Stuck in NUM Lock

I am a new user.  My Curve 9300 seems to be stuck in NUM Lock so I cannot enter the letters in my password.  I have tried everything and no luck.  Any suggestions?

Did your everything also include depressing the Shift key?
If still locked, Do a simple reboot on the BlackBerry in this manner: With the BlackBerry device POWERED ON, remove the battery for a minute, and then reinsert the battery to reboot. A reboot in this manner is prescirbed for most gltiches and operating system errors, and you will lose no data on the device doing this.
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    You may not be alone with this problem.

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    Your Sleep Walking Urinator

    I would try soaking the num lock key in white vinegar with a little baking soda for 30 minutes or until all the foaming action is done. this works for my clogged drains, too. then reboot in single user mode and run fsck -fy to clear up any disk problems caused by the liquids, then if all else fails, go back to the pub and have a few more.

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    What PIN code are you trying to enter?  Are you referring to the password to unlock the device?
    1. Please thank those who help you by clicking the "Like" button at the bottom of the post that helped you.
    2. If your issue has been solved, please resolve it by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!

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    This error occurs when iTunes is unable to reach in a timely fashion. Follow the steps below inUnable to contact the iOS software update server
    Attempt to restore your iOS device two more times. If the issue is still unresolved, the device may need service.
    I suggest making another appointment at the Apple Store.

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    OK, I'd backup your data. This further suggestion could disable your machine and may require a logicboard replacement in event the CMOS capacitor has gone south. That's why I'm saying the backup is important!
    Once backed up, shut down, and disconnected all peripherals, try zapping your PRAM:

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    Go to Solution.

    Take the battery out for 10 seconds.

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    You have Graphics card problem.
    Take it in Hardware problem:
    Genius reservation
    check warranty
    see if this applies ain-of-graphics-issues-after-efi-update

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    Which version of OS X is running on the machine? When you say that the installation DVD is 'stuck' do you mean physically stuck in the machine and you cannot boot from it?
    Unless your running Lion or Mountain Lion, both of which have Recovery partitions, I would think that you're simply 'stuck' if you cannot boot from the DVD. At this point, I would take the machine to an Apple Store or an AASP for a free diagnosis and repair estimate. If it turns out that you've a failed hard drive, of course, you can always replace it yourself.

  • Can I enable Num Lock on boot up via a VBScript in Win 8.1 with Update 1?

    Hope this is the correct place for this - someone directed me to the TechNet Forums from the Windows 8.1 general forum, and then from the 'Windows Forms General' forum to this one (not sure if my thread has been copied/moved to this forum already by one
    of the moderators; if it has, my apologies, but I am not am regular forum user and I don't understamnd most of the shorthand being used by others, whether something is something someone has written as part of a repsonse or an action they have taken, or just
    part of their sign off or what).
    In the good old days of Windows XP, I was able to ensure Num Lock was on at boot up by the use of a small VB Script file, which was this:
    set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    WshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}"
    It is really annoying with Win 8.1 that on Boot Up, AND
    every time I want to switch user, Num Lock goes off (even if it was on before switching user).  I want Num Lock to be on at Boot Up AND stay on when switching user.
    I have seen the suggested remedies in other forums about changing the appropriate value in the Registry (which does not work until after logon) and changing the BIOS setting (which does not work because Windows overrules the BIOS setting).  The question
    is whether the VBScript solution will work with Win 8.1?
    If it will, in which folder do I put the Script file in order for it to work for all Users?
    And do I have to make the any changes to Group Policy to make it work, and if so what chnages, as seems to be the case if the OS was Win 7 (mine is Win 8.1 Update 1, and NOT Win 8 Pro).
    Thanks in advance for all technical help on this one.

    Hi jrv
    Fine, and I followed your advice straight away (I posted exactly the same question on the GP Forum) and recived one reply about creating a script and using GP to do something.......
    as my post above dated 10th September states very clearly:
    "Perhaps I need to add that this is a single, standalone, home PC, with 2 users, running Win 8.1 Core/Basic.  Also, I cannot find the Group Policy Editor on the PC; when I type either 'gpedit' or 'gpedit.msc' into Run, I get a message saying that
    the file canot be found on the PC.  This when logged on as user with administrator powers.  It is not found either from a Command prompt.  And there does not seem to be a GP Snap-in available via the MM Console."
    Given that situation, how on earth do I use Group Policy?
    I am not frustrated with the people who are trying to help me and I have tried everything that people have suggested.  But I am frustrated that people do not seem to be reading my contributions to this debate which are trying, as clearly as I know how,
    to explain what is actually happening at my end.  All I can truthfully say is that NONE of those suggestions that I am able to implement turn NumLock on at initial Bootup before anyone logs on.
    And I do not have access to Group Policy to change or add a new Script of any sort there.  If you are able to tell me how I can do that, then I might well be able to achieve what I want.  But it now seems that, without that, I cannot achieve what
    I want.  If that is the case, then end of.
    Ok - you are home y=user with little technical training on deployment and management of desktop systems.  You should be posting in
    htttp://  This forum is for administrative scripting and not for user PC repair and configuration.  Forget about GP as it is for trained technicians and not for home users.  All you need to
    do on a home PC is to set the registry once.  There is a "FixIt" in the link I posted that will do this for you.
    You can also call the vendor or Microsoft support for help with the issue.  It is in no way a script related problem.

