Startup disc problem/ software failure

I first noticed that when i opened up any microsoft office program (for mac) on my ibook that it wouldn't opend and would just come up with an error. also when i opened programs, the setting to which country the computer is in (the flag sign at the top of the screen) would change form uk to america. i ran the disc utility and it came up with an fault in the startup disc which needed to be repaired so i put in the mac osx install disc so i could use that as a startup disc so i could repair the actual startup disc. anyways when the computer was starting up i held down the option key (alt) and it gave me the choice of which one to start up with so i clicked on the install disc but then it came up with text and a in the back ground a box saying that i need to restart my computer, in several different languages.
that may not make much sence but does anyone know what i can do to sort out this mess. thanks

Hi James,
I'm going to have to bow out of this one, now. I don't use any M$ apps at all. To answer your question, though, I think it's more likely to be a failed/corrupted Office installation than a problem with your OS. In the absence of any other advice I would put the Office disk back in and see if there is an uninstaller. If there is, run it, eject the disk, restart again in Safe Mode, restart in the usual way then do a permissions repair before retrying the Office installation followed by another permissions repair. (Maybe unnecessary but can't hurt…)
Just an afterthought:
You aren't installing a full version over a 30 day trial are you? If you are, I think you're supposed to uninstall the trial first.
Best of luck,
Message was edited by Adrian: Oh, and Explorer is buggy at best and dangerous at worst, use Safari, Firefox, Camino, Shiira, anything but Explorer. It hasn't been updated by MS for ages & is not even available as a download from their site any more.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Moving libraries off the boot disk while doable is not very viable.  It creates many new problems in backing up your data, as now you have more than one source to backup.    See my backup FAQ*:
    My suggestion is to get at least two copies of all your essential data in one manner or another, and get a larger boot hard drive to replace what you currently use to be able to consolidate your libraries.  
    As for cleaning space, see my FAQ*:

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    There's an old saying.  If you don't have a backup disc, then there must be nothing important to backup.  That's just lesson #1.  Lesson #2 is to never interrupt a software update.  Not a good thing.
    OK, I'm sure you know this.  It just upsets me to read your story, knowing you have a lot of important stuff on your hard drive, and didn't use time machine.
    You're pretty much in a bad place.  My only hope for you is to boot to your Installation Disc, then using disk utility see if you can save the internal hard drive (by fixing what can be fixed).  You might be able to see your user folder and some of your apps.  I wouldn't even consider copying the library, because who knows what's been corrupted in there.
    Good luck.

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    Sometimes a really messed up or dying Hard Drive will prevent booting up.
    Does it boot into any of these modes?
    Holding Option/alt key at bootup.
    Holding SHIFT key at bootup.
    Target mode...
    Does it boot to Single User Mode, CMD+s keys at bootup, if so try...
    /sbin/fsck -fy
    Repeat until it shows no errors fixed.
    (Space between fsck AND -fy important).
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    We might get clues with verbose mode...

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    Thank you for your help

    Hi Memalyn
    Essentially, the bare issue is that you have a 500GB hard drive with only 10GB free. That is not sufficient to run the system properly. The two options you have are to move/remove files to another location, or to install a larger hard drive (eg 2TB). Drive space has nothing to do with SMC firmware, and usually large media files are to blame.
    My first recommendation is this: download and run the free OmniDiskSweeper. This will identify the exact size of all your folders - you can drill down into the subfolders and figure out where your largest culprits are. For example, you might find that your Pictures folder contains both an iPhoto Library and copies that you've brought in from a camera but are outside the iPhoto Library structure. Or perhaps you have a lot of purchased video content in iTunes.
    If you find files that you KNOW you do not need, you can delete them. Don't delete them just because you have a backup, since if the backup fails, you will lose all your copies.
    Don't worry about "cleaners" for now - they don't save much space and can actually cause problems. Deal with the large file situation first and see how you get on.
    Let us know what you find out, and if you manage to get your space back.

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    Hi! Have you followed THIS advice? If the drive is having problems it could take a long time to run the check routine. Tom

  • Selected wrong startup disc help get it back  to orig hd, flashing ? folder

    was told to start new topic, i was in the process of doing a clean install from a purchased imac, heres my last steps and cd's on model im told i have is a iMac DV Special Edition (Summer 2000) Model PowerMac4,2 prior to my mess, it had 9.2.2 installed and all the updates and firmware.
    plz help me to get me back to my desktop and to help do a fresh install, note the 3 cd's i have are not updates cd's only the mac os 9 it has a orange nine
    all wording on the cd's are mentioned below
    1-software restore cd says version ssw version 9.0 691-2466-A for imac dv models
    2-software install cd says for imac dv models ssw version 9.0 691-2465-A
    3-cd mac os9 w/sherlock version 9.2.1 1z691-3283-A mac os 9.2.1 update cd.
    this is what my last step was before i got the flashing ? in a folder possible searching for a voulme that has the past sofware installed. I found on the mac last nite a thing called macintosh hard drive from within one of the cds while
    i was trying to make a clean install (just learning) so I draged and drop that
    mackintosh hd icon into the hard drive on the desktop icon. And then I went to the control panel and - startup disc- and made my next startup boot to be for the macintosh hard drive start up volume. That was all I did and it was
    my last work that I did do, and then when I restarted, I now see ths error ? mark
    in a folder with a finder mac face like. Sorry I always type a lot and probably don't make sence. As I feel its searching for a correct start up
    volume boot to the desktop, I may be wrong. i just want to get back to my normal last install i had, which had no problems , i just wanted to make it clean was all. thank you
    so my main concern is that the startup vulume is wrong its use to say hard drive only but i made an additional one and one called it macintosh hard drive.

