Static Go Url

Hi all,
I have got a requirement like this.. I need to write obi dashboards and reports urls manually in an excel sheet and I need to provide those to my java team. They have to read the parameters and all through java. I have written like this saw.dll?Go&path=------------ and after that I have given to my java team. But they are saying that the urls whatever I haven given are okay. But the problem is If we copy the url and paste those in IE then while they are loading the page source code is different than the page source after loaded the reports and graphs. They are complaining that they are getting problems with that. And they are saying that after pasting the url in IE the format has completely changed. They are asking for static urls which don’t get changed.
I am confused and I don’t know what to reply them. Can anyone pls help me.
Thanks in advance.

I am very sorry if i was not specific. I have written a url like this saw.dll?Go&Path=/Shared/Misc/Report1l&NQUser=Administrator&NQPassword=Administrator. After I opened it with IE, It is adding some more content like saw.dll?Go&_scid=iFQgbBEm*ms&SearchID=k2a0lv7qvaluls4kett0vu0j42&Path=/Shared/Misc/Report1l&ViewState=9paap334ka4va3ab1le3nkajma&ContainerID=o%3ago%7er%3areport&RootViewID=go
So, java people are saying that url should not be changed. They are asking for some static url which doesnt get changed. I know it wil not possible. I am in confusion. Can you please suggest me something.
Thanks for your resposnse.
Edited by: 785818 on Dec 21, 2010 6:46 AM

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    Hi Neeraj,
    Thx for your reaction. This unfortunately will not do the job as pasting the URL in the notification template will make it static. The problem is that the URL inserted by default is a dynamically created one which holds a variable pointer to a workflow object id.
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  • Optimization problems in downloading data of greater size from any URL.

    Hi everyone !
    I'm trying to download some resource from the internet by providing valid URL. My code takes almost 50-55 minutes to download. The same resource is downloaded within 3-5 minutes by using Internet Explorer and 3-4 minutes using Fire Fox at the same network and Kbps. The sample code is as under:
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    public static String url = ""; //file size is approx: 10 MB
    //httpMethod is instance of HttpMethodBase and I have initialized it with GET method
    obj_httpMethod = new GetMethod( obj_httpUrl.getEscapedURI()
    InputStream obj_is = obj_httpMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
    ByteArrayOutputStream obj_data = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    //above code is working fine and giving proper input stream got from response.
    //problem start from here....although this code is working ok but it is not optimized
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    MyHttpTransporter.copyStream(obj_is, obj_data, 524288); //Buffer Size: 512K [512*1024]
    //This method is working fine with files of small sizes but it is not doing well with greater file sizes e.g. 10MB
    public static void copyStream(InputStream a_objIs, OutputStream a_objOs,
                                    int a_iblockSize) throws Exception{
        System.out.println( "Buffer Size..: " +  a_iblockSize);
        byte [] byte_Buffer = new byte[a_iblockSize];
        int i_byteRead = -1;
        while ( (i_byteRead =, 0, a_iblockSize)) > -1) {
          System.out.println( "reading stream...." );
          a_objOs.write(byte_Buffer, 0, i_byteRead);
          System.out.println( "writing stream...." );
          System.out.println( i_byteRead );
    System.out.println( i_byteRead );
    The one thing found in the above code is that, it is ignoring my provided buffer size and always fetching max 2047 bytes from the resource.
    Please help me in this regard as I'm unable to progress further in it.

    ASC_KS wrote:
    Thanx for the help.
    It makes some difference.
    the sample code is:
    //iblockSize = 524288 [512K]
    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(a_objIs, a_iblockSize);
    BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(a_objOs, a_iblockSize);
    BufferedInputStream bis = (BufferedInputStream)a_objIs;
    BufferedOutputStream bos = (BufferedOutputStream)a_objOs;
    //what do you suggest 1 or 2 ? BTW I'm using 1
    If (2) works then behind the scenes the Apache code is already using Buffered streams (otherwise you would get a class cast exception) so there is going to be little advantage to using further buffering. Also, casting to buffered streams does not offer any performance advantage since any reading/writing you do will already be using the methods on the Buffered streams.
    Do I need to concentrate on the block size [reduce or increase what is good practice]. Because again it is fetching maximum 5387B and on average it is fetching the 2047B. But it is improved a little bit.Though the buffer size of the Buffered streams can be set when constructed they cannot be changed later so if the Apache code is not setting the buffer size when it constructs the buffer then you are stuffed. Check the Apache documentation to see if you can change the buffering.
    P.S. Of course, since it is open source, you can always modify the Apache code to increase the buffer size.
    P.P.S. I always use HttpURLConnection for this and it seems pretty quick though I have never downloaded anything beyond a few hundred KBytes.
    Edited by: sabre150 on Nov 21, 2007 11:18 AM

  • NullPointer Exception ,web start Static class loading in sun JRE with JNLP

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    at Source)
    at$1300(Unknown Source)
    at$ChildElement.checkResource(Unknown Source)
    at$JarLoader.checkResource(Unknown Source)
    at$JarLoader.getResource(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
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    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
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    at Source)
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    Hi I'm the one who posted those findings... though further investigation found that increasing your heap size can help, but at best it only reduces the occurances of the problem.
    The real cause of the issue is that the Signer's info for a CachedJarFile is held onto by softreferences and is not "rebuilt" if it has been garbage collected. the Reason that increasing your initial heap size works, is that it helps to delay the conditions on which these softreferences are garbage collected. (SoftReferences become eligible for garbage collection when the heap needs to be expanded)
    I've put together a hack that traverses all of the jars in a webstart application, finds their corresponding CachedJarFile instance and sticks all of the relevant SoftReferences into a static list, so that they become "hard references" and are never garbage collected.
    Below is my hack To use it, just call JarSignersHardLinker.go() it will then
    * Check that you are running on webstart and you are on java 1.6 update 19 or higher.
    * If the above is true then it will spawn a new thread and create hard links to all the jarsigners for each jar on the classpath.
    If you need more info email me on my gmail account. My user name is squaat. I've also posted this code at Re: Error with Java WebStart Signed Jars on 1.6.0_19's new Mixed  Code
    If you find this helpful and it solves your problems, please leave a positive comment and/or vote for the bug at:
    If any oracle/sun webstart engineers are reading this, please contact me... we'd really like this bug fixed.
    import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
    import java.lang.reflect.Field;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.jar.JarFile;
    * A utility class for working around the java webstart jar signing/security bug
    * see and
    * @author Scott Chan
    public class JarSignersHardLinker {
        private static final String JRE_1_6_0 = "1.6.0_";
         * the 1.6.0 update where this problem first occurred
        private static final int PROBLEM_JRE_UPDATE = 19;
        public static final List sm_hardRefs = new ArrayList();
        protected static void makeHardSignersRef(JarFile jar) throws {
            System.out.println("Making hard refs for: " + jar );
            if(jar != null && jar.getClass().getName().equals("com.sun.deploy.cache.CachedJarFile")) {
                 //lets attempt to get at the each of the soft links.
                 //first neet to call the relevant no-arg method to ensure that the soft ref is populated
                 //then we access the private member, resolve the softlink and throw it in a static list.
                callNoArgMethod("getSigners", jar);
                makeHardLink("signersRef", jar);
                callNoArgMethod("getSignerMap", jar);
                makeHardLink("signerMapRef", jar);
    //            callNoArgMethod("getCodeSources", jar);
    //            makeHardLink("codeSourcesRef", jar);
                callNoArgMethod("getCodeSourceCache", jar);
                makeHardLink("codeSourceCacheRef", jar);
         * if the specified field for the given instance is a Softreference
         * That soft reference is resolved and the returned ref is stored in a static list,
         * making it a hard link that should never be garbage collected
         * @param fieldName
         * @param instance
        private static void makeHardLink(String fieldName, Object instance) {
            System.out.println("attempting hard ref to " + instance.getClass().getName() + "." + fieldName);
            try {
                Field signersRef = instance.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
                Object o = signersRef.get(instance);
                if(o instanceof SoftReference) {
                    SoftReference r = (SoftReference) o;
                    Object o2 = r.get();
                } else {
            } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
         * Call the given no-arg method on the given instance
         * @param methodName
         * @param instance
        private static void callNoArgMethod(String methodName, Object instance) {
            System.out.println("calling noarg method hard ref to " + instance.getClass().getName() + "." + methodName + "()");
            try {
                Method m = instance.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName);
            } catch (SecurityException e1) {
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e1) {
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
         * is the preloader enabled. ie: will the preloader run in the current environment
         * @return
        public static boolean isHardLinkerEnabled() {
             boolean isHardLinkerDisabled = false;  //change this to use whatever mechanism you use to enable or disable the preloader
            return !isHardLinkerDisabled && isRunningOnJre1_6_0_19OrHigher() && isRunningOnWebstart();
         * is the application currently running on webstart
         * detect the presence of a JNLPclassloader
         * @return
        public static boolean isRunningOnWebstart() {
            ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
            while(cl != null) {
                if(cl.getClass().getName().equals("com.sun.jnlp.JNLPClassLoader")) {
                    return true;
                cl = cl.getParent();
            return false;
         * Is the JRE 1.6.0_19 or higher?
         * @return
        public static boolean isRunningOnJre1_6_0_19OrHigher() {
            String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");
            if(javaVersion.startsWith(JRE_1_6_0)) {
                //then lets figure out what update we are on
                String updateStr = javaVersion.substring(JRE_1_6_0.length());
                try {
                    return Integer.parseInt(updateStr) >= PROBLEM_JRE_UPDATE;
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    //then unable to determine updatedate level
                    return false;
            //all other cases
            return false;
          * get all the JarFile objects for all of the jars in the classpath
          * @return
         public static Set<JarFile> getAllJarsFilesInClassPath() {
              Set<JarFile> jars = new LinkedHashSet<JarFile> ();
             for (URL url : getAllJarUrls()) {
                 try {
                 } catch(IOException e) {
                      System.out.println("unable to retrieve jar at URL: " + url);
             return jars;
         * Returns set of URLS for the jars in the classpath.
         * URLS will have the protocol of jar eg: jar:http://HOST/PATH/JARNAME.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
        static Set<URL> getAllJarUrls() {
            try {
                Set<URL> urls = new LinkedHashSet<URL>();
                Enumeration<URL> mfUrls = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
                while(mfUrls.hasMoreElements()) {
                    URL jarUrl = mfUrls.nextElement();
    //                System.out.println(jarUrl);
                    if(!jarUrl.getProtocol().equals("jar")) continue;
                return urls;
            } catch(IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
         * get the jarFile object for the given url
         * @param jarUrl
         * @return
         * @throws IOException
        public static JarFile getJarFile(URL jarUrl) throws IOException {
            URLConnection urlConnnection = jarUrl.openConnection();
            if(urlConnnection instanceof JarURLConnection) {
                // Using a JarURLConnection will load the JAR from the cache when using Webstart 1.6
                // In Webstart 1.5, the URL will point to the cached JAR on the local filesystem
                JarURLConnection jcon = (JarURLConnection) urlConnnection;
                return jcon.getJarFile();
            } else {
                throw new AssertionError("Expected JarURLConnection");
         * Spawn a new thread to run through each jar in the classpath and create a hardlink
         * to the jars softly referenced signers infomation.
        public static void go() {
            if(!isHardLinkerEnabled()) {
            System.out.println("Starting Resource Preloader Hardlinker");
            Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        Set<JarFile> jars = getAllJarsFilesInClassPath();
                        for (JarFile jar : jars) {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.out.println("Problem preloading resources");
                    } catch (Error e) {
                         System.out.println("Error preloading resources");
    }Edited by: 855200 on 04-Jul-2011 17:31

