Strange thing happens when smplayer use xv-intel video overlay

i started to notice some strange thing happens when i turn on the desktop composting effect on kde,smplayer's video  show blue colors,and smplayer menu has a thick blue line surrounding it.
whatever other windows i dragged over the smplayer show the same effect,which is very annoying. i figured it's something with the video output.
the default video output is xv-intel video overlay,so i changed it to xv,gl,etc,and things become normal,xv-intel textured video works fine,too.
of course if i turn off the compositing effect,everything will be ok.
so it's because there are conflicts between the desktop effects and the xv-intel video overlay output?

[21:29:58:630] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:630] main: lock_file: /home/merlin/.config/smplayer/smplayer_init.lock
[21:29:58:640] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:640] global_init
[21:29:58:640] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:640] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:658] global_init: config file: '/home/merlin/.config/smplayer/smplayer.ini'
[21:29:58:667] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:674] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:674] Preferences::load
[21:29:58:675] AssStyles::load
[21:29:58:685] Translator::loadCatalog: can't load qt_zh_CN from /usr/share/smplayer/translations
[21:29:58:717] Translator::loadCatalog: successfully loaded qt_zh_CN from /usr/share/qt/translations
[21:29:58:735] Translator::loadCatalog: successfully loaded smplayer_zh_CN from /usr/share/smplayer/translations
[21:29:58:738] 这是运行在 Linux 上的 SMPlayer v. 0.6.8 (SVN r3213)
[21:29:58:738] Compiled with Qt v. 4.5.2, using 4.5.2
[21:29:58:738]  * application path: '/usr/bin'
[21:29:58:738]  * data path: '/usr/share/smplayer'
[21:29:58:738]  * translation path: '/usr/share/smplayer/translations'
[21:29:58:738]  * doc path: '/usr/share/doc/packages/smplayer'
[21:29:58:738]  * themes path: '/usr/share/smplayer/themes'
[21:29:58:738]  * shortcuts path: '/usr/share/smplayer/shortcuts'
[21:29:58:738] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:738]  * config path: '/home/merlin/.config/smplayer'
[21:29:58:738] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:738]  * ini path: '/home/merlin/.config/smplayer'
[21:29:58:738] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:738]  * file for subtitles' styles: '/home/merlin/.config/smplayer/styles.ass'
[21:29:58:738]  * current path: '/home/merlin'
[21:29:58:738] SMPlayer::processArgs: arguments: 1
[21:29:58:738] SMPlayer::processArgs: 0 = /usr/bin/smplayer
[21:29:58:739] SMPlayer::processArgs: files_to_play: count: 0
[21:29:58:753] MyClient::MyClient
[21:29:58:753] SMPlayer::processArgs: trying to connect to port 33181
[21:29:58:754] SMPlayer::gui: changed working directory to app path
[21:29:58:754] SMPlayer::gui: current directory: /usr/bin
[21:29:58:770] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
[21:29:58:770] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
[21:29:58:799] Core::changeFileSettingsMethod: hash
[21:29:58:799] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:799] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:58:799] MplayerLayer::setRepaintBackground: 0
[21:29:58:799] Preferences::monitor_aspect_double
[21:29:58:799]  warning: monitor_aspect couldn't be parsed!
[21:29:58:800]  monitor_aspect set to 0
[21:29:58:886] Playlist::setModified: 0
[21:29:58:902] Playlist::loadSettings
[21:29:58:902] Playlist::addItem: '/home/merlin/mnt/usb3/夏娃的诱惑-天使/夏娃的诱惑-天使.rmvb'
[21:29:58:902] Playlist::setModified: 0
[21:29:58:902] Playlist::updateView
[21:29:58:954] Playlist::updateView: name: 'BT޼'
[21:29:59:008] Style name: 'oxygen'
[21:29:59:008] Style class name: 'OxygenStyle'
[21:29:59:022] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:59:022] Favorites::load
[21:29:59:023] TVList::parse_channels_conf
[21:29:59:030] VList::parse_channels_conf: /home/merlin/.mplayer/channels.conf.ter doesn't exist
[21:29:59:030] TVList::parse_channels_conf: can't open /home/merlin/.mplayer/channels.conf
[21:29:59:031] Paths::configPath: XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/merlin/.config
[21:29:59:031] Favorites::load
[21:29:59:031] TVList::parse_channels_conf
[21:29:59:031] VList::parse_channels_conf: /home/merlin/.mplayer/channels.conf.ter doesn't exist
[21:29:59:031] TVList::parse_channels_conf: can't open /home/merlin/.mplayer/channels.conf
[21:29:59:035] BaseGui::initializeMenus
[21:29:59:155] BaseGui::initializeMenus
[21:29:59:156] BaseGui::updateRecents
[21:29:59:156] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[21:29:59:168] Core::changeUseAss: 1
[21:29:59:168] Core::changeSubVisilibity: 1
[21:29:59:168] Core::tellmp: 'sub_visibility 1'
[21:29:59:168] WARNING:  tellmp: no process running: sub_visibility 1
[21:29:59:168] Core::displayMessage
[21:29:59:168] BaseGui::setStayOnTop: 0
[21:29:59:168] BaseGui::setStayOnTop: nothing to do
[21:29:59:168] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[21:29:59:168] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[21:29:59:169] BaseGui::updateRecents
[21:29:59:169] Preferences::save
