Storing an object within an object

insertLabel is great, but I have the need to store an object (not an InDesign object, but just a custom one) for later reference with a TextFrame. I thought about serializing the object, but javascript doesn't have a native serialize function, so before I embark down that route, is there an alternative method I could use to do this?

Here is a snippet from my Package for Archive script.
At start, the script I extracts the previously stored settings with eval() method, if the script is run for the 1st time -- creates default settings.
function GetSettings() {
    var mySettings = eval(app.extractLabel("Kas_PackageForArchive_Settings_ver3.0"));
    if (mySettings == undefined) {
        mySettings = { copyFontsCheckBox:false, copyGraphicsCheckBox:true, updateGraphicsCheckBox:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, ignorePreflightErrorsCheckBox:true, createReportCheckBox:false, createLogCheckBox:true };
    return mySettings;
Then a dialog box appears where a user selects settings and after he/she clicks OK, the settings are converted to string with toSource() and stored as string with insertLabel() method.
    if (myShowDialog== 1) {
        var myResult = {};
        myResult.copyFontsCheckBox = myCopyFontsCheckBox.value;
        myResult.copyGraphicsCheckBox = myCopyGraphicsCheckBox.value;
        myResult.updateGraphicsCheckBox = myUpdateGraphicsCheckBox.value;
        if (myInDesignVersion == 6) myResult.includeHiddenLayers = myIncludeHiddenLayersCheckBox.value;
        myResult.ignorePreflightErrorsCheckBox = myIgnorePreflightErrorsCheckBox.value;
        myResult.createReportCheckBox = myCreateReportCheckBox.value;
        myResult.createLogCheckBox = myCreateLogCheckBox.value;
        myResult.folder = myFolder;
        app.insertLabel("Kas_PackageForArchive_Settings_ver3.0", myResult.toSource());
    return myResult;
In other words, the setting are stored in a custom object which can be serialized with toSource() and then restored with eval().

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    have a look into the source of the notepad demo coming with the SDK in path [SDK]/demo/jfc/Notepad/src/
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    Your procedure could perhaps return a pl/sql table type.
    The DB adapter wizard will create the schema's for it.
    You can then after you have these schema's create a workflow task and use the output schema element that represents the table as a parameter for your workflow task.
    The jsp will then automatically be generated for this structure.
    HTH, Marc

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    You can store the payload as a CLOB inside a Workflow Event attribute type (WF_EVENT_T).
    If the XML is guaranteed to be short, you could store it in a text attribute of up to 4000 characters, but I'd be inclined to store it in the event.
    Matt - the ONLY independent resource for Oracle Workflow development
    Alpha review chapters from my book "Developing With Oracle Workflow" are available via my website
    Have you read the blog at ?
    WorkflowFAQ support forum:

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    Are you using a collection of VO or DTO as the dataprovider of the combobox component?
    If so, have you created some attribute there to control the user's selection in the combobox?
    For instance:
    private var selected:Boolean = false;
    If your solution fits this approach, you may create a new collection that contains just the objects that were selected by the user, it means you can loop through the datagrid's dataprovider and only insert in this new collection those objects that have the attribute "selected" set to true.
    For instance:
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    Afterwards, you may serialize this new collection with your back-end.
    Hope it helps you!

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    You can find all the function modules for the Business Document Service start with "BDS_*".
    I usually use function module BDS_BUSINESSDOCUMENT_CREA_TAB to create a document and BDS_DOCUMENT_ASSIGN to link a business document to a business object.
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    As A Non says, why is it unacceptable?
    It's only unacceptable to you, but it's not unacceptable XML. The standard of XML does not require a display format as the purpose of XML is to define a structure of data, not to present itself nicely to you on the screen.
    If you want to prettify your XML, that's up to you, but optimised XML data does not have formatting, which takes up additional and unnecessary storage space.

