Streamclip and mixing AVCHD with .264 footage

I have an AVCHD camcorder for land shots and a .264 waterproof camcorder for on water and want to mix footage in FCE4. I cannot upload the .264 and would have to use streamclip.
1/Which version do i download the 19.2 or 19.3.b version?
2/ It also says on the site there are MPEG2 issues with snowleopard which worries me as I don't yet have the understanding to fix it if it causes an issue. Is this a real problem or resolved now?
3/ Would i be better (or can I) rough edit the .264 footage on imovie then burn to DVD and re import to FCE 4 from DVD to then mix with the AVCHD footage?
4/ Can I import from un-encrypted DVD's?
Thanks A Mac newbie

Tom, thanks for the quick response. Your books has arrived and is great but these questions are a little Off Piste in relation to FCE4 so thanks for your help
1/ I think I have Snow Leopard as this is a new (1 week old) I Mac from Apple UK. How do I tell?
2/ If i convert the .264 will i definitely be able to mix the footage from both my camcorders in FCE4?
3/ Is the workaround re installing the MPEG2 component or something else I have to do ?
As i am new to Mac if it is not an in built workaround I am concerned i will mess it up and lose MPEG2 playback ability (although not sure how that would actually effect me with the Audio Video media I use).

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    THANK YOU : )

    Funny that you sent me those links, I actually read them both a few hours ago & that was what led me to use Streamclip for that footage in the first place. Certainly makes me feel better to have these settings confirmed by the original author (just realized that)! Small world : )
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    I will get the full card structure in few hours and try the Log and Transfer procedure and get back to share the experience.
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    videojen66 wrote:
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    This is subjective, but it seems to me scaling up in FCPX is at least as good as in FCP7 – probably better.
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    Try using the add volume button and pointing to the card, which I assume is mounted on the desktop. If you select the volume do the clips load?

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    I deal with similar issues with legacy 4x3 Beta SP mixed with HD quite a bit. I'm speculating, as I have not had to mix HDV and DV yet, but this is how I would try to deal with it were I in your shoes.
    You can put both in a time line, but it will be painful to edit this way. One or the other will need to be rendered, and the actions you take with the footage will cause you to have to render again. And again. And again. No Joy.
    I would look for a down convert with edge crop from the camera. This will chop off the edges of your HDV frame. As mentioned above, this might have a different name, but the key is to get footage that is of the same format (DV) and aspect ration (4x3) as your GL footage. Edit in DV.
    You could import it 16x9 (black bars on top and bottom as you say) DV, blow it up so the black bars go away, and then slide it back and forth in the canvas with the motion controls in order to adjust the framing. Indeed you might have to do this if you did not shoot with 4x3 safety in mind. This is called "pan and scan" and it is how movies shot wide screen were squeezed onto our 4x3 TVs. If you have to do this your HDV footage will look quite poor. Down conversion and then scaling up is not good JuJu.
    But, if you can't find a way to play the hdv footage out DV 4x3 center cut, or crop or whatever your camera calls it, you might be forced into this scenario.
    You might try capturing the HDV the footage natively in a separate project. Drop this on a DV sequence. It will appear as a 16x9 image (black bars on the top and bottom.) Double click to load in the viewer and click the motion tab. The scale parameter will be at less than 100 percent. Scale it up until the black bars go away and your percentage is a round even number. Then export as self contained Quicktime movie. Name it HDV to 4x3DV. Reimport this into the DV project with your GL footage where you plan to edit.
    This avoids the scaling issue and does the down convert in FCP. I suspect this will look better than the alternative, but I have not tried it.
    Hope this helps.

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    I called back Apple Care and they are attempted to recreate the same system set up as I had to verify that iLife 2009 is screwing up FCP 6.0.6
    I've found some other work arounds if you are having this problem. Please let me know since my case is still open with Apple Care and I would like to be able to mention that others are having issue with this.

    This is one weird post. I don't understand what you are babbling about.
    I re-installed OS X 10.5.7 and all applications including FCP 6.0.6 and discovered that if you have QUICKTIME or iLife apps (i.e. iMovie, iPhoto etc... open then your doomed!!!!
    COMPLETELY wrong. That couldn't be more wrong. Quicktime is the basic engine of captures all footage as QT files. Without QT FCP would not function. And of course it works with iMovie and iPhoto installed...those are basic Apple applications. I have those on all my machines that have FCP and have had zero issues. Well, the issues you have are NOT related to having those applications installed. That is silly talk.
    Now...when you import AVCHD footage, you have the choice on what CODEC you can use when you import. Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC) or ProRes. AIC is nice and light, and can be played back on a firewire drive, but lack essential things like TIMECODE...and the quality isn't all that great. ProRes on the other hand is great quality and has timecode, but has a high data rate. A firewire 400 drive will not work...firewire 800 might, but raided firewire 800 like a G-Raid would be advisable. eSATA drives or internal SATA drives all the better.
    iLife 09 is not screwing up FCP 6.0.6. I have iLife 09 and FCP 6.0.6 and have zero issues. most people do.