[21:29:59:169] AssStyles::save
[21:29:59:173] BaseGui::initializeGui: server running on port 37779
[21:29:59:280] BaseGui::initializeMenus
[21:29:59:281] BaseGui::updateRecents
[21:29:59:281] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[21:29:59:283] BaseGuiPlus::loadConfig
[21:29:59:284] DefaultGui::createStatusBar
[21:29:59:285] DefaultGui::createActions
[21:29:59:289] DefaultGui::createControlWidget
[21:29:59:289] DefaultGui::createControlWidgetMini
[21:29:59:389] BaseGui::initializeMenus
[21:29:59:390] BaseGui::updateRecents
[21:29:59:390] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[21:29:59:390] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[21:29:59:397] DefaultGui::loadConfig
[21:29:59:397] DesktopInfo::isInsideScreen: geometry of screen: x:0 y:0 w:1024 h:768
[21:29:59:397] ToolbarEditor::load: 'toolbar1'
[21:29:59:397] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action open_file
[21:29:59:397] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action open_dvd
[21:29:59:397] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action open_url
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action compact
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action fullscreen
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action screenshot
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action show_file_properties
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action show_playlist
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action show_preferences
[21:29:59:398] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action play_prev
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action play_next
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: 'controlwidget'
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action play
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action pause_and_frame_step
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action stop
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action rewindbutton_action
[21:29:59:399] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action timeslider_action
[21:29:59:400] TimeSlider::setDragDelay: 100
[21:29:59:400] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action forwardbutton_action
[21:29:59:400] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:400] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:400] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action fullscreen
[21:29:59:400] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action mute
[21:29:59:400] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action volumeslider_action
[21:29:59:400] ToolbarEditor::load: 'controlwidget_mini'
[21:29:59:400] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action play_or_pause
[21:29:59:400] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action stop
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action rewind1
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action timeslider_action
[21:29:59:401] TimeSlider::setDragDelay: 100
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action forward1
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action mute
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action volumeslider_action
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: ''
[21:29:59:401] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action play
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action pause
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action stop
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action rewindbutton_action
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action timeslider_action
[21:29:59:402] TimeSlider::setDragDelay: 100
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action forwardbutton_action
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action fullscreen
[21:29:59:402] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action mute
[21:29:59:403] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action volumeslider_action
[21:29:59:403] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action separator
[21:29:59:403] ToolbarEditor::load: adding separator
[21:29:59:403] ToolbarEditor::load: loading action timelabel_action
[21:29:59:404] Helper::qtVersion: 4502
[21:29:59:408] DefaultGui::loadConfig: playlist visible: 0
[21:29:59:408] DefaultGui::loadConfig: playlist position: 512, 461
[21:29:59:408] DefaultGui::loadConfig: playlist size: 512 x 307
[21:29:59:408] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[21:29:59:408] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[21:29:59:413] BaseGui::showEvent
[21:29:59:413] main: remove_lock: /home/merlin/.config/smplayer/smplayer_init.lock
[21:29:59:418] BaseGui::loadActions
[21:29:59:418] ActionsEditor::loadFromConfig
[21:29:59:763] BaseGui::initializeMenus
[21:29:59:763] BaseGui::updateRecents
[21:29:59:763] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[21:29:59:763] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[21:30:06:737] BaseGui::showMplayerLog
[21:30:19:426] BaseGui::showLog
[21:32:47:708] BaseGui::showLog
[21:34:15:081] BaseGui::showLog

