Stereo clips goes into the timeline as mono

When I'm on Premier Pro when I transfer stereo sound from source towards the time-line, I have the sound of the band to mono camera.
That should I do for it to be stereo ?
thank you

Right click on the clip in the Project Window and Modify/Audio Channel.
Set format to stereo.

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    Its al in the targeting and source patching:
    Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Source patching and track targeting 

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    What version are you using with 10.8.5? Why did you import video into iPhoto? What are the complete specs of the video files? Are they in formats that are compatible with FCP?

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    Try this:
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    skalicki` wrote:
    Technically, to make the function keys work you don't need to change the second box to dash. I don't know why I gave that advice, but it isn't necessary. I guess I said that simply because that's what I have it set to.
    The reason there are two boxes is so that you can set Exposé to using both the function keys and the mouse. For example, if I have +All Windows+ set to F9 and Secondary Mouse Button, then it will show all open windows if I click F9 or right-click. That is why you actually don't need to have the second boxes for any of these set to dashes. You could set them to your mouse buttons, or if you wanted you could set the first box of any of these to any function key, as long as it isn't set to the same one as the key you want to use for your shortcuts within FCE.
    I hope this made sense, I realize that I might not have explained it very clearly.
    Message was edited by: skalicki`
    Thanks skalicki, I think I got it. You've been of great help !!

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    Did you actually create a sequence? If not, go to File > New > Sequence, or drag one of your clips to the New Item icon at the bottom of the Project Panel. You can also click that to get the New Sequence option.

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    Is this for FCP-X?
    Wrong forum, you need to post here:

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    Sorry if I am saying something obvious, but do you have a project timeline open?
    I suggest you look at a good video tutorial to help you get started with FCP X.
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    Thanks a lot!
    Further Information: Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Source patching and track targeting

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    My error.
    Tom had answered this in a previous post and I had inadvertantly been using the wrong keys. Should of course, be Shift - V
    Problem solved!

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    Message was edited by: Qbert

    I was having the same problem whether I dragged or pasted,
    I thought it was the same root problem, sorry.
    Will try what you recommend.
    The downward arrow works fine for dragging, but what causes the other arrow?
    Message was edited by: Qbert
    Message was edited by: Qbert

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