Suche Funktion von Golive in Dreamweaver

Leider bin ich nicht so gut in Englisch, darum muss ich es
auf Deutsch fragen.
Ich habe bisher Adobe Golive CS2 benutzt. Dort gab es eine
wunderbare Funktion, die folgendes Besagt:
ich erstelle eine Seite, mit Frames, Logos, Menüleiste,
und allem was zum Blanko hinzugehört.
Diese Seite kann ich als "vorlage" abspeichern. Und jede
andere Seite, die ich nun neu erstelle, kann
ich gleich mit dieser Vorlage verknüpfen. so dass gleich
jede neue Seite die Menüleiste gleich hat,
und alle anderen Einstellungen. Das gleiche geht auch im CSS.
Jetzt suche ich genau das gleiche bei Dreamweaver CS3. Gibt
es diese "Vorlagenfunktion" dort auch?
Ich meine nicht das CSS, sondern die Funktion, in der ich
alles soweit einrichte vom Stil her, von der
Aufteilung her. Ich komm leider nicht auf den Passenden
Begriff, aber jeder der damit schon mal
gearbeitet hat, dürfte wissen was ich meine!!
Ich wäre sehr sehr dankbar, wenn mir jemand auf deutsch
erklären kann, wo ich diese Funktion in
Dreamweaver finde?!
Bei golive konnte man verschiedene Bereiche bei der "Vorlage"
sichern, so dass man diese nicht
ändern kann. Ebenso kann man bereiche frei lassen, dass
man genau diese Bereiche später
ändern kann, wenn man die Vorlage auswählt als neue
Über jede hilfreiche und gut erklärte Antwort
wäre ich wirklich sehr dankbar. Bin neu im diesem Bereich
und benötige daher noch ein paar Nachhilfestunden ;)

Falls ich Ihnen richtig verstanden habe, der Begriff, den Sie
suchen, heißt "Template". Die zutreffenden Funktionen in
DreamWeaver befinden sich im FILE menu unter NEW und SAVE AS. Der
Gebrauch von Blanko wird in Kapitel 14 in DW Handbuch behandelt.

Similar Messages

  • GoLive to Dreamweaver - a few questions

    I've just made the move from GoLive to Dreamweaver.
    Fortunately I now use the code view so it really doesn't seem all
    that different. However, there are a few things that are easy in
    GoLive but I can't find an easy way of doing it in Dreamweaver. If
    anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be very grateful.
    1) Having multiple servers. In GoLive I had it set up so that
    I could upload the site to either the 'proper' server, or to my
    free web space which I use as a 'test' server. I'm only using
    static sites, and the only settings I can find in Dreamweaver
    relate to test servers for dynamic sites.
    2) Adding images to the site folder. In GoLive I just drag
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    In Dreamweaver, if I drag an image into the File window nothing
    happens. The only way I've found to do this so far is by copying it
    from Finder window to Finder Window.
    3) Synchronising the site. In GoLive I always just told it to
    upload the site, and fairly quickly it would have a list of
    modified files that it wanted to upload. In Dreamweaver I either
    have to select the files I want to upload, or I have to set it to
    hunt through the site folder for new files - something which takes
    considerably longer than GoLive. Is there a quicker way?

