SVG files not rendering in Muse

When I place SVG files into Muse they do not render. I get a spinning wheel and the message 'Unable to generate thumbnail', however the image doesn't show in preview either. I have tried with files I have made myself from Illustrator and also tried files downloaded from the Katies Coffee tutorial. Any ideas?

There are multiple issues at play here:
1. The use of a slow IP by Muse's preview server resulting in the rendering of the SVG timing out and failing to draw. We believe we have a fix for this issue, for a future release, involving sorting the available IPs by their relative speed. Some people have worked around this issue by turning off Internet Sharing or using an Ethernet connection instead of a Wireless connection to the internet.
2. Muse does not allow Placed or Pasted SVGs to be resized smaller than 20x20px. This issue will be resolved in a future release, but can be worked around by importing the SVG as a Fill on a Rectangle and choosing a Fitting of "Scale to Fit."
3. A min height getting erroneously set on Placed/Pasted SVGs after attempting to resize. The effect of the erroneous min height problem is that it prevents a tight fitting height and at design time, a dashed line can be seen at the bottom of the graphic. This issue will be fixed in a future release.
4. Muse currently allows Placed and Pasted SVG to be resized, but not scaled. The only time that SVGs get scaled is if you import them as a background fill and set the fitting on the container to "Scale to Fit" or "Scale to Fill." If you Place or Paste an SVG, then changing the dimensions is not a scaling operation but a resize. A scaling operation is equivalent to putting a lens over the object. In a resize operation, the browser is given the new dimensions within which to render the SVG and the drawing operations within the SVG are executed, allowing the SVG to crop or behave responsively depending on the options chosen when creating the SVG. Typically, the result is that the SVG is scaled and centered to fit within the new dimensions, adding padding to the sides when necessary but sometimes it results in a cropped graphic - it all depends on the options chosen when creating the SVG and potentially how the browser has chosen to implement its support of SVG. Perhaps in the future we'll change the handling of these Placed/Pasted SVGs such that a resize gesture will result in a true scaling.

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    Re: SVG files not rendering in Muse

  • Valid svg file not rendered properly Illustrator CS3: Place or File open messes up svg

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    . I am attaching a screenshot of the molecule as read into Adobe Illustrator and the svg file itself. I am using Adobe Illustrator CS3 on Windows XP
    The svg file is :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="300pt" height="300pt" viewBox="0 0 300 300" version="1.1">
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    w3c validation report:
    The uploaded document "adenosine.svg" was successfully checked as SVG 1.1+IRI, XHTML5+ARIA plus MathML 2.0 (experimental). This means that the resource in question identified itself as "SVG 1.1+IRI, XHTML5+ARIA plus MathML 2.0 (experimental)" and that we successfully performed a formal validation using an SGML, HTML5 and/or XML Parser(s) (depending on the markup language used).

    If svg is not a reliable format for this purpose I need to use eps or ps or pdf as the format for the content.
    SVG is "reliable", you just need to make it Illustrator SVG, which much to the chagrin of most users is a completely different thing than web-compliant SVG. Hence people use Inkscape as an intermediate workflow in such cases. If you simply save the file from AI, you can easily see what changes it makes and how it likes the formatting and entities so if you have control over the source code of your app, I don't see what would be the difficulty an adjusting it??? I mean, EPS and PDF won't negate that fact, either - to render correctly in AI, it needs to follow its somewhat odd way of handling some format specs. You could produce a PDF that is 100% perfect as per the spec, but it could still look like crap in AI, so I'm realyl not sure what you are trying to prove here...

  • Svg still not rendering

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    I'm still having trouble on my website design. I keep getting the error "unable to generate thumbnail" and when exported to the browser the image doesn't show up.
    Would greatly appreciate any help!
    Mac OSX 10.10.

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  • KM, HTML file, Not rendering correctly

    Hi Everyone
    I have an html file that is stored in knowledge management.  The html file references few folders/images that are also stored in KM. When I create a KM Document iView, the HTML file shows; however, the various images/style sheet that is stored along with the html file KM do not appear.  Thus the html file is not rendering properly. 
    With this being said, I can create an URL iview and everything works as it should (the html file appears correctly with the necessary images).  The problem is that I am developing a solution for an external and internal facing portal, thus the URL iView option is not going to work for me.  I need to have a way for this KM html iView to display properly...perhaps with the KM Document iView template.
    Has anyone encountered an issue such as this and can offer assistance.  Again, the KM Document iView template will work, if the html file it is calling in KM can correctly reference other folders in KM that contain various images/style sheets that are a part of the html file.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Scott.
    In order to solve your problem with relative links to image and css files inside KM I suggest two variants:
    1. Replace relative links as I mentioned in this message Re: JavaScript and CSS info in WPC.
    2.The second solution is:
    a. Create an blank html file inside KM folder where the base.html file is stored.
    b. Download the newly created file for local editing.
    c. Place an iframe that points to your base html file between <BODY></BODY> tags. Use a following code as an example:
    <iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="base.html"></iframe>
    d. Upload this file back to KM.
    e. Point your KM Document  iView to the created html file.
    Best regards,
    Aliaksandr Zhukau
    Edited by: Aliaksandr Zhukau on Dec 3, 2009 11:04 AM

  • HTML bullet list not rendering in Muse

    When inserting HTML like this, Muse is not rendering bullet points:
      <li>Bullet 1</li>
      <li>Bullet 2</li>
      <li>Bullet 3</li>
    What do I miss here?

