Streaming from multiple servers

I have a server in Israel with Flash Streaming server
If I'll buy another server and host it in the US, what do I
need to do in order to broadcast from it also.
1. Do I have to broadcast twice from the source or can I
broadcast to one server and it will pass the stream to the other?
2. Do I need to purchase another FMS license?

You said you have Flash Streaming Server - do you mean FMSS.
If yes, I am sorry you will have to broadcast to both servers from
your source. There is no way you can republish from server itself
as you have no control to do that on FMSS - you cant write your own
apps and also cant modify live and vod apps. Now if you meant FMIS,
then there are two ways you can achieve it:
1. Like how JayCharles suggested, you can use remote play and
play stream from your US server.
2. Better way would be to use Multi-point publish, once you
get stream published at your Isreal server, just get hold of it in
application.onPublish handler and use new NetStream class on
Server-side to republish it to our US server. However note that
Multi-point publish is available only from FMS 3.0 release.

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  • Folder Comparison from multiple servers

    I need to compare folders from multiple servers which do not have direct connection so i was trying to generate a text file with command dir /b /s >c:\server1.txt and feed them to script to compare. 
    my desired output is csv file in the following format
    File name,Server1,server2,server3,is it missng file?
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    i probably am doing something wrong. Any help is much appreciated. 
    The following is the script so far and it works fine but its taking long time.
    [array]$contentArray = @()
    [array]$allfileslist = @()
    [array]$uniquefileslist = @()
    [array]$allfilesSRVlist = @()
    [array]$srvlist = @()
    $FolderName = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    $reportName = $FolderName + "\ComparisonReport3.csv"
    $ListOfFiles = get-childitem $FolderName
    $List = $ListOfFiles | where {$_.extension -ieq ".txt"}
    $index = 0
    foreach($listitem in $List){
    $listfilename = $listitem.FullName
    $listname = $listitem.Name
    $listname = $listname.replace(".txt","")
    $srvlist = $srvlist + $listname
    write-host $listfilename
    #$StrContent = get-content $listfilename
    $StrContent = [io.file]::ReadAllLines($listfilename)
    $contentArray += ,@($StrContent)
    $index = $index + 1
    for($i = 0;$i -lt $index;$i++){
    $allfileslist = $allfileslist + $contentArray[$i]
    $uniquefileslist = $allfileslist | sort-object | get-unique
    $Stroutline = "File Name,"
    foreach($srvlistitem in $srvlist){
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + $srvlistitem.ToUpper() + ","
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + "Is it Missing file?"
    Write-Output $Stroutline | Out-File "$reportName" -Force
    foreach($uniquefileslistitem in $uniquefileslist){
    $Stroutline = ""
    $missingfile = "No"
    $Stroutline = $uniquefileslistitem + ","
    for($i=0;$i -lt $index;$i++){
    if($contentArray[$i] -contains $uniquefileslistitem){
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + "Yes,"
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + "No,"
    $missingfile = "Yes"
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + $missingfile
    Write-Output $Stroutline | Out-File "$reportName" -Force -Append
    Following is the script i modified using threads example. this is running even slower.
    [array]$contentArray = @()
    [array]$allfileslist = @()
    [array]$uniquefileslist = @()
    [array]$allfilesSRVlist = @()
    [array]$srvlist = @()
    $FolderName = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    $reportName = $FolderName + "\ComparisonReport3.csv"
    $ListOfFiles = get-childitem $FolderName
    $List = $ListOfFiles | where {$_.extension -ieq ".txt"}
    $index = 0
    #$contentArray = New-Object 'object[,]' $xDim, $yDim
    foreach($listitem in $List){
    $listfilename = $listitem.FullName
    $listname = $listitem.Name
    $listname = $listname.replace(".txt","")
    $srvlist = $srvlist + $listname
    write-host $listfilename
    #$StrContent = get-content $listfilename
    $StrContent = [io.file]::ReadAllLines($listfilename)
    $contentArray += ,@($StrContent)
    $index = $index + 1
    for($i = 0;$i -lt $index;$i++){
    $allfileslist = $allfileslist+ $contentArray[$i]
    #$uniquefileslist = $allfileslist | select –unique
    $uniquefileslist = $allfileslist | sort-object | get-unique
    $Stroutline = "File Name,"
    foreach($srvlistitem in $srvlist){
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + $srvlistitem.ToUpper() + ","
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + "Is it Missing file?"
    Write-Output $Stroutline | Out-File "$reportName" -Force
    $j = 1
    $count = $uniquefileslist.count
    $stroutput = ""
    $maxConcurrent = 50
    $results= ""
    $PauseTime = 1
    $uniquefileslist | %{
    while ((Get-Job -State Running).Count -ge $maxConcurrent) {Start-Sleep -seconds $PauseTime}
    $job = start-job -argumentList $_,$contentArray,$index -scriptblock {
    $StrArgFileName = $args[0]
    $ArgContentArray = $args[1]
    $ArgIndex = $args[2]
    $Stroutline = ""
    $missingfile = "No"
    $Stroutline = $StrArgFileName + ","
    for($i=0;$i -lt $ArgIndex;$i++){
    if($ArgContentArray[$i] -contains $StrArgFileName){
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + "Yes,"
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + "No,"
    $missingfile = "Yes"
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + $missingfile
    While (Get-Job -State "Running")
    Start-Sleep 1
    $results = Get-Job | Receive-Job
    $stroutput = $stroutput + "`n" + $results
    Remove-Job *
    Write-Output $stroutput | Out-File "$reportName" -Force -Append
    Thank you very much!

