Subfolders in iTunes podcast?

Is it possible to have iTunes seperate a feed in to "subfeeds", showing up in subfolders on iTunes and the iPod? Ideally, we would prefer it if the podcast RSS XML standard supported more than one <Channel> per feed, but lacking that, we still want content from multiple sources to be displayed sorted by source in folders.
Thank you,
Jim De Arras

If you CAN do that, please let me know.
I've got a bit of an issue of having WAY too much content for the Apple iTunes model to really work well, and would love to have a bit more infrastructure.
I suspect, however, that it is not possible.
It seems like that Apple iTunes is purposely kept to "small-scale" for whatever reasons.

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    Have you read for possible solutions over in the "More Like This" thread over here?----------------------->
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    You can omit the title altogether in the URL (together with the succeeding slash, of course). For example, my own podcast URL in the Store is
    but this works perfectly well:
    Indeed you can even put your own title:
    So it's as simple as that!

  • ITunes' podcasts no longer download (?)

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    When booting from my primary drive using 10.3.9 I can no longer manually, or automatically, download podcasts. And oddly, even podcasts that exist on that partition will not even open in iTunes.
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    I then resubscribed to the broadcasts (i.e. podcasts) and though the available podcast lists appear for each broadcast with "Get" next to each... when I click on them they won't download and I get the icon at the far left showing there is a problem.
    Though this might be a prebind problem for the last issue... I don't see how that would affect iTunes not being capable of downloading podcasts from 10.3.9.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I've been listening to iTunes' podcasts for years without this problem so I can only imagine that it must have something to do with the fact that the partition had to be recreated (though I can't see how that fact would affect iTunes in this way when I DIRECTLY drop the podcast files on to the iTunes app icon... and they still will not play. This would bypass any prebind problem it would seem).
    Thanks for reading this lengthy post.
    Systems 10.3.9 and 10.4.9 on separate internal drives in the same box using iTunes 7.01 (7). Though I had been using iTunes 6.05 with 10.3.9 before this problem occurred. But when I couldn't solve the problem I upgraded to 7.01 with 10.3.9 -- since it was working with 10.4.9 I thought I'd give it a try -- but even that didn't solve the problem.)
    Mac OS X (10.3.9) 10.3.9 and podcasts don't work, but 10.4.9 and podcasts do work

    It appears that I solved the problem. (I like to post my solutions so as to both not waste peoples time and so that if this ever happens to someone else it might help.)
    My iTunes alias of the iTunes folder that is by default placed in the Music folder (i.e. ~/Music/iTunes) was broken after the partition where I had moved it was recreated.
    Or... since I also forced a re-prebinding (not a simple 'update prebinding') it may have been this since my music in the same folder (on the recreated iTunes folder on the recreated partition) was playing fine and from 10.4.9 the podcasts played fine.
    So it may have been both... but anyway... the podcasts are working fine again.

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    or how to create a playlist of podcasts?
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    I've usually found using outer joins to be very efficient in performing NOT IN/NOT EXIST type operations.
    WITH t1 AS (
    SELECT 100 type, 1 begin_no, 10 end_no FROM dual
    SELECT 200 type, 10 begin_no, 20 end_no FROM dual
    SELECT 300 type, 20 begin_no, 30 end_no FROM dual
       , t2 AS (
    SELECT 100 type, 5 no FROM dual
    SELECT 100 type, 6 no FROM dual
    SELECT 100 type, 11 no FROM dual
    SELECT 100 type, 21 no FROM dual
    SELECT 200 type, 5 no FROM dual
    SELECT 200 type, 6 no FROM dual
    SELECT 200 type, 11 no FROM dual
    SELECT 200 type, 21 no FROM dual
    SELECT 300 type, 5 no FROM dual
    SELECT 300 type, 6 no FROM dual
    SELECT 300 type, 11 no FROM dual
    SELECT 300 type, 21 no FROM dual
    SELECT t2.*
      FROM t2
         , t1
    WHERE t1.type (+)= t2.type
       AND BETWEEN t1.begin_no(+) AND t1.end_no(+)
       AND t1.type IS NULL;
    output is:
    TYPE     NO
    200     21
    200     6
    200     5
    300     11
    300     6
    300     5
    100     21
    100     11

  • Does not appear in my itunes podcast

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    You will need to change the title slightly. You can always change it back afterwards, assuming that the method you are using to create your podcast does not change the feed URL when you do this.