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    First try
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    Adwaremedic: Removes all known adware from your Mac
    If you can't download it since the malware is preventing it then see:

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    1 Pop account,
    1 .mac account (i don't use)
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    Mails Spam Filter is active (and working fine, by the way)
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    More than 4000 Mails in the whole Database
    Things I've already done:
    Reindexing mail, as I already wrote (Quit mail, removing the files "Envelope Index" and "Envelope Index-1", and the folder starting with "Mac-", then start Mail again, that tells me to klick "ok" for reimporting the mail)
    I deleted a bunch of emails with attachements, so there are just a few with attachment now.
    I emptied the "Sent" folder and put those old emails in 3 Folders (each of them is containing about 500 mails now)
    Thanks for your help in advance
    PS: Yes, I want to keep all these old mails...

    This is not a security risk - a setting change you should make.
    1.     Take a look in settings - i message and see what the 'recieve at' addresses are declared.  If you do not want to see phone messages on the pad, clear that number out of there - and just use your e mail address.
    2.     Since you used to have an i phone, that device is likely still registered   go to your i tunes account and de register the device.

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    I updated bios to v1.37 and still same effect. I had a thought that the problem could show itself somehow through voltages and temperatures measured - and performed a comparison check in bios, CoreCell and SpeedFan and unleashed another problem.
    The following table shows what I got (different readings from different applications ):
    Parameter:Bios reading, CoreCenter reading, SpeedFan Reading (read following rows from left to right representing bios, CoreCenter and then SpeedFan)
    CPU temp:               44   ,            52,       49
    SYS temp:               48   ,            0,                    44    
    Vcore:                      1.53,            1.54,               1.54
    +3.3v:                      3.28,            3.28,               3.06
    +12v :                      11.79,          11.44,              12.4
    +5v :                        4.96,            4.92,               4.88
    Batt v :                    3.09,             *  ,                  0
    +5 vsb :                   5.02,            *   ,                 4.96
    The above readings in SpeedFan were from the ISA bus. SpeddFan also provided info via the SMBus as follows
    Parameter: SpeedFan reading
    -12v :                                                                -8,43
    -5v    :                                                               -2.85
    +12v    :                                                             16.10
    +5v      :                                                             6.71
    +3.3v     :                                                           4.43
    CoreA v    :                                                         3.36
    CoreB v     :                                                        3.36
    The following differences stand out +12v and +3.3v. The Antec power supoply regulates these to within 3%, so can anybody explain the above differences. Also why does SpeedFan provide completely wrong readings on the SMbus. Is my motherboard or the power supply at fault. Has anybody else seen similar?

  • I am trying to move a pdf file onto my iPad2, and it says that the device is not connected or has stopped working.  But Windows 7 recognizes the device and I can see my pictures.  Same thing happens when I try to put music onto the iPad.

    I am trying to move a pdf file onto my iPad2, and it says that the device is not connected or has stopped working.  But Windows 7 recognizes the device and I can see my pictures.  Same thing happens when I try to put music onto the iPad.

    When in iTunes on the computer,my our ipadmshould show under devices.
    Click on your ipadmunder devices then go to music at top center of the iTunes window, check what you want to sync for music. You need to set it to a folder if I remember which would have your music in it you want synced.
    Same with PDF files.....there should be an option for data or even PDF files at the top center area of iTunes when the iPad is clicked under devices.
    If your iPad does not show or you cannot click on it under devices which is in the leftane of iTunes, the iPad is not being seen by the computer.
    Try unplugging the USB cord from the laptop then give it a few and see if the computer picks it up.

  • My sound has recently gone on my Iphone4s, this only happens when I use my phone myself. The sound works when I receive calls and texts but I am unable to watch videos, listen to music etc it seems like my volume button has gone! Can anyone help??

    My sound has recently gone on my iphone4s, this only happens when I use my phone myself. The sound works when i receive a call or a message etc but I am unable to watch videos or play music, the sound also doesn't work on games. Please can anyone help with this issue or let me know how to fix it if experienced the same problem?

    Remove all apps from multitasking bar. Double click Home button then tap and hold an icon and tap on little x on every app. Then reset. Hold down Home and Power button until Apple logo appears.

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