Start to Finish in Premiere CS6

I'm freelancing as a finishing artist and offline assistant at a commercial shop in LA that switched from FCP to Premiere a few months back and wanted to share some of the workflow notes we've accumulated over that time.  Please feel free to contribute anything or point out things that we might be doing wrong. 
First off, the work here is mostly comedy/dialog driven, so lots of long takes, improv from talent, and multicam shoots.  The footage we get is more often than not Alexa, and the dailies are, more often than not, generated out of Resolve.  Our offline clips are in ProRes Proxy for the moment, because we still need to use FCP for some finishing prep (more on that later).
One note for anyone working with Alexa footage out there:  when you are making dailies, or sending specs of dailies out to DITs or facilities to transcode your raw dailies into offline proxies, be sure that the Alexa reel names are getting embedded in the transcode.  In Resolve, for example, there's a setting (not on by default), to "use reel name embedded in Source metadata" or something to that effect.  This absolutely needs to be in place, regardless of which NLE you're using.  EDLs are primarly reel name and timecode driven.  Clip names can be squirrely.  Be sure your reel names match your source files and you'll save time in color and finishing.
Footage comes in extremely fast and we make heavy use of markers for jotting down notes on lines and transcribing improv takes.  The marker list is a really good tool.  We've used Prelude on single camera shoots to make subclips with comment markers for general notes and Speech markers for transcription.  It works really well, but it would be even better if it integrated multicam since we don't want to mark two cameras separately.  So for multicam breakdown and marking, we work in Premiere.
Editing is great.  Once the editors got used to the GUI and keyboard, they didn't look back.  Playback, trimming and versioning is faster and smoother than FCP7 by a longshot.  Sequence-to-sequence editing is missed heavily, as is match frame detection and healing.  But overall there's nothing that gets in the way.  Playing back audio in the viewer for clients is a bit laggy, but it's a Blackmagic issue.  Blackmagic output is sequence based, meaning clips in the viewer can be problematic for client playback since they aren't embedded in a sequence.  Audio defaults to SD output, so your monitor will need to toggle between settings if you play back video in the timeline and then audio in the viewer.  AJA overcomes this by having a global output that's independent of your sequence setting.  We've stuck with Blackmagic though and it's otherwise been great.
Multicam works very well although we've noticed that, when you want to play back a multicam clip in the viewer, it will only display the single cam view in the client monitor.  If we want to show the client a contact sheet view, as you can in Avid or FCP, we can't.  In the viewer, if you want to view in single camera mode, you have to disable multicam in the viewer.  If you try to switch cameras or re-enable multicam viewing in the viewer, it won't work.  We have to restart Premiere for that clip to be able to be viewed in multicam mode again.  I've submitted a feature request and bug report to allow 1-up viewing of multicam clips in the source monitor that still lets you toggle between cameras, ala Avid. 
Adobe Media Encoder is a great utility for postings.  For large batches of files to compress, we save a copy of the project in the directory where we want the compressed spots to live, then import the sequences from that project copy into Media Encoder.  ME saves the files to the project directory by default, so this is our way of influencing the destination of the batch encode without clicking on every file name.
The only drag with using Premiere right now, relative to working in Avid or FCP, is prepping for finish.  The process is pretty rough around the edges and there are some missing utilities that would be great to see in a future release.  Here are the issues we've encountered and how we work around them:
- there's no matching back to a source clip from a multicam clip.  Nor is there a way to collapse that clip.  When Premiere syncs cameras to make a multicam clip, the new clip is self-contained and has its own timecode (starts at 00:00:00:00) and filename that doesn't change regardless of which camera is active.  When you dis-enable multicam, nothing changes.  If you need to prep an EDL, you have to manually find the source clip and overcut it into the sequence.  Premiere won't help with this, so you need to be organized and know where to look to speed the process up.  It's a major drag, maybe, for us, the biggest drag in the whole app.
- there's no duplicate frame detection or match frame notifiers.  For match frames, it's just a matter of skimming through the sequence to find them.  For duplicate frames, it's the same deal.  In both cases, exporting an XML of your sequence (no multiclips - those can be erratic when translating into FCP) and bringing it into FCP is the fastest way to get your EDL prepped without duplicate frames or match frame edits.
- EDL export is quirky.  It gets the job done, but there are a couple things to be wary of.  Most significantly, any time remapping or reverse speed effects should be removed prior to making the EDL.  As a finishing artist, I'd rather get all the media in, with handles, and a reference quicktime with text overlays or a standalone document telling me what my speed changes should be than have an incorrect EDL.  Unforunately, Premiere's EDL generator will give you incorrect source timecode on reverse speed effects and won't reflect time remapping effects at all (the latter isn't surprising, although it would be nice if it picked the slowest speed and used that as the M2 qualifier so you at least would be guaranteed to have all the media you'd need to recreate the effect).  So, remove all reverse speed effects and time remapping and you have no problems.  A second quirk, though, is that when exporting video layer 1, any media living on video layer 2 will also show up in the EDL as a key clip.  The workaround here is, if you have multiple layers, just keep video 2 empty when generating the EDL.  I thought it would be a big issue that there's no way to specify whether the EDL is referencing clip names or file names, but as long as your reel names and timecode are good, accurate clip names aren't necessary for conforming for color or finish.
- OMF and AAF export seems to work fine.  No issues to report there.
A couple final notes:
We usually have a few people working on the same project, with one user having read/write access to the SAN directory where the media lives and everyone else having read only access.  On all of our systems, we've gone into the Media Preferences and turned off "write XMP ID to files on import." We leave on the "Enable Clip and XMP Metadata Linking" option.  This lets the write access user make metadata changes that will then ripple out to other users when they refresh their mounted SAN volumes.  Without this option selected, we've had markers, comments, and revised reel names get messed up.  I highly recommend these settings for anyone working on a project with common media shared by several users.
We've been hit by project bloating a couple times.  It appears to be caused by duplicate links to preview files being added to the code within the project file.  These erroneous links can get created when exporting with Media Encoder and selecting the "use Previews" option (a bummer because that can save a lot of time).  They can also appear when click-dragging a Premiere project file into Media Encoder, which unfortunately is the fastest way to load a project sequence into ME.  You can rescue your bloated project by importing it into a new project, but keep a watchful eye on your project size.  I'd recommend a daily import into a new project just to make sure you're safe.  It gets big exponentially when it does start bloating, and before long you can have a multigig project file that can't open or be imported. 
Overall we love the application and haven't looked back (except to prep) since switching.  I've recently worked at other shops using either FCP or Avid and, for loading, breakdown and editing, Premiere feels faster than either one.  I'm anxious to see where Adobe takes it in the next release.
Hope this is helpful and I look forward to your thoughts and questions. 

