Stored procedure with IN and OUT parameter

HI all,
here is code example
         in_dt date  := '1-feb-2010' ;
col1 ...;
col2 ...;
col3 ...;       
  select e.*
  into col1,
  from table_xyz e
  where e.start_dt  = in_dt;
How do i convert the above code into stored procedure by accepting "in_dt" as IN parameter and getting the result set displayed (output) through OUT parameter say "cur_out" (OUT paramter)
Thank you so much !!! I really appriciate it !!

i ran my procedure which is very similar syndra posted
create or replace procedure foo(p_dt in date, cv out sys_refcursor) as
open cv for
select e.*
from table_xyz e
where start_dt = p_dt;
/Here is how is executed
  P_DT := '10-oct-2005';
  -- CV := NULL;  Modify the code to initialize this parameter ( P_DT, CV );
-- i get PL/SQL procedure successfully complted , But i dont see the result set Or output
- How do i see the output when i m using refcursor ?? i tried using print , but nothing didnt work
- Any idea ??
Thank you!!
Edited by: user642297 on Jun 24, 2010 1:35 PM

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    I know that in the SQLJ distribution (which is also downloadable) there is an example in the demo directory called RefCursDemo that shows the SQL code and how to call it - albeit from SQLJ and not JDBC. There may also be a demo in the JDBC distribution, though I am not sure about that.

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    Thanks for your help !

    Originally posted by JDBC Development Team:
    It's very similar to other datatype except that it uses OracleTypes.ARRAY typecode and the value is mapped to a oracle.sql.ARRAY instance. The code looks as follows --
    cstmt.registerOutParameter (idx, OracleTypes.ARRAY, "VARRAY_TYPE_NAME_HERE");
    cstmt.execute ();
    ARRAY array = (ARRAY) cstmt.getObject (idx);
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have to use:-
    OracleCallableStatement cs1 = (OracleCallableStatement )conn.prepareCall
    ( "{call proj_array(?)}" ) ;
    for retrieving a collection as an OUT parameter.
    This gives me the errors:-
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Blob getBlob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Array getArray(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Clob getClob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Ref getRef(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
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    The problem is not that I want to pass in a boolean. When I try to use PLSQLStoredProcedure, I do not succeed in passing in/out an object type (or STRUCT). It looks like the code has been made to access PLSQL record and table types by wrapping them in an object type, but it seems not to be possible to to use an object type directly.
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    I'm using Oracle 8.1.5 for Windows NT.
    Please help me.

    Originally posted by JDBC Development Team:
    It's very similar to other datatype except that it uses OracleTypes.ARRAY typecode and the value is mapped to a oracle.sql.ARRAY instance. The code looks as follows --
    cstmt.registerOutParameter (idx, OracleTypes.ARRAY, "VARRAY_TYPE_NAME_HERE");
    cstmt.execute ();
    ARRAY array = (ARRAY) cstmt.getObject (idx);
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have to use:-
    OracleCallableStatement cs1 = (OracleCallableStatement )conn.prepareCall
    ( "{call proj_array(?)}" ) ;
    for retrieving a collection as an OUT parameter.
    This gives me the errors:-
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Blob getBlob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Array getArray(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Clob getClob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Ref getRef(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    How do I get rid of these errors?