    There is CSS reset in muse that overwrites the default list styling. You will have to specify the style in the code that you insert. Something like this may be,
    li { list-style:disc }
      <li>Bullet 1</li>
      <li>Bullet 2</li>
      <li>Bullet 3</li>
    - Abhishek Maurya

  • My RAW(.NEF) files not rendered in A3

    i have a Nikon D700 & Aperture 3.1.2    i am new to aperture.  when i imported my files from my hard disk(i don't use iPhoto) my TIF & JPG files are rendered buy my RAW(.NEF) files are not.  says "unsupported image format"   but, in aperture help it says the D700 & .NEF are supported.  anyone have any idea what's going on and what can i do?  i have "Lion" OS.

    The fact that Preview also is not able to render the RAW file but that Capture NX can really points to a RawCamera.bundle problem.
    Both Aperture and Preview as well as iPhoto and any other OS application that processes RAW file all use the same code provide by the OS (the RawCamera.bundle). Third party software like Capture NX provide there own RAW code.
    Since rolling back the RawCamera.bundle to 3.7 have you tried to re-import any of the RAW files that are currently failing? Or you can try importing a new RAW file from your camera.
    I wish I had more to offer you but if rolling back the RawCamera.bundle to 3.7 isn't fixing the issue I'm not sure what else to recommend.
    Of course you should  run the Aperture 3: Troubleshooting Basics steps just to rule that out if you haven't already done so.
    good luck

  • Edge.oam animation file not working in Muse

    Anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
    I've created an edge animation, published an .oam file and placed it on a Muse wepage (no prob).
    Preview in Muse works beautifully.
    Preview in browser from Muse works beautifully.
    Export Muse to HTML and Edge animation not displaying – looked at the code, shows an iframe with link to edge html, but just not working. please

    Someone please help me with this... I dont understand where the src path should point to when updated? Can you give an example path. I am not using edge animate but instead HYPE 3 which is relatively the same thing, exports html animations as an OAM or html file. When I use the OAM in muse it previews fine in browser and in Muse. But when I publish it shows a blank box. I looked at the code and see the iframe pointing to assets/example/example.html.
    I've tried exporting the Muse file as HTML after I've placed the OAM widget in Muse.. Then I navigate to the assets file and open the HTML file and try and locate the iframe code line but it does NOT exist. But if i Publish the site with Muse and OAM widget and use the developers tools I can see the iframe. After that I've tried going through filezilla to the assets folder and opening the HTML file but still NO iframe code line exists. I only find src for .js code.
    PLEASE HELP... would really like to integrate these animations into my projects.

