Stale Data Error in seeded OAF page

Hi All,
In my custom oaf page I used master-detail between two tables using PPR (with single selection radio button in master table). From time to time I get "Error: Stale Data ..."
Absolutely the same error I was able to reproduce in seeded oaf page (R12.1.2):
1. open OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial -> Sample Browser -> Partial Page Rendering (PPR)
2. expand Coordinate Master Detail Tables
3. select first record (Supplier Number 1) and wait when the page will be fully refreshed
4. VERY FAST select second and immediately third record.
After that I get:
Error: Stale Data
The requested page contains stale data. This error could have been caused through the use of the browser's navigation buttons (the browser Back button, for example).
The number of displayed records, 3, exceeds the actual number of records, 1, in view object SampleBrowserAM.SupplierSitesVO1. Some of the displayed records may have been deleted
Additional conditions:
1. Your connection to server should be "a little slowly" (in my case it's VPN). If apps server is in your local network you can get response very fast and will not get error. In this case repate 1-4 several times.
2. Browser - IE7 or IE8. In FireFox 3.6 works fine.
Thanks in advance.

Are you using
if (!vo.isPreparedForExecution()) if (! vo.isPreparedForExecution ())
vo.executeQuery(); vo.executeQuery ();
for VOs in process request of base page!For detailed explanation on this look at this thread: for VOs in process request of base page.
Please refer this thread may be it help you out..
Re: Page Refresh and Page Date Rollback

Similar Messages

  • Unable to resolve stale data error in parent-child page structure.

    Hi Experts!
    I've got a master-detail page which consists of two VOs(EO based), Lets say
    1. MasterTableVO
    2. DetailTableVO
    This page contains two page buttons "Cancel" and "Apply" till here it works all fine & perfect[by that i mean creating, retrieving, querying etc etc.]
    But now i've created another page which is actually a child page of the above mentioned one.
    Here the user'll enter to view some default configured financial info or may also update the default settings manually.
    In this page, I've got only an advancedTable based on a VO(EO based), lets say
    3. PaymentsTableVO
    This page has only one page button "Ok" and which returns back to the parent page retaining the AM.
    All the three VOs are in the same AM. Functionally untill here also it looks fine, but when i finally apply the data it throws an error on getTransaction().commit();
    Error stack:
    OAF Error Unable to perform transaction on the record.
    Cause: The record contains stale data. The record has been modified by another user.
    Action: Cancel the transaction and re-query the record to get the new data.
    Plz reply ASAP.

