Submit of form to SERVLET

i am calling servlet on submit button of form created in JSP.
*<form name="form" method="GET" action="/test" >* servelt is in default package.
404 error is reflecting up when i pressing submit....
can anybody what r possible reason for this.............

this was the mapping in web.xml
any mistake there...
and you mentioned its not gud practise to keep in default folder...
then do want me to keep in mine created package....
n more thing i wanna why i am not able to create servlet java file in web folder..
whenever i create it automatically falls into default package...
i am new to J2EE concepts plz help......

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    I have a PDF form with a Submit button which when clicked should post this to a servlet. The servlet should receive the PDF and email it a designated mail box. Since we would like the email to be sent from a dedicated mail address, we are using this approach instead of the Livecycle designer's email button.
    The problem now: I have set the Submit As property on the button to PDF and provided my servlet URL in the form using LiveCycle designer.
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    messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    DataSource source = new FileDataSource("C:/file.PDF");
    But how do I make sure the form that will be received by the Servlet be emailed. Appreciate any help.

    I have a PDF form with a Submit button which when clicked should post this to a servlet. The servlet should receive the PDF and email it a designated mail box. Since we would like the email to be sent from a dedicated mail address, we are using this approach instead of the Livecycle designer's email button.
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    messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    DataSource source = new FileDataSource("C:/file.PDF");
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    You can protect it by setting something on the user's session bean and checking it in the servlet..
       HttpSession session = request.getSession();
       Object tag = session.getAttribute("visited");
       if (tag == null) {
          session.setAttribute("visited", new Object());
          // Do processing here
       // Do output hereThe output will occur regardless of how many times the user requests the page, but the processing of their request will only occur once.
    It's probably wise to give the attribute a sensible name if you're going to use the same method from more than one servlet. Also, if you ever intend the user to come back to this page, you'll have to remove the attribute. For anything more complicated than one page, you'll need to use something a little more complicated.

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    <t:commandLink id="hiddenLink" forceId="true" value="test link"
    <t:selectOneMenu id="pageList_top" forceId="true" value="#{pc_PageX.ValueX}"
         onchange="jspellSync(); submitPageX();">
         <f:selectItems value="#{pc_PageX.ListX}" />
    function submitPageX(){
         var hiddenLink = document.getElementById("hiddenLink");;
    }Note that the <t:commandLink> is not hidden, though it will be in the final version if I can get this to work.
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    - Clicking the link using other ways -> hiddenLink.fireEvent('onclick');
    If all else fails, I'll just add a button that they have to click to submit the form.

    snotmare wrote:
    BalusC wrote:
    I recall this problem in one of the ancient JSF versions. Which JSF version do you use? Do you have any room to upgrade to latest? We're using an IBM implementation of JSF, which is at version 7.0. The IBM implementation appears to be built on the JSF base 1.1.That's not an IBM JSF implementation, they do not have any one, they just have some component libraries which runs on top of some JSF implementation. RAD/WSAD ships by default with Sun JSF RI. Try upgrading to at least 1.1_02 which you can download from the aforementioned link. There's a gap of 2 years (and inherently a lot of bugfixes) compared to 1.1. If the application server used supports Servlet 2.5, you could even upgrade to the latest 1.2.
    We've had other issues with the IBM implementation, which could be the cause in this case too. We've been talking about switching to MyFaces, but there is one feature of the IBM version that we like. It's basically a script collector (hx:scriptCollector) that allows us to do pre-processing on the page.As said before, IBM does not have a JSF implementation. So replacing RI by MyFaces wouldn't make any difference.

  • How to submit two forms once  in one jsp page?

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    My jsp page includes two forms: one form's action is a File Upload servlet, which process file uploading; another is a general servlet to collect user inputs, such as user name, age, etc.
    Because the file upload servlet is a legacy component, and it was used in many applications. we could not meger it into our business components.
    the system requires the file upload and information collection are submitted once. so we have to submit two forms in one 'Submit' action, at the same time, the information collection servlet need get the information from file upload servlet, such as the uploaded file's url.
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    2. the javascript only submit upload form, and set HTML body's onUnload event to another javascript that submit information collection form. this time, the file upload sucess, and information collection form sucess at most time. But fail when user click the 'refresh' or 'back' or any navigator buttons of the browser. these action will trigger the page 'unload' event too, but the submit if invalid!
    Please tell me how to.

    chain the both requests!
    - build one mutlitpart request and send it to a servlet that can handle that multipart request (think of using oreilly MultiPartParser).
    - check the input (all requiered fields and files there)
    - if yes store the user fields and create a socket connection from your servlet to the legacy file upload servlet and post the file this way.
    - like this you have full control over the users input and can make sure the file and the fields are just save if all requiered elements are availble.

