Sun Java 1.4.2 EOL (End of Life)

Has anyone heard what SAP's direction will be in regards to the retirement/EOL of the Sun 1.4.2 JDK?
This was mentioned during TechEd, but I have been unable to find any further details released up to this point.

Hi Jeremy,
We had the same question and I asked it to SAP and they mentioned the following:
Although 1.4.2 is being advertised as EOL'd to the "general public",
there will be continued support for the foreseeable future for the
Customers' Windows platform under the Sun/SAP support agreement.
So you don't have to worry on that topic.
Nico van der Linden...

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    2. Go to Certificates Tab/Server Certificates
    3. Choose Install
    4. Cut and paste contents of cert_chain.pem in the certificate data box.
    5. Assign to httplistener
    6. Nickname for this chain is 'server_cert'
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    turrie wrote:
    1. Created a single file using vi editor containing the four certificates in the chain by cutting an pasting each certificate (Begin Certificate ... End Certificate) where the top certificate is the server cert (associated with the private key), then the CA that signed the server cert, then the next CA, then the root CA. Call this file cert_chain.pemIn my opinion (I may be wrong) cut and pasting multiple begin end
    ... some data....
    ... some data....
    --- END CERTIFICATE ---is NOT the way to create a certificate chain.
    I have installed a certificated chain (it had 1 BEGIN CERTIFICATE and one END CERTIFICATE only and still had 2 certificates) and I used the same steps as you mentioned and it installed both the certificates.
    some links :

  • Sun Java System Application Server8 can not startup (help me )

