Stale data error while trying to update row.

I have a search page, from where i would like to select a particular record and update some of its attributes. But when i try to commit the transaction, i get the error below:
Unable to perform transaction on the record. \nCause: The record contains stale data. The record has been modified by another user. \nAction: Cancel the transaction and re-query the record to get the new data.
My Results table, based on VO1(based on EO), has an image item which submits the page and opens another page with the details of the current record, and provides the user with an option to update one of the attributes. The second page, where the user updates the attributes is based on another VO (say VO2, which again is based on the same EO as VO1).
Behind the Apply button, i call a method in the AM which simply commits the transaction and then re-directs to the original search page and displays the confirmation message.
Pseudo Code:
In the controller for VO1 (search page).
if <update> then
params = config_id ;
am.invokeMethod("initSketchDetails,params) ;
public void initSketchDetails(String config_id)
vo = getVO2 ;
vo.initQuery ;
In VO2Impl
public void initQuery(String config_id) {
<convert string to jbo.domain.number>
setWhereClause("config_id = :1);
setWhereClauseParams(null) ;
In the PFR of Controller for the Update Page
if ("apply" != null)
am = pageCOntext.getAM ;
am.invokeMethod("apply") ;
pageCOntext.forwardImmediately to results page ..
public void apply() {
Where am i going wrong?

I noticed that this error is occuring only under certain conditions.
In my application a particular record can have 4 statuses (Draft, Submitted, Cancelled and Technical Query). But when a record is being updated, it can only be updated to Draft, Technical Query or Cancelled.
The error occurs ONLY when i am trying to update a record which is in Submitted Status to any other status. If i update a record from Draft -> Technical Query/Cancelled, there are no issues!!!
I cant figure out where the problem lies.
The poplist picks up values from a lookup.
Any idea how to debug this situation?

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    EXCEPTION CLASS::: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
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  • Stale data error while deleting a record