    Seems you must've had the Option key held down.
    Not sure if the HD is bootable anymore... perhaps you replaced the System Folder?
    Did you try the PRAM reset & wait for 5 tones?
    1-software restore cd says version ssw version 9.0 691-2466-A for imac dv models
    Can't find the number, but if this doesn't boot with the c key, then no go.
    2-software install cd says for imac dv models ssw version 9.0 691-2465-A
    No Go.
    3-cd mac os9 w/sherlock version 9.2.1 1z691-3283-A mac os 9.2.1 update cd.
    Not an Install CD & not Bootable...
    You need something like... 2258071QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item110232258071
    Or... hash=item160217041341
    Not recommending this in anyway, just to show what you need.

  • Installed 10.3, Now no Disc Burner Software

    Hello all,
    I reformatted my entire drive due to several issues with my PowerBook G4. I installed 10.3 from scratch and no longer have OS 9 in my startup disc. I have upgraded to 10.3.9. Whevever I put in a CD, it just kicks it back out. Even brand new software discs. When it does stay in the drive, it is not recognized by the PowerBook. I also noticed that I no longer have the Disc Burner software on my Mac. Any thoughts on how I can reinstall Disc Burner? All the online help has the Disc Burner software for OS9 only which will not install since there is no OS9 folder. I am guessing this is the reason the disc gets spit out everytime. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hi Peter,
    disc burner is not part of MacOS X. Burning capability is built into the system, no seperate application needed.
    Furthermore: your problem is not the burning capability but the recognition of the optical media. I suggest you first run the Apple hardware test and the reapply the Mac OS X Combined Update 10.3.9.
    Do not forget: Repair permissions before and after an update!

  • Computer won't recognise DVD as Startup Disc

    What gives?
    Startup with 'C' key doesn't work.
    Even using Startup Disc in System Preferences doesn't show slot drive as an option.
    I'm trying to do a disc repair because of hourly computer freezes with Mail, Safari and others that have not been resolved within the applications. Disk Utility fails when run using the MacHD as the Startup Disc shows:
    Verifying volume “Macintosh HD”
    Checking HFS Plus volume.
    Checking Extents Overflow file.
    Checking Catalog file.
    Checking multi-linked files.
    Checking Catalog hierarchy.
    Checking Extended Attributes file.
    Checking volume bitmap.
    Volume Bit Map needs minor repair
    Checking volume information.
    Invalid volume free block count
    Invalid volume free block count
    uld be %@ instead of %@)",2)
    The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired.
    Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
    1 HFS volume checked
    Volume needs repair
    Waiting for my new Diskwarrior but won't be able to rn it either if the computer won't start up from the slot drive.

    I am having the same problem.

  • External HD's no longer appear as startup discs

    I've just updated to OS 10.8.4 from 10.6.8.   I've been using 3 external firewire Hard Drives for years, in SL they showed as Startup discs in System Preferences, and there wasn't any problem using them as such. Each disc is partitioned (GUID)  into 4 partitions and formatted (Mac OS Extended Journaled).
    The discs (all 14 partitions) do show up on the desktop and can be opened-
    One programme - printing software which came with my Canon printer doesn't function any more. I checked on the Canon website and it says that it doesn't support Mountain Lion.
    I have some extremely important image files which I created with this programme (for printing onto CD labels of my own original music) and I really must be able to access them. They won't open and I tried changing the file ending but they still won't.
    So I thought that I'd re-install SL from the install disc on one of the partitions of a HD and open the printer  ..... and hope that I can open the programme and these files.
    I have the following problems:
    1) my Mac spat out the SL CD.
    2) Only the Mac HD shows up as a startup disc.
    3) I re-booted while holdong down alt/options but then only the Mac HD and a Recovery disc were given as choices.
    I have not made any Recovery disc yet. I have Time Machine which backs-up to one of the external HD'S, but haven' t made a back-up yet.
    I'd be SO grateful for ideas as to how I can access my files !

    Information on Superdrive troubleshooting.
    CD/DVD Loading Problems                        
    CD/DVD Sharing
    CD/DVD Drive - Troubleshooting
    CD/DVD Drive - Troubleshooting (2)
    Other options.  See post by  MlchaelLAX

  • Used imac g3, no startup disc

    Hello everyone! I am very new to the mac community, in fact, this is my first! My best friend gave me her husbands old imac G3, it is a really pretty blue color. He had it before they met, and it never got used so I got it. The only problem is, there is no manual, no software/cd's, and there is an old user account on there that I would like to get rid of. Is there a place to get the startup discs, can i delete the original owner off of it? Please help, any suggestions would be great!
    Thank you!

