.SWF Redirect Action Script

Hi, I was wondering if someone could make me a .swf redirect
action script I don't have any programs to do this. If someone
could me a the .swf redirect to
that would be awsome heres a example of my friends.
it redirects to a page thats not up anymore. But thats what I want
it to do. thanks. just reply me back were I can download the .swf
you uploaded. :)


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  • Redirect Action Script

    Hi, I was wondering if someone could make me a .swf redirect
    action script I don't have any programs to do this. If someone
    could me a the .swf redirect to
    that would be awsome heres a example of my friends.
    it redirects to a page thats not up anymore. But thats what I want
    it to do. thanks. just reply me back were I can download the .swf
    you uploaded. :)


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    una imagen me cubre todos los botones y necesito uno botón para unload la galería, como lo hago? quedaría súper agradecida!!! muchas gracias.

    una imagen me cubre todos los botones y necesito uno botón para unload la galería, como lo hago? quedaría súper agradecida!!! muchas gracias.

  • Full action script swf dimension

    hi guys i want to ask something to that been confusing me..,
    if i create and swf let say for desktop application and it is full action script without any object in the stage ( movie clip and etcetera is created and placed by action script 3) not even in the library panel ( i mean no manual object that i added to library oanel and linking it to my code by using the linkage ) what would become the width  and height of this application?? let just say for example i make a slideshow swf which load it's image by reading a xml file (the url of the image file is in the xml file).
    i ask this because when i test my swf (stage.width) it return 0..,
    and when i loaded it into another swf i cannot set the loaded swf dimension (i did use event.complete)..,
    please do help my..,

    I'm not sure how you would do this with a swf but I know if you build a
    class and in the class constructor write a param like this the-stage:*
    then when you instantiate the class from the main swf just pass in this *
    ie* theInstance = new myClass(this);  then in your constructor equate a
    variable with the-stage  ie:  stg = theStage; then throughout your
    class you can reference the stage using stg  as in this example:

  • How do I use the button states in an action script?

    In my Captivate 8 project I use smart shape as buttons. The buttons have different images presented dependent on the state of the button. I have also created a simple action script that shows what happens when the button is pressed. When the button has been pressed the normal state of the button appear. I, however, want the down state of the button to remain visible util the user presses another button. How do I accomplish this? Is there variables for the buttons different state or how can I create that?

    When you talk about 'actionscript' do you mean advanced or shared actions? You cannot write actionscript within Captivate, only Javascript. If you use advanced/shared actions they'll be converted on runtime to either Actionscript (for SWF output) or Javascript (for HTML5 output).
    The states in shape buttons are the normal way buttons behave (not only in Flash). If you are indeed using shared/advanced actions, and you want the down state to remain until the next shape button is clicked, you'll have to go the way described by iFlashAppsToo. Create shapes that have the look of the down state, make them initially invisible and group all those shapes on one slide. Add two statements to the shared/advanced action (please do use shared actions, you'll save time):
    Hide Group   so that eventual down mimicked states on previously clicked buttons disappear
    Show Im_Downx    to show the down image for that button

  • Error while loading an child movieclip if the child has any action script

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    trace("Toothpaste click");
    var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Child);

    Typo on the forum.
    I can load the child.swf see the image/text in the child  displayed in the parent but as soon as I add as3 to the child page I receive the above mentioned error. If I run the child.swf from the IDE or by itself everything works fine .
    trace("Toothpaste click");
    var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Child.swf");

