf("/") + 1);
                                                                                    Name= Name.substr(Name.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
                                                                          Name= imageNo + " " + Name;
                                                                          //var f = File("~/socket_sample_" + i + sImg.substr(sImg.length-4)); // 4 = .gif or .jpg
                                                                          var f = File("~/" + Name ); // Temp File name
                                                                          f.encoding  = "binary";  // set binary mode
                                                                          //if ("", "binary")){
                                                                          if ( +":" + port, "binary")){
                                                                                    socket.write("GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n"); // Adobe's site image link starts with "/"
                                                                                    var binary =;
                                                                                    binary = removeHeaders(binary);
                                                                          else { alert("Socket Open " + domain + ":" + port + ", binary Failed"); }
                                                                          //; // Open files in Photoshop
                                                                          placeSmartObject( f );
                                                                          f.remove();  // Remove temporary downloaded files
                                            alert("Number of images found in page = " + imageNo );
                                  else { alert("No images found for " + url); }
                        else { alert("Connection to Domain:" + domain + " Port " + port + " Failed   ");}
              else { alert("Invalid URL: " + url ); }
    else { if (url == "") alert("No URL Entered"); }
    function placeSmartObject(fileRef){
              //create a new smart object layer using a file
              try {
                        var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
                                  desc.putPath( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), new File( fileRef ) );
                                  desc.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" ), charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" ),charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" ));
                                  desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" ),charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                                  desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Hght" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                                  desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Angl" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Ang" ), 0 );
                                  desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "Lnkd" ), true );
                        executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "Plc " ), desc, DialogModes.NO );
                        activeDocument.activeLayer.resize(100 ,100,AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
              } catch (e) { }
    function placeWebImage(num, url){
              var socket = new Socket;
              domainPathLength = url.length - "http://".length;
              domainPath = url.substr(7, domainPathLength);
              pathOffset = domainPath.indexOf("/");
              domain = domainPath.substr(0, pathOffset);
              sImg = domainPath.substr(pathOffset, domainPath.length - pathOffset );
              // Isolate Image name
              var Name =  sImg
              var imagePath = "";
              while (Name.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {                                        // Strip Path
                        imagePath= imagePath + Name.substr(0, Name.indexOf("/") + 1);
                        Name = Name.substr(Name.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
              Name= num + "R " + Name;
              //alert("domain = " +  domain + " , Image = " + sImg + " Image File Name = " + Name);
              if ( domain != "" && sImg != "" && sImg != "/" && Name.indexOf(".") != -1 ) {
                        var f = File("~/" + Name); // Image file name
                        f.encoding = "binary"; // set binary mode
                        if ( +":" + port, "binary")){
                                  //alert("socket.write GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                                  //socket.write("GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");           // did not work
                                  socket.write("GET " + url +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");                    // use url to this server works
                                  var binary =;
                                  binary = removeHeaders(binary);
                        //else { alert("Connection to Domain:" + domain + " Port" + port + " Failed   ");}
                        placeSmartObject( f );
                        f.remove(); // Remove temporary downloaded files
              //else { alert("Invalid Image URL: " + url ); }

  • HT4623 My email program has gone blank. When launched I just get a white frame with nothing in it. It's been fine for ages but now it's got a bug or something.Any ideas? I am up to date with software.Thanks david

    My email program has gone blank. When launched I just get a white frame with nothing in it. It's been fine for ages but now it's got a bug or something.Any ideas? I am up to date with software.Thanks david

    iOS: Unable to send or receive email
    Can’t Send Emails on iPad – Troubleshooting Steps
    Setting up and troubleshooting Mail
    iPad Mail
    Try this first - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.)
    Or this - Delete the account in Mail and then set it up again. Settings->Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Accounts   Tap on the Account, then on the red button that says Remove Account.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Browser size when launched from Forms Builder

    Hi, Does anyone know how to set the size of the IE browser when launched from Forms Builder? I have set the width and height setting to 100% so that the applet takes up all the browser space, however the browser is still not as large as I'd like.
    When I start IE on its own, it opens in the desired size, it's only when running it from Forms Builder that it's too small. I've searched on the net, but nothing seems to work, there must be a setting specific to Forms?

