Standard smartform with barcode

Hi Techies,
can any body plz post me some standard smartforms which are having barcode printed.

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    Hello all,
    I have a requirement that, there is a very long standard text stored in a notification of an order in SAP ISU system. The text contains multiple paragraphs with indentations. I want to print this text directly into the smartform WITH SAME INDENTATION AND PARAGRAPH FORMATTING.
    First i am reading the entire text using FM READ_TEXT.
    My first  problem is even if i read the text into a variable of type STRING , it just prints 255 characters of it.
    And secondly if i try to printout it using LOOP AT node in smartforms, it prints the entire content but without any formatting .
    Please let me know whether it is possible to print standard text in smartforms or not
    Nilesh Puranik

    Hey ,
    Well thanks for that but my replies got posted 2-3 times unknowingly, could'nt help it.
    Coming to the problem, i  guess you did not get my point when i say dynamic texts for each service order.
    In my Report i am using LOOP AT ITAB ..where in itab i  am storing a service order no i.e. ITAB-ORDER_NO
    Now for every order there is standard text maintained in SO10 starting with order name
    so my code goes like this.
        ID                            = 'LTXT'
        LANGUAGE            = 'E'
        NAME                      = ITAB-order_no
        OBJECT                   = 'QMSM'
        LINES                         = LINES .
    Hence whatever Standard text maintained for that service order i  want to display it as it is in the smartform with same paragraphs formatting and indentation.
    IF i use a variable in smartform and pass the entire text  after using READ_TEXT , it does not format the text  and it just prints only 255 characters even if i define it of type STRING .
    Hence i am stuck in this scenario.
    Appreciate ur help though.


    I'd like to customize my smartform with picture defined by standard text.
    I defined standard text in SO10:
    .. and this standard text included to my smartform.
    But no picture appears.
    Best regards,
    Josef Motl

    Hi Josef!
    If you want to use the graphics from SO10 you have to change the syntax. Instead of "bitmap" you should use "include", the object should be text and you need the textid. If you use the bitmap-call you should upload the image with SE78. If you're transporting your syntax from one system to the other you have to include the image in your transport order or you have to upload it in each system.
    If you want good quality you should use SE78 and the BITMAP-call instead of SO10.
    Best regards,

  • Regarding attachment of own smartforms with the standard report

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                     cud u plz tell me how to attach our own smartforms with the standard report i.e if i want to attach a smart forms with me23n to get the printout......plz help me...

    Goto the NACE tcode and attache the own smartform and attach to the output type
    NACE is the Tcode used to link the Application type, Output Types and its processing Routines like ( Driver programs and attached Script forms or Smartforms).
    You should know the Application of a document first Like:
    for PO it is EF, for sales Doc's it is V1, for Delivery docs it is V2, for billing Doc's it is V3 etc.
    so first select the Application type (ex: EF) for PO and press OUtput types
    then a list will come in that you should know the related output type for PO.
    in this case it is NEU,
    select that and click on the processing Routines button on the left side
    it will display the Medium, Driver Program and the Script form or smartform related to that document..
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

  • Standard Smartform for label printing for packages - pls advice

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    Standard Driver program: SDPACKDR
    Please provide me with the detailed steps for editing the Std Smartform according to any requirement.
    Points will be rewarded promptly.

    1. The smartform name is SD_PACK_ETIK.
    2.Just copy the standard program into Zprogram and make chanes and assign in NACE with the form.
    3.But,in smartform lable printing is not possible. can print barcodes.
    Kumar(Reward if helpful).