    Hi Sushant,
    Yepp !! I've done this in the AM. After invoking the method from the PGCO.
    Here's the code of the PGCO:
    | Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA |
    | All rights reserved. |
    | HISTORY |
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OADialogPage;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAControllerImpl;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanConstants;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.TransactionUnitHelper;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageTextInputBean;
    * Controller for ...
    public class CostAllocationsPGCO extends OAControllerImpl
    public static final String RCS_ID="$Header$";
    public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =
    VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "%packagename%");
    * Layout and page setup logic for a region.
    * @param pageContext the current OA page context
    * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    if (!pageContext.isBackNavigationFired(false)) {
    if (!pageContext.isFormSubmission()) {
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    OAMessageTextInputBean Amount = (OAMessageTextInputBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("Amount");
    String TransportationNum = (String)pageContext.getParameter("pTransportationNum")
    ,TransportationId = (String)pageContext.getParameter("pTransportationId")
    ,LockedFlag = (String)pageContext.getParameter("pLockedFlag")
    ,OrgId = (String)pageContext.getProfile("ORG_ID");
    Serializable[] param = {OrgId,TransportationId};
    if (LockedFlag.equals("N")) {
    else {
    else {
    if (!TransactionUnitHelper.isTransactionUnitInProgress(pageContext,"CreateTxnCosts",true)) {
    OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(NAVIGATION_ERROR);
    * Procedure to handle form submissions for form elements in
    * a region.
    * @param pageContext the current OA page context
    * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    if (pageContext.getParameter("Ok") != null) {
    Here's the AM method DefineDefaultCosts:
    /**Custom public method to define default cost
    * allocation based on the pre-defined formula
    * for cost allocation keeping parity with the
    * corresponding delivery freight details
    public void DefineDefaultCosts(String StrOrgId,String StrTransportationId) {
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getAmritTransportationCreateVO1()
    ,vo1 = (OAViewObject)getAmritTransportationPaymentsVO1()
    ,vo2 = (OAViewObject)getAmritTransportDeliveryLinesVO1();
    OADBTransaction txn = getOADBTransaction();
    ArrayList debugMessage = new ArrayList();
    HashMap PartySet = new HashMap();
    Boolean PartyEntryValid = null;
    String TransportationNum = (String)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("TransportationNum")
    ,CurrencyCode = (String)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("CurrencyCode")
    ,EventType = "TRNSP DELIVERED",PeriodName = null;
    Date AccountingDate = (Date)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("DateDelivered");
    Number Amount = (Number)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("Amount")
    ,Rate = (Number)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("Rate")
    ,TripId = (Number)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("TripId")
    ,OrgId = null,TransportationId = null,CodeCombinationId = new Number(576773);
    int DlvryRowCount = vo2.getRowCount(),CostDistRowCount = vo1.getRowCount();
    if (CostDistRowCount == 0) {
    try {
    OrgId = new Number(StrOrgId);
    TransportationId = new Number(StrTransportationId);
    }catch (Exception e) {}
    //debugMessage.add(new OAException("Inherited Values: "+TransportationId+" "+TransportationNum+" "+CurrencyCode+" "+EventType+" "+AccountingDate+" "+Amount+" "+Rate+" "+OrgId));
    try {
    Connection Conn = txn.getJdbcConnection();
    String v$Script = "Select gp.period_name period\n" +
    "From gl_periods gp\n" +
    "Where upper(gp.period_set_name) = 'AMRIT_CALENDAR'\n" +
    "And gp.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'\n" +
    "And trunc(:1) between nvl(gp.start_date,trunc(sysdate))\n" +
    " and nvl(gp.end_date,trunc(sysdate))\n";
    PreparedStatement PreExecuteQuery = Conn.prepareStatement(v$Script);
    PreExecuteQuery.setDate(1,new java.sql.Date(AccountingDate.dateValue().getTime()));
    for (ResultSet QryOutputRS = PreExecuteQuery.executeQuery();;) {
    PeriodName = QryOutputRS.getString("period");
    v$Script = "Select attl.vendor_id vendorid\n" +
    " ,asp.vendor_name vendor \n" +
    "From apps.amrit_transport_trips att\n" +
    " ,apps.amrit_transport_trip_lines attl\n" +
    " ,ap.ap_suppliers asp\n" +
    "Where att.org_id = :1\n" +
    "And att.trip_id = :2\n" +
    "And att.enabled_flag = 'Y'\n" +
    "And trunc(sysdate) between nvl(att.start_date_active,trunc(sysdate))\n" +
    " and nvl(att.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))\n" +
    "And attl.org_id = att.org_id\n" +
    "And attl.trip_id = att.trip_id\n" +
    "And attl.enabled_flag = 'Y'\n" +
    "And trunc(sysdate) between nvl(attl.start_date_active,trunc(sysdate))\n" +
    " and nvl(attl.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))\n" +
    "And attl.location_type = 'HZ'\n" +
    "And asp.enabled_flag = 'Y'\n" +
    "And asp.vendor_id = attl.vendor_id\n" +
    "And trunc(sysdate) between nvl(asp.start_date_active,trunc(sysdate))\n" +
    " and nvl(asp.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))\n";
    PreExecuteQuery = Conn.prepareStatement(v$Script);
    for (ResultSet QryOutputRS = PreExecuteQuery.executeQuery();;) {
    }catch (Exception e) {}
    /* vo2.first();
    for (int i = 1;i <= DlvryRowCount;i++) {
    if (vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("CancelFlag").equals("N")) {
    PartyEntryValid = PartySet.add((Number)vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("VendorId"));
    //debugMessage.add(new OAException("Set VendorId: "+vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("VendorId")));;
    //debugMessage.add(new OAException("PartySet: "+PartySet.entrySet()));
    for (Iterator iter = PartySet.entrySet().iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
    Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
    String VendorName = (String)entry.getValue();
    Number Cost = null;
    int PartyId = Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey().toString());
    float Qty = 0;
    try {
    for (int i = 1;i <= DlvryRowCount;i++) {
    //debugMessage.add(new OAException("VO VendorId: "+vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("VendorId")+" Cancelled: "+vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("CancelFlag")));
    if (vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("CancelFlag").equals("N")) {
    int VendorId = Integer.parseInt(vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("VendorId").toString());
    float Quantity = Integer.parseInt(vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("Quantity").toString());
    if (PartyId == VendorId) {
    Qty+= Quantity;
    //debugMessage.add(new OAException("Quantities: "+Quantity+" "+Qty));;
    Qty*= Float.parseFloat(Rate.toString());
    Float totalQty = new Float(Qty);
    Cost = new Number(totalQty);
    }catch (Exception e) {}
    //debugMessage.add(new OAException("PartyId: "+PartyId+" VendorName: "+VendorName+" Cost: "+Cost+" EntryKey: "+entry.getKey()+" EntryValue: "+entry.getValue()));
    Row row = vo1.createRow();
    Here's the AM method executeCosts:
    /**Custom public method to execute the corresponding
    * transportation transactional cost allocations
    * and the distributive charges on the vendor accounts
    public void executeCosts(String StrOrgId,String StrTransportationId) {
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getAmritTransportationPaymentsVO1();
    Number TransportationId = null;
    try { TransportationId = new Number(StrTransportationId); }catch (Exception e) {}
    if (!vo.isPreparedForExecution()) {
    if (TransportationId != null) {
    Plz mention if something else is also required.
    Ari :)