Hi there David,
Thanks very much for getting in touch and hopefully I can give you some useful info to help in your decision making process.  I haven't encountered your specific issue and workflow, so take everything I have to say with a grain or three of salt.  Specifically, I haven't trid to do final color for a project using either Premiere or SpeedGrade.  I've used MB Looks in After Effects on some personal projects and was happy with the results I got given the short turnaround time.  That said, the projects I'm most familiar with are colored by a vendor and then conformed on my end in Premiere.  I've done minor color tweaks in Premiere, AE and Resolve, but haven't gotten too much into SpeedGrade other than just playing around in it.
With that in mind, I have a couple considerations based on your e-mail.
You have adjustment layers in Premiere and could use your MB Looks and/or Colorista directly in PP the same as you'd do in AE, so I don't see the point in using AE here unless there are significant differences in the performance of the apps.  The tech in Looks and Colorista is very cool and will take advantage of the data you've collected in the .R3D files.  If you're comfortable in that software and are happy with your results, I'd stop right there.  What looks good looks good, no matter how you got there.
One of the limitations you've imposed on yourself seems to be using the .R3D files at all times and making sure all that data is in play at every stage of post.  Do you have an anticipated final format?  Do you expect to be scanning to film and projecting in a movie theater?  Even if that's your expected output format, don't worry about data loss going to DPX.  That's an industry standard format for the highest of the high end feature film work.  Most of the VFX you see on features shot on RED Epics are not using the .R3D files.  They're using DPX files generated from the .R3Ds.  Ditto for nearly every commercial you see on the Super Bowl and all your favorite TV shows.  So if you want to get into Speedgrade and have it generate the DPXs that may (I haven't done it so I'm not sure) bake in your effects, don't sweat it.  Those DPXs will give you plenty of range to work with in color.  They chose that as the format to bake to for a very good reason.
You'd need to look at the files with a vectorscope to notice any difference.  Also, keep in mind that when RED first came out, professional grading software didn't work with it natively and everything that was shot with that camera and finished for broadcast or cinema required that the .R3Ds be transcoded to something else prior to grading.  You really don't lose anything by going to DPX is basically my point here.  Tons of data is tons of data, no matter what the file extension is.  Purists will crucify me for this, but I've been next to top shelf directors looking at ARRI RAW from an Alexa on set on one $30k calibrated monitor and the ProRes 4444 output from the same camera on another, and they've forgotten which was which.  It's easy to go down a rabbit hole with all the file types and codecs and so forth and completely forget about using the single most important tool in the entire business - your eyes.  There are specific tasks where that stuff can wind up mattering quite a lot, but for most projects it's overkill.
Lastly, the workflow I'm accustomed to in commercials involves getting the footage graded prior to final VFX being added in.  If you're happy with where all your VFX are at, you could duplicate your hero edit, pull out all the effects work so you only have the ungraded plates to work with and send that as an EDL over to Speedgrade if you'd rather use that than the Magic Bullet products.  Once that work is done, render out DPXs or Quicktimes of your graded selects and conform with Josh's reLink application (for movie files) or by manually overcutting your footage (for image sequences) and re-applying your effects work.  The advantage this workflow gives you is that your effects are still "live" so to speak.  Once your footage is graded, it's not unusual for details to emerge that effect your comps.  Having the base plates, not the VFX work, graded will give you the flexibility of making tweaks without having to go back to color.
Hope there's something useful in all of this.  Congrats on the project and I wish you loads of success with it! 

