Starting Java app in full-screen mode.

How can I start a Java application in full screen mode?
Thanks for help

Did you mean Full Screen Exclusive Mode (so that you can do page flipping, etc...)?

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    If you close Firefox 4 while in full screen mode then the browser should start in full screen mode the next time. That setting is stored in localstore.rdf in the [ Firefox Profile Folder].
    If you want to prevent toolbars from opening if you hover to the top then hide the full-screen-toggler with code in userChrome.css
    Add code to userChrome.css below the @namespace line.
    * ChromEdit Plus:
    <pre><nowiki>@namespace url(""); /* only needed once */
    #fullscr-toggler { display:none !important; }

  • JDK 1.4.2 and full-screen mode

    Hi all,
    I'm messing around with a 2D-elite clone using Java 1.4 full-screen mode. After a few hours of work I am happily zapping asteroids and aliens at a zippy 140 FPS.
    I then switch from JDK 1.4.0_01 to 1.4.2_01 in the hope of getting some extra speed. Without making any other changes to the code, things suddenly start crawling along at <30 FPS.
    I am using BufferStrategy in combination with a VolatileImage to draw everything on. Did I miss any important changes in the newest release of the JDK or am I doing something fundamentally wrong?

    Hi Abuse,
    Thanks for answering. First of all, my speed calculations are a bit crufty. In my main thread, I do a System.currentTimeMillis() every 1000th call. I consider 10^6 / (this time in ms - last time in ms) to be the speed in FPS. It's probably wildly off, but the difference in speed between the two JDKs is noticeable even without the numbers.
    Posting all of the code is going to be a bit difficult because there's quite a few classes in the project. However, I'll try to isolate the relevant code below.
    At this point, I'm not entirely convinced that the drawing is the problem. I'm using a shoddy integrated video card which may be causing the issues, but even if I only draw the background starfield I see a significant drop in speed. I'll try to disable some code here and there in the hope of finding something more specific.
    I'm playing some music in the background and there is rather a lot of collision-handling code going on, maybe that's the bottle-neck. When you bump into stuff, the trajectory of your ship and whatever you rammed is altered depending on weight, velocity and angle. It's a lot of fun to watch but still quite buggy at this point. (I've got a planet on-screen which acts rather like a beach-ball when I ram it).
    Anyhow, here's the rendering code:
    This class takes care of the initialization of the full-screen mode.
    Actual drawing is done in the Level class below.
    public class Main implements Runnable {
        private long lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        double frameCount = 0;
        public static final int BUFFER_COUNT = 1;
        private JFrame frame;
        BufferStrategy bufferStrategy;
        GraphicsDevice device;
        private BigScreen screen;
        private static final int DRAW_DELAY = 5;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Main main = new Main();
        public Main() {
            new Thread(this).start();
            new Thread(new HouseKeeping()).start();
        private void initializeSettings() {
        private void initializeGUI() {
            GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
            device = env.getDefaultScreenDevice();
            GraphicsConfiguration gc = device.getDefaultConfiguration();
            frame = new JFrame(gc);
            frame.setTitle("Elite 2D");
            Level.getHandle().setDimensions((int) device.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds().getWidth(),
                    (int) device.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds().getHeight());
            BufferCapabilities bc = new BufferCapabilities(new ImageCapabilities(true),
                    new ImageCapabilities(true),
            try {
                frame.createBufferStrategy(BUFFER_COUNT, bc);
            } catch (AWTException e) {
            bufferStrategy = frame.getBufferStrategy();
            int width = device.getDisplayMode().getWidth();
            int height = device.getDisplayMode().getHeight();
            screen = new BigScreen(width, height, gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(width, height));
            frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {
                    GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
                    device = env.getDefaultScreenDevice();
                    GraphicsConfiguration gc = device.getDefaultConfiguration();
                    BufferCapabilities bc = new BufferCapabilities(new ImageCapabilities(true),
                            new ImageCapabilities(true),
                    try {
                        frame.createBufferStrategy(BUFFER_COUNT, bc);
                    } catch (AWTException awt) {
            // Set the cursor to a transparent image
            Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(
                    new MemoryImageSource(16, 16, new int[16 * 16], 0, 16));
            Cursor transparentCursor = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createCustomCursor(image,
                    new Point(0, 0), "invisiblecursor");
        public KeyAdapter getKeyListener() {
            return new KeyAdapter() {
                public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
                public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
        public void run() {
            while (true) {
                if (frameCount++ % 1000 == 0) {
                    long thisTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    // aantal ms voor 1000 frames
                    // 1000 * (aantal frames / seconde)
                    double fps = thisTime - lastTime;
                    lastTime = thisTime;
                    Level.getHandle().getConsole().addConsoleMessage("FPS : " + 1000000 / fps);
                Graphics g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics();