  • Error in phase of assigniment Action Script

    Hello Guys!
    I created the following action script named "sketch.as" :
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;
    public class sketch extends Sprite {
    public function sketch():void {
    //this is your documentclass constructor
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveCursor);
    function moveCursor(event:MouseEvent):void
        pencil.x = event.stageX;
        pencil.y = event.stageY;
    var canvas_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip()
    addChildAt(canvas_mc, 0);
    function sketch()
    canvas_mc.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 600, 500);
    canvas_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDrawing);
    canvas_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDrawing);
    canvas_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, makeLine);
    function startDrawing(event:MouseEvent):void{
    canvas_mc.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0, 1);
    canvas_mc.graphics.moveTo(mouseX, mouseY);
    canvas_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, makeLine);
    function stopDrawing(event:MouseEvent):void{
    canvas_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, makeLine);
    function makeLine(event:MouseEvent):void{
    canvas_mc.graphics.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY);
    var serverPath:String = "";
    function createJPG(m:MovieClip, q:Number, fileName:String)
    var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData (m.width, m.height);
    var jpgEncoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(q);
    var jpgStream:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(jpgSource);
    var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader ("Content-type", "application/octet-stream");
    var jpgURLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest ( serverPath+"jpg_encoder_download.php?name=" + fileName + ".jpg");
    jpgURLRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    jpgURLRequest.data = jpgStream;
    var jpgURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    navigateToURL(jpgURLRequest, "_blank");
    save_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveBtnPress);
    save_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, saveBtnOver);
    save_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, saveBtnOut);
    function saveBtnPress(e:Event):void
    createJPG(canvas_mc, 90, "sketch");
    function saveBtnOver(e:Event):void
    pencil.visible = false;
    function saveBtnOut(e:Event):void
    pencil.visible = true;
    Lately I created a file .fla in the same root of the file .as naming it "sketch.fla"
    When I try, in the Adobe Flash CS4 Professional screen, to assign to  ".fla" in the properties Publish my action script, the following message appears:
    “A definition for the document class could not be found in the classpath, so one will be automatically generated in tha SWF file upon export.”
    Obviously, it doesn’t function
    Could somebody help me??

    i don't understand, "When I try, in the Adobe Flash CS4 Professional screen, to assign to   ".fla" in the properties Publish my action script, the following message  appears:"
    but i do understand that error message.  you need to assign the document class for your fla.  in the properties panel with the backstage selected, assign sketch in the class or document class field.

  • Flash photo gallery - loading first movie - action script

    I have a movie gallery (they are basically images with a fading effect), and I got it setup, and working, but I cannot get right the action script to make the first movie load when the page opens. The only thing I get to see is the scroll bar with the thumbnails, and after I click on the images I can see the full size. I would like the full size image of the first thumbnail to show up as default when the page opens. And then, if you click on the thumbnails the other images will appear. This is my link:
    This is the action script for a typical Thumbnail (setup as a button):
    on (release) {
    loadMovie("clip0.swf", "_root.screen");
    I appreciate your help!!!!

    Rob, thanks for your answer. I do have a movieClip, at the root level. All my other movies load when I click the thumbnails. For some reason I'm not able to make a video appear before clicking on the thumbnails. I'd like to open the gallery and see the first video full size (automatically), before even clicking the thumbnails. Then, when you scroll and enlarge the other ones, they will replace the default one. I haven't been able to make it do this, and it's driving me crazy....
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Action script 3 and adding code to buttons

    When I open a new doc and selct action script 3 it won't
    allow me to insert code by selcting the button on the stage. It
    does if I select action script 2. All my old pages update ok but if
    I make new buttons it wont take the code. CAn someone tell me what
    is going on???
    Thanks a lot

    If your in a bind at the moment, I would suggest not
    attempting to learn AS3. The system is very different, good, but
    different, the syntax structure is much more strict and most things
    have been revised to use a listener/broadcaster (or event
    dispatcher) model, as well as most coding being class oriented,
    additionally the graphic display structure is quite different.
    Now did you change your publish settings back to AS2? If so,
    you should still be able to apply the above code to a button
    instance. However, as Dave stated, even in AS2 the code is best
    used from the timeline, to do so with the code above (which the on
    handler above is meant for Object attachment) you need to write it
    like this:
    my_btn.onPress = function() {
    I would also consider using a MovieClipLoader and the
    loadClip method forloading swf files, as it gives you more control
    over the load targeting, progress reporting, and event
    All this said, to use a button and load a file in AS3, you
    need to add an event listener to the button instance and construct
    a responding function to the event, in this case the loading of a
    swf file. Additionally, in AS3 the MovieClipLoader class, as well
    as the loadMovie methods have been replaced by the Loader classes
    and must be used to load swf files. So construct a button in AS3
    you must write something like the following:

  • Where do I put my Action Script?