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    FYI, your link to your podcast in iTunes is wrong, it should be
    Your feed validates, and I can't see anything wrong with it. Plainly the iTunes Store is failing to pick it up: it's been known for the Store not to be happy with feed URLs with a '?' in them, but presumably you haven't changed the feed URL since the original episode?
    I can only suggest you approach Support:
    (email link at the bottom of the page).

  • Posting My iTunes Podcast URL On My Website

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    Thank you,

    Here's info from the spec:
    Linking to Your Podcast
    If your podcast is accepted, customers will be able to discover it in the iTunes Store via search or browse. But you can also create links directly to your podcasts and share those on your website or in email. There are two linking methods:
    iTunes Store Link: The following link goes directly to your podcast page in iTunes, where users will have the opportunity to subscribe to the podcast. This link can be found for any podcast by control + clicking (or right clicking in Windows) the podcast’s art on its page in the iTunes Store:
    Note that a shorter but functionally identical link is also available:
    This is the preferred method among podcasters, because it results in an action (the user clicking on the Subscribe button in the iTunes Store) that is registered by iTS and will drive your podcast up the various automated charts.
    Direct Subscribe Link: The following link automatically subscribes the user to the podcast in iTunes. Note that this method fails for Windows users who do not have iTunes installed, so it should be clearly noted that the link is intended for subscription with iTunes.
    Also note that this method will not push your podcast up the various charts in the iTunes Store. It is a direct call to the user's iTunes client software and sends no information to the iTunes Store. If you want to increase the visibility of your podcast, we recommend that your web site and other marketing materials use the iTunes Store link described above.

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    In iTunes podcasts were sorted in the library alphabetically.  In Version 1.2.1, there is no ability to sort and podcasts (not episodes) are duplicated.  Can you sort the Podcasts in the library section? How do you remove or consolidate duplicates?

    In iTunes podcasts were sorted in the library alphabetically.  In Version 1.2.1, there is no ability to sort and podcasts (not episodes) are duplicated.  Can you sort the Podcasts in the library section? How do you remove or consolidate duplicates?

  • 11.3 iTunes Podcast mess-up - will Apple ever do something about it?

    This is the second major Podcast mess-up within 10 months!!!!!!!
    Today is Monday July 21 - I downloaded the fatal for podcasts List View and very confusing and annoying for podcasts MyPodcasts View on Friday July 11 (morning) -
    on Sunday July 13 Apple had an update to correct mistakes concerning iBooks i.e. they notice when they have erred ;-(
    But podcasts?
    who cares about them, they aren't buyers, their plight isn't even acknowledged (should I dare to ask for a "sorry" or would that be presumptuous?) ...
    Since they fixed iBooks so speedily I assume that there are buyers for their meagre offering.
    i.e. today is the 11th day after they caused the wreckage to ListView - the revelation that MyPodcastView remains still limpingly operable was found via the community. They don't allow feedback for 11.3, at least they have it not on their list just like 11.2.2 isn't there. That makes me guess that by their reckoning podcasts is in top shape and all those grievances which you'll find in other threads searching for 11.3 are all due to ignorance and/or un-geek-worthy equipment.
    Are they preparing Podcasts for the trash bin? What are the experiences of the community? Is this a one-off or has this happened with other free offerings?
    How are Microsoft users of iTunes podcasts faring? Better or worse?

    yes fox27 that new not synching feature between list view and play lists must have been generated via the wet dream of a super-genius
    all in all I have by now resigned myself to the realisation that the golden age of podcast listening is over
    I am cutting down on my list of subscriptions on a daily basis because otherwise I'd spend all time managing them and no time listening to any of them.
    One of the many mysteries that remain for me though is if Apple wants to get rid of the podcast listeners (terrible freebie aficionados that they are) what do the major book publishers say about it? Though the number of presentations by authors on book-tour has dwindled notably since the beginning of the financial crisis there are still some plus lots of interesting long interviews which will be a lot more trouble to find.
    i.e. Apple's neglect aka mistreatment of "us" hurts lots of companies whose products Apple wants to sell - I don't get the logic of it all - it is confusing.
    Why haven't the book tour authors anything to say about it? Maybe alerting the stars amongst them like Malcolm Gladwell, Michael Lewis, Max Hastings etc. etc. to what is going on might be a way to get Apple to pay attention.

