Stop user to change predefined exchange rate

Dear all,
I want to restrict all the to change exchange rate while I am dealing with foreign customer/vendor.
When I choose a foreign customer in sale order, it shows Doc Rate in editable format, so user
can make change. But I want restriction, what can i do for this?
Thanks & Regards

Hello Annu,
Try this...on Sales order
IF (@object_type = '17' AND (@transaction_type = 'A' Or @transaction_type = 'U'))
Declare @DateRateMaster as Nvarchar(20)
Declare @RateOnDocument as Nvarchar(20)
Set @DateRateMaster = (Select Rate from ORTT where RateDate =(Select DocDate from ORDR where DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del And Currency =(Select DocCur from ORDR where DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del) ))
Set @RateOnDocument = (Select DocRate from ORDR where DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
if @DateRateMaster <> @RateOnDocument
set @error =1
set @error_message = 'You can not Change Rate, Rate is :- ' + @DateRateMaster
Manvendra Singh Niranjan

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    Hi gurus, I am facing a scenario where I have to amend the exchange rate before posting of GRS. Is there a BADI or User Exit that I could use?

    While creating Purchase order we mention the Exchange Rate there in Header Detail for Delivery/Invoice Tab. To do excahange rate before GR means Change the exchange rate in PO.B ecause in mIGO the excahnge rate will be taken from PO.  u can change the exchange rate in Me21n or in OB08.I f the excahange rate selectedas fixed you can't change the excahange rate keep as it is and fix the indactor as fixed.  Hope it works. Thanking you.

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    Exchange rate are maintained in the T.Code "OB08".
    Goto the T.Code "OB08".
    Change the exchange rate as per your requirement.
    If you want to get different currency then goto the T.Code "XD02".
    Enter your customer number,Company code and sales area.
    Goto Sales area data.Sales tab.
    Change the currency to your value as per your requirement.
    If you create a new order with that customer,then we will get this new currency.
    After creating the invoice,pass the accounting document number into "FB03" and enter the company code and fiscal year.
    Click on "Currency".
    It gives you the value in base currency.

  • User exit for calculating exchange rate in MRER,MRKO,MRNB,MIRO

    Hi All,
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    Hi Subasree,
    The user exits for respective tcodes are mentioned below,
    Exit Name           Description
    MRER0001            Automotive Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS)
    Exit Name           Description
    RMVKON00            Enhancements to report "Settle consignment liabilities"
    MM08R001            User exits for ERS
    MM08R002            User exit for tolerance checks
    Exit Name           Description
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    MRMH0003            Logistics Invoice Verification: Revaluation/RAP
    MRMN0001            Message output and creation: Logistics Invoice Verification
    Exit Name           Description
    LMR1M001            User exits in Logistics Invoice Verification
    LMR1M002            Account grouping for GR/IR account maintenance
    LMR1M003            Number assignment in Logistics Invoice Verification
    LMR1M004            Logistics Invoice Verification: item text for follow-on docs
    LMR1M005            Logistics Inv. Verification: Release Parked Doc. for Posting
    LMR1M006            Logistics Invoice Verification: Process XML Invoice
    MRMH0001            Logistics Invoice Verification: ERS procedure
    MRMH0002            Logistics Invoice Verification: EDI inbound
    MRMH0003            Logistics Invoice Verification: Revaluation/RAP
    MRMN0001            Message output and creation: Logistics Invoice Verification
    Hope you will find the required amongst this,

  • Change of Exchange rate in VA02

    Dear Experts
    We have sales order which is having around 5 line item and in that 1st line item alone has been invoiced in January and later items still not invoiced
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    Thanks and regards

    Ideally, we should not touch the exchange rate. It should always be automatically determined by the system.
    However in this case, the first line item is controlled manually.
    For the rest of the line items, please select the relevant condition type on which the exchange rate is effected. Doube click on the condition type. There you can see the exchange rate between various currencies. In this place you can change the exchange rate manually. This will be copied to invoice if the pricing is not redetermined in teh invoice. If there is redetermination of prices in invoice, you may have to do the same thing in invoice also.
    Lemme know if you have any doubts.

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                     I want to create  User Defined Field in EXCHANGE RATE AND INDEXES.But while creating the UDF from User Defined Field-Management unable to find the table for it.Write now My Client are using SAP B1 2007 Ptach-08.Is there any way out to create user defined field in EXCHANGE RATE AND INDEXES.
    Plz help me out on this issue.
    with regards,
    Pankaj K and Kamlesh N

    When you do the Manage User Fields area to define a UDF, all the possible areas where UDF's can be created in B1 is listed.  You would be able to create UDF's only on these.

  • Implications of change of Exchange Rate Type from P to M in Version in CO

    Hi SAP Experts,
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    Please let me know will there any affect on already planned data in the system with any version.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

    I don't think it's going to impact other versions but you may need to do simple test for other versions. One more thing is versions are controlling area specific and the M or P rates will be applied based on value date you setup in OKEQ configuration.
    You don't need to assign the version for  'Version for ind.act.alloc.'  indicator until unless you use WBS for project planning. By default it will be assigned to zero version.

  • How to restrict manual change to exchange rate.

