SVG export to Illustrator?!?!

Okay okay... is it just me or is it stupid not to have SVG export to open into Illustrator but not KEEP the new Weight tool's weights when exporting to Illustrator which by Adobe's OWN admission is the same EAXACT tool!?!?! Is it just me? REALLY!?!?!
Am I just doing it wrong? Is this possible or not? So much for a 'suite'.

Semi-ignore my previous answer - figured out another work around that involves converting your slices to artboards.
After you have made all of your slices, use the Slice Selection Tool to select your first slice. Go to Object > Artboards > Convert to Artboards. This should create a new artboard out of that slice. Do this for all of your slices.
After creating new artboards from your slices, go to File > Export... and select Flash (swf) from the dropdown menu. Make sure you check the "Use Artboards" option underneath the format menu.
This process should result in individual swf files of each of your slices, along with your original image. Hope this helps!

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  • SVG saved in Illustrator won't show up on Chrome and is blowing up on Safari

    Hello. First time here, so bear with me in case I'm doing something wrong.
    So, I have to create almost 500 maps for this wine store website. They want the maps to be SVG files, because their website is responsive, so SVG would be the format that goes along with every platform without losing quality.
    I was saving all the directly from Illustrator, but when I opened up those SVGs, the objects were completely out of the artboard. So I exported all the artboards in EPS format and used a batch action script to open each one and save as SVG.
    That seemed to work. But when I took the files for them to upload in their website using Magento, the images weren't showing in Chrome and were blown up in Safari, completely oversized in relation to the original artboard size. This all happened in iOS, if it's of any importance.
    Now, I don't understand nothing about coding or anything, so I was wondering if there's something I could do in Illustrator to prevent this from happening.
    Here's the entire code for one of the files as an example, in case anyone wanna take a look:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 17.1.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->
    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "" [
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    <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns:x="&ns_extend;" xmlns:i="&ns_ai;" xmlns:graph="&ns_graphs;"
    xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="-6910.8 -7404 215 165"
    enable-background="new -6910.8 -7404 215 165" xml:space="preserve">
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    c-0.3,0-0.7,0-1.1,0V-7253z M-6788.4-7259.6h0.7c1.1,0,1.5-0.4,1.5-1.8c0-1.4-0.4-1.8-1.5-1.8h-0.7V-7259.6z"/>
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    -6784.8,-7342.9 "/>
    <circle fill="none" stroke="#C0F90D" cx="-6866.1" cy="-7283.2" r="38"/>
    <path fill="none" stroke="#C0F90D" d="M-6734.8-7323.3c0,16.6-13.5,30.1-30.1,30.1c-16.6,0-30.1-13.5-30.1-30.1
    Thanks in advance.

    Homer...this very same thing has happened to me today. Have you found a solution yet?

  • Variable color in SVG export

    we are in the process of designing a website for one of our customer, with the goal of making them self-sufficient in feeding the site with new products.
    One of the feature requires producing custom SVG files which are then rendered to PNG (when the browser doesn't support it correctly, that is most of them including Firefox which doesn't like gradients yet), and the possibility of updating several of the item colors on the fly.
    This requires identifying in the source file which colors must be flagged as say, "variablecolor1", "variablecolor2" and so on, with XML entities or some other means.
    Think about online visualization of t-shirt color changes.
    It's not actually scripting-specific, but nor windows or mac, and maybe there is a scripting solution to it.
    Since our customer is using Illustrator to generate their catalog, we wanted to integrate as much as possible with their workflow. AI seems to generate usable SVG files, however, we would like to avoid having to write an error-prone post-processing engine (likely in php) the designer will have to run to assertain which color entries in the files are the one we want to modify. Note possibly another part of the drawing with the same color might not be part of what to change...
    A possible option would be creating the SVG with a predefined color, like #0000fe for variablecolor1 or whichever, but they want to have it look with the chosen default colors when not yet changed. Having them produce two versions (one with correct colors and one with hardcoded values for us) seems error prone.
    The other option, as said is to run the SVG code through some magic identifying the color values, list them and allow checking which are to change. However this is also possibly error prone.
    With a co-worker we checked AI for quite some hours without much luck trying to find something that would allow us to directly flag those colors. The online manual had topics with interesting names but the descriptions weren't really helpful, so we had to test on his machine.
    We found about variables in AI, but sadly it seems this doesn't concern colors at all. Text, data and some other things but no color.
    Some other palette-swapping functions didn't seem to pass anything when exporting to SVG.
    Also, we checked the various option in the SVG export dialog, one exports XML entities, which would seem interesting if it didn't export the whole style of the object, besides it doesn't concern gradients which stay with their hardcoded colors on the gradient stops in the XML code.
    I find it odd that no such feature exists to allow variable or named colors in drawing...
    Does anyone know about such feature, or think it's possible to script something to easily flag the current object in such a way the SVG export would retain this information ?