                g.drawImage(screen.background, 0, 0, null);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                } catch (IllegalStateException i) {
        public Rectangle getScreenDimensions() {
            return frame.getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds();
        public void exitFullScreen() {
    } // End class Main// The rendering-code in Level is done in the updateStatus-method.
    // Once again, rendering is delegated to the current SolarSystem class.
    public class Level {
        private static Level handle;
        public SolarSystem currentSolarSystem;
        private Console console;
        private int width, height;
        private Ship player;
        // All ships within this radius of the player get to act
        private static final int ACTION_RADIUS = 5000;
        // All entities within this radius of the player qualify for drawing
        private static final int VISIBILITY_RADIUS = 2000;
        private Level() {
            console = new Console();
            currentSolarSystem = new SolarSystem();
            Equipment[] weapons = new Equipment[3];
            weapons[0] = new BeamWeapon(, 1000, 0.02, 0.1);
            weapons[1] = new PulseWeapon(, 500, 0, 400, 1);
            weapons[2] = new MissileLauncher();
            player = new Ship(100, 100, weapons, currentSolarSystem);
            currentSolarSystem.addEntity(new Entity(1000, 1000, Tools.getEntityType("planet"), currentSolarSystem));
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                Entity asteroid = Tools.getEntityType("asteroid").createEntity(200 * i, 0, currentSolarSystem);
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                        Tools.getRandom(-1000, 1000), Tools.getRandom(-1000, 1000), currentSolarSystem));
        public SolarSystem getActiveSolarSystem() {
            return this.currentSolarSystem;
        public Console getConsole() {
            return this.console;
        public void setDimensions(int x, int y) {
            this.width = x;
            this.height = y;
        public int getWidth() {
            return this.width;
        public int getHeight() {
            return this.height;
        public static Level getHandle() {
            if (handle == null) {
                handle = new Level();
            return handle;
        public ArrayList getEntitiesInRectangle(int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1) {
            ArrayList intersects = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < currentSolarSystem.getEntities().size(); i++) {
                Entity e = (Entity) currentSolarSystem.getEntities().get(i);
                if ((x1 + w1 > e.getX()) && (e.getX() + e.getWidth() > x1) && (y1 + h1 > e.getHeight())
                        && (e.getY() + e.getHeight() > y1)) {
            return intersects;
        public ArrayList getEntitiesInLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
            ArrayList intersects = new ArrayList();
            Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            for (int i = 0; i < currentSolarSystem.getEntities().size(); i++) {
                Entity e = (Entity) currentSolarSystem.getEntities().get(i);
                // System.out.println(e.getBoundingShape() + " vs " + x1 + "x" + y1 + ", " + x2 + "x" + y2);
                if (line.intersects(e.getBoundingShape().getBounds2D())) {
            return intersects;
        public Entity getNearestEntityToLineOrigin(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
            double closestIndex = 0;
            Entity closestEntity = null;
            Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2);
            for (int i = 0; i < currentSolarSystem.getEntities().size(); i++) {
                Entity e = (Entity) currentSolarSystem.getEntities().get(i);
                // System.out.println(e.getBoundingShape() + " vs " + x1 + "x" + y1 + ", " + x2 + "x" + y2);
                if (line.intersects(e.getBoundingShape().getBounds2D())) {
                    double distance = Tools.getDistance(x1, y1, e);
                    if (closestEntity == null) {
                        closestEntity = e;
                        closestIndex = distance;
                    } else if (distance < closestIndex) {
                        closestEntity = e;
            return closestEntity;
        public Ship getPlayer() {
            return player;
        public void updateStatus(Graphics g, int width, int height) {
            getActiveSolarSystem().updateStatus(g, getPlayer(), width, height);
    }Draws a starfield and all visible entities in sight. So far I'm just
    drawing all entities in the solar system. Seems to be faster than
    figuring out whether objects are near the player for <100 objects.
    public class SolarSystem {
        private static final int BIG_STARS = 20;
        private static final int MAX_STARS = 1000;
        private static final int STAR_AREA = 1400;
        private int[][] stars;
        private ArrayList entities;
        private ArrayList explosions;
        public SolarSystem() {
            entities = new ArrayList();
            explosions = new ArrayList();
        public ArrayList getEntities() {
            return entities;
        public ArrayList getExplosions() {
            return explosions;
        public void addEntity(Entity e) {
        public void removeEntity(Entity e) {
        public void addExplosion(int x, int y, int size, int max) {
            // System.out.println("Adding explosion at " + x + " " + y);
            explosions.add(new Explosion(x, y, size, max));
        public void updateStatus(Graphics g, Ship player, int width, int height) {
            this.drawScene(g, player, width, height);
        private void drawScene(Graphics g, Ship player, int width, int height) {
            // Make sure nothing extraneous gets drawn
            g.clipRect(0, 0, width, height);
            // Clear the surface and set the background
            g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
            // Draw explosions & remove from the buffer if needed
            Explosion[] expl = (Explosion[]) getExplosions().toArray(new Explosion[explosions.size()]);
            int centerX = (int) player.getX();