  • Why is iTunes Podcast Artist Column Incorrectly Showing the Channel Title?

    I've noticed that recently for iTunes Podcasts that I create, when viewing the podcast in iTunes, the Artist column (for each podcast media record) is not showing the correct <itunes:author> field for that item. Instead it is showing the <title> field for the whole category. I thought my XML may have been incorrect, but it never used to be a problem for and it still looks correct. Further more, I noticed that other podcasts on itunes had this same problem (all). Why isn't it showing the "author" in the artist column anymore? Is this a glitch in the new version of itunes?

    No, I think it's actually using the "channel <title>" node, not the owner <itunes:name> field you mentioned. Mine are different, and it's picking up that field for sure.
    The iTunes Specs:
    require this tag for the channel:
    This is the top level title of the whole podcast, and it should not be used for the "author" of the individual podcast "items". See the image on that page which describes which fields are displayed where: 1029.jpg
    It explicitly says that "item <itunes:author>" should show up in the column. Whereas "channel <title>" is used for the top channel title ONLY. They are not following their own specs. And if you aren't including that "channel <title>" field, then you aren't following the specs either I'm glad it works, but I'm not quite ready to abandon the specs, because they are going to find the glitch in iTunes and fix it soon.
    I would like them to fix what is very obviously a problem in a recent release of iTunes. Maybe if we all report the problem, they'll pay attention:
    Just pick the "best" category and write a report to them.

  • Itunes Podcast Automatic Unsubscribe - Any way around it? Stupid feature!

    We are just finishing up an advanced publishing system for audio and video podcast publishers. Our system will allow publishers to place a button on their site and with one click get subs to their podcast.
    They can preload episodes in a sequential order set the date and time frame that the next episode is sent automatically. They can also charge subscription fees for their podcast... it gets a lot more advanced than that but that is the basic concept.
    Today I stumbled upon:
    Which says:
    "Automatic Unsubscribe
    iTunes automatically unsubscribes from a podcast if the following conditions are both met:
    1. The user has not played any episode downloaded in the past 5 updates (there may be more than one episode downloaded per update.
    2. More than 5 days have elapsed since an episode was played."
    The entire purpose of a podcast is to subscribe to you will not miss anything... so what is the automatic unsubscribe feature for?
    Is there a way for a user to disable it?
    My publishers depend on their subs remaining subscribed. It seems that this feature basically would automatically kick you off your subscribed podcasts if you go on vacation for a week and five episodes are released that week.
    I see no purpose in this at all and it totally screws with paid publishers and especially those who set up preloaded episodes that go out sequentially in our system.
    What are my options? Any workarounds? Or will we need to kick itunes ot the curb and choose or develop another podcatcher?

    As I read it, "both" conditions have to be met for unsubscribe. I get episodes I have subscribed to that only come out about once a month, and every month, I get the episode automatically downloaded. I think it has to be both, that you have not played any of the past 5 episodes that were downloaded, nor played any of the past episodes for 5 days since the 5th one downloaded. So if you put out a weekly podcast and people get your downloads, there should be no problem. Unless they simply don't list to them.
    I think!
    That's how I read it, and in my experiences with subscription to a monthly podcast.
    Just my 2 cents.
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • There is the possibility of making all my itunes podcast so that users can view a repertoire?

    There is the possibility of making all my itunespodcast so that users can view a repertoire?

    If you mean you have several podcasts and would like them all to be listed on the same page, you may be able to get the Store to set up what they call an 'Artist Page' which does this. says:
    How can I create a page that aggregates my podcasts?
    If you have multiple podcasts listed in the iTunes Store, the iTunes staff can create a single page that lists all of them in one place. We call this page an “artist page.” Note that a podcast can only appear on one artist page.
    To request an artist page, navigate to one of your podcasts, click on Report a Concern, and select Remove a Podcast. In the dialog box, explain that you would like an artist page, give us the exact name of the artist (please don’t include “Inc,” “LLC,” etc.), and list the exact feed URLs or links to your podcasts.

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