Swap gets deactivated to early

Since switching to Systemd on my Arch Linux Installation I am not able to influence the time the swap gets deactivated on shutdown. It simply gets deactivated with the following Message:
[  OK  ] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST1500DL003-9VT...5YD51614-part3.
[  OK  ] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5000c5003e1ae4b9-part3.
first thing after the halt command. Systemd seems to completely ignore Dependencies to custom made dev-sda3.swap Units and even removes the Swap this early if it was manually activated with the swapon command. Here is the Systemd Debug Output:
[root@server ~]# swapon -p 80 /dev/sda3
[ 47.130000] Adding 262140k swap on /dev/sda3. Priority:80 extents:1 across:262140k
dev-disk-by\x2duuid-cf99f458\x2d47e9\x2d4bb2\x2d9097\x2dbacc824d3653.swap changed dead -> active
Successfully opened /dev/console for logging.
dev-disk-by\x2dpath-platform\x2doxnassata.0\x2dscsi\x2d0:0:0:0\x2dpart3.swap changed dead -> active
Successfully opened /dev/console for logging.
dev-disk-by\x2did-wwn\x2d0x5000c5003e1ae4b9\x2dpart3.swap changed dead -> active
Successfully opened /dev/console for logging.
dev-disk-by\x2did-ata\x2dST1500DL003\x2d9VT16L_5YD51614\x2dpart3.swap changed dead -> active
Successfully opened /dev/console for logging.
[root@server ~]# halt
Accepted connection on private bus.
Got D-Bus request: org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.StartUnit() on /org/freedesktop/systemd1
Trying to enqueue job halt.target/start/replace
Installed new job halt.target/start as 59
Installed new job systemd-halt.service/start as 60
Installed new job shutdown.target/start as 61
Installed new job systemd-random-seed-save.service/start as 62
Installed new job systemd-update-utmp-shutdown.service/start as 65
Installed new job local-fs.target/stop as 66
Installed new job systemd-user-sessions.service/stop as 68
Installed new job basic.target/stop as 69
Installed new job multi-user.target/stop as 70
Installed new job graphical.target/stop as 71
Installed new job dbus.service/stop as 73
Installed new job systemd-logind.service/stop as 74
Installed new job [email protected]/stop as 75
Installed new job [email protected]/stop as 76
Installed new job xinetd.service/stop as 77
Installed new job ntpd.service/stop as 79
Installed new job network.service/stop as 80
Installed new job systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer/stop as 81
Installed new job systemd-ask-password-wall.path/stop as 88
Installed new job dbus.socket/stop as 89
Installed new job network.target/stop as 91
Installed new job getty.target/stop as 92
Installed new job sysinit.target/stop as 94
Installed new job systemd-ask-password-console.path/stop as 95
Installed new job systemd-sysctl.service/stop as 99
Installed new job systemd-vconsole-setup.service/stop as 100
Installed new job cryptsetup.target/stop as 101
Installed new job swap.target/stop as 102
Installed new job remote-fs.target/stop as 105
Installed new job sockets.target/stop as 106
Installed new job systemd-remount-fs.service/stop as 107
Installed new job local-fs-pre.target/stop as 108
Installed new job umount.target/start as 109
Installed new job tmp.mount/stop as 110
Installed new job dev-disk-by\x2duuid-cf99f458\x2d47e9\x2d4bb2\x2d9097\x2dbacc824d3653.swap/stop as 111
Installed new job dev-disk-by\x2dpath-platform\x2doxnassata.0\x2dscsi\x2d0:0:0:0\x2dpart3.swap/stop as 112
Installed new job dev-disk-by\x2did-wwn\x2d0x5000c5003e1ae4b9\x2dpart3.swap/stop as 113
Installed new job dev-disk-by\x2did-ata\x2dST1500DL003\x2d9VT16L_5YD51614\x2dpart3.swap/stop as 114
Installed new job final.target/start as 116
Enqueued job halt.target/start as 59
Redirecting stop request from dev-disk-by\x2did-ata\x2dST1500DL003\x2d9VT16L_5YD51614\x2dpart3.swap to dev-sda3.swap.