    If you are using SeparateFrame = True, then you might try using these in your When-New-Form-Instance trigger:
    set_window_property(forms_mdi_window, window_state, maximize);
    set_window_property('Your_Main_Window', window_state, maximize);
    If you are not using SeparateFrame = True, then you may have to use JavaScript in the page where your applet is located. Javascript can also go in your formsweb.cfg file. See:

  • Wrong start directory when launching sh script from Dolphin

    When I try to launch a small sh script from Dolphin, the start directory is ~ instead of the current directory.
    I wrote the script to be able to easily launch a java app from the gui.
    It's basically:
    cd bin
    java NAME
    But since the start directory is my home directory, this obviosly doesn't work.
    It does work when launching it from a terminal.
    What to do?

    I have run into a similar situation.. that was when Viritas was the clustermanager for 9I and we tried to install Oracle clusterware for 10g. Also the cluster was configured to user Veritas propriatory interconnect tech... LLT
    Are you on a similar configuration?

  • Material Has wrong product hierarchy when entered in sales Order VA01

    Material -1300  - has a wrong product hierarchy.
    If you search for product hierarchy via Tcode mm03 - basic data1 you will find the following hierarchy: 00P4SU000D8400600H
    However if you enter an order with Tcode va01, enter Material 1300  - in the item tab Sales B - sales order picking up the wrong hierarchy 00PCSU000D8400600H.  But in the sales order Product hierarchy should be  00P4SU000D8400600H.
    How it could happen by picking up the worng product hierarchy.  Can any one help me with regard.  And how to resolve it.
    Thanks in advance

         Please check in MM03 --->  Sales: Sales org 2 ---> Product Hierarchy.
         If on plant level it is wrong maintain may be this type of issue generated.
    Sandip Shaktavat

  • Wrong Initial size (%) when importing graphics

    (earlier post sent by error).
    When I import graphics into FM (FM10, WIN7, 64-bit), they appear by deafault at 88.87% of original size.
    Anyone out there knows how to set FM to import at 100%, if at all possible?

    When you import a graphic by reference, you set the resolution in DPI. If the resolution you set is the same as the resolution of the original graphic, Graphics > Object properties will then inform you that the graphic is imported at 100% of its original size.
    The resolution setting in the Imported graphic scaling dialog doesn't seem to be sticky, which is a shame; that is, FM doesn't seem to remember your choice from last time.
    experiment to find out the DPI value that imports your graphics at 100%
    post again to ask whether you can make this DPI value the default; I suspect the answer will be Yes, but don't myself know
    an hour or so later … I've been working on a real document, and now it seems the resolution setting is sticky. That would, of course, make things a little easier.

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    I am running CS6 on a 2014 21" IMac version 10.9.5.  I have an earlier version of Illustrator on CS4.  When launching the CS4 Illustrator the message says "License for this product has stopped working".  What can I do to get this to work?

    Before downloading CS4 again, how do I uninstall the versions that are currently on my Mac?
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    Supply pertinent information for quicker answers
    The more information you supply about your situation, the better equipped other community members will be to answer. Consider including the following in your question:
    Adobe product and version number
    Operating system and version number
    The full text of any error message(s)
    What you were doing when the problem occurred
    Screenshots of the problem
    Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.

  • [SOLVED] GTK2 apps have wrong theme when launched from desktop entry.

    So I'm setting up KDE and I want to use the QtCurve theme for all applications where possible. I have set (via kde-gtk-config) the GTK2 theme to QtCurve and it half works. GTK2 applications are using the QtCurve theme when they are launched via a command, but they are using what appears to be an ugly version of the Oxygen theme when launched from a .desktop file. I previously installed gtk-qt-engine from the AUR, but have since removed it along with it's files, and as I was using the Oxygen theme at the time, this appears to be what has caused the issue. Does anyone know what is causing this and how to fix it?
    EDIT: Solved by removing ~/.themes folder (obviously only remove the KDE-QT theme if there are other themes in the folder).
    Last edited by RibShark (2013-09-23 17:26:41)

    Thanks, but lxappearance made things rather worse.
    A friend of mine had told me to put "gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS" into settings.ini and my problem is solved now.