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    - a good EDL exporter (absolutely essential in a commercial pipeline where we're bouncing sequences to grading suites and Flame all the time)
    - dupe detection (essential for prepping sequences for grading)
    - timecode overlays in the monitors
    - colored markers
    - marker overlays (to quickly see what the content of a marker is when scrubbing in the timeline)
    - searchable markers (great when needing to find one line you know you had marked)
    - a visual keyboard settings editor (FCP and Avid got it right, Premiere is a mess, although improved from CS5 which didn't have the ability to search for commands)
    - the ability to rename clips to match file names (can't tell you how many times I use this in FCP)
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    - match frame edit indicators
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    - timeline to timeline editing.  Not expecting what Avid offers, which is enhanced by the ability to toggle your timeline between source and record, but to be able to do what FCP7 does by letting you edit with clip data, i.e. edit your track layout and edit points from a sequence in the viewer into the timeline.
    I'm super disappointed that not a single one of the above features has been addressed in Premiere Pro CS6.  I think the dupe detection, timecode overlays, and EDL export are the biggest disappointments. 
    For a little clarity on the EDL issue, every editor and assistant I know renames clips after they're imported into the project.  They don't use the "Scene" and "Take" metadata tags, because they want the clip name on the far left of the project window.  This isn't so much of an issue in Avid, but that software is on a different level.  Anyways, in Premiere, once you rename a clip, that's the way the clip name is going to come out out in the EDL.  This is a massive problem for Alexa and RED jobs, which is most of what I work with, because timecode isn't going to be unique to a clip on a multi-day, multi-cam shoot.  In FCP7, you have the option to export your EDL with either clip or file names.  Alternatively, you can select all the clips from your edit and choose "Rename Clip to Match File Name."  Premiere has none of these options.  The only workaround is to go through every clip in your edit, reveal in project, bring up the properties, copy the file name that's there, then paste into the clip name.  This is not a workable solution for a 60 second commercial with an edit every 12-48 frames.
    While Speedgrade is lovely, no one is going to convince Company 3, The Mill, MPC, Light Iron, or New Hat to switch from Resolve, Scratch, Baselight or Pablo.  And to get stuff into those systems, EDLs are still the preferred method when you talk to the assistants who are loading the projects.
    On the good side, it's great to see improved playback stability and scrubbing, the new audio meters are great, adjustment layers are a big help, the marker tab in the project pane has a lot of potential (why not make it searchable?), and the new trim tool is GREAT and right on par with Avid.
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    I had really hoped I'd be able to use PP CS6 as an offline tool in my pipeline, but that's not going to happen.  Nor do I know any editors or assistants in commercial post in LA who will want to work without the above features.
    If anyone has some insights into the above features and maybe making these things work in CS6 as currently released, I'm open to hearing them and hopeful that there are workarounds. 
    Thanks and have a blessed day!

