String object...

public class samp{
public static void main(String args[]){
          String str1=str();
     public static String str(){
String s = "dgsg";
s = s.toUpperCase();
I just ant to know how many objects are created.... And Explanations...

Muthukris wrote:
This is SCJP Question.... The answer given is 3...Buit according to my idea it will be 5... Because sting is immutable... So for each and every modification it will create object..I am not sure if my methodology is correct, but I think it is and will give you the answer:
    int i = 1;
    String s = "dgsg";
    if ( s != s + "etre" ) i++;
    if ( s != s.substring(1,3)) i++;
    if ( s != s.toUpperCase()) i++;
    s = s.toUpperCase();
    if ( s != s.toString()) i++;
    System.out.println(i);Did not know what to do about the System.out.println(s), but I believe no new string is created in there.

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            public static Constructor stringWrap = null;
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                    try {
                            if (stringWrap == null) {
                                    stringWrap = String.class.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] { Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, char[].class });
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              //create Calendar instance
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    Do you mean this String object?
       String x = "xxxxxx";
    If so, then here the explanation. The String above is declared as a loca variable in the print method. I can't see any field pointing to it (neider an object insance is pointing to it, nor a static reference from the class).
    This local object will be in the heap as long as the method is running, and in the heap dump you will see such objects marked as GC roots. The type of this GC root will be <Java local> .
    Depending on the heap dump format, there may be also stack traces inside. If there are stack traces, you shold be able to see your object as referenced from the corresponding frame (the print method) in the Thread Stacks query.
    I hope this helps.

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    Can you post more of the script?
    Are you getting the XML file from disk, or a string?

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    Example 2: [|]
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    Let me describe a basic scenario in which my problem occurs. I have a backing bean and a JSP. The JSP gets a List<String> which is displayed inside a column in an editable HtmlDataTable. Each row in the data table has a UICommandLink that can perform an update to the value in the first column. Hence, the table only has two columns: one input field and one command link.
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    Example 2: [|]
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    Thanks in advance

    > I want to check for alphabet (a-z,A-Z), in String
    object. I need to check the object, whether its
    contain numerals or special character, in that case,
    I want to throw an error stating that "value is not
    valid". It should accept only the a-z or A-Z.
    how to do this.
    As Rene suggested, you can do this using the Pattern class:
    You can do it also by looping through your String and check with String's charAt(index) method (which returns a char) to see if every char from the String is >= A AND <= z.
    Good luck.

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    > How many String objects are created?
    I guess 5, is it right?
    Nope. Just one.

  • String objects

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    String s2 = "def";is it correct that s1 and s2 are both references to the same object? and therefore this same object has two different values, being "abc" and "def"?

    how can they become all of a sudden different objects
    just cause one of the values change?Have a look at this "drawing":
    // Start JVM
    /*               +----------+
                     |          |
       String-pool:  |          |
                     |          |
    String s1 = "qwe";
       "qwe" is not in the pool, so it gets created
                     |        +-+---[s1]
       String-pool:  |        | |
                     |"qwe"<--+ |
    String s2 = "qwe";
       "qwe" IS in the pool, so it gets 'recycled'
                     |        +-+---[s1]
       String-pool:  |        | |
    s1 = "qaz";
       point s1 to a different String (which is not yet present, so it gets created)
       String-pool:  |          |
    */Note that, as already mentioned by the previous poster, that s1 and s2 are merely references* to String objects.
    * think of them as pointers, as you will (not too loud though!)
    ; )

  • Problem in showing value of a string object of jsp to on page

    hello there
    i have a problem that i m fatching a value from a JavaBean in my jsp page now i want to print that value in my jsp page but i is createing problem
    my probelm is that the value which i have been fatching from my javabean contain code like
    void main
    int a=10;
    i m getting this code in a variable in a String object myCode
    and when i m displaying this using
    it is giving output as follows
    #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main { int a=10; printf("%d",a);
    can you tell me why it is creating a problem
    plz help me
    thanks in advance
    pawan gupta

    HTML formats in its own special way. It ignores spaces/newlines.
    Try using <pre> tags to tell the browser "this is pre-formatted text. Don't screw around with it"
    <pre><%= myCode %></pre>

  • Non-string objects as parameters to an applet

    how can i pass non-string objects as parameters to an applet?
    thanks in advance...

    those are some objects that i wroteThen, you could use Class.forName() method for your string parameters.
    If you get the classes, then you can call newInstance() method on them to get objects.
    Alternative way could be using your string parameter as index or keys for some
    data structures that contains ready-made objects.