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    who can help me
    the error infomation is :
    The Sun Java System Application Server could not start:
    Possible reasons:
    1.port conflict
    2.Incorrect server configuartion
    3.corrputed deployed application
    my java Studio Creator version: 2004Q2 Update9
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    and I believe that anybody who use JSC will encountered this error sooner or later.
    who can tell me why will this problem happen? and where can I find some related imformation about this problem. thanks!!!!!!
    my domain.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE domain PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Application Server 8.0 Domain//EN" "">
    Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
    <!-- Generated from default-domain.xml.template -->
    <domain application-root="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications" log-root="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs">
    <j2ee-application enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/j2ee-apps/MEjbApp" name="MEjbApp" object-type="system-all"/>
    <j2ee-application enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/j2ee-apps/__ejb_container_timer_app" name="__ejb_container_timer_app" object-type="system-all"/>
    <web-module context-root="/web1" enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/adminapp/adminapp_war" name="adminapp" object-type="system-admin">
    <!-- System Web Module - DO NOT DELETE! -->
    <web-module context-root="/asadmin" enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/admingui/adminGUI_war" name="admingui" object-type="system-admin">
    <!-- System Web Module - DO NOT DELETE! -->
    <web-module context-root="/com_sun_web_ui" enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/com_sun_web_ui" name="com_sun_web_ui" object-type="system-admin">
    <!-- System Web Module - DO NOT DELETE! -->
    <jdbc-resource enabled="true" jndi-name="jdbc/__TimerPool" object-type="system-all" pool-name="__TimerPool"/>
    <jdbc-resource enabled="true" jndi-name="jdbc/PointBase" object-type="user" pool-name="PointBasePool"/>
    <jdbc-connection-pool connection-validation-method="auto-commit" datasource-classname="com.pointbase.xa.xaDataSource" fail-all-connections="false" idle-timeout-in-seconds="300" is-connection-validation-required="false" is-isolation-level-guaranteed="true" max-pool-size="32" max-wait-time-in-millis="60000" name="__TimerPool" pool-resize-quantity="2" res-type="javax.sql.XADataSource" steady-pool-size="8">
    <property name="DatabaseName" value="jdbc:pointbase:embedded:ejbtimer,database.home=${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/lib/databases"/>
    <property name="User" value="pbPublic"/>
    <property name="Password" value="pbPublic"/>
    <jdbc-connection-pool connection-validation-method="auto-commit" datasource-classname="com.pointbase.xa.xaDataSource" fail-all-connections="false" idle-timeout-in-seconds="300" is-connection-validation-required="false" is-isolation-level-guaranteed="true" max-pool-size="32" max-wait-time-in-millis="60000" name="PointBasePool" pool-resize-quantity="2" res-type="javax.sql.XADataSource" steady-pool-size="8">
    <property name="DatabaseName" value="jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost:9092/sun-appserv-samples"/>
    <property name="Password" value="pbPublic"/>
    <property name="User" value="pbPublic"/>
    <config name="server-config">
    <http-listener acceptor-threads="100" address="" default-virtual-server="server" enabled="true" id="http-listener-1" port="28080" security-enabled="false" server-name="" xpowered-by="true">
    <http-listener acceptor-threads="100" address="" default-virtual-server="server" enabled="true" id="http-listener-2" port="21043" security-enabled="true" server-name="" xpowered-by="true">
    <http-listener acceptor-threads="100" address="" default-virtual-server="__asadmin" enabled="true" id="admin-listener" port="24848" security-enabled="false" server-name="" xpowered-by="true">
    <virtual-server hosts="sif-caicj" http-listeners="http-listener-1,http-listener-2" id="server" state="on">
    <property name="docroot" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/docroot"/>
    <property name="accesslog" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/access"/>
    <virtual-server default-web-module="admingui" hosts="sif-caicj" http-listeners="admin-listener" id="__asadmin" state="on">
    <property name="accesslog" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/access"/>
    <iiop-service client-authentication-required="false">
    <orb max-connections="1024" message-fragment-size="1024" use-thread-pool-ids="thread-pool-1"/>
    <iiop-listener address="" enabled="true" id="orb-listener-1" port="23700" security-enabled="false"/>
    <iiop-listener address="" enabled="true" id="SSL" port="21060" security-enabled="true">
    <ssl cert-nickname="s1as" client-auth-enabled="false" ssl2-enabled="false" ssl3-enabled="true" tls-enabled="true" tls-rollback-enabled="true"/>
    <iiop-listener address="" enabled="true" id="SSL_MUTUALAUTH" port="21061" security-enabled="true">
    <ssl cert-nickname="s1as" client-auth-enabled="true" ssl2-enabled="false" ssl3-enabled="true" tls-enabled="true" tls-rollback-enabled="true"/>
    <admin-service type="das-and-server">
    <das-config admin-session-timeout-in-minutes="60" autodeploy-dir="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/autodeploy" autodeploy-enabled="true" autodeploy-jsp-precompilation-enabled="false" autodeploy-polling-interval-in-seconds="2" autodeploy-verifier-enabled="false" deploy-xml-validation="full" dynamic-reload-enabled="true" dynamic-reload-poll-interval-in-seconds="2"/>
    <ejb-container cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds="600" cache-resize-quantity="32" commit-option="B" max-cache-size="512" max-pool-size="32" pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds="600" pool-resize-quantity="8" removal-timeout-in-seconds="5400" session-store="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/session-store" steady-pool-size="0" victim-selection-policy="nru"/>
    <mdb-container idle-timeout-in-seconds="600" max-pool-size="32" pool-resize-quantity="8" steady-pool-size="0"/>
    <jms-service init-timeout-in-seconds="60" type="LOCAL">
    <jms-host admin-password="admin" admin-user-name="admin" host="sif-caicj" name="default_JMS_host" port="27676"/>
    <log-service alarms="false" file="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/server.log" log-rotation-limit-in-bytes="2000000000" log-to-console="false" use-system-logging="false">
    <module-log-levels admin="INFO" classloader="INFO" cmp="INFO" cmp-container="INFO" configuration="INFO" connector="INFO" corba="INFO" deployment="INFO" ejb-container="INFO" javamail="INFO" jaxr="INFO" jaxrpc="INFO" jdo="INFO" jms="INFO" jta="INFO" jts="INFO" mdb-container="INFO" naming="INFO" resource-adapter="INFO" root="INFO" saaj="INFO" security="INFO" server="INFO" verifier="INFO" web-container="INFO"/>
    <security-service anonymous-role="ANYONE" audit-enabled="false" audit-modules="default" default-realm="file" jacc="default">
    <auth-realm classname="" name="file">
    <property name="file" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/keyfile"/>
    <property name="jaas-context" value="fileRealm"/>
    <auth-realm classname="" name="certificate">
    <jacc-provider name="default" policy-configuration-factory-provider="" policy-provider="">
    <property name="repository" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/generated/policy"/>
    <audit-module classname="" name="default">
    <property name="auditOn" value="false"/>
    <transaction-service automatic-recovery="false" heuristic-decision="rollback" keypoint-interval="2048" retry-timeout-in-seconds="600" timeout-in-seconds="0" tx-log-dir="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs"/>
    <module-monitoring-levels connector-connection-pool="OFF" ejb-container="OFF" http-service="OFF" jdbc-connection-pool="OFF" orb="OFF" thread-pool="OFF" transaction-service="OFF" web-container="OFF"/>
    <java-config classpath-suffix="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/pointbase/lib/pbclient.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/pointbase/lib/pbembedded.jar${path.separator}" debug-enabled="false" debug-options="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_shmem,server=y,suspend=n,address=creator-14848" env-classpath-ignored="true" java-home="${com.sun.aas.javaRoot}" javac-options="-g" rmic-options="-iiop -poa -alwaysgenerate -keepgenerated -g" server-classpath="${com.sun.aas.javaRoot}/lib/tools.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.imqLib}/jaxm-api.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.imqLib}/fscontext.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.antLib}/ant.jar">
    <!-- various required jvm-options -->
    <jvm-options> -Djdbc.drivers=com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver</jvm-options>
    <thread-pool idle-thread-timeout-in-seconds="120" max-thread-pool-size="200" min-thread-pool-size="0" num-work-queues="1" thread-pool-id="thread-pool-1"/>
    <!-- config model with name "server-config" ends -->
    <server config-ref="server-config" name="server">
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="adminapp" virtual-servers="__asadmin"/>
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="admingui" virtual-servers="__asadmin"/>
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="com_sun_web_ui" virtual-servers="__asadmin"/>
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="MEjbApp" virtual-servers="server"/>
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="__ejb_container_timer_app" virtual-servers="server"/>
    <resource-ref enabled="true" ref="jdbc/__TimerPool"/>
    <resource-ref enabled="true" ref="jdbc/PointBase"/>
    my server.log
    I am sorry there are some japanese words in the log
    �v���I: fatal
    ����: information
    �R�l�N�V���������������G���[�������������� : error happened when connecting
    Starting Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.0.0_01 (build b08-fcs) ...
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:48.050+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Version 1.4.2_06] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:49.206+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|ADM0020:Following is the information about the JMX MBeanServer used:|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:49.394+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|ADM0001:MBeanServer initialized successfully|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:51.628+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|Creating virtual server server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:51.659+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|S1AS AVK Instrumentation disabled|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:51.738+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|SEC1143: Loading policy provider|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:53.910+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.transaction|_ThreadID=10;|JTS5014: Recoverable JTS instance, serverId = [100]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:55.519+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Satisfying Optional Packages dependencies...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:55.707+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=10;|RAR7008 : Initialized monitoring registry and listeners|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:56.394+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5100:Loading system apps|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.019+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=10;|LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [MEjbApp] loaded successfully!|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.769+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=10;|EJB5109:EJB Timer Service started successfully for datasource [jdbc/__TimerPool]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.769+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=10;|LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [__ejb_container_timer_app] loaded successfully!|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.816+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0302: Starting Tomcat.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.957+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [adminapp] in virtual server [server] at [web1]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.113+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [admingui] in virtual server [server] at [asadmin]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.113+0800|�x��|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0500: default-locale attribute of locale-charset-info element has been deprecated and is being ignored. Use default-charset attribute of parameter-encoding element instead|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.129+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [com_sun_web_ui] in virtual server [server] at [com_sun_web_ui]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.129+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded|_ThreadID=10;|Starting tomcat server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.129+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded|_ThreadID=10;|Catalina naming disabled|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.222+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine|_ThreadID=10;|Starting Servlet Engine: Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE-8.0|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:01.285+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig|_ThreadID=10;|�A�v���P�[�V������web.xml�����������������A�f�t�H���g�������g�p������ StandardEngine[server].StandardHost[server].StandardContext[]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.191+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g28080��������������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.254+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g 28080 ���N��������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.348+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g21043��������������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.363+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g 21043 ���N��������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.379+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g24848��������������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.379+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g 24848 ���N��������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5035: Timed out after 60000 milliseconds while trying to verify if the JMS service startup succeeded.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5037: Check permissions of MQ instance directory E:\Sun\Creator\SunAppServer8\imq\var\instances|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5036: More details may be available in the log file for the JMS service broker instance imqbroker. Please refer to the JMS provider documentation for the exact location of this log file.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|�v���I|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5071: An error occured during initialization
    com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: [C4003]: �R�l�N�V���������������G���[���������������B - ���o Connection refused: connect
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by: com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException: [C4003]: �R�l�N�V���������������G���[���������������B - ���o Connection refused: connect
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ExceptionHandler.getJMSConnectException(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ExceptionHandler.handleConnectException(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.PortMapperClient.readBrokerPorts(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.PortMapperClient.init(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.PortMapperClient.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.protocol.tcp.TCPConnectionHandler.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.protocol.tcp.TCPStreamHandler.openConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionInitiator.createConnectionOld(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionInitiator.createConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionInitiator.createConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.init(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.openConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.init(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.UnifiedConnectionImpl.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.QueueConnectionImpl.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.admin.jmsspi.JMSAdminImpl.pingProvider(
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.waitForJmsProvider(
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
         ... 7 more
    Caused by: Connection refused: connect
         at Method)
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.PortMapperClient.readBrokerPorts(
         ... 25 more
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|�v���I|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Server Startup failed. Exiting...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Server shutdown in progress...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0303: Stopping Tomcat.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Stoping http11 protocol on 28080 server:type=ThreadPool,name=http28080|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.899+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Stoping http11 protocol on 21043 server:type=ThreadPool,name=http21043|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.915+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Stoping http11 protocol on 24848 server:type=ThreadPool,name=http24848|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5051: Shutting down all J2EE applications ...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=10;|EJB5122:EJB Timer Service shutdown at [2006/02/10 13:01:05]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5052: Application shutdown complete.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|�x��|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5061: Exception :
    com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: MQ startup failed :[C4003]: �R�l�N�V���������������G���[���������������B - ���o Connection refused: connect
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.onShutdown(
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer.onShutdown(
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|�v���I|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Server stopped due to Server startup failure.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.024+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|sending notification to server...server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.024+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|Server shutdown complete.|#]
    Starting Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.0.0_01 (build b08-fcs) ...
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:10.743+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Version 1.4.2_06] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:11.728+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|ADM0020:Following is the information about the JMX MBeanServer used:|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:11.868+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|ADM0001:MBeanServer initialized successfully|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:14.634+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|Creating virtual server server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:14.650+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|S1AS AVK Instrumentation disabled|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:14.665+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|SEC1143: Loading policy provider|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:16.337+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.transaction|_ThreadID=10;|JTS5014: Recoverable JTS instance, serverId = [100]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:17.603+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Satisfying Optional Packages dependencies...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:17.790+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=10;|RAR7008 : Initialized monitoring registry and listeners|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:18.462+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5100:Loading system apps|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.025+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=10;|LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [MEjbApp] loaded successfully!|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.728+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=10;|EJB5109:EJB Timer Service started successfully for datasource [jdbc/__TimerPool]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.728+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=10;|LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [__ejb_container_timer_app] loaded successfully!|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.775+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0302: Starting Tomcat.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.916+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [adminapp] in virtual server [server] at [web1]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.041+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [admingui] in virtual server [server] at [asadmin]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.041+0800|�x��|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0500: default-locale attribute of locale-charset-info element has been deprecated and is being ignored. Use default-charset attribute of parameter-encoding element instead|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.041+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [com_sun_web_ui] in virtual server [server] at [com_sun_web_ui]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.056+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded|_ThreadID=10;|Starting tomcat server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.056+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded|_ThreadID=10;|Catalina naming disabled|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.150+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.c                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      &n

    Restarting the computer should have stopped the appserver.
    To kill the appserver manually you can go to the command prompt

  • How to access JDBC Resource registered in Sun Java System App Server ?