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    HI ,
    As suggested you  can use the standard smartform , by downloading  the package or else you can go for  your own smartform  and print program do it as follows :
    for Po  the standrd program uses the form entry_neu  . you call this form in your custom driver program . say in ZPOUCHASE ORDER
    form entry_neu using ent_retco type sy-subrc
                                   ent_screen type c.
    perform get_data.
    *****" here get the po number from  nast table  like this  " move nast-objky(10) to g_ebeln." ******
    perform get_formname.
    get it like this : select single sform
        from tnapr
        into tnapr-sform
       where kschl = nast-kschl " Output Type
         and nacha = nast-nacha " Message transmission
         and kappl = nast-kappl." Application
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        g_formname = tnapr-sform.
    perform zcallform.
    use call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' **************
    perform zupdatenakt.
    do it like this  **********
    nast-vstat = 1.
      nast-usnam = sy-uname.
      nast-datvr = sy-datum.
      nast-uhrvr = sy-uzeit.
      call function 'RV_MESSAGE_UPDATE_SINGLE'
          msg_nast = nast.
    assign this driver program in NACE transaction  along with the smartform  name
    *****Please use the proper    condition type. NEU in this case "
    and since you are getting the value of PO number  from nast  you  can pass this as importing parameter to your custom smart form
    and once the po number is known the other values can be easily extracted

  • Standard smartforms for box and pallet labelling

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    Hi Kumar,
    There is no standard smartforms avialable for Shipping Labels. You have to develope them based on your requirement.
    YOu can use the following function for getting complete Shipping information of a Shipment:
    *--Get all the packing information of a Shipment
    We have created custom Shipping label to print all the HU information.
    Message was edited by: Lanka Murthy

  • How to find out the standard smartforms?

    how to find out the standard smartforms?

    Hi Sunil
    You just go to transaction   <b>SE80</b>(Object Navigator)
    and in that enter <b>Package BC470</b>
    which contains the standard Programs on Smart forms ,
    I think there you can find some Smart forms in those programs.
    I hope it will help you.
    If it helps reward with points.
    Regards Rk

  • To replace standard smartform by a custom form, to be used in PRINT PREVIEW

    I have a requirement in CRM 2007 webUI. If we try to create a sales order, then we have a toolbar option button with title "PRINT PREVIEW". It uses the custom smart form "CRM_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_01.
    I have to replace this standard form by a Z custom form. This form has soem additional data required for business needs.
    Field technical details of the button is :
    1. Component Name-  BT115H_SLSO
    2. View   - SOHOverview
    3. Context Node - THTMLB
    4. Attribute- BUTTON_8
    5. Role key - BP_POW_USR
    6. Comp. Usage - CUBT Sales Order
    7. Object Type - BT115_SLSO
    Please reply as soon as possible.

    To figure this out you need to do the following:
    First determine the action profile for the transaction in question in the IMG.
    CRM->Transactions->Basic Settings->Define Transaction Types
    Display the detials of the transaction and you will see the action profile.  Next copy that action profile by using transaction SPPFCADM.  Then in the action defintion for the print action, replace the standard smartform definition with your z-form. 
    Finally go back into the transaction definition and assign the z-profile to your transaction type.  Please note you should only do this with "z-transactions".
    I'm not going to go into further detail as this is basic CRM configuration and is valid for all releases.  Please look at the best practices guides, or do a search in the CRM General and Framework forum for further information on how to do the configuration steps.
    Take care,

  • How to configure a standard SmartForm to be sent by e-mail in PDF format

    How to configure a standard SmartForm to be sent by e-mail in PDF format
    We need to use standard SAP configuration to send e-mails (output type Medium = 5 External Send).
    Currently we were able to send the forms on OTF format, not PDF.
    Does anyone know how to automatically make the conversion from OTC to PDF without having to code anything on ABAP?

    Hello Luiz,
    actually there are only a few steps to do:
    Just call transaction SCOT and doubleclick your SMTP node. Click on the "set"-Button behind the supported address type "internet". Choose "PDF" as output format for SAPforms.
    By the way. You can also generate a PDF-File from a Spool with report RSTXPDFT4.
    I hope this will help you.

  • To find name for standard smartform of purchase order in Tcode me21n.......