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    These are your options:
    1. Restore the iPhoto library from the most recent backup that predates the issue.
              Advantages: Always works, if library damage is causing the problem and the backup is intact.
              Disadvantages: Impossible if you don't have a backup. All changes made since the backup are lost.
    2. Repair or rebuild the library. Be sure to back it up first.
              Advantages: May solve the problem with no loss of data.
              Disadvantages: May fail. May take a long time if the library is large.
    3. Scavenge the library with a third-party application called "iPhoto Library Manager," which you can find in a web search. From the application's menu bar (not the iPhoto menu bar), select Library ▹ Rebuild.
              Advantages: All images should be preserved.
              Disadvantages: All books, calendars, and slideshows will be lost.

  • Unable to get the "Submit a form" action working with Webmail: Gmail

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    NB: I have logged into my Gmail account on the client PC and I am able to send emails.
    Any ideas if this has a known problem and if a fix is available, without a fix it makes interactive PDF's a bit pointless?
    Message was edited by: Neil Newman

    Hi Aniket,
    To the Clusters .. do you mean at the j2ee engine side?can you please give me info in detail
    Thnx for valuable inputs
    Message was edited by:

  • Sharepoint 2010, InfoPath 2010 with Custom Workflow. Error Message: InfoPath cannot submit the form. An error occured while form was submitted...

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    I ran into your post while having a similar issue.  I don't have a 'full' fix for you, but I noticed at least in our case if you made sure you opened the Infopath form through the browser instead of the client Infopath program (use the drop-down menu
    and open in browser) the error doesn't occur.  Hope that helps some....

  • Error message when i try to submit a form?

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    Can you help explain what the issue is, and is there a fix in place?  Many thanks!
    This form is linked to Innovation Showcase at Partner Briefing at Summit, so we need to get this fix ASAP.
    Any guidance community members can provide is greatly appreciated!
    An error has occurred.
    There was an error communicating with the server. Please try again later.
    [ref: nxh9wbB5YgOyoERrSKDtA, serverUnknownError]

    cid:[email protected]
    From: Josh_Corey [email protected]
    Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 12:29 PM
    To: Whaley, Magean
    Subject: I get an error message when I try to attach a file.  Why is this?
    Re: I get an error message when I try to attach a file. Why is this?
    created by Josh_Corey<> in FormsCentral - View the full discussion<

  • How to submit a form with checkboxes in a page flow?

    I'm having some trouble with a form that contains several checkboxes, and
    how to submit this form within a page flow...
    I have a JSP page containing a form with N checkboxes. The value and
    checked/unchecked status of each checkbox is generated from parsing an XML
    document. Here is the (simplified) code:
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="x" %>
    <netui:form action="doUpdate">
    <x:forEach select="...">
    <input type="checkbox" name="id"
    <x:if ...>checked</x:if> value="<x:out ... />">
    <netui:anchor formSubmit="true" action="doUpdate">Submit</netui:anchor>
    <netui:anchor action="doCancel">Cancel</netui:anchor>
    When this form is submitted, the checkbox values are lost -- the following
    code (in the action) produces an empty array:
    String[] prefs = this.getRequest().getParameterValues("id");
    I looked at the <netui:checkbox> tag, but it does not appear to give me a
    way to set the state and value (unless I've missed something).
    Can I submit a form without using a form bean? If I do use a form bean, can
    I set the state and value from my JSP?
    Any suggestions on how to do this (or insights into what I'm doing wrong)
    are welcome...
    -- Craig