    The command copy, cut paste don't work unless you add edits to create a
    discreet clip.  You can't simply copy from an in to an out point.  The
    workaround is to add your markers, use lift or extract, undo to clear the
    damage you just did to your sequence, then paste the clipboard contents
    that you still have from the lift or extract operation.
    Regarding Speedgrade, it appears to be in its infancy and has a promising
    future, but what you get for free from Davinci Resolve Lite is wildly
    awesome.  It does everything the $1000 version of DaVinci does except
    stereoscopic color, network rendering, shared projects, and shared memories
    between projects (i.e. power mastering).  So, for free, you have a blazing
    fast color grade suite with the identical toolset actively in use by
    Company 3 and The Mill.  Add a panel or two and you're really rockin and
    rolling.  We use it at the shop I'm freelancing at now and it can burn
    through dailies transcodes (still essential for Red and Alexa), at about
    40fps.  Awesome.
    I think choosing between Avid MC and Premiere is strictly a "what do you
    need it for" question.  The main problem with Avid is now and always has
    been the hard import aspect.  AMA works kinda ok, but I know no one who
    starts and finishes a project strictly with AMA.  Plus it doesn't work on
    an average laptop without a lot of herky jerky playback, even at 10:1, and
    at some point on a long edit, you're likely going to be working off a
    The ability of Premiere to ingest ANYTHING immediately, including DPX
    sequences, is phenomenal.  If you don't want to wait for AJA, Blackmagic
    has some excellent and more affordable video I/O solutions that work with
    CS6 right now.  The playback is so much better than CS5.5.  I think the
    reason why it was a problem before was because it's trying to play nice
    with anything as it is.  FCP needed everything to be a quicktime.  Avid
    needs everything to be MXF.  Premiere says "come one come all!" and that's
    a tall, tall order.  Now it's working great and the Adobe folks should be
    lauded for whatever engineering magic they used to make this happen.  Huge
    timesaver, especially in finishing when I need to bounce more complex comp
    work to Nuke and back.
    The second thing that Premiere kills at is effects work, even though it's
    not so much Premiere as it is After Effects.  Avid has nothing there close
    to this.  Animatte?  Spectramatte?  Give me After Effects any day.  So, you
    can offline AND online a project with the Premiere and After Effects combo.
    The biggest shortcoming Premiere has, I think, is it's audio filter suite.
    It's a huge liability and something I hope they devote a lot of attention
    to.  The way Avid can't match the Premiere/After Effects duo,
    Premiere/Soundbooth cannot match what Avid has built in.  The Audiosuite
    effects seemed to be designed to give you a bit of ProTools within your
    I think the best solution, at least until Smoke 2013 comes out this fall,
    seems to be to choose the app that is best suited for your project.  I
    don't think the conversation should be about one program wiping out another
    one, which it seemed to often be the tone of Avid vs. FCP debates.
    The more I play with Premiere CS6, the more I like it.  I used 5 and 5.5 on
    commercials a few times and felt like the software was getting in the way,
    particularly toward the end when I needed to generate EDLs and OMFs (I
    haven't tried the OMF export out of Premiere CS6 yet, but it can't be worse
    than 5.5 - my guess is it's no better though, based on what did and did not
    get improved).  It was fine for finishing, but you'd have to work around
    playback issues all the time, which got a bit embarrassing with clients in
    the room.
    I think CS6, for it's numerous shortcomings - none of which are
    catastrophic or deal-breakers - provides an excellent foundation on which
    to build something that could definitely one day pick where FCP7 left off.
    Smoke 2013 is the storm on the horizon, though, if you ask me.  But
    competition is GREAT and I actually hope Blackmagic joins the game as well.
    The more the merrier!