    I want to create a stand-alone JDBC application with Java SE using Swing technologies and JNDI technology. The purpose of using JNDI technology is to avoid change of Java Source Code every time I move the database to different location. This Java application will be used in a standalone PC installed with Windows XP Professional with no LAN / WAN connection. Of course, Internet connection is available with the PC.
    I use JavaDB to store the data tables and the location of the database is D:\E-DRIVE\SAPDEV. Tomorrow, if I move this database to C:\SAPDEV or any network drive, I do not want to change the Java Source code. I want to use JNDI which, if I am not wrong, helps developers to avoid manual change of Java source code whenever the database location is changed. Changes have to be made only in the JNDI Name which contains all relevant information about the database in order to get connection no matter where the database SAPDEV is stored; it can be placed under D:\E-DRIVE directory or C:\ directory of the hard disk. To implement my intention, I started developing Java application as per the steps mentioned below:
    Step 1:
    To proceed, first, I sought the help of Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console. I created JNDI object for Connection Pool using the menu path Common Tasks->Resources->JDBC->Connection Pools.
    Resource Type : javax.sql.DataSource
    Datasource class : org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource
    Description : ABAP Program Repository
    The Connection Pool creation has options for General, Advanced and Additional Settings tabs and I made all the settings relevant to the database I created in D:\E-DRIVE\SAPDEV.
    To confirm whether the above settings are correct, I pressed the Ping push button which is available in the General tab of the connection pool creation screen. The system responded with the message Ping Succeeded.
    Step 2:
    I created a JDBC Resource using the menu path Common Tasks->Resources->JDBC->JDBC Resources.
    JNDI Name : jdbc/SAPDEV
    Pool Name : ABAPRPY
    Description : Database Connection for SAPDEV database
    Status : Enabled
    I can see all the above settings recorded in the domain.xml which is placed in the folder
    Step 3:
    I have made sure that Sun Java System Application Server is up and running in the background with JavaDB server. I created a Java Program making sure the following JAR files are included in the classpath:
    Plus, the lib directory of JDK 1.6 & C:\Sun\AppServer\domains\domain1\config
    Source code of the program is as follows: I used NetBeans IDE to create my project file.
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.activation.DataSource;
    public class JNDILookup {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/sapdev>");
    } catch (NamingException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(JNDILookup.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    When I attempted to compile the above program in NetBeans IDE ,no compilation error reported. But while executing the program, I got the following run-time error message:
    SEVERE: null
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound for java:comp/env/jdbc/sapdev> [Root exception is java.lang.NullPointerException]
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.lookup(
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
    at SAPConnect.JNDILookup.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    ... 3 more
    Now, I want to come out of this situation; at the same time, I want to preserve the settings I have made in the Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console. That is, I want to programmatically access the data source using Connection Pool created in Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console.
    I request dear forum members to provide me an appropriate solution.
    Thanks and regards,
    K. Rangarajan.

    jay44 wrote:
    Bare in mind I am attempting the context.lookup() from inside the container (my code is in a session bean). I have accessed the server and have my bean "say hello" first to verify the bean works OK, then I call a method with this rather standard code:
    String jndiDataSourceName ="Second_EJB_Module_DataBase";
    Logger.getLogger(DynamicPU.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO,"Programatically acquiring JNDI DataDource: "+ jndiDataSourceName);
    InitialContext ctx;
    try {
    ctx = new InitialContext();
    ds =(DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/"+jndiDataSourceName);
    } catch (NamingException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(DynamicPU.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return "Exception generated trying to preform JDBC DataSource lookup. \n"+ex.toString();
    But when I run the code the server log shows the initial context is created Ok, but an exception is thrown becasue the resource name is not found:
    (and i have tried vriations of ctx.lookup("jdbc/"+jndiDataSourceName) etc etc
    You are fine here. It works in container because the InitialContext properties have been supplied already. That was the link I forwarded earlier. The InitialContext you create locally needs to locate the container JNDI. That is what the properties specify.
    Where I am confused is where you indicate the stack below is from the server log. So, you initiate a standalone (java main method) application, create an InitialContext, and you see the results in your app server log?
    LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [EJB_Module_1] loaded successfully!
    Programatically acquiring JNDI DataDource: Second_EJB_Module_DataBase
    The log message is null.
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Second_EJB_Module_DataBase not found
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.doLookup(
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.lookup(
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.lookup(
    This is strange since I can see this resource (a JDBC connection named Second_EJB_Module_DataBase) is configured on the server from the server's admin console.
    That is why you can obtain a lookup from within the container (app server).
    For this lookup to work it may be that one must map the name inside an ejb-jar.xml deployed with the application, but I have also read some resources like jdbc connection should have a default name. Does anyone know if my lookup() should work without using an ejb-jar.xml mfile to explcitly map the reource for my application?
    Both EBJ's and data sources can be referenced via JNDI. It's a remote lookup (that is normally optimized if it is running in the same JVM). You should not have any dependencies on a JDBC data source being set-up on ejb-jar.xml. That file can of course impact your EJB's. However, data sources are normally set-up on a container-specific basis (e.g., you probably did it through a console, but there is a spec somewhere about how to set up a data source via a resource the app server looks for; it varies from app server to app server). However, once you have that container-specific data source set-up, JNDI operates vendor-neutral. You should be able to take the code above and move it to JBoss or Weblogic or Tomcat or whatever (this is an ideal, in practice, the vendors sometimes put a data source in a name you would not expect, but again, you can use their JMX console to see what the JNDI name is).
    (As I stated above if I have to use a deployment discriptor to get at this JNDI datasource, then solution is not "programmatic" as newly configured datasources could not be accessed without redeploying the entire application).
    As JSchell alluded to, you will always have at least something vendor-specific. JNDI itself (the code you wrote) is totally portable. However, you have to set the various JNDI environment properties to a given vendor's spec. Ideally, you should not need a vendor's actual InitialContext application, but it's a possibility. Once you can safely cast to Context, you should be vendor-neutral (if not, demand your money back).
    So that is exactly where I am stuck, trying to get the lookup to work and wondering if it should work without and xml file mapping the resource for my app.
    What we ended up doing for standalone was to provide our own JNDI. If you look at the open source project JOTM, there are examples on how to use that with XBean (if integrating with Spring, as we did), you can easily set up a data source that runs standalone exactly as you get in the container. Another benefit is you get full JTA/JTS support and the ability to run XA transactions. (This might all be alphabet soup, but the app server gives it to you, and this is the way we ended up doing the same: JNDI + JTA + JTS + XA). It ends up the same application code uses a "vanilla" InitialContext and all we have to do is write one or two xml files (one for our app server, a couple for JOTM), and our actual code works the same.
    I still think you have a shot at getting to the container's JNDI, just not using their full-blown app server JAR.
    I think there must be a simple way to do this with an ejb-jar.xml, I am no expert in JNDI, I could be missing something simple, I will keep at it and post an answer here if I come up with it.
    Thanks, jayIt is simple to code. Getting it to integrate with your app server, yes, that can be challenging. But it has nothing to do with EJB's. Write a simple test. Using nothing but DataSource and InitialContext. Let us know where you get stuck.
    - Saish

  • Error while running Sun Java Webserver 6.1 configtest option

    hi all,
    Need help on the following. My environment is Liunx OS and Sun Java Webserver installed on Linux
    I added the following lines to Sun Java Webserver's magnus.conf file to include my NSAPI filter.
         Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/plugins/" funcs="vgn_init,vgn_nametrans"
         Init fn="vgn_init" PZN_AUTO_COOKIE_TRACKING="true" PZN_AUTO_URL_TRACKING="true"
    and the magnus.conf file after adding the above is as follows. I made necessary changes to obj.conf file also.
    # The NetsiteRoot, ServerName, and ServerID directives are DEPRECATED.
    # They will not be supported in future releases of the Web Server.
    NetsiteRoot /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr
    RqThrottle 128
    DNS off
    Security off
    PidLog /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/
    User hsangava
    StackSize 131072
    TempDir /tmp/
    Init fn=flex-init access="$accesslog" format.access="%Ses->client.ip% - %Req->vars.auth-user% [%SYSDATE%] \"%Req->reqpb.clf-request%\" %Req->srvhdrs.clf-status% %Req->srvhdrs.content-length%"
    Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/lib/" shlib_flags="(global|now)"
    # for Visitor Profiling Plug-in
    Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/plugins/" funcs="vgn_init,vgn_nametrans"
    Init fn="vgn_init" PZN_AUTO_COOKIE_TRACKING="true" PZN_AUTO_URL_TRACKING="true"
    When I use the following command at managed server's directory I am getting 'configuration test failed' error as follows
         [root@esnta068]# ./start -configtest
         Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP2 B04/07/2004 17:54
         [14/Sep/2005:06:22:03] info (12656): CORE1116: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP2 B04/07/2004 17:54
         failure: configuration test failed
    When I try to start the server I am getting following error in the error log.
    [14/Sep/2005:06:25:14] info (12724): CORE1116: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP2 B04/07/2004 17:54
    [14/Sep/2005:06:25:14] catastrophe (12724): CORE3260: Server crash detected (signal SIGSEGV)
    [14/Sep/2005:06:25:14] info (12724): CORE3261: Crash occurred in NSAPI SAF load-modules
    If I remove the lines related to my filter in magnus.conf file, configtest passed and Server is working fine.
    Can anyone help me resolve these issues?