  • Air 15 known issues - wrong screen size and dpi

    Will the next update of Air 15 solve the issues below..
    the dpi problem with iPhone 6 plus is a show stopper,  i cant get away with delivering a reduced dpi
    ... under pressure to update 20+ applications  ...
    Known Issues AIR
    [ iPhone 6 Plus] [Launch image] A blank screen observed in apps when Default-568h@2x is packaged.
    [ iPhone 6 Plus] Wrong screen size and dpi is returned through the runtime APIs .
    [ iPad 3 and later] iPhone Launch image(Default@2x. png ) appears on iPad if iPhone launch images are packaged along with iPad launch images
    Well done to the Air team for the good work done so far, not easy keeping up with Apple on IOS8  at the moment...

    I am having simliar issue where I can get the iphone 6 launch image to work but not the iphone 6+ when using [email protected], 2208x1242.  Also the stage.fullScreenWidth/Height give 1472x828, which is 2/3 the expected dimensions or 736x414 at scale factor 2, not 3.  I hope adobe fixes this soon or we won't be able to launch new games with Apple as it is a requirement to have your apps Iphone 6/6+ optimized.  If this isn't fixed soon were pretty much forced to abandon adobe and move onto another software solution that will allow us to build for Apple.

  • Passing Variable to air app when launch using Badger

    Hi all,
    I am going to desperately to develop my application. Hope someone can help me........
    I am using badger for air which I get it here and it launch my app correctly, but I can't pass any variable into my app when launch.
    I have read the instruction and adding some code like this :
    on index.html(show my badge installer):
        var so = new SWFObject("AIRInstallBadge.swf", "", "215", "180", "9.0.115", "#000000");
            so.addVariable("airversion", "1.5");
            so.addVariable("appname", "Secure%205");
            so.addVariable("appurl", "http://localhost/testing/source/secure5.air");
            so.addVariable("appid", "examples.html.HelloWorld");
            so.addVariable("pubid", "B71ED76ECC937067D72BB9A0CDB516D1A8F43A9E.1");
            so.addVariable("arguments", "launch from browser");// this is my code
            so.addVariable("appversion", "0.1");
    on index.html(my initial content) :
    var urlMonitor;
    var urlReq;
    var invokeEvent;
    var applicationID = "myappid";
    var publisherID = "mypubid";
    var applauncarg;
    //var admin="admin";
    function doWindow()
    var options = new air.NativeWindowInitOptions();
    options.transparent = false;
    options.systemChrome = air.NativeWindowSystemChrome.STANDARD;
    options.minimizable = false;
    options.maximizable = false;
    var windowBounds = new air.Rectangle(0,0,air.Capabilities.screenResolutionX,air.Capabilities.screenResolutionY);
    var urlreq="";
    var newHTMLLoader = air.HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(true, options, true, windowBounds);
    newHTMLLoader.load(new air.URLRequest(applauncharg));
    newHTMLLoader.stage.nativeWindow.alwaysInFront = true;
    newHTMLLoader.stage.nativeWindow.addEventListener(air.NativeWindowBoundsEvent.MOVE,handlem ove);
    urlMonitor = new air.URLMonitor(new air.URLRequest(""));
    urlMonitor.addEventListener(air.StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatusChange);
    air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(air.InvokeEvent.INVOKE, onInvoke);
    //urlReq=new air.URLRequestDefaults.manageCookies = true;
    function handlemove()
    function onCloseCommand(exitingEvent) {
    var winClosingEvent;
    for (var i = 0; i < air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.openedWindows.length; i++) {
    var win = air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.openedWindows[i];
    winClosingEvent = new air.Event(air.Event.CLOSING,false,true);
    if (!winClosingEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
    } else {
    if (!exitingEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
    //perform cleanup
    function onInvoke(e)
    //alert ('oK'+apparg);
    applauncarg = event.arguments;
    air.trace("onInvoke : " + event.applauncharg);
    //air.Introspector.Console.log( applauncarg );
    alert (applauncarg);

