Suggestions on compiling STLPort?

About two weeks ago, I posted a problem using the STLPort4 library where a segmentation fault happens down in STLPatomic_exchange. I am still encountering the problem intermittently.
I would like to compile the latest stable release from so that I better track down the problem.
Are there any special compile commands needed to get the STLPort to compile under C++ 5.4?
The compiler command for including stlport "-library=stlport4" appears to be special for the library, why is that?

The following code has been shown to reproduce my SEGV issue in stlport's STLPatomic_exchange. Before compiling and running:
1. This problem could take one to many minutes to occur
2. Make sure that your platform has nobody else using it because the app will drive your CPU to 100%
3. Please don't make fun of my Makefile
Good luck and I hope you have the same "success" that I had.
### Makefile Start
PLATFORM :sh= uname -p | sed s/i386/x86/
#### Compiler and tool definitions shared by all build targets #####
CCFLAGS= -g -mt -library=stlport4 -staticlib=stlport4 -misalign
## Target: GCNServer
CPPFLAGS = -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/sys
OBJS =  stlproblem.o
SYSLIBS = -lpthread -lm -lsocket -lnsl -lposix4
# Link or archive
stlproblem:  $(OBJS)
     $( -o stlproblem $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
# Compile source files into .o filess
stlproblem.o: stlproblem.cpp
     $( -o $@ stlproblem.cpp
#### Clean target deletes all generated files ####
     $(RM) ./stlproblem ./stlproblem.o
     $(CCADMIN) -clean
# Create the target directory (if needed)
# Enable dependency checking
### Makefile end
// stlproblem.cpp code start
This source file contains a system of n threaded objects that use a common object
table in order to access the other threaded objects.  As the system runs, x
number of messages are passed randomly between these threaded objects.  In order
to access the object pointer for a message recipient, the common
ObjectTable::GetObjectPointer method is used.  In this call, STL will SEGV in
the _STLP_atomic_exchange.  This problem occurs on our SUN 280R servers (1 CPU)
in Solaris 9.  Our compiler version is CC: Forte Developer 7 C++ 5.4 2002/03/09.
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "pthread.h"
#include "semaphore.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#define THREAD_COUNT   100
#define MESSAGE_COUNT  1000
using namespace std;
// shared table to hold the objects
class ObjectTable
    void* GetObjectPointer(std::string Name);   
    std::map<std::string, void*> m_table;
void* ObjectTable::GetObjectPointer(std::string Name)
    std::string object_name;
    std::string instance;
    std::map<std::string, void*>::iterator iter;
    void *rtnval = NULL;
    // this is where STLPort is expected to crash, so play with std::string operations
    // iterate to slow this method down and get more than one thread in here
    iter = m_table.begin();
    for(int i=0; i<m_table.size(); i++)
        object_name = (*iter).first;
        // the following line appears to be the main culprit even though it does nothing useful
        instance = object_name.substr(0, object_name.find("e")+1);
        if(object_name == Name)
            rtnval = m_table[object_name];
    return rtnval;
// global declaration of the table that all objects can reference
ObjectTable *gObjectTable = NULL;
// message payload class
class Message
    Message(std::string Text);
    std::string m_messageText;
Message::Message(std::string Text)
    m_messageText = Text;
// the main living object class
class LivingObject
    LivingObject(std::string ObjectName);
    void HandleMessages(void);
    void QueueMessage(Message* pMsg);
    pthread_mutex_t m_criticalSectionMutex;
    pthread_cond_t m_messageEventCondition;
    pthread_mutex_t m_messageEventMutex;   
    std::list<Message*> m_messageList;
    std::string m_myName;
LivingObject::LivingObject(std::string ObjectName)
    pthread_mutex_init(&m_criticalSectionMutex, NULL);      
    pthread_cond_init(&m_messageEventCondition, NULL);
    pthread_mutex_init(&m_messageEventMutex, NULL);
    m_myName = ObjectName;
void LivingObject::HandleMessages(void)
    char buf[16];   
    unsigned int seed = 4925;   
        pthread_cond_wait(&m_messageEventCondition, &m_messageEventMutex);
        while(m_messageList.size() > 0)
            Message *p_msg = (Message*) m_messageList.front();
            LivingObject *p_object;           
                // pick a random object to send the message to (can't be ourselves)               
                seed = rand_r(&seed);           
                int object_number = (int) floor(((double)seed/(double)RAND_MAX) * THREAD_COUNT);
                sprintf(buf, "Instance%d", object_number);
                std::string object_name = buf;
                // Turn the following line on to show the message activity between threads
                // When the cout is active, it may delay the SEGV issue.
                //cout << m_myName << " is sending " << p_msg->m_messageText << " to " << object_name << endl;
                // the SEGV crash should occur in this call - gObjectTable is the global pointer
                p_object = (LivingObject*) gObjectTable->GetObjectPointer(object_name);
                if(p_object != this && p_object != NULL)               
            } while(p_object == this);
void LivingObject::QueueMessage(Message *pMsg)
    // protect the message list since it is read-write
// thread entry point for the LivingObject class
extern "C" void* LivingObjectThread(void* param)
    std::string object_name = (char*) param;
    LivingObject *alive_object = new LivingObject(object_name);    
    cout << object_name << " is alive!" << endl;
    gObjectTable->m_table[object_name] = (void*) alive_object;
    // HandleMessages() will block indefinitely...
    // ...and we never get here
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char *name_buf;
    gObjectTable = new ObjectTable();
    // create lots of threads
    pthread_t tid;   
    for(int i=0; i<THREAD_COUNT; i++)
        name_buf = new char[16];
        sprintf(name_buf, "Instance%d", i);       
        pthread_create(&tid, NULL, LivingObjectThread, (void*)name_buf);
    // Get the ball rolling - effectively these "messages" will bounce around
    // through all of the object threads just created.  the idea is that
    // eventually two threads will enter the ObjectTable::GetObjectPointer
    // at the same time and cause the STLPort crash in _STLP_atomic_exchange().   
    LivingObject *instance0 = NULL;
        instance0 = (LivingObject*) gObjectTable->GetObjectPointer((std::string)"Instance0");       
    } while(instance0 == NULL);   
    // create lots of messages
    char message_buf[64];   
    for(int i=0; i<MESSAGE_COUNT; i++)
        sprintf(message_buf, "Message Number %d", i+1);
        Message *msg = new Message(message_buf);
    // block the app from exiting (CTRL-C is the only way out)
    sem_t never_exit_event;   
    sem_init(&never_exit_event, 0, 0);   
    return 0;
// stlproblem.cpp code end

