Subtracting in Adobe 9 Pro

I read all the solutions in previous posts re subtracting functions and subtracting is just not working.
Users said to use in the form simplified field notation:
Which I inserted
Let's say Field 3 needs to calculate subtraction of Field 2 ($500) and Field 1 ($200).
In Field3 I have simplified field notation set at:  Field2-Field1 and the form just won't calculate it
This is so basic, I cannot even believe I am asking this question but when inserted it simply won't subtract.
Anyone help? Thanks!!

There are a number of things to check;
1. Is JavaScript enabled? Edit > Preferences > JavaScript > Enable Acrobat JavaScript
2. Are automatic calculations enabled? Edit > Preferences > Forms > Automatically calculate field values
3. Is the field calculation order correct?  While in forms editing mode: Forms > Edit Fields > Set Field Calculation Order...
4. Do any of the field names contain spaces? They cannot if using simplified field notation.
5. Did you specify the exact field name? "Field1" is not the same as "field1".

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    The cause of problem is something else.
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    I am sorry but Acrobat 7 is not at all compatible with Windows 8. For this, you will need to upgrade your Adobe Acrobat version.
    For better understanding, please refer this kb file:
    Compatible web browsers and PDFMaker applications

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    Hey vcomfort6,
    Please ensure that you are using Adobe Acrobat and not Reader to convert PDF file to word or excel.
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    Hi Jb1008,
    Please try to launch Acrobat from the Applications folder and check.
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    Yes, that appears how Mavericks works right now. However, you can open the Address Panel, select all your contacts, then click the To (or CC, or Bcc) buttons to move the selection to the address field.
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    frstrsystemI make a fix, here it is:
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    2) on the server, run regedit and go to current user\software\adobe\adobe acrobat\9.0 and export this hive on a file like acrobat9_user.reg
    3) create a acro9pro.cmd file with
    regedit /S n:\scripts\acrobat9pro_user.reg
    @start "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\" Acrobat.exe
    save this file on the server
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    I assume that in both cases you are talking about Reader and not Acrobat. This is the Acrobat forum. The link to the Reader forum is at the top of this forum. There is no program called Adobe, only the company name.
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    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    That would be a question for Adobe support. Firefox does advise users when their Acrobat plugin is out of date, but the actual update is done by Adobe.

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