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    (sorry for my little english)
    My computer parameters are:
    Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz
    AMD Radeon HD 6800
    12GB DDR3
    Windows 8 Enterprise N
    Drivers are updated from amd web site.
    This software - work perfectly in Windows 7.
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    I installed and uninstaled twice (Adobe Premiere CS6).
    what i can do? please tell me?

    What helps... sometimes... is to Run as Administrator
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    A common cause of a Memory Address issue, is that some process, or program has either mis-reported its used memory addresses, or has told the OS that it has released them, when it has not.
    Are you on a PC?
    If so, at Start>Run, type MSCONFIG. Then, look in your Services and Startup Tabs, to see just what is loading at bootup. Post a screencap of both Tabs, and someone might be able to see processes, or programs, that are totally unnecessary, and can be the cause.
    It might be helpful to see this article, on what info (especially your system) is necessary for others to help you:
    Good luck,

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    Buy a Desktop Video Editing PC
    -ADK Kudos
    Build a Desktop Video Editing PC
    - b03ab88144a434e88de7.aspx

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    i7 4790K Haswell overclocked to 4.5 (watercooled with Corsair)
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    Asus Z87-WS (4 double graphic card slots)
    Geforce GTX 760 (Primary)  GPU hardware acceleration enabled
    Quadro FX5800
    250GB Samsung solid state C: (Windows and Adobe)
    250GB Crucial solid state (Scratch)
    2TB Seagate 7200RPM (video files)
    3TB Seagate 7200RPM (storage)
    Seasonic 1000watt PSU
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    Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks!

    ...are you SURE your 760 GPU is "enabled" by PPro, and giving you the option of "Mercury Playback Acceleration" under  "General Preferences" ??? If the "Mercury Acceleration" is GREYED OUT and limits you to "software Only", go to Studio 1 website and learn to apply the well known "hack" to enable your 760 in PPro,OR, download their simple program to do it for you.
    ...Your machine is POWERFUL....especially with your CPU MAY want to increase your memory to 32 GB if you are using After Effects....even PPro MAY run better with 32 GB, depending on your workflow.....most systems like yours have at LEAST 32GB system memory.
    .....The GoPro codec is natively HIGHLY COMPRESSED and difficult to process, even for beefy machines. That is why they provide the free Cineform tool,( which used to be an expensive professional editing codec), to convert some,or,all of your footage to a more "edit friendly" AVI codec, which will FLY on your machine. HOWEVER, those new AVI files are HUGE.....TRIPLE the original size and requiring a LARGE and FAST disk transfer system. Right now, your single 7200 drive for your media is your SLOWEST component in the chain. The CHEAPEST improvement for you would be to add another MATCHING 2TB 7,200 rpm drive to your existing one and then use the 2 drives to create a fast RAID 0 directly off the mother board to improve the speed of your "media drive". THEN, you MUST insure that this RAID 0 is DILIGENTLY BACKED UP in case of a drive failure in the RAID. This ALSO means you must protect against an unexpected power failure which could destroy the RAID data if the failure happened during a critical write,a good UPS is required.
    You can OBSERVE how the various components in your system are performing while performing strenuous tasks by bringing up the "task manager" window and watching the CPU load.... if all cores are PEGGED at near 100%, you are "CPU bound". As you are ALREADY overclocked, you can't do anything other than to TRANSCODE your footage to the free Cineform. Your ENABLED GPU can be observed....real time....using the free MSI Afterburner,( or, similar).  Certain operations are accelerated by the GPU with PPro....not ALL!!  Scaling and some effects will use use the "Mercury Acceleration" while rendering previews AND during export.In some cases, rendering previews,or, exporting can be sped up by TEN TIMES by Mercury Acceleration. Watch the "GPU Usage" on Afterburner to see if the GPU is indeed being used, and if you are "saturating" it to its capacity of 100% with accelerated effects.
    Make sure your Windows is fully updated to the current time........make sure your NVidia 760 has the most recent driver and DON'T use the Quadro for now. Set your "Windows page file" to be STATIC on your "C" drive at 24GB. Disable "Hibernation" Set all drives NOT to allow "indexing". Do NOT allow any spinning HDD to be over 50% filled....performance WILL decrease.....make sure any HDD is defragged,( do NOT defrag an SSD ! ). Stop all unnecessary processes, esp. anti-virus programs, while editing. Find out how to best "tune" windows to speed it up at the PPBM 6 and 7 websites.
    BE AWARE that the "run of the mill" SSDs use cheaper Sandforce controllers, and are less suited to handle highly compressed digital video files. Samsung PRO models and recent Crucial M550 series SSDs ONLY are recommended for video use. Both these non-Sandforce SSDs maintain high WRITE speeds,( over 400MB/sec), AND maintain their high speeds after reaching their "steady state" condition. Cheaper EVO series and non-Marvell controlled SSDs MAY lose their fast write speeds over time and SLOW YOU WAY DOWN !!!  Test your current SSDs by transferring large video files between them  and watching MB per second that appears under "details" in the pop up window during transfer. Make sure none are slow.....test them with HD Tune Pro as well.
    Certain non-Adobe plug-ins and certain effects may NOT use all the CPU threads well,or, may not use the GPU.....forcing the CPU to do additional work. You will have to identify problem plug-ins,or, effects by switching them on and off to see if any cripple your system.
    Your machine is POWERFUL.....go to PPBM7 website and read the "tweakers" page to learn more....then, register for free and TEST your machine with their video benchmark test for PPro. It should do WELL.....AND it will help identify if you have any "bottlenecks" which are impairing your system.
    Good Luck !!!!!.....THEN, start using CC Patton said : "...all glory is FLEETING !!" is the lifespan of former PPro versions !!!!!!