    > 1) Having multiple servers. In GoLive I had it set up so
    that I could
    > upload
    > the site to either the 'proper' server, or to be free
    web space which I
    > use as
    > a 'test' server. I'm only using static sites, and the
    only settings I can
    > find
    > in Dreamweaver relate to test servers for dynamic sites.
    Have two separate site definitions - each of which point to
    the same local
    root folder, but to different remote sites.
    > 2) Adding images to the site folder. In GoLive I just
    drag the image onto
    > the
    > folder I wanted to copy it to, and it was done. In
    Dreamweaver, if I drag
    > an
    > image into the File window nothing happens. The only way
    I've found to do
    > this
    > so far is by copying it from Finder window to Finder
    You can go all the way to the top of the site list in the
    Files panel, and
    select the C: drive, drill down to the image, and use the DW
    context menu to
    copy it. Then select your site, and it will paste in. Or you
    can just open
    a page, insert the image (by browsing to it) and DW will
    automatically drop
    it into your default images folder.
    > 3) Synchronising the site. In GoLive I always just told
    it to upload the
    > site, and fairly quickly it would have a list of
    modified files that it
    > wanted
    > to upload. In Dreamweaver I either have to select the
    files I want to
    > upload,
    > or I have to set it to hunt through the site folder for
    new files -
    > something
    > which takes considerably longer than GoLive. Is there a
    quicker way?
    From the expanded Files panel, use EDIT | Select Recently
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
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    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "bilbo--baggins" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I've just made the move from GoLive to Dreamweaver.
    Fortunately I now use
    > the
    > code view so it's really doesn't seem all that
    different. However, there
    > are a
    > few things that are easy in GoLive but I can't find an
    easy way of doing
    > it in
    > Dreamweaver. If anyone can point me in the right
    direction I'd be very
    > grateful.
    > 1) Having multiple servers. In GoLive I had it set up so
    that I could
    > upload
    > the site to either the 'proper' server, or to be free
    web space which I
    > use as
    > a 'test' server. I'm only using static sites, and the
    only settings I can
    > find
    > in Dreamweaver relate to test servers for dynamic sites.
    > 2) Adding images to the site folder. In GoLive I just
    drag the image onto
    > the
    > folder I wanted to copy it to, and it was done. In
    Dreamweaver, if I drag
    > an
    > image into the File window nothing happens. The only way
    I've found to do
    > this
    > so far is by copying it from Finder window to Finder
    > 3) Synchronising the site. In GoLive I always just told
    it to upload the
    > site, and fairly quickly it would have a list of
    modified files that it
    > wanted
    > to upload. In Dreamweaver I either have to select the
    files I want to
    > upload,
    > or I have to set it to hunt through the site folder for
    new files -
    > something
    > which takes considerably longer than GoLive. Is there a
    quicker way?

  • Can I transfer my web pages from Adobe CS2 golive to Dreamweaver CS5?

    I work for a nonprofit organization and we are going to be upgrading from our current website design Adobe Golive CS2 to hopefully a Dreamweaver CS5 and I would like to know if it is at all possible to transfer all our websites pages from golive to dreamweaver cs5 without having to start all over from the beginning? Please help me!!! Thanks

    I am currently doing the same thing after holding off for 4 years. This is what I have found out the hard way:
    Strip out as much GL stuff as possible, especially GL "Actions" BEFORE you migrate as they will be flatten on your page making it a mess to dicipher later. Better to just add the equivalent DW "Behavior" manually, you will be glad you did as it will leave you with simpler streamlined pages that are easier to understand and also easier for Google to search. And you will also learn DW.
    If you are using a template(s) I would seriously suggest that you scrap your GL templates and make new DW templates and apply them to each page over again.
    This is the ugly reason that I found out last night. If you ever change  your GL created template while in DW (for example to add the location of the SpryAssets) then along with the desired change you will also have the unpleasant experience of all your page titles being changed to the name of the GL created Template page. This will happen even if you make the title tag editable DW style. However any pages retitled  AFTER you make  <title> editable will NOT be altered if you change the GL created template. This I found out the hard way.
    So since I was planning to make a DW template and apply it to all pages on the site anyway I have decided to do the following. Detach all the pages from the GL created template. Make whatever changes I want to individual pages. Then make the DW template and apply it to all pages. My hope is that it will preserve the page <title> and save me some work. I have not tried this so I don't know if it will work or not, but in theory it should.
    If you use components then make a "Library" folder in the site root folder and move all your components there and change the extension to ".lbi"; the reason I did this is because while the GL2DW migration moved my templates to the root and renamed them accordingly, it didn't do the same for components.
    If you use MenuMachine then I would also suggest that you strip it out. I tried keeping it but regreted it and so went back stripped it out and migrated again. All in all I have already migrated the same site about 7 times and will have to do it agian to take out some GL Actions that I missed before. So don't delete you GL site till you have your DW site going like you want because you may have to make several migration attempts before you get it right.
    If you have more questions then you can ask here because several of us are going through this process.