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    ORA-06512: at "SEMS1.PACK_SEMSADMIN_OFFEREDJOBS", line 102
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(
    at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.parseExecuteFetch(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeNonQuery(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteOther(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(OraclePreparedStat
    Doubt: Do I need to declare ArrayDescriptors to retrieve the VArray from the Plsql procedure.
    I think the below statement is enough; we need ArrayDescriptors only when we we wish to send a Plsql Object or Varray from Java code to the procedure. Plz correct me if not so.
    ARRAY SimpleOUTArray = (ARRAY) ((OracleCallableStatement) dbCallableStatement).
    I am unable to realize where the mistake is?
    APPL_NO NUMBER (10),
    S_FNAME VARCHAR2 (32 Byte),
    S_MI VARCHAR2 (32 Byte),
    S_LNAME VARCHAR2 (32 Byte),
    S_UCID VARCHAR2 (8 Byte)
    TYPE Generic_Cursor_Type IS REF CURSOR;
    --TYPE varray_job_detail is VARRAY(100) OF STRUCT_JOB_DETAILS;
    --va_varray_job_detail varray_job_detail := varray_job_detail();
    va_varray_job_detail VARRAY_JOB_DETAILS := VARRAY_JOB_DETAILS();
    PROCEDURE Admin_Jobs_Offered_Rtr
    ic_status IN VARCHAR2,
    or_offered_jobs OUT Generic_Cursor_Type,
    va_varray_job_detail OUT VARRAY_JOB_DETAILS
    PROCEDURE Admin_Jobs_Offered_Rtr
    ic_status IN VARCHAR2,
    or_offered_jobs OUT Generic_Cursor_Type,
    va_varray_job_detail OUT VARRAY_JOB_DETAILS
    vc_query VARCHAR2(15000) := '';
    vc_query_1 VARCHAR2(15000) := '';
    counter NUMBER := 1;
    vc_no NUMBER := 0;
    or_applicants_list Generic_Cursor_Type;
    TYPE type_appln_list IS RECORD
    job_no NUMBER(10),
    job_title VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
    account_no VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
    head_fname VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
    head_minitial VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
    head_lname VARCHAR2(32 BYTE),
    num NUMBER
    vn_appln_list type_appln_list;
    TYPE type_job_offered IS RECORD
    APPL_NO NUMBER (10),
    S_FNAME VARCHAR2 (32),
    S_MI VARCHAR2 (32),
    S_LNAME VARCHAR2 (32),
    vn_job_offered type_job_offered;
    vc_query := vc_query || ' SELECT jobs.job_no,job_title, account_no, head_fname, head_minitial, head_lname, num';
    vc_query := vc_query || ' FROM jobs, ( ' ;
    vc_query := vc_query || ' SELECT jobs.job_no,count(*) as num' ;
    vc_query := vc_query || ' FROM student_apps ,jobs ' ;
    vc_query := vc_query || ' WHERE jobs.job_no = student_apps.job_no' ;
    vc_query := vc_query || ' AND (student_apps.status in (''o'',''t'')) '; --|| ic_status || ')' ;
    vc_query := vc_query || ' AND jobs.status not in (''z'', ''Z'')' ;
    vc_query := vc_query || ' GROUP BY jobs.job_no' ;
    vc_query := vc_query || ' ) no_apps_off' ;
    vc_query := vc_query || ' WHERE jobs.job_no = no_apps_off.job_no' ;
    dbms_output.put_line('Executed Query_1');
    va_varray_job_detail := VARRAY_JOB_DETAILS();
    OPEN or_offered_jobs FOR vc_query;
    FETCH or_offered_jobs INTO vn_appln_list;
    EXIT WHEN or_offered_jobs%NOTFOUND;
    vc_query_1 := '';
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' SELECT stud_apps.appl_no APPL_NO, stud_apps.s_fname S_FNAME, ';
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' stud_apps.s_mi S_MI, stud_apps.s_lname S_LNAME, ';
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' stud_apps.appl_date APPL_DATE, look_up.description DESCRIPTION, ' ;
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' stud_apps.s_ucid S_UCID ' ;
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' FROM student_apps stud_apps,jobs jbs,lookup look_up' ;
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' WHERE stud_apps.status in (''o'',''t'') '; --(' || ic_status || ') ' ;
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' AND jbs.job_no = stud_apps.job_no' ;
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' AND jbs.status not in (''z '', ''Z'')' ;
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' AND stud_apps.status = look_up.code ' ;
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' AND look_up.type = ''st''' ;
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' AND stud_apps.job_no = ''' || vn_appln_list.job_no || ''' ' ;
    vc_query_1 := vc_query_1 || ' ORDER BY appl_date' ;
    dbms_output.put_line('Executed Query_2');
    OPEN or_applicants_list FOR vc_query_1;
    FETCH or_applicants_list INTO vn_job_offered;
    EXIT WHEN or_applicants_list%NOTFOUND;
    va_varray_job_detail(counter).APPL_NO := vn_job_offered.APPL_NO;
    va_varray_job_detail(counter).S_FNAME := vn_job_offered.S_FNAME;
    va_varray_job_detail(counter).S_MI := vn_job_offered.S_MI;
    va_varray_job_detail(counter).S_LNAME := vn_job_offered.S_LNAME;
    va_varray_job_detail(counter).APPL_DATE := vn_job_offered.APPL_DATE;
    va_varray_job_detail(counter).DESCRIPTION := vn_job_offered.DESCRIPTION;
    va_varray_job_detail(counter).S_UCID := vn_job_offered.S_UCID;
    counter := counter + 1;
    END LOOP; --end of FOR
    CLOSE or_applicants_list;
    END LOOP; -- end of FETCH
    END Admin_Jobs_Offered_Rtr;
    Reqire help plzzzz !!!