            int centerY = (int) player.getY();
            int widthOffset = centerX + width / 2;
            int heightOffset = centerY + height / 2;
            this.drawStarField(g, player);
            for (int i = expl.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                Explosion ex = expl;
    g.setColor(new Color(Math.max(255 - ex.size, 0), 0, 0));
    g.drawOval(ex.x - widthOffset, ex.y - heightOffset, ex.size, ex.size);
    if (ex.size < ex.max) {
    ex.size += 2;
    explosions.set(i, ex);
    } else {
    // todo - can we re-use the active entities table here?
    Entity[] entities = getVisibleEntities(player);
    for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
    entities[i].drawEntity((int) (entities[i].getX() - player.getX() + width / 2),
    (int) (entities[i].getY() - player.getY() + height / 2), g);
    player.drawEntity(width / 2, height / 2, g, entities, width, height);
    private void drawStarField(Graphics g, Ship player) {
    g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255));
    int starX = ((int) player.getX() % STAR_AREA);
    int starY = ((int) player.getY() % STAR_AREA);
    for (int i = 0; i < BIG_STARS; i++) {
    g.fillOval((stars[i][0] - starX) % STAR_AREA, (stars[i][1] - starY) % STAR_AREA, 3, 3);
    for (int i = BIG_STARS; i < MAX_STARS; i++) {
    g.drawLine((stars[i][0] - starX) % STAR_AREA, (stars[i][1] - starY) % STAR_AREA,
    (stars[i][0] - starX) % STAR_AREA, (stars[i][1] - starY) % STAR_AREA);
    * Includes the player as an active entity
    * @param player
    * @return
    private Entity[] getActiveEntities(Ship player) {
    Entity[] activeEntities = (Entity[]) entities.toArray(new Entity[entities.size() + 1]);
    activeEntities[activeEntities.length - 1] = player;
    return activeEntities;
    private void pollEntities(Ship player) {
    Entity[] activeEntities = this.getActiveEntities(player);
    for (int i = 0; i < activeEntities.length; i++) {
    // todo - Handle gravitational pull
    //if (activeEntities[i].hasGravitationalPull()) {
    // Handle collisions
    for (int i = activeEntities.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (activeEntities[i] != null && !activeEntities[i].isTransparent() && !activeEntities[i].isDestroyed()) {
    for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
    if (activeEntities[i] != null && activeEntities[j] != null &&
    !activeEntities[j].isTransparent() && Tools.entitiesCollide(activeEntities[i], activeEntities[j])) {
    handleCollision(activeEntities[i], activeEntities[j]);
    // todo - seems redundant - remove by avoiding player ?
    if (activeEntities[i].isDestroyed()) {
    // System.out.println("Removing " + activeEntities[i]);
    activeEntities[i] = null;
    if (activeEntities[j].isDestroyed()) {
    // System.out.println("Removing " + activeEntities[j]);
    activeEntities[j] = null;
    private void purgeDestroyedObjects() {
    for (int i = entities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (((Entity) entities.get(i)).isDestroyed()) {
    private void handleCollision(Entity one, Entity two) {
    // Base damage is a factor of total speed & angle.
    double collisionFactor = Math.abs(Math.sin((one.getAccelerationAngle() - two.getAccelerationAngle()) / 2));
    double explosiveDamage = 0;
    if (one.explodesOnImpact()) {
    explosiveDamage += one.getExplosiveDamage();
    if (two.explodesOnImpact()) {
    explosiveDamage += two.getExplosiveDamage();
    one.applyDamage(explosiveDamage + (collisionFactor * two.getMass() / one.getMass()));
    two.applyDamage(explosiveDamage + (collisionFactor * one.getMass() / two.getMass()));
    // Introducing the FACTOR-variable also causes stickiness (two objects glued together after collision)
    // FACTOR determines how much of the energy is transfered from entity 1 to 2, and how much remains
    double FACTOR = 0.9;
    // Don't delete v1 and a1!
    double v1 = one.getSpeed();
    double a1 = one.getAccelerationAngle();
    double spinFactor = Math.cos(one.getAccelerationAngle() - two.getAccelerationAngle());
    if (!one.isDestroyed()) {
    one.setSpeed(two.getSpeed() * FACTOR + one.getSpeed() * (1 - FACTOR));
    if (!two.isDestroyed()) {
    two.setSpeed(v1 * FACTOR + two.getSpeed() * (1 - FACTOR));
    public Entity[] getVisibleEntities(Entity center) {
    return (Entity[]) entities.toArray(new Entity[entities.size()]);
    private void initializeStarField() {
    stars = new int[MAX_STARS][2];
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STARS; i++) {
    private void setStar(int index) {
    stars[index][0] = Tools.getRandom(STAR_AREA) + STAR_AREA;
    stars[index][1] = Tools.getRandom(STAR_AREA) + STAR_AREA;
    Finally, the Entity class. All in-game objects extend Entity. Rendering is done in the drawEntity-method. Each Entity has an EntityType which contains parameters like the weight, maximum acceleration and turn rate etc... Images are also stored in EntityType.
    public class Entity {
        public static final double TWOPI = Math.PI * 2;
        protected double speed;
        protected double turnRate;
        protected double x, y;
        protected double heading;
        protected double accelerationAngle;
        protected boolean destroyed = false;
        protected double energy;
        protected EntityType type;
        private Equipment activeEquipment;
        private SolarSystem solar;
        public Entity(int xPos, int yPos, EntityType type, SolarSystem solar) {
            this.x = xPos;
            this.y = yPos;
            this.type = type;
   = this.getEntityType().getEnergy();
   = solar;
         * Basic entity drawing function doesn't taken rotation into account
        public void drawEntity(int xLocation, int yLocation, Graphics g) {
            if (this.getActiveEquipment() != null && this.getActiveEquipment().isActive()) {
                this.getActiveEquipment().applyEffect(this, g);
    //        Level.getHandle().getConsole().addConsoleMessage(xLocation + "x" + yLocation);
            g.drawImage(getIcon(), xLocation, yLocation, null);
        public Shape getBoundingShape() {
            return new Rectangle((int) getX(), (int) getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());

