Svg still not rendering

There have been a few topics about the svg import into Muse.
I'm still having trouble on my website design. I keep getting the error "unable to generate thumbnail" and when exported to the browser the image doesn't show up.
Would greatly appreciate any help!
Mac OSX 10.10.

in case you stil have this issue, please check this thread SVG files not rendering in Muse

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  • .svg files not rendering in browser

    I've just uploaded my site ( None of the .svg files are rendering. This includes an Edge produced file in the front page animation. How come? I've checked the site on Safari and Firefox. The provider is

    Could you please check this thread, and see if get some hint
    Re: SVG files not rendering in Muse

  • Valid svg file not rendered properly Illustrator CS3: Place or File open messes up svg

    Hi I have a svg file for a chemical molecule that is validated as valid SVG by the w3c validator. Firrefox, google chrome and inkscape , as well as other svg applications open and render the file just fine.
    However adobe illustrator renders the characters in the file some 600% bigger than they need to be.
    This seems to be a bug in the svg rendering , given that the svg file works in the other programs mentioned. Can anyone tell me how to get the molecule read in correctly into Adobe Illustrator
    . I am attaching a screenshot of the molecule as read into Adobe Illustrator and the svg file itself. I am using Adobe Illustrator CS3 on Windows XP
    The svg file is :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="300pt" height="300pt" viewBox="0 0 300 300" version="1.1">
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    <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -7.296875 L 3.015625 -7.296875 L 5.671875 -2.296875 L 5.671875 -7.296875 L 7.453125 -7.296875 L 7.453125 0 L 5.359375 0 L 2.703125 -5 L 2.703125 0 L 0.921875 0 L 0.921875 -7.296875 Z M 0.921875 -7.296875 "/>
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    w3c validation report:
    The uploaded document "adenosine.svg" was successfully checked as SVG 1.1+IRI, XHTML5+ARIA plus MathML 2.0 (experimental). This means that the resource in question identified itself as "SVG 1.1+IRI, XHTML5+ARIA plus MathML 2.0 (experimental)" and that we successfully performed a formal validation using an SGML, HTML5 and/or XML Parser(s) (depending on the markup language used).

    If svg is not a reliable format for this purpose I need to use eps or ps or pdf as the format for the content.
    SVG is "reliable", you just need to make it Illustrator SVG, which much to the chagrin of most users is a completely different thing than web-compliant SVG. Hence people use Inkscape as an intermediate workflow in such cases. If you simply save the file from AI, you can easily see what changes it makes and how it likes the formatting and entities so if you have control over the source code of your app, I don't see what would be the difficulty an adjusting it??? I mean, EPS and PDF won't negate that fact, either - to render correctly in AI, it needs to follow its somewhat odd way of handling some format specs. You could produce a PDF that is 100% perfect as per the spec, but it could still look like crap in AI, so I'm realyl not sure what you are trying to prove here...

  • Stills not rendering

    When I added the stills to 'Stage 1' project, they showed in the sequence with red bars over them, (opposed to the video clips which are yellow) and I'm assuming means they're not rendered? Why wouldn't they be? When I opened 'Stage 2' it showed the same thing, stills red/video yellow. I'm guessing it's my settings or something.. any help in regards to why this might be or how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.

    The imported stills need to be rendered because they (most likely) have a much higher resolution than the video footage and, therefore, sequence setting. I think one's system RAM and memory usage settings can determine what Premiere Pro needs to render after import, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it's not a big deal to simply render the sequence after importing still images. Some things to help you out:
    This Help document discusses ways to prepare images for importing to minimize render time: Importing still images
    This forum post covers the issue of resizing the imported stills for this tutorial so that they appear fully, not cropped: Sizing JPEGs
    This video tutorial discusses: Why is there a red or yellow bar in my sequence?
    For what it's worth, the red render bars appear when I open the Stage 2 file too:
    Hope this helps!

  • SVG files not rendering in Muse

    When I place SVG files into Muse they do not render. I get a spinning wheel and the message 'Unable to generate thumbnail', however the image doesn't show in preview either. I have tried with files I have made myself from Illustrator and also tried files downloaded from the Katies Coffee tutorial. Any ideas?