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    Details are in the C++ Users Guide, section 12.7 "Replacing the C++ Standard Library". Here is a summary.
    1. Add the option -library=no%Cstd to disable both libCstd and STLport.
    2. Add a -I option that points to the include directory for the stlport headers you want to use. (Do NOT use the headers in the compiler installation.) Example:
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    CC -library=no%Cstd -I/project1 -I/project2 -I- -I/path/to/stlport/include ... This procedure is not optimal, since you would like to search STLport headers before searching other headers. use the -I- option only if needed.
    If you have file name conflicts with the STLport header files, you will need to add a set of symbolic links *.SUNWCCh as described in the C++ Users Guide.
    3. For link commands, add a -L option pointing to the directory where the compiled STLport library is located. Assuming this library is called, also add the option -lstlport. Linking a static libstlport.a is not recommended if your program uses any shared libraries. Example:
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    "/users/comun/personales/manuel/STLPort/STLport-4.6.2/src/../stlport/stl/debug/_debug.c", line 246: Error: __args is not defined.
    "dll_main.cpp", line 151: Where: While instantiating "static _STL::__stl_debug_engine<bool>::_Message(const char*, ...)".
    "dll_main.cpp", line 151: Where: Instantiated from non-template code.
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    "dll_main.cpp", line 151: Where: While instantiating "static _STL::__stl_debug_engine<bool>::_Message(const char*, ...)".
    "dll_main.cpp", line 151: Where: Instantiated from non-template code.
    "/users/comun/personales/manuel/STLPort/STLport-4.6.2/src/../stlport/stl/debug/_debug.c", line 247: Error: __args is not defined.
    "dll_main.cpp", line 151: Where: While instantiating "static _STL::__stl_debug_engine<bool>::_Message(const char*, ...)".
    "dll_main.cpp", line 151: Where: Instantiated from non-template code.
    "/users/comun/personales/manuel/STLPort/STLport-4.6.2/src/../stlport/stl/debug/_debug.c", line 266: Error: __args is not defined.
    "dll_main.cpp", line 151: Where: While instantiating "static _STL::__stl_debug_engine<bool>::_Message(const char*, ...)".
    "dll_main.cpp", line 151: Where: Instantiated from non-template code.
    5 Error(s) detected.
    make: *** [users/comun/personales/manuel/STLPort/STLport-4.6.2/src/../lib/obj/SUN/ReleaseD/dll_main.o] Error 5
    I�d supressed the warning messages for cleaning the error.
    Thanks in avanced.