    Please do not offer rewards
    Hi Abapers,
                 I had doubt, regarding how to find the name of standard smartform available for purchase order in tcode - ME21N.
              After executing ME21N, n print preview i get a form without logo. So i want to customize the form according to my clients requirement.For this i want to know the Smartform name, so tat i can copy to 'Z.....' and make the customization.
              Can anybody assist me overcome this problem of how to find out the name of smartform without knwing functionmodule name also....
                <<Text removed>>
    Advanced Thanks..............
    Edited by: Matt on Mar 25, 2009 10:26 AM

    *& ZSAPFM06P
    &----     Print of a PO by SMART FORMS               *
    *& Purchase order printing program
    &----      FORM ENTRY
    SmartForm from customizing table TNAPR
    determine smartform function module for invoice
                    variant            = ' '
                    direct_call        = ' '
    control-no_open   = 'X'.
    control-no_close  = 'X'.
    call smartform invoice
                         archive_index        = toa_dara
                         archive_parameters   = arc_params
                    mail_appl_obj        =
                         mail_recipient       = ls_recipient
                         mail_sender          = ls_sender
                         output_options       = ls_composer_param
                         is_bil_invoice       = ls_bil_invoice
                         is_repeat            = repeat
              importing  job_output_info      = ls_job_info
                        document_output_info =
                        job_output_options   =
      error handling
       message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
               with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    analyse internal error table of Smart Forms
      add your handling
    DATA: lf_fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam,
          lf_formname TYPE  tdsfname,
          control type ssfctrlop,
          errtab  type tsferror.
    FORM entry_neu using ent_retco ent_screen.
      lf_formname = tnapr-sform.
             EXPORTING  formname           = lf_formname
             IMPORTING  fm_name            = lf_fm_name
             EXCEPTIONS no_form            = 1
                        no_function_module = 2
                        OTHERS             = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      control-no_dialog = 'X'.
      control-preview   = 'X'.
      control-langu     = sy-langu.
          CALL FUNCTION lf_fm_name
                           control_parameters   = control
                           user_settings        = 'X'
                           is_nast              = nast
               EXCEPTIONS formatting_error     = 1
                          internal_error       = 2
                          send_error           = 3
                          user_canceled        = 4
                          OTHERS               = 5.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        ent_retco = 0.
        ent_retco = 0.
      call function 'SSF_READ_ERRORS'
                errortab = errtab.
      if not errtab is initial.

  • I need the names of standard smartform for FI module.

    i need the names of standard smartform for FI module or if possible if one can provide the smart form for FI - CML & FI - CFM module (new module introduced).

    Simple example; invoice with table output of flight booking for one customer
    Similar to SF_EXAMPLE_01 but with subtotals
    Similar to SF_EXAMPLE_02, whereby several customers are selected in the application program; the  form is called for each customer and all form outputs are included in an output request

  • Customizing standard smartforms

    How to customize standard smartforms...?
    for ex..
    for invoice, the smartform is.. LB_BIL_INVOICE  and the print program is  RLB_INVOICE abap editor i opended this.....
    how to see the to customize it...
    plz guide me..

    You have to copy these standard objects to Z* objects and you should modify them.
    Example:  Copy  LB_BIL_INVOICE to ZLB_BIL_INVOICE and change as of requirement.
    To see the output:
    tcode:   VF03
    Type your Invoice number
    Choose Billing document->Issue Output To->Screen.
    Output Type: RD00.
    Note: For this your invoice number should be customized with this output type.
    Configuring output type to your invoice number.
    Goto VF02.
    Type your invoice number and Enter
    Choose Goto -> Header -> Output
    Give RD00 in Output type, Print output in Medium, En in Language  and press Enter
    Give your printer name in Logical destinition and Your Smartform name in Form.
    If you want to create a new Output type for your Smartform.
    Go to NACE tcode.
    Choose V3 Billing and click on Output Types button
    Go to Change Mode
    Click on New entries
    and create your Output type.
    To give parameters for this you can check output type RD00.