    There are multiple issues at play here:
    1. The use of a slow IP by Muse's preview server resulting in the rendering of the SVG timing out and failing to draw. We believe we have a fix for this issue, for a future release, involving sorting the available IPs by their relative speed. Some people have worked around this issue by turning off Internet Sharing or using an Ethernet connection instead of a Wireless connection to the internet.
    2. Muse does not allow Placed or Pasted SVGs to be resized smaller than 20x20px. This issue will be resolved in a future release, but can be worked around by importing the SVG as a Fill on a Rectangle and choosing a Fitting of "Scale to Fit."
    3. A min height getting erroneously set on Placed/Pasted SVGs after attempting to resize. The effect of the erroneous min height problem is that it prevents a tight fitting height and at design time, a dashed line can be seen at the bottom of the graphic. This issue will be fixed in a future release.
    4. Muse currently allows Placed and Pasted SVG to be resized, but not scaled. The only time that SVGs get scaled is if you import them as a background fill and set the fitting on the container to "Scale to Fit" or "Scale to Fill." If you Place or Paste an SVG, then changing the dimensions is not a scaling operation but a resize. A scaling operation is equivalent to putting a lens over the object. In a resize operation, the browser is given the new dimensions within which to render the SVG and the drawing operations within the SVG are executed, allowing the SVG to crop or behave responsively depending on the options chosen when creating the SVG. Typically, the result is that the SVG is scaled and centered to fit within the new dimensions, adding padding to the sides when necessary but sometimes it results in a cropped graphic - it all depends on the options chosen when creating the SVG and potentially how the browser has chosen to implement its support of SVG. Perhaps in the future we'll change the handling of these Placed/Pasted SVGs such that a resize gesture will result in a true scaling.

  • Inserting new row in Table in 11.1.2 from not rendering table!!!!!

    Hey Guys, my status might say noob but i am well seasoned in ADF. We migrated from to the new JDEV 11.1.2. We are doing a test run before we commit to it.
    I noticed the following:
    We have master detail forms that work flawlessly in when we ran the app under 11.1.2 we noticed that any time you try to add a new row to a table the table does not render. The server logs show the action going through and the count goes up one but the table is not rendered anymore it disappears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now all of this was imported from the all of our tables that have createInsert actions on them are doing this.
    If i drag the tables again and set them up from scratch it seems to work fine. Our issue is we have a good 300 of these tables in different panels and panel collections. we have to do all of that work all over again.
    No errors show in the log. IS THIS A BUG???????????????
    UPDATE: REFRESHING THE PAGE using the Browser Refresh Button Will show the new ROW....... THIS IS NOT GOOOD!!!
    Edited by: user8333408 on Jul 7, 2011 9:23 AM
    Edited by: user8333408 on Jul 7, 2011 9:24 AM
    Edited by: user8333408 on Jul 7, 2011 10:08 AM

    Thanks for the reply.
    The Project was in version 11.1.3 before I migrated. I had the issue above so I migrated to then to then to the New GREAT 11.1.2 to go by the matrix of support The issue is still there.
    Basic Page layout:
    the panel collection has a toolbar with 2 buttons in it.
    My issue varies:
    Hit create insert==> record count goes up one but the table does not render (it goes all blank even if records existed in it)
    Hit undo budo ==>table still not rendering. (click next on master record then click previous to come back, the table renders correctly.)
    other tables do the following:
    Hit Create insert == > table shows normally and I can enter new record.
    Hit undo ==> table count goes down but table does not render at all anymore.
    for this issue i noticed if i set cache results to false the table works after hitting undo
    IF I CREATE A NEW SHOW DETAIL ITEM and put exactly what the other tabs have in them and use the same layouts and buttons the new table works great!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????? WTF?!?!?!?!
    NO ERROR MESSAGES even at finest level are thrown.
    BY THE WAY JDEV 11.1.2 sometimes CRASHES or Hangs when viewing the Binding of Page when you click on Binding straight from the Design view. I have to open the Binding Page separate to view it. FYI
    Edited by: Nottallah on Jul 11, 2011 9:48 AM
    Edited by: Nottallah on Jul 11, 2011 9:51 AM

  • Adjustment Layer not rendering...