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    index.html...then push OK somewhere and all the files would be
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    Is there such a capability in CS3 DW? I am using Leopard on a
    Thanks, --bill

    > Is there such a capability in CS3 DW?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "bdaul" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:fgce2u$p2s$[email protected]..
    >I can't remember if it was Dreamweaver or Golive...
    > I remember a tool that allowed me to layout a web
    > could create a index.html file...then about.html,
    > the structure of the files
    together....such as all
    > files
    > are subordinate to index.html...then push OK somewhere
    and all the files
    > would
    > be created. Also you could print out the
    layout/structure of the website.
    > Is there such a capability in CS3 DW? I am using Leopard
    on a MAC.
    > Thanks, --bill

  • Upgrade turned goLive to Dreamweaver!

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    thanks -diane

  • GoLive or Dreamweaver

    I am going to build my website for my small mom and pop
    business. I have been using frontpage 03.
    Most of my software is adobe; lightroom, photoshopCS2, soon
    to be CS3, and premiere pro. I was going to buy golive, but after
    adobe did not give any attention to golive during the new launch
    suites for 2007, this has given me pause to wait.
    I am told that dreamweaver is more difficult to learn than
    golive. So............I know I love to "fiddle" with and build my
    personal web pages for myself, and myself only, and soon I will
    build a web site for my growing photography business (now it is
    part time).
    So I am requesting some straight information on the the
    leaning curve with dreamweaver verses golive. I am not a techie nor
    am I "get it" fast kind of guy, so I am in a "digital
    Thank anyone for some help

    There are other options if you want to stay in a GUI. In
    Windows, there's
    NetObjects Fusion and on the Mac, there's Freeway. Both do a
    great job of
    hiding the code. They're code creation tools, so you don't
    see the HTML
    until the page is published.
    On 3/29/07 7:08 AM, in article
    eugh8p$6h9$[email protected],
    "klaw5546" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > I am going to build my website for my small mom and pop
    business. I have been
    > using frontpage 03.
    > Most of my software is adobe; lightroom, photoshopCS2,
    soon to be CS3, and
    > premiere pro. I was going to buy golive, but after adobe
    did not give any
    > attention to golive during the new launch suites for
    2007, this has given me
    > pause to wait.
    > I am told that dreamweaver is more difficult to learn
    than golive.
    > So............I know I love to "fiddle" with and build
    my personal web pages
    > for myself, and myself only, and soon I will build a web
    site for my growing
    > photography business (now it is part time).
    > So I am requesting some straight information on the the
    leaning curve with
    > dreamweaver verses golive. I am not a techie nor am I
    "get it" fast kind of
    > guy, so I am in a "digital fog"..............
    > Thank anyone for some help
    > Ken

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    Hat jemand einen Tipp für mich?

    Danke für die Hilfe.
    Ja, gewiss, ich habe die Benutzeroberfläche in den Voreinstellungen mehrfach zurückgesetzt, das geschieht natürlich auch durch die Löschung der beiden Dateien in den appdata, die ich erwähnt habe.
    Ich nehme an, es gibt eine Unverträglichkeit von Indesign CS6 mit einem anderen Programm, das auf meinem Rechner läuft (eine Unverträglichkeit, die bei meinem Photoshop CS6 nicht besteht).
    Aber welches Programm stände einem einzelnen Menüpunkt (Tooltips) im Wege?
    Ich habe den Rechner bereits sehr schlank gemacht, ja auch Firefox durch Opera ersetzt, keine Add-ins und extensions geduldet, Kaspersky Security deaktiviert.
    Jetzt weiß ich nicht mehr weiter.
    Gruß Mollius
    Von: us-hh 
    Gesendet: Freitag, 13. März 2015 13:52
    An: n vestring
    Betreff:  Indesign CS6 - Tooltips (Quickinfos) in Werkzeugleiste und Bedienfeldern erscheinen nicht mehr ?
    Indesign CS6 - Tooltips (Quickinfos) in Werkzeugleiste und Bedienfeldern erscheinen nicht mehr ?
    created by us-hh <>  in Deutsche Foren - View the full discussion <>