  • Aperture 3.5 Full Screen mode really buggy

    Let's try this again....
    I'm looking for anyone else having this problems to see if they have found a work around.
    I have been having several intermittent problems with Aperture 3.5 in full screen mode with Mavericks. Most of the time, it's ok. But now and then, it seems to get stuck on something. When I swipe to go back to another application, it goes to my widget's panel, not the desktop. Swiping up to get mission control, I see the desktop and go to it. That really messes aperture up. You go back into it and its a black screen. I try to get out by pressing F and sometimes it works, sometimes not. When it DOES work, I will select an image in the browsers and strangely enough, the screen goes black and it goes back into full screen mode. Kind of a mess.
    Additionally, the entire app seems to drag. Selecting an image make take 3-5 seconds for it to switch from the one it is on to the one I selected. And I'm using a fully loaded top processor speed/max memory 27" iMac from last year.
    Has anyone else experienced this and found a work around?

    Thanks, both.
    I did try it and it somewhat changes the problem, but it is still there. The full screen system seems to get messed up and when it does, it can't seem to get out of it totally. When it starts singing daisy in full screen mode and you get it to exit full screen mode, the top menu disappears and selecting anything (even empty gray space) within the app sends it back into full screen mode, but once here, nothing responds to user action (can't select images from the browser, the HUD is unresponsive, etc). A few other quirks I can't nail down with any consistency.
    The only way I have found to avoid it is to completely exit the application, reboot, restart it and never go into full screen mode. It's still a little more sluggish that it should be, but at least I can do my work and get things to clients. Entering full screen mode just seems to be too buggy for practical purposes so far.