    I have a fairly basic comp consisting of 3 or 4 3d layers spaced out along the Z axis, two precomps containing some edge lighting effects, a camera, a light, and the troublesome adjustment layer. The adjustment layer only contains some color correction and a flare. I thought perhaps a certain effect may be causing the layer not to render, but i eliminated that possibility by removing the effects i had and trying several other, the layer was still not rendering.  I think I have exhausted all of the really simple solutions, nothing is solo'd, all the layers are visible in the preview, the layers are all in the correct order etc..  I can't SS the project right now as I am not at home, but i can tell you that I am working with CS5.5, on windows 8.1, i5 cpu, 8 gigs of ram. The really frustrating part is that a slightly earlier version of the project successfully rendered the adjustment layer and I don't remember changing anything major...  Suggestions?  Shots in the dark?  Anything?  I will post a SS later in the day.  Thanks in advance to any and all who have advice.

    No problem! Glad to help.
    Don't forget to mark the solution as correct, so that future forum visitors see this thread as solved. Keep having fun with After Effects and let us help if you get stumped again.

  • FCPX sluggish, not rendering

    I've been successfully editing a project in FCPX (latest version) for three weeks.  Now, suddenly, it has become very slow and is no longer rendering.  I've trashed the preferences, repaired the permissions, restarted, but nothing seems to help -- still slow, still not rendering.  I have a 27" iMac with latest OS.  My media files are on a separate hard drive.  I should have plenty of memory.  Why should this work just fine for weeks and then suddenly go South?  I don't know what else to do and I'm heavy into editing an important project.  Help!

    I'm doing a project that involves a lot of stills with greenscreen, so basically the entire video is done with virtual backgrounds.  This has worked fine -- the key is actually quite good.  As I pointed out, I was zooming along doing very well with this, even succeeding in working with 4-5 layers of video.  Then suddenly, two days ago, without me doing anything different, it got very sluggish and finally reached a point where it wouldn't render anything.  It just sat.  I've trashed the preferences, repaired the permissions, restarted, etc., I had even gone on line to get help and did everything they suggested (which was trash the preferences) and after our first session it actually worked better for a couple of hours.  However, after rendering my work, the next day the same thing started all over again.  I'm at the point now of having to work off the computer in my office, edit a little, burn a Quicktime movie, and place that on the time line in a new Event/Project, and move back and forth from home to work -- which, obviously is going to be a pain in the ***.  I would just like a simple explanation of why it all of a sudden stopped working -- and what I can do to fix it.

  • SVGs From CorelDraw Not Rendering Text

    Has anybody found a solution for why FrameMaker refuses to render text from CorelDraw SVG images? Doing a Google Search, I stumbled onto some discussions from 2007 where others also saw this behavior, but no solution.
    The SVG images display properly in every other tools I've tried in Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, there's just something broken in the way FrameMaker's graphic import tool sees and brings them in. Adobe's now defunct SVG Viewer also renders the images properly which leads me to believe that there is just something broken in the way that FrameMaker (version 8-10 tested) are importing these images.
    Anybody else seen this, or have a solution on how to fix this?

    What Frame version?
    I don't have a fix, but if the goal is to preserve the vector content (and the text), a work-around would be to save as PDF from Corel. Import the PDF.
    If Coral can't save as PDF (or print to PDF), open the SVG in an app that can, such as Adobe Illustrator, and save as PDF.
    If your Frame version is 7.2 or lower, save as EPS and not PDF. I don't know if Corel can do that. Illustrator can, and Acrobat Pro can re-save PDFs as EPS.
    If you really want to see Frame wreck an SVG, save as XML from Frame.