Job dev-disk-by\x2did-ata\x2dST1500DL003\x2d9VT16L_5YD51614\x2dpart3.swap/stop finished, result=done
[[1m[32m OK [0m] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST1500DL003-9VT...5YD51614-part3.
Redirecting stop request from dev-disk-by\x2did-wwn\x2d0x5000c5003e1ae4b9\x2dpart3.swap to dev-sda3.swap.
Job dev-disk-by\x2did-wwn\x2d0x5000c5003e1ae4b9\x2dpart3.swap/stop finished, result=done
[[1m[32m OK [0m] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5000c5003e1ae4b9-part3.
Redirecting stop request from dev-disk-by\x2dpath-platform\x2doxnassata.0\x2dscsi\x2d0:0:0:0\x2dpart3.swap to dev-sda3.swap.
Job dev-disk-by\x2dpath-platform\x2doxnassata.0\x2dscsi\x2d0:0:0:0\x2dpart3.swap/stop finished, result=done
[[1m[32m OK [0m] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-path/platform-oxnassat...-0:0:0:0-part3.
Redirecting stop request from dev-disk-by\x2duuid-cf99f458\x2d47e9\x2d4bb2\x2d9097\x2dbacc824d3653.swap to dev-sda3.swap.
Job dev-disk-by\x2duuid-cf99f458\x2d47e9\x2d4bb2\x2d9097\x2dbacc824d3653.swap/stop finished, result=done
[[1m[32m OK [0m] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/cf99f458-47e9-4bb...7-bacc824d3653.
graphical.target changed active -> dead
This causes my small server to crash because the swap is removed before Ram consuming processes ( samba4 mysql etc. ) are terminated.
Does anyone have an Idea how to prevent this behaviour?

Since switching to Systemd on my Arch Linux Installation I am not able to influence the time the swap gets deactivated on shutdown. It simply gets deactivated with the following Message:
[  OK  ] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST1500DL003-9VT...5YD51614-part3.
[  OK  ] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5000c5003e1ae4b9-part3.
first thing after the halt command. Systemd seems to completely ignore Dependencies to custom made dev-sda3.swap Units and even removes the Swap this early if it was manually activated with the swapon command. Here is the Systemd Debug Output:
[root@server ~]# swapon -p 80 /dev/sda3
[ 47.130000] Adding 262140k swap on /dev/sda3. Priority:80 extents:1 across:262140k
dev-disk-by\x2duuid-cf99f458\x2d47e9\x2d4bb2\x2d9097\x2dbacc824d3653.swap changed dead -> active
Successfully opened /dev/console for logging.
dev-disk-by\x2dpath-platform\x2doxnassata.0\x2dscsi\x2d0:0:0:0\x2dpart3.swap changed dead -> active
Successfully opened /dev/console for logging.
dev-disk-by\x2did-wwn\x2d0x5000c5003e1ae4b9\x2dpart3.swap changed dead -> active
Successfully opened /dev/console for logging.
dev-disk-by\x2did-ata\x2dST1500DL003\x2d9VT16L_5YD51614\x2dpart3.swap changed dead -> active
Successfully opened /dev/console for logging.
[root@server ~]# halt
Accepted connection on private bus.
