Studio8 and vista ultimate64

I just bought a new laptop, but it came with vista ultimate
64-bit OS. I do not have any money for cs3 this year and would like
to install cs2 and studio8.
Is this ok or a BAD idea?
Has anyone tried it and what happend?

While I can't speak to the whole suite since I only update
Photoshop on Windows and that is CS2, I can say that there are no
problems running it on the 64-bit edition of Windows. You will want
to run the installer as an administrator (right click and run as
Also be sure to get some updates from the web because there
was an update recently done for Photoshop CS2 that was not put
through the CS updates system for CS2, but it was for CS3. I don't
know if this is updated, but I remember I had to do that last one
manually. It could be changed now, but if it is not this is the
file I am referring to:

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    Thank you - Jane.

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    wow! Thats a beast of a PC. I am jealous! This may help you out some:
    iTunes and Vista haven't been playing nicely together. It should works itself out with the next iTunes update.
    Good Luck,

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    First of all the M4 I dont understand why there is a conflict between the PCMCIA drivers and Vista!
    The drivers are included in the Vista OS so how did you remove such drivers and how did you install the Vista on this notebook?
    Furthermore the notebook supports the PC card slot and you can use the PCMCIA R2.01, PC Card 16(multi-function card) and PCMCIA 32bit cards. The BIOS controls this slot.
    Maybe you have to update the BIOS before you will install the Vista on this unit!!!

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    Version: Release Date: 2007/09/27 which is OLD!!!!
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    Come ON !!
    Message Edited by TeMpL on 07-09-2008 07:29 PM

    Hi there!
    Please see  this thread for the download links for the Fingerprint Software 5.8 ....
    This issue was already raised in the ThinkVantage subforum here at Lenovo Forums and it is resolved.
    Regarding the Turbo Memory, please keep in mind that the hardware only works with Vista. Windows XP does not support turbo memory thus the piece of hardware is rendered useless. With regards to Turbo Memory usage in Vista, the latest drivers do fully support the card in Vista and since there are no technological changes, there is no need for additional or new drivers.
    Hope this helps!
    Message Edited by icantux on 07-09-2008 02:28 PM

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    I have tried every trick I can think of to get the remote control and Vista to work together, to no avail. I'm stumped.
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    I hope an answer can be found for this problem.
    If I haven't been clear enough, just ask, and I'll try to explain things better.
    Thanks for any help that anyone can give.

    Are you using Media Center in Vista? If so, buy a Media Center remote, should work with no problems.

  • Drivers/Utilities CD..XP and VISTA..can I use vista for WIN7 64 bit install?

    Drivers/Utilities CD's, that came with the p-35 Motherboard..XP and VISTA..can I use Vista for WIN7 64 bit install, or download the chip set drivers for Awin7 BEFORE the OS install??
    MSI P-35 Platinum
    Q6600 Core 2 Quad
    Presently XP 32Bit
    NVidia geforce 8600GT
    8GB DDR2 SDRAM PC6400-800MHz
    Windows 7..waiting to be installed.
    I WANT TO DO A CLEAN INSTALL.I have Windows 32 Home XP, I have the Win7 OEM I want to install.
    When i bought my MSI mobo, it came with both the drivers and utilities for XP and Vista.   Can I use the chip set drivers and utilities for Vista, until i can go to MSI and download the latest chip set drivers?  When do i install these drivers....before the OS install, or after?
    Can I format these drives first, go in the BIOS change to boot sequence from Raptor Boot Drive to the DVD/Rom to boot the WIN7 from, or should I format while installing Win7?  
    Someone on another forum suggested that 1) disconnect the two droves, then install the OS on the boot drive, and2) before win7 install, make the proposed boot drive (NOT THE DVD/CD ROM the first choice priority for the boot this right?
    Is it absolutely necessary to unplug the other two drives, while formatting and installing the WIN7 O.S.?  People tell me that there is a chance of the OS installing sometimes on the other drives.
    Also, if I want to change the now present boot drive Local disk letter (C) to my storage drive (G) and the other two drive letters, can I do this in manage disks, anytime, or only during windows setup install?

      I've never had this much trouble hooking up a HDD.
           I have two IDE DVD/CD ROMS.  (My RAID MODE was IDE in XP OS, and still is with WIN7.)
           I have three SATA HDD's.
    After unplugging the SATA 2TB HDD while I installed the WIN7 OS on the 500 GB HDD (it was on the 74 RAPTOR, but I moved location, and made absolutly sure nothing went on my raptor)
      So today I decided to re-hook up the 2TB Storage HDD, and when I did, I went into bios,and to the cell menu, and LOAD ALL DEFAULT SETTINGS, so it could see my newly installed HDD,which I had all my backup Data from the previous HDD. I also checked and the RAID MODE was IDE, and the boot sequence was the WDC 500GB Boot/OS drive, rebooted,then I got that annoying blanked out screen with that blinking cursor, so I got back into the bios,and changed the 1st boot to the IDE Pioneer DVD/CD ROM, 2nd boot to the 500GB HDD, and rebooted again..still got that blinking cursor.
    I opened up the Mobo, checked and replugged all SATA, and power cables to the three HDDS, tried it again,then still got the blinking cursor.  Seems no matter what I change in the boot sequence,it never wants to boot properly
    ....AND THEN,
     I started with TAB > POST> started WINDOWS, then once it opened up, I went to manage Disks, saw all three HDDs were online and healthy.  Win. Explorer also listed them in that folder, in device manager, it listed all three too.
     The managed window showed this:
    74GB    (system,active,Primary partition)                       Storage
    2TB     (Primary partition)                                           Excessive Storage
    500GB  (Boot, page files,crash-Dump, Primary partition)   Operating system
    Both the PCI IDE BusMaster and ON-Chip SATA Controller were both ENABLED.
    Before I just got online, I tried RESTART, and it opened Windows the usual way,  so I hope I don't have any more problems. It worked fine BEFORE I just plugged in the 2TB HDD back in.
    I pretty much did what everyone suggested,except for leaving in the 74GB Raptor when I installed WIN7, which prompted me to format the drive prior to installing the OS.  Also, when I changed the IDE, RAID,and AHC1, to the AHC1 Mode, just before I installed Window7, like a few suggested, I also had problems, so after the install, I went back and changed it back to IDE.  My Floppy was an IDE, but I removed it from my system, and disabled in BIOS, but even a few times I went into Bios and saw that thje floppy was 1st Boot, even though I changed to either the DVD/CD Rom, or the 500GB boot drive.            
    So what is the preferred boot sequence?   