  • Stale data error for a new page (based on an existing native sshr page)

    Without going into too much detail on why I'm doing this, I copied an existing oracle native page, renamed it, and loaded it into the MDS.
    I navigate to the page by creating an extension on a controller to take me to there on a button click. Also on this page, the native page that I copied is also accessible. There is a similar button click to take you to the native page.
    I had a business requirement to create records for the current year (the native page), and records for next year. Using a dff to differentiate between the two types of records was not an option.
    The copied page is used to simply create records. I extended the native controller to default a value behind the scenes (This is how I differentiaing between the current/next year records). The super.ProcessForm/superProcessFormRequest are there as well in this controller. From there, the page is using the same code as the native page that I copied.
    When I click the "Save As Draft", "Apply", "Cancel" buttons, it works fine.
    However, when I click on the "Apply Add Another" button, I'm getting the following error:
    The requested page contains stale data. This error could have been caused through the use of the browser's navigation buttons (the browser Back button, for example).
    The record with primary key values {13002} could not be found in view object
    To proceed, please select the Home link at the top of the application page to return to the main menu.
    Then, access this page again using the application's navigation controls (menu, links, and so on) instead of using the browser's navigation controls like Back and Forward.
    I've researched this error all day today on prior postings/threads, and I haven't found a posting that is similar to the one that I outlined.
    I wouldn't think I would have to do anything programming wise since this is all native code, and the native page works fine. I'm guessing somewhere the native page is getting reference that is causing this error....
    Any help would be appreciated.

    You could use HIDE/UNHIDE funtionality for page 2
    1) create page 2 with all values ...
    2) on page 1 - add jJavascript to show or hide Page 2 dependin on value
    if (fieldvalue eq "condition") them
    Page2.presence = "visible"
    Page2.presence = "hidden"

  • Stale Data error when invoking seeded OAF from a custom OAF page

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement in OAF where we have to open a Seeded OAF Page (Install Base) from our Custom Page. We are using the javascript function “openWindow()” to open the page in a new window. When we close the seeded page by clicking seeded page window using the Window-close button and then perform any event on the custom page, we get the Stale Data error as given below.
    Error: Stale Data
    The requested page contains stale data. This error could have been caused through the use of the browser's navigation buttons (the browser Back button, for example).
    The number of displayed records, 2, exceeds the actual number of records, 1, in view object OwqAM.IKNCICOWQDetailVO1. Some of the displayed records may have been deleted.
    Here is the part of code we have tried.
    String destination = "/OA_HTML/RF.jsp?function_id="+Func_Id+"&"+"resp_id="+Resp_id+"&"+"resp_appl_id="+Application_id+"&security_group_id=0&lang_code=US";
    String testDest = "javascript:openWindow(top,'"+destination+"',null,{width:750, height:550},false,'document',null);void(0);";
    OABodyBean bodyBean = (OABodyBean)pageContext.getRootWebBean();
    Also this issue is encountered only when we open an OAF page in a new window. We also have a functionality where a JSP page is opened on similar lines, but above said navigations do not result in the same error.
    If anyone has come across such a issue and have a resolution, please let me know. Any pointers would be of great help.

    We had tried passing RetainAM = Y and then bouncing apache. Still we were getting the same error.
    We are not facing the STALE DATA issue when we invoke JSP page and oracle forms. It is only when we launch a seeded OAF page from our custom OAF page that we are getting this error.

  • Stale data error while opening a multiple OAF page .