    C++ 5.4 (with recent patches) comes with STLport version 4.5.3. You use it by adding the option -library=stlport4 to every CC command line. Is there some reason why you can' t use that version of STLport?
    STLport is very difficult to configure. When we finally got STLport 4.5.x working with C++ 5.4, we gave the changes back to Boris. I don't know whether later STLport updates preserved the fixes we made.
    If you must build your own version of STLport 4.6.2, compare your configuration with what comes with the compiler. Some of the error messages look like configuration errors.
    Historically, the STLport build process was not correct for using recent Sun compilers on recent versions of Solaris. Be sure that STLport is NOT using its own versions of the C standard headers. Check the compiler options in the Makefiles, and remove any -I directives that point into /usr/include or into the compiler installation area. If the compiler options include w2, change it to w or remove it entirely. The w2 option will generate a lot of warnings that are not relevant to building the C+ standard library.

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    using namespace std;
    int main()
      complex<int> a(1, 2);
      complex<int> b(3, 4);
      complex<int> c;
      c = a + b;
      cout << "Answer: " << c << endl;
      return 0;
    }When compiling I get the following error:
    /opt/SUNWspro/WS6U2/include/CC/Cstd/complex Line 1006: Error The operation "std::complex<int> += const std::complex<int> is illegal Line 10 Where: While instantiating std::complex<int>+ ( const std::complex<int>, const std::complex<int> ) Line 10 Where: Instantiated from non-template code
    Are there any compiler flags to handle this or is there an update I can get to fix this? Any help would be much appreciated since I'm clueless. Thank you!

    complex<int> is not supported. The only specializations of type complex are float, double, and long double.
    The suggestion to try stlport won't work with C++ 5.3.
    We began supplying stlport with C++ 5.4.
    C++ 5.3 has been declared End Of Life, and only limited support is available for it. You can download a copy of the current release, Sun Studio 10, and try it free for 60 days.

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    I am unable to detect the cause of the problem. Can someone please giude me??
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Tom,
    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Yes, I am working on Windows. As you suggested, I compiled .rc file but the compile option for .r file was disabled. After compiling the .rc file, I again rebuild the complete project and tested my build. But still I was not able to achive the desired result.
    Any other thing that I need to do to make it work?

