Strange input errors, please help

ok, Ive been following a tutorial located here. I just got to section 2.4 and the tutorial says that it would be easier to allow input with his program. So I downloaded his program, compiled it, cheked to make sure that the compiled TextIO.class was in the right place. (BTW, Im running NetBeans IDE 4.0 beta 2). This is my program...:
public class helloworld2 {
    // a prog to display hello world
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double hellonumber;
        double hellonumber2;
        int userImput; //imput tut. the number imputed
        int square; //imput tut. userimput squared
        hellonumber = 7777;
        hellonumber2 = 6666;
        System.out.println("Hello World"); // how to print words
        System.out.print(hellonumber); // variable use....duh
        System.out.println(" Is the number of the day");
        System.out.print(hellonumber2); // and again
        System.out.println(" Is the other number of the day");
        System.out.print("The square root of the number of the day is ");
        System.out.println(Math.sqrt(7777)); // square root
        System.out.print("Wow! The amount of letters in this sentance is ");
        System.out.println("Wow! The amount of letters in this sentance is".length()); //this is used to count letters, punctuation, and spaces in the aforementioned sentance
        System.out.println("cat".toUpperCase()); //makes aforementioned sentance in all caps
        System.out.println("CAT".toLowerCase()); // same as above but opposite
        //begin imput tut.
        System.out.print("Please type a number: ");
        userImput = TextIO.getInt();
        square = userImput * userImput;
        System.out.print("The square of that number is ");
}       //doneThis is the program I got off of the tutorial site, it is supposed to make input easier, but instead gets errors
The file defines a class TextIO, which provides a simple interface
to Java's standard console input and output. This class defines
several static methods for reading and writing
values of various type.
This class will only work with standard, interactive applications.
When it is used in such an application, System.out and
should not be used directly, since the TextIO class thinks it has
exclusive control of System.out and (Actually, using
System.out will probably not cause any problems, but don't use
To use this class in your program, simply include the compiled class
file TextIO.class in the same directory with the class file for your
main program. (If you are using a development environment such as
CodeWarrior or Visual J++, you can include the source file, in your project.) You can then use all the public static methods
from the TextIO class in your program. (In your programs, the names
of the methods must be prefaced with "TextIO." For example, you should
use the name TextIO.getln() rather than simply getln().)
(This class is for use with my on-line introductory java textbook,
which is available at
Written by: David Eck
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Geneva, NY 14456
Email: [email protected]
July 16, 1998
Modified February, 2000; getChar() now skips blanks and CR's, and getAnyChar()
can be used to read the next char even if it's a blank or CR.
public class TextIO {
// *************************** I/O Methods *********************************
// Methods for writing the primitive types, plus type String,
// to the console, with no extra spaces.
// Note that the real-number data types, float
// and double, a rounded version is output that will
// use at most 10 or 11 characters. If you want to
// output a real number with full accuracy, use
// "TextIO.put(String.valueOf(x))", for example.
public static void put(int x) { put(x,0); } // Note: also handles byte and short!
public static void put(long x) { put(x,0); }
public static void put(double x) { put(x,0); } // Also handles float.
public static void put(char x) { put(x,0); }
public static void put(boolean x) { put(x,0); }
public static void put(String x) { put(x,0); }
// Methods for writing the primitive types, plus type String,
// to the console,followed by a carriage return, with
// no extra spaces.
public static void putln(int x) { put(x,0); newLine(); } // Note: also handles byte and short!
public static void putln(long x) { put(x,0); newLine(); }
public static void putln(double x) { put(x,0); newLine(); } // Also handles float.
public static void putln(char x) { put(x,0); newLine(); }
public static void putln(boolean x) { put(x,0); newLine(); }
public static void putln(String x) { put(x,0); newLine(); }
// Methods for writing the primitive types, plus type String,
// to the console, with a minimum field width of w,
// and followed by a carriage return.
// If output value is less than w characters, it is padded
// with extra spaces in front of the value.
public static void putln(int x, int w) { put(x,w); newLine(); } // Note: also handles byte and short!
public static void putln(long x, int w) { put(x,w); newLine(); }
public static void putln(double x, int w) { put(x,w); newLine(); } // Also handles float.