    As you suggested I have used the same compiler to compile the source files, later I configured the same in magnus.conf.
    In core dump, I ended up with the following errors.
    (gdb) where
    #0 0xb5ccae52 in std:: list<std:: pair<VgnHTTPRequestHandler*, bool> (*)(std:: map<std:: string, std:: string, vgn_iless, std:: allocator<std:: pair<std:: string const , std:: string> > > const& ), std:: allocator<std:: pair<VgnHTTPRequestHandler*, bool> (*)(std:: map<std:: string, std:: string, vgn_iless, std:: allocator<std:: pair<std:: string const, std:: string> > > const& ) > >:: begin (this=0xb5cdaa60) at stl_list.h:365
    #1 0xb5ccf48a in std:: list<std:: pair<VgnHTTPRequestHandler*, bool> (*)(std:: map<std:: string, std:: string, vgn_iless, std:: allocator<std:: pair<std:: string const, std:: string> > > const& ) , std:: allocator<std:: pair<VgnHTTPRequestHandler*, bool> (*)(std:: map<std:: string, std:: string, vgn_iless, std:: allocator<std:: pair<std:: string const , std:: string> > > const& )> >:: push_front (this=0xb5cdaa60, __x=@0xbfff4e00)
    at stl_list.h:471
    #2 0xb5ccd557 in VgnHTTPRequestHandler:: registerHandlerFactory (
    fp=0xb5ccc030 <VgnVisitorIDHandler:: create(std:: map<std:: string, std:: string, vgn_iless, std:: allocator<std:: pair<std:: string const, std:: string> > > const& ) > ) at VgnHTTPRequestHandler.h:99
    #3 0xb5ccc029 in RegisterFactory (this=0xb5cdaa64,
    fp=0xb5ccc030 <VgnVisitorIDHandler:: create(std:: map<std:: string, std:: string, vgn_iless, std:: allocator<std:: pair<std:: string const, std:: string> > > const& ) > ) at VgnHTTPRequestHandler.h:111
    #4 0xb5ccbfe5 in __static_initialization_and_destruction_0 (__initialize_p=1, __priority=65535) at ../common/VgnVisitorIDHandler.cpp:10
    #5 0xb5ccc006 in global constructors keyed to _ZN19VgnVisitorIDHandler15registerFactoryE () at VgnHTTPRequestHandler.h:51
    #6 0xb5cd4385 in __do_global_ctors_aux () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/plugins/
    #7 0xb5cc6115 in _init () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/plugins/
    #8 0xb75f7921 in dlinit_internal () from /lib/
    #9 0xb689d522 in dl_open_worker () from /lib/tls/
    #10 0xb75f76d6 in dlcatch_error_internal () from /lib/
    #11 0xb689cf9c in dlopen () from /lib/tls/
    #12 0xb696cffb in dlopen_doit () from /lib/
    #13 0xb75f76d6 in dlcatch_error_internal () from /lib/
    #14 0xb696d4b6 in dlerrorrun () from /lib/
    #15 0xb696cfa4 in dlopen@@GLIBC_2.1 () from /lib/
    #16 0xb74b2c7c in dll_open2 () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/bin/../lib/
    #17 0xb74ef0e8 in mark_func_cacheable () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/bin/../lib/
    #18 0xb74ef34f in load_modules () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/bin/../lib/
    #19 0xb74c0e00 in func_exec_str () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/bin/../lib/
    #20 0xb74c0f65 in INTfunc_exec () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/bin/../lib/
    #21 0xb74bdeba in conf_is_late_init () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/bin/../lib/
    #22 0xb74bdf4d in INTconf_run_init_functions () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/bin/../lib/
    #23 0xb7526e00 in WebServer::Run () from /space/esnta068-1/SUNWwbsvr/bin/https/bin/../lib/
    #24 0x0804879f in ?? ()
    #25 0xb67a5768 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/
    #26 0x08048671 in ?? ()
    Current language: auto; currently c++
    Could you help me anything to resolve the errors and go ahead of this step?