    sory, there is mistake here......
    the question isn't finish yet.
    function onInvoke(e)
    //my code
    applauncarg = event.arguments;
    air.trace("onInvoke : " + event.applauncharg);
    alert (applauncarg);//just to make sure the variable had been sent correctly
    My application running smoothly but there is no alert that show applauncharg variable.
    then I am trying to know if invoke event run correctly or not by adding code
    alert ("OK");
    and it works, so there is no problem with the event listener.
    does any one know if I missing something or any thing wrong with my code?
    sory, there is mistake here......
    the question isn't finish yet.
    function onInvoke(e)
    //my code
    applauncarg = event.arguments;
    air.trace("onInvoke : " + event.applauncharg);
    alert (applauncarg);//just to make sure the variable had been sent correctly
    I have get the answer. If someone need the source code, just Pm me and I'll give you my Source to help you.
    The first is to make sure that your action scipt code can handle the argument that passed by javascript.
    Make attention between invoke event and browser invoke event! it is almost same but they are different.
    If you type browser invoke event, it seems browser invokeevent doesn't recognized, but it works.
    The second is my mistake on source code. onInvokeevent shold be like this :
    function onInvoke(e)
    //my code
    applauncarg = .arguments;
    alert (applauncarg);

  • Import FLV-- get wrong movie size

    Importing an FLV file from Media Encoder into Dreamweaver CS4 page. Always get the wrong media size unless I'm using FLV-- same as source in Media Encoder. The results are very low in quality with that option. Otherwise I get a black letter-box image with black bands above and below the move.
    I've done this 3-4 times with other movies on the same equipment and it always worked before. What am I doing wrong?

    To upgrade or not??? that's a choice only you can make.
    Final video file size is perhaps not as important as choosing the correct display dimensions and video bitrate for you target audiance and THEIR Internet download speeds.
    As for "quality" as it relates to bitrate.... for your review:
    Video bit rate
    Video bitrate is the minimum amount of data that must continually flow into the video player in order for the player to display that particular video uninterrupted. If that supply of data is not high enough, the video player will stop…. Wait for more data to download, then resume. The video bitrate is set as a parameter when the video is encoded.
    One of the principle of goal setting is to "Begin with the end in mind". In this case it'll be very hard to give good recommendations because the end is not defined. So I'll just make a few assumptions and you can correct me as needed.
    First, I'll assume that since you are converting to Flash, you want to deliver this video over the Internet. If that's true, then we'll have to make some assumptions on the Internet connection download speeds of your potential viewers. Let's just say that most have at least a 1.5Mb connection or faster.
    OK, that would mean that a video bitrate of half that should usually provide a video download that is not interupped by buffering (most of the time anyway). So assuming a video bitrate of 750kbps, what would the optimum display dimensions be?
    Before we decide, here's a little info about bitrate. For highest quality playback, the video bitrate is tied directly to the display dimensions. That is, the larger the display, the more incoming data is required to properly display the video. Think of bitrate in terms of a can of paint. If you have 1 quart of paint, you might be able to do a very nice job on a 32 X 24 foot area. But if you try to stretch that same amount of paint out over a 64 X 48 foot area, the coverage will not be nearly as good and you get poor results.
    In the same way, a video displayed at 640 X 480 pixels will require 4 times the bitrate as a video displayed at 320 X 240 pixels to produce the same quality. So for example a video with a bitrate of 100kbps, displayed at 160 X 120 will produce the same quality results as a video with a bitrate of 1600kbps if displayed at 640 X 480.
    So to boil it all down, video bitrates of 750kbps, even up to 1000kbps can usually get delivered of the Internet on most high speed connections. Higher bit rates may work for really fast connections but will cause problems for viewers with slower connections. Video display size has a direct bearing on the final quality. In the 750 to 1000kbps range, display size should be kept around 450 or 500 width max (and whatever height the aspect ratio calls for). Yes it can be displayed larger, but the quality will suffer.
    Sound like your audio settings are fine, especially for Internet delivery.
    As for framerate, maintain the original raw video framerate for best results. So if the video was shot at 24fps, leave it.
    As for video converters, do you have the Flash 8 Video Converter? It works just fine for video to be delivered over the Internet. Remember, you are taking a Cadillac version of video (h.264 HD) and stuffing it into a Chevy body to get it to work over the Internet.
    Best wishes,

  • Incorrect size when photo edited in photoshop

    If I am viewing an image at full screen in iPhoto and then open it for editing in Photoshop, The resulting saved image is the wrong size when it uploads to Flickr. Sometimes, it also appears at the wrong size when viewed in iPhoto as well. Generally, rebuilding thumnails corrects the problem. Likewise, images opened from the iPhoto grid view also do not appear incorrectly. Granted, I just named two work-arounds, but neither is very satisfying. Anyone else have a better idea?