    Originally posted by JDBC Development Team:
    It's very similar to other datatype except that it uses OracleTypes.ARRAY typecode and the value is mapped to a oracle.sql.ARRAY instance. The code looks as follows --
    cstmt.registerOutParameter (idx, OracleTypes.ARRAY, "VARRAY_TYPE_NAME_HERE");
    cstmt.execute ();
    ARRAY array = (ARRAY) cstmt.getObject (idx);
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have to use:-
    OracleCallableStatement cs1 = (OracleCallableStatement )conn.prepareCall
    ( "{call proj_array(?)}" ) ;
    for retrieving a collection as an OUT parameter.
    This gives me the errors:-
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Blob getBlob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Array getArray(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Clob getClob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Ref getRef(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    How do I get rid of these errors?

  • Please help - Can not use stored procedure with CTE and temp table in OLEDB source

       I am going to create a simple package. It has OLEDB source , a Derived transformation and a OLEDB Target database.
    Now, for the OLEDB Source, I have a stored procedure with CTE and there are many temp tables inside it. When I give like EXEC <Procedure name> then I am getting the error like ''The metadata  could not be determined because statement with CTE.......uses
    temp table. 
    Please help me how to resolve this ?

    you write to the temp tables that get created at the time the procedure runs I guess
    Instead do it a staged approach, run Execute SQL to populate them, then pull the data using the source.
    You must set retainsameconnection to TRUE to be able to use the temp tables
    Arthur My Blog

  • How to use Stored Procedures with SQLServer2005 and WAS 6.x

    Hi All
    I've got a problem, during the call to a StoredProcedure in SQLServer i've get the next message:
        Exception : Fetch size cannot be negative
    The stored procedure is working correctly if I run my process out of WAS 6.x but if I get a connection from the pool the process don't work.
    Help please, thanks.

    Your procedure has a single OUT parameter ... and yet it appears you are trying to stuff something into it ... that is never going to work. Additionally everything else about your stored procedure would have gotten you a FAIL grade were you been in my beginning PL/SQL class.
    The syntax, a cursor loop, is obsolete and has been for more than 10 years.
    The formatting and use of case makes even the few lines written hard to read.
    And either no commit ever takes place or you are trying to do incremental commits in origseq: Both of which are bad practice.
    This code should use BULK COLLECT to collect all relevant records into an array and then pass the array to origseq ... no loops ... and end with a commit.
    Demo here:

  • Calling a stored procedure with RAW and SYS_REFCURSOR

    How do you call a stored procedure with the following input and output parameters?
    create or replace PROCEDURE test
    v_col3 IN RAW DEFAULT NULL ,
    OPEN cv_1 FOR
    lv_tmp1 aaaa ,
    lv_tmp2 bbbb,
    lv_tmp3 cccc
    Edited by: 925963 on Apr 6, 2012 10:50 AM

    Did you try just declaring the vars?
      myCur SYS_REFCURSOR;
      myRaw RAW(4);
        test (0, 0, myRaw, sysdate, myCur);

  • Performance problem with sproc and out parameter ref cursor

    I have sproc with Ref Cursor as an OUT parameter.
    It is extremely slow looping over the ResultSet (does it record by record in the fetch).
    so I have added setPrefetchRowCount(100) and setPrefetchMemorySize(6000)
    pseudo code below:
    string sqlSmt = "BEGIN get_tick_data( :v1 , :v2); END;";
    Statement* s = connection->createStatement(sqlStmt);
    s->setString(1, i1);
    // cursor ( f1 , f2, f3 , f4 , i1 ) f for float type and i for interger value.
    // 5 columns as part of cursor with 4 columns are having float value and
    // 1 column is having int value assuming 40 bytes for one rec.
    s->setPrefetchRowCount (100);
    ResultSet* rs = s->getCursor(2);
    while (rs->next()) {
    // do, and do v slowly!