public static void putln(char x, int w) { put(x,w); newLine(); }
public static void putln(boolean x, int w) { put(x,w); newLine(); }
public static void putln(String x, int w) { put(x,w); newLine(); }
// Method for outputting a carriage return
public static void putln() { newLine(); }
// Methods for writing the primitive types, plus type String,
// to the console, with minimum field width w.
public static void put(int x, int w) { dumpString(String.valueOf(x), w); } // Note: also handles byte and short!
public static void put(long x, int w) { dumpString(String.valueOf(x), w); }
public static void put(double x, int w) { dumpString(realToString(x), w); } // Also handles float.
public static void put(char x, int w) { dumpString(String.valueOf(x), w); }
public static void put(boolean x, int w) { dumpString(String.valueOf(x), w); }
public static void put(String x, int w) { dumpString(x, w); }
// Methods for reading in the primitive types, plus "words" and "lines".
// The "getln..." methods discard any extra input, up to and including
// the next carriage return.
// A "word" read by getlnWord() is any sequence of non-blank characters.
// A "line" read by getlnString() or getln() is everything up to next CR;
// the carriage return is not part of the returned value, but it is
// read and discarded.
// Note that all input methods except getAnyChar(), peek(), the ones for lines
// skip past any blanks and carriage returns to find a non-blank value.
// getln() can return an empty string; getChar() and getlnChar() can
// return a space or a linefeed ('\n') character.
// peek() allows you to look at the next character in input, without
// removing it from the input stream. (Note that using this
// routine might force the user to enter a line, in order to
// check what the next character is.)
// Acceptable boolean values are the "words": true, false, t, f, yes,
// no, y, n, 0, or 1; uppercase letters are OK.
// None of these can produce an error; if an error is found in input,
// the user is forced to re-enter.
// Available input routines are:
// getByte() getlnByte() getShort() getlnShort()
// getInt() getlnInt() getLong() getlnLong()
// getFloat() getlnFloat() getDouble() getlnDouble()
// getChar() getlnChar() peek() getAnyChar()
// getWord() getlnWord() getln() getString() getlnString()
// (getlnString is the same as getln and is only provided for consistency.)
public static byte getlnByte() { byte x=getByte(); emptyBuffer(); return x; }
public static short getlnShort() { short x=getShort(); emptyBuffer(); return x; }
public static int getlnInt() { int x=getInt(); emptyBuffer(); return x; }
public static long getlnLong() { long x=getLong(); emptyBuffer(); return x; }
public static float getlnFloat() { float x=getFloat(); emptyBuffer(); return x; }
public static double getlnDouble() { double x=getDouble(); emptyBuffer(); return x; }
public static char getlnChar() { char x=getChar(); emptyBuffer(); return x; }
public static boolean getlnBoolean() { boolean x=getBoolean(); emptyBuffer(); return x; }
public static String getlnWord() { String x=getWord(); emptyBuffer(); return x; }
public static String getlnString() { return getln(); } // same as getln()
public static String getln() {
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(100);
char ch = readChar();
while (ch != '\n') {
ch = readChar();
return s.toString();
public static byte getByte() { return (byte)readInteger(-128L,127L); }
public static short getShort() { return (short)readInteger(-32768L,32767L); }
public static int getInt() { return (int)readInteger((long)Integer.MIN_VALUE, (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE); }
public static long getLong() { return readInteger(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE); }
public static char getAnyChar(){ return readChar(); }
public static char peek() { return lookChar(); }
public static char getChar() { // skip spaces & cr's, then return next char
char ch = lookChar();
while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') {
if (ch == '\n')
dumpString("? ",0);
ch = lookChar();
return readChar();
public static float getFloat() {
float x = 0.0F;
while (true) {
String str = readRealString();
if (str.equals("")) {
errorMessage("Illegal floating point input.",
"Real number in the range " + Float.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Float.MAX_VALUE);
else {
Float f = null;
try { f = Float.valueOf(str); }
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
errorMessage("Illegal floating point input.",
"Real number in the range " + Float.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Float.MAX_VALUE);
if (f.isInfinite()) {
errorMessage("Floating point input outside of legal range.",
"Real number in the range " + Float.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Float.MAX_VALUE);
x = f.floatValue();
return x;
public static double getDouble() {
double x = 0.0;
while (true) {
String str = readRealString();
if (str.equals("")) {
errorMessage("Illegal floating point input",
"Real number in the range " + Double.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Double.MAX_VALUE);