    Do you have PSE setup this way in iPhoto?
    Using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop or Photoshop Elememts as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop.  When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done. 
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window
    that indicates that  PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file.  You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    NOTE: With Photoshop Elements  the Saving File preferences should be configured as shown:
    I also suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.  In PSE’s General preference pane set the Color Picker to Apple as shown:
    Note:  to switch between iPhoto and PS or PSE as the editor of choice Control (right)-click on the thumbnail and select either Edit in iPhoto or Edit in External Editor from the contextual menu. If you use iPhoto to edit more than PSE re-select iPhoto in the iPhoto General preference pane. Then iPhoto will be the default editor and you can use the contextual menu to select PSE for your editor when desired.

  • LR 5 - Image Sizing Dimensions - wrong image size

    Image Sizing Dimensions produces wrong image sizes upon export for certain images.
    Example, I have export set up for iPad resolution, 2048x1536px at 264ppi. If I now export an 3264x4928px image it should be resized to 1356x2048px. What I get is 1356x2047 instead, one pixel too short on the long side. This doesn't happen for all images source resolutions and ratios though. I haven't figured out the pattern yet.
    Here a link to an image which exports at wrong size (export dimension set to 2048x1536px).
    I would appreciate a speedy fix for this problem. Thanks

    The image has a resolution of 3264x4928. Exporting using Dimension resizing of 2048x1536 results in an 2047x1536 image.
    The scaling factor 4928 down to 2048, is 0.4155844155844156...
    Assuming that LR is working to only 3 decimal places here, which indications discussed in another thread would suggest, then there are several ways to achieve that:
    truncate down to 0.415 by discarding the subsequent digits
    "quick-rounding" of the third digit by inspecting the fourth-place digit only, and incrementing the third-place digit when the fourth-place digit is larger than 5, which it is not in this case, resulting in 0.415
    "math-rounding" by inspecting all of the following digit pairs in turn, until you reach a pair that is lower than 50, and then working back again to simplify. This procedure rounds 0.41558 up to 0.4156, then after doing that, rounds 0,4156 up to 0.416
    Speculation: the difference between 0.415 and 0.416, is the difference between a result with 2047, and one with 2048, when executed.
    Most of the time the "quick-round" procedure will work out fine, also truncating will usually be good enough, assuming the above has anything to do with the reality (which it may not). Just occasionally, though, there'll be an error in the final digit, compared with what the theoretically accurate procedure would have given. So if I am right this is not strictly speaking a bug (something failing to execute as it has been designed to do), but the result of a software design choice. "Works as designed", iow .
    It seems that LR, perhaps differently between versions, is working this through by simple calculation (from the front-end), without comparing the back-end outcome against what you have requested. How much this (intermittent) issue actually matters, is a question of judgement, and of particular requirement.
    [ alternative method: I find the Print module, outputting to JPG, is completely reliable when it comes to making a standardised JPG as to the dimensions, as well as offering some different technical and design options, than what you get with Export. For one thing, you get the option of on-the-fly cropping to shape, which you can then adjust interactively where (as here) the image is a different aspect than the Retina display. So if you want it, you can fill the screen instead of getting letterbox, all without having altered your main (Develop) crop for that image. Alternatively, if you don't want the Zoom to Fill option (e.g. with landscape images to be shown in portrait orientation as part of a sequence) you can still make all your images to the same dimension, but controlling the appearance of the borders that are left (which become part of the image) ]
    ps: AFAICT one would expect simple truncation to produce the appropriate answer half of the time; one would expect simple rounding to just one further digit, to be wrong half of the times when the following digit happened to be 5 - or to put in another way, to be right in 95% of cases; and proper rounding, examinng as many places as it takes, to be right 100% (within precision limits).

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