    no i am not comparing the number of lines.. count i used was only for my information... it has nothing to do with the compare. here is the script with out count... 
    [array]$contentArray = @()
    [array]$allfileslist = @()
    [array]$uniquefileslist = @()
    [array]$allfilesSRVlist = @()
    [array]$srvlist = @()
    $FolderName = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    $reportName = $FolderName + "\ComparisonReport3.csv"
    $ListOfFiles = get-childitem $FolderName
    $List = $ListOfFiles | where {$_.extension -ieq ".txt"}
    $index = 0
    foreach($listitem in $List){
    $listfilename = $listitem.FullName
    $listname = $listitem.Name
    $listname = $listname.replace(".txt","")
    $srvlist = $srvlist + $listname
    $StrContent = [io.file]::ReadAllLines($listfilename)
    $contentArray += ,@($StrContent)
    $index = $index + 1
    for($i = 0;$i -lt $index;$i++){
    $allfileslist = $allfileslist+ $contentArray[$i]
    $uniquefileslist = $allfileslist | sort-object | get-unique
    $strfinal = "File Name,"
    foreach($srvlistitem in $srvlist){
    $strfinal = $strfinal + $srvlistitem.ToUpper() + ","
    $strfinal = $strfinal + "Is it Missing file?"
    foreach($uniquefileslistitem in $uniquefileslist){
    $missingfile = "No"
    $Stroutline = $uniquefileslistitem + ","
    for($i=0;$i -lt $index;$i++){
    if($contentArray[$i] -contains $uniquefileslistitem){
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + "Yes,"
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + "No,"
    $missingfile = "Yes"
    $Stroutline = $Stroutline + $missingfile
    $strfinal = $strfinal + "`n" + $Stroutline
    Write-Output $strfinal | Out-File "$reportName" -Force -Append
    if you want to test it... just create two text files and put them in the same folder as the script. 
    server1.txt will have the following content
    server2.txt will have the following content
    it should generate the csv file ComparisonReport3.csv
    filename,server1,server2,Is it Missing file?

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    Hi Gavin,
    So, you're looking into JMX monitoring solutions too. great! I've collected some good links and examples.
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    Hi Gramelot,
    you only get the PortWWN, because you select it exclusively at the end of your pipeline. Here's a slight rebuild:
    # Get list of computernames
    $Computers = Get-Content "C:\scripts\servers.txt"
    # Prepare result storage
    $Results = @()
    # Iterate over each Computer
    foreach ($Computer in $Computers)
    # Grab PortWWN
    $PortWWN = Get-WmiObject -computername $Computer -class MSFC_FibrePortHBAAttributes -namespace "root\WMI" | Select-ExpandpropertyAttributes | %{ ($_.PortWWN | %{ "{0:x2}" -f $_ }) -join ":" }
    # Add result to result storage
    $Results += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Computer = $Computer; PortWWN = $PortWWN }
    # Report result
    There's no place like

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    I know how to do it using Osprey cards. Osprey has a "Simulstream" software which works with some of their cards (Osprey 230, etc). This software will create 4 devices out of a single card - 4 cards can be seen in the FMLE device list. You can run 4 FMLE instances and select different cards in each of the FMLE instances.In each FMLE instance you can specify different FMS settings.
    You can also refer to following threads for similar usecases:

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    Best regards.