  • To add a string object to a list

    hi all,
    i am trying a string object usind add method
    String s="xyz";
    when i try to compile the code it says that the code contains an unchecked exception..please tell me how to handle this if its not the correct way please do post some code...........

    To handle exceptions you need try/catch statements around the code which is potentially bad.
    The code you have shown here should not throw an exception - it must be something else you have - maybe reading from file, parsing an Integer to a string etc etc
    Read the section on [url] exceptions in the tutorial
    // do some code
      String s = "xyz";
    catch(Exception e){
      System.out.println("An error occurred " + e.getMessage());

  • Convert Map String, Object to Map String,String ?

    How can I convert a map say;
    Map<String, Object> map = new Map<Striing, Object>();
    map.put("value", "hello");
    to a Map<String,String>.
    I want to pass the map to another method which is expecting Map<String,String>.

    JoachimSauer wrote:
    shezam wrote:
    Because im actaully calling an external method to populate map which returns <String, Object>.Now we're getting somewhere.
    Oh wait, no, we're not! We're back to my original reply:
    What do you want and/or expect to happen if one of the values isn't actually a String object but something else?Nothing like a bit of confusion :). They are and always will be String objects.
    So this external method, call it external1 for now returns a Map<String, Object>, I then want to pass this map to another external method external2 which takes Map <String,String> as a parameter.

  • Convert Map String, Object   to    Map Object, Object

    is there any way to convert a map of type Map<String, Object> to a map of type Map<Object, Object>? I tried casting it did not work

    You can also take the long way around:
        Map<Object, Object> map = (Map<Object, Object>)buildMapObject(
          new String[] { "1", "2", "3" },
          new Object[] { new Integer(1), new Integer(100), new Integer(1000) });
      public Object buildMapObject(String[] s, Object[] o) {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    // Populate map from arguments
        return map;
      }Though why you'd want to do that is beyond me.

  • String object to Date object

    I have date as string object "22/04/2008". I want convert this string object to Date object as specified format (dd/MM/yyyy) only.
    Please do the need full.
    Thanks in Advance

    kishoreyakkali wrote:
    I tried as follows
    SimpleDateFormat strOutDt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    Date dateObj=strOutDt.parse(strTmp);
    System.out.println("dateObj::::" + dateObj);
    Output : Mon Apr 21 00:00:00 IST 2008 A date object is always a wrapper around a millisecond value. It does not contain any formatting information, so you should never print a Date object. You should always convert it to a String using SimpleDateFormat before you print.

  • Why create a String object no need to use constructor?

    If we create a Java String object, we will do:
    String s = "Hello";
    And we won't do:
    String s = new String("Hello");
    In API doc, String() constructor description says "Initializes a newly created String object so that it represents an empty character sequence. Note that use of this constructor is unnecessary since Strings are immutable."
    I am not sure how immutable is related to this??
    Also, I wonder if the compiler will convert
    String s = "Hello" to
    String s = new String("Hello");

    String s = new String("Hello");
    This is a valid statement too..... But the compiler will not convert String s = "Hello" to String s = new String("Hello") as you suggested. The reason is that java has a sort of a String Bag. Everytime you do a String s = "Hello" it will check the bag and see if such a string already exists. If it does, it merely creates a pointer to it, because strings are immutable, it doesn't need to worry about others modifying that string. If the string doesn't exist then it creates the necessary memory for the string object and adds the reference to the bag.
    However, once you do a String s = new String("Hello") what you are saying to the compiler is, "Hey, don't check the bag just create the String." This is all fine and dandy, except that it increases the memory size of your program unnecessarily.

Maybe you are looking for