  • How do I toggle num lock in Windows 7 via Boot Camp 4.0 on a MacBook Pro (Late 2011)?

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    I have read, which covers the previous MBP keyboard (on which the F6 key function was numlock), but I can't find any information regarding the possibility of doing this with the new MBP model keyboard (on which the F6 key function is increasing the keyboard backlight).  Any thoughts?  Suggestions?

    I was looking for this answer and found it on another site. I realize this is an old thread, but just in case someone else stumbles here and needs to do it, here's how to turn numlock on or off in Windows, and to make it stick:
    Run Registry Editor (RegEdit)
    In Windows 8 or earlier you can press Command-R, then type regedit
    In Win7 or earlier, you can also just click Start menu, and type regedit in the search field.
    In the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Keyboard
    Within the Keyboard folder, you should have an entry named InitialKeyboardIndicators. Set the "Data" value accordingly:
    0 = Num Lock is turned OFF after login
    1 = Disable Num Lock
    2 = Numlock is turned ON after the login
    I hope this helps.

  • Can I use a VB SCript to enable Num Lock at logon in Win 8.1 with Update 1?

    Hope this is the correct place for this - someone directed me to the TechNet Forums from the Windows 8.1 general forum, and then from the 'Windows Forms General' forum to one on Scripting and now to this one on Group Policy this one.  Hope I have now
    got to the correct technical forum to answer the question below, which is driving me nuts.
    In the good old days of Windows XP, I was able to ensure Num Lock was on at boot up by the use of a small VB Script file, which was this:
    set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    WshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}"
    It is really annoying with Win 8.1 that on Boot Up, AND
    every time I want to switch user, Num Lock goes off (even if it was on before switching user).  I want Num Lock to be on at Boot Up AND stay on when switching user.
    I have seen the suggested remedies in other forums about changing the appropriate value in the Registry (which does not work until after logon) and changing the BIOS setting (which does not work because Windows overrules the BIOS setting).  The question
    is whether the VBScript solution will work with Win 8.1 with Update 1?
    If it will, in which folder do I put the Script file in order for it to work for all Users?
    And do I have to make the any changes to Group Policy to make it work, and if so what changes, as seems to be the case if the OS was Win 7 (mine is Win 8.1 Update 1, and NOT Win 8 Pro).
    Thanks in advance for any help on this one.  Please note, I am NOT an expert user, so please try and explain any shorthand you use that you take for granted but which I won't understand!!

    Thanks for this reply, RBoyde, but........
    ... as my orignal message suggested, I have hardly a clue what you are saying and the link doesn't help me understand any better either (as it doesn't seem to help with how to do something with an existing Registry key).
    To be speciific:
    1.  what script do I write?
    2.  where do I save it so it works for all users at logon AND on switching users?
    3.  how do I "run it as a logon script via group policy"????
    Perghaps I need to add that this is a single, standalone, home PC, with 2 users, running Win 8.1 Core/Basic.  Also, I cannot find the Group Policy Editor on the PC; when I type either 'gpedit' or 'gpedit.msc' into Run, I get a message saying that the
    file canot be found on the PC.  This when logged on as user with administrator powers.  It is not found either from a Command prompt.  And there does not seem to be a GP Snap-in available via the MM Console.
    Please clarify for me what looks to be a helpful response - for I am just a 'bear of little brain' (as per Winnie the Pooh).

  • Num Lock Pad Doesn't Work With Fill In Forms

    I have Adobe XI, running Windows * and IE 11. Num Lock key pad does not work with fill in forms.  Can anyone help?

    Sounds like you are using a third-party keyboard: the new Apple keyboards do not have a Num Lock key and the numeric keypad always functions as such.
    If you're using a third-party keyboard, and if you installed vendor-provided software to customize the keyboard, check its preferences and also check the vendor's Web site to see if there is an updated version of the software for your keyboard.
    I cannot reproduce the problem using the latest model of Apple Pro keyboard (the one that came with my computer, which is the same as your computer).
    2. You might also want to state the specific keyboard and version of Excel you are using in case someone else has the same configuration and can try to reproduce the problem. I tried it with Excel from Office v.X.
    3. You wrote: "* Deleted Excel Preferences"Both of them, yes?
    - Home > Library > Preferences > (you may or may not have this one).
    - Home > Library > Preferences > Microsoft > Microsoft Excel
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • Num Lock is off at bootup

    HP ENVY 23-c115xt All-in-One CTO Desktop
    When the computer boots up and asks for a password, using Microsoft account, the num lock is off. I checked the bios settings and "num lock on' is set to on. How do I getthe num lock to come on at bootup?
    This is a wireless keyboard model KG-1061
    thanks for your help.

    Hey wingingit2, 
    I'm sorry you're running into this Num Lock issue. I've got a couple of things for you to try though. 
    Control Panel > Power Options > System Settings > Uncheck ( Turn on Fast Startup)
    Steps taken from here.
    Also try the RegEdit from this page. It's always a good idea to back up your registry before making any changes.
    Hope this helps! Let me know the results when you get a chance!

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    bump. Anyone? This is driving me insane. Thanks!

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