Super LOV - Sort columns

Dan - Quick question about the latest version of the Super LOV plugin.
1. Can the columns on the popup LOV be sorted by clicking on the column header?
2. Can the APX$ROWNUM column be hidden?

We would like to add support for sorting in a future release. However, we built the plug-in using the APEX_PLUGIN_UTIL package and I'd like to stay on it if possible so this may take some time.
As for the APX$ROWNUM column, just take the number of columns in your LOV query and add 1. Whatever that number is, add it to the hidden columns setting.

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    Hi Temm,
    Great question.
    I'd never tested it before but it seems to work with the following query:
    SELECT customer_id,
       '<img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#e2.gif" alt="">' AS "Street 1"
    FROM demo_customers
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    Also, make sure you set the Escape special characters attribute (under security) to No. Unfortunately this means that all columns will be unescaped (unlike reports which do this at the column level).
    I may consider ways to do this better in the future.
    Edited by: Dan McGhan on Apr 11, 2012 10:07 PM

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    name2 3 4 8 6 1

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    Re:  Sort is not in proper order
    Sounds as if the data includes spaces or hidden characters that are affecting the sort.
    That is indicated by the fact that manually entering the data resolves the problem.
    Note:  You can use a public file storage website to hold your file and add the link to it in your post.
    Jim Cone
    Portland, Oregon USA
    Special Sort excel add-in (30+ ways to sort) - 3 week no obligation trial

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        var dateB:Date=new Date(Date.parse(itemB.dob));
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    Hi Marcos,
    This forum here is for questions related to the LiveCycle Collaboration Service product.
    You might want to post your question to the Flex forum:
    Hope this helps.
    Good luck,
    LCCS Quality Engineering

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    2- Column B
                        both the columns have LOV's
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    how can I do that?
    thanks in advance (^.^).

    Use onchange attribute of the first drop-down. On change, submit the form. On server side, fetch the values for second drop-down based on the value selected for the first drop-down.

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    hi ,
    this infotype has a interesting solution . In my case it was  for US country .
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    Adding Additional Columns in LOV,That column values capturing values returned by function.....
    Give me the ides to achieve this...

    Hi Subramaniam,
    If your requirement is to call a Database function then please make use of the below code ,
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransactionImpl;
    OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean);
    OADBTransactionImpl txn = (OADBTransactionImpl)oaapplicationmodule.getOADBTransaction();
    CallableStatement cs = txn.createCallableStatement ("begin :1 := xxpackageName.xxfunctionname(:2,:3); end;",-1);//Replace your function Name
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
    cs.setString(2,InputParam1); // InputParam1 is the name of variable captured from the OAF page and passed into function as input parameter
    cs.setString(3,InputParam2); //InputParam2 is the name of variable captured from the OAF page and passed into function as input parameter
    String outParamValue = null; // outParamValue will capture the value returned by function .
    outParamValue = cs.getString(1);
    catch(SQLException sqle)
    throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
    Let me know if its not clear .
    Edited by: keerthioaf on Nov 23, 2012 5:17 AM

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    You’ll find information about how to enable column sorting in the HTML DB user guide:

  • Sorter column in dashboard

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    I use obiee 11g and I want enable sorting column in my dashboard but some report are sorted and other aren't sorted.
    Can you help me?
    Why this situation?
    Exists some setting in the dashboard?
    Thanks and regard

    Hi AmolPalkar,
    I use the last version of OBIEE (11.7).
    I can not render the sorting on columns in the dashboard.
    Can you help me?

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    I develop project with ADF in jdeveloper.
    When click on the sorting column header in adf table,it will adjust the width of the sorting column header.It will make page shifting.
    How can I do to avoid the adjusting ?
    How can I do to fix the width of soting table header?
    Any hint will be appreciated.
    Thank you!
    Message was edited by:

    I have set the column width like this:
    in style.css:
    /** Column Settings **/
    padding-left: 2px;
    padding-right: 2px;
    padding-top: 3px;
    border-color: #B5B5B5;
    WIDTH: 120px;
    padding-left: 2px;
    padding-right: 2px;
    padding-top: 3px;
    border-color: #B5B5B5;
    WIDTH: 120px;
    and in jsp page,write like this:
    <af:panelBox text="test" width="1000" background="dark" >
    <af:table emptyText="" value="#{ftOverview.listOfTransefersVect}" var="transfers" width="100%" banding="row" bandingInterval="1">
    <af:column sortable="true" sortProperty="transactionId" headerText="#{resources['ft_overview.ref']}" formatType="text" width="39"
    <af:outputText value="#{transfers.transactionId}" escape="false"/>
    but it seems doesn't work well.

