Streaming Music Live On A Website

Good day to you all,
I am a DJ that has a macbook pro and I have the opportunity to play a live set on the internet for a website. Iam able to stream live from my turntables using a regular windows-based PC by downloading the windows media encoder. I have traded in my windows-based PC for a Macbook Pro.
How do I do this using a macbook pro. what software do i need to download and use to encode my music im playing thru serato on my macbook so i can mix live on this website?
Your help is greatly appreciated.

Horse hockey. Saying "Consumers demand this" to explain not getting appropriate performance licenses is no more an excuse for violating the law than would be breaking into a Best Buy and stealing televisions and justifying it by saying that "consumers demand cheap TVs". If you're not acquiring licenses to play an artist's music, you're in violation of the law and, more morally applicable since you attempt to justify your actions by claiming you're doing something that's valuable and good, the artists' rights to control use of their own work. Your attempt to justify it by comparing to commercial radio is bogus rationalization. I was in the music business for years, and none of the hundreds of artists I ever worked with would ever approve someone webcasting their music to all and sundry without getting their permission first.
Whatever. Don't be surprised if the lawyers from the artists, the RIAA or the record companies come calling.
No need to reply, since I'm done now.

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    I'm not sure there is a good solution to your problem on Windows Phone 8.1 (WP8.1). I think your problem is due to the background audio subsystem in WP8.1 doesn't use Zune for playback but instead has a new media manager service that controls what
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    Windows SDK Technologies - Microsoft Developer Services -

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    First, it is a shame that others such as Tesserax are familiar with the capabilities of said products but offer no real creative solutions.  At one time I did consider myself the finest most creative solution providing technician in Los Angeles, yes working for the finest company on the planet (use your imagination), however, my time although not shortlived, did come to an end due to disagreement or two.  Long Live Vinyl, Praise the Turntable Sir (or Madam).
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         -Wired connection, STEREO to RCA/female 1/8 stereo to CABLE 1/8 stereo on both ends to MBP audio input.
         -Wireless connection, STEREO to RCA/female 1/8 stereo to BLUETOOTH TRANSMITTER to BLUETOOTH RECEIVER to MBP audio input.
    2. Software
         -Purchase Airfoil
         -Fire up GarageBand create an audio track and monitor the input of the track (MBP audio in).
         -Tell Airfoil to stream audio anywhere you want on your network.
    3. BAM enjoy, you can even get airfoil speakers, a great app, to do the dirty work of other airplay supported goodies.  That will turn your iOS stuffs, other macs, PCs, all into zones to stream to.
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    PC running Windows 7
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    Rebooted my router – several times
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