  • Issue with Barcode printing in SAPscript

    Hi All,
    I am trying to print barcode in my script. I assigned barcode font to the numbers which I want in the form of barcode, I am able to see barcode in the print preview but when I am trying to take printout , in printout barcode is not appearing.
    I try same barcode font with the smartform I am getting barcode in the printpreview as well as in the printout of the smartform with the same printer.
    Can any one help me in this issue. Is there any other setting required in the smartform or its driver program?

    It depends on which kind of barcode fornt you're using.
    In last SAP release there's a new tecnique to print the barcode by smartform: this tecnique translate the barcode as graph so the printer manages the baracode just as if it was a logo and It doesn't need any other hardware or software to print a barcode.
    This tecnique is available for smartform only, else u make sure your printer can print a barcode, you can see a dummy barcode in preview.
    I have had your same problem, and I found out this very usefull answer in the forum:
    Barcode Printing issue using Forms
    Hi, In general, if you want to print a barcode, somebody must draw the bars of the
    barcode to get a correct print. There are four possible ways to print barcodes from SAP:
    1. Print e.g. via a Barcode DIMM/SIMM To use this way, the printer must be able to print
    barcodes by itself so it needs e.g. a special barcode SIMM/DIMM module to print the
    barcodes. ie: HP printers do not contain barcode fonts by default so a DIMM module with
    the fonts must be installed. The print works as follows: The SAP sends a simple printer
    escape sequence to the printer, which activates the barcode printing in the printer. Then
    the SAP sends the barcode number and finally it sends a printer escape sequence, which
    switches the printer back to normal printing. So in this way the bars of the barcode are
    created in the printer (and you only see a dummy barcode in the print preview). Se the
    SAP Note 45643 about the sequences for Jetcaps BarDIMM used for printing barcodes on HP
    Laserjet printers. The correct BarDIMM modules for different HP printer models can beseen
    on the JetMobile website at the URL below:
    2.Print via a barcode.dll If your printer doesn't have a barcode DIMM, it cannot create the
    bars of the barcode itself. So this must be done elsewhere. One possibility is that you
    print via a Windows system, SAPSprint or SAPLPD, device type SAPWIN and a barcode.dll.
    ie: Your printer is connected to a Windows system that runs the SAPSprint or SAPLPD
    program If you print via device type SAPWIN, the creation of the print data is done in
    the Windows. So the Windows may create a graphic, which contains the bars of the barcode,
    and send this graphic to the printer. The job to create the barcode graphic is done by
    the barcode.dll. See SAP note 14561. 3. New barcode technology If your printer doesn't
    have a barcode DIMM and if you don't want to use a barcode.dll, you may use the new
    barcode technology, which is described in the SAP Notes #645158 and #430887. However this
    is only possible when printing from Smartforms. In this way SAP itself creates a picture,
    which contains the bars of the barcode. This picture is sent to the printer. One
    important requirement when you print the barcode via a Smartform is that you have at
    least release 46C. 4. Use of a barcode font There are some font files (e.g. Windows TTF
    files), which contains bars instead of characters. So if you use these font files, the
    bars of the barcode are printed instead of a text. You may buy such a font file, install
    it under Windows and use it via device type SAPWIN according to SAP Note #48803. Since
    release 46C these files can also be uploaded into the SAP and used via other device
    Regards, Aidan
    I hope it can help you
    P.s.: I post the answer here, because I can't looking for the original post now, so thank very much to Aidan

  • Standard smartform for CONTRACT CONFIRMATION in SD

    Hi Experts,
    i need help, i want to know the standard smartform for Contract Confirmation in SD.
    plz help me out its very urgent
    jst give the name of smartform n print program
    with regards,

    sales Contract-->/SMB40/SDCON_A
    sales confirmation--->/SMB40/SDORC_A
    Print Program Name-->/SMB40/RVADOR01
    Shiva(if helpful reward).

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