else {
Double f = null;
try { f = Double.valueOf(str); }
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
errorMessage("Illegal floating point input",
"Real number in the range " + Double.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Double.MAX_VALUE);
if (f.isInfinite()) {
errorMessage("Floating point input outside of legal range.",
"Real number in the range " + Double.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Double.MAX_VALUE);
x = f.doubleValue();
return x;
public static String getWord() {
char ch = lookChar();
while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') {
if (ch == '\n')
dumpString("? ",0);
ch = lookChar();
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(50);
while (ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') {
ch = lookChar();
return str.toString();
public static boolean getBoolean() {
boolean ans = false;
while (true) {
String s = getWord();
if ( s.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("t") ||
s.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("y") ||
s.equals("1") ) {
ans = true;
else if ( s.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("f") ||
s.equalsIgnoreCase("no") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("n") ||
s.equals("0") ) {
ans = false;
errorMessage("Illegal boolean input value.",
"one of: true, false, t, f, yes, no, y, n, 0, or 1");
return ans;
// ***************** Everything beyond this point is private *******************
// ********************** Utility routines for input/output ********************
private static InputStream in =; // rename standard input stream
private static PrintStream out = System.out; // rename standard output stream
private static String buffer = null; // one line read from input
private static int pos = 0; // position of next char in input line that has
// not yet been processed
private static String readRealString() { // read chars from input following syntax of real numbers
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer(50);
char ch=lookChar();
while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') {
if (ch == '\n')
dumpString("? ",0);
ch = lookChar();
if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') {
ch = lookChar();
while (ch == ' ') {
ch = lookChar();
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
ch = lookChar();
if (ch == '.') {
ch = lookChar();
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
ch = lookChar();
if (ch == 'E' || ch == 'e') {
ch = lookChar();
if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') {
ch = lookChar();
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
ch = lookChar();
return s.toString();
private static long readInteger(long min, long max) { // read long integer, limited to specified range
long x=0;
while (true) {
StringBuffer s=new StringBuffer(34);
char ch=lookChar();
while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') {
if (ch == '\n')
dumpString("? ",0);
ch = lookChar();
if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') {
ch = lookChar();
while (ch == ' ') {
ch = lookChar();
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
ch = lookChar();
if (s.equals("")){
errorMessage("Illegal integer input.",
"Integer in the range " + min + " to " + max);
else {
String str = s.toString();
try {
x = Long.parseLong(str);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
errorMessage("Illegal integer input.",
"Integer in the range " + min + " to " + max);
if (x < min || x > max) {
errorMessage("Integer input outside of legal range.",
"Integer in the range " + min + " to " + max);
return x;
private static String realToString(double x) {
// Goal is to get a reasonable representation of x in at most
// 10 characters, or 11 characters if x is negative.
if (Double.isNaN(x))
return "undefined";
if (Double.isInfinite(x))
if (x < 0)
return "-INF";
return "INF";
if (Math.abs(x) <= 5000000000.0 && Math.rint(x) == x)
return String.valueOf( (long)x );
String s = String.valueOf(x);
if (s.length() <= 10)
return s;
boolean neg = false;
if (x < 0) {
neg = true;
x = -x;
s = String.valueOf(x);
if (x >= 0.00005 && x <= 50000000 && (s.indexOf('E') == -1 && s.indexOf('e') == -1)) { // trim x to 10 chars max
s = round(s,10);
s = trimZeros(s);
else if (x > 1) { // construct exponential form with positive exponent
long power = (long)Math.floor(Math.log(x)/Math.log(10));
String exp = "E" + power;
int numlength = 10 - exp.length();
x = x / Math.pow(10,power);
s = String.valueOf(x);
s = round(s,numlength);
s = trimZeros(s);
s += exp;
else { // constuct exponential form
long power = (long)Math.ceil(-Math.log(x)/Math.log(10));
String exp = "E-" + power;
int numlength = 10 - exp.length();
x = x * Math.pow(10,power);
s = String.valueOf(x);
s = round(s,numlength);
s = trimZeros(s);
s += exp;
if (neg)
return "-" + s;
return s;
private static String trimZeros(String num) { // used by realToString
if (num.indexOf('.') >= 0 && num.charAt(num.length() - 1) == '0') {
int i = num.length() - 1;
while (num.charAt(i) == '0')
if (num.charAt(i) == '.')
num = num.substring(0,i);