    They are, yes, but I'm also working with multitrack sessions using clips made from various different sound files.
    Ahh ok, use markers?
    So, this sort of thing isn't possible in multitrack mode then?
    If not, it sounds I'll have to "mix down" my multitrack session into a single file and set up the markers in Waveform Edit view.
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    Honestly, I am very new to Audition, but I'm about to plow into it, big-time, and I'm hoping for a nice non-destructive and fast workflow that'll enable me to output sets of sounds from the same multitrack session.
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    Thanks in advance for your response.

    Please try this ...
    SELECT *
    SELECT *
    SELECT *
    To download to PC or application server, please check this sample codes.
    Ferry Lianto
    Please reward points if helpful.

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    Hi All,
    I have a requirement in my project, wherein I have to find the database list on each server which has autoshrink option is enabled.
    Below is the query which I'm using and I want to automate it in such a way that, I can give the input to powershell script with list of all servers and I need output in csv format which should be giving the database names for which autoshrink option is enabled.
    select name from sys.databases where
    Thanks in Advance, Kranthi

    foreach($instance in $instances){
        Invoke-SqlCmd $query -ServerInstance $instance

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    Any Suggestions?

    Camera are WVC54GCA
    Router is a WRT300N.
    Like I stated earlier, one of these cams I can stream fine to my backberry storm,(Port 554 is forward to the ip address of the camera) but can't seem to configure the other for cell phone viewing.
    All cameras can be viewed via http via computers.

  • Stream from multiple folders in VOD

    I want to create folders inside of VOD that I can use to store FLV in and them stream them to webpages.  When I do this the webpage displays a white screen  It doesnt seem to find the FLV.  How can I do this? Does anyone know? thanks in advance. this....take it out of that vod folder all together because as you make more'll realize you gonna have to use different folders and thats more like a default folder.....
    set up a folder like this.......application/myVids/streams/vod
    when you connect to rtmp connect here
    even though there's a "streams" folder inbetween you dont connect to it....
    now the actual flv files will be in subfolders inside of the vod folder this
    so when  you tell the stream to play you tell it to play like this....."homevids/first");
    so the address in your xml file will be like <location>"homevids/first"</location>
    or however you write you xml locations ....key point you put folder before name and dont add the .flv extension

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    Server1 binds ObjX to it's JNDI tree (which replicates the object to the
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    Server2 does a lookup on ObjX, changes some values and rebinds it back to
    it's JNDI tree (which should replicate the changes to the other servers
    including Server1).
    The above does not happen because, Server1 is known to be the owner of ObjX,
    and thus instead of getting replicated data after Server2 rebinds, it gets
    duplicate name errors.
    Is there anyway to make the above work the way I want it to?

    It is bad to use JNDI to replicate application data/cache in the cluster.
    If you are sure that you want to use multicast to replicate your data,
    in 6.0 you can use JMS:
    Or you can use javagroups:
    John Boyd <[email protected]> wrote:
    Yes, exactly.
    "Dimitri Rakitine" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Are you trying to use JNDI to replicate runtime data across the cluster?
    John Boyd <[email protected]> wrote:
    Here is what I need:
    Server1 binds ObjX to it's JNDI tree (which replicates the object to the
    other servers in the cluster)
    Server2 does a lookup on ObjX, changes some values and rebinds it back
    it's JNDI tree (which should replicate the changes to the other servers
    including Server1).
    The above does not happen because, Server1 is known to be the owner of
    and thus instead of getting replicated data after Server2 rebinds, itgets
    duplicate name errors.
    Is there anyway to make the above work the way I want it to?--

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    I guess there are lots of cmdlets available from Win2k12 DHCP servers.  
    Regards, Nidhin.CK

    Hi, Nidhin...
    I use NETSH tool for this, can redirect results to file or filter w/ FIND.
    NETSH dhcpserver \\SERVERNAME dump | FIND /I "set optionvalue 150"
    Hope this helps!
    Marcelo Lucas Guimarães - MCP, MCTS, MCDBA, MCITP Blog:

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