  • Adobe premiere CS6 hangs on brand new notebook

    Hi all
    I am trialing abobe premiere CS6 from the MasterSuite
    And it won't open.  It hangs on adobe premiere.exe (via task manager).  It was hanging with Quick time but I fixed that - not that I want to use quicktime but that was where it hung. 
    It hangs, windows and adobe do not find solutions.  And then I can't shut the PC down unless I use the off button to force shutdown.
    Clevo metabox P150EM wth Intel Ivy Bridge i7-3610QM  CPU 2.3GHz up to 3.3GHz
    with 32 GB RAM
    Windows® 7 Professional - 64-bit operating system
    with an AMD Radeon™ HD 7970M Graphics card with 2GB memory
    driver is v 8.951.6.0 - the most recent one. 
    240 (223GB) SSD - Intel 520 series for data store (aka hard drive) with 137GB free
    It does run Dreamweaver CS6 and Acrobat Pro and Photoshop - the 64 bit version and the other version (32bit?)
    Firewall is windows default
    Adobe Flash is allowed Home/work adding Adobe Premiere and After effects did not help.  There is no way to add the specific exes.
    Sound card realtek High Definition Audio
    driver version
    All brand new. 
    Turned off indexing from the hard drive.
    right click on drive in explorer, properties, general, uncheck box
    In the settings for your firewall software, allow connections to be made to and from the following applications:
    Windows: Allow firewall connections TCP/IP for these
    •Adobe QT32 Server.exe
    added after effects and premiere pro to the home network but premiere pro still will not start.
    It's now hanging with adobe premiere pro.exe

    run the cleaner and reinstall per, Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    if that fails AND there's no error message, Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC

  • Offline editing in Premiere CS6

    I'm thinking about to edit a feature film in Premiere putting together all the episodes of my webserie. It's an action webserie and has a lot of cuts. It is in H.264 from 7d so is very difficult to play in real time.
    Are there any way to make proxies of the sequence for a more fluid edit and reconnect later with the original files (as you can do in Avid or FCPX)?