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    tom14201 wrote:
    I need to remove them once they have been used Remove it from the list, and then use it, then (presumably) close the writer and throw the whole object away.
    and have a way of telling whether there is any to use if that makes sense.Do you mean whether there are any objects in the List? Use yourList.size()

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    No balu sir I didn't ask, in which scope I have to keep my object.
    I am having a class, which is useful for used session wide, shared among all requests of the same user (session) throughout all subrequests/windows/tabs. so Thats why I am creating this object once per the session and keeping that object in the Httpsession, in the constructor I am passing that Object ref into the baking bean's instance variable and using through out the page.
    You can ask me why and how I am doing that!
    Actually will take an example, I have a class App class this has some methods and some instance variables, those methods are communication methods between client and server modules. So this App class provides basic behavior, passing and getting application data from server. So In the previous architecture I am extending this class for every page's backing bean class, So when I run the profile in the NetBeans the more App class objects are getting created because for every user for every page request it is creating object. thats why I thought there should only one object should serve across the user session. In my application there we can't predict, which page will be the user's first page, because we can't put a common welcome page. Thats why I am creating an object and keeping that in the Http server side session.
    I am implimented in this way,
    In every pages constructor first line, I am calling a method, that method first checks whether the HttpSession has any Object value against AppObj key if it is there it will pass to the Page's backing bean's instance variable otherwise it will create a new object and it will keep that object in the HttpSession on the key name of AppObj and then it will pass the ref to the Page's backing bean's instance .
    Actually I don't have Home Page otherwise I can create this object there in the welcome page and I can use across the usersession.
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    persistent classes) to oracle object column. What superclass is the best for
    the job?
    Simplest approach I see is to define "none" mapped class for my embedded
    object and use transformation mapping to do the job
    What if I need to reference other persistent objects in my embedded one - do
    you think it will make any difference?
    Thank you for your assistance

    overriding loadProjection() took care of this issue
    "Alex Roytman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:cjslsb$uo6$[email protected]..
    Looks like transform mapping would not work - Kodo does not support object
    mappings (use stream instead) or I am missing something?
    "Alex Roytman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:cjshqv$ref$[email protected]..
    How hard in your opinion it would be to write custome mapping to store an
    embedded object which only have simple fields in it (no references to
    other persistent classes) to oracle object column. What superclass is the
    best for the job?
    Simplest approach I see is to define "none" mapped class for my embedded
    object and use transformation mapping to do the job
    What if I need to reference other persistent objects in my embedded one -
    do you think it will make any difference?
    Thank you for your assistance

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    Im working with the JPCap library and the Packet class has many attributes and values, it will be easier if I could save the complete object in a just one field.
    Thanks in advantage.

    DB script:
    "Create Table APP.PACKETS (ID INTEGER not null primary key, PACKET LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA)"
    import jpcap.packet.TCPPacket;
    private static int increment;
    public static void addPacket() {
    TCPPacket packet = new TCPPacket(12, 8080, 56, 78, false, false, false, false, true, true, true, true, 10, 10);
    try {
    ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream objOutStream = new ObjectOutputStream(byteOutStream);
    PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("Insert Into APP.PACKETS Values(?, ?)");
    pstmt.setInt(1, ++increment) ;
    pstmt.setBytes(2, byteOutStream.toByteArray());
    conn.commit() ;
    } catch(IOException e) {
    } catch(SQLException e) {
    public static void showPackets() {
    String query = "Select * From APP.PACKETS ";
    Statement st = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    int id = -1;
    byte[] data = null;
    try {
    st = conn.createStatement();
    rs = st.executeQuery(query);
    while ( {
    id = rs.getInt("id") ;
              data = rs.getBytes("packet") ;
    ByteArrayInputStream byteInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
    ObjectInputStream objInStream = new ObjectInputStream(byteInStream);
    Object obj = objInStream.readObject();
    if (obj instanceof TCPPacket) {
    TCPPacket p = (TCPPacket)obj;
    System.out.println(p.dst_port); // Print anything
    } else {
    System.out.println("No Found!");
    } catch(IOException e) {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    } catch(SQLException e) {
    Thats one of several ways to insert Java Objects...

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    sreenu1234 wrote:
    I have laks of records in oracle database .how can retrieve all those records in our serverside with out getting java heap area exception.By not doing it in the first place of course.
    Your architecture and/or design is flawed if you think that you need to retrieve so many records at one time that you run out of memory (presuming you know that you can increase the heap.)

Maybe you are looking for