  • Why is my .psd file not rendering correctly in ae

    Some layers of the .psd document are not rendered correctly. However they are imported.
    The strange thing is that when I first move from Photoshop to Illustrator, save it as an .ai file it is rendered properly (in Ae).
    I am kind of clueless as to what is causing this issue.
    Kind regards,

    Okay if more information is needed, i'll provide. However you may disregard my initial comment about illustrator. It flattens the photoshop layers so I do not have any flexibility in After Effects. In other words, my main question remains: why is my psd file not rendering correctly in ae?
    Further details:
    -photoshop cc and after effects cc.
    -macbook pro retina
    If still not clear enough, please tell me what details you are looking for furthermore

  • SSRS report does not rendering properly in sharePoint 2013

    Hi everyone,
    I'm a newbie with the MSBI development tool, I've tried to create a testing SSRS reports and its layout showed correct when preview them in Visual Studio (2010 and 2012). Then I migrated the report in SharePoint 2013, but the layout do not rendering as I
    expected, some data mix-up on the matrix table
    The Ident on detail data (drill down) does not render properly compare the layout in when preview in Chrome or Visual Studio (SSRS)
    The summation on second matrix table went wide on both browsers compare when preview thereport in Visual Studio
    The export PDF (using the "action" button on the report in the browsers) showed the second matrix table is overlaps the first matrix table.
    This report has 3 main queries (2 for the matrix tables and 1 for the chart) on a Dev environment:
    Window server 2008 R2 with service pack 2
    SQL server 2012 enteprise with service pack 2
    SharePoint 2013 (no service pack) with integrated mode on the report service 
    Visual Studio 2010 development tools
    I'm very appreciate for anyone can provide any solution to solve this issue.
    Thank you so much,
    P.S.: I attached the preview of the report in both browsers (IE & Chrome) and its preview in Visual Studio.
    An update: ... due to the setting space on"snap to grid" default to 20 and I've made the 2nd matrix table overlaps the 1st one, therefore the it showed overlaps when export to PDF file ... it's solved.
    But the Indent on IE and summation still persist in both browsers.

    Hi everyone,
    The PDF's export has been solved due to the 2nd matrix table overlaps on the 1st table. 
    Also, I don't know why the summation (aka Row Total) went wide when data represented on the 2nd matrix table (see previous post on the row named as "Premium over 5000$" on both browser. So I've redesigned the 2nd table as normal table instead of
    matrix table ... and the summation showed correct (it's so weird)
    For the "Indent" issue showed in IE on both drill down of the 1st table and 2nd table which cannot be fixed, and the end user used only IE.
    Could someone can enlighten me please?
    Many thanks.

  • Customization - Additional column inserted in Inbox - value not rendered

       I have a requirement for customizing the inbox and populating the new inbox column with additional value. I made coding updates and everything looks good but the inbox does not render the new value at all. I made these updates and overrides.
    Added the column name and value in \apps\cq\workflow\components\inbox\list\json.jsp . When I go to http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/workflow/content/inbox/list.json?_dc=1358787785033&start=0&l imit=40, I am able to see the addition variable and value added and displayed in list.json. For e.g. view of list.json
               "payloadPath": "/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/a-simple-plan.jpg",
               "payloadPath_xss": "/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/a-simple-plan.jpg",
               "payloadSummary": {
            "lifestage": "Authored",
               "payloadTitle": "a-simple-plan.jpg",
               "payloadType": "dam:Asset",
       2.  Override and updated \apps\cq\workflow\extensions\inbox\cols. Added a new column, lifestage.js. Code in that js file is
        3. The inbox/list.json shows the value lifestage correctly. But still it doesnot populate 'lifestage' value in the inbox column. If I replace the dataIndex:"lifestage" with dataIndex:"currentassignee" or any other thing, the Lifestage column in Inbox is populated with the "CurrentAssignee".
    Why is the lifestage value though visible through list.json not visible in Lifestage column? What else needs to be additionally done?