  • Bouncing Ball without Main Method

    Hi. I needed to reserch on the Internet sample code for a blue bouncing ball which I did below. However, I try coding a main class to start the GUI applet and it's not working. How can I create the appropriate class that would contain the main method to start this particular application which the author did not provide? The actual applet works great and matches the objective of my research ( The DefaultCloseOperation issues an error so that's why is shown as remarks // below. Then the code in the class issues some warning about components being deprecated as shown below. Thank you for your comments and suggestions.
    Compiling 2 source files to C:\Documents and Settings\Fausto Rivera\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\Rivera_F_IT271_0803B_01_PH3_DB\build\classes
    C:\Documents and Settings\Fausto Rivera\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\Rivera_F_IT271_0803B_01_PH3_DB\src\ warning: [deprecation] size() in java.awt.Component has been deprecated
        size = this.size();
    C:\Documents and Settings\Fausto Rivera\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\Rivera_F_IT271_0803B_01_PH3_DB\src\ warning: [deprecation] mouseDown(java.awt.Event,int,int) in java.awt.Component has been deprecated
      public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y) {
    2 warnings
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class BallMain {
    * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Ball ball = new Ball();
    //ball.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
    ball.setSize( 500, 175 ); // set frame size
    ball.setVisible( true ); // display frame
    import java.awt.*;*
    *import java.applet.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    // Java Bouncing Ball
    // Terrence Ma
    // Modified from Java Examples in a Nutshell
    public class Ball extends Applet implements Runnable {
    int x = 150, y = 100, r=50; // Position and radius of the circle
    int dx = 8, dy = 5; // Trajectory of circle
    Dimension size; // The size of the applet
    Image buffer; // The off-screen image for double-buffering
    Graphics bufferGraphics; // A Graphics object for the buffer
    Thread animator; // Thread that performs the animation
    boolean please_stop; // A flag asking animation thread to stop
    /** Set up an off-screen Image for double-buffering */
    public void init() {
    size = this.size();
    buffer = this.createImage(size.width, size.height);
    bufferGraphics = buffer.getGraphics();
    /** Draw the circle at its current position, using double-buffering */
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    // Draw into the off-screen buffer.
    // Note, we could do even better clipping by setting the clip rectangle
    // of bufferGraphics to be the same as that of g.
    // In Java 1.1: bufferGraphics.setClip(g.getClip());
    bufferGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height); // clear the buffer
    bufferGraphics.fillOval(x-r, y-r, r*2, r*2); // draw the circle
    // Then copy the off-screen buffer onto the screen
    g.drawImage(buffer, 0, 0, this);
    /** Don't clear the screen; just call paint() immediately
    * It is important to override this method like this for double-buffering */
    public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); }
    /** The body of the animation thread */
    public void run() {
    while(!please_stop) {
    // Bounce the circle if we've hit an edge.
    if ((x - r + dx < 0) || (x + r + dx > size.width)) dx = -dx;
    if ((y - r + dy < 0) || (y + r + dy > size.height)) dy = -dy;
    // Move the circle.
    x += dx; y += dy;
    // Ask the browser to call our paint() method to redraw the circle
    // at its new position. Tell repaint what portion of the applet needs
    // be redrawn: the rectangle containing the old circle and the
    // the rectangle containing the new circle. These two redraw requests
    // will be merged into a single call to paint()
    repaint(x-r-dx, y-r-dy, 2*r, 2*r); // repaint old position of circle
    repaint(x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r); // repaint new position of circle
    // Now pause 50 milliseconds before drawing the circle again.
    try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ; }
    animator = null;
    /** Start the animation thread */
    public void start() {
    if (animator == null) {
    please_stop = false;
    animator = new Thread(this);
    /** Stop the animation thread */
    public void stop() { please_stop = true; }
    /** Allow the user to start and stop the animation by clicking */
    public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y) {
    if (animator != null) please_stop = true; // if running request a stop
    else start(); // otherwise start it.
    return true;

    FRiveraJr wrote:
    I believe that I stated that this not my code and it was code that I researched.and why the hll should this matter at all? If you want help here from volunteers, your code or not, don't you think that you should take the effort to format it properly?

  • Error 7 occurred at Create Folder in Create Directory

    Recieved following message when attemoting to create source distribution
    Error 7 occurred at Create Folder in Create Directory>ABAPI Dist Create Directory>ABAPI Dist Chk for>ABAPI Copy Files and Apply>>>>>
    Possible reason(s):
    LabVIEW:  File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted, or the file path might be incorrectly formatted for the operating system. For example, use \ as path separators on Windows, : on Mac OS, and / on Linux.