    I have the same problem. It seems, when retrieving cursor, that "setPrefetchRowCount" is not taking into account by OCCI. If you have a SQL statement like "SELECT STR1, STR2, STR3 FROM TABLE1" that works fine but if your SQL statement is a call to a stored procedure returning a cursor each row fetching need a roudtrip.
    To avoid this problem you need to use the method "setDataBuffer" from the object "ResultSet" for each column of your cursor. It's easy to use with INT type and STRING type, a lit bit more complex with DATE type. But until now, I'm not able to do the same thing with REF type.
    Below a sample with STRING TYPE (It's assuming that the cursor return only one column of STRING type):
      l_Statement = m_Connection->createStatement("BEGIN :1 := PACKAGE1.GetCursor1(:2); END;");
      l_Statement->registerOutParam(1, oracle::occi::OCCINUMBER, sizeof(l_CodeErreur));
      l_Statement->registerOutParam(2, oracle::occi::OCCICURSOR);
      l_CodeErreur = l_Statement->getNumber(1);
      if ((int) l_CodeErreur     == 0)
        char                         l_ArrayName[5][256];
        ub2                          l_ArrayNameSize[5];
        l_ResultSet  = l_Statement->getCursor(2);
        l_ResultSet->setDataBuffer(1, l_ArrayName,   OCCI_SQLT_STR, sizeof(l_ArrayName[0]),   l_ArrayNameSize,   NULL, NULL);
        while (l_ResultSet->next(5))
          for (int i = 0; i < l_ResultSet->getNumArrayRows(); i++)
            l_Name = CString(l_ArrayName);
    catch (SQLException &p_SQLException)
    I hope that sample help you.

  • Calling a Stored Procedure with a IN OUT VAR

    I'm trying to call an oracle stored procedure and get a return code if it completely ran successfully. This is my first time doing this and would really appreciate some
    I get the following error: One or more errors occurred during processing of command.
    Dim OleDBCon As New OleDbConnection
    Dim conStr As String = "Provider=MSDAORA;Data...................."
    OleDBCon.ConnectionString = conStr
    Dim OleDBCMD = New OleDbCommand _
    ("{call p_np_overdue_completed(?,?,{VARCHAR2(255), P_RETURN_CODE})}", OleDBCon)
    OleDBCMD.CommandType = CommandType.Text
    OleDBCMD.Parameters.Add("P_YEAR_NO", OleDbType.Numeric).Value = year
    OleDBCMD.Parameters.Add("P_WEEK_NO", OleDbType.Numeric).Value = i
    Dim myadapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(OleDBCMD)

    Originally posted by JDBC Development Team:
    It's very similar to other datatype except that it uses OracleTypes.ARRAY typecode and the value is mapped to a oracle.sql.ARRAY instance. The code looks as follows --
    cstmt.registerOutParameter (idx, OracleTypes.ARRAY, "VARRAY_TYPE_NAME_HERE");
    cstmt.execute ();
    ARRAY array = (ARRAY) cstmt.getObject (idx);
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have to use:-
    OracleCallableStatement cs1 = (OracleCallableStatement )conn.prepareCall
    ( "{call proj_array(?)}" ) ;
    for retrieving a collection as an OUT parameter.
    This gives me the errors:-
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Blob getBlob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Array getArray(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Clob getClob(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    C:\jdbc\ The method oracle.jdbc2.Ref getRef(int) declared in class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement cannot override the method of the same signature declared in interface java.sql.CallableStatement. They must have the same return type.
    import java.sql.*;
    How do I get rid of these errors?