num = num.substring(0,i+1);
return num;
private static String round(String num, int length) { // used by realToString
if (num.indexOf('.') < 0)
return num;
if (num.length() <= length)
return num;
if (num.charAt(length) >= '5' && num.charAt(length) != '.') {
char[] temp = new char[length+1];
int ct = length;
boolean rounding = true;
for (int i = length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
temp[ct] = num.charAt(i);
if (rounding && temp[ct] != '.') {
if (temp[ct] < '9') {
rounding = false;
temp[ct] = '0';
if (rounding) {
temp[ct] = '1';
// ct is -1 or 0
return new String(temp,ct+1,length-ct);
return num.substring(0,length);
private static void dumpString(String str, int w) { // output string to console
for (int i=str.length(); i<w; i++)
out.print(' ');
for (int i=0; i<str.length(); i++)
if ((int)str.charAt(i) >= 0x20 && (int)str.charAt(i) != 0x7F) // no control chars or delete
else if (str.charAt(i) == '\n' || str.charAt(i) == '\r')
private static void errorMessage(String message, String expecting) {
// inform user of error and force user to re-enter.
dumpString(" *** Error in input: " + message + "\n", 0);
dumpString(" *** Expecting: " + expecting + "\n", 0);
dumpString(" *** Discarding Input: ", 0);
if (lookChar() == '\n')
else {
while (lookChar() != '\n')
dumpString("Please re-enter: ", 0);
readChar(); // discard the end-of-line character
private static char lookChar() { // return next character from input
if (buffer == null || pos > buffer.length())
if (pos == buffer.length())
return '\n';
return buffer.charAt(pos);
private static char readChar() { // return and discard next character from input
char ch = lookChar();
return ch;
private static void newLine() { // output a CR to console
private static boolean possibleLinefeedPending = false;
private static void fillBuffer() { // Wait for user to type a line and press return,
// and put the typed line into the buffer.
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
try {
int ch =;
if (ch == '\n' && possibleLinefeedPending)
ch =;
possibleLinefeedPending = false;
while (ch != -1 && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') {
ch =;
possibleLinefeedPending = (ch == '\r');
if (ch == -1) {
System.out.println("\n*** Found an end-of-file while trying to read from standard input!");
System.out.println("*** Maybe your Java system doesn't implement standard input?");
System.out.println("*** Program will be terminated.\n");
throw new RuntimeException("End-of-file on standard input.");
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Unexpected system error on input.");
System.out.println("Terminating program.");
buffer = b.toString();
pos = 0;
private static void emptyBuffer() { // discard the rest of the current line of input
buffer = null;
} // end of class TextIOI know that it is a mouthful, but I go it off the tutorial site. When it didnt work, I persued finding another input program. I found one on this forum:
public class MyInput {
  /**Read a string from the keyboard*/
  public static String readString()
    BufferedReader br
      = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, 1);
    // Declare and initialize the string
    String string = " ";
    // Get the string from the keyboard
      string = br.readLine();
    catch (IOException ex)
    // Return the string obtained from the keyboard
    return string;
  /**Read an int value from the keyboard*/
  public static int readInt()
    return Integer.parseInt(readString());
  /**Read a double value from the keyboard*/
  public static double readDouble()
    return Double.parseDouble(readString());
}and made a new small program to test it:
public class Driver
     public static void main ( String[] args)
          System.out.println("Enter a number");
          int number = MyInput.readInt();
          System.out.println("number entered "+ number);
          System.out.println("Enter another number");
          number = MyInput.readInt();
          System.out.println("number entered "+ number);
the output:
Enter a number
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at MyInput.readInt(
at Driver.main(
Java Result: 1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
I REALLY appreciate your help. Im a n00b by definition, but would really like to get into the java community. I have minimal C++ knowledge. anyway, Thanks for looking over all of this n00bish garbage.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at MyInput.readInt( tells you that there was a NumberFormatException and that the value which was not a number was "null". You can guess what NumberFormatException means, or if you can't possibly imagine then you can look it up in the API documentation.
It also tells you that it was caused by line 32 of your MyInputClass (the last line of the stack trace) and that you were calling Integer.parseInt in that line (the line just above that).
Your thousand lines of code are all very well but I don't know which one of them is line 32. Your text editor should be able to tell you that. Find out why that line of code is passing null to Integer.parseInt.