Got D-Bus request: org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.StartUnit() on /org/freedesktop/systemd1
Trying to enqueue job halt.target/start/replace
Installed new job halt.target/start as 59
Installed new job systemd-halt.service/start as 60
Installed new job shutdown.target/start as 61
Installed new job systemd-random-seed-save.service/start as 62
Installed new job systemd-update-utmp-shutdown.service/start as 65
Installed new job local-fs.target/stop as 66
Installed new job systemd-user-sessions.service/stop as 68
Installed new job basic.target/stop as 69
Installed new job multi-user.target/stop as 70
Installed new job graphical.target/stop as 71
Installed new job dbus.service/stop as 73
Installed new job systemd-logind.service/stop as 74
Installed new job [email protected]/stop as 75
Installed new job [email protected]/stop as 76
Installed new job xinetd.service/stop as 77
Installed new job ntpd.service/stop as 79
Installed new job network.service/stop as 80
Installed new job systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer/stop as 81
Installed new job systemd-ask-password-wall.path/stop as 88
Installed new job dbus.socket/stop as 89
Installed new job network.target/stop as 91
Installed new job getty.target/stop as 92
Installed new job sysinit.target/stop as 94
Installed new job systemd-ask-password-console.path/stop as 95
Installed new job systemd-sysctl.service/stop as 99
Installed new job systemd-vconsole-setup.service/stop as 100
Installed new job cryptsetup.target/stop as 101
Installed new job swap.target/stop as 102
Installed new job remote-fs.target/stop as 105
Installed new job sockets.target/stop as 106
Installed new job systemd-remount-fs.service/stop as 107
Installed new job local-fs-pre.target/stop as 108
Installed new job umount.target/start as 109
Installed new job tmp.mount/stop as 110
Installed new job dev-disk-by\x2duuid-cf99f458\x2d47e9\x2d4bb2\x2d9097\x2dbacc824d3653.swap/stop as 111
Installed new job dev-disk-by\x2dpath-platform\x2doxnassata.0\x2dscsi\x2d0:0:0:0\x2dpart3.swap/stop as 112
Installed new job dev-disk-by\x2did-wwn\x2d0x5000c5003e1ae4b9\x2dpart3.swap/stop as 113
Installed new job dev-disk-by\x2did-ata\x2dST1500DL003\x2d9VT16L_5YD51614\x2dpart3.swap/stop as 114
Installed new job final.target/start as 116
Enqueued job halt.target/start as 59
Redirecting stop request from dev-disk-by\x2did-ata\x2dST1500DL003\x2d9VT16L_5YD51614\x2dpart3.swap to dev-sda3.swap.
Job dev-disk-by\x2did-ata\x2dST1500DL003\x2d9VT16L_5YD51614\x2dpart3.swap/stop finished, result=done
[[1m[32m OK [0m] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST1500DL003-9VT...5YD51614-part3.
Redirecting stop request from dev-disk-by\x2did-wwn\x2d0x5000c5003e1ae4b9\x2dpart3.swap to dev-sda3.swap.
Job dev-disk-by\x2did-wwn\x2d0x5000c5003e1ae4b9\x2dpart3.swap/stop finished, result=done
[[1m[32m OK [0m] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5000c5003e1ae4b9-part3.
Redirecting stop request from dev-disk-by\x2dpath-platform\x2doxnassata.0\x2dscsi\x2d0:0:0:0\x2dpart3.swap to dev-sda3.swap.
Job dev-disk-by\x2dpath-platform\x2doxnassata.0\x2dscsi\x2d0:0:0:0\x2dpart3.swap/stop finished, result=done
[[1m[32m OK [0m] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-path/platform-oxnassat...-0:0:0:0-part3.
Redirecting stop request from dev-disk-by\x2duuid-cf99f458\x2d47e9\x2d4bb2\x2d9097\x2dbacc824d3653.swap to dev-sda3.swap.
Job dev-disk-by\x2duuid-cf99f458\x2d47e9\x2d4bb2\x2d9097\x2dbacc824d3653.swap/stop finished, result=done
[[1m[32m OK [0m] Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/cf99f458-47e9-4bb...7-bacc824d3653.
graphical.target changed active -> dead
This causes my small server to crash because the swap is removed before Ram consuming processes ( samba4 mysql etc. ) are terminated.
Does anyone have an Idea how to prevent this behaviour?

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    Seems like the note you implemented activated the checkbox "Current Setting" in Transaction Code SOBJ for object such as CPC1 I would suggest you to go verify that (if the check box is active) if you look in the field 'Transport' above it, it says "Automatic Transport" and that check box means
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    You may look at the following post also
    Distribution and Assessment Cycle
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