  • Sun Java System Portal Server 6.0 FAQs

    Sun Java System Portal Server 6.0 FAQs.
    Author: Sanjeev Agarwal
    Q. How to connect to external URLs from Sun ONE Portal Server? I want to use URL Scrapper for some of external sites/URLs.
    You can connect to external URLs if you have a Proxy Server running.
    If you are using Web Server addition of Sun ONE the Portal Server then
    go to /opt/SUNWam/servers/https-hostname.domainname/config/ dir
    In the jvm12.conf file, enter the followings:
    http.proxyPort=80 (or the appropriate proxy server port number)
    https.proxyPort=80 (or the appropriate proxy server port number)
    If you are using Sun ONE AppServer addition of Sun ONE Portal Server then
    go to /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/<server-instance>/config dir
    In the server.xml file, enter the followings:
    <jvm-options>-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxyservername.domainname </jvm-options>
    <jvm-options>-Dhttp.proxyPort=80 (or the appropriate proxy server port number) </jvm-options>
    <jvm-options>-Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyservername.domainname </jvm-options>
    <jvm-options>-Dhttps.proxyPort=80 (or the appropriate proxy server port number) </jvm-options>
    After this modification restart the server.
    Q. Explain all the processes (solaris 8 and S1 Portal Server 6.0) which runs when I start the Sun ONE Portal Server.
    These are the processes that a running Portal Server installation (Sun ONE WebServer addition, without SRAP) generally has by default.
    1. Directory server processes:
    - ns-slapd (LDAP server instance)
    - uxwdog (admin server process) (parent process)
    --- ns-httpd
    ----- ns-httpd
    2. Auth Helper processes:
    - doUnix
    3. Web-Server/Identity-Server/Portal-Server processes:
    As the Portal Server and Identity Server runs as web application on the Web Server, so they share the same JVM and processes.
    - uxwdog (web server admin server process) (parent process)
    --- ns-httpd
    ----- ns-httpd
    (for each web server instance)
    - uxwdog (parent process)
    - ns-httpd
    - ns-httpd
    or (in case of MaxProc=n )
    - uxwdog (parent process)
    --- ns-httpd
    ----- ns-httpd
    ----- ns-httpd
    ----- n
    Q. I have created a custom Provider but getting this error when I access the desktop, what do I do?
    > error in the desktop.debug file:
    > ERROR: DesktopServlet.handleException()
    > java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name CustomTabContainerProvider,
    It needs a resource bundle for the custom provider. You need to create a file (as mentioned in the error message) and put it into the /etc/opt/desktop/classes directory. If you are not using any properties defined in this resource file then it can be a empty file. Have a look on the properties files that bundled containerProviders uses in dir <portal-install-dir>/SUNWps/web-apps/https-<host.domain>/portal/WEB-INF/classes.
    As you are extending JSPTabContainerProvider class, you can just copy the file from the above directory after renaming it to the <defined-provider-name>.properties (in your case and move it into /etc/opt/desktop/classes directory.
    Q. what is actually multiple instances of Portal Server means?
    Multiple instance of Portal Server means, you will have more http listeners for the same desktop contents and the same identity profiles stored in a single Directory Server which all the instances share.
    In simple words you can have your Portal Server listening on different http ports, but uses same configuration, desktop and identities.
    It can help you to share the load for Portal Server http requests. The alternate methods are to create more web server virtual server processes (maxProc=n, but in this case the listening port will be 1 only) or use some hardware load balancer.
    You can achieve more from multiple instances if you have a multi level organization, you can change the look and feel of all the instances, images, services, components and can assign each instance to different organization or sub-organization.
    Q. How do I check the availability of the Sun ONE Portal Server/Identity Server services.
    You can check the availability of Sun ONE Identity Server services from following urls.
    To know the availability of components of Sun ONE Portal Server like Desktop/providers/Rewriter/Netmail you have to login into desktop. These are not services, but just the programming identities which will work if your Web Server and Identity Server is running.
    Just go to URL http://<server>:<port>/portal/dt , if it shows up that means your portal server is fine, and these entities will work for sure.
    Q. I am able to add the yahoo channels to existing users. But I am getting the weather for London not for local New Jersey. My language pref is to en|en_US and also the server is the default U.S server and not europe. How do I add the cities I want to see on weather channel?
    A Portal user himself (after login) can select what cities he want to see in weather channel.
    - click the edit button of weather channel
    - click on the area you belong to from Available Sections
    - select the cities from Available Cities select box and add them to Your Choices.
    - click finished from select city page and then again click finished from select area page.
    It will come back to the Portal Desktop and you will see all the cities you have selected in the weather channel.
    Q. How to use getContent() method to use in custom jsp providers (developed by ourselves) so that it can be used to retrieve a jsp page. I have already placed the JSP file in the directory structure /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/channel_dir. But still the jsp is not being displayed.
    You don't have to do anything in the custom JSPProvider's getContent method except the call { return super.getContent(request,response); } . If all you want is just to show your jsp, then create a channel from the default JSPProvider, and edit the property contentPage of that channel from samplecontent.jsp to your jsp name, save the changes and login again. You should see your JSP.
    Q. I want to remove all the buttons (help/edit etc.) from all the channels/one particular channel in my desktop?
    You can hide any buttons you want from any channel.
    These steps show how to hide all the buttons.
    1. Create a channel say "myNetlet" from netlet provider.
    2. Set the channel title to "myNetlet"
    3. Go to the dir /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPTableContainerProvider and edit the file providerCommands.jsp, and modify the last line :
    from :
    <% if ( !(title.equals("myNetlet"))){ %><%=minMaximizeCommand%><%=helpCommand%><%=editCommand%><%=detachAtachCommand%><%=removeCommand%><% } %>
    4. Clean the dir mentioned below which contains compiled JSPs. /var/opt/SUNWps/https-<host>.<domain>/portal/tmp/_jsps/_etc/_opt/_SUNWps/_desktop/_default_en/_JSPTableContainerProvider/_html and reload the page.
    Relogin, and you would not see any buttons on "myNetlet" channel. You can customize this logic as per your needs.
    Q. How to change the title of SampleJSP Channel. I tried to change the channel properties title value via iplanet directory Server Access Management GUI. But it is not getting reflected.
    Through Admin console you can change the channel property "title", and as soon as you refresh the page (Shift reload) of relogin in the portal it get's reflected.
    The reason to this problem may be due to the channel property "title" is having "propagate" value as false and you are setting the channel title in the org level display profile not in the user level display profile.
    So better you change the channel name in user's display profile also.
    For this login into admin console and go to :
    - View: "User Management" -> click on organization -> Show: Users
    - click on the blue arrow of that user
    - click on Edit in section Desktop (this will open a window)
    - then change the channel properties same way you do for Organization display profile.
    Q. Login Problem with SunOne Portal 6.0.
    I was able to download and install sun one portal 6 on Solaris 8. The sample portal page came up after installation. However whenever I try to login to the Login channel with "amadmin" and the passphrase I used during installation, it takes me to another page - iPlanet/LDAP authentication page. Here I tried using the same login, but fails every time (the same login page appears). The url that shows is "http://<hostname>/amserver/login?module=dproadmin&goto=/amconsole/base/AMAdminFrame"
    I tried registering myself as a new user as well. This too fails.
    Make sure you are giving fully qualifying the hostname in the url which invoked the desktop. This in fact is documented in the administration documentation. If the hostname is not fully-qualified, the login page goes into an endless mode. Again, the correct url is "http://<fully-qualified-hostname>/portal". Once you get to the desktop, the login and the new user registration works.
    Q. How to send variables/parameters from 1 app to another app deployed on Sun ONE Portal Server? It may be the apps or different JSPs of JSP provider channel.
    How to achieve inter channel communication in Sun ONE Portal Server?
    You can use servlet context object or session, or may be the request object itself to store the information from one channel and use that in another channel. The use of either of these 3 approaches may depend on your requirements. Using session, the information will be available to that user's channels only, using request, the information will be available for that user and that request only and by using ServletContext you can share the information across users and sessions. You can obtain DesktopServlet's ServletContext object inside JSP/JSPProvider.
    Q. I am trying to modify the default desktop JSPs in TableContainerProvider and TabCotntainerProvider dirs, but it is not picking my modified JSPs ? what do I do?
    One easiest way to 100% ensure that it updates all your new jsp pages is to remove all the compiled jsps so that with next request the Sun ONE Portal Server compiles all the jsps and will make sure that your modification will be taken care of in next request.
    Go to /var/opt/SUNWps/https-<instance_name>/portal/tmp/_jsp/_etc/_opt/_SUNWps/_desktop/_default_<locale>/ and remove everything. and access the Portal server, it will be little slow as it has to compile all the JSPs again. Here you will find directories in the name of Containers and Channels, so if you are modifying any particular Container/Channel you can just delete that only. This approach can help a lot during development time.
    Q. What is the location of compiled JSPs in Sun ONE portal Server and what servlet spec does it supports?
    Ans: The Portal server 6.0 runs on Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 sp2, which supports only jdk 1.3 and servlet spec 2.2 only. The Sun ONE Portal Server keeps the compiled jsps of desktop and channels in : /var/opt/SUNWps/https-<instance_name>/portal/tmp/_jsp/_etc/_opt/_SUNWps/_desktop/_default_<locale>/ dir as per the channels/container names.
    Servlet 2.3 is supported if you run the Portal Server edition that runs on Sun ONE Application Server 7.0.
    Q. How do I change jdk for Sun ONE Portal Server to another jdk? I want to change the JDK of only one of my Portal Server instances, is it possible? how?
    Yes you can achieve both.
    A. To change the JDK for all the server instances:
    Open <portal-install-dir>/SUNWam/servers/https-admserv/start-jvm file and modify the first line
    NSES_JDK=/usr/java_1.3.1_04; export NSES_JDK
    NSES_JDK=<your-jdk-location> ; export NSES_JDK
    then open <portal-install-dir>/SUNWam/servers/https-<instance-name>/config/jvm12.conf file of all the server instances and add a line