    I would advise extreme caution before deleting any thing. Getting the replacement OS software for these machines will be difficult.
    Do not delete anything.
    What version of Mac OS do you have?
    Report system info
    Blue apple > about this Mac
    If the apple has mulitple colors, you are running classic. 
    What iMac do you have?
    Report system info
    Blue apple > about this Mac
    click on more info
    click on hardware
    do not copy your serial number

  • Ok so my MacBook Pro has begun saying the startup disc is full after importing photos, so I deleted done and the message went away. now my computer won't go passed the login page it gets stuck after I login and goes to a grey screen. Can anyone help?

    Startup disc full

    Step 1   
    The first step in dealing with a startup failure is to secure the data. If you want to preserve the contents of the startup drive, and you don't already have at least one current backup, you must try to back up now, before you do anything else. It may or may not be possible. If you don't care about the data that has changed since the last backup, you can skip this step.
    There are several ways to back up a Mac that is unable to start. You need an external hard drive to hold the backup data.
    a. Start up from the Recovery partition, or from a local Time Machine backup volume (option key at startup.) When the OS X Utilities screen appears, launch Disk Utility and follow the instructions in this support article, under “Instructions for backing up to an external hard disk via Disk Utility.” The article refers to starting up from a DVD, but the procedure in Recovery mode is the same. You don't need a DVD if you're running OS X 10.7 or later. 
    b. If Step 1a fails because of disk errors, and no other Mac is available, then you may be able to salvage some of your files by copying them in the Finder. If you already have an external drive with OS X installed, start up from it. Otherwise, if you have Internet access, follow the instructions on this page to prepare the external drive and install OS X on it. You'll use the Recovery installer, rather than downloading it from the App Store.
    c. If you have access to a working Mac, and both it and the non-working Mac have FireWire or Thunderbolt ports, start the non-working Mac in target disk mode. Use the working Mac to copy the data to another drive. This technique won't work with USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
    d. If the internal drive of the non-working Mac is user-replaceable, remove it and mount it in an external enclosure or drive dock. Use another Mac to copy the data.
    Step 2
    You might be able to start up in safe mode even though you can't start up normally. Otherwise, start up from an external drive, or else use the technique in Step 1b, 1c, or 1d to mount the internal drive and delete some files. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of available space on the startup volume (as shown in the Finder Info window) for normal operation.

  • After upgrading to mountain lion i keep getting an error message saying my startup disc is full. it shouldnt be full because there is barely anything on there and i was running windows with bootcamp prior to this with no issues

    after upgrading to mountain lion i keep getting an error message saying my startup disc is full. it shouldnt be full because there is barely anything on there and i was running windows with bootcamp prior to this with no issues. my computer now freezes and programs close randomly. The usual command for opening windows with bootcamp doesnt work. once in restarted my computer after it froze and it rebooted in windows automatically. i really just want to know if there is a way to take the upgrade off my laptop because it is very annoying.

    Hi Memalyn
    Essentially, the bare issue is that you have a 500GB hard drive with only 10GB free. That is not sufficient to run the system properly. The two options you have are to move/remove files to another location, or to install a larger hard drive (eg 2TB). Drive space has nothing to do with SMC firmware, and usually large media files are to blame.
    My first recommendation is this: download and run the free OmniDiskSweeper. This will identify the exact size of all your folders - you can drill down into the subfolders and figure out where your largest culprits are. For example, you might find that your Pictures folder contains both an iPhoto Library and copies that you've brought in from a camera but are outside the iPhoto Library structure. Or perhaps you have a lot of purchased video content in iTunes.
    If you find files that you KNOW you do not need, you can delete them. Don't delete them just because you have a backup, since if the backup fails, you will lose all your copies.
    Don't worry about "cleaners" for now - they don't save much space and can actually cause problems. Deal with the large file situation first and see how you get on.
    Let us know what you find out, and if you manage to get your space back.

  • How do I move music files from the startup disc to iTunes in the other internal hard disk os 10.5.8?

    How do I move music files from the startup disc to iTunes in the other internal hard disk os 10.5.8?
    The music I want to move was in iTunes but is now just files. I had to reinstall a new iTunes and lost all my old music.
    Thank you!

    That article is about using your iPod as an external hard drive, to move files from one computer to another computer.  It is not related to your question.
    You can't use iTunes to move song files from iPod to computer, except for songs you purchased from the iTunes Store (and you can also re-download purchases).  However, there are third-party methods and utilities that can move song files from iPod to computer.  If you do a Google search on something like "ipod transfer," you should get some links.
    Once the song files are on your current computer, add them to that computer's iTunes library by dragging the files (or folder containing the files) to the iTunes window.  After confirming everything is there (and fixing the data issue you mentioned) you can sync the iPod.  You may want to do a Restore on the iPod, if it might have a data corruption issue, which will erase the iPod's hard drive, re-install the latest software, and set it to defautl settings.

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