  • Dynamic Logoff-Url

    We have to implement different logoff urls depending on different user actions in the WD4A.
    Is it possible to set (or redefine) the Logoff-Url dynamically. We have set the static logoff-url in the SICF.
    Thanks for any hints!

    You should fire an Outbound plug of type Exit (defined in the WINDOW).
    Define a parameter called URL of type STRING that you'll fill as required.

  • Proxy Visiting URL and Hit Counter

    When i connect and download a url using java it doesnt add one to the javascript hit counter on that site, whats wrong ? here is my code :
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.*;
    // This is a simple example that shows how to get HTTP connections to work
    // with a proxy server. If all goes well, we should be able to post some
    // data to a public cgi script and get back the resulting HTML. If anyone
    // knows some "gotchas" when combining Java and proxies, I'd love to hear
    // about them. Send your thoughts to [email protected].
    public class RunProxy
        static String proxy;
        static String port;
        static String url;
        public RunProxy (String url1, String proxy1, String port1)
            proxy = proxy1;
            port = port1;
            url = url1;
            System.out.println ("Proxy Used:");
            System.out.println (proxy);
            System.out.println ("Port Used:");
            System.out.println (port);
            System.out.println ("Url Used:");
            System.out.println (url);
            //proxy = "";
            System.out.println (proxy);
            main (new String [0]);
        public static void main (String argv [])
                System.out.println ("Does this come after ? ");
                // Enable the properties used for proxy support
                System.getProperties ().put ("proxySet", "true");
                System.getProperties ().put ("proxyHost", "" + proxy);
                System.getProperties ().put ("proxyPort", "" + port);
                char doubleBrackets = '"';
                Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance ();
                String seconds = "" + calendar.getTimeInMillis ();
                seconds = seconds.substring (0, 10);
                // URL to a public cgi script
                System.out.println (seconds);
                //            URL url = new URL ("" + seconds + "&tom_ench=d23bb6ce525d19b409977e39a298049e&pro=761b4f72a39bfbbbe7a556fa6cd41aa1&r=&h=25e7ec84cd9a43ff95a7c0393468f582&wid=" + doubleBrackets + "+wid+" + doubleBrackets + "&hit=" + doubleBrackets + "+ hit +");
                String url2 = url;
                //url2 = "";
                URL url = new URL (url2);
                // URL url = new URL ("");
                //URLConnection connection = url.openConnection ();
                HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection ();
                connection.setFollowRedirects (true);
                connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects (true);
                connection.setDoInput (true);
                connection.setDoOutput (true);
                // enter the username and password for the proxy
                String password = "vishu:vishwajeet";
                // base64 encode the password. You can write your own,
                // use a public domain library like
                // or use
                // the
                // class from JavaSoft Java Web Server.
                //String encoded = base64Encode( password );
                String encodedPassword = "Basic " + new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder
                    ().encode (password.getBytes ());
                // Set up the connection so it knows you are sending
                // proxy user information
                connection.setRequestProperty ("Proxy-Authorization", encodedPassword);
                // Set up the connection so you can do read and writes
                connection.setDoInput (true);
                connection.setDoOutput (true);
                /*// open up the output stream of the connection
                DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(
                connection.getOutputStream() );
                // simulate a POST from a web form
                String query = "name=" + URLEncoder.encode(
                "Ronald D. Kurr" );
                query += "&";
                query += "email=" + URLEncoder.encode( "[email protected]" );
                // write out the data
                int queryLength = query.length();
                output.writeBytes( query );
                // get ready to read the response from the cgi script
                DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream (
                        connection.getInputStream ());
                // read in each character until end-of-stream is detected
                    PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter ("tempPage2.txt"));
                    for (int c = () ; c != -1 ; c = ())
                        output.print ((char) c);
                    input.close ();
                    output.close ();
                catch (Exception heea)
                    System.out.println (heea);
                System.out.println ("UR GOOD!, next run. ");
            catch (Exception e)
                System.out.println ("Something bad just happened.");
                System.out.println (e);
                e.printStackTrace ();

    if your going through a proxy your gonna be hitting the server with the same ip address each time right? Don't some/most counters count unique IP address hits?