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    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Loading Root CA certificates from C:\PROGRA~1\Java\J2RE14~1.2_0\lib\security\cacerts
    Loaded Root CA certificates from C:\PROGRA~1\Java\J2RE14~1.2_0\lib\security\cacerts
    Loading Https Root CA certificates from C:\PROGRA~1\Java\J2RE14~1.2_0\lib\security\cacerts
    Loaded Https Root CA certificates from C:\PROGRA~1\Java\J2RE14~1.2_0\lib\security\cacerts
    Loading JPI Https certificates from C:\Documents and Settings\jjhenry\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\deployment.jssecerts
    Loaded JPI Https certificates from C:\Documents and Settings\jjhenry\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\deployment.jssecerts
    Loading certificates from JPI session certificate store
    Loaded certificates from JPI session certificate store
    Checking if certificate is in JPI session certificate store
    Checking if Https certificate is in JPI permanent certificate store
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.489 WUT[getProperty()] Getting property WUT_MAX_BYTES
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.505 WUT[getProperty()] Value of WUT_MAX_BYTES=16384
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.598 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILENAME to \\xxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\CURRENT_PROJECTS\A01161.0001.pdf
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.598 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE to 2
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.598 WUF[getProperty()] Getting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.645 WUF[getProperty()] Value of WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE=TRUE
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.645 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILENAME to \\xxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\CURRENT_PROJECTS\A01161.0001.pdf
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.645 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE to 4
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.645 WUF[getProperty()] Getting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.645 WUF[getProperty()] Value of WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE=FALSE
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.645 WUT[getProperty()] Getting property WUT_STATUS
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.645 WUT[getProperty()] Value of WUT_STATUS=FREE
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.661 WUT[setProperty()] Setting property WUT_FILE_INFO to \\Oxxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\CURRENT_PROJECTS\A01161.0001.pdf|0|S|Y|Upload in progress|Please wait
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.661 WUT[getProperty()] Getting property WUT_FILE_INFO
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.661 WUT[getProperty()] Value of WUT_FILE_INFO=19634|2
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:32.989 WUT[UploadAgent()] File Opened:\\xxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\CURRENT_PROJECTS\A01161.0001.pdf
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    2007-Jan-31 07:08:33.51 WUT[UploadAgent.getDataInt()] File Closed
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Connecting https://xxxxxxxx/forms/lservlet;jsessionid=0a95476230d6ea59ff53e5cb4b43979bd0fc0d5a0a61.e38MbhmRbN4Qb40LaxmSbh4Pa3qLe6fznA5Pp7ftolbGmkTy with no proxy
    Unsuccessful file selection:
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:24.376 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_GFN_DIRNAME to false
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:24.376 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILENAME to false
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:24.376 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILTER to false
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:24.376 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_GFN_MESSAGE to false
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:24.376 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_GFN_MULTISELECT to TRUE
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:24.376 WUF[getProperty()] Getting property WUF_GFN_OPENFILE
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:24.766 WUF[gfnDialog()] Open File mode
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:27.969 WUF[gfnDialog()] Multiple selection result: \\xxxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\JHENRY-CUSTOM\
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:27.969 WUF[getProperty()] Value of WUF_GFN_OPENFILE=\\xxxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\JHENRY-CUSTOM\
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:27.985 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILENAME to \\xxxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\JHENRY-CUSTOM\At-Ease-LE-Print-C10326820.jpg
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:27.985 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE to 6
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:27.985 WUF[getProperty()] Getting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE
    2007-Jan-31 07:02:27.985 WUF[getProperty()] Value of WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE=19257
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.483 WUT[getProperty()] Getting property WUT_MAX_BYTES
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.483 WUT[getProperty()] Value of WUT_MAX_BYTES=16384
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.593 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILENAME to \\xxxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\JHENRY-CUSTOM\At-Ease-LE-Print-C10326820.jpg
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.593 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE to 2
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.593 WUF[getProperty()] Getting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.624 WUF[getProperty()] Value of WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE=TRUE
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.624 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILENAME to \\xxxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\JHENRY-CUSTOM\At-Ease-LE-Print-C10326820.jpg
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.624 WUF[setProperty()] Setting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE to 4
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.624 WUF[getProperty()] Getting property WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.624 WUF[getProperty()] Value of WUF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE=FALSE
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.640 WUT[getProperty()] Getting property WUT_STATUS
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.640 WUT[getProperty()] Value of WUT_STATUS=FREE
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.640 WUT[setProperty()] Setting property WUT_FILE_INFO to \\xxxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\JHENRY-CUSTOM\At-Ease-LE-Print-C10326820.jpg|0|S|Y|Upload in progress|Please wait
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.640 WUT[getProperty()] Getting property WUT_FILE_INFO
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.640 WUT[getProperty()] Value of WUT_FILE_INFO=19257|2
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:23.983 WUT[UploadAgent()] File Opened:\\xxxxxxxx\Users3\JHenry\Home\JHENRY-CUSTOM\At-Ease-LE-Print-C10326820.jpg
    2007-Jan-31 07:03:24.46 WUT[UploadAgent.getDataInt()] File Closed