    Could you please list which options you are selecting when building a
    source distribution (I am assuming you are using LabVIEW 8.0?).
    Do you get this error when clicking on "Generate Preview" button when configuring source distribution properties?
    Under "Distribution Settings" category, could you try checking the
    "Disconnect type definitions and remove unuses polymorphic VI
    instances" option and see if that helps with the build process?
    Also I suggest Mass Compiling your VIs (Tools -> Advanced -> Mass Compile) before creating a source distribution.
    If these do not help, could you attach your project with all the VIs it contains here?
    Thank you and best regards,
    Shakhina P.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to check special characters in java code using Java.util.regex package

    String guid="first_Name;Last_Name";
    Pattern p5 = Pattern.compile("\\p{Punct}");
    Matcher m5 =p5.matcher(guid);
    boolean test=m5.matches();
    I want to find out the weather any speacial characters are there in the String guid using regex.
    but above code is always returning false. pls suggest.

    Pattern.compile ("[^\\w]");The above will match any non [a-zA-Z0-9_] character.
    Or you could do
    Pattern.compile("[^\\s^\\w]");This should match anything that is not a valid charcter and is not whitespace.

  • Error:* package does not exists

    Been at this for a few days...frustration...funny.
    Using JDK 1.6 NetBeant 6.8 with WTK 2.5.2 on XP
    Was able to resolve the javax.bluetooth.* package does not exists and xylostudio by doing the following to add the libraries to the project file.
    1) Tools > Libraries
    2) in the pop up Library Manager window click 'New Library'
    3) in the pop up New Library window typed 'bluetooth' > OK
    3) highlight 'bluetooth' in Library Manager scroll menu on left
    4) click add JAR/Folder
    5) added jsr082 from C;\WTK2.5.2_01\lib\jsr082.jar
    6) click OK
    7) right click project and select properites
    8) highlight the library node under Categories on the left side of the Project Properties window
    9) 'Add Library' created 'bluetooth'
    10) click OK
    When the process was followed to resolve the* package does not exist error it was unsuccessful.
    The difference in the two processes being New Library name: 'microedition' and added jsr75, MIDPapi20, jsr118, then MIDPapi21 with no resolution to the errors.
    Also add the jsr75, MIDPapi20, jsr118, and MIDPapi21 directly to the project by clicking the 'Add JAR/Folder' button in the Project Properties window.
    Here is the Output:
    Updating property file: C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\build\
    Deleting directory C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\build
    Created dir: C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\build
    Updating property file: C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\build\
    Created dir: C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\build\classes
    Created dir: C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\build\empty
    Compiling 8 source files to C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\build\classes
    C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\src\mobile\communication\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class Connector
    location: package
    C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\src\mobile\communication\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class StreamConnection
    location: package
    C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\src\mobile\communication\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class StreamConnectionNotifier
    location: package
    C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\src\mobile\communication\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class StreamConnectionNotifier
    location: class mobile.communication.Server
    private StreamConnectionNotifier server = null;
    C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\src\mobile\communication\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class StreamConnection
    location: class mobile.communication.Server
    private StreamConnection connection = null;
    C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\src\mobile\communication\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class StreamConnectionNotifier
    location: class mobile.communication.Server
    server = (StreamConnectionNotifier);
    C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\src\mobile\communication\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable Connector
    location: class mobile.communication.Server
    server = (StreamConnectionNotifier);
    7 errors
    C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\nbproject\build-impl.xml:413: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\Scholastic\4340MS\REU\ItsAForum\nbproject\build-impl.xml:199: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 4 seconds)
    any information would be much appreciated. Thanks,

    By completing the process shown in below link and adding the bluecove jar file directly to the project as of the reply post suggests, all compilation errors were corrected.
    Thanks me for point me in the right direction,
    Me is happy.

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