    Dear Friends ,
    I have a OAF page developed and deployed in server , its basically a search page , it also has several links to
    go to create page and update page . when the user opens the multiple page using different tabs in the browser
    like for example
    ex :
    from search page click on create page open it as new tab . if such multiple table are being opened
    and do some operation like search a record , it gives and error (stale data : Developer's mode exception ) .
    How to over come this exception , could you please share you ideas
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi friend ,
    In Search page i didn't do any update. and also search page is not a problem it's working fine. create page only the problem. In this page only throwing Stale data error exception.
    Please give me more suggestion.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Stale Data Error - iProcurement Receiving Page

    I created a button on the Standard iProc Receving Page result table region. When user hit on button it popup window using<Page info & Properties>). I am using popwindow to capture some details, and saving into database. But when i am closing and coming back to my main page(Recieiving Page) and navigating to next page it is giving me the Stale Data Error.
    Interstingly this error does not come when the search is done using reqeustor or if i dont click on button for popup window. All other cases gives me this error. One info about this page is the VO which is showing in error should not execute all the time. There are lot of VO's which execute based on search fields entered. The VO belowi s one of them when reqeustor info is given in search fields.
    Error: Stale Data
    The requested page contains stale data. This error could have been caused through the use of the browser's navigation buttons (the browser Back button, for example).
    The number of displayed records, 25, exceeds the actual number of records, 0, in view object ReceiveItemsAM.ReceiveMyItemsVO. Some of the displayed records may have been deleted.
    Any pointers will be appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Generally Oracle provide a global variable hr_general.g_data_migrator_mode and passing this as 'Y' should update who columns and object version number. But I am not sure it is available for vacancy APIs or not. I remember a similar kind of bug logged long time back.

  • Stale data error: OA page opened by different users

    An OA Page which is basically use to query order details and update certain custom tables based on the order details has been developed.
    The first page which is a search page perfoms the search based on the "Custom Name", "Order Status" --> Bith LOV fields
    When this page is opened by multiple users we get a "Stale Data" error.
    Kindly help to resolve this issue.

    Hi ,
    Please check root AM that you have created the variable in Custom Properties (RETENTION_LEVEL ,MANAGE_STATE)

  • Stale Data Error in Last Page of the Table

    we are getting stale data error if we are performing any action in the Last Page of the Table.....
    It is working fine when we are performing an action on any other page... but when we are performing action on the Last Page of the Table we are encountering this Error
    Can someone please help me out of this Issue??

    if i click the next row's show hide then its shows the same result as ist row, and i try to use show/hide link more thann three times then it throws stale data error given below.
    >>> Seems like your VO linking is not proper. Does your VO have primary keys defined? Do you have any custom code on these VO?

  • Stale data error while submitting the form(before that opening the popup )

    I am using OAURL to open a pop-up in my oaf page
    passing my page to this class.And at the time of loading the base page
    the pop up window url is like this
    now i click on the link to open the pop-up
    its opening the pop-up.
    Closing that pop-up.
    Saving the details entered in the base page.
    Now it is executing again from the processRequest() of base page
    now the URL like this...
    Now i am getting stale data error
    The number of displayed records, 2, exceeds the actual number of records, 1, in view object SampleAM.SampleVO1. Some of the displayed records may have been deleted.
    Here i am observing that the parameter OAPC is different in these two URLs.
    can you please tell me how to come out of this error while i am submitting the base page.

    Hi Pratap,
    Thanks for your information.But there i didn't get any information related to my issue. can you please tell me a way to proceed further in order to solve this issue.

  • Need help with adding a Key flex field to a seeded OAF page

    We have a seeded OAF page on which we already have Account Key Flex Field.
    Properties of this flex field are:
    The ApplShortName - SQLGL
    Name - GL#
    Type - Key
    As per the client requirement, in the KFF screen, we have disabled the seeded structure for Accounting Flexfield and created a custom structure.
    Our custom structure for the KFF is displayed correctly on the OAF page.
    But now the requirement is to add a new KFF on the OAF page which is duplicate of the existing KFF, along with the existing KFF field; the structure and segments are same. Only difference being the display name of the existing KFF field is Account; the new one needs to be Tax structure.
    Using personalization we added a new flex item and added the properties same as the existing KFF.
    ApplShortName - SQLGL
    Name - GL#
    Type - Key
    But the page is giving following error:
    The data that defines the flexfield on this field may be inconsistent. Inform your system administrator that the function: KeyFlexfieldDefinitionFactory.getStructureNumber could not find the structure definition for the flexfield specified by Application = SQLGL, Code = GL# and Structure number =
    We tried options like compiling the flexfield definition, but the error persists.
    Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.