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    Thank you.

    This question aroused my curiosity and I tried mixing 1080i AVCHD and Nokia phone .3gp video on an 1080i AVCHD timeline in PE8 - the 3gp video played fine, the AVCHD video needed the timeline rendered to give a decent quality playback.  I realise that's different from iPhone video, but I'm simply suggesting that it's worth trying, and that project presets don't necessarily mean that only the preset file type will work.
    I have to say that this whole project settings thing is a mystery to me.  Why does a 1080i AVCHD preset make a better job of playing back 3gp video from the timeline than it does playing back 1080i AVCHD?  Weird. Why not just handle all that in the background (eg without asking the user for any settings at all, like one NLE here does, or simply setting the timeline to the first clip of the project (optionally) like another one here does?
    As for the comment earlier on about background rendering - here (after a day or so) it seems to be not a very useful thing.  Much grinding by the CPU for a very slow result.  To get the timeline to play smoothly it's much quicker to position the work area bar as required and hit "enter".  Also, one has to watch for the new analysis process, which once started seems to create an everlasting CPU intensive process even if you cancel it.  You have to keep a sharp eye on the process manager and see what's consuming CPU cycles (if you don't know already) and kill any apparently rouge Adobe-related processes by hand.  "Bmem" is your friend here, which is about the first thing I install on any PC of mine - is the site for this excellent freeware app.

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    I am totally frustrated by the fact that now i have gone to iCloud and after a few synchs, my contacts are all mixed up with the wrong information.  For instance, my email and phone number comes up under someone else's name (a thousand contacts).  I dont know how to repair this.  what a nightmare

    An icloud account is designed to be used by just one user.  If you have given your ID or set up your account on someone else's device, then their data will be mingled with your or worse.

  • Is there a way to change the pin color in iPhoto so I can pin my photos  and places from those from others.  i think it would be cool to see where my friends have also been but not mix it with mine.  Thanks

    s there a way to change the pin color in iPhoto so I can pin my photos  and places from those from others.  i think it would be cool to see where my friends have also been but not mix it with mine.  Thanks

    Suggest to Apple
    You can make a smart album based on camera to seperate photos

  • Since upgrading to 7.0.3 (iPhone 5 64gb, with iTunes Match enabled) all of my music wiped off my phone.  Downloading it again, most of the artwork has been mixed up with other artists, and I'm no longer able to stream or download over 3G? Any ideas?

    Since upgrading to 7.0.3 (iPhone 5, 64gb, with iTunes Match enabled) almost all of my music has vanished from my phone (weirdly some hasn't).
    Downloading it again, most of the artwork has been mixed up with other artists, and I'm no longer able to stream or download over 3G (all tracks greyed out), though my network settings etc are all set correctly.
    Lastly since upgrading to iOS 7.0.1 (and beyond) Genuis has become effectively useless: it continually asks me to connect to wi-fi, and if I do it creates playlists mostly composed of tracks by the same artists or those very obviously linked to them- previously it created brilliant, nuanced playlists.
    Are these things connected, and how do I fix them?

    I have done this on numerous occasions but I think that my Iphone has a defect. After many tries, reinstalls, deletion of content, changing content to be stored on external hard drive, deleting itunes and cleaning computer I managed to get all of the songs on and things seemed okay for a while.
    The problem returned about a week ago after downloading a new album from Itunes. I now have 12.5k of songs leaving 10gb spare on Iphone which should be more than enough room to operate properly. Last night it seemed to be dowloading ok (after doing all of the above again for the umpteenth time) this morning it revealed that it had just synched 2.5k of songs and 18gb of "other" on the contents bar. it wont synch now as it says its over capacity. So the 18gb of "other" would probably be corrupted data that means it must corrupt each song as it tries to synch it.
    The 2.5k of songs it did synch are working on the Iphone as is every song in the library on Itunes. I did completely delete the new album I bought and redownloaded it from the store then tried to synch just that album and it worked fine.
    Just about time to dump apple I think!

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