  • How to exit full screen mode while playing a presentation in Keynote '09

    Hi, my question is: when I play a presentation it starts by default in full screen mode; I would like instead to see it in a little box, in order to be able to take notes on another file; how can I do that?

    When playing Keynote will indeed take over the full screen -- there is no option for playing a presentation in a window. However, in the Preferences, under Slideshow, there is an option to enable Expose, which will allow you to switch between a running Keynote presentation and other applications.

  • Why is one of my dual screen grayed out when in full screen mode on the other?

    I just added a second monitor for an extended desktop. When I go into full screen mode on one the other greys out. Is there a way to fix this or am i stuck? thanks!!!

    No that is just the way it is. Apple still can't figure out how to do full screen apps. When you put any app into full screen mode it make a second desktop to run that app on. When that happen the second monitor, in a dual monitor setup, has nothing to do as everything is on the main monitor in different desktops.
    You'll have to just expand the app to the max window size instead of going into full screen. Then you can drag/place different apps on each monitor.

  • Lightroom launches in full screen mode on iMac

    LR has just started to launch in full screen mode on my iMac without any opportunity to minimize it or move to another program.  I would like it to launch like it used to where I can control the window size but can't seem to figure out how to get back to that capability.  I have an iMac running Mountain Lion.  LR is the only program effected as Photoshop still launches the old way.

    The "F" key cycles through screen modes.

  • Lightroom 5.4 is getting stuck in full screen mode. I need to force-quit the app in order to re-start and use again. How can I fix this?

    Lightroom 5.4 is getting stuck in full screen mode. I need to force-quit the app in order to re-start and use again. How can I fix this?
    I am using Mac osX 10.9.2
    I can see that I am not the only one with this problem.

    LOL... this is what I just had to look up... it's not exactly clear or apparent, is it?
    When in Full screen mode.. just press Command-F. Voila!

  • Starting Portal in Full Screen Mode

    I wonder, if it is possible to start the Portal/the IE in Full-Screen Mode (F11)?
    Probably there is a parameter in the "open_in_new_window" function that helps me to achieve this with a little java script?
    Stefan Schmidt

    I would very much like an example.
    We are currently implementing portal version 6 service pack 11 and on page iViews there is a prop-erty called “Window Features” with the following property description:
    “Specifies the appearance of the new window launched by an iView whose 'Launch in New Win-dow' property is set to '1'. Enter a comma-separated list of JavaScript parameters; for example: 'full-screen=yes, toolbar=yes'. If empty, the new window opens according to default JavaScript parame-ters.”
    I hoped that when opening a WinGui transaction that this functionality could open windows in full-screen, however, nothing happens.
    Anybody knowing this functionality and what it does?
    /Kell Kvist

  • How to disable app from opening into full screen mode

    Dear all I'm on OSX 10.8.4 and every time i start an app it'll go to full screen even after quiting it and opening the app again. Is there a way to stop this from happening

    Full-screen mode is controlled by you. If you take it OUT of full-screen mode (go to the very top right of the screen, wait for the menubar to drop down, click the blue inward-facing arrow icon), and THEN quit the app, it will remember the preference and open in normal windowed-mode next time.

  • How to make apps. open full screen at start up in Mavericks?

    Hi everyone,
    Last week i just bought a mac & im new to mac osx. i just wanted to know when i put some apps like calendar to start at login,i put them in full screen mode but when i restart osx, it will open in regular window not full screen,interesting thing is, some apps like mail & utorrents open full screen at start up but some apps like safari & calendar dont,
    is there any way to make any apps to open in full screen at start up or even when everytime u open app from dock. i searched google but couldnt find any real solution for this issue.
    if you help me ill be gratful,sorry for my bad eng.

    If you want to open all applications you want in full screen, open the apps and put them in full screen. Then, go to System Preferences > General, and untick "Close windows when quitting an application".
    By doing this, when you reopen the apps they will open at the point where you left them when you closed them (in full screen)

  • Why can I no longer watch music videos in full screen mode via a playlist in the music app since upgrading to ios7?

    Since upgrading to ios7 my iPhone 4S no longer allows me to watch music videos in full screen mode when I select the clips via a playlist from the music app.
    It's now more necessary than before to use the music app rather than the video app to select music videos to play.  That's because the video app doesn't list music videos by artist any more. And also because the fast forward and rewind buttons on headphones remote no longer work on videos.
    How do I watch full screen videos when rotating my iphone now shows my music library rather than showing the video itself?