    My design of this development is as follow...
    1. Search Page in which users give some search criteria and results will be displayed in the results region on the same page. For each results record I have two buttons like 'Update' and 'Delete' so that users can delete the record or can update the record. For update i created a one more page where users can able to edit and save the data. I have two AM one for Search Page and one for Update Page.
    Please find more details below.
    errorEO  based on PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS
    intfVO based on intfEO and errorEO
    updateVO based on updateEO
    intfAM based on intfVO
    updateAM based on updateVO
    searchPG based on intfAM
    updatePG based on updateAM
    Suppose I have one record in interface table with corresponding error record in error table.When users given the search criteria and hit enter they found a record. It means i have one record in the interface having one error record in the error table and both tables have same transaction id (primary key). So here user first try to update the record and it is working. After update he try to delete a record then I am getting below error. Please note that I am not getting this error when if i directly delete the record with out doing any update before delete. When ever users click on update icon then update PG will open and when users click on Apply button then data is getting updated in the database and page will forward to the search page.
    Unable to perform transaction on the record.
    Cause: The record contains stale data. The record has been modified by another user.
    Action: Cancel the transaction and re-query the record to get the new data.
    My UpdatePage Controller
    |   Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA    |
    |                         All rights reserved.                              |
    |  HISTORY                                                                  |
    import com.sun.rowset.internal.Row;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAControllerImpl;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OADialogPage;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanConstants;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OASubmitButtonBean;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageDateFieldBean;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageTextInputBean;
    import oracle.apps.icx.por.common.webui.ClientUtil;
    * Controller for ...
    public class xxpowlPOReqIntfAllUpdatePageCO extends OAControllerImpl
      public static final String RCS_ID="$Header$";
      public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =
            VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "%packagename%");
       * Layout and page setup logic for a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
         xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMImpl am = (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
          xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl UpdateVO =(xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl)am.findViewObject("xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl");
          String newvalue = (String)pageContext.getSessionValue("testValue");     
          System.out.println("Transaction ID from processRequest UpdateCO from testValue field:"+newvalue);
          String transactionid = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapTransacitonid");
          System.out.println("Transaction ID from processRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO :"+transactionid);
          String errorcolumn = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapErrorcolumn");
          System.out.println("Error Column Name from processRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO :"+errorcolumn);
          String errormsg = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapErrormessage");
          System.out.println("Error Message from processRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO :"+errormsg);
          String readyonly = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapReadonly");
          System.out.println("Read Only value from processRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO :"+readyonly);
          if (transactionid !=null & !"".equals(transactionid)) { 
         /* Passing below four parameters to the Update Page */
          Serializable amParams[] = new Serializable[]{transactionid,readyonly,errorcolumn,errormsg} ;
          pageContext.getRootApplicationModule().invokeMethod("executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO", amParams);
       * Procedure to handle form submissions for form elements in
       * a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);      
         OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
          if (pageContext.getParameter("ApplyButton") != null)
            System.out.println("Inside ApplyButton method in UpdatePageCO");
            OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO");
            String transactionid = pageContext.getParameter("HashmapTransacitonid");
            System.out.println("Transaction ID from processFormRequest Hash Map in UpdateCO-ApplyButton method :"+transactionid);
           else if (pageContext.getParameter("CancelButton") != null)
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OARow;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
    import oracle.apps.inv.appsphor.order.server.XxapOrderHeaderVOImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.Transaction;
    // ---    File generated by Oracle ADF Business Components Design Time.
    // ---    Custom code may be added to this class.
    // ---    Warning: Do not modify method signatures of generated methods.
    public class xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMImpl extends OAApplicationModuleImpl {
        /**This is the default constructor (do not remove)
        public xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMImpl() {
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO
        public xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO() {
            return (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO");
        /**Sample main for debugging Business Components code using the tester.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            launchTester("", /* package name */
          "xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateAMLocal" /* Configuration Name */);
    /*  // Added by 
        public void execute_update_query(String TransactionID) {
        xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl vo = getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
    // Added by  , this will not call bec changed the logic and so now the update button enabled on search results page
    // and this method will not called
    public void pageInEditMode (String transactionID, String readOnlyFlag, String ErrorColumn,
                                                                           String ErrorMessage)
        System.out.println("Transaction Id from pageInEditMode in "+transactionID);
        System.out.println("xxReadOnly from pageInEditMode in "+readOnlyFlag);
        // Get the VO
        xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl updateVO = getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
        //Remove the where clause that was added in the previous run
        //Remove the bind parameters that were added in the previous run.
        //Add where clause
        // updateVO.addWhereClause(" TRANSACTION_ID = :1 ");
        //Bind transactionid to the where clause.
         // updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(1, transactionID); // this will not work bec it will start with zero from from 1
          updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(0, transactionID);
        //Execute the query.
        xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl currentRow = (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl);
        // Assiging the transient varaibles
        if ("N".equals(readOnlyFlag))
              /* Make the attribute to 'False so that all fields will be displayed in Edit Mode because we used this
               xxReadOnly as SPEL  */
       public void executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO(String transactionID, String xxReadyOnly, String ErrorColumn,
                                                                                              String ErrorMessage)
           System.out.println("Transaction Id from executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO in "+transactionID);
           System.out.println("xxReadOnly from executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO in "+xxReadyOnly);
           System.out.println("Error Message from executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO in "+ErrorColumn);
           System.out.println("Error Column from executexxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO in "+ErrorMessage);
         // Get the VO
         xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVOImpl updateVO = getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
         //xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl updaterowVO = xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
       //not working
       //    OARow row = (OARow)updateVO.getCurrentRow();
       //    row.setAttribute("xxReadOnly", Boolean.TRUE);
    // updateVO.putTransientValue('XXXXX',x);
         //Remove the where clause that was added in the previous run
         //Remove the bind parameters that were added in the previous run.
         //Add where clause
         // updateVO.addWhereClause(" TRANSACTION_ID = :1 ");
         //Bind transactionid to the where clause.
          // updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(1, transactionID); // this will not work bec it will start with zero from from 1
           updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(0, transactionID);
        // updateVO.setWhereClauseParam(1, ErorrColumn); 