    Please check whether your key flex structure is frozen or not. If now please freeze it and re compile and try.
    This may helps too
    error while developing KFF in oaf
    Edited by: Bharat on May 10, 2013 4:51 AM

  • Stale Data Error only Resolved by selecting "Use Update Batching"

    I'm having an issue after creating an update page in OAF.  The page only works when I select update batching within my EO.  The problem with this is my page is using a column type of BLOB which greys out the option to use update batching.  I have tried everything I can think of as well as search on every possible topic over the internet to resolve this issue.  Can't seem to figure it out.  It has become very frustrating as to why I can only update the table by selecting update batching.  Does anyone know how to overcome this issue?

    I resolved this issue.  The reason I was receiving the stale data error was due to a custom table I created getting corrupted when adding the primary key through SQL Developer instead of doing coding it.  After I recreated the table the stale data error stopped displaying.  Hope this helps people in the future.  Just remember to code the table creation instead of creating it through SQL Developer.

  • Stale data error while deleting a record

    My design of this development is as follow...
    1. Search Page in which users give some search criteria and results will be displayed in the results region on the same page. For each results record I have two buttons like 'Update' and 'Delete' so that users can delete the record or can update the record. For update i created a one more page where users can able to edit and save the data. I have two AM one for Search Page and one for Update Page.
    Please find more details below.
    errorEO  based on PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS
    intfVO based on intfEO and errorEO
    updateVO based on updateEO
    intfAM based on intfVO
    updateAM based on updateVO
    searchPG based on intfAM
    updatePG based on updateAM
    Suppose I have one record in interface table with corresponding error record in error table.When users given the search criteria and hit enter they found a record. It means i have one record in the interface having one error record in the error table and both tables have same transaction id (primary key). So here user first try to update the record and it is working. After update he try to delete a record then I am getting below error. Please note that I am not getting this error when if i directly delete the record with out doing any update before delete. When ever users click on update icon then update PG will open and when users click on Apply button then data is getting updated in the database and page will forward to the search page.
    Unable to perform transaction on the record.
    Cause: The record contains stale data. The record has been modified by another user.
    Action: Cancel the transaction and re-query the record to get the new data.
    My UpdatePage Controller
    |   Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA    |
    |                         All rights reserved.                              |
    |  HISTORY                                                                  |
    import com.sun.rowset.internal.Row;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAControllerImpl;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OADialogPage;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanConstants;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OASubmitButtonBean;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageDateFieldBean;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageTextInputBean;
    import oracle.apps.icx.por.common.webui.ClientUtil;
    * Controller for ...
    public class xxpowlPOReqIntfAllUpdatePageCO extends OAControllerImpl
      public static final String RCS_ID="$Header$";
      public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =
            VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "%packagename%");
       * Layout and page setup logic for a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
         xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMImpl am = (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
          xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl UpdateVO =(xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl)am.findViewObject("xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl");
          String newvalue = (String)pageContext.getSessionValue("testValue");     
          System.out.println("Transaction ID from processRequest UpdateCO from testValue field:"+newvalue);
          String transactionid = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapTransacitonid");
          System.out.println("Transaction ID from processRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO :"+transactionid);
          String errorcolumn = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapErrorcolumn");
          System.out.println("Error Column Name from processRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO :"+errorcolumn);
          String errormsg = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapErrormessage");
          System.out.println("Error Message from processRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO :"+errormsg);
          String readyonly = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapReadonly");
          System.out.println("Read Only value from processRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO :"+readyonly);
          if (transactionid !=null & !"".equals(transactionid)) { 
         /* Passing below four parameters to the Update Page */
          Serializable amParams[] = new Serializable[]{transactionid,readyonly,errorcolumn,errormsg} ;
          pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().invokeMethod("executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO", amParams);
       * Procedure to handle form submissions for form elements in
       * a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);      
         OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
          if (pageContext.getParameter("ApplyButton") != null)
            System.out.println("Inside ApplyButton method in UpdatePageCO");
            OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO");
            String transactionid = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapTransacitonid");
            System.out.println("Transaction ID from processFormRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO-ApplyButton method :"+transactionid);
           else if (pageContext.getParameter("CancelButton") != null)
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OARow;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
    import oracle.apps.inv.appsphor.order.server.XxapOrderHeaderVOImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.Transaction;
    // ---    File generated by Oracle ADF Business Components Design Time.
    // ---    Custom code may be added to this class.
    // ---    Warning: Do not modify method signatures of generated methods.