  • OLE embedded Adobe Illustrator Artwork files not rendering properly

      I'm using BroadVision's Quicksilver.  I've attempted to embed AI Artwork
    files as OLE objects (linked and not linked), but they don't render within
    Quicksilver.  After working with their support team, they came to the
    conclusion that it was an Adobe Illustrator issue because they were
    able to reproduce the issue in Wordpad (not MS Word).
      The problem can be reproduced by the following steps (tested in Vista,
    XP, & Server 2008):
    :- Open Wordpad
    :- Click Insert -> Object -> Create From File -> Browse -> Find and select a file -> Open
      Other variations on this theme encounter the same problem, including
    pasting it from the clipboard.
      If you open a Wordpad document in MS Word and embed the OLE
    object, it saves a preview of the image which is visible from Wordpad
    if you open it later on (as long as you don't link to the original; if you do,
    and attempt to update the link, the preview image will go away).  However,
    subsequent alterations of the OLE object don't show up in Wordpad -- rather,
    the image that was rendered in Word continues to be displayed (unless, of
    course, you open it in MS Word again and re-save after the link is updated).
      It appears the support team at another company encountered a user
    experiencing the same or similar issues with their product, but on
    Illustrator CS2 as opposed to CS4:
      Unfortunately, the "export to another format" workaround won't suffice.
    We're working with thousands of Illustrator artwork files that need to be
    version controlled, and other technical documents will link to the same
    Illustrator file.  When an AI file is updated, all technical documents
    need to use the altered version; linking to an exported version of the
    file just creates one more link in the chain that can create problems
    or confusion.
      Even if the version control stuff wasn't an issue, exporting to other
    formats seems rather limited.  If we export to other formats (eg, pdf)
    the images render poorly compared to what they look like in AI.
      We've tried a number of things to work around this:
    * Make sure AI [is/is not] already running
    * Rasterize paths
    * Alter the size of the image in AI
    * Alter the size of the object in the target application
    * 'Save as' with a different version of AI selected (for all versions)
    * Saving as an EPS or PDF -- the former has the same rendering issue
      as AI files; the latter renders but the drawing is blocky, probably because
      the graphics are being rendered at a very low resolution and scaled up
      after the fact.
    * Looking for or changing preferences in Illustrator that might affect it
    * Altering color scheme and various other similar settings
    * CS5 trial version -- same problem as CS4
    * Save the [wordpad] document -> close -> re-open
    * Switching between 'display as icon' and displaying the image
    * Copy & paste from various sources (from AI -> Wordpad,
      MS Word -> Wordpad, etc)
      The only way I can get it to render in Wordpad (or quicksilver for that matter)
    is if I embed the AI file in a Word/RTF document, then embed that in
    the target application (which is awfully convoluted).  Furthermore, if the
    embedded Word/RTF file links to the original file, when you open the
    document containing the embedded Word/RTF it doesn't attempt to
    update from the linked AI file, just the linked Word/RTF file.
      I'm sure there's other things we've tried to resolve this, but that's what comes
    to mind right now.
      If anyone can help with this, or clue me in that it's a bug in AI, I'd sincerely
    appreciate it.

    Well, no offense
    None taken.  I'm helping someone else solve a technical problem, I'm just not questioning their approach; I'm not a tech writer, so I'll pass your suggestions on.
    (...) you are trying  to solve one hell of a crooked workflow on the wrong end and the one  fatal flaw being that you insist on using an office tool to create  layouts and expecting it to render print-ready documents.  That just  cannot work. Even the most stubborn tech writers I occasionally work  with, recognize the need for eventually firing this at InDesign/ InCopy/  Framemaker and associated server versions and fuse the imported RTF/  Word documents and illustrations based on template layouts, scripting  and rule-based formatting, which can all happen automnatically on a  server with the respective software.
    I was mistaken when I described how things are version controlled.  They would prefer to embed the AI images in each document and have each document be version controlled (that is, if the image changes it should /not/ affect other documents).
    However, I wasn't mistaken when I said there are thousands of already developed AI images.  The team working with these images has already procured a volume license for Framemaker and is hesitant to purchase other software unless there's no alternative, or the time savings would justify it.  I wish I could comment on the efficacy of your suggestion, but I'm not a tech writer; I'm unfamiliar with InDesign, InCopy, and FrameMaker.
    So for what it's worth, you are  probably wasting your time and resources on something that by its nature  starts out with a limited process. I'm not even sure if AI fully  supports OLE. I seem to remember having read about it not supporting  several features and commands....
    If we export to other formats (eg, pdf) the images render poorly compared to what they look like in AI.
    What  do you mean? If they look "bad" in Acrobat or something, then you are  simply using the wrong export settings. which is perfectly fixable.
     In Acrobat the SV graphics look beautiful at any scale, but if the PDF is OLE embedded in another application it looks terrible.
    If  they look "bad" within your word documents, then we pretty much return  to what I said in the first paragraph - there's a good chance it's  simply Word rendering the artwork poorly due to its limited abilities of  dealing with graphics of any kind. I would even think that manually  changing the graphics properties would improve appearance then....
    I'm not an expert on OLE; I made the [potentially bad] assumption that Acrobat would be responsible for rendering the graphic when a PDF is OLE embedded, so the application making use of the object would have limited control over the quality of the image it receives (if my assumption were correct anyway).
    I know the host process can specify whether the image is rendered as an EMF or WMF image, otherwise I know very little about the OLE API and what limitations the host process can impose.
    I'll keep tinkering to see if the PDF solution can be made to work.
    In the meantime, would anyone like to make a determination as to whether this is a real bug in AI or not?

  • Mac OS 10.7 and Premiere Pro CS5 not reading AVI and DV files, not rendering to Media Encoder