         //Execute the query.
         /* We want the page should be read only initially so after executing the VO with above command
            and if you use next() it will go to the first record among the
            fetched records. If you want to iterate for all the records then use iterator */
            /* Using Iterator
             while(updateVO.hasNext()) {  // this will check after execute Query above command if it has any rows
              xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl currentRow = (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl);
              /* above line next() will take the control of the first record */
          /*     currentRow.setxxErrorMessage(ErrorMessage);
               if ("Y".equals(xxReadyOnly))
             } // this while loop will loop till end of all the fetched records
         xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl currentRow = (xxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVORowImpl);
      // Assiging the transient varaibles
        /* Make the attribute to 'TRUE' so that all fields will be displayed as READ ONLY because we used this
           xxReadOnly as SPEL
           if ("Y".equals(xxReadyOnly))
      //Added by  and this methiod will get called from UpdatePG Process Form Request controller  
         public void rollback()
           Transaction txn = getTransaction();
           if (txn.isDirty())
        public void apply()
            //OAViewObject vo1 = (OAViewObject)getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
            //Number chargeAccountID = vo1.get
          OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getxxpowlPOReqIntfUpdateEOVO();
          if (!vo.isPreparedForExecution())
    SearchPG AM
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import oracle.jbo.Transaction;
    import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
    // ---    File generated by Oracle ADF Business Components Design Time.
    // ---    Custom code may be added to this class.
    // ---    Warning: Do not modify method signatures of generated methods.
    public class xxpowlPOReqIntfAllAMImpl extends OAApplicationModuleImpl {
        /**This is the default constructor (do not remove)
        public xxpowlPOReqIntfAllAMImpl() {
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVO
        public xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVOImpl getxxpowlPOReqIntfAllVO() {
            return (xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVO");
        /**Sample main for debugging Business Components code using the tester.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            launchTester("", /* package name */
          "xxpowlPOReqIntfAllAMLocal" /* Configuration Name */);
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlRequestIdLovVO
        public xxpowlRequestIdLovVOImpl getxxpowlRequestIdLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlRequestIdLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlRequestIdLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlErrosLovVO
        public xxpowlErrosLovVOImpl getxxpowlErrosLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlErrosLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlErrosLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlOrgLovVO
        public xxpowlOrgLovVOImpl getxxpowlOrgLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlOrgLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlOrgLovVO");
      //Start Adding by Lokesh
      //This method wil get invoked from the search results page Process Request
       public void rollbackItem()
         Transaction txn = getTransaction();
         if (txn.isDirty())
      //This method will invoked from Controller page when user click Yes on delete confirmtion page from Search Results Page
       public void deleteItem(String trasnsactionID)
         Number rowToDelete = new Number(Integer.parseInt(trasnsactionID));      
         OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getxxpowlPOReqIntfAllVO();
         xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVORowImpl row = null;
         int fetchedRowCount = vo.getFetchedRowCount();
       //  System.out.print(fetchedRowCount);
         System.out.println("No of row fetched on delete method :"+fetchedRowCount);
         RowSetIterator deleteIter = vo.createRowSetIterator("deleteIter");
           System.out.println("1 :");
         if (fetchedRowCount > 0)
             System.out.println("2 :");
             System.out.println("3 :");
             System.out.println("4 :");
           for (int i = 0; i < fetchedRowCount; i++)
               System.out.println("5 :");
             row = (xxpowlPOReqIntfAllVORowImpl)deleteIter.getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
               System.out.println("6 :");
             Number PK = row.getTransactionId();
               System.out.println("7 :");
             if (PK.compareTo(rowToDelete) == 0)
                 System.out.println("8 :");
                 System.out.println("9 :");
                 System.out.println("10 :");
                 //System.out.println("11 :");
           System.out.println("11 :");
           System.out.println("12 :");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVO
        public xxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVOImpl getxxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlInterfaceSouceCodeLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVO
        public xxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVOImpl getxxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlRequisitionTypeLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlReferenceNumberLovVO
        public xxpowlReferenceNumberLovVOImpl getxxpowlReferenceNumberLovVO() {
            return (xxpowlReferenceNumberLovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlReferenceNumberLovVO");
        /**Container's getter for xxpowlItemSegment1LovVO
        public xxpowlItemSegment1LovVOImpl getxxpowlItemSegment1LovVO() {
            return (xxpowlItemSegment1LovVOImpl)findViewObject("xxpowlItemSegment1LovVO");
    Search Page Controller
    |   Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA    |
    |                         All rights reserved.                              |
    |  HISTORY                                                                  |
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    //import java.util.HashMap;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAControllerImpl;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OADialogPage;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanConstants;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.TransactionUnitHelper;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
    * Controller for ...
    public class xxpowlPOReqIntfAllSearchPageCO extends OAControllerImpl
      public static final String RCS_ID="$Header$";
      public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =
            VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "%packagename%");
       * Layout and page setup logic for a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
        //Added by Lokesh
          OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
         if (TransactionUnitHelper.isTransactionUnitInProgress(pageContext, "updateRecord", false)) {
               TransactionUnitHelper.endTransactionUnit(pageContext, "updateRecord");
       * Procedure to handle form submissions for form elements in
       * a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
             String userClicked = pageContext.getParameter("event");
             System.out.println("Event from processFormRequest in SearchPageCO :"+userClicked);
           System.out.println("Parametere Names are :- \t" + pageContext.getParameter("UpdateImage"));
           System.out.println("Parametere Names are :- \t" + pageContext.getParameter("event"));
         if (pageContext.getParameter("event") != null &&
             pageContext.getParameter("event").equalsIgnoreCase("Update")) { 
             String ReqTransactionId=(String)pageContext.getParameter("transacitonidParam");
             String errorcolumn=(String)pageContext.getParameter("errorcolumnParam");
             String errormsg=(String)pageContext.getParameter("errormessageParam");
             String readyonly="Y"; //(String)pageContext.getParameter("readonlyParam");
             System.out.println("Requisition Transaction Id  : "+ReqTransactionId);
             System.out.println("Error Column  : "+errorcolumn);
             System.out.println("Error Message  : "+errormsg);
             System.out.println("Read Only  : "+readyonly);
             HashMap params = new HashMap(4);
             //System.out.println("Transaction Id passing through HashMap :- \t" + ReqTransactionId);
                                        OAWebBeanConstants.IGNORE_MESSAGES) ;   
    else if (pageContext.getParameter("event") != null &&
             pageContext.getParameter("event").equalsIgnoreCase("Delete")) {   
        System.out.println("Inside Delete method in SearchCO");
        String deleteTransactionID=(String)pageContext.getParameter("deleteTransactionIDParam");
        System.out.println("Transaction Id in Delete Method :- \t" + deleteTransactionID);
      //  deleteTransactionID ="";  //Makeing Null because dont want to show the transaction id bec users dont know about it
        //MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("MESSAGE_NAME", deleteTransactionID) };
        MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("MESSAGE_NAME", "") };
        OAException mainMessage = new OAException("FND", "FND_MESSAGE_DELETE_WARNING", tokens);
        OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(OAException.WARNING,mainMessage, null, "", "");
        String yes = pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_YES", null);
        String no = pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_NO", null);
        Hashtable formParams = new Hashtable(1);
        formParams.put("transactionIdDeleted", deleteTransactionID);