  • Using the Insert statement in a Java program without hardcoding the data

    this is james mcfadden. i have developed a program called, which is used with another program called (a program that allows data to be viewed in a JTable). The program displays a menu, connects to a database, allows the user to add data into the database and allows the user to view data that is already in the database. I have a problem with the program. I have hardcoded the Insert statement in it. How do you use the Insert statement to put data into a database without hardcoding the data?
    import java.awt.*;//Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images
    import java.awt.event.*;//Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components
    import javax.swing.*;//Provides a set of lightweight components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms
    import javax.swing.table.*;//Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTable
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;//provides a class that makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog box that prompts users for a value or informs them of something
    import java.sql.*;//Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source using the Java programming language
    public class Demo extends JFrame{
       static String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";//a static variable that allows a connection to be made to a database called VideoLibrary
       static Statement stmt;//a static variable that allows a statement to be made once a connection is set up
       static Connection con;//a static interface that allows a connection to be made to a database
         //global variables
         JTextField hostField;//a class that allows a line of text to be changed
       JTextField queryField;//a class that allows a line of text to be changed
       QueryTableModel qtm;//a class that shows and changes regular two-dimensional tables of cells
       JComboBox comboBox;//a class that puts a button or editable field and a drop-down list together 
       public static void main(String args[]){     
          int choice=-1;//a variable of type int that is set to -1
             choice=getChoice();//invokes the method getChoice()
                getSelected(choice);//invokes the method getSelected(choice)
             }//end if
                   //if the user chooses 5, it will cause him or her to exit the system
          }while(choice!=5);//end do-while
          System.exit(0);//closes down the menu screen
       }//end main
       public static int getChoice(){
          String choice;//a variable of type string
          int ch;//a variable of type int
          choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"1. Maintain product details\n"+"2. Maintain member details\n"+"3. Maintain rental details\n"+"4. View product, member and rental details\n"+"5. Log Off\n\n"+"Enter your choice");//asks the user for some input   
              ch = Integer.parseInt(choice);//a class that wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object     
              return ch;//a method that returns an integer value
       }//end getChoice
       public static void getSelected(int choice){   
             maintainProductDetails();//invokes the method maintainProductDetails()
          }//end if
             maintainMemberDetails();//invokes the method maintainMemberDetails()
          }//end if
             maintainRentalDetails();//invokes the method maintainRentalDetails()
          }//end if
                 Demo test = new Demo();//invokes the constructor Demo()
             test.setVisible(true);//shows the JTable component by marking it as visible
              }//end if
       }//end getSelected
       public static Connection getConnection(){
          try {
             Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");//used to create a JDBC connection using a database
          }//end try
              catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e){//causes an exception to be thrown when an application tries to load in a class through its string name
             System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");//displays an error message
             System.err.println(e.getMessage());//returns the exception that was raised if an error occurred while attempting to load the ClassNotFoundException class
          }//end catch
          try {
             con=DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");//tries to create a connection with the database using the DriverManager class
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
          return con;
       }//end getConnection
       public static void maintainProductDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();//creates a connection with the database
          String  addProduct1, addProduct2, addProduct3, addProduct4, addProduct5, addProduct6, addProduct7, addProduct8, addProduct9, addProduct10;//string variables that represent information about the different types of product data that will be stored in the database
          addProduct1 = "insert into Product values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct2 = "insert into Product values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct3 = "insert into Product values (110003, 'Razorlight - Razorlight', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct4 = "insert into Product values (110004, 'My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct5 = "insert into Product values (110005, 'Snow Patrol - Eyes Open', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct6 = "insert into Product values (110006, 'Scissor Sisters - Ta-Dah!', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
              addProduct7 = "insert into Product values (110007, 'Lovesounds - Justin Timberlake', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct8 = "insert into Product values (110008, 'Director - We thrive on big cities', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct9 = "insert into Product values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct10 = "insert into Product values (110010, 'Pussy Cat Dolls - PCD', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
              try {
             stmt = con.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
                 //statements are allowed to be made once a connection is set up
             stmt.close();//closes the Statement object
             con.close();//terminates the connection with the database
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
       }//end maintainProductDetails
       public static void maintainMemberDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();//creates a connection with the database
          String addMember1, addMember2, addMember3, addMember4, addMember5, addMember6, addMember7, addMember8, addMember9, addMember10;//string variables that represent information about the member data that will be stored in the database
          addMember1 = "insert into Member values (1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', 'Upper Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135210', '(087)-2030172', #5/11/85#, #5/12/06#)";
          addMember2 = "insert into Member values (2345, 'John', 'Murphy', 'Lower Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135211', '(087)-2030173', #4/12/85#, #6/13/06#)";
          addMember3 = "insert into Member values (1324, 'James', 'McFadden', 'Lower Ardsbeg, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165314', '(087)-2030171', #4/11/85#, #6/14/06#)";
          addMember4 = "insert into Member values (1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', 'Ardsmore, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165325', '(087)-2031234', #6/13/60#, #6/15/06#)";
          addMember5 = "insert into Member values (1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135212', '(087)-2030184', #5/14/73#, #6/16/06#)";
          addMember6 = "insert into Member values (2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135213', '(087)-2030185', #6/13/85#, #5/13/06#)";
          addMember7 = "insert into Member values (2347, 'James', 'Ferry', 'Meenlaragh, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165360', '(087)-2031345', #9/12/85#, #5/14/06#)";
          addMember8 = "insert into Member values (2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', 'Derryconner, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165324', '(087)-2031456', #4/11/86#, #5/15/06#)";
          addMember9 = "insert into Member values (2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', 'Brinalack, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176425', '(087)-2030282', #9/12/85#, #5/16/06#)";
          addMember10 = "insert into Member values (2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', 'Derrybeg, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176536', '(087)-2030393', #9/14/85#, #5/18/06#)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
                   //statements are allowed to be made once a connection is set up
             stmt.close();//closes the Statement object
             con.close();//terminates the connection with the database
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
       }//end maintainMemberDetails
         public static void maintainRentalDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();//creates a connection with the database
          String addRental1, addRental2, addRental3, addRental4, addRental5, addRental6, addRental7, addRental8, addRental9, addRental10;//string variables that represent information about the loan data that will be stored in the database
          addRental1 = "insert into Rental values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', #9/01/06#, #9/10/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental2 = "insert into Rental values (120001, 'Mission Impossible 3', 2345, 'John', 'Murphy', #9/02/06#, #9/09/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental3 = "insert into Rental values (130001, 'Need for Special Carbon', 1324, 'James', 'McFadden', #9/03/06#, #9/12/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental4 = "insert into Rental values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', #9/04/06#, #9/11/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental5 = "insert into Rental values (120015, 'Prime', 1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', #9/05/06#, #9/14/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental6 = "insert into Rental values (130015, 'FIFA 07', 2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', #9/06/06#, #9/13/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental7 = "insert into Rental values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 2347, 'James', 'Ferry', #9/07/06#, #9/16/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental8 = "insert into Rental values (120003, 'The Break Up', 2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', #9/08/06#, #9/15/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental9 = "insert into Rental values (130027, 'Gears of War', 2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', #9/09/06#, #9/18/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental10 = "insert into Rental values (110021, 'Scooter - Mind the Gap', 2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', #9/10/06#, #9/17/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
                   //statements are allowed to be made once a connection is set up
             stmt.close();//closes the Statement object
             con.close();//terminates the connection with the database
          }//end try
              catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());//returns an SQL error message
          }//end catch
       }//end maintainRentalDetails
       public Demo(){//a constructor
          super("Demo Test Frame");//overrides the constructor
          setSize(350, 200);//Resizes this component so that it has width of 350 and height of 200 
          comboBox = new JComboBox();//invokes the class JComboBox
          comboBox.addItem("jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary");//adds the specified item to the end of the scrolling list
          qtm = new QueryTableModel();//invokes the class QueryTableModel
          JTable table = new JTable(qtm);//a class that shows and changes regular two-dimensional tables of cells
          JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane(table);//a class that provides a scrollable view of a lightweight component
          JPanel p1 = new JPanel();//a class that puts the combo box and query field in a panel
          p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));//Sets the layout manager for this container
          p1.add(comboBox);//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          p1.add(new JLabel("Enter your query: "));//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          p1.add(queryField = new JTextField());//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          p1.add(new JLabel("Click here to send: "));//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          JButton jb = new JButton("Search");//a class that is an implementation of a "push" button
          jb.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){//Adds an ActionListener to the button
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                qtm.setHostURL();//invokes the method setHostURL
                qtm.setQuery(queryField.getText().trim());//invokes the method setQuery; and returns the text that is presented by this text component and returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespaces omitted
          } );//end addActionListener
          p1.add(jb);//Appends the specified component to the end of this container
          getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);//Returns the content pane
          getContentPane().add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);//Returns the content pane
       }//end Demo
    }//end class Demo
    import java.sql.*;//Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source using the Java programming language
    import*;//Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system
    import java.util.Vector;//provides a class that implements a growable array of objects
    import javax.swing.*;//Provides a set of lightweight components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms
    import javax.swing.table.*;//Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTable
    public class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{
         Vector cache;//a class that constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero 
         int colCount;//a variable that counts the number of columns in the three tables
         String[] headers;//a class that represents character strings and all string literals in this program are implemented as instances of the String class
         Connection db;//an interface that allows a connection to be made to a database
         Statement statement;//an interface that allows executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object
         String currentURL;//a variable that allows the URL to be displayed in a combo box
         public QueryTableModel(){//a constructor
              cache=new Vector();//constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero
             Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");//used by opening a JDBC connection using an URL
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("problem loading the driver ");//an error message
              }//end catch
         }//end QueryTableModel
         public String getColumnName(int i){//Returns the designated column's name
            return headers;//returns the name of each column in the three table
         }//end getColumnName
         public int getColumnCount(){//Returns the number of columns in the column model
         return colCount;//returns the number of columns in the three tables
         }//end getColumnCount
         public int getRowCount(){//Returns the number of rows in this table's model
         return cache.size();//returns the number of components in the vector
         }//end getRowCount
         public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){//Returns the cell value at row and column
              return ((String[])cache.elementAt(row))[col];//Returns the component at the specified index
         }//end getValueAt
         public void setHostURL(){//sets the URL for the database
         String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";//a variable that allows a connection to be made to a database called VideoLibrary
         closeDB();//invokes the method closeDB()
    db=DriverManager.getConnection(url,"","");//tries to create a connection with the database using the DriverManager class
    statement=db.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
    }//end try
    catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");//an error message
    e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
    }//end catch
         }//end setHostURL
    public void setQuery(String q){//sets the kind of query that is to be sent to the database
              cache=new Vector();//constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero
    String s="select * from Product";//a variable that causes all the data that is in the product table to be displayed in a JTable, which also means that all the data that is in both the member and rental tables can also be displayed in a JTable
                   ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(q);//an interface that is used to generate a database result set by executing a statement that queries the database
                   ResultSetMetaData meta=rs.getMetaData();//an interface that is used to get information about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet object
                   colCount=meta.getColumnCount();//Returns the number of columns in this ResultSet object
                   headers=new String[colCount];//gets the name of each column in the three tables
                   for(int h=1;h<=colCount;h++){
                        headers[h-1]=meta.getColumnName(h);//Get the designated column's name
                   }//end for
                        String[] record=new String[colCount];//stores the name of each column in the three tables in memory
                        for(int i=0;i<colCount;i++){
                             record[i]=rs.getString(i+1);//Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a String
                        }//end for
                        cache.addElement(record);//Adds the specified component to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one
                   }//end while
                   fireTableChanged(null);//Forwards the given notification event to all TableModelListeners that registered themselves as listeners for this table model
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   cache=new Vector();//constructs an empty vector so that its internal data array has size 10 and its standard capacity increment is zero
                   e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
              }//end catch
         }//end setQuery
         public void initDB(String url){
                   db=DriverManager.getConnection(url);//tries to create a connection with the database using the DriverManager class
                   statement=db.createStatement();//Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");//an error message
                   e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
              }//end catch
         }//end initDB
         public void closeDB(){
                   statement.close();//Releases this Statement object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed
                   }//end if
                   db.close();//Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released
                   }//end if
              }//end try
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not close the current connection.");//an error message
                   e.printStackTrace();//a Throwable method that prints this throwable and it's backtrace to the standard error stream
              }//end catch
         }//end closeDB
    }//end class QueryTableModel