    Oh, BTW, it technically is not a white background either. It is a transparent background. But the grid is hidden to make it easier to design. For new users this can be deceiving since almost any other app is a white background unless you see the grid like in photoshop. In Illustrator, to fill you are required to have an object.

  • Help with SVG Export

    Hey all,
    I am building a glyph font in Illustrator CS6. The problem here deals with a large number of assets, all of which need SVG exports at 32x32px (due to a strict grid definitions) for import and compiling purposes (assets need to be sequential in naming for accurate import and compile and maintenance as well). All of the AI export solutions I have seen require the SVGs to be on individual artboards or in separate layers in order to export.
    Artboards are extremely limiting as AI has that infamous 100 artboard limit.
    When it comes to the layers solution, as far as I can tell, there is no way via extensions or otherwise to take sublayers (grouped/compound paths intact; release to layers does not retain the compound paths) and turn them into top-level layers which can then, in turn, be exported as individual SVG's via this script modified by Tom Byrne.
    At this point it seems like an entirely manual process. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Am I missing something that could ease the production pain?

    You might want to look at Inkscape which is a freeware product and I believe that the output is SVG.

  • Interpret an svg file from illustrator

    Anyone know of any guides which explain this. i have drew a circle in ms paint and saved it as bitmap, loaded it into illustrator and used live trace and saved it out as an svg. Looks like this <br /><br />i can follow it down to the point until after d=" which i assume is the most important bit. Anyone knows how this is understood by the program. Anyone know any programs that rasterise better than illustrator ????<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><br /><!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 13.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 14948)  --><br /><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" ""><br /><svg version="1.0" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"<br />      width="721.209px" height="720px" viewBox="0 0 721.209 720" enable-background="new 0 0 721.209 720" xml:space="preserve"><br /><g><br />     <g><br />          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#C86464" d="M8.409,0c237.6,0,475.199,0,712.8,0c0,240,0,480.001,0,720<br />               c-239.999,0-480.001,0-720,0C6.005,482.396-8.386,225.604,8.409,0z M267.609,216c-109.033,231.495,245.134,341.133,331.2,158.4<br />               c62.196-132.053-43.095-273.871-201.6-244.8C332.314,141.502,287.749,173.2 39,267.609,216z"/><br />          <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#85C8C8" d="M397.209,129.6c158.505-29.07,263.796,112.748,201.6,244.8<br />               c-86.065,182.732-440.232,73.095-331.2-158.4C287.749,173.239,332.314,141. 502,397.209,129.6z"/><br />     </g><br /></g><br /></svg>

    You can't. PS doesn't do SVG and even if it did, it wouldn't retain SO vectors in teh way you probably expect it to. That's simply not how SVGs work. You will have to use Inkscape, Illustrator or otehr tools, if you realyl need vector SVGs.