  • GoLive to Dreamweaver

    Hi, I am using Adobe GoLive CS. I know Adobe has axed GL so I
    am going to (reluctantly) learn Dreamweaver. My Question is: If my
    website is uploaded to a server can I just import the website into
    Dreamweaver even if the original site was created in GoLive or is
    it more complicated than that?
    If the website has been uploaded to a server it shouldn't
    matter what application the website was created in should it. I
    mean an "index.html" file and a folder named "images" are the same
    no matter what application they were created in aren't they?
    My last question is related to working in Dreamweaver. In
    GoLive I could drag an "table" icon to the stage and then just edit
    the table sizes, add or delete cells, and type text into the table
    or drag an image icon into the table and then link the image icon
    to my .jpg image. Is working in Dreamweaver similar? Can I just
    drag an table icon to the stage and then add an image icon etc. in

    It would depend on the current 'state' of the GL pages that
    you are
    downloading from the server. Often times, those files have
    been published
    from GL without stripping the GL-specific csaction markup.
    This will have
    to be removed *IF* your goal is to start with pages that
    validate (which is
    a 'best-practice' goal in my opinion).
    The remaining cleanup will really depend on how the pages
    were built in the
    first place. Can we see one of these pages?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Comp. 792" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g212no$chi$[email protected]..
    The files are now under DW's control - however, you may still
    > to do
    > quite a bit of cleanup yet, to convert GL's proprietary
    markup into DW's
    > industry standard usages.
    > Thanks Murray, so what's involved in cleaning up the
    GoLive files? Could I
    > do
    > this in the DW interface or would I need to clean it up
    in the "source"
    > code?
    > Also do you mean it would just mean realigning of tables
    etc. or is it
    > quite
    > involved? how much work would it be to clean up the
    Golive pages in
    > Dreamweaver
    > and is this the best way to do this or would it
    ultimately be easier to
    > start
    > from scratch?
    > BTW - Can I download the Dreamweaver "Demo" and open my
    GoLive pages from
    > a
    > server as you described and try this or do I need to buy
    DW first?
    > Thanks

  • Upgrading GoLive to Dreamweaver

    I just upgraded to Dreamweaver from GoLive. The Dreamweaver
    readme file tells me to place the included gl2dw folder into the
    GoLive "extend scripts" folder in order to get Dreamweaver to "see"
    my old golive file structures. OK I did that, then checked the
    script in GoLive. When i restart GoLive, I get the message that
    GL2DW only runs on GoLive 8 or better. My version is 7.0.2. So it
    doesn't work.
    Can someone explain what gl2dw is supposed to do, and what I
    may need to do by hand, since clearly, this script is not going
    work for me? I seem to intuit OK how everything works in
    Dreamweaver., especially after viewing the video lessons. I got the
    file box to show my hard drive's website folder structure, and then
    set up the remote file structure to show my ftp site OK. So is that
    what the script does? I hate to be missing something essential, and
    hit a brick wall without knowing what the solution is.

    By &quot;thow it in a folder&quot; and
    &quot;throw it up there&quot; do you mean a different
    folder than the client site root folder? Is the goal to put the
    entire root folder inside another folder called
    &quot;nameoflcient&quot; without the word
    &quot;site&quot;? Do I then set the button link to
    &quot;; and ftp to the
    same location as my business site? Will this be sufficient to find
    the index.html file in the folder? Can you clarify?

  • GoLive to Dreamweaver code deprecation repair

    I'm about to move a couple of GoLive CS2 sites to Dreamweaver CS5. Will Dreamweaver automatically update deprecated code to current standards?
    - Change the DOCTYPE statement to one that does not trigger quirks mode
    - IMG ALIGN attribute
    - TD HEIGHT attribute
    - TD WIDTH attribute
    - HTML font tags changed to equivalent CSS rules
    - Replace width attributes with CSS rules
    - Replace FONT element with CSS rules

    I'm about to move a couple of GoLive CS2 sites to Dreamweaver CS5. Will Dreamweaver automatically update deprecated code to current standards?
    No. Dreamweaver will not touch your code.
    Updates will have to be done manually.