    here's an uncommented version of the code.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Demo extends JFrame{
       static String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";
       static Statement stmt;
       static Connection con;
       JTextField hostField;
       JTextField queryField;
       QueryTableModel qtm;
       JComboBox comboBox;
       public static void main(String args[]){
          int choice=-1;
       public static int getChoice(){
          String choice;
          int ch;
          choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"1. Maintain product details\n"+"2. Maintain member details\n"+"3. Maintain rental details\n"+"4. View product, member and rental details\n"+"5. Log Off\n\n"+"Enter your choice"); 
          ch = Integer.parseInt(choice);    
          return ch;
       public static void getSelected(int choice){   
             Demo test = new Demo();
       public static Connection getConnection(){
          try {
          catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e){
             System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
          try {
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
          return con;
       public static void maintainProductDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();
          String  addProduct1, addProduct2, addProduct3, addProduct4, addProduct5, addProduct6, addProduct7, addProduct8, addProduct9, addProduct10;
          addProduct1 = "insert into Product values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct2 = "insert into Product values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct3 = "insert into Product values (110003, 'Razorlight - Razorlight', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct4 = "insert into Product values (110004, 'My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct5 = "insert into Product values (110005, 'Snow Patrol - Eyes Open', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct6 = "insert into Product values (110006, 'Scissor Sisters - Ta-Dah!', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct7 = "insert into Product values (110007, 'Lovesounds - Justin Timberlake', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct8 = "insert into Product values (110008, 'Director - We thrive on big cities', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct9 = "insert into Product values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          addProduct10 = "insert into Product values (110010, '***** Cat Dolls - PCD', 5.00, 'G', 'CD', 2006)";
          try {
             stmt = con.createStatement();
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
       public static void maintainMemberDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();
          String addMember1, addMember2, addMember3, addMember4, addMember5, addMember6, addMember7, addMember8, addMember9, addMember10;
          addMember1 = "insert into Member values (1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', 'Upper Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135210', '(087)-2030172', #5/11/85#, #5/12/06#)";
          addMember2 = "insert into Member values (2345, 'John', 'Murphy', 'Lower Killult, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135211', '(087)-2030173', #4/12/85#, #6/13/06#)";
          addMember3 = "insert into Member values (1324, 'James', 'McFadden', 'Lower Ardsbeg, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165314', '(087)-2030171', #4/11/85#, #6/14/06#)";
          addMember4 = "insert into Member values (1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', 'Ardsmore, Gortahork, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9165325', '(087)-2031234', #6/13/60#, #6/15/06#)";
          addMember5 = "insert into Member values (1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135212', '(087)-2030184', #5/14/73#, #6/16/06#)";
          addMember6 = "insert into Member values (2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', 'Ballyness, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal', '(074)-9135213', '(087)-2030185', #6/13/85#, #5/13/06#)";
          addMember7 = "insert into Member values (2347, 'James', 'Ferry', 'Meenlaragh, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165360', '(087)-2031345', #9/12/85#, #5/14/06#)";
          addMember8 = "insert into Member values (2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', 'Derryconner, Gortahork, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9165324', '(087)-2031456', #4/11/86#, #5/15/06#)";
          addMember9 = "insert into Member values (2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', 'Brinalack, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176425', '(087)-2030282', #9/12/85#, #5/16/06#)";
          addMember10 = "insert into Member values (2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', 'Derrybeg, Gweedore, Co.Donegal', '(074)-9176536', '(087)-2030393', #9/14/85#, #5/18/06#)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
       public static void maintainRentalDetails(){
          Connection con = getConnection();
          String addRental1, addRental2, addRental3, addRental4, addRental5, addRental6, addRental7, addRental8, addRental9, addRental10;
          addRental1 = "insert into Rental values (110001, 'The Killers - Sams Town', 1234, 'Ann', 'Smyth', #9/01/06#, #9/10/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental2 = "insert into Rental values (120001, 'Mission Impossible 3', 2345, 'John', 'Murphy', #9/02/06#, #9/09/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental3 = "insert into Rental values (130001, 'Need for Special Carbon', 1324, 'James', 'McFadden', #9/03/06#, #9/12/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental4 = "insert into Rental values (110002, 'Robbie Williams - Rudebox', 1235, 'Frankie', 'Ferry', #9/04/06#, #9/11/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental5 = "insert into Rental values (120015, 'Prime', 1236, 'Daniel', 'McKimm', #9/05/06#, #9/14/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental6 = "insert into Rental values (130015, 'FIFA 07', 2346, 'Stephen', 'Doohan', #9/06/06#, #9/13/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental7 = "insert into Rental values (110009, 'Roxette - Roxette hits', 2347, 'James', 'Ferry', #9/07/06#, #9/16/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental8 = "insert into Rental values (120003, 'The Break Up', 2348, 'Liam', 'Cannon', #9/08/06#, #9/15/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
          addRental9 = "insert into Rental values (130027, 'Gears of War', 2401, 'Ciaran', 'Ferry', #9/09/06#, #9/18/06#, 'Yes', 2.00)";
          addRental10 = "insert into Rental values (110021, 'Scooter - Mind the Gap', 2402, 'Ciaran', 'McGee', #9/10/06#, #9/17/06#, 'No', 0.00)";
             stmt = con.createStatement();
          catch(SQLException ex) {
             System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
       public Demo(){
          super("Demo Test Frame");
          setSize(350, 200);
          comboBox = new JComboBox();
          qtm = new QueryTableModel();
          JTable table = new JTable(qtm);
          JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane(table);
          JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
          p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));
          p1.add(new JLabel("Enter your query: "));
          p1.add(queryField = new JTextField());
          p1.add(new JLabel("Click here to send: "));
          JButton jb = new JButton("Search");
          jb.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
          getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          getContentPane().add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    public class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{
         Vector cache; 
         int colCount;
         String[] headers;
         Connection db;
         Statement statement;
         String currentURL;
         public QueryTableModel(){
              cache=new Vector();
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("problem loading the driver ");
         public String getColumnName(int i){
            return headers;
         public int getColumnCount(){
         return colCount;
         public int getRowCount(){
         return cache.size();
         public Object getValueAt(int row, int col){
              return ((String[])cache.elementAt(row))[col];
         public void setHostURL(){
         String url = "jdbc:odbc:VideoLibrary";
    catch(Exception e){
    System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");
    public void setQuery(String q){
              cache=new Vector();
    String s="select * from Product";
                   ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(q);
                   ResultSetMetaData meta=rs.getMetaData();
                   headers=new String[colCount];
                   for(int h=1;h<=colCount;h++){
                        String[] record=new String[colCount];
                        for(int i=0;i<colCount;i++){
              catch(Exception e){
                   cache=new Vector();
         public void initDB(String url){
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not initialize the database.");
         public void closeDB(){
              catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Could not close the current connection.");