  • SVG export _1_

    I have troubles when exporting SVG -file from Illustrator (CS3 or CS4, mac version).
    Illustrator creates weird _1_, _2_ and endings to the layers, groups or items.
    Like this way:
    In Illustrator, I create group which name is "SB-test" (this group contains several paths).
    I export SVG -file (1.1).
    ...then, I look that SVG -file in with text editor, Inkscape etc. application...and the "SB-test" -group ID is named as SB-test_1_
    Why -and how to avoid that?
    Thanks for advance!

    I know this post is fairly old, but I stumbled across the same problem with group names when converting to SVG. I created a workaround that is included in a script that is called when the SVG is loaded:
    Loop through the SVG and find each group and get the name.
    var svgdoc = document.embeds(0).getSVGDocument();
    var groupList = svgdoc.getElementsByTagName("g");
         for(j = 0; j < groupList.length; j ++) {
           var child = groupList.item(j).getElementsByTagName("g");
           var GroupName = groupList.item(j).getAttribute("id");
    Get the length of the group name and determine if the end character of the name is "_".
        var newGroupNameLength = newGroupName.length;
        var childLastChar = newGroupName.substring(newGroupNameLength-1,newGroupNameLength);
    If the last character is "_", change the group name to ignore the last three characters.
        if (childLastChar == "_")  {
          newGroupName = newGroupName.substring(0,newGroupNameLength-3);
    set the group ID to the new group name.
    Hope that helps. I use the same kind of method to correct the beginning of group names where Illustrator replaces illegal SVG starting characters such as '0' and '#' with "_x30_" and "_x23_", respectively.

  • SVG export / import

    I've been trying to help a client to export its AI data for translation and we have tested the SVG export/import path.
    1) AI (CS4) seems to not be able to open SVG files that it created itself.
         -> What are the best SVG export settings that ensure AI is able to open/display/edit the processed files
    2) After translation of the SVG (in OmegaT), the SVG file contains English instead of Japanese as we can see when opening the file in Chrome/Quicklook (Mac), but when AI opens the file only the original Japanese is displayed.
    I've tried to check the contents of the SVG file with a text editor but the English was there and I could not find why the data was not displayed.
    Does anybody have suggestions on this issue ?
    Thank you in advance.
    Jean-Christophe Helary

    in the >>> file /save as /select svg>>> in svg options there's a preserve illustrator editing capabilities. note: file size increases.

  • SVG import : bug illustrator ?

    While importing SVG files that contain ressources who are resized in the SVG, there is a big problem.
    Objects are correctly resized, but not the outline (stroke-width) !!!
    Does someone had the same problem ? What can I do ?
    In the example, you can see that the outline should have a whidth of 1 cm (0.1 * 10), but it's only 0.1 cm ...
    Example code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 12.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 51448)  -->
    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "" [
    <!ENTITY ns_svg "">
    <!ENTITY ns_xlink "">
    <svg  version="1.1" id="Calque_1" xmlns="&ns_svg;" xmlns:xlink="&ns_xlink;" width="10cm" height="10cm" viewBox="0 0 283.5 283.5"
    style="overflow:visible;enable-background:new 0 0 283.5 283.5;" xml:space="preserve">
    <g transform="scale(10)">
    <rect width="1cm" height="1cm" style="fill:rgb(0,0,255);stroke-width:0.1cm; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)"/>

    Maybe someone will be interested by my solution.
    In order to avoid outline that are not correctly resized I simply had to vectorize those before importation  ...
    So long

  • Transparent edges in psd exported from Illustrator

    Hello Community,
    I have something going on when I export from Illustrator as a PSD using the artboard. It ends up with a line of transparency around the edges, and is larger than the size of the art exported. It gains about .01 inch around the edges, and when I use 'trim transparent pixels' in Photoshop, it trims it down so it has only gained .07 inches around the edges, but doesn't lose the last line of pixels that are semi-transparent. I am using a script that exports it, then re-imports it and places it in the Illustrator file, effectively swapping the vector for raster. It's part of a larger process I have no control of, so the process is not something I can change, otherwise I wouldn't do that.
    Why is it exporting with this line of transparency on the edges? It's causing white lines to show up in the file that it gets reimported to. Until now it was ok because it only shows in the bleed, which gets trimmed off. From now on, though, this process is supposed to be used for non-bleed items, and the white lines are showing up. Attached is a closeup of an example.
    Does anyone have any ideas how to stop it from happening?
    Emmy Williford

