String.equals question...

Hey, this is probably an easy problem for those who know what they're doing! I'm just a Computing student afterall.
Why does this if statement not return true:
     public String translate(String opc) {
          String opCode = opc.substring(0,2);
          String mnemonic;
          if (opCode.equalsIgnoreCase("60"))
               mnemonic = "iadd";
According to System.out.println
the opc is 6000
and opCode is 60
Help needed! Thanks!

Yeah it was just me being stupid, hehe. I had a list of if statements after each other, instead of else ifs, and so the else at the end was overwriting the variable. Eeek.
Please tell me all programmers make as stupid mistakes! :p

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    njb7ty wrote:
    I suggest dropping that example program and concentrating on reading a book on Java such as 'Head First in Java'. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time trying to get something to work and gain little value from it.Likewise... Jumping into reflections before you can [read a stack-trace|] is like signing up a toddler for the New York Marathon... it's probably simply beyond your skill level... so step back... go read a book, do some tutorials, get your head around just the process of the designing, writing, compiling, running, and debugging java programs... and what the different diagnostics mean... Then, equipped with your nose-clip and your trusty stone ;-) you contemplate leaping into the deep end ;-)
    Cheers. Keith.

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    RGEO wrote:
    hello, Can anybody explain me difference between equal method in String class and equal method in Object class. We have equal method in object classes. and object class is the super class of all classes, so why we need equal method in String class.Because "equal" means different things for different objects. For a String, "equal" would mean that both Strings being compared have the exact same characters, in the same sequence. For an Integer, "equals" would mean that both objects have the same integer value.

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    Ya they are both for different purposes. No doubt.
    t which one is faster among the two for string
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    thanksHis point is that it doesn't matter. You shouldn't worry about optimization for small details like this. Unless you are profiling your code and find a large slowdown with that code, then don't worry about their performance. Use the one that best suits your purpose. If you want to know if they're equal, use equals(), if you want to know their order, use compareTo().

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    This has been stated NUMEROUS times throughout the forums...
    == compares Objects (two String Objects will most likely NOT be equal, even if both contain the same characters in the same sequence)
    String.equals(...) compares the equality of the contents of the Strings

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    //post: returns vector with a new turtle of type cls added to the end
    private Vector<Turtle> newturtle(Vector<Turtle> storage, String cls){
         Turtle t = new cls(...);
    private Vector<Turtle> newturtle(Vector<Turtle> storage, String cls){
         Turtle t = new Turtle<cls>(...);
    }Thanks for your help.
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    a Factory is atually very simple (100x simpler than reflection).
    class TurtleFactory
      public Turtle makeTurtle(String typeOfTurtle)
        if (typeOfTurtle.equals("lazy") { return new LazyTurtle(); }
        else if (typeOfTurtle.equals("fast") { return new FastTurtle(); }
    }While at first this doesn't look any better than your original problem, what we've done is made a class that is responsible for all the types of turtles. This will also benefit in case some turtles need initialization or need something passed to their constructor. You encapsulate all that knowledge in one place so you rcode doesn't become littered with it else ladders.

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    String s2 = "abc";

    Actually, the String Object has its own implementation of method equals(), which is different of the default one provided by the Object class.
    The String's equals method returns true if the to args has the same characters.
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    String two = "abc" ;
    String three = one ;
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    kajbj wrote:
    (You should really open a textbook and read about Strings, or google)fortunatly i know this :)
    if you do
    String str = "abc"
    str =="abc" // will always return true.
    but str==(new String("abc")) // will always return false.
    But as per the query posted i am referring to the first case :)

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <root insertedtime="2008-05-01T14:03:00.000+10:00" pkid="23421">
          <book type='fiction'>
             <author>John Smith</author>
             <title>Book title</title>
             <year>2 0  0 8</year>
    </root>in the 'year' node, the value should not contain any spaces, that's the reason why i need to remove spaces using XSLT. Apart from removing space, i also need to make sure that the 'year' node has a non-empty value. Here's the XSLT:
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
        <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
        <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
        <xsl:template match="//books/book[@type='fiction']">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
                <xsl:attribute name="id">101</xsl:attribute>
                <xsl:call-template name="emptyCheck">
                    <xsl:with-param name="val" select="year"/>
                    <xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type"/>
                    <xsl:with-param name="copy" select="'true'"/>
                <xsl:value-of select="translate(year, ' ', '')"/>
        <!-- emptyCheck checks if a string is an empty string -->
        <xsl:template name="emptyCheck">
            <xsl:param name="val"/>
            <xsl:param name="type"/>
            <xsl:param name="copy"/>
            <xsl:if test="boolean($copy)">
                <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>
            <xsl:if test="string-length($val) = 0 ">
                <exception description="Type {$type} value cannot be empty"/>
    </xsl:stylesheet>The 'emptyCheck' function works fine, but the space replacing is not working, this is the result after the transform:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <root insertedtime="2008-05-01T14:03:00.000+10:00" pkid="23421">
          <book type="fiction" id="101">
             <author>John Smith</author>
             <title>Book title</title>
             <year>2 0 0 8</year>2008</book>
    </root>The spaced year value is still there, the no-space year is added outside the 'year' tags'
    anyone can help me, your help is extremely appreciated!

    You should add a template for 'year' :<xsl:template match="year">
    <year><xsl:value-of select="translate(.,' ','')"/></year>
    </xsl:template>and remove the translate call in the 'book' template.
    It would be better to add a 'priority' attribute at each template so it would be explicit which template to use because match="@*|node()" could be interpreted by another transform engine as the unique template to be used !