         I  followed exactly all steps like you mentioned. The value was not rendered. I put the alert messages. Please see the code below.
    As lifestage is not subpart of payloadSummary, tried both record.get("lifestage") and (record.get("payloadSummary").lifestage but still both alerts shows undefined.I see alerts for 'Inside renderlifestage' but the next alert shows 'undefined'.
      renderLifestage: function(value, p, record) {
                alert('Inside renderlifestage');
                return lifestageTpl.apply({
                   "lifestage": record.get("payloadSummary").lifestage
    Here is the output from inbox/list.json
          "item": "/etc/workflow/instances/2013-01-22/model_360104180212070/workItems/node4_etc_workflow_in stances_2013-01-22_model_360104180212070",
          "title": "Authorship Workflow",
          "description": "Select author for the authorship workflow.",
          "dialog": "/apps/lexmark/dialog/authorshipDueDateDialog",
          "participant": "",
          "currentAssignee": "Administrator",
          "startTime": 1358880950665,
          "metaData": {
            "workItem": {
              "historyEntryPath": "/etc/workflow/instances/2013-01-22/model_360104180212070/history/1358880950664"
            "instance": {
              "currentJobs": "",
              "currentJobs_xss": "",
              "workflowTitle": "authorship_workflow_test",
              "workflowTitle_xss": "authorship_workflow_test",
              "startComment": "authorship_workflow_test",
              "startComment_xss": "authorship_workflow_test"
          "payload": "/damadmin.html#/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg",
          "payload_xss": "/damadmin.html#/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg",
          "payloadPath": "/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg",
          "payloadPath_xss": "/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg",
          "payloadSummary": {
            "icon": "/content/dam/geometrixx-outdoors/articles/downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg/jcr:content/rend itions/cq5dam.thumbnail.48.48.png"
          "lifestage": "Authored",
          "payloadTitle": "downhill-ski-conditioning.jpg",
          "payloadType": "dam:Asset",
          "lastModifiedBy": "admin",
          "lastModified": 1323947520464,
          "lockedBy": "",
          "lockedBy": "",
          "timeUntilValid": 0,
          "onTime": 0,
          "offTime": 0,
          "monthlyHits": 0,
          "replication": {
            "numQueued": 0,
            "publishedBy": null
          "scheduledTasks": [
          "inWorkflow": true,
          "workflows": [{
              "model": "Authorship_Workflow",
              "started": 1358880950439,
              "startedBy": "admin",
              "suspended": false,
              "workItems": [{
                  "item": "Authorship Workflow",
                  "assignee": "admin"
          "scheduledTasks": [
          "comment": "authorship_workflow_test",
          "workflowTitle": "authorship_workflow_test",

  • PDF not rendering right in firefox

    I have a PDF file I created on my website and noticed that in FF it is not rendering the images correctly (specifically the background image) The file renders fine in IE and Chrome but not in FF, which produces a lot of odd lines in some images and the background. I have had several people check this for me and they have the same problem, the PDF will just not show correctly in Firefox, even one person that tried it, FF will not show any pictures for her on the PDF. Did not know where to post this, as it is not really a question but an observation.

    I am sure this is helpful for those that are computer savvy like myself, but most readers of my PDF newsletter on my site are not. So it will not help them much, heck I spent 10 mins. in chat last night explaining to them what a URL is, most still did not understand. I will pass the info on anyway just in case, telling them this is only a problem if they are a FF user, or that they can use IE or Chrome if they like so it renders correctly.
    Thank you
    Hey Shyannes,
    It is rendering differently because IE uses the Adobe reader plugin to display PDF's and Chrome uses a custom PDF viewer. Firefox also has a custom PDF viewer (different than both IE & Chrome).
    Firefox users can view the PDF using Adobe reader by following these steps:
    #Click on the Download button (the one to the right of the print button).
    # Change it from Save file to Open with: '''Adobe Reader'''
    #Click OK.
    Hope that helps.

  • Design view of jspx not rendering : Error exercising tag : afh:head

    I'm using JDeveloper and I have an intermittent problem where by the jspx does not render correctly in design view - it just shows a whole load of nested boxes.
    By following a suggestion from another website I turned on "Design time messages in log" in jdeveloper JSP visual editor preferences.
    The error messages being sent to the log window are :
    Error exercising tag : afh:head
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.AdfRenderingContext.getTranslatedString(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.jsLibs.GlobalVariablesScriptlet.outputScriptletContent(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.jsLibs.Scriptlet.outputScriptletImpl(
    Error exercising tag : af:forEach
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: 'begin' and 'end' should be specified if 'items' is not specified
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.taglib.ForEachTag._validateAttributes(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.taglib.ForEachTag.doStartTag(
    Error exercising tag : afh:body
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.CoreAdfRenderingContext.getStyleClass(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.XhtmlRenderer.renderStyleClass(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.PanelPartialRootRenderer._renderLibraryDownloadElement(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.core.xhtml.PanelPartialRootRenderer.renderPPRSupport(
    How can I fix this ?