    Ok I got it you have two choices to get rid of this problem this is what I found out.
    if you export the file with the choice of art optimize or type optimize you will get this antialias artifact if you choose none as the optimize option then you will not get this anti alas artifact since there is no anti alias being applied.
    The second choice is to turn on align to pixel grid and then you can export with art or type optimze as an anti alias option and this artifact will not be present.
    You have a third option and that is to keeep your optimization options and set the color background shape to align to pixel grid on the object level and not the document level using the align to pixel grid option in the transform panel you have to show options in the transform panel to see this option.
    Here is  no align to lixel grid with none for optimizing
    Here it is with Art Optimized
    Here it is with Type Optimized
    Here it it with art optimized and align to pixel grid document wide
    Here it is with the background object only set to align to pixel grid
    I hope this gives you the options you need

  • Lines too dark in PDF exported from Illustrator

    Hi there!
    When I export from Illustrator to PDF, all lines in the design looks black, when they are light grey in the original file.
    Here the examples:
    Any ideas?
    Thanks a lot!

    Did you use Export in Illustrator or the Acrobat process. The Acrobat process would need to have the display resolution and such set to an appropriate setting. If you did the export, then you may have to look at the properties of the export process in Illustrator, not Acrobat.

  • Lines too dark in PDF exported from Illustrator, any idea?

    Hi there!
    When I export from Illustrator to PDF, all lines in the design looks black, when they are light grey in the original file.
    Here the examples:
    Thanks a lot!

    Do you feel that this is a swetting that you would like to be able to set per document so that when it is opened by someone else this feature is turned off?
    Or would you prefer to have this setting turned off by default?
    Would you perhaps think that a warning stating that the document contains thin lines and to see them more accurately the user has to turn it off in the preferences would bve sufficient in case the user would not be so concerned acccurac but is more worried about their vision?
    And yet perhaps a way to set this up in the preferences on the authors side so that when such a document is opened the user is given a choice of how they would like this setting configured in the future?

  • Export from Illustrator as PSD

    I updated to 16.2.1 and now when I export from Illustrator as a psd with antialias option unchecked it opens in Photoshop with the edges antialiased.

    I hope you can see this. I had to save the psd as a png.

  • Glitches during Export from Illustrator

    I recently went from CS2 on an old G5 to CS5 on a newer, more powerful IMac.
    Now, when I Export from Illustrator to Photoshop, the resultant files have small glitches: horizontal white lines one pixel high by several or many pixels in width.
    The only recourse I have is to manually retouch or try to revive CS2 on my old computer.
    There must be a better way?

    I hope you can see this. I had to save the psd as a png.

  • Could someone help with question about PNG export from Illustrator?

    I am having issues with PNG exports from Illustrator not opening up once exported.

    ANd exactly sorry, this is useless. You have not provided any details about your export settings, version of AI, system info, how you are trying to view and so on. Just saying that it doesn't work is simply not good enough.

  • Adobe Ideas - Transparent background without exporting to Illustrator - all via iPad?

    I am looking for a way to get a transparent background for my Adobe Ideas drawing without exporting to Illustrator and without leaving iOS.  Perhaps with another Adobe app or another vector app all together. Anyone tried this and had success?

    Unfortunately, there is no way to get transparent pngs from Ideas. From Draw, however, you can choose "Copy Image to Creative Cloud", and then download the resulting png file from your CC account.
    Hope that helps,
    Ideas and Draw Engineering

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