  • Problem with gridbaglayout in JPanel

    Hello I am trying to display contact information in three serperate Jpanels on tabbbed panes.I would like to get help in configuring maybe just the pane of void showPane1().I need something like
    Searchlb | Combodropname1
    firstnamelb | firstnametxt | lastnamelb | lastnametxt
    Addresslb addresslb.Horizontal-----------------------*-
    citylb | citytxt | statelb | statetxt
    postcodelb | postcodetxt | countrylb | countrytxt
    emaillb | emailtxt | homephonelb | homephonetxt
    faxnumberlb | faxnumbertxt
    Other panes have buttons
    Here`s the code it operates on login of MSAccess table called persons:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    public class Addressbook extends JFrame{
         // Define constant variables
         final static String driver      = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
         final static String url      = "jdbc:odbc:addBKTAFE";
         final static String login      = "LOG-IN";
         final static String tab_login      = "Log-in";
         final static String tab1      = "INQUIRE Personnel Details";
         final static String tab2      = "UPDATE/DELETE Personnel Details";
         final static String tab3      = "INSERT Personnel Details";
         final static String insert      = "SAVE RECORD";
         final static String update           = "UPDATE RECORD";
         final static String delete      = "DELETE RECORD";
         final static String inquire      = "INQUIRE RECORD";
         final static String clear      = " CLEAR ";
         final static String relogin      = "Log-in failed! Please relog-in!";
         final static String norecfound      = "No Record Found!";
         final static String recinserted     = "Record Inserted!";
         final static String recupdated      = "Record Updated!";
         final static String recdeleted      = "Record Deleted!";
         final static String numericerror = "Age should be numeric!";
         final static String information = "INFORMATION";
         final static String error      = "ERROR";
         final static String genexception = "GENERAL EXCEPTION";
         final static String sqlexception = "SQL EXCEPTION";
         final static String confdelete = "CONFIRM DELETE";
         final static String slash      = "/";
         final static String table1      = "persons";
         final static String table2      = "Addresses";
    // Events events = new Events(this);
         // Define variables     for general use
         String sql = ""; // Used to store sql statements
         int pane_number = 0; // Used to indicate what screen needs to be processed
                                       // like resetting input fields and comboboxes
         boolean abort = false;// Used to indicate if error found to avoid further
                                       // processing/validations
         // Define container, panels and tabbedpane
    Container cntr = getContentPane();
    JTabbedPane tpane = new JTabbedPane();
         JPanel      cbpanel1 , cbpanel2 , cbpanel3,
                   panel1 , panel2 , panel3;
         // Setup constraints and type of layout
         GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
         GridBagConstraints constraints1 = new GridBagConstraints();
         GridBagConstraints constraints2 = new GridBagConstraints();
         GridBagConstraints constraints3 = new GridBagConstraints();
         GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout ();
         // Define fonts to be used
         Font labelFont = new Font("Arial",Font.PLAIN,12);
         Font buttonFont = new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,13);
         // Define labels
         JLabel lbUser      = new JLabel("Enter User ID: " );
         JLabel lbPassword      = new JLabel("Enter Password: ");
         JLabel lbSelectName      = new JLabel("Search Name: " );
         JLabel lbFirstName      = new JLabel("First Name: " );
         JLabel lbLastName      = new JLabel("Last Name: " );
         JLabel lbAddress           = new JLabel("Address: " );
         JLabel lbCity           = new JLabel("City" );
         JLabel lbState           = new JLabel("State: " );
         JLabel lbPostcode      = new JLabel("Postcode" );
    JLabel lbCountry           = new JLabel("Country" );
         JLabel lbEmailAddress      = new JLabel("Email Address: " );
    JLabel lbHomeNumber      = new JLabel("Home Phone No.: " );
    JLabel lbFaxNumber      = new JLabel("Fax No.: " );
         // Define combo boxes in third screen (insert pane)
         JComboBox cbName1          = new JComboBox();
         JComboBox cbPersonId1          = new JComboBox();
         // Define combo boxes in second (update/delete pane)
         JComboBox cbName2          = new JComboBox();
         JComboBox cbPersonId2          = new JComboBox();
         // Define buttons, text fields and password field
         JButton btLogin      = new JButton (login );
         JButton btInsert = new JButton (insert );
         JButton btUpdate      = new JButton (update );
         JButton btDelete      = new JButton (delete );
         JButton btInquire      = new JButton (inquire);
         JButton btClear      = new JButton (clear );
         JPasswordField jpPassword           = new JPasswordField(10 );
         JTextField tfUser           = new JTextField("",10 );
         // Inquiry fields on first screen (inquiry pane)
         JTextField tfFirstName1      = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField tfLastName1           = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField      tfAddress1          = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField      tfCity1 = new JTextField("",15);
         JTextField      tfState1 = new JTextField("",15);
         JTextField      tfPostcode1      = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField      tfCountry1          = new JTextField("",15 );
    JTextField      tfEmailAddress1      = new JTextField("",30);
    JTextField      tfHomeNumber1      = new JTextField("",15);
         JTextField      tfFaxNumber1           = new JTextField("",15 );
         // Input fields on second screen (update/delete pane)
         JTextField tfFirstName2      = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField tfLastName2          = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField      tfAddress2          = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField      tfCity2 = new JTextField("",15);
         JTextField      tfState2 = new JTextField("",15);
         JTextField      tfPostcode2      = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField      tfCountry2          = new JTextField("",15 );
    JTextField      tfEmailAddress2      = new JTextField("",30);
    JTextField      tfHomeNumber2      = new JTextField("",15);
         JTextField      tfFaxNumber2      = new JTextField("",15 );
         // Input fields on third screen (insert pane)
         JTextField tfFirstName3      = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField tfLastName3          = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField      tfAddress3          = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField      tfCity3 = new JTextField("",15);
         JTextField      tfState3 = new JTextField("",15);
         JTextField      tfPostcode3      = new JTextField("",30);
         JTextField      tfCountry3          = new JTextField("",15 );
    JTextField      tfEmailAddress3      = new JTextField("",30);
    JTextField      tfHomeNumber3      = new JTextField("",15);
         JTextField      tfFaxNumber3           = new JTextField("",15 );
    //-----------------------Start Addressbook()------------------------------------>>>
    // define listener after adding items to CB to avoid triggering it
         //     cbName1.addItemListener(new ItemListener());
    // public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e){
    //--------------------------END Addressbook constructor------------------------------------->>>
    //--------------------Start setupLoginPanel()----------------------------------->>>
         // Setup the login screen
         public void setupLoginPanel(){
              // set application title
         setTitle("Address Book Application");
              // center screen
                                  - getWidth())/2,
                             - getHeight())/2);
         panel1 = new JPanel();
              // set screen border
              // add tabbedpane to panel
              tpane.addTab(tab_login, panel1);
              // add panel to container
              // setup layout as GridBagLayout
              constraints.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2);
              // setup User ID label in display area
              constraints.ipadx = 2;
              constraints.ipady = 2;
              constraints.gridx = 0;
              constraints.gridy = 0;
              constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbUser, constraints);
              // setup User ID input field in display area
              constraints.ipadx = 2;
              constraints.ipady = 2;
              constraints.gridx = 1;
              constraints.gridy = 0;
              constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              layout.setConstraints(tfUser, constraints);
              // setup Password label in display area
              constraints.ipadx = 2;
              constraints.ipady = 2;
              constraints.gridx = 0;
              constraints.gridy = 1;
              constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbPassword, constraints);
              // setup Password input field in display area
              constraints.ipadx = 2;
              constraints.ipady = 2;
              constraints.gridx = 1;
              constraints.gridy = 1;
              layout.setConstraints(jpPassword, constraints);
              // setup Login button in display area
              constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              constraints.gridy = 3;
              constraints.gridx = 1;
              layout.setConstraints(btLogin, constraints);
              // setup login button listener
              btLogin.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              // allow ALT L to press login button
    //--------------------End setupLoginPanel()------------------------------------->>>
    //--------------------Start login()--------------------------------------------->>>
         // Validate user input from the login screen based on information from login
         // table (note: manually create/update your login from table LOGIN).
         public void login(){
              String user = tfUser.getText();
              user = user.trim();
              char[] pw = jpPassword.getPassword();
    String password = new String(pw).trim();
              sql = "SELECT * FROM persons WHERE username='"+
                   user+"' AND password='"+password+"'";
                   // load MS Access driver
              }catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ex){
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), error ,
                   // setup connection to DBMS
                   Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
                   // create statement
                   Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
                   // execute sql statement
                   ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
                   boolean recordfound =;
                   if (recordfound){
                        // username/password invalid
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,relogin, error,
                        //clear login and password fields
                        tfUser.setText ("");
              }catch(Exception ex){
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), genexception,
    //--------------------End login()----------------------------------------------->>>
    //--------------------Start showPane1()----------------------------------------->>>
         // Setup screen 1(inquiry pane) including labels, input fields, comboboxes.
         // Table PERSONS is read to list inquiry parameters.
         void showPane1(){
              panel1 = new JPanel();
              cbpanel1 = new JPanel();
              // set screen border
              // add tabbedpane to panel
              tpane.addTab(tab1, panel1);
              // setup layout as GridBagLayout
              constraints1.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2);
              panel1.setLayout (layout);
              cbpanel1.setLayout (layout);
              // setup Name combobox label
              constraints1.gridx = 0;
              constraints1.gridy = 0;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbSelectName, constraints1);
              // setup Name combobox as search key
              constraints1.ipady = 10;
              constraints1.gridx = 1;
              constraints1.gridy = 0;
              constraints1.gridwidth = 3;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              constraints1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              layout.setConstraints(cbName1, constraints1);
              // setup search combobox (Name and corresponding key)
              cbName1.addItem ("Choose one:");
              // setup First Name label in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 0;
              constraints1.gridy = 1;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              constraints1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
              constraints1.gridwidth = 1;
              layout.setConstraints(lbFirstName, constraints1);
              // setup First Name input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 1;
              constraints1.gridy = 1;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfFirstName1, constraints1);
              // setup Last Name label in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 2;
              constraints1.gridy = 1;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              constraints1.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
              layout.setConstraints(lbLastName, constraints1);
              // setup Last Name input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 3;
              constraints1.gridy = 1;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfLastName1, constraints1);
              // setup Address label in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 0;
              constraints1.gridy = 2;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbAddress, constraints1);
              // setup Address input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 1;
              constraints1.gridy = 2;
              constraints1.gridwidth = 3;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              constraints1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              layout.setConstraints(tfAddress1, constraints1);
              // setup City label in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 0;
              constraints1.gridy = 3;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbCity, constraints1);
              // setup City input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 1;
              constraints1.gridy = 3;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfCity1, constraints1);
              // setup State label in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 2;
              constraints1.gridy = 3;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbState, constraints1);
              // setup State input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 3;
              constraints1.gridy = 3;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfState1, constraints1);
              // setup Postcode label in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 0;
              constraints1.gridy = 4;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbPostcode, constraints1);
              // setup Address input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 1;
              constraints1.gridy = 4;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfPostcode1, constraints1);
              // setup Country label in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 2;
              constraints1.gridy = 4;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbCountry, constraints1);
              // setup Country input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 3;
              constraints1.gridy = 4;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfCountry1, constraints1);
              // setup Email Address label in display area
              lbEmailAddress = new JLabel ("Email Address:");
              constraints1.gridx = 0;
              constraints1.gridy = 5;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbEmailAddress, constraints1);
              // setup Email Address input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 1;
              constraints1.gridy = 5;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfEmailAddress1, constraints1);
              // setup Home Phone Number label in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 2;
              constraints1.gridy = 5;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbHomeNumber, constraints1);
              // setup Home Phone Number input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 3;
              constraints1.gridy = 5;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfHomeNumber1, constraints1);
              // setup Fax Number label in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 0;
              constraints1.gridy = 6;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbFaxNumber, constraints1);
              // setup Fax Number input field in display area
              constraints1.gridx = 1;
              constraints1.gridy = 6;
              constraints1.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfFaxNumber1, constraints1);
    // indicate inquiry pane
              pane_number = 1;
              // read table get the list of names in CB search key
              // define listener after adding items to CB to avoid triggering it
              cbName1.addItemListener(new ComboBoxHandler());
    //--------------------End showPane1()------------------------------------------->>>
    //--------------------Start showPane2()----------------------------------------->>>
         // Setup screen 2(update and delete pane) including labels, input fields,
         // comboboxes, and buttons. Table PERSONS is read to list inquiry parameters.
         void showPane2(){
              panel2 = new JPanel();
              cbpanel2 = new JPanel();
              labelFont = new Font("Arial",Font.PLAIN,12);
              buttonFont = new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,12);
              // set screen border
              // add tabbedpane to panel
              tpane.addTab(tab2, panel2);
              // setup layout as GridBagLayout
              constraints2.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2);
              panel2.setLayout (layout);
              cbpanel2.setLayout (layout);
              // setup Name combobox label
              constraints2.gridx = 0;
              constraints2.gridy = 0;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbSelectName, constraints2);
              // setup Name combobox as search key
              constraints2.ipady = 10;
              constraints2.gridx = 1;
              constraints2.gridy = 0;
              constraints2.gridwidth = 3;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              constraints2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              layout.setConstraints(cbName1, constraints2);
              panel1.add (cbName1);
              // setup search combobox (Name and corresponding key)
              cbName1.addItem ("Choose one:");
              // setup First Name label in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 0;
              constraints2.gridy = 1;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              constraints2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
              constraints2.gridwidth = 1;
              layout.setConstraints(lbFirstName, constraints2);
              // setup First Name input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 1;
              constraints2.gridy = 1;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfFirstName2, constraints2);
              // setup Last Name label in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 2;
              constraints2.gridy = 1;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              constraints2.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
              layout.setConstraints(lbLastName, constraints2);
              // setup Last Name input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 3;
              constraints2.gridy = 1;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfLastName2, constraints2);
              // setup Address label in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 0;
              constraints2.gridy = 2;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbAddress, constraints2);
              // setup Address input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 1;
              constraints2.gridy = 2;
              constraints2.gridwidth = 3;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              constraints2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              layout.setConstraints(tfAddress2, constraints2);
              // setup City label in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 0;
              constraints2.gridy = 3;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbCity, constraints2);
              // setup City input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 1;
              constraints2.gridy = 3;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfCity2, constraints2);
              // setup State label in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 2;
              constraints2.gridy = 3;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbState, constraints2);
              // setup State input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 3;
              constraints2.gridy = 3;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfState2, constraints2);
              // indicate inquiry pane
              pane_number = 1;
              // setup Address label in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 0;
              constraints2.gridy = 4;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbPostcode, constraints2);
              // setup Address input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 1;
              constraints2.gridy = 4;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfPostcode2, constraints2);
              // setup Country label in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 2;
              constraints2.gridy = 4;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbCountry, constraints2);
              // setup Country input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 3;
              constraints2.gridy = 4;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfCountry2, constraints2);
              // setup Email Address label in display area
              lbEmailAddress = new JLabel ("Email Address:");
              constraints2.gridx = 0;
              constraints2.gridy = 5;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbEmailAddress, constraints2);
              // setup Email Address input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 1;
              constraints2.gridy = 5;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfEmailAddress2, constraints2);
              // setup Home Phone Number label in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 2;
              constraints2.gridy = 5;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbHomeNumber, constraints2);
              // setup Home Phone Number input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 3;
              constraints2.gridy = 5;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfHomeNumber2, constraints2);
              // setup Fax Number label in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 0;
              constraints2.gridy = 6;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbFaxNumber, constraints2);
              // setup Fax Number input field in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 1;
              constraints2.gridy = 6;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfFaxNumber2, constraints2);
              // setup UPDATE button in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 3;
              constraints2.gridy = 7;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(btUpdate, constraints2);
              // setup DELETE button in display area
              constraints2.gridx = 1;
              constraints2.gridy = 7;
              constraints2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(btDelete, constraints2);
              btUpdate.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              btDelete.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
              // allow ALT U to press update button
              // allow ALT D to press delete button
              // read table get the list of names in combo box search key
              // define listener after adding items to CB to avoid triggering it
              cbName2.addItemListener(new ComboBoxHandler());
    //--------------------End showPane2()------------------------------------------->>>
    //--------------------Start showPane3()----------------------------------------->>>
         // Setup screen 2(insert pane) including labels, input fields, comboboxes,
         // and buttons.
         void showPane3(){
              panel3      = new JPanel();
              // set screen border
              // add tabbedpane to panel
              tpane.addTab(tab3, panel3);
              // setup layout as GridBagLayout
              constraints3.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2);
              panel3.setLayout (layout);
              // setup First Name label in display area
              JLabel lbFirstName = new JLabel("First Name:");
              constraints3.gridx = 0;
              constraints3.gridy = 0;
              constraints3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbFirstName, constraints3);
              // setup First Name input field in display area
              constraints3.ipady = 8; // adjust heigth of input field
              constraints3.gridx = 1;
              constraints3.gridy = 0;
              constraints3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfFirstName3, constraints3);
              // setup Last Name label in display area
              lbLastName = new JLabel("Last Name: ");
              constraints3.gridx = 2;
              constraints3.gridy = 0;
              constraints3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(lbLastName, constraints3);
              // setup Last Name input field in display area
              constraints3.gridx = 3;
              constraints3.gridy = 0;
              constraints3.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
              layout.setConstraints(tfLastName3, constraints3);
              // setup Middle Name label in display area
              lbAddress = new JLabel("Address: ");
              constraints3.gridx = 0;
              constraints3.gridy = 1;