    Hi friend ,
    In Search page i didn't do any update. and also search page is not a problem it's working fine. create page only the problem. In this page only throwing Stale data error exception.
    Please give me more suggestion.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Stale data error while opening a multiple OAF page .

    Dear Friends ,
    I have a OAF page developed and deployed in server , its basically a search page , it also has several links to
    go to create page and update page . when the user opens the multiple page using different tabs in the browser
    like for example
    ex :
    from search page click on create page open it as new tab . if such multiple table are being opened
    and do some operation like search a record , it gives and error (stale data : Developer's mode exception ) .
    How to over come this exception , could you please share you ideas
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi friend ,
    In Search page i didn't do any update. and also search page is not a problem it's working fine. create page only the problem. In this page only throwing Stale data error exception.
    Please give me more suggestion.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Stale data error while submitting the form(before that opening the popup )

    I am using OAURL to open a pop-up in my oaf page
    passing my page to this class.And at the time of loading the base page
    the pop up window url is like this
    now i click on the link to open the pop-up
    its opening the pop-up.
    Closing that pop-up.
    Saving the details entered in the base page.
    Now it is executing again from the processRequest() of base page
    now the URL like this...
    Now i am getting stale data error
    The number of displayed records, 2, exceeds the actual number of records, 1, in view object SampleAM.SampleVO1. Some of the displayed records may have been deleted.
    Here i am observing that the parameter OAPC is different in these two URLs.
    can you please tell me how to come out of this error while i am submitting the base page.

    Hi Pratap,
    Thanks for your information.But there i didn't get any information related to my issue. can you please tell me a way to proceed further in order to solve this issue.