    jvm.option=-server after the first line
    B. To change the JDK for a particular server instances:
    Make a another copy of the start-jvm file rename it and modify the jdk location in it as mentioned above.
    Open the start script from <portal-install-dir>/SUNWam/servers/https-<instance-name> dir and modify these lines :
    if test -r {SERVER_ROOT}/https-admserv/start-*
    for STARTSCRIPT in {SERVER_ROOT}/https-admserv/start-*
    modify this to
    if test -r {SERVER_ROOT}/https-admserv/<changed_name_of_start-jvm-file>
    for STARTSCRIPT in {SERVER_ROOT}/https-admserv/<changed_name_of_start-jvm-file>
    Note: As Portal Server 6.0 uses Web server 6.0 sp2, jdk 1.4 is not supported.
    Q. How do I create a custom login page or a link, which will just log me into the portal server.
    You can create a custom page in your jsp page, just add this portion of html into your web page :
    <FORM action="http://<server>:<port>/amserver/login?module=<login-module>&page=1" method=post name=login_form2 target=_top>
    Login page using <login-module><br>
    <P>Enter UserId<BR><INPUT name=TOKEN0 size=22></P>
    <P>Enter Password<BR><INPUT name=TOKEN1 size=22 type=password></P>
    <P><INPUT name=Submit type=submit value=Submit> </P>
    The <login-module> can be LDAP or Unix or Membership which ever you have enabled. Or instead of this you can create a link. For example for LDAP auth module :
    "<a href="http://<server>:<port>/amserver/login?module=LDAP&page=1&TOKEN0=user&TOKEN1=password" target=_top> Login into Portal </a>"
    where user and password are the user credential for the portal server.
    Q. Can I install a portal server pointing to another Identity server? I want to install few postal servers (on different machines) pointing to same identity server, is it possible?
    No, right now the Sun ONE Portal Server is tightly integrated with Sun ONE Identity Server so you can't just install only Sun ONE Portal Server and point it to another Sun ONE Identity Server. You can have a common Directory server if you want.
    Q. I have an application which takes input in from anonymous user and then to complete the request the user than has to login. I am having problem in passing the taken input from anonymous page to logged in user. all the request parameters are lost when I log in. How do i get the request parameters after I log in
    You can create a custom login page and submit the form to "/amserver/login" with a hidden parameter "goto" through which you basically specify which url to go after you log in. So you can use this mechanism to create a query string with all your request parameters you want to pass after login. For example:
    You can create a jsp which take few inputs from user and to complete the request you have to login so it posts the input form to a login jsp and stores the parameters taken from user in a hidden field (goto) :
    <FORM action="/amserver/login?module=LDAP&page=1" method=post name=login_form2 target=_top>
    Login page using LDAP<br>
    <P>Enter UserId<BR><INPUT name=TOKEN0 size=22></P>
    <P>Enter Password<BR><INPUT name=TOKEN1 size=22 type=password></P>
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="goto" VALUE="/portal/dt?param1=<%=request.getParameter("param1")%>&param2=<%=request.getParameter("param2")%>">
    <P><INPUT name=Submit type=submit value=Submit> </P>
    After you login through this page both the param1 and param 2 will be available in the request object after you login and you can retrieve them in your application or jsp.
    Q. I have few System.out.println in my jsp which i am using in my JSP provider channel, but when I look at the portal server's /var/opt/SUNWam/debug/desktop.debug file, none are there. I looked at the web server's access and error logs too, but it is not there also. Can somebody tell me how do it get those ? Do we have any other mechanism to put debug logs ?
    By default the binary which web server runs is uxwdog which eats up System.out.println output. If you want to see the System.out.println then you need to change the product binary from the start script of the portal server instance.
    - Go to <portal-install-dir>/SUNWam/servers/https-<instance-name> and open the start script
    - Change the PRODUCT_BIN=uxwdog to PRODUCT_BIN=ns-httpd , save the file
    - Run the script ./start to start the portal server
    Note : with ns-httpd ON the server will not leave that shell, and in the same window/shell you will be able to see all your System.out.println statements. To close the server you have to kill the server process with "kill -9 pids" command
    Alternate way is to use api inside your application or jsp:
    <%@page import="com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider, com.sun.portal.providers.*, com.sun.portal.providers.containers.*, com.sun.portal.providers.context.*" %>
    <% JSPProvider p=(JSPProvider)pageContext.getAttribute("JSPProvider");
    ProviderContext pc = p.getProviderContext(); %>
    <%-- after that you can use these lines any where in your jsp --%>
    pc.debugError("your error msg");
    pc.debugMessage("your msg");
    pc.debugWarning("your warning msg");
    The particular mgs will be shwon in /var/opt/SUNWam/debug/desktop.debug file as per your "debugLevel" parameter setting in /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/ file. By default the debugLevel is set to error so only pc.debugError("error msg") will be shown.
    Q. Multipart form (file upload) processing in providers? Is it supported
    The Sun ONE Portal Server's DesktopServlet does not have the ability to process a request with the content encoding type of multipart/form-data. DesktopServlet does not pass the input stream for the request on to the Provider.
    To accomplish handling of multipart/form-data type requests, it is necessary to create a companion servlet or JSP that process the multipart/form-data. This servlet can then pass control back to the Portal channel. The data from the file can be shared between the servlet and the provider by using static Java members or by storing the data in a back-end database and then passing a reference to the data over to the provider.
    Q. After installing the Portal Server I am trying to login as admin, but it is failing and coming back to login page every time. How do I login?
    The Default Admin user is 'amadmin' and the password is the PASSPHRASE you give during Portal Server installation. Try login using these credentials.
    Also in the browser give the complete URL for the Portal Server like : Http://<myhost>.<mydomain>:<port>/amserver/login or Http://<myhost>.<mydomain>:<port>/amconsole. You can't login into portal server's IDSAME console by giving IP Address or just the hostname, also your machine should be listed in the DNS server so that it can resolve the name.
    Q. I installed Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 some time back, and now I want to know all the installation parameters and user/passwords for whole portal installation. How do I do that?
    The Default Admin user is 'amadmin' and the password is the PASSPHRASE you give during Portal Server installation. Also in the browser give the complete URL for the Portal Server like : Http://<myhost>.<mydomain>:<port>/amserver/login or Http://<myhost>.<mydomain>:<port>/amconsole. You can't login into portal server's IDSAME console by giving IP Address or just the hostname, also your machine should be listed in the DNS server so that it can resolve the name.
    In case you have forgotten the port numbers and PASSPHRASE that you give during installation, you still can see all the information for each component of your Portal Server Installation. The Portal server and it's components like Directory Server, Web Server and IDSAME are installed as Solaris package so the system has all the information for these packages.
    Portal Server : See file /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWps/pkginfo
    Directory Server : See files /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWamds/pkginfo and /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWamdsc/pkginfo
    Web Server : See file /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWamws/pkginfo
    Identity Server : See file /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWamsam/pkginfo
    Note: In any case you should never edit/modify these files.
    Q. Controlling the display of the help (?) button.
    Where are the links/image elements defined for the help/edit/minimize buttons? the leafWrapper.jsp pulls the hashtable out of the HttpRequest, and that hashtable is being used by providerCommands.jsp:
    Hashtable commands = (Hashtable)request.getAttribute("provider_cmds");
    Any idea where this is being set?
    - You can remove the help/edit button of any channel by adding the line into the Channel's properties by editing the Xml of display profile in the admin console.
    <String name="helpURL" value="" advanced="false" merge="replace" lock="false" propagate="true"/>
    <Boolean name="isEditable" value="false" advanced="false" merge="replace" lock="false" propagate="true"/>
    The Attribute 'provider_cmds' is set into /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/JSPTableContainerProvider/tablecolumn.jsp :
    <dttable:getProviderCommand id="provider_cmds" scope="request" />, and after that only the leafwrapper.jsp is included, but the Hashtable is generated by a class and made available through taglib classes. So you can't change the generated contents/string in the Hashtable.
    But you can change the default 'alt' text displayed and the images linked to the help/edit icons. As this modification is at Provider level, it will change the icons for all the channels in the desktop.
    Please see the file:
    Here you will find the mapping. The image location are given from the context root of portal server which is by default : /opt/SUNWps/web-apps/https-<host>.<domain>/portal.
    Q. I have a number of web applications needed to integrate to portal server. Any pointers or tips of what my option is?
    You can very well integrate all your web application with Portal server. Portal Server 6.0 has web container same as Sun ONE web server 6.0 Sp2, which runs on Jdk-1.3.
    If your web applications are just Servlets/Jsps then you can very well port them on Portal server's webserver which supports war module deployment. (infect for Web server the Portal server and Identity server is like a war module.)
    There can be two possibilities in this case, either you put the whole of your application on portal server and make the link available into the desktop via 'Application Provider Channels' or you can create a client to your web application into portal server.
    If your web application is on Sun ONE Application server 7.0 and needs authentication, you can also have SSO. If you just want to show the link of your web application into desktop then you can either use URL Scrapper to show the first page of your web application or use Bookmark channel to provide just the url.
    The easiest way to make a client of your web application is to use JSP Channel using JSPProvider and put your logic into the samplecontents.jsp file or you can create your own custom Provider extending JSPProvider. There can be a lot of different configurations, depending on the web application you want to integrate and your needs
    Q. I removed few channels from the org level display profile but still they are coming to the desktop of users, I had accessed the desktop before. why?
    If you still see any channel after you remove it from the display profile at organization lever, that means you have to edit the user's display profile. So go to admin console and select User from Show: menu and click on the blue arrow near the user. In the right frame under the 'Desktop' category click on the Edit link (right side). This will open user's display profile in a window. Now edit it as per your requirements.