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class andy extends JFrame {
      // Define constant variables
      final static String driver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
      final static String url = "jdbc:odbc:addBKTAFE";
      final static String login = "LOG-IN";
      final static String tab_login = "Log-in";
      final static String tab1 = "INQUIRE Personnel Details";
      final static String tab2 = "UPDATE/DELETE Personnel Details";
      final static String tab3 = "INSERT Personnel Details";
      final static String tab4 = "PRINT";
      final static String insert = "SAVE RECORD";
      final static String update = "UPDATE RECORD";
      final static String delete = "DELETE RECORD";
      final static String inquire = "INQUIRE RECORD";
      final static String clear = " CLEAR ";
      final static String relogin = "Log-in failed! Please relog-in!";
      final static String norecfound = "No Record Found!";
      final static String recinserted = "Record Inserted!";
      final static String recupdated = "Record Updated!";
      final static String recdeleted = "Record Deleted!";
      final static String numericerror = "Age should be numeric!";
      final static String information = "INFORMATION";
      final static String error = "ERROR";
      final static String genexception = "GENERAL EXCEPTION";
      final static String sqlexception = "SQL EXCEPTION";
      final static String confdelete = "CONFIRM DELETE";
      final static String slash = "/";
      final static String table1 = "persons";
      final static String table2 = "Addresses";
      // Define container, panels and tabbedpane
      Container cntr = getContentPane();
      JTabbedPane tpane = new JTabbedPane();
      JPanel cbpanel1 , cbpanel2 , cbpanel3,
             panel1 , panel2 , panel3, panel4;
      // Define fonts to be used
      Font labelFont = new Font("Arial",Font.PLAIN,12);
      Font buttonFont = new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,13);
      // Define labels
      JLabel lbUser = new JLabel("Enter User ID: " );
      JLabel lbPassword = new JLabel("Enter Password: ");
      JLabel lbSelectName = new JLabel("Search Name: " );
      JLabel lbFirstName = new JLabel("First Name: " );
      JLabel lbLastName = new JLabel("Last Name: " );
      JLabel lbAddress = new JLabel("Address: " );
      JLabel lbCity = new JLabel("City: " );
      JLabel lbState = new JLabel("State: " );
      JLabel lbPostcode = new JLabel("Postcode: " );
      JLabel lbCountry = new JLabel("Country: " );
      JLabel lbEmailAddress = new JLabel("Email Address: " );
      JLabel lbHomeNumber = new JLabel("Home Phone No.: " );
      JLabel lbFaxNumber = new JLabel("Fax No.: " );
      // Define combo boxes in third screen (insert pane)
      JComboBox cbName1     = new JComboBox();
      JComboBox cbName2     = new JComboBox();
      JComboBox cbName3     = new JComboBox();
      JComboBox cbPersonId1 = new JComboBox();
      JComboBox cbPersonId2 = new JComboBox();
      JComboBox cbPersonId3 = new JComboBox();
      // Inquiry fields on first screen (inquiry pane)
      JTextField tfFirstName1 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfLastName1 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfAddress1 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfCity1 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfState1 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfPostcode1 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfCountry1 = new JTextField("",15 );
      JTextField tfEmailAddress1 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfHomeNumber1 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfFaxNumber1 = new JTextField("",15 );
      // Input fields on second screen (update/delete pane)
      JTextField tfFirstName2 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfLastName2 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfAddress2 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfCity2 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfState2 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfPostcode2 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfCountry2 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfEmailAddress2 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfHomeNumber2 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfFaxNumber2 = new JTextField("",15);
      // Input fields on third screen (inset details pane)
      JTextField tfFirstName3 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfLastName3 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfAddress3 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfCity3 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfState3 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfPostcode3 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfCountry3 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfEmailAddress3 = new JTextField("",30);
      JTextField tfHomeNumber3 = new JTextField("",15);
      JTextField tfFaxNumber3 = new JTextField("",15);
      GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout();
      GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
      public andy() {
        super("Address Book Application");
        cntr.add(tpane, "Center");
        Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
        setLocation((screenSize.width  - getWidth())/2,
                    (screenSize.height - getHeight())/2);
      // Setup screen 1(inquiry pane) including labels, input fields, comboboxes.
      // Table PERSONS is read to list inquiry parameters.
      void showPane1() {
        panel1 = new JPanel();
        cbpanel1 = new JPanel();
        // set screen border
        // add tabbedpane to panel
        tpane.addTab(tab1, panel1);
        // setup layout as GridBagLayout
        constraints.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2);
        panel1.setLayout (layout);
        cbpanel1.setLayout (layout);
        // setup Name combobox label
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        layout.setConstraints(lbSelectName, constraints);
        // setup Name combobox as search key
        constraints.ipady = 10;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(cbName1, constraints);
        // setup search combobox (Name and corresponding key)
        cbName1.addItem ("Choose one:");
        // setup First Name label in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbFirstName, constraints);
        // setup First Name input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfFirstName1, constraints);
        // setup Last Name label in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbLastName, constraints);
        // setup Last Name input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfLastName1, constraints);
        // setup Address label in display area
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        layout.setConstraints(lbAddress, constraints);
        // setup Address input field in display area
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.weightx = 1.0;
        constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
        layout.setConstraints(tfAddress1, constraints);
        // setup City label in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
            layout.setConstraints(lbCity, constraints);
        // setup City input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfCity1, constraints);
        // setup State label in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbState, constraints);
        // setup State input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfState1, constraints);
        // setup Postcode label in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbPostcode, constraints);
        // setup Address input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfPostcode1, constraints);
        // setup Country label in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbCountry, constraints);
        // setup Country input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfCountry1, constraints);
        // setup Email Address label in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbEmailAddress, constraints);
        // setup Email Address input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfEmailAddress1, constraints);
        // setup Home Phone Number label in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbHomeNumber, constraints);
        // setup Home Phone Number input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfHomeNumber1, constraints);
        // setup Fax Number label in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbFaxNumber, constraints);
        // setup Fax Number input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfFaxNumber1, constraints);
        // indicate inquiry pane
        // pane_number = 1;
        // read table get the list of names in CB search key
        // accessDBInit();
        // define listener after adding items to CB to avoid triggering it
        // cbName1.addItemListener(new ComboBoxHandler());
      //--------------------End showPane1()------------------------------------------->>>
      //--------------------Start showPane2()----------------------------------------->>>
      void showPane2() {
        panel2 = new JPanel();
        cbpanel2 = new JPanel();
        // set screen border
        // add tabbedpane to panel
        tpane.addTab(tab2, panel2);
        // setup layout as GridBagLayout
        constraints.ipady = 0;
        panel2.setLayout (layout);
        cbpanel2.setLayout (layout);
        // setup Name combobox label
        lbSelectName = new JLabel("Search Name: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        layout.setConstraints(lbSelectName, constraints);
        // setup Name combobox as search key
        constraints.ipady = 10;
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(cbName2, constraints);
        // setup search combobox (Name and corresponding key)
        cbName2.addItem ("Choose one:");
        // setup UPDATE button in display area
        JButton btUpdate = new JButton("Update");
    //    btUpdate.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(btUpdate, constraints);
        // setup DELETE button in display area
        JButton btDelete = new JButton("Delete");
    //    btDelete.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(btDelete, constraints);
        // setup First Name label in display area
        lbFirstName = new JLabel("First Name: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbFirstName, constraints);
        // setup First Name input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfFirstName2, constraints);
        // setup Last Name label in display area
        lbLastName = new JLabel("Last Name: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbLastName, constraints);
        // setup Last Name input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfLastName2, constraints);
        // setup Address label in display area
        lbAddress = new JLabel("Address: ");
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        layout.setConstraints(lbAddress, constraints);
        // setup Address input field in display area
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.weightx = 1.0;
        constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
        layout.setConstraints(tfAddress2, constraints);
        // setup City label in display area
        lbCity = new JLabel("City: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbCity, constraints);
        // setup City input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfCity2, constraints);
        // setup State label in display area
        lbState = new JLabel("State: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbState, constraints);
        // setup State input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfState2, constraints);
        // setup Postcode label in display area
        lbPostcode = new JLabel("Postcode: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbPostcode, constraints);
        // setup Address input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfPostcode2, constraints);
        // setup Country label in display area
        lbCountry = new JLabel("Country: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbCountry, constraints);
        // setup Country input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfCountry2, constraints);
        // setup Email Address label in display area
        lbEmailAddress = new JLabel ("Email Address: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbEmailAddress, constraints);
        // setup Email Address input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfEmailAddress2, constraints);
        // setup Home Phone Number label in display area
        lbHomeNumber = new JLabel("Home Phone No.: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbHomeNumber, constraints);
        // setup Home Phone Number input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfHomeNumber2, constraints);
        // setup Fax Number label in display area
        lbFaxNumber = new JLabel("Fax No.: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbFaxNumber, constraints);
        // setup Fax Number input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfFaxNumber2, constraints);
      //-----------------------------End showpane2()---------------------------------->>
      //--------------------Start showPane3()----------------------------------------->>>
      void showPane3() {
        panel3 = new JPanel();
        // cbpanel3 = new JPanel();
        // set screen border
        // add tabbedpane to panel
        tpane.addTab(tab3, panel3);
        // setup layout as GridBagLayout
        constraints.ipady = 0;
        panel3.setLayout (layout);
        // cbpanel3.setLayout (layout);
        // setup Name combobox label
        lbSelectName = new JLabel("Search Name: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        layout.setConstraints(lbSelectName, constraints);
        // setup Name combobox as search key
        cbName3 = new JComboBox();
        constraints.ipady = 10;
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(cbName3, constraints);
        // setup search combobox (Name and corresponding key)
        cbName3.addItem ("Choose one:");
        // setup INSERT button in display area
        JButton btInsert = new JButton("Insert");
    //    btInsert.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(btInsert, constraints);
        // setup CLEAR button in display area
        JButton btClear = new JButton("Clear");
    //    btClear.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(btClear, constraints);
        // setup First Name label in display area
        lbFirstName = new JLabel("First Name: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbFirstName, constraints);
        // setup First Name input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfFirstName3, constraints);
        // setup Last Name label in display area
        lbLastName = new JLabel("Last Name: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbLastName, constraints);
        // setup Last Name input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfLastName3, constraints);
        // setup Address label in display area
        lbAddress = new JLabel("Address: ");
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        layout.setConstraints(lbAddress, constraints);
        // setup Address input field in display area
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.weightx = 1.0;
        constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
        layout.setConstraints(tfAddress3, constraints);
        // setup City label in display area
        lbCity = new JLabel("City: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbCity, constraints);
        // setup City input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfCity3, constraints);
        // setup State label in display area
        lbState = new JLabel("State: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbState, constraints);
        // setup State input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfState3, constraints);
        // setup Postcode label in display area
        lbPostcode = new JLabel("Postcode: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbPostcode, constraints);
        // setup Address input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfPostcode3, constraints);
        // setup Country label in display area
        lbCountry = new JLabel("Country: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbCountry, constraints);
        // setup Country input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfCountry3, constraints);
        // setup Email Address label in display area
        lbEmailAddress = new JLabel ("Email Address: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbEmailAddress, constraints);
        // setup Email Address input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfEmailAddress3, constraints);
        // setup Home Phone Number label in display area
        lbHomeNumber = new JLabel("Home Phone No.: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.RELATIVE;
        layout.setConstraints(lbHomeNumber, constraints);
        // setup Home Phone Number input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
        layout.setConstraints(tfHomeNumber3, constraints);
        // setup Fax Number label in display area
        lbFaxNumber = new JLabel("Fax No.: ");
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
        constraints.gridwidth = 1;
        layout.setConstraints(lbFaxNumber, constraints);
        // setup Fax Number input field in display area
        constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST;
        layout.setConstraints(tfFaxNumber3, constraints);
      //-----------------------------End showpane3()---------------------------------->>
      //-----------------------------Start showPane4()-------------------------------->>
      void showPane4() {
    //    qtm = new QueryTableModel();
    //    JTable table = new JTable(qtm);
    //    String query = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, HomePhone, " +
    //                   "FROM Addresses ORDER By LastName";
    //    qtm.setQuery(query);
        JPanel demoPanel = new JPanel();
        demoPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,500));
        demoPanel.add(new JLabel("Demo Panel in place of table",
        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(demoPanel);
        panel4 = new JPanel();
    //    pane_number = 4;
        constraints.ipady = 0;
    //    labelFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12);   defined above
        buttonFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 13);
       // set screen border
           BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), ""));
       // add panel to tabbed pane
       tpane.addTab(tab4, panel4);
       JLabel lbPrint = new JLabel("Print");
       constraints.anchor = constraints.EAST;
       layout.setConstraints(lbPrint, constraints);
       JButton btPrint = new JButton("Print");
    //   btPrint.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());
       constraints.anchor = constraints.WEST;
       constraints.gridwidth = constraints.REMAINDER;
       layout.setConstraints(btPrint, constraints);
       constraints.weighty = 1.0;
       constraints.fill = constraints.BOTH;
       constraints.anchor = constraints.CENTER;
       layout.setConstraints(scrollPane, constraints);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        new andy();