  • TS3694 just got a 3004 error while trying to update iphone version, what should I do

    juat got  3004 while trying to update iphone version, what should I do?

    error 3014 is this
    Error 3014
    This error occurs when iTunes is unable to reach in a timely fashion. Follow the steps below inUnable to contact the iOS software update server
    If you have jailbroken you will get no support here.  It is against the terms of use of this forum to discuss jailbreaking

  • I receive this error while trying to update to iTunes 10.6.3

    I receive this error while trying to complete an Itunes 10.6.3 update.
    "The update could not be verified. It may have been corrupted during downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs."
    I have tried installing again many times with the same result.  If someone and tell me how to proceed, this would be great!!  Thanks, Kim

    I'd try updating using a .dmg installer downloaded from the Apple Website:

  • Stale data error while updating record

    While updating page getting below error.
    Unable to perform transaction on the record.
    Cause: The record contains stale data. The record has been modified by another user.
    Action: Cancel the transaction and re-query the record to get the new data.
    - In page navigation, the setForwardURL is done without retaining the AM
    - There is no other user trying to change the values that are just created.
    - Doing pageContext.releaseRootApplicationModule(); before commit.
    - ObjectVersionNumber attribute of entity object, check the Change Indicator checkbox for this attribute.
    Still it is NOT working getting same error.
    Any idea, why this error coming.

    OA Framework updates the ObjectVersionNumber attribute in the generic OAEntityImpl Java class. That is, the createObjectVersionNumber(), and updateObjectVersionNumber() methods perform automatic initialization and update of these values.
    Read more in Dev Guide

  • Stale data error while updating record on extending standard OAF pages

    We are on Oracle R12. I have a standard oracle shipped page to enter attributes of an inventory item. This page has an APPLY and CANCEL buttons to post the changes to DB. There is one attribute called FORMULA. To create a formula , I created a new custom page.
    I added a custom controller and AM to the standard page and added a new button, "Create Formula" . When the user clicks this button, he can navigate to the new custom page and create a formula. When the user clicks APPLY on this new page, I am navigating him back to the original page , looping through the Entity Object of that page and setting the formula attribute using method
    This works fine the first time. Then I click the apply button on the original page, the change is saved on teh DB. Now if I click the formula button again and try to modify the formula, on returning to the original page, the formula is updated but I also get the following error :
    Unable to perform transaction on the record.
    Cause: The record contains stale data. The record has been modified by another user.
    Action: Cancel the transaction and re-query the record to get the new data.
    I tried getTransaction().setClearCacheOnCommit(true); after the setattribute but I still get this error . Not sure why this is happening, what I need to do.
    Please help . I did not modify any oracle shipped VOs or EOs.

    you can also release transaction by using

  • Write back error while trying to update the data

    This is my writeback.xml file*
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
    <WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages">
    <WebMessage name="UpdateBA">
    <writeBack connectionPool="Oracle Data Warehouse Connection Pool">
    <insert> </insert>
    <update> UPDATE XXAUD_W_BUD_QTA_F SET BUDGET_AMT=@{c19},attribute2='@{c15}'
    where INTEGRATION_ID='@{c6}'</update>
    <WebMessage name="UpdateQA">
    <writeBack connectionPool="Oracle Data Warehouse Connection Pool">
    <insert> </insert>
    <update> UPDATE XXAUD_W_BUD_QTA_F SET QUOTA_AMT=@{c21},ATTRIBUTE3='@{c18}'
    where INTEGRATION_ID='@{c6}'</update>
    <WebMessage name="UpdateFA">
    <writeBack connectionPool="Oracle Data Warehouse Connection Pool">
    <insert> </insert>
    <update> UPDATE XXAUD_W_FORECAST_F SET FORECAST_AMT=@{c19},attribute1='@{c22}'
    where INTEGRATION_ID='@{c15}'</update>
    <WebMessage name="UpdatePO">
    <writeBack connectionPool="Oracle Data Warehouse Connection Pool">
    <insert> </insert>
    <WebMessage name="UpdateRET">
    <writeBack connectionPool="Oracle Data Warehouse Connection Pool">
    <insert> </insert>
    WHERE INTEGRATION_ID='@{c0}'</update>
    its getting updated at some time but when i tried to update after some time i am getting error
    can you please tell me the reason for this???
    *An error occurred while writing to the server. Please check to make sure you have entered appropriate values. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
    Sax parser returned an exception. Message: Expected entity name for reference, Entity publicId: , Entity systemId: , Line number: 1, Column number: 344*
    Error Details
    Error Codes: UH6MBRBC:E6MUPJPH
    Xml parsed: <writeBack template="UpdateQA"><record action="update"><value columnID="c6">ICS_US~1721~15041~1~2009~135</value><value columnID="c7">2009</value><value columnID="c13">2009 / 01</value><value columnID="c17">Specialty</value><value columnID="c15">Carroll, Patrick</value><value columnID="c16">SALES_PERSON</value><value columnID="c12">1st Auto & Casualty Insurance</value><value columnID="c11">ICS_US</value><value columnID="c21">3334</value><value columnID="c18">as</value></record><record action="update"><value columnID="c6">ICS_CAN~1438~15454~1~2009~135</value><value columnID="c7">2009</value><value columnID="c13">2009 / 01</value><value columnID="c17">Specialty</value><value columnID="c15">Barrette, Denis (Denis)</value><value columnID="c16">SALES_PERSON</value><value columnID="c12">AXA Assurances</value><value columnID="c11">ICS_CAN</value><value columnID="c21">147</value><value columnID="c18">fg</value></record></writeBack>