    I am new to this, but I think this may solve your problem:
    I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but you can create a LinkedHashMap
    with the req key/value pairs in the page-calling action in the pageflow and then
    pass that via a getRequest().setAttribute("myCheckboxes",myCheckboxHashMap);
    You can then access it in code using the optionsDataSource portion of the netui:checkBoxGroup
    - ie
    <netui:checkBoxGroup dataSource="{actionForm.thisCheckbox}" optionsDataSource="{request.myCheckboxes}">
    Hope this helps!
    "Craig Coffin" <craig+1268fbec@nfld-dot-com> wrote:
    I'm having some trouble with a form that contains several checkboxes,
    how to submit this form within a page flow...
    I have a JSP page containing a form with N checkboxes. The value and
    checked/unchecked status of each checkbox is generated from parsing an
    document. Here is the (simplified) code:
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="x" %>
    <netui:form action="doUpdate">
    <x:forEach select="...">
    <input type="checkbox" name="id"
    <x:if ...>checked</x:if> value="<x:out ... />">
    <netui:anchor formSubmit="true" action="doUpdate">Submit</netui:anchor>
    <netui:anchor action="doCancel">Cancel</netui:anchor>
    When this form is submitted, the checkbox values are lost -- the following
    code (in the action) produces an empty array:
    String[] prefs = this.getRequest().getParameterValues("id");
    I looked at the <netui:checkbox> tag, but it does not appear to give
    me a
    way to set the state and value (unless I've missed something).
    Can I submit a form without using a form bean? If I do use a form bean,
    I set the state and value from my JSP?
    Any suggestions on how to do this (or insights into what I'm doing wrong)
    are welcome...
    -- Craig

  • Cannot submit pdf form online

    the problem seems to be that the interactive pdf form that used to open within the browser is now opening outside the browser (both IE8 and Firefox) as a temp file so I can fill it out but when I hit "save for later" or "submit" I get the adobe error "error opening url to submit this form". What setting has gotten set incorrectly? I have been using this site for years with no problem up until recently.

    the problem seems to be that the interactive pdf form that used to open within the browser is now opening outside the browser (both IE8 and Firefox) as a temp file so I can fill it out but when I hit "save for later" or "submit" I get the adobe error "error opening url to submit this form". What setting has gotten set incorrectly? I have been using this site for years with no problem up until recently.

  • Acorbat Reader users cannot submit my form to me

    I created a form for use by the nine members of my brokerage team. Some people have Acrobat Standard; but some only have Reader. It seems as if the Reader users are unable to submit the forms. When the Reader users click on the button to e-mail the form back to me, they get an error message saying "This operation is not permitted."
    I have looked for solutions online, but cannot find any that fit this situation, given the versions of Acrobat that are being used: Pro XI (used by three of us with Creative Cloud), Standard X, Reader (multiple). The solutions that have been posted involve making changed within the Registry; and those solutions that do not involve the Registry make suggestions for setting changes within Pro that don't even exist in my version of Pro XI. (Go figure.)
    It would be really nice to get this issue resolved once and for all. If anyone has any recommendations, I would love to hear them.

    You don't need to change the registry. It sounds like the form is set up so that the entire PDF is included in the submit, instead of just the form data. For this to work with Reader versions prior to 11, the document needs to be Reader-enabled, since Reader otherwise is not able to save a filled-in form. This won't be needed if Reader 11 is used since it is able to save a non-enabled form (AcroForm, not XFA).

  • Manually submit a form without using javascript?

    i'm trying to automate registration of a site by using java (no gui). However there is no direct submit button or form.submit() present in its registration url. Checked the javascript codes and it opens a window, and checks if the window opener is present .
    if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed)
    }Is there a solution for this problem?

    I'm trying to access an http url (not mine).
    (1) By setting post variables , I can retrieve the html of the url as string. Here's the code.
         static String getHtml(String url_nm, HashMap variables)
              String html = "";
              String data = "";
              boolean firstRun = true;
              if (variables != null)
                   Set keys = variables.keySet();
                   Iterator iterator = keys.iterator();
                   while (iterator.hasNext())
                        if (firstRun)
                             firstRun = false;
                             data += "&";
                        String name =;
                             data += URLEncoder.encode(name, "UTF-8") + "=" +
                                  URLEncoder.encode(variables.get(name).toString(), "UTF-8");
                        catch (Exception e1)
              try {
                 URL url = new URL(url_nm);
                 URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
                 OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
                 BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
                 String line;
                 while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
                      html += line;
             } catch (Exception e) {
              return html;
    (2) The problem is even if i set the post variables, i cannot submit the form since the form can only be submitted if i was actually browsing it in a web browser. The html displays a window where the actual submit  form is set (as you can see in my later post) .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Is there a command to Submit a form from a custom button?

