Suivre le livre Flex3 pearson avec le soft Flex4 -- probleme sdk

j'ai des problèmes en voulant suivre le livre flex3 de macromedia abobe training from the source avec le logiciel Flex 4
Il semble que ce soit un pobleme de SDK
Lors de la création d'un projet, on peut choisir le sdk 3.6 ou 4-->  ce ne semble pas être suffisant !
Si l'on choisi l'option 3.6, est t-il nécessaire de télécharge le sdk 3.6 ?
Faut t'il charger un SDK particulier autre pour ce livre ?
j'ai trouver ou télécharger les SDK, mais le sais pas sur quel version me base.
Merci pour votre aide ou retour d'expérience.

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    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
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    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
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    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
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    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
     Cheers, Tom

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  • Soft proofing problem with wide-gamut monitor

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    I'm a bit stumped. Can anyone help?

    1234ewqrd wrote:
    I set the colour-space to adobe RGB when using Lightroom (I'm on LR5).
    What do you mean by this? Are you selecting Adobe RGB as color profile for you rmonitor? Or are you talking about selecting Adobe RGB as softproofing color space in Lr?
    The fact that your images are grey in Lr is a strong indication that your new monitor is not calibrated and is way off the chart. It might be brand new but that does not mean that its tonality and color display is correct for photo editing in Lr.
    Calibration is done with a piece of hardware called a spectrometer and the accompanying software. Brand names are Spyder, ColorMunki, GretaghMacbeth. After calibration the software creates a profile that is used by the monitor.
    You don't select any other profile than the profile created by calibration and profiling for photo editing - irrespective of which program you use for photo editing.
    In the meantime - as a temporary remedy and until you get the calibration tools - you can set your monitor to sRGB. Be aware that sRGB is a much smaller color space than what you rmonitor is able to display; with sRGB you basically prevent the monitor from displaing wide gamut.
    See here on how to set the monitor to sRGB: change-my-monitor-profile-to-check-whether-its-corrupted
    Everything else on the monitor works fine (better than fine, actually, it is a great monitor)
    You have no way of telling if the monitor works fine, i.e. if the monitor has the correct intensity (brightness) and if it displays the colors correctly, i.e. as a true representation of the color numbers. Our brain automatically adjusts colors to what they ought to be. What we see is basically unreliable for photo editing. Only a calibrated monitor will display the colors correctly.
    Also, when you calibrate select an intensity (brightness) of araound 110 cd/m2 - irrespective of what the software suggests. Often monitors are way to bright which results in prints that are too dark.

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    I would be happy to send anyone that can help a screenshot of what I am talking about. Please help!!!

    Hi everyone,
    Thanks for your comments and suggestions. I really appreciate it. This has been a bit frustrating because no one else can see the issue but me I suppose. I just don't know why my monitor would change all of the sudden for no reason. I know all monitors eventually go bad but this one is only a year old and looks beautiful in every other way. No other problems with any other programs or anything. The overall color, brightness, contrast, etc are still amazing.
    It is still covered under the warranty so I can take it in to the Apple store to see if they can find an issue with it. I will be sure to let you guys know what they say. I have seen this same issue on 2 other forums on other sites - one person said that after exhausting all possibilities he determined that the issue was with photoshop. The other person was getting responses back from people telling her to add noise to her files to improve the banding, which is not really a solution to the root of the problem.
    Hopefully, if it is a monitor issue, recallibrating will fix the problem. I did, however, go through the callibrator assistant found in system preferences and it didn't help. Also tried to adjust the "Edit" - "Colors" setting within photoshop and that didn't help either.
    Both of the Adobe support specialists that I talked to were stumped. They said that the only 2 things they could think of were the monitor or maybe the graphics card gone bad.
    Anyway, thank you all again for your help. I have never used this forum before having this issue and I want to say that I really appreciate all of you stepping up to help me with my problem in such a prompt and helpful manner.

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    ActionScript 2.0
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    wonder what in my code are causing this problem... Below is a copy
    of my code...
    // this ActionScript sets your content to be full screen
    fscommand2("FullScreen", true);
    fscommand2("SetSoftKeys", "<<<", ">>>");
    btn_1.onPress = function() {
    btn_2.onPress = function() {
    var myListener
    bject = new Object();
    myListener.onPress = function() {
    if (Key.getCode() == ExtendedKey.SOFT1) {
    } else if (Key.getCode() == ExtendedKey.SOFT2) {

    myListener.onKeyDown = function()
    instead of
    myListener.onPress = function() {

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    has anyone encountered anything like that?