  • Official release of XP and Vista drivers for Satellite Pro P100-465 PSPAEE

    When will the drivers be available for both XP and Vista for the PSPAEE? Currently there are drivers for the PSPA4E some of which work, some not, on either operating system. Yes the laptop is preinstalled with the Vista Ugrade and the drivers work but two of the driver apps are blocked by Defender (NDSTRay / ConfigFree and VolControl). I could get no options to enable these (unclassified as yet from MS so they are locked out) I was told to disable Defender by tech-support!
    I have tried a clean install of my own version of Vista Business and had driver problems with that as well.
    I would like to run XP until Vista is, shall we say, more efficient but would like to use drivers specifically for it so a time-frame would be very useful.
    I'd also like to know why there is a plug where a finger-scanner could go underneath the 0 of the number-pad, and a blocked-off lower PCMCIA (PCI-E?) port when neither of these are available as upgrade options? Did I miss those upgrade options or is this a case recycled from another model where they are available? If the latter then that's pretty cheap for a new machine :)

    The Toshiba USA site offers comprehensive information on Vista upgrade and drivers for P100/105 machines which include similar ones to those released in the UK/Europe. If you want to be at the bleading edge of technology/take a chance see essionID=@@@@1075792543.1174388169@@@@&BV_EngineID =ccciaddkhddlhhkcgfkceghdgngdgmn.0&ct=DL

  • ITunes 8 MP3 encoder produces different bitstreams under XP and Vista

    While organizing a new listening test for MP3 encoders at ~128 kbps VBR, I came across a significant problem in iTunes 8 and maybe older versions as well.
    I have a 30 seconds sample file of Fatboy Slim's "Kalifornia" from the album "You've Come a Long Way Baby". The sample (as FLAC - you have to decode it to PCM WAV yourself) can be downloaded from the Hydrogenaudio Forums:
    If you encode this sample to MP3 using 112 kbps, VBR, highest quality, joint stereo under Windows Vista, the resulting file will have an average of 122 kbps. The same file encoded with the same settings and the same iTunes version under Windows XP will have an average of 191 kbps. I was able to reproduce this on three different machines with "clean" XP SP 3 and Vista SP 1 installations ("clean" means only the hardware drivers and all Windows updates are installed, no third-party software). It would be nice if other people could try to reproduce this if possible. Another interesting thing would be to see what the Mac version of iTunes produces.
    Sebastian Mares
    PS: Can anyone tell me where I can file bug reports to Apple?

    Sebastian Mares wrote:
    PS: Can anyone tell me where I can file bug reports to Apple?
    At the iTunes feedback page.
    By the way, iTunes is famous for having one of the worst MP3 encoders.

  • 7.4.3 and Vista

    Here's what's going on:
    When I load iTunes, it says "loading library.xml" (or something to that effect.) If I leave it alone, it will result in a "iTunes has stopped working" message from Vista. If I hit cancel, it will load iTunes but my over half my library is missing and I have lost all my playlists.
    When I go to import the folders to add back in all my music, I get a BSOD.
    I have read around here that other people are having random issues with 7.4.3 and Vista.....Are there any solutions? I have tried un-installing everything and re-installing it but the same problem occurred in just a few hours.
    [Note: I've had 7.4.3 on my machine since it came out and I am just now getting this problem.]

    Yes, I'm having issues, too. Last night, I downloaded some updates for Vista that it said were strongly recommended, etc., etc. Once I restarted, and then opened iTunes, it did the same thing - said it was accessing the library, took forever, then iTunes crashed, got the "iTunes has stopped working."
    The short of it is that my library is now corrupt. I replaced it with an older version, transferred my purchases, but still have about 600 files -- things I ripped from personal collection -- that I can't get back on there. I tried some of the third-party stuff -- like iPodRip and Music Rescue -- but none of them worked. (iPodRip never got past the "scanning your iPod" stage; Music Rescue actually went through all the motions, but in the end added nothing to iTunes).
    Anyway, I ended up sending a foul-mouthed rant to Apple's feedback email, which I'm sure they loved. It's so frustrating. I don't understand why they can't make it sync like every other sync-able device on the planet.
    So now I have to find a way to put all those files back into the library. Any ideas, other than re-importing them?

Maybe you are looking for