    Hi Didier,
    Sorry, intermittent problem is not very descriptive ! What I actually meant is that some of my applications have the problem while others dont. Once the problem exists, it always does regardless of restarting JDeveloper.
    Starting JDeveloper using the console provided similar error message to outputting the JSP visual editor to the log file :
    SEVERE: Element End name:head does not match start name:script
    04-Dec-2009 17:28:38 endElem
    SEVERE: Element End name:html does not match start name:div
    Reading other posts, problems seemed to stem from errors within the faces-config or web.xml files so I compared them between apps displaying pages correctly and ones that weren't. I found a difference in the filter-mapping section of the web.xml. Changing the entries to match the applications that displayed correctly has worked !!
    The entries for the apps that didn't display correctly :
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
      </filter-mapping>... and the entries for the apps that did display correctly :
        </filter-mapping>Somehow the filter-mapping entries for the adfFaces and adfBindings filter got all screwed ? Strange as the application has always worked fine, the only (obvious) problem has been the jspx pages not rendering properly in design view.
    Once updating the web.xml with the correct value for these two entries, the pages are displayed correctly :)
    While I don't like blindly making changes like this to the web.xml - the application still seems to function !

  • Firefox 35 not rendering some progressive jpg files

    Followed with interest discussion about a similar problem being experienced by EGCDAN (
    Before trying to follow the possible solutions offered, I checked the same page with IE 11 and all the images rendered perfectly as they did at one time with Firefox.
    You can check this by loading my page and hover over the line: "(Other wildflowers in the Gallery with short-lived blossoms include Chicory, Blue-eyed Grass, Scarlet Pimpernel, Virginia Spiderwort, and Asiatic Dayflower.) "
    No problem with IE, at least for me; still partial rendering for Firefox for some of the images.

    I have Win 7 Firefox 35.0.1 > no problem.
    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache.
    * Clear the Cache and
    * Remove Cookies<br> '''''Warning ! ! '' This will log you out of sites you're logged in to.'''
    Type '''about:preferences'''<Enter> in the address bar.
    * '''Cookies;''' Select '''Privacy.''' Under '''History,''' select Firefox will '''Use Custom Settings.''' Press the button on the right side called '''Show Cookies.''' Use the search bar to look for the site. Note; There may be more than one entry. Remove '''All''' of them.
    * '''Cache;''' Select '''Advanced > Network.''' Across from '''Cached Web Content,''' Press '''Clear Now.'''
    If there is still a problem,
    '''[ Start Firefox in Safe Mode]''' {web link}
    While you are in safe mode;
    Type '''about:preferences#advanced'''<Enter> in the address bar.
    Under '''Advanced,''' Select '''General.'''
    Look for and turn off '''Use Hardware Acceleration'''.
    Poke around safe web sites. Are there any problems?
    Then restart.

Maybe you are looking for

  • CS4 Bridge - Black stroke around image in Web Gallery

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  • Books: Sorting PDF's / Using info fields with PDF's

    Since it is possible to manage PDF's in iTunes, I've been importing quite a few (well, just drag and drop). So far, I just changed the Name field to the title of the article or book, the Artist field to the authors name, and picked an appropriate gen

  • Pdf for RCA 7" Tablet

    Hi I just purchased a RCA 7" Tablet and am trying to download pdf files and am not able to. Tried looking in different areas of and was not able to get the information needed. Where can I install the pdf for this tablet? Thanks

  • Purchased tab is showing empty content?

    I have used the Purchased Tab on iTunes only once before, and it worked fine. Now, every time I go back to download something the four tabs that say "Music", "TV Shows", "Apps", and "Books" show up, but I can only click on the music tab, and nothing

  • Kill Query (exec phase) in OCI (windows app)

    How do I stop a query from being executed thru OCI? I have a windows application that starts another thread to execute a query. The worker thread basically parses the statement, executes and then fetches. I'd like to be able to stop the worker thread