    i also suffering the same problem.
    i want its solution.
    jimmyireland wrote:
    try updating firmware
    the try the following if nothing works send it to a nokia care centre
    *#7780# "soft reset"
    *#7370# "hard reset"
    Multimedia key + 3 key + * hold these in while powering up until you see the handshake
    back up data before you do these codes
    security code is 12345
    jimmyireland wrote:
    try updating firmware
    the try the following if nothing works send it to a nokia care centre
    *#7780# "soft reset"
    *#7370# "hard reset"
    Multimedia key + 3 key + * hold these in while powering up until you see the handshake
    back up data before you do these codes
    security code is 12345

  • Can't install the soft - Recurrent problem

    Hi everyone,
    Yesterday, I tried to install Edge Reflow CC (Windows 7, 64 bits), and it failed.
    Indeed, I always have the following message : "Le nom de fichier court 'Generator' n'est pas valide" (in french) I traduce by "The file short name 'Generator' isn't valid".
    I donwloaded the install files via the CC manager & via the Adobe server, and I've the same result.
    Can you propose me a solution ?
    Thank you for your help.
    Kind Regards.
    P.S : Sorry for my bad english.

    Hello, Eprz,  When do you see this message? Do you see it after Edge Reflow CC has installed from the CC manager and you open Reflow? Do you see this message in Photoshop?    Edge Reflow should install correctly regardless of what version of Photoshop or Generator you have. However, it might be incompatible if you have an unreleased newer version of Photoshop that you received from a place like a beta or prerelease program.  Here is what happens in the Reflow installer: 
    1. If you install Reflow with no Photoshop, Reflow installs, but, the Reflow-PS plugin does not.
    2. If you install Reflow with a version of Photoshop under 14.1, Reflow will install, but, the Reflow-PS plugin does not.
    3. If you install Reflow with version 14.1 of Photoshop (or higher), Reflow will install along with the Reflow-PS plugin that works with generator. The Reflow plugin will be located in the "Plug-ins/Generator" folder of your Photoshop installation. 
    thanks, Joan

  • Solidworks & soft motion problem

    hi dear
    i am new user, i want simulate example in 
    in page 7 says
    2. Right-click My Computer in the Project Explorer window and select New»SolidWorks 
    Assembly from the shortcut menu to open the Import SolidWorks Motors from
    Assembly File dialog box
    i can't find this option.
    my solidworks is 2012 SP1 and labvew 2012SP1 and softmotion 2012SP1
    Untitled.png ‏276 KB

    Hi Qweewq,
    The versions that you have stated should both be compatible with each other, as SoftMotion supports any Solidworks version higher than 2009 SP2.1, and is also compatible with the 2012 version of LabVIEW, so I am at a loss as to why this is not showing up. I can only think that it may have been a problem with the installer. Have you tried reinstalling LabVIEW and the SoftMotion module?
    Can I also ask for you to generate a MAX Report for me?
    Open Measurement and Automation Explorer > File > Create Report > Generate a Technical Support Report for your system > Next > Next > Choose file location for report and generate the report for me, and could reply with this attached?
    Best Regards,
    James Kent | Applications Engineer | National Instruments UK & Ireland
    w: |

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    restart from  shutdown with either Win98 or from DOS, "CAD".  The system hangs on the
    reset, blank black screen and with loss of video on the display like it went into standby.
    If I just restart windows, holding space key while clicking OK it reboot's windows fine, also works fine from system reset switch.  
    Any ideas?
    [email protected]

    Overclocking always take away the stability unless you have a good cpu cooler.

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    Bonjour a tous,
    J'ai développé un programme et j'aimerais pouvoir ouvrir automatiquement des fichiers avec mon soft. Que le type de fichier soit associé automatiquement à mon programme (Comme les .doc avec word etc...) et comment ça se code?
    Suis-je clair??
    D'avance merci.

    bonjour je te propose :
    1) création d'un type de fichier ".luc" par exemple
    2) création d'un logiciel "mon application.exe"
    3) sous windows il faut associer l'ouverture des fichiers de type ".luc" avec l'exe "mon application.exe", cocher l'option "toujours ouvrir avec"
    4) dans le code de "mon application" ajouter la gestion d'ouverture via >> Application:Command Line Arguments Property, le deuxiéme argument est le chemin du ficheir
    Application:Command Line Arguments Property
    Returns an array of user-defined command-line arguments passed when LabVIEW launched.
    User-defined arguments start after two hyphens (--) surrounded by spaces in the command line.
    The first string in the array is the name of the executable launched. This property does not return the name of the VI launched or the LLB that contains the VI. If a user-defined command-line argument contains double quotation marks ("), this property returns the argument without the quotation marks.
    If you use this property in a stand-alone application, you can pass all arguments as user-defined arguments so you do not need to enter the two hyphens before user-defined arguments in the command line.
    This property is similar to the Pass all command line arguments to application option on the Advanced page of the Application Properties dialog box.
    Luc Desruelle | Voir mon profil | LabVIEW Code & blog
    Co-auteur livre LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
    CLA : Certified LabVIEW Architect / Certifié Architecte LabVIEW
    CLD : Certified LabVIEW Developer / Certifié Développeur LabVIEW