    I do not think it is a problem to play videos in the full screen mode using the video app.  It should work just fine, it does work ok for me  on iphone 5.  The original question was to play music videos in the music app.  Music videos and videos are two different things - I am not sure why but they are.
    The problem here is that the music app supports lists and the video app does not.  I just looked at the ios7 video app and while my few test videos are shown in it, the lists they were in (in iTunes) are nowhere to be found.  There is no lists in the video app - period - which is as it was before. 
    The video app plays videos and music videos in the full screen mode no problem but if you have a few hundreds or more of such videos you will have hard time finding the one you want to play.  There is simply no way to categorize or group videos.  The old good folders/directories are, I guess, too simple for Apple.  It is just too bad that for years on end the world's leader in S/W development did not offer anything to categorize videos.
    You have lists, albums, etc., for music, you have albums for pictures but you have absolutely nothing for videos.  And this is and has been the Apple's state-of-the art solution for this problem - simply insist that the problem does not exist.  Actually it is getting worse.  Not only there is nothing to categorize or group videos but now the only way it could be done (by marking videos as music videos and using the music app) results in a mini playback area. 
    Soon this OS will be able to cook dinner for your but grouping videos... no way.
    What is happening here???  

  • IPad Web App full screen mode Network Connectivity Retry Option

    I have developed a web application in HTML5 for iPad (full screen mode). Now I am testing the application on iPad for connectivity scenario i.e. to see how the app behaves when the connectivity is lost and then resumed after some time.
    Steps -
    Launch the web application in full screen mode from home screen (connected to a wifi network).
    Click on any button to submit the form and at the same time turn off external wifi modem.
    A pop-up message appears with the options to close or retry.
    Now turn on the modem and click on retry.
    The expectation is that on clicking retry the data in the web form should be sent to the web server, but instead of POST request, a GET request is being sent. Because of this, the data filled in the form is lost as the page is simply refreshed.
    Can anyone please help me in resolving this issue.

    This is more of a feature of the browser already.
    With iOS6, Mobile Safari on the iPhone introduced full-screen browsing support in landscape mode. s-6/
    One isn't able to take advantage of this feature in portrait mode though. However, the meta tag you're referring to in order to hide Safari UI Components requires the webapp to be added to the Homescreen; then when you launch the site through the icon on the Homescreen, you would find the UI components hidden.
    Also, the latest version of Chrome for iOS released a couple of days ago includes the ability to view pages in fullscreen as well (for both landscape and portrait modes) with scrolling gestures enabling the hiding and showing of the omnibox and toolbar while navigating down a page. int-and-improved-voice-capabilities

  • HT1947 If you add music VIDEOS to Up Next playlist, then go to look at the album cover playing screen, then go to add another song from diff playlist, no longer can see Up Next, just go to full screen mode button. Using remote app iphone 5 to play out of

    If you add music videos to Up Next playlist, then go to look at the album cover playing screen, then go to add another song from different playlist, you no longer can see Up Next, just go to full screen mode button. Using remote app iPhone 5 to play out of iTunes. It looks like it works fine for regular music, but for music videos you can't see your up next unless you go back on the computer to change once you've left the screen. When using the remote app, you shouldn't need to go to iTunes on the PC to view or edit Up Next already added. See first image, you can hit upper right and get back to Up Next (second image). Third image is music video, where you can't get back to Up Next, just swap between full screen and not. I hoped 3.0.1 would have the answer, no luck!

    wow, very nice review Makes me want to get a vision for myself.
    WebKnight wrote:
    Add the ability to randomly select a new background from a pre selected group of photos every time the player is turned on or each day.
    I would love that feature. I can't stand useing my computer with a single wall paper anymore (I have 500 anime pics that i rotate between every 2 mins ) If you could make the vision rotate background every x minutes or every time the player is turned on, it would be totally amazeningly sweet!!!! (i might have to go out and buy one then :P)
    I just hope that creative has better firmware support with the vision than they have had with the touch.
    Once again, great review

  • Apps do not remember full screen mode

    When I open a app, like Safari, and I go to full screen mode the app works great. When I'm done, I close the app and after a while I open it again. In my case it will open the app, but it will open in the "normal" mode, not the full screen mode. Anyone having troubles with this?

    I don't have this problem.  Try this:
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