  • Skillbuilders modal plugin performance

    Hi all,
    I would like to seek people's thoughts regarding page rendering performance when a large number of plug-ins are included on a page in APEX 4.2 with HTTP server.
    Consider a hypothetical scenario where 12 instances of the Skillbuilders Modal Page plugin were defined for one page - various buttons that invoke their own DA.
    This is consuming a large amount of rendering time according to the APEX debug report - each call to apex_modal_page_render adds up, and I'm considering my options.
    a) Tune the plug-in code
    I'm not sure how far we can go with this, I'm not sure where exactly the time is being taken - it's only fractional amounts adding up - including various conditions
    (I'm disenchanted with APEX debugger reporting 0.047 for many entries...)
    b) Add more juice.
    but where? DB, application server, local pc with browser?
    c) Consolidate the dynamic actions.
    Each button has it's own dynamic action, with statically defined URL.
    This was done because when we were first attempting to use plugin, this worked when the href attribute option did not. We should be able to work around this now.
    I was wondering if anyone had anything to add? I'm trying to shave time off all aspects of the page render, there is no major bottleneck.

    Thanks Dan.
    I've sourced all my plugin supporting files direct from the fileserver instead of the database.
    I have found some more conditional checks in between all the plugin definitions that I didn't spot before.
    It seems I need to take greater care between using
    :ITEM = 'VALUE'
    I've consider this before but never really had a chance to quantify it

  • SkillBuilders Modal 2.0 plugin with a page-item button - pass parameters

    Hi all.
    I have an employee table, which is connected with a 1:N relationship to two tables: Emp_Tech_Fields and Emp_Kids.
    I've created a form to update / insert employee data, and I want to add two modal pages: one for kids and one for tech_fields. I think this will be the most usable way for this form.
    I've created two page-item buttons on that form, which open the respective modal pages successfully, but I can't dynamically pass them the EMP_ID in order to filter the data in them.
    Iv'e uploaded an example to guest / gu12est3
    Document Types is a report with a link-column which opens a modal page with data filtering, as it should.
    Employees (click an edit link) has two buttons: Kids, which open the modal form, but does not filter, and Tech Fields, which is filtered hard-coded with EMP_ID = 1 (see in the dynamic action definition).
    As far as I understand, this should be something quite easy and day-to-day, so I don't know why I did not find a way to do this. What am I missing?
    Any help will be greatly appreciated,

    Hi Dovi,
    I had a look at your application and can see the link your using for the kids and tech fields modal isn't passing the session ID which is why it is asking you to log in again.
    Below is an example URL for your issue, it isn't tested though.
    f?p=&APP_ID.:20:&APP_SESSION.:::19:P20_EMP_ID:&P19_EMP_ID.:: You will need to change the page numbers of the pages and items to match the page numbers of yours. This is using the statically defined url inside the plugin itself, I have also only done this in an earlier version of plugin but believe the functionality is very similar.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to send a file from a java program to a servlet and get a response

    How can I call a servlet from a standalone java program and send a file to a servlet using POST method and in return gets the status back from the servlet. Any help is appreciated any small sample will help.

    I am trying the following sample I got from net and am getting the following error. Any help what I am doing wrongs:
    06/12/24 02:15:58 org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase$InvalidContentTypeException: the request doesn't contain a multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed stream, content type header is null
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.parseRequest(
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase.parseRequest(
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at mypackage9.Servlet1.doPost(
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at Source)
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    06/12/24 02:15:58      at is the sample client code:
    import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
    import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
    public class PostAFile {
        private static String url =
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(url);
            File f = new File("C:\\load.txt");
            System.out.println("File Length = " + f.length());
            postMethod.setRequestBody(new FileInputStream(f));
            int statusCode1 = client.executeMethod(postMethod);
            System.out.println("statusLine>>>" + postMethod.getStatusLine());
    }Here is the sample servlet code:
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import org.apache.commons.fileupload.DiskFileUpload;
    import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet
      private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html; charset=windows-1252";
      public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
      public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
          PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
          java.util.Enumeration e= request.getHeaderNames();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
              String headerName=(String)e.nextElement();
              System.out.println(headerName +" = "+request.getHeader(headerName));
           //System.out.println("Content Type ="+request.getContentType());
            DiskFileUpload fu = new DiskFileUpload();
            // If file size exceeds, a FileUploadException will be thrown
            List fileItems = fu.parseRequest(request);
            Iterator itr = fileItems.iterator();
            while(itr.hasNext()) {
              FileItem fi = (FileItem);
              //Check if not form field so as to only handle the file inputs
              //else condition handles the submit button input
                System.out.println("\nNAME: "+fi.getName());
                System.out.println("SIZE: "+fi.getSize());
                File fNew= new File("C:\\", fi.getName());
                System.out.println("Field ="+fi.getFieldName());
            out.println("SUCCESS123456: ");
        catch(Exception e)
    }Any help on what is wrong.