    I am going to add a custom button to allow the user to click on the button to Print the form.  I have found the example code of how to do this.
    My question is as follows:
    Is there a command I can add to a custom button to Submit the form after it prints?
    I want the submit to be automatic after they print using my custom "Print" button on the form.
    Thanks so much,

    Here is who you would do this :
    1) Import your PDF in FormsCentral
    2) Save the Submission Enabled Form from the Distribute Tab
    3) Open the PDF in Acrobat XI
    4) File > Save a Copy...
    5) Open the copy in Acrobat XI
    6) Tools > Forms > Edit
    7) Find the Submit button on the form right click on it to show the properties dialog
    8) Go to the Actions Tab
    9) Select "Run a Javascript" and click on the "Edit" button
    10) Add the this.print() javascript line to the button's javascript
    11) Close the dialog with "OK"
    12) Close the property dialog with "Close"
    13) Click on "Close For Editing" (top right corner in Acrobat XI)
    14) File > Save as Other... > Reader Extended PDF > Enable More Tools (includes form fill-in & save)...
    15) Test your form (make sure it submits to FormsCentral without errors)
    Hope this helps

  • [SOLVED] Using wget to submit a form

    Edit: Figured out I was using the wrong URL and needed some necessary POST/GET data I wasn't filling out.
    Hm, I am trying to be able to submit a form using wget. I am able to actually put data in <textarea> like I want, but I fail to submit it through wget.
    I was able to login to the site by cheating a little bit. I came up with two methods to do it, the first one is easy which is just going to ~/.mozilla/firefox/<xxxx>/cookies.sqlite, and converting it to a *.txt. Easy. Or you can do it the slightly more complicated way by going to page you want, typing the url bar javascript:document.write(document.cookie); document.close(); and manually create the cookies.txt file using the information from that. Anyhow, that is how I am able to go into the site without having to submit my username/password in the first place (I kept failing to do that, it didn't even return the page with my username and password typed in like what's going on below). Anyhow, now I am stumped at actually submitting the post I want to. I execute:
    wget --cookies=on --keep-session-cookies --load-cookies=cookie.txt --post-data="Post=test"
    and the end result is:
    ^This is what wget returns and what it looks like when I open it in Firefox.^
    Which is what it returns. I checked the website and it didn't post it (I expected that since it returns that and not the post itself). I know you can't see it in the image there, but there is a submit button at the bottom of the page.
    The form looks something like this (stripped down):
    <form action='<url of website>' method='post' name='REPLIER' onsubmit='return ValidateForm()'>
    <input type='hidden' name='act' value='Post' />
    <input type='hidden' name='s' value='xxxxxx' />
    <input type='hidden' name='f' value='24' />
    <input type='hidden' name='auth_key' value='xxxxxx' />
    <input type='hidden' name='CODE' value='09' />
    <input type='hidden' name='t' value='41457' />
    <input type='hidden' name='p' value='514135' />
    <input type='hidden' name='st' value='0' /><br />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Reply" tabindex='4' class='forminput' accesskey='s' />
    <input type="submit" name="preview" value="Preview Post" tabindex='5' class='forminput' />
    Any idea?
    **Meh, in my experience of posting here, helpers/answers/whatever usually like an answer of why I have to do this the difficult way instead of just going there and posting myself in the first place (after all, it might help you answer the question). Well, we are playing a little game in there and I wrote a little script that keeps track of the points in the game... It makes a nice little pretty table that I use cron to update every hour, but then people have to wait until I actually post the table to see how they are doing in the game. So... I'd like to have it automatically post each update.
    Then I have a second use: If I am able to successfully post this, I am trying to get into a class at college. I already wrote a script that detects whether there is available space or not in the class. I'd like to be able to have it monitoring for an open spot in the class and if so... to check it [x] and submit so I can get in the class without having to sit at the computer refreshing all day hopelessly.
    And plus I learned programming, how to use so much utilities to do whatever... why stop now?
    In advance, thank you for taking the time to help me with this.
    Last edited by Aprz (2009-12-05 11:25:51)

    have you considered using curl? Submitting forms in curl is very easy. and saving cookies is easy as well.
    for example:
    curl -s -D lccookie -d "login=$login&password=$password"
    to log in (which also is submitting a form), and
    curl -s -b lccookie -e --data-urlencode "EntryEffect%3A=$entryeffect" --data-urlencode "ClosingEffect%3A=$closingeffect" --data-urlencode "Color%3A=$colour" --data-urlencode "messagefield=$OPTARG" -d "Submit=Submit"
    to reuse the cookie and submit a form. (This is from a script I wrote that sends formated messages to a page which shows them on a ledbar.)
    Last edited by Shapeshifter (2009-12-03 14:09:36)

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