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    Je recherche une application pour traduire un livre en anglais avec la camera de mon ipad2
    merci de votre aide

    Je conçois ta remarque. Mais je n'ai pas eu plus de succès en passant en vis-à-vis :\
    On me dit que c'est possible mais je ne vois pas comment (inserer "une" page entraîne l'injection de toutes les pages du gabarit) ?
    Merci pou tout en tout cas,

  • Probleme de SRQ avec le driver ag6000

    J'utilise le driver ag6000 pour piloter un  oscilloscope DSO6014.
    Le test se deroule correctement dans la plupart des cas mais certaines fois l'execution s'arrete sur l'erreur suivante:
    <LXI_eventHandler('TCPIP0::', VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ)>
      hSession   = 0x02BF0010
      EventType  = 0x3FFF200B
      EventData  = 0x02BF1790
      UserAddr   = 0x00460848
      StatusByte = 0xE5 (0x01 ? + MSS + Event Status Summary + ReQuest for Service + Operation Status)
    A LXI device is requesting service (via SRQ event)
    SRQ detected on LXI device at TCPIP address
    J'avoue avoir un peu de mal à cerner le probleme.
    Pouvez-vous m'éclairer?

    Bonsoir, non ce n'est pas adobe belgique, c'est un magasin d'informatique.
    Adobe ne vend plus de boite, il vendent seulement en ligne.
    Sur la photo prise de l'ecran avec le mail a cote ou il est ecrit adobe design standard cs 6.
    CE numero ne fonctionne pas avec adobe design standard cs 5.
    Le chat ne me proposait pas de telecharge la cs 6, il me signalait qu'il pouvait seulement switcher avec les numero cs6 a cs6 ( design a production  je crois)
    Il n'y a plus de version de demo CS6 au telechargement, juste acheter.
    Desoler pour la mauvaise explication, la personne a expliqué que le serial etait seulement compatible avec l'anglaise.
    Probleme il n'y a pas de choix de langue avant d'avoir entree un serial correct, comme dans acrobat ou j'ai eu le choix apres avoir entree le serial, j'ai installe la demo en français et quand je rentre le serial toujours la meme reponse , ca ne fonctionne pas.
    Acrobat est fournis sur un DVD seul.
    Et non j'ai acheter une version FRANCAISE.
    J'ai fais la demande en FRANCAIS.
    J'ai reçus une reponse en ANGLAIS (comme vous pouvez le voir sur la photo).
    Quand j'ai introduit le serial sur mon compte c'est lui qui a transformé en version cs5.
    Pour moi la personne qui a encode c'est trompée tapant CS6 et pas CS5 qui doivent etre rarement demander.
    Qu'une personne se trompe ça arrive, mais répèter que c'est serial cs5, ce n'est pas vrai.
    J'ai deja vu des serial CS6 sur le net ils commence tous par 14** ( c'est pas compliquer a trouver).

  • Images soft after importing from 6d

    I thought my new camera was having soft focus problems and after sending it in to Canon, discovered that Lightroom is ruining the image quality. When I download the images as CR2 files and open them up with Canon's digital reader, they are super crisp. When I import them into Lightroom 4 and the DNG conversion happens they are soft-focus looking.

    As it turned out, it eventually made the connection automatically, so everything is perfect! What a great program :)
    This could actually be a solution. If you want to do what I did to get what I got, and you don't have an image in the parent folder, simply copy a pic into the highest level folder you want to be in your hierarchy, import that photo, and all the sub-directories will be linked in properly. Then delete the pic from the high level directory.
    Have fun!

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    SD timeline, Uncompressed 10-bit 4:2:2.

    I'll give you a head's start. Select clip in FCP. Right-click and choose Send/To Motion Project.
    In Motion, click on the Properties tab in the inspector for your clip. Twirl open the Timing parameter. There you'll see everything you need for a speed effect. Click the "reverse" button to have the clip go in reverse. Under Frame Blending choose Optical Flow. I don't find it necessary unless you're slo-moing the clip though.
    Piece of cake.
    When you use Optical Flow, Motion has to analyze the entire captured media (I'm sure you know this from Shake). Just a caveat.

Maybe you are looking for

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