  • Calling Stored Procedure with a DATE input parameter

    Hi. A question about Date input parameters when calling a stored procedure...
    I have a procedure that takes a DATE parameter as input. I would like that DATE value to include a Time element.
    My Application Module method takes an input parameter as java.util.Date (myParamDate) - which will preserve a time element(?).
    However when I create the CallableStatement, I'm trying to set the parameter using setDate like this (for param 5):
                st = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement("begin cs_my_pck.request_values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); end;", 0);           
                Connection myConn = st.getConnection();
                ArrayDescriptor myArrDesc  =  ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("CS_FIELD_TABT", myConn);
                Array sqlParamNameArray = new oracle.sql.ARRAY(myArrDesc, myConn, paramNames.toArray());
                Array sqlParamValueArray = new oracle.sql.ARRAY(myArrDesc, myConn, paramValues.toArray());
                Array sqlFilterNameArray = new oracle.sql.ARRAY(myArrDesc,myConn,filterNames.toArray());
                st.setString(1, repType);
                st.setObject(2, sqlParamNameArray);
                java.sql.Date myRepDate = new java.sql.Date(myParamDate.getTime());
                System.out.println("Report Date = " + myRepDate.toString());
                // set out param
                st.registerOutParameter(8, Types.NUMERIC);
                st.execute();I understand java.sql.Date does NOT include a Time element. But setDate() accepts only a java.sql.Date so my procedure parameter ends up with a zero time element.
    How do I call this procedure retaining the Time element?

    It includes time element, if you want more precision go with timestamp.

  • Java call stored procedure with nested table type parameter?

    Hi experts!
    I need to call stored procedure that contains nested table type parameter, but I don't know how to handle it.
    The following is my pl/sql code:
    create or replace package test_package as
    type row_abc is record(
    col1 varchar2(16),
    col2 varchar2(16),
    col3 varchar2(16 )
    type matrix_abc is table of row_abc index by binary_integer;
    PROCEDURE test_matrix(p_arg1 IN VARCHAR2,
    p_arg2 IN VARCHAR2,
    p_arg3 IN VARCHAR2,
    p_out OUT matrix_abc
    END test_package;
    create or replace package body test_package as
    PROCEDURE test_matrix(p_arg1 IN VARCHAR2,
    p_arg2 IN VARCHAR2,
    p_arg3 IN VARCHAR2,
    p_out OUT matrix_abc
    v_sn NUMBER(8):=0 ;
    EXIT WHEN v_sn>5 ;
    v_sn := v_sn + 1;
    p_out(v_sn).col1 := 'col1_'||to_char(v_sn)|| p_arg1 ;
    p_out(v_sn).col2 := 'col2_'||to_char(v_sn)||p_arg2 ;
    p_out(v_sn).col3 := 'col3_'||to_char(v_sn)||p_arg3 ;
    END LOOP ;
    END ;
    END test_package ;
    My java code is following, it doesn't work:
    Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection
    ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "scott", "tiger");
    CallableStatement ps = null;
    String sql = " begin test_package.test_matrix( ?, ? , ? , ? ); end ; ";
    ps = con.prepareCall(sql);
    ResultSet rset = (ResultSet) ps.getObject(1);
    error message :
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'TEST_MATRIX'
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    If I'm not mistaken, record types are not allowed. However, you can use object types instead. However, they must be database types. In other words, something like:
    create or replace type ROW_ABC as object (
    col1 varchar2(16),
    col2 varchar2(16),
    col3 varchar2(16 )
    create or replace type MATRIX_ABC as table of ROW_ABC
    /Then you can use the "ARRAY" and "STRUCT" (SQL) types in your java code. If I remember correctly, I recently answered a similar question either in this forum, or at JavaRanch -- but I'm too lazy to look for it now. Do a search for the terms "ARRAY" and "STRUCT".
    For your information, there are also code samples of how to do this on the OTN Web site.
    Good Luck,

  • Procedure with table type out parameter

    I need to create a procedure which gives back a content of a table as an out parameter.
    i have tried something like below code
    it might not be correct since i am writing from home and cannot access any oracle db right now
    create or replace procedure test (
    table_out test_table%rowtype
    ) as
    type table_out test_table%rowtype
    select * into table_out
    from test_table
    where country = 'HUN';
    compile doesnt gives error, but when running it i get error
    table_out test_table%rowtype
    test( table_out );
    dbms_output.put_line( table_out );
    but it fails, could you help how to solve the above problem and call the proc correctly?
    thanks in advance

    Well you said you want the content of a table but your example says you just want a record. So for a record:
        select * into emp_rec from emp where empno = 7369;
    END;The anonymous block to run it might be:
    tab_out emp%rowtype;
    end;As damorgan said the dbms_output can't be used with the record type. Notice I used it for the ENAME value of the record.
    If you really want the entire table then do it the way damorgan suggests. A pipeline function can give you the table but not as an OUT parameter.

Maybe you are looking for

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