Stopped (err = -19) when trying to download a movie?

I have seen similar threads relating to -50 error codes and was wondering if this is the same thing?  Sadly iTunes Customer Support have given me no guidance on how to resolve this so hoping the Community can help!
When I open iTunes the movie tries to download the iTunes Extra content for the movie but then I immediately get connectivity error messages.  I am unable to view any of the iTunes Extras even though the download is showing that it has downloaded 336.9 of 336.9MB?
I am confused to say the least and hoping someone out there can assist.
Many thanks!

Hi Maxmutt
I have the same issue as you although I'm not sure that the code is the same.  I recently purchasesd Avengers Assemble with iTunes Extras, the movie file downloaded fine (no connection issues etc.) as did the itunes extra file but then it wouldn't process the file.  It is now stuck in my downloads viewer saying it has downloaded 336.9MB of 336.9MB but there is an error.  This is the second iTunes extra file I have stuck.  Looking around the forums I see a few people complaining of a similar issue but no solutions.  I reported the issue and they reset my download but the issue happened again.  They have now advised me to contact Apple Care.
Just wondering if you've managed to resolve your issue or if anyone else has had this problem and found a solution.  In all honesty I'm not that bothered about the additional content.  I don't seem to be able to clear the download from my viewer and stop iTunes from trying to download the file.
Any thoughts, suggestions or help from the community would be most appreciated.
Many Thanks,

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    I thought it might be the AV, but it downloaded about 30 tracks without problem, its only the video that was problematic.
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