    public class xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMImpl extends OAApplicationModuleImpl {
        /**This is the default constructor (do not remove)
        public xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMImpl() {
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO
        public xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO() {
            return (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO");
        /**Sample main for debugging Business Components code using the tester.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            launchTester("", /* package name */
          "xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMLocal" /* Configuration Name */);
    /*  // Added by 
        public void execute_update_query(String TransactionID) {
        xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl vo = getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
    // Added by  , this will not call bec changed the logic and so now the update button enabled on search results page
    // and this method will not called
    public void pageInEditMode (String transactionID, String readOnlyFlag, String ErrorColumn,
                                                                           String ErrorMessage)
        System.out.println("Transaction Id from pageInEditMode in "+transactionID);
        System.out.println("xxReadOnly from pageInEditMode in "+readOnlyFlag);
        // Get the VO
        xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl updateVO = getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
        //Remove the where clause that was added in the previous run
        //Remove the bind parameters that were added in the previous run.
        //Add where clause
        // updateVO.addWhereClause(" TRANSACTION_ID = :1 ");
        //Bind transactionid to the where clause.
         // updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(1, transactionID); // this will not work bec it will start with zero from from 1
          updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(0, transactionID);
        //Execute the query.
        xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl currentRow = (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl);
        // Assiging the transient varaibles
        if ("N".equals(readOnlyFlag))
              /* Make the attribute to 'False so that all fields will be displayed in Edit Mode because we used this
               xxReadOnly as SPEL  */
       public void executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO(String transactionID, String xxReadyOnly, String ErrorColumn,
                                                                                              String ErrorMessage)
           System.out.println("Transaction Id from executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO in "+transactionID);
           System.out.println("xxReadOnly from executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO in "+xxReadyOnly);
           System.out.println("Error Message from executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO in "+ErrorColumn);
           System.out.println("Error Column from executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO in "+ErrorMessage);
         // Get the VO
         xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl updateVO = getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
         //xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl updaterowVO = xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
       //not working
       //    OARow row = (OARow)updateVO.getCurrentRow();
       //    row.setAttribute("xxReadOnly", Boolean.TRUE);
    // updateVO.putTransientValue('XXXXX',x);
         //Remove the where clause that was added in the previous run
         //Remove the bind parameters that were added in the previous run.
         //Add where clause
         // updateVO.addWhereClause(" TRANSACTION_ID = :1 ");
         //Bind transactionid to the where clause.
          // updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(1, transactionID); // this will not work bec it will start with zero from from 1
           updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(0, transactionID);
        // updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(1, ErorrColumn); 
         //Execute the query.
         /* We want the page should be read only initially so after executing the VO with above command
            and if you use next() it will go to the first record among the
            fetched records. If you want to iterate for all the records then use iterator */
            /* Using Iterator
             while(updateVO.hasNext()) {  // this will check after execute Query above command if it has any rows
              xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl currentRow = (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl);
              /* above line next() will take the control of the first record */
          /*     currentRow.setxxErrorMessage(ErrorMessage);
               if ("Y".equals(xxReadyOnly))
             } // this while loop will loop till end of all the fetched records
         xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl currentRow = (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl);
      // Assiging the transient varaibles
        /* Make the attribute to 'TRUE' so that all fields will be displayed as READ ONLY because we used this
           xxReadOnly as SPEL
           if ("Y".equals(xxReadyOnly))
      //Added by  and this methiod will get called from UpdatePG Process Form Request controller  
         public void rollback()
           Transaction txn = getTransaction();
           if (txn.isDirty())
        public void apply()
            //OAViewObject vo1 = (OAViewObject)getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
            //Number chargeAccountID = vo1.get
          OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
          if (!vo.isPreparedForExecution())
    SearchPG AM
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import oracle.jbo.Transaction;
    import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
    // ---    File generated by Oracle ADF Business Components Design Time.
    // ---    Custom code may be added to this class.
    // ---    Warning: Do not modify method signatures of generated methods.
    public class xxpowlPOReqIntfAllAMImpl extends OAApplicationModuleImpl {
        /**This is the default constructor (do not remove)
        public xxpowlPOReqIntfAllAMImpl() {
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVO
        public xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVOImpl getxxpowlPOReqIntfAllVO() {
            return (xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVO");
        /**Sample main for debugging Business Components code using the tester.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            launchTester("", /* package name */
          "xxpowlPOReqIntfAllAMLocal" /* Configuration Name */);
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlRequestIdLovVO
        public xxpowlRequestIdLovVOImpl getxxpowlRequestIdLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlRequestIdLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlRequestIdLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlErrosLovVO
        public xxpowlErrosLovVOImpl getxxpowlErrosLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlErrosLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlErrosLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlOrgLovVO
        public xxpowlOrgLovVOImpl getxxpowlOrgLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlOrgLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlOrgLovVO");
      //Start Adding by Lokesh
      //This method wil get invoked from the search results page Process Request
       public void rollbackItem()
         Transaction txn = getTransaction();
         if (txn.isDirty())
      //This method will invoked from Controller page when user click Yes on delete confirmtion page from Search Results Page
       public void deleteItem(String trasnsactionID)
         Number rowToDelete = new Number(Integer.parseInt(trasnsactionID));      
         OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getxxpowlPOReqIntfAllVO();
         xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVORowImpl row = null;
         int fetchedRowCount = vo.getFetchedRowCount();
       //  System.out.print(fetchedRowCount);
         System.out.println("No of row fetched on delete method :"+fetchedRowCount);
         RowSetIterator deleteIter = vo.createRowSetIterator("deleteIter");
           System.out.println("1 :");
         if (fetchedRowCount > 0)
             System.out.println("2 :");
             System.out.println("3 :");
             System.out.println("4 :");
           for (int i = 0; i < fetchedRowCount; i++)
               System.out.println("5 :");
             row = (xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVORowImpl)deleteIter.getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
               System.out.println("6 :");
             Number PK = row.getTransactionId();
               System.out.println("7 :");
             if (PK.compareTo(rowToDelete) == 0)
                 System.out.println("8 :");
                 System.out.println("9 :");
                 System.out.println("10 :");
                 //System.out.println("11 :");
           System.out.println("11 :");
           System.out.println("12 :");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVO
        public xxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVOImpl getxxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVO
        public xxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVOImpl getxxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlReferenceNumberLovVO
        public xxpowlReferenceNumberLovVOImpl getxxpowlReferenceNumberLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlReferenceNumberLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlReferenceNumberLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlItemSegment1LovVO
        public xxpowlItemSegment1LovVOImpl getxxpowlItemSegment1LovVO() {
            return (xxpowlItemSegment1LovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlItemSegment1LovVO");
    Search Page Controller
    |   Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA    |
    |                         All rights reserved.                              |
    |  HISTORY                                                                  |
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    //import java.util.HashMap;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAControllerImpl;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OADialogPage;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanConstants;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.TransactionUnitHelper;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
    * Controller for ...
    public class xxpowlPOReqIntfAllSearchPageCO extends OAControllerImpl
      public static final String RCS_ID="$Header$";
      public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =
            VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "%packagename%");
       * Layout and page setup logic for a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
        //Added by Lokesh
          OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
         if (TransactionUnitHelper.isTransactionUnitInProgress(pageContext, "updateRecord", false)) {
               TransactionUnitHelper.endTransactionUnit(pageContext, "updateRecord");
       * Procedure to handle form submissions for form elements in
       * a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
             String userClicked = pageContext.getParameter("event");
             System.out.println("Event from processFormRequest in SearchPageCO :"+userClicked);
           System.out.println("Parametere Names are :- \t" + pageContext.getParameter("UpdateImage"));
           System.out.println("Parametere Names are :- \t" + pageContext.getParameter("event"));
         if (pageContext.getParameter("event") != null &&
             pageContext.getParameter("event").equalsIgnoreCase("Update")) { 
             String ReqTransactionId=(String)pageContext.getParameter("transacitonidParam");
             String errorcolumn=(String)pageContext.getParameter("errorcolumnParam");
             String errormsg=(String)pageContext.getParameter("errormessageParam");
             String readyonly="Y"; //(String)pageContext.getParameter("readonlyParam");
             System.out.println("Requisition Transaction Id  : "+ReqTransactionId);
             System.out.println("Error Column  : "+errorcolumn);
             System.out.println("Error Message  : "+errormsg);
             System.out.println("Read Only  : "+readyonly);
             HashMap params = new HashMap(4);
             //System.out.println("Transaction Id passing through HashMap :- \t" + ReqTransactionId);
                                        OAWebBeanConstants.IGNORE_MESSAGES) ;   
    else if (pageContext.getParameter("event") != null &&
             pageContext.getParameter("event").equalsIgnoreCase("Delete")) {   
        System.out.println("Inside Delete method in SearchCO");
        String deleteTransactionID=(String)pageContext.getParameter("deleteTransactionIDParam");
        System.out.println("Transaction Id in Delete Method :- \t" + deleteTransactionID);
      //  deleteTransactionID ="";  //Makeing Null because dont want to show the transaction id bec users dont know about it
        //MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("MESSAGE_NAME", deleteTransactionID) };
        MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("MESSAGE_NAME", "") };
        OAException mainMessage = new OAException("FND", "FND_MESSAGE_DELETE_WARNING", tokens);
        OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(OAException.WARNING,mainMessage, null, "", "");
        String yes = pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_YES", null);
        String no = pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_NO", null);
        Hashtable formParams = new Hashtable(1);
        formParams.put("transactionIdDeleted", deleteTransactionID);