  • GoLive to Dreamweaver CS4 - Rollovers

    I have recently moved to Dreamweaver CS4 from GoLive and I'm trying to figure out how to make a rollover. In the site created in GoLive, it was a rollover object where you would have your original image and a second image when moused over and the second image could have a link connected to it. How do I go about setting this up and what is it called in Dreamweaver? I have the book, "Dreamweaver CS4, The Missing Manual" and I'm not sure what to look for. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Insert > Image Objects > Rollover Image

  • GoLive und Dreamweaver CS4

    In GoLive gab es Schweberahmen, in Dreamweaver CS4 finde ich nichts Ähnliches: Überlagern, neue Ebene?

    Einfügen > Layoutobjekte > AP DIv
    Oder entsprechenden EIntrag in der Layout-OPtionen-Palette.

  • GoLive to Dreamweaver - dead behaviors

    Hi all,
    First up I'm a Dreamweaver novice...
    I originally created a site in GoLive CS that included links
    to open a popup window at a set pixel size and a button within that
    window to close the window all using the Actions palette. All good,
    only now I've migrated to Dreamweaver and the Behavior panel (which
    I believe is the GL equivalent) allowed me to see references to the
    onClick actions, but they were uneditable. So I deleted those
    behaviors and created new ones...and they don't work. The weird bit
    is, I can create a brand new page and get those Open/Close Browser
    Window behaviors to work there... just not in the pages I
    originally created in GoLive.
    As I don't fancy rebuilding all those pages from scratch, any
    help would be greatly appreciated.

    Yes, well, before dealing with any layout or operational
    issues, you will
    want to take care of these 82 validation errors (GL doesn't
    produce the
    cleanest code...) - s.html
    (watch the word wrap in that link)
    I think your best bet might be to create an entirely new page
    layout in DW,
    and just copy and paste your content from the GL pages.
    > simple
    I don't think so.
    With regard to the close window behavior, change this -
    <a href="#" onClick="close_window()"
    csclick="2111D8D3">close window</a>
    to this -
    <a href="#" onClick="self.close();">close
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "designer-images" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:frn0os$qrm$[email protected]..
    > Hi Murray,
    > First up thanks for taking a moment to look at this...
    > I set this page up
    with the
    > idea
    > that the logos and the 'read more' text links to an open
    browser window
    > behavior. At the moment I've had to link them to the
    pages the traditional
    > way
    > but it creates windows that fill the page...
    > Also here's an example of one of the pages that it's
    supposed to link to
    - and the
    > close
    > window behavior doesn't work there either.
    > I am considering rebuilding all these pages - since
    migrating to
    > Dreamweaver,
    > I've discovered a number of 'design flaws' in how I was
    setting pages up
    > originally... this was set up over a year ago now. But
    if there is
    > something
    > simple in addressing this I'd be most grateful.

  • Speichern-Funktion von Listener.log

    ich habe aus dem PhotoshopSDK den Listener kompiliert und in dem entsprechenden Ordner gelegt. Nun hab ich eine Speichern-Funktion, die aber auch nach Überarbeitung nicht funktioniert:
    SPErr PlayeventSave(/*your parameters go here*/void)
    // Move this to the top of the routine!
    PIActionDescriptor desc000001E8 = NULL;
    PIActionDescriptor desc000001F0 = NULL;
    Handle aliasValue = NULL;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->Make(&desc000001E8);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->Make(&desc000001F0);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutEnumerated(desc000001F0, keyByteOrder, typePlatform, enumIBMPC);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutObject(desc000001E8, keyAs, classTIFFFormat, desc000001F0);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    FullPathToAlias("C:\\", aliasValue); // hier gibt es den Fehler in der FullPathToAlias-Methode
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutAlias(desc000001E8, keyIn, aliasValue);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutBoolean(desc000001E8, keyLowerCase, true);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionControl->Play(&result, eventSave, desc000001E8, plugInDialogSilent);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    if (result != NULL) sPSActionDescriptor->Free(result);
    if (desc000001E8 != NULL) sPSActionDescriptor->Free(desc000001E8);
    if (desc000001F0 != NULL) sPSActionDescriptor->Free(desc000001F0);
    if (aliasValue != NULL) sPSHandle->Dispose(aliasValue);
    return error;
    Irgendwo bei dem Aufruf von FullPathToAlias muß der Fehler passieren (durch ausprobieren eingegrenzt). Das gleiche geschieht bei der Öffnen Funktion, und ich habe kein Schimmer woran das liegen könnte.
    Wäre toll, wenn mir jemand dabei helfen könnte.