    One of the differences I've noticed is that the two messages:
    Modality pushed
    Modality popped
    do not appear when the file selection is unsuccessful ....
    Unfortunately I don't have the experience necessary to determine what kind, if any, of error/issue this suggests ... can anyone help with this piece of the puzzle?

  • Windows - No Disk Error - Please help!

    Windows - No Disk Error - Please help!
    I have the following set up:
    * Lenovo T-61p
    * Windows XP Pro, SP 3
    * HP Photosmart 8250 printer (with nothing plugged into the various card readers, and USB slot in the printer)
    I am getting the following error:
    Windows - No Disk
    Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters 0x75CE023C
    0x84C40C84 0x75CE023C
    I have done a lof experimenting and thru process of  elimination, and believe I have determined that this only happens when the HP Photosmart 8250 printer is plugged in to the USB slot of the computer.
    I can stop it from happening by safely removing hardware, and removing the drive that the 8250 creates on your computer when you plug it in.  In my case, this is drive E.  I'm guessing if there was something in the the various card readers, and USB slot in the printer, that's what those would be, but I don't those use those functions of the printer.
    I understand there is more at work than simply the printer, because I did not used to get this error, so some software changed as well, that is scanning all ports, and finding a drive that has no disk, and producing the error.
    A simple google search finds a lot people all over the world having this problem, and are solving it in different ways, because the suspected source is different: Norton, HP, etc.
    I have tried everything I have read, and the only thing that works was my own idea, of manually safely removing the drive the printer creates each time I plug in the printer.
    Anyone every any better, more permanent solutions?  Or know what the real root of the problem is?  What is scanning all the drives and being showing an error message because it found an empty drive?
    Thanks and Happy Holidays/New Year!

    I've been getting the same error on my 4G nano for the past week. I've had my nano for about a month and the first few weeks were fine. Tried it on 2 different computers (Vista and XP) and same problem. Tried it on a 3rd (XP) and it started ok. Problem started coming back after a day.
    I was able to find a quick fix though. I noticed that sometimes the message says something like "iexplore.exe... no disk..." even if I don't even use IE. What I do is end iexplore.exe on task manager before running iTunes and syncing my nano. I don't get the error whenever I do this, but one drawback is that the contents of my nano suddenly pops up in a window - even when disk use is not enabled.
    I've reset/restored my nano dozens and dozens of times to make sure it's clean. Leads me to believe it's a driver issue. Either that or I have a friggin malware problem I can't seem to find.
    I'll be posting updates every now and then. I'm no expert so I'm hoping an Apple expert also steps in to give some input.

  • My ipod generation 5 will not come out of recovery mode. i was simply updating my software and this happened. it will not let me restore it comes up with and error. please help, thanks.

    my ipod generation 5 will not come out of recovery mode. i was simply updating my software and this happened. it will not let me restore it comes up with and error. please help, thanks.

    Hey erinoneill24,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sounds like you can't update your device. You don't mention an error that it gives you. Take a look at both of these articles to troubleshoot.
    iPod displays "Use iTunes to restore" message
    If you can't update or restore your iOS device
    If you started your device in recovery mode by mistake, restart it to exit recovery mode. Or you can just wait—after 15 minutes the device will exit recovery mode by itself.
    Have a nice day,

  • I cannot use iCloud on Windows 7, as it won't recognize my apple ID when i try to sign in to icloud it i get error saying "you can't sign in because of a server error (please help some one)

    I cannot use iCloud on Windows 7, as it won't recognize my apple ID when i try to sign in to icloud it i get error saying "you can't sign in because of a server error (please help some one)

    Although your message isn't mentioned in the symptoms, let's try the following document with that one:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store

  • I upgraded to mountain lion a week ago and now on startup of my macbook pro, microsoft excel and word start up automatically and then crash? very strange can anyone please help? I have checked the login items under users and groups and there is nothing.