    Hi Folks,
    I've been wrestling with these problems since I bought my Macbook Pro running Lion (currently v10.7.3). I've had video editing and DVD authoring workflows that have worked perfectly for both CS3 and CS4 with Premiere Pro and Encore. I used to be able to import DV and AVI files and render timelines to Adobe Media Encoder so I can make DVD projects in Encore but it seems there are a lot of broken bits and pieces either with 10.7 or with CS5 or both. I've tired creating new projects or re-editing CS4 Premiere Pro projects that I can still edit with CS4 on my old Macbook Pro with 10.6.8. In fact I've given up on CS5 and I've gone back to my old laptop to edit. My problems with CS5/5.5 are:
    1     Can't import DV files - error message saying this is an unsupported format
    2     Can't import AVI files - error message saying this is an unsupported format
    3     When I export media and try to use Adobe Media Encoder (AME) the render queue doesn't respond to the files being sent from Premiere Pro (PPro). I have to render the files one at a time from within PPro. I have no idea where the queued files go but even if I have AME open it doesn't respond. In CS4 AME would open automatically and wait until I told it to render the files.
    4     In Encore I've had trouble burning to DVD. I have to make an ISO file and then burn that using Toast. I'n not particularly fussed about this but while I'm unloading I may as well give you the full picture.
    Basically I'm really hating this vcersion of CS5/Mac OS. Lion is like using Vista from what I can tell. On my PCs I went from XP to Windows 7 so I kinda avoided all that pain it it seems the computer gods are smiting good and proper now. I don't care whose fault it is I want Apple and Adobe to fix it or if some kind soul can share their experiences and hopefully how they fixed it I'd be eternally grateful until the next upgrade totally blindsides us all.
    Thank you in anticipation --> Mal/Melboure/AU

    Sorry for your troubles.
    Pr 5.5.2 is still a bit persnickety for me on 10.6.8, but overall, it's still faster than FCP7 and MC6, and overall pretty dependable.  Imports and plays AVI files just fine.
    Lion still isn't ready for prime time, from what I've seen.  Like all Mac OS releases, it probably won't be until 10.7.6 or so.  And that may never happen, becuase 10.8 is purported to be just around the corner.
    So, my advice is, if possible, go back to what works, 10.6.8.

  • File Not Rendering

    I am trying to render a video in after effects and i put the settings as a quicktime file and under format options in "video codec" I put it as an Mpeg-4 video when I click render this message pops up "After Effects error: Rendering error while writing the file "C:/user/Matt_000/videos/" An output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153464)" any help please?? Thank you

    Use another format from the Output Module or open your project in the Adobe Media Encoder and do your MPEG compression there. The Render Cue / Output module is lousy for doing mpeg compression.
    If that fails we need to know a lot more about your project. MPEG is very picky about frame sizes.

  • Large RichText file not rendering properly

    A report created that contains a large amount of rich text data (6000 + characters not including rich text tags) does not display all the text in either the report designer (full crystal reports v or the component (.net or com).  The report does display all the text if opened in the Crystal Viewer 2008 (v 12.2.202.r566).  I have been having this issue for some time and have applied all service packs (SP2).  This issue has been in product for several versions back.  When I tried the Free Viewer and it worked, we purchased Version 2008 (12.x).  But still had the problem.
    The report is created by querying a SQL Server database and retreiving the data.  Dataset (recordset in com) is created and the report is populated (several sections with subreports).  When displayed in .net or com the report displays 15 pages.  In the Viewer it displays 20 pages (all).  The report is exported to a crystal report for viewing in the Viewer, designer or component.
    I have a sample report displaying this behavior, but cannot provide it for public view due to the nature of some of the information.  However I will provide it for official support.
    This site is very difficult to navigate and I've not found any other way to report an issue.

    Hi Jim, Correct, you can not attach anything to forums. It's for public use and not a case handling system. If you would like to purchase a case a get a dedicated support engineer to go over the issue you do have that option. If it is a bug then you will be refunded. This way we have a case to attach the bug to.
    Thank you

  • Imported SVG from Edge Animate not rendering properly in Safari

    We are having problems with an animation we created in Edge Animate, when we import it into Adobe Muse and then view it in Safari it becomes jagged and doesn't render properly.
    It works perfectly on Chrome, Firefox and when using a retina screen.
    We are using CC 2014 version now, previously when we used the old version of CC it worked on all browsers.
    Is there any settings we need to change when exporting from Edge or importing into Muse?
    Here is the link to the Animated SVG: Spining Wheel

    Thanks vivekuma that seems to work now using the below steps.
    1. In "Position and Size" subsection of the property panel, note down somewhere, the values of "X", "Y", "W" & "H" of an svg file used on stage.
    2. In "Transform" subsection of the property panel, change the CSS Transform ScaleX and ScaleY from 10% to 100%.
    3. The above change will change the values for "X", "Y", "W" & "H". So, you have to set their values as you have noted down in the first step.
    4. Repeat the first 3 steps for every svg file used on stage.

  • SVG file muse

    I have designed an SVG file, a swirl in 2 colors but when I place this in muse and designate 100% width to match my slideshow it becomes 100% content and not browser width. Any suggestions?

    I was having some difficulties getting the correct dimensions of one of my objects, I eventually solved this problem without using svg.  It was pretty simple when I stopped trying to over complicate things.  I just linked the object to a near by object in photoshop, merged and placed it all as one.  It looks great now.  Thanks for your reply.  You are correct, SVG was not the answer.

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