    Unfortunately Web Server 6.0SP2 is no longer available for download.
    If you must use Web Server 6.0, you should use the most current Service Pack. It is backward compatible and contains many performance and security fixes.

  • Sun-Java-System-SMTP-Warning

    Customers using our company's products have been finding the following error message when sending messages with image attachments from our devices:
    "Sun-Java-System-SMTP-Warning: Lines longer than SMTP allows found and truncated"
    RFC 2045 - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies
    (5)   Encoded lines must not be longer than 76 characters,
              not counting the trailing CRLF. If longer lines are
              found in incoming, encoded data, a robust
              implementation might nevertheless decode the lines, and
              might report the erroneous encoding to the user.Our devices comply with this RFC to the letter.
    Can anyone explain why the Sun Java System SMTP server is rejecting these messages?
    If necessary, I can provide network capture files from the connection between our device and an SMTP server.
    A sample successful SMTP connection with a Postfix SMTP server follows:
    220 ESMTP Postfix
    250-SIZE 20480000
    250 8BITMIME
    250 Ok
    RCPT TO:
    250 Ok
    354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
    subject: This is just test.
    date: Thu, 05 May 2005 08:10:09 +0800
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
    Content-Type: text/plain;
    This is just a test.
    Content-Type: image/jpeg;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Disposition: attachment;
    ----SNIPPED BY ME----
    250 Ok: queued as 5AC3815763F
    250 Ok
    221 ByeMIME message was snipped by me in order to shorten the message.
    I also removed the E-mail addresses.

    I'm sorry.
    1. The max line length is 998 characters, plus cr/lf
    2. If you're getting the error message, then whatever that message was composed with is broken, and emitting lines longer than that.
    Messaging Server has configurable choices. By default, it simply truncates the lines. You can choose to "wrap" them.
    See channel keyword, "wrapsmtp"

  • Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8 minimal requirements

    Hi everybody.
    I want to buy a laptop in a week or two.
    Would celeron 1.6 processor + 512 MB memory be enough for Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8?
    Where can I find it's requirements?

    You can find the system requirements from the links above. But if you are developing Enterprise Applications, then you will be running the IDE with the Applicaiton Server (or WebServer). Also note that if the applications your are working on have thousands of classes, the minimum requirements may work but will cause you frustration.
    In the end, the processor you list will probably do the trick, but you may want more memory if you are working on larger projects.

  • How deploy the EJB in security on the Sun Java System Application Server 9?

    I hava deploied a simple Hello EJB Object on PE 9(Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9). I can use this EJB object without user name an password On any client. See the following code section:
         public static void main(String[] args) {
                   Properties props = System.getProperties();
                   Context ctx = new InitialContext(props);
                   Hello h = (Hello) ctx.lookup("ejb/test/Hello");
              }catch(Exception e){
    Please tell me how deploy the EJB in security on the Sun Java System Application Server 9? So that, The client must set the user name and password when lookup the ejb object. Like the following:

    I too have the same issue. If anyone has an answer, please let me know.
    Is this GlassFish problem? or Prgram issue?
    Find below the source code
    package TransactionSecurity.bean;
    import javax.annotation.Resource;
    import javax.ejb.Remote;
    import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
    import javax.ejb.Stateless;
    import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute;
    import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType;
    @DeclareRoles({"student", "teacher"})
    public class TSCalculatorBean implements TSCalculator {
         private @Resource SessionContext ctx;
    //     @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
         public int add(int x, int y) {
              System.out.println("CalculatorBean.add  Caller Principal:" + ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName());
              return x + y;
         @RolesAllowed( { "student" })
         public int subtract(int x, int y) {
              System.out.println("CalculatorBean.subtract  Caller Principal:" + ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName());
              System.out.println("CalculatorBean.subtract  isCallerInRole:" + ctx.isCallerInRole("student"));
              return x - y;
         @RolesAllowed( { "teacher" })
         public int divide(int x, int y) {
              System.out.println("CalculatorBean.divide  Caller Principal:" + ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName());
              System.out.println("CalculatorBean.divide  isCallerInRole:" + ctx.isCallerInRole("teacher"));
              return x / y;
    package TransactionSecurity.bean;
    import javax.ejb.Remote;
    public interface TSCalculator {
            public int add(int x, int y);
            public int subtract(int x, int y);
            public int divide(int x, int y);
    package TransactionSecurity.client;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.ejb.EJBAccessException;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import TransactionSecurity.bean.TSCalculator;
    public class TSCalculatorClient {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              // Establish the proxy with an incorrect security identity
              Properties env = new Properties();
              env.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "kabir");
              env.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "validpassword");
            env.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", "");
            env.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort", "3700");
              InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env);
              TSCalculator calculator = null;
              try {
                   calculator = (TSCalculator) ctx.lookup(TSCalculator.class.getName());
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println ("Error in Lookup");
              System.out.println("Kabir is a student.");
              System.out.println("Kabir types in the wrong password");
              try {
                   System.out.println("1 + 1 = " + calculator.add(1, 1));
              } catch (EJBAccessException ex) {
                   System.out.println("Saw expected SecurityException: "
                             + ex.getMessage());
              System.out.println("Kabir types in correct password.");
              System.out.println("Kabir does unchecked addition.");
              // Re-establish the proxy with the correct security identity
              env.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "validpassword");
              ctx = new InitialContext(env);
              calculator = (TSCalculator) ctx.lookup(TSCalculator.class.getName());
              System.out.println("1 + 1 = " + calculator.add(1, 1));
              System.out.println("Kabir is not a teacher so he cannot do division");
              try {
                   calculator.divide(16, 4);
              } catch (javax.ejb.EJBAccessException ex) {
              System.out.println("Students are allowed to do subtraction");
              System.out.println("1 - 1 = " + calculator.subtract(1, 1));
    }The user kabir is created in the server and this user belongs to the group student.
    Also, I have enabled the "Default Principal To Role Mapping"
    BTW, I'm able to run other EJB3 examples [that does'nt involve any
    security features] without any problems.
    Below is the ERROR
    Error in Lookupjavax.naming.NamingException: ejb ref resolution error for remote business interfaceTransactionSecurity.bean.TSCalculator [Root exception is java.rmi.AccessException: CORBA NO_PERMISSION 0 No; nested exception is:
         org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: ----------BEGIN server-side stack trace----------
    org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION:   vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No
    ----------END server-side stack trace----------  vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No]
         at com.sun.ejb.EJBUtils.lookupRemote30BusinessObject(
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.RemoteBusinessObjectFactory.getObjectInstance(
         at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(
         at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.lookup(
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
         at TransactionSecurity.client.TSCalculatorClient.main(
    Caused by: java.rmi.AccessException: CORBA NO_PERMISSION 0 No; nested exception is:
         org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: ----------BEGIN server-side stack trace----------
    org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION:   vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No
    ----------END server-side stack trace----------  vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No
         at com.sun.ejb.codegen._GenericEJBHome_Generated_DynamicStub.create(com/sun/ejb/codegen/
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.sun.ejb.EJBUtils.lookupRemote30BusinessObject(
         ... 5 more
    Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: ----------BEGIN server-side stack trace----------
    org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION:   vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No
    ----------END server-side stack trace----------  vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0  completed: No
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
         ... 13 moreAny help is appreciated.
    Edited by: EJB3 on Aug 17, 2008 8:17 PM

  • Some question for Sun Java System

    Dear all:
    I use Sun Java System We Server 7.0 for my project.
    But I have some question on SJSWS 7.0
    My server runtime information
    1. OS is RedHat Enterprise 3
    2. memory: 2G
    3. SJSWS version: 7.0 preview 3
    My questions
    Q1. The speed that download image is slower than the speed that run JSP page . The image's size to smaller than 5 KB. Is it possible to speed up download image
    Q2. My machine has 2GB memory, The system use swap area always. I think it isn't enough of SJSWS 7.0. How much memory size that SJSWS 7.0?
    Many thank for everybody

    first off, please try the Update 1 release in stead of technology preview releases:
    Q1> So I want to ask it is possible to display image and text at the same time like use Tomcat ?
    there is nothing in the server end (whether it's Tomcat or any other web server) that affects how the content is displayed on the browser.
    Q2>I detect The ram was used over 800M~1G by SJSWS7. My website has 80~150 user in workinghour
    Are you seeing Web Server process measuring so much memory?
    Q3> Is it possible that the admin server use SJSWS7U1 and some or all of node use SJSWS preview 3, because the server is running on line, I can't stop them for update server
    No - you want to switch to U1 anyway, since it's a released version (and is absolutely FREE for production use).