    I upgraded to mountain lion a week ago and now on startup of my macbook pro, microsoft excel and word start up automatically and then crash? very strange can anyone please help? I have checked the login items under users and groups and there is nothing.

    Are you using the Office for Mac 2011 version, as you need to do?  The Office for Mac 2004 is Not at all compatible with Mountain Lion, and the 2008 version has been noted to have some problems running with ML.
    Hope this helps

  • HT201442 I did this but still i am getting the same error , please help me .

    I did this but still i am getting the same error , please help me .
    <Email Edited by Host>

    Look at
     Cheers, Tom

  • Safari Crash - Problem with doodle (planer) app  -  doodle web links cause safari to crash with a very strange message "Error - Please make sure Safari is not used in Private Modus" (translated from german) No Privat Modus buttom in ios 7 safari settings!

    Safari Crash - Problem with doodle (planer) app  -  doodle web links cause safari to crash with a very strange message "Error - Please make sure Safari is not used in Private Modus" (translated from german) No Privat Modus buttom in ios 7 safari settings! Works fine with an older Safari Version. Web link, call doodle app.  You could see the website in the backround working but safari crashes after clicking on the error window.   Any suggestions?

    Turn off Private Browsing.
    Tap "Private" on Safari Screen to disable Private Browsing. When top of screen is white, Private Browsing is off.

  • I am not able to update my iphone 4 ,when ever i tried to update it its show 1309 error...and at times 9006 error ,please help me ..

    i am not able to update my iphone 4 ,when ever i tried to update it its show 1309 error...and at times 9006 error ,please help me ..

    Hey alkarim2008,
    If you are having an issue with being unable to update or restore your iPhone, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    Resolve iOS update and restore errors in iTunes - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Happy computing,
    Brett L 

  • My iphone won't pass the connect to itunes. when i try to restore is says that there is an error. please help!

    hi my iphone is broken. it won't pass the connect to itunes. when i try to restore is says that there is an error. please help!
    <Subject Edited by Host>

    Hello, 02633. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    If your iPhone is disabled, you will need to process the steps in the article below.
    iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    Jason H.

  • HT4623 I have updated my iphone with the current software but it is showing you need to connect to  of itunes to activate your phone, when i did that it is continuously showing an error.please help me to get through.

    I have updated my iphone with the current software but it is showing you need to connect to  of itunes to activate your phone, when i did that it is continuously showing an error.please help me to get through.
    Kindly Activate my phone.

    Rajan Gupta wrote: is continuously showing an error.
    See here  >
    Also see this discussion.

  • I need the drivers for earl 2011 macbook pro 13 inch i7 4 gigs for windows 7 64 bits i tried downloading with bootcamp butt it never completes allways ends up with an error please help

    i need the drivers for earl 2011 macbook pro 13 inch i7 4 gigs for windows 7 64 bits i tried downloading with bootcamp butt it never completes allways ends up with an error please help if any one has the drivers or knows were i can download them

    If you don't have it for reference, the manual might come in handy > US/Boot_Camp_Install-Setup.pdf
    After it loads, Command + F to find information regarding the drivers.

  • HT201210 hi i just bought my new iPhone 4s yesterday and when u opened it was not updated so when i tried SO MANY TIMES to update it on the devise and on my new mac it said that there was a unknown error please help me :)

    hi i just bought my new iPhone 4s yesterday and when u opened it was not updated so when i tried SO MANY TIMES to update it on the devise and on my new mac it said that there was a unknown error please help me

    Please tell us what kind of computer you have, what operating system and what version of iTunes. Not just "the latest version of iTunes", the exact version number.

  • I can't download the apple ios 5 for the ipad. after downloading around 10 % an error no. 3259 occurs. it's a network error. please help . it's urgent. i am having apple ipad 2 3G wifi

    i can't download the apple ios 5 for the ipad. after downloading around 10 % an error no. 3259 occurs. it's a network error. please help . it's urgent. i am having apple ipad 2 3G wifi.

    i switched off all the security settings and all the firewalls.
    i m unable to install any of the app on the ipad
    so i saw the apple support and it said to update the older version of my ipad.
    and niether am i able to download the update nor am i able to download any app and install it in my ipad2
    i also tried to download an .ipsw file (ios5 update) from torrentz bt i am also unable to install from that as itunes rjects that file and gives an error. and also tries to delete that file. plz anyone help urgently.

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