  • How can I look up a user's details by a custom CRM field?

    Hi all,
    I'm researching the possibility of using BC to record brick-and-mortar sales to site members who have a membership card. The way I imagine this would work in the site is that each user on BC would have a barcode field containing their membership card's barcode number. After each sale, the checkout person would scan the customer's membership card, and BC (using a web form) would record a case for the sale. Initially, there would be no data recorded on the monetary value of the sale, just the fact that the customer bought something.
    I've had no trouble setting up the CRM field for the user's barcode, but I'm having some difficulty with the web form to record the sale. BC requires that it record the full name and email address of the customer as well as any other fields I might add (ie. the barcode), and it would be too cumbersome to enter these each time a customer with a membership card bought something.
    I think a possible solution would be to look up the customer's name and email address from their barcode number using Javascript and then populate those fields in the form. I'm quite capable of writing the JS to accomplish this, but I haven't found a way of getting that information out of BC. Do you know if there is a way to do that? Or is there another way of solving this problem that I haven't thought of? Thanks in advance for any pointers you can offer!

    h.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY," ********what should i use here???????*************************")
    Each app server provides their own jndi factory class. For ex for weblogic it is weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory. SInce you are using sun app server, check if there are any examples to find out or the docs.
    private static String url="http://localhost:4848
    Since the client is in a different machine the localhost is not going to work here. provide the url or the machine name of the system in which ur sunapp server is running. In addition u will need to have the stubs of the remote interfaces in ur client machine.

  • Example of client/servelt calling an Entity Bean(EJB 2.0)

    Hi !!
    Can somebody give any code of servlet or client calling an entity bean...please give any sample code... I am getting error while calling an entity bean in Servlet....
    It says that the Jndi name not found
    SERVLET CODE----------
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
    import sfms.mtk.*;
    import sfms.sec.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class TestServletExample extends HttpServlet
         SecDbSecUserHome home;
         public void init(ServletConfig config)throws ServletException{
         //Look up home interface
                   Properties props = new Properties();
                   System.out.println("Looking for Jndi ----->>");
                   InitialContext ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
                   home = (SecDbSecUserHome)javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ctx.lookup("SecUserJndi"), SecDbSecUserHome.class);
                   System.out.println("Lookup is over ----->>");
              catch (Exception NamingException)
         public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)throws ServletException, IOException
              MTKDataObject objDataObject = null;
              PrintWriter out;
              String title = "EJB Example";
              out = response.getWriter();
                   System.out.println("*************STARTING NOW*************");
                   Collection coll = home.findAllUsers();
                   Iterator i =coll.iterator();
                        SecDbSecUserRemote remote = (SecDbSecUserRemote);
                        System.out.println("User ID "+remote.getUserId());
                        System.out.println("FirstName "+remote.getFirstName());
              catch(Exception CreateException)
         public void destroy()
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: SecUserJndi not found
    <<no stack trace available>>
    *************STARTING NOW*************
    at TestServletExample.doGet(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.access$0(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain$
    at Method)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.CertificatesValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorDispatcherValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(
    at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invokeNext(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor.process(

    There should be some error in looking up the Jndi..
    In weblogic server I have been using the following code:
              Context ctx = getContext.getInitialContext();
              HelloHome home = (HelloHome)ctx.lookup("MyHello");
              Hello hello = home.create();
         catch(Exception e)
              System.out.println("Error :");
         static String user = null;
         static String password = null;
         static String url = "t3://localhost:7001";
         * Gets an initial context.
         * @return Context
         * @exception java.lang.Exception if there is
         * an error in getting a Context
         static public Context getInitialContext() throws Exception
              Properties p = new Properties();
              p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
              if (user != null)
         System.out.println ("user: " + user);
         p.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user);
                   if (password == null)
                        password = "";
         p.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
    return new InitialContext(p);
    this works fine in weblogic..
    also check if ur classpath is ok..

  • Entity Bean EJB 2.0 Deployment error

    Hi !!!
    I am new in EJB .
    I have developed an Entity Bean (EJB 2.0) and using IDE MyEclipse and JBoss Server.
    while I deploying the Application I getting the following Exceptions :
    --- MBeans waiting for other MBeans ---
    ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:service=EjbModule,module=EntityExample.jar
    State: FAILED
    Reason: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No abstract accessors for field named 'id' found in entity class account.AccountEJB
    ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:service=EjbModule,module=EntityExample.jar
    State: FAILED
    Reason: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No abstract accessors for field named 'id' found in entity class account.AccountEJB
    can any one give suggetion on it what i am doing incorrect.
    thanks in Advance

    There should be some error in looking up the Jndi..
    In weblogic server I have been using the following code:
              Context ctx = getContext.getInitialContext();
              HelloHome home = (HelloHome)ctx.lookup("MyHello");
              Hello hello = home.create();
         catch(Exception e)
              System.out.println("Error :");
         static String user = null;
         static String password = null;
         static String url = "t3://localhost:7001";
         * Gets an initial context.
         * @return Context
         * @exception java.lang.Exception if there is
         * an error in getting a Context
         static public Context getInitialContext() throws Exception
              Properties p = new Properties();
              p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
              if (user != null)
         System.out.println ("user: " + user);
         p.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user);
                   if (password == null)
                        password = "";
         p.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
    return new InitialContext(p);
    this works fine in weblogic..
    also check if ur classpath is ok..

  • Calling Web service from Java Concurrent Program

    I created a Java concurrent program and created executable. Here is my code.
        public void runProgram(CpContext ctx) {
            String value = "Java Concurrent Program Testing";
            Hello hell = new Hello();
            String returnValue = hell.testURL(value);
                ctx.getLogFile().writeln("-- Java Concurrent Program Testing --", 0);
                ctx.getOutFile().writeln("-- Java Concurrent Program Testing --");
                ctx.getReqCompletion().setCompletion(ReqCompletion.NORMAL, "");
                ctx.getLogFile().writeln("-- Hello World! --", 0);
                ctx.getOutFile().writeln("-- Hello World! --");
                ctx.getReqCompletion().setCompletion(ReqCompletion.NORMAL, "");
        }testURL() call the web service and get the response. but when I am selecting View Output option I am always geting out put as
    -- Hello World! --I tested the logic of calling web service. It giving me out put "true". Here is my Web service calling code
        public String testURL(String Value){
            HttpURLConnection httpConn = null;
            ByteArrayOutputStream bout = null;
            String setWebServiceURLResponse = "";
            String responseString="";
            String outputString = "";
                httpConn = getHttpConnection();
                bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                String xmlInput = soapBodyStart +
                "<ns1:getTestURL>\n" +
                "            <ns1:URL>"+Value+"</ns1:URL>\n" +
                "        </ns1:getTestURL>"+
                byte[] buffer = new byte[xmlInput.length()];
                buffer = xmlInput.getBytes();
                byte[] b = bout.toByteArray();
                httpConn = setHttpConnectionRequest(b,httpConn);
                //Read the response.
                InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(httpConn.getInputStream());
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr);
                //Write the SOAP message response to a String.
                while ((responseString = in.readLine()) != null) {
                    outputString = outputString + responseString;
                //Parse the String output to a org.w3c.dom.Document and be able to reach every node with the org.w3c.dom API.
                Document document = parseXmlFile(outputString);
                String formattedSOAPResponse = formatXML(outputString);
                System.out.println("Formatted response = \n" +formattedSOAPResponse);
                //NodeList nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("setWebServiceURLResponse");
                //NodeList nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("getTestURLResponse");
                 NodeList nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("ns0:getTestURLResponse");
                int len = nodes.getLength();
                System.out.println("Inside testURL Node Lenght  = "+ len);
                for(int s=0; s<nodes.getLength() ; s++){
                    Node authenticateResultNode = nodes.item(s);
                    if(authenticateResultNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
                        Element authenticateResultElement = (Element)authenticateResultNode;
                        //NodeList authenticateResultValueNode = authenticateResultElement.getElementsByTagName("ns0:return");
                        //NodeList authenticateResultValueNode = authenticateResultElement.getElementsByTagName("return");
                         NodeList authenticateResultValueNode = authenticateResultElement.getElementsByTagName("ns0:return");
                        Element authenticateResultValue = (Element)authenticateResultValueNode.item(0);
                        NodeList textFNList = authenticateResultValue.getChildNodes();
                        //System.out.println("Authenticate Result : " + ((Node)textFNList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());
                         setWebServiceURLResponse = ((Node)textFNList.item(0)).getNodeValue();
                         //System.out.println("Authenticate Response in getAuthenticate method : " + authenticateresponse);
                    }//end of if clause
                }//end of for loop with s var
                System.out.println("Inside setWebServcieURLToFile response = " + setWebServiceURLResponse);
            catch(Exception e){
            return setWebServiceURLResponse;
        }Where I am going wrong ?
    Ajay Sharma

    sample code:
    static string url = "http://my.webservice.url"; ---------------> The actual web service URL
    Call = new Call(url); --------------------------------------------------> The call object used by JAX-RPC
    Object[] params = new Object[]{param1, param2};---------> build the call parameters
    Boolean/Integer/Whatever result = call.invoke("method name", params);------>call the invoke method to get the result

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  • Error 0x80072f0d & Certificates

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