  • Sun Java Communications Suite questions

    Hi all! This is my first post to these boards so please excuse any board fobars.
    Anyway, I have been charge with replacing our existing mail system based on POSTFIX, IMAP and SMTP with a better solution and have come to Sun Java Communications Suite as an option.
    I notice the software can be downloaded for free, but there isn't any obvious mention of end-user costs. Are there any?
    Second, what is the best way to back up the system each night and weekend. I have tried doing a search in Yahoo! and Google but haven't really come up with an answer. Can I back up individial mailboxes and objects with them or must I backup only the system as a whole?
    Thanks for any help!

    Yes it has shared folders and you can set up email lists. For instance I have our hylafax fax server just convert the incoming fax and put it in a public company folder that everyone has read access to. Also I have a mailing list that when you send to the address it goes to all employees and you can add the ability for an outside email address like [email protected] rights to send mail to it. The graphical interface works well but you'll want to make your own service packages which isn't hard to do. I really like using commadmin to create my users over the delegated admin but that&#8217;s just me.
    Oh yea I also have a public mail folder I use for corp documents. I just email the docs into that folder.
    Calendar server is great. The outlook connector works great.
    Plus if you&#8217;re going to run it on Solaris 10 you get all the great functionality of that operating system for instance I have my whole mail server running on a solaris zone which resides on a zfs filesystem.
    Which makes it extremely easy to back up or clone and run experiments or updates something goes wrong just rollback. ZFS is truly the best file system out. Solaris is so awesome it was able to keep running even when one of my cheap xeon processors was running in a degraded state. Solaris Fault manager is a god send and they don&#8217;t even market it really. fmadm faulty has saved my butt many times.
    Solaris 10 + commsuite = Little downtime and tons of power.
    Edited by: mark42324 on Dec 4, 2008 5:45 PM

  • Welcome to this forum on "Core J2EE Patterns" by the Sun Java Center

    Welcome to this forum on Core J2EE Patterns by the Sun Java Center!
    This forum is intended for discussing the patterns from the Sun Java Center J2EE Pattern Catalog and other topics discussed in our book, Core J2EE Patterns.
    We, the authors of the book, welcome you to this forum.
    We are Enterprise Java Architects from the Sun Java Center (SJC), which is the Java consulting organization of Sun Microsystems. We are a world-wide group of architects focusing on all consulting related to Java technologies.
    Visit our web-site for more information on SJC:
    Over the last few years, we at SJC have worked with our customers in architecting, designing, and implementing solutions on the J2EE platform. We have worked on documenting the J2EE patterns for over two years and released the patterns for public review in Beta form via the Java Developer Connection in May, 2001.
    The beta version of the patterns is available online as The Sun Java Center J2EE Pattern Catalog at:
    Subsequent to the release, we received great feedback and comments from hundreds of reviewers. We then worked towards incorporating the feedback into the pattern documentation. One of the common comments was about the lack of code examples in the online documentation. The latest pattern documentation provides many code examples and incorporates all the feedback received so far.
    Core J2EE Patterns, the book, was released at JavaOne 2001 during June 4-9, and will be available in stores around the end of June 2001.
    The book includes the complete updated Sun Java Center J2EE Pattern Catalog with 15 patterns covering these J2EE technologies: Java Server Pages (JSP), Servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), and Java Message Service (JMS). In addition to the J2EE Pattern Catalog, the book also provides other chapters that discuss design considerations,
    bad practices, and J2EE Refactorings. Example code is included for all patterns and strategies.
    If you wish to view the complete table of contents or order the book, please visit one of the following online bookstores:
    The online community for discussing the patterns included in our book Core J2EE Patterns has grown over the past year, since our first presentation at JavaOne 2000. This community is supported by our LISTSERV and is available for public participation at:
    You can view the past discussions on this list at the above URL.
    John and Dan are on the east coast and Deepak is on the west coast. We will be tuned into the forum and answering the messages periodically between June 19 and June 25, 2001. If you want to discuss the J2EE Patterns after June 25, you are invited to join the aforementioned J2EE Patterns Interest list.
    All responses to questions posed in this News Group are given on an "as is" basis. We believe the solutions or explanations given here are correct, but do not guarantee that responses will be complete, without error and/or work for all platforms and system configurations.
    The forum is now open! Let the discussion begin...
    John Crupi - Chief Java Architect
    Dan Malks - Enterprise Java Architect
    Deepak Alur - Enterprise Java Architect
    ---Authors of Core J2EE Patterns

    There are numerous ways to implement a templating mechanism in support of the composite view pattern, included in the catalog as a presentation-tier pattern.
    The goal is to avoid simply having monolithic views with all the formatting code embedded directly withing the view. If we have common subviews that are shared across several or more views then we end up with a copy-and-paste type of reuse...undesirable. So, modularity is one issue. Another major force when considering the Composite View pattern is that we may want to manage the layout of our pages and the content of our pages separately. We may have some logical regions defined, such as a search panel and main body, and a subview that plugs into those logical regions that map to a physical page (ie: x.jsp and y.jsp). We may then want to vary one independent of the we may want to modify the layout of the page w/o changing the content and we may want to vary the content w/o touching the layout.
    There are a number of implementation strategies that can be used to implement the Composite View pattern, ranging from relatively simple to much more sophisticated. We describe each in our book and include source code examples.
    The example in the book that allows for supporting all the issues described above is implemented using the "Custom Tag View Management Strategy" and uses a tag library written by David Geary, that supports the Composite View pattern. The library is also included in David's new book, Adv. JavaServer Pages, Prentice Hall, 2001.
    Again, it's simply one implementation and, as you mention, there are many different ways to implement this strategy.
    Thanks for your question,

  • Oracle 8i Personal Install corrupts Sun Java 2 development environment

    I encountered no errors during installation of Oracle 8i Personal for Windows/NT; and the sample database appears fully functional.
    However, the Sun Java 2 development kit (JDK 1.2) that I use for other projects is no longer functional. The registry appears to have been corrupted by the Oracle 8i installation. Now, whenever I attempt to run a Java 2 program I encounter the error:
    "Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\CurrentVersion'
    has value '1.1', but '1.2' is required."
    Does anyone have suggestions on how to cure this problem?

    Although I installed 8i Lite rather than personal Oracle 8, my experience was unlike yours. My jdk2 never stopped working - although, when I think about it, I did have to immediately fix a bunch of problems I visually detected after the install.
    After the installation, my Registry (on Win95) remained set correctly to version 1.2 of the javasoft runtime environment.
    My autoexec.bat file however was badly trashed by the installer - my multiple classpath statements were all combined into one monolith at the end.
    I hate products that silently overwrite carefully crafted key system files with no prior warning and no automatic backup process.
    After an hour or two recovering the autoexec and setting environment variables for jdk 1.2, everything is fine with my jdk setup.
    In the NT world, I can't help you with recovering your jdk2 environment. However, I'd check your environment settings on NT very carefully to ensure the installer hasn't wreaked havoc with them.
    You can also try re-installing the jdk2 run time environment from sun's web site.
    Good luck.

  • Weblogic 8.1 & Sun Java Studio Creator

    I'm in a new position where I need to deploy web apps created in Sun's Java Studio Creator to Weblogic 8.1, that hits an Oracle 8i back end.
    I'm curious to see if anyone on this board is using a similar mix of technologies. If so, what drivers are you using in your Studio Creator data sources?

    Check it out. You will see, there is a problem.
    Error message from Sun Java Studio Creator:
    Start file:///C:\Documents and Settings\computer user\.Creator\EA\websvc\TFormat.wsdl 06/25/2004 12:23:22:�Parsing WSDL. Please wait ..WSDL - file:/C:/Documents and Settings/computer user/.Creator/EA/websvc/TFormat.wsdl 06/25/2004 12:23:49:�Error Parsing WSDL. Please see the log file for details. Exception = modeler error: failed to parse document at "file:/C:/Documents and Settings/computer user/.Creator/EA/websvc/TFormat.wsdl": org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.

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