    Yes indeed!
    But you will have to use the fonction "replace with" to files one by one. Then it will relink the low res files to HD files into your timeline.
    Sent from my iPad.
    Le 31 mai 2013 à 16:20, JF_Calero <[email protected]> a écrit :
    Re: Offline editing in Premiere CS6
    created by JF_Calero in Premiere Pro - View the full discussion
    Hi Denis, thanks for your help.
    Yes, right now I have one of the last MacBook Pro (no retina) but only with 4Gb of RAM. But I originally edit the series in my Macpro (with 24Gb and quadro 4000) and the action sequences still had problem to play well in H.264.
    My problem is that I have every episode already edit, although I'll probably change it when I mix all together.
    So, I think in this solution following your advice:
    •Make a Project manager of the sequences to one folder.
    •Batch transcode the resulting clips to a proxy version in another folder, with different name but maintaining the original name of the clips
    •Relink the sequences to the new ones
    In this way I can easily switch from offline to online version, right?
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  • Scripting in Premiere CS6

    I think i know the answer but i've seen some searches that suggest it is possible and i can see PPro as a target in ExtendScript
    Can i script PPro CS6? Is there a scripting guide like there is for After Effects?
    If not, are there any known plans to add this?
    many thanks

    We had numerous issues, the editor started work in Avid using camera proxies (AVCHD) but it turned out that the external recorder did not record timecode on the DNxHD files and because of another issue the triggering of the recorders were manual. The first issue was a nightmare of never being able to relink in avid because of no timecode. I wrote a script that enabled me to sync the AVCHD and DNxHD files in AE and adjust the timecode so i could basically sync the external files and produce new proxies that could link to the highres. For various other reasons i want to move this out of Avid (what a completely awful NLE, i won't start on that) into Premiere.
    I've found a technique in Avid for linking to AMA files which should get me 90% of the way there. I've tested an AAF workflow into premiere and it seems to be okay, so the relinking in premiere now might be simpler. Originally i thought i had to somehow link from the avid internal transcoded files to external nicely named files - hence scriping around Relink.
    Beyond that my workflow is editing proxies but wanting to online them within premiere. the grading happens in parallel and as scene are graded they are dropped back into the timeline. The VFX work happens in the same way. We know we won't have picture lock until the last moment so working i parallel like this makes most sense. The format for these master files is probably going to have to be OpenEXR 2K because Nuke really, really doesn't work very well with container formats. Ideally i'd like to use Cineform 444 12bit as my master and intermediate but that doesn't appear possible.
    So my linking issue within Premiere is to be able to relink from a proxie movie to a file sequence at the touch of a button but that doesn't appear possible. So i may have to have another step of transcoding OpenEXR to cineform so the relink is movie to movie.
    I want to online via premiere. it's my believe that so long as max colour depth is checked then i will see my full 12bit or 32bit files throughout the pipeline.
    Does that make sense? I appreciate the heads up here as well. Where do i make feature requests for adobe? I'll add my voice there

  • Premiere CS6 not opening in OS X 10.9.1 Mavericks.

    Hey guys. I'm so tired at this point...I spent almost two working days trying to make AE and Premiere work after updating OS X yesterday to 10.9.1.
    AE works, but Premiere CS6 doesn't even open. It starts but then I get the beach ball and after several minutes it crashes. I don't know what elese to do. I've done every "trick" I've seen in previous posts but the same keeps happening.
    Here are some of my MBP especifications:
    Processor  2.8 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory  4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
    Software  OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
    The Premiere version I have is 6.0.0.
    Thanks in advance!!!

    Go to and, in the area just under Ask a Question, type in
    You may now read previous discussions on this subject... be sure to click the See More Results at the bottom of the initial, short list if the initial list does not answer your question
    I am Windows so did not bookmark the messages, but I have seen SOME message threads with SOME solutions for SOME mavericks problems
    Also... is there some specific reason you have not updated your CS6?
    And... 10.9 is not supported (at least for Encore, and I would guess the same for PPro) as described in the FAQ
    CS6 is the final Encore

  • My animation is shaking - Premiere CS6

    Hey! I'm from Brazil and my english is not great, but here's my problem: I have in my project, some effects with texts that I did in After Effects. From yesterday to today, the effects started getting shaky when I watch the preview. This is not part of the animation, is something in premiere!! I'm using Premiere CS6.