    Das hier sollte funktionieren (CS3):
    SPErr OpenFile(char * filepath)
    SPErr error = kSPNoError;
    Handle tempAlias;
    PIActionDescriptor result = NULL;
    PIActionDescriptor desc = NULL;
    #if Macintosh
    NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath(strlen(filepath), filepath, nil, nil, &(AliasHandle)tempAlias);
    size_t size = strlen(filepath);
    tempAlias = sPSHandle->New(size+1);
    if (tempAlias != NULL)
    strncpy(*tempAlias, filepath, strlen(filepath)+1);
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->Make(&desc);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutAlias(desc, keyNull, tempAlias);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionControl->Play(&result, eventOpen, desc, plugInDialogSilent);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    #if Macintosh
    if (tempAlias != NULL)
    if (tempAlias != NULL)
    if (desc != NULL)
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->Free(desc);
    if (result != NULL)
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->Free(result);
    return error;
    SPErr SaveFile(char * filepath)
    SPErr error = kSPNoError;
    Handle tempAlias;
    PIActionDescriptor result = NULL;
    PIActionDescriptor desc = NULL;
    #if Macintosh
    NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath(strlen(filepath), filepath, nil, nil, &(AliasHandle)tempAlias);
    size_t size = strlen(filepath);
    tempAlias = sPSHandle->New(size+1);
    if (tempAlias != NULL)
    strncpy(*tempAlias, filepath, strlen(filepath)+1);
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->Make(&desc);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutInteger(desc, keyExtendedQuality, 7);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutEnumerated(desc, keyMatteColor, typeMatteColor, enumNone);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    // error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutObject(desc00000510, keyAs, classJPEGFormat, desc00000518);
    // if (error) goto returnError;
    Handle aliasValue;// = NULL;
    FullPathToAlias("'C:\\foo.jpg'", aliasValue);
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutAlias(desc, keyIn, aliasValue);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    error = sPSActionControl->Play(&result, eventSave, desc, plugInDialogSilent);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    #if Macintosh
    if (tempAlias != NULL)
    if (aliasValue != NULL)
    if (tempAlias != NULL)
    if (aliasValue != NULL)
    if (desc != NULL)
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->Free(desc);
    if (result != NULL)
    error = sPSActionDescriptor->Free(result);
    return error;
    void FullPathToAlias(char* fullPath, Handle& aliasValue)
    aliasValue = NULL;
    #if __PIMac__
    AliasHandle aHandle = NULL;
    // this could error with fnfErr, file not found error, ignore
    (void) sPSAlias->MacNewAliasFromCString(fullPath, &aHandle);
    aliasValue = (Handle)aHandle;
    Boolean oldLock;
    Ptr address;
    aliasValue = sPSHandle->New(strlen(fullPath)+1);
    if (aliasValue != NULL)
    sPSHandle->SetLock(aliasValue, true, &address, &oldLock);
    strncpy(address, fullPath, strlen(fullPath)+1);
    sPSHandle->SetLock(aliasValue, false, &address, &oldLock);

  • Synch GoLive To Dreamweaver

    I am about to start using Dreamweaver. I have a site with
    15000 pages, and when I do a synch, it wants to put hundreds of
    files on the server. What do I do to tell DW that everything is
    synched? I tried marking the files synched, then close, then the
    next time I do synched, it does the same thing again, flags them.
    Is there a way to say this is synched and stop it from tagging them
    as older/newer?

    I am about to start using Dreamweaver. I have a site with
    15000 pages, and when I do a synch, it wants to put hundreds of
    files on the server. What do I do to tell DW that everything is
    synched? I tried marking the files synched, then close, then the
    next time I do synched, it does the same thing again, flags them.
    Is there a way to say this is synched and stop it from tagging them
    as older/newer?

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