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    I just figured it out!!! Wha-lah. Go to a question and then click on the underlined text in the question. Then a string of the Q and subsequent responses appears.

  • String equals, matches,, startsWith..endsWith...

    I got some problem and it is very weird for me ...
    For example:
    call method: toCompare("hello");
    method: toCompare(String s) {
    String sa [] = //get all the filename from a file ...// for examle sa contain hello
    // loop
    if (sa.equals(s) ...){ // it actually return true // others matches ..startsWiths .....
    however ...
    when I call method: toCompare(s[0]);
    in the method is actaully return false ...
    I am passing the same value ...
    Please help..
    I don't understand why ...

    "if (sa.equals(s) ...){ // it actually return true // others matches ..startsWiths .....
    however ...
    when I call method: toCompare(s[0]);
    in the method is actaully return false ...
    I am passing the same value ..."
    I'm assuming that by toCompare you mean compareTo...?
    if so, compareTo() returns an int, not a boolean. If it returns 0, then the two Objects being compared are equal.

  • On String Equality (using ==)

    Hello. I am trying to create a program that will merge sentences on their first similar word occurence, i.e.:
    Given "good day. i would like to see you at the office"
    and "how are you feeling today?"
    It will produce "good day. i would like to see you feeling today".
    If there are no similar words, the program will just concatenate the Strings.
    I tested the examples above and I got "good day. i would like to see you at the office how are you feeling today". Obviously, something's wrong.
    So I fiddled around my code putting printlns here and there. Then I found out that my comparison loops doesn't stop. Equality ( == ) always evaluates to false.
    On my tester class, I tried the following:
    String intro = "good day. i would like to see you at the office";
    String outtro = "how are you feeling today?";
    String[] fooArray = intro.split(" ");
    String[] barArray = intro.split(" ");
    String foo = fooArray[7];
    String bar = barArray[2];
    System.out.println("Is foo equal to bar? " + foo == bar);The abovementioned code returned false.
    Then I tried the following
    String intro = "good day. i would like to see you at the office";
    String outtro = "how are you feeling today?";
    String[] fooArray = intro.split(" ");
    String[] barArray = intro.split(" ");
    String foo = fooArray[7];
    String bar = barArray[2];
    System.out.println("How about chars? " + foo.charAt(0) == bar.charAt(0));This time around, it returned true.
    So I'm guessing that maybe I should just create a function that will loop through the chars of the String and compare them.
    However, I am bothered by how Java handled foo == bar . Can someone explain to me why this happened? Is there a workaround to this one or should I always create a function that loops through chars everytime I want to compare Strings?

    == compares references for equality. When you want to compare two Object instances for equality you use the equals method. This applies not only to String but any other type of Object..

  • String Substitution Questions

    A few questions on APEX substitution strings:
    1. Is APEX using a particular templating engine (Velocity, etc.) or one that you developed to handle the "#VALUE#" substitutions in APEX? If so which one?
    2. Are all the substitution parameters (#VALUE# strings) defined anywhere?
    3. When in the APEX processing cycle are they replaced?
    4. Is there any way to get the current value of a substitution string in a SQL or PL/SQL command (ie. a function or something in the API)?
    5. Is there a list of all the places in APEX where you can use substitution strings?
    6. Is there way for developers to create new substitution strings and set / get the values so that APEX will use them?
    Thanks for everyones help!
    Dave Venus

    I'll do the best I can ...
    1. Is APEX using a particular templating engine (Velocity, etc.) or one that you developed to handle the "#VALUE#" substitutions in APEX? If so which one?
    No, it's all done with our own PL/SQL.
    2. Are all the substitution parameters (#VALUE# strings) defined anywhere?
    In one place, I don't think so. Most of the #VALUE# strings are defined in the template definition pages in the Builder where it shows which strings are supported in which fields. These patterns are also supported in the report attributes pages and are listed there and in associated help text. There are other substitution patterns, of course, the &VALUE. strings. I don't know if you're asking about those. All of the supported strings in that category should be documented in the User's Guide.
    3. When in the APEX processing cycle are they replaced?
    At the point where they are encountered, for example when the containing HTML or PL/SQL structure is being rendered, parsed, etc. The exception would be the built-in &VALUE. strings like &SESSION. which are set at the beginning of each request.
    4. Is there any way to get the current value of a substitution string in a SQL or PL/SQL command (ie. a function or something in the API)?
    Not for the #VALUE# strings unless there are specific exceptions I can't recall at the moment for which APIs have been provided. For the &VALUE. strings, of course, you can use v() and bind variable notation to access the value of VALUE.
    5. Is there a list of all the places in APEX where you can use substitution strings?
    6. Is there way for developers to create new substitution strings and set / get the values so that APEX will use them?
    Only for &VALUE. strings for which you can define up to twenty name/value pairs in the Applicaiton Definition (Substitutions) section.

  • String equal?

    I have some instrument which communicate with PC via RS232. So I use VISA write, read...
    It's working OK, but have next problem
    I want to compare two strings, one is constant other one will come out from VISA read. If I use indicator, it's show "hex"(for example 3E04 4B73 ) value from VISA, but if I use same wire to "equal?" to compare two strings it's return strange values...
    Let's see all together to see what's my problem:
    Rookie; LV 2011 on WIN 7
    Go to Solution.

    I don't know the definition of "strange values", especially for a boolean that can only be false or true. Can you explain?
    What is the display format of the diagram constant? (normal or hex?)
    Once you have the right valuue in the indicator, you can right-click the terminal and "create constant". Now you have a diagram constant that is guaranteed to be identical to the current value of the indicator.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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