    i changed my xml by replacing update stmt in <insert> but still facing same problem.
    One thing the table with columns customer name, amount,comments.
    the customer name have some spl character like *"&"* (john&Franklin).I think this might be a problem(special char &),due to this getting error????
    Sax parser returned an exception.
    Message: Expected entity name for reference, Entity publicId: , Entity systemId
    SAX parsor is not able to read this character???
    Help me out!!!
    Varanasi Saichand

  • Error while trying to update my Ipad for new iOS5 :(

    On trying to update to the lastest iOs5 version for my Ipad, after syncing everything correctly, a last pop-up shows " Error occured while backing up Ipad (-37) Continue will result in lost of all contents of Ipad"...what do i need to do or fix!? Help please!!

    i have tried this a couple of times already and it also would show " error... (-5000) , but it says the same thing only difference is the error number. Please help!!!

  • "Update Failed" error while trying to update Bridge and Photoshop (U44M1l216)

    I'm having issues just trying to update Photoshop and Bridge.
    I have Adobe CC 2014 on a Late 2012 Mac Mini OSX Yosemite (though I was also having this issue before I upgraded from Mavericks a few days ago) This is a work computer that's only had these programs for 2-3 weeks- as this is a new job, so everything is really fresh with installs and so on.
    When Updating the to the Latests Apps I get this Window:
    When I click "Learn More" I get these Windows:
    Googling this Error Number only takes me to error codes similar but the number isn't quite right.
    I stumbled upon a thread with similar numbers and tried installing the updates directly from the Adobe Website, and they failed. I did that last week so i don't have screenshots of the exact error. If you need me to do that again to get more diagnostic information, please let me know. I also tried reinstalling Adobe Extension manager and it did nothing either way in affecting the situation.
    I have no idea what's wrong or what to do to figure this out.
    Any help or clarity would help.
    thank you

    I found a solution:
    I have try all: Uninstall, reinstall, reboot, Clean... and nothing have worked until I have seen somebody saying this:
    to fix this (on a PC)
    1: open up the Creative Cloud control panel, and quit out.
    2: Navigate to C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\AAMUpdater
    3: Delete (or rename) the directory named "1.0"
    4: restart Creative Cloud
    5: Got to the App manager and update
    I try that but didn't work. But finally a notice (in my case) in this directory (C:\Users\Bart Raven\AppData\Local\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\Install\AdobeAfterEffects-13.0.0-Trial\13.0.2) I had a SETUP.ZIP file of the 13.0.2 update that was BROKEN and it didn't want to unzip. IT WAS A SETUP.ZIP file BROKEN.
    I download a new 13.0.2 update from this site:
    All Adobe CC 2014 Updates: The Direct Download Links for Windows | ProDesignTools windows
    All Adobe CC 2014 Updates: The Direct Download Links for Mac OS | ProDesignTools MAC
    and put it unziped in the same directory: ((C:\Users\Bart Raven\AppData\Local\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\Install\AdobeAfterEffects-13.0.0-Trial\13.0.2)
    RUN IT, and finally everything works fine again!!
    Then i put the last update from the Adobe Cretive Cloud.
    SO, The problem is a broken SETUP.ZIP file update in some place in here: C:\Users\Bart Raven\AppData\Local\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\Install  - for WINDOWS.
    Just replace it for a good one.
    Hope this help
    More info: Update Failed. Unable to extract the downloaded files. (U44M11210)

  • HT201210 3194 error while trying to update iphone 3g to 4.2

    gota 3194 error while updating iphone 3g to 4.2

    Temporarily disable ALL of your antivirus/antispyware software and try again.

  • Error while trying to update to 7.5

    I'm trying to update my iTunes to 7.5 but it said there was an error and to just download and install manually but there's an error saying Invalid Drive: H:\. So yea, any suggestions and help is much appreciated.

    I also had an error updating to on win 2000
    Message was edited by: Vandyke

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