    I will try it now and return with the result! Thanks

  • Can't import MP4 from Panasonic GH4 into Premiere CS6

    Can't import 50Mbps MP4 from Panasonic GH4 into Premiere CS6 but I can import it into CC. Any workarounds to get it into CS6?
    Another odd thing is that I can import the 50Mbps MOV from the GH4 into CS6 but can't play it using Windows Media Player (for quick review before importing) like I can the MP4. If someone knows how to get the MOV from the GH4 to play with Windows Media Player I'd start using that format instead of the MP4. Odd thing is that the 50Mbps MOV recorded with my GH3 can play in Windows Media Player.

    I updated to the latest version CS6 and that solved the MP4 import problem. Still working on the other issue.

  • Overall video lightening in Premiere CS6 when working with dark complexions

    Presently working on a project in Premiere CS6 shot "live to tape" that was originally planned as "should not" need any post production work.  But out of our control and literally in the last few minutes before the show started, the lighting was changed without consulting me, and there was no time to stop the start of the production. This last minute change obviously left a very unpleasing dark effect on the video and especially the podium presenters.  Not being in our own studio in which I definitely would have control of the environment and out on the road, contributed much to this.  This is a 5 plus hour production with speakers of multiple nationalities and skin tones and complexions with the Black and Hispanic speakers having the darkest skin tones.  My question is something that I have not been able to find on any videos or even random web searches and it's very frustrating. And that is, what is the best way and how to lighten video which has people of the darker races and nationalities included in it.  These races obviously would include Black, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Indian etc. I added an adjustment layer and tried a Luma only correction, and also a Luma combined with brightness and contrast, and the latter of the two has worked the best so far, but I'm still not totally pleased.  Thank you for any help that you can give.

    Luma curve is usually pretty effective. The general curves controls can also help.
    You can try adding a light, the spotlight effect. I've done this before in After Effects and had some success but never with really badly lit material.
    To be honest - and not having seen your footage at this point - if the footage is badly lit, I'd feel comfortable saying that it might not even be "fixable" unfortunately. Usually when there is inadequate light in the original footage, the details are simply not there, and trying to recreate them is generally a tradeoff. You might be able to get the exposure up a bit, but you introduce a LOT of noise in the process that is probably just as distracting as a dimly lit subject.
    If the detail is there and a minor tweak is all that is needed, there are many options. It also depends on your format - AVCHD, HDV and other long-GOP 4:2:0 formats are fairly terrible with these sorts of rescue operations. High-end formats are much more malleable.
    EDIT - Be sure with curve operations that you remember that your subject is in the low tones - even if it RELATIVELY the lightest object in the picture. The curve levels are dictated by absolute brightness cutoffs, so making adjustments on the high end of the curve would likely solve nothing on dimly lit subjects.

  • Adobe After Effects CS6 and Premiere CS6 wont work on OS lion

    I just bought a teacher Edition of Adobe Production Premium. I installed the softwares on my Mac which is running OS Lion 10.8.2. Everything works except Adobe After Effects CS6 and Adobe Premiere CS6. It always start up with the splash page then a pop up window opens that reads unexpected error occured send to apple.
    I don't understand because Photoshop, illustrator and the other softwares worked fine.
    I have tried uninstalling, re-installing, re-starting and even tried to download the After Effects CS6 and Premiere CS6 on creative cloud thinking that maybe those on the web will be more updated to address the issue.
    But still I cant get it to work.
    Please help.

    Please refer :

  • How do I install an older version of Premiere CS6

    I want to install Premiere CS6 6.0.3 but have 6.0.5 installed. I downloaded the 6.0.3 update from this page:
    but when I tried to install it I got an error.
    How do I install a previous version of Premiere CS6?

    Hi Randy,
    Once the file is downloaded and initiate the installation you need to choose start my subscription or start trial and enter your Adobe Id and password
    to activate it. If you are using CC you can download, install and activate CS6 product as well with that.
    Please use the below link for 6.0 version
    Please make sure to complete the Very Important Instructions section prior to clicking on the download link.

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