    Our requirement is we want to control the manual exchange rate entry(user type or otherwise) at different form e.g. AP Invoice screen,AR Invoice,GL JV.
    What ever the rate defined pops up,should only be used for transactions and no scope should be given to user to change the rate.
    Our process is that We have a boundary system and we manually enter the rates daily and upload to Oracle Application by running a program interfaced with the boundary system.The rates fetched from the boundary system sits in daily rate form as spot rate.
    The profile option "AR: Default Exchange Rate Type" has value "spot".
    Similarly in payable option the rate given as "spot".
    Solution provided by our consultant:
    We have Below clarification from the consultant Oracle team on controlling who can enter exchange rates manually vs who can not.
    Pls see response for both sub ledger and general ledger transactions. An ability to limit manual exchange rate entry & view is, therefore, available in Oracle.
    In Oracle, the transactions are created in subledgers and manual journals are created in General Ledger.The defaulting of exchange rate type is done separately for different subledgers. For General Ledger (creating manual journals) the control is separate.
    1)For transactions originating in subledgers , for eg.Accounts Receivable, the name of the profile option is "AR: Default Exchange Rate Type" and looking at your requirement, this should be set at "Corporate" and not "User" or "Spot". Setting it at Corporate, will make the application look at the predefined corporate rates. Similarly for transactions (invoices/payments) in Accounts Payable, the defaulting can be configured through payable options.
    2)For manual journals , the defaulting of exchange rate type is controlled separately. This can also be secured by definition access set which will prevent unauthorized changes to rate type.
    1.Can we take their suggest given our process that changing the rate to corporate will restrict manual intervention of the user.
    2.whether definition access set feature available in and if so how can we configure.
    3.What is the best way to restrict user from manual intervention.

    For the mentioned forms, you can use Forms Personalization to force users to use a certain type(s) of exchange rate.

  • How to change the exchange rate filled in a posted Invoice?

    Hi All,
    an user has posted an invoice in foreign currency. He has forgotten filling in a particular exchange rate.
    I wonder if is possible to change the document filling, in the exchange rate required, so to have the right amount in local currency.

    You can not change exchang rate in the already posted document.
    You need to reverse that document and have to create a new one using correct exchange rate.

  • Wanted to change the Exchange rate while saving the PO

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    Even i checked with more BADI's. but i am not able to update the new value.
    Can you tell me any specific user exits available for this.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Best Regards,


  • User Specified date for Exchange Rate in Goods Receipt

    Hi All,
              Exchange rate in Goods receipt will be picked up on the Posting date. Our requirement is that the exchange rate should be picked up on user specified date but not the posting date.
    Is there any possibility to achieve this functionality either by 
    1) Customization change
    2) User Exits or BAdI's
    3) FM to control the exchange rate date while posting the GR?
    Any pointers regarding this will be appreciated.

    Did you find any solution to your problem? We have similar situation. Here is OSS note 619330 not sure if it will work withut material ledder. Let me know if you have found any alternate

  • Is it possible to change the exchange rate after completion of miro documen

    Dear sap guru's,
        Please suggest me user can raise an po with account assignment cateagory (asset) ie AUC Asset. at the time they are giving exchange rate is 39.41. after doing migo he setteled the AUC asset to Main asset.
    Month ending he is doing MIRO At this time System is caputuring the exchange rate as 39.58. so the differnce amount is comes under AUC Asset.Already the AUC Asset is setteled but exchange rate difference amount is showing in asset. how do i resolved this one Kindly suggest me this is an urgent issue.

    Hi Kumar,
    There are two solutions,
    1. At the time of MIRO, you can give the exchange rate in the details tab screen which can be an exchanged rate which was used at the time of capitalisation.  Hence, there will not be any differences between capitalised value and MIRO value.
    2. You can post the difference in the AuC asset and again you can distribute it to an expenditure or an assets based on business process / decision.
    Hope it clears your doubt.

  • User-Exit to modify exchange rate type for Accouting document

    My requirement is as follows.
    I am creating an incoming invoices which in turn creates an accounting document.
    The document currency for the accouting document is different from the Company code currency. In such a case, the "Exchange rate type" provided in the customization of the "Accouting doc type" is picked up and the exchange rate is determined for the conversion.
    I need some user-exit/badi/bte where I can override default  "Exchange rate type" for my accouting document.

    Provide the exchange rate in the BAPI to create the incoming invoice document.

  • Loan ( change in exchange rate of disbursement)

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    I have entered a Forex loan  & have made many interest payments along with the clearing. In the meanwhile i got to know that my exchange rate entered for disbursement is wrong . I want to rectify...I s there any solution apart from  reversing the all interest & disbursements & then redoing again.....a quick reply will be appreciated
    Saurabh gupta

    As per standard the change is disbursement flow must be possible once all the previous flows are reversed from FI posting.
    As a straight line solution, you can reverse all the interest/installment postings and correct the disbursement rate. I do not see any other method to rectify the amount in Local currency at Loan contract level.
    Prasad AV

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    Sanil Bhandari

    hi Sanil,
    always make a new entry, never change existing ones! If you change existing ones and later you look back, you'll see that exchange rate to a given date and exchange rate in the postings differ and you won't have any idea why is that.
    hope this helps

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