  • Locking and sorting columns

    This is what I am trying to do:
    Lock the information in column A so it always stays there (1st, 2nd , 3rd, etc.)
    Sort Column C (total winnings) in descending order and keep the coresponding participants (column B ) with the amount.
    Create a value in Column D (4 behind Leader) that shows the difference between C3 and C4, C3 and c5, etc.
    The amounts and names are  filled from another sheet and change weekly. I can sort based on total winnings and the names follow. I can also create a formula to show the difference between the Leader and the next place participant however when I do a sort based on Total Winnings after the new values each week the Place and $Behind Leader always shift up and down. The information in Column A seems "locked" to the information in Columns B and C. The refernce in Column D is always Chris's amount and I want it to be refenced to the 1st place Participant.
    I hope I've explained this.
    Thanks - James
    2013 Standings
    Total Winnings
    $ Behind Leader
    Spare 1
    Spare 2
    Spare 3
    Spare 4
    Spare 5
    Spare 6
    Spare 7
    Spare 8

    Hi j&s,
    Numbers uses a data base model that treats each row of a table as a single record. You can sort all or selected rows on the values in one or more column(s), but the whole row moves to maintain the integrity of each record.
    If you want some columns to be excluded from a sort, you need to remove those columns (or their data) from the table. Jerry has offered a way to do that for the rankings, but that solution will not resolve the issue of the 'leader board' cells acting badly in a sort.
    Here's an alternate. The first view is of the table(s) (with the participants in alphabetical order), just after the current totals had been entered.
    At this point, the Leader board, which pulls names and totals from the first three body rows of the data table, shows the correct cells, but these don't include the correct information.
    Note that column A does show the correct placing for each participant.
    The second view shows the same table(s) after the data table has bee sorted. The sort may be descending on column C (Totals) or ascending on column A (Place).
    Place is calculated from the Total values, using this formula:
    A2: =RANK(C2,C,largest-is-high)
    Fill down into the rest of the cells in column A. Any empty rows should be removed from the bottom of the table, or have zeros entered into their total column cells.
    The Leader board table has two formulas:
    A2: =OFFSET(Data :: $A$1,ROW()-1,1)
    Fill down to A4.
    This returns the name of the participant in the top body cell of column B of the data table.
    B2 contains the word "Leader"
    B3: =IF((OFFSET(Data :: $A$1,1,2)-OFFSET(Data :: $A$1,ROW()-1,2))>0,OFFSET(Data :: $A$1,1,2)-OFFSET(Data :: $A$1,ROW()-1,2),"Leader")
    Fill down to B4
    The root of this formula is OFFSET(Data :: $A$1,1,2)-OFFSET(Data :: $A$1,ROW()-1,2)
    This returns the total value from the first and second body cells in the total column, and subtracts the second from the first.
    The rest of the formula is an IF statement tohandle the occasions where there's a two or three-way tie for the lead. (image below) If the result is greater than zero, the subtraction is repeated and the result returned to the cell (B3); if the result is zero, the word :Leader: is returned to this cell.
    Placing the calculation in a separate table and using OFFSET, with a base cell (Data::A1) that is in a row defined as a Header row makes this table and its formulas immune from sorting of the Data table.
    Here's the tie, which arose when i added another 11 particpants to check sorting of the Place column:
    Message was edited by: Barry (added image and notes on Tie case)

  • Sorting within sorted columns?

    Is it possible to sort columns by say artist & say track names all at one time? If so how is this done?
    Thanks in advance

    Yes, it is.
    Use the Songs view, and turn on the Column Browser. Then select the artist you're interested in and finally click on the Name column so the arrow points upwards - as shown below:
    While the artist is highlighted, the additional (greyed out) selection of "All Genres" and "All Albums" ensures that every song by The Beach Boys is shown, even if they are from different genres.
    This doesn't work for artists who only appear on compilation albums though. There is a way to see them, but it's a bit more involved.
    To do this, use the Songs view, and turn on the Column Browser. (Oddly, the shortcut for the Column Browser - CTRL+SHIFT+B - isnt working in iTunes, so click on the View/Column Browser/Show Column Broswer if you have the same problem. CTRL+B will turn on the menu bar at the top (with View on it).

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