    Hi friend ,
    In Search page i didn't do any update. and also search page is not a problem it's working fine. create page only the problem. In this page only throwing Stale data error exception.
    Please give me more suggestion.
    Thanks in advance,

  • To get date Parameter from an OAF page

    I want to get a date parameter from an OAF page and pass them to a query in Vo as binding variables.
    How can that be done.
    I tried this to get the date from my page but it gives an error when I pass it to the query-
    String v_date = pageContext.getParameter("StartDate");

    My CO --------------------------
    if( pageContext.getParameter("Submit") != null)
    String userid = (new Integer(pageContext.getUserId())).toString();
    String personid = (new Integer(pageContext.getEmployeeId())).toString();
    String v_date = pageContext.getParameter("StartDate")+"";
    String v_end_date = pageContext.getParameter("EndDate")+"";
    System.out.println("call to process request0 : " + userid);
    System.out.println("call to process request0 : " + personid);
    System.out.println("call to process request0 : " + v_date);
    System.out.println("call to process request0 : " + v_end_date);
    Serializable[] params = {personid,v_date,v_end_date};
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    String empUserid = pageContext.getUserName();
    System.out.println("Calling initMoverQuery");
    am.invokeMethod("initMoverQuery", params);
    System.out.println("Call out of initMoverQuery");
    My AM------------------------------------------------------------
    public void initMoverQuery(String pid,String sd,String ed)
    System.out.println("In init Query of AM" +pid);
    EmployeeMoverVOImpl vorep = getEmployeeMoverVO1();
    Number personid = new Number(Integer.parseInt(pid));
    System.out.println("user id"+ personid);
    System.out.println("start date"+ sd);
    System.out.println("end date"+ ed);
    if (vorep == null)
    MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("OBJECT_NAME", "EmployeeMoverRepVO1")};
    throw new OAException("AK", "FWK_TBX_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND", tokens);
    if (!vorep.isPreparedForExecution())
    // vorep.initQuery(personid,sd1,ed1);
    System.out.println("End SP VO Query");

  • Opening a seeded OAF page from custom JSP page.

    Hi All,
    We have requirement to open a seeded OAF page from custom JSP page.
    When we try to open URL of an OAF page after passing URL input parameters, we are always getting following error:
    'You have insufficient privileges for the current operation. Please contact your System Administrator.'
    On directly accessing the seeded OAF page, its encoding all the input parameters passed in URL. Also some more encoded parameters are getting added to the URL dynamically.
    Is there any standard way exists to invoke seeded OAF pages without passing encrypted parameters to it? Also where can we get more details about
    encrypting OAF URL parameters.
    Any pointers would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    Have you duplicated entire Customer Service module's menu in your responsibility?
    or Also ping me the menu name..

  • Stale Data Error

    We have a page developed in OA Framework which displays the JTF tasks which loads 10 records initially and has Next button to navigate to the next set of records. The page has singleSelection table which is used to select a particular record. This page has some fields which can be modified (say status of the task etc). From this page user is allowed to open any e-Business suite applications (like Contracts Authoring form etc). Form based applications are opened using a intermediate page which manipulates the form name etc and uses pageContext.forwardImmediatelyToForm to open a particular form. This intermediate page has a close button which just closes the form. We are getting the "Stale Data Error message" during the below navigation.
    1. Open the initial page.
    2. Click on Next to navigate to next set of records.
    3. Select a record using the radion button.
    4. Select the e-Business form you want to open and click on Go, which opens the intermedidate page and the desired form.
    5. Close the e-Business form and the intermediate page.
    6. In the initial page, change the status of the above selected record.
    We get the "Stale data error" page. Also sometimes, we get this error after doing step 6 above, click on Save button available.
    Any pointers on this would be of great help.

    Hi Shree,
    When you query a table, OA Framework calls processFormData on OAAdvancedTableBean, which in turn performs a primary key check between the rows currently displayed in the table and the rows in the view object result set. If a primary key check fails, a stale data error is thrown. In the case of a read-only table that has previously displayed search results, a stale data error is an indication that the submitted table rows from the displayed page cached by the browser and the latest view object rows are based on different query criteria
    To avoid stale data checks for read-only tables use the following API on OAAdvancedTableBean:
    setSkipProcessFormData(pageContext, true);
    Warning: Do not call this method on updatable tables, as setting skipProcessFormData to true will clear all the changes done on the table.
    Hope this helps.

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