    So, I created a small Flash site with no loading of external
    swfs. I am strictly using the timeline using labels. I have a layer
    for my main buttons (home, portfolio and timeline). I have selected
    AS3 for the file and I have those buttons working fine.
    I have a button for my portfolio where thumbnails will pop up
    after being pressed. I want to link those thumbnails to the URL's
    of the actual websites. Where do I put the action script?
    I also want to have my email at the bottom of the screen so
    you can click on it to email me. I am used to using AS2 whwere you
    simply put the code on the button.

    Hey, so thank you for the fast reponse. I totally agree with
    you on learning AS3, I don't want to go back to AS2.
    I already have the code you supplied so I understand what it
    is doing but my question is where do I put it in this case? I
    always create an action layer as you mention. In my action layer, I
    have frame 1 with my preloader code and then frame 2 with my code
    for my main buttons. They call to the labels. So, when I press
    portfolio for example, it goes to that label.......a shape tween
    starts and my portfolio thumbs appear. I then want those thumbs to
    link to the URL of those sites.
    So, where do I stick your code?
    Thanks again for all your help. I am NEW to AS3 and this is
    great learning.

  • CS3 action script 2.0: compiled clip components do not appear in the component panel

    I have a FLA file containing 3 compiled clip components.
    I use a MXP file to copy this file to the components panel,
    this works fine when using Macromedia Flash 8 or Macromedia MX
    2004, but when using CS# the components do not appear in the
    components panel, only if a use regular component or SWC component
    it appears in the panel, any reason why?any ideas?

    I can use this code from html. I'm able to say where the swf
    and xml file are. I just don't know how to do this using action
    classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="
    width="768" height="576" id="tech" align="middle">
    <param name="movie"
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    quality="high" width="768" height="576" name="tech" align="middle"
    allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

  • Action Script Import

    Hey Guys I love the idea and I know it is a daunting task to convert .fla into html5. I am working on removing any action script in any of my .fla files so that, 1: they may convert, but in doing so I realized that It may be possible to create a seperate stand alone action script...place it in the server, and the import said script into html5 the similar way you would when calling an image href, but the problem is... How if at all would I be able to import script into html5, and/or java for each individual scene related to a large .fla? My thoughts are I would need to create a new individual (Java class's) related to each individual action script scene and then import those into the html5 code! I am on track with the thought, or am I just crazy...
    In order to accheive this I would need to import the action script standalone into the root folder any recommendations?
    For example: stop(); frame 10 scene 1 layer Bck_Ground
    Then file name would be: layer 1 Bck_Ground.AS
    Java class  1Bckground. js
    This only as an eample of thought not real code!
    and or the ssame ideal in HTML5?
    Could this work?
    Thanks James

    Then no offense to Adobe, but this to me is an intermediate way of creating an animated gif...Granted if I wanted to create a animated gif from.swf I have to go through several steps, but at least I don't get the annoyance of ".fla not supported"! My input to Adobe in your Wallaby creation is this...Please consider the creation of a re-write enging for pre-existing action script that will interpelate the data of each scene, and layer directly from the .fla, and then import it into several native languages that the user can select such as java, html5, possibly C, xml, and be compatible for Mobile Web, IOS, SDK, and Stand-Alone Java!, and export all media assets into a seperate file folder with the a fore mentioned extensions placed and housed with coresponding media...After-all none of us Flash Heads really want to re-write code the hours of code we spent developing for a product that can't or won't be seen by mobile applicatioins. If you can do that I would pay my top dollar for it...and I would think everybody else would agree with me! Thanks for your hard work...keep plugging along!

  • Using Flach CS4 and action script 2.0 how do I advance to a specific frame of the main timeline when a movie clip instance come to the end of its timeline?

    Using Flach CS4 and action script 2.0 how do I advance to a specific frame of the main timeline when a movie clip instance come to the end of its timeline?

    code on the last frame of your movieclip instance:
    _root.gotoAndStop('whatever_frame');  // will work unless this swf is loaded into another swf.  in that situation, you should use a relative path to the main timeline (eg,  _parent or _parent._parent etc).

  • Getting Action Script 3 to work in Action script 1 template?

    Hi all,
    I'm creating an interactive Flash project based on an AS1 template, but a lot of my effects (scenes in separate swf files) are action script 3.0. I am working with Flash CS5, which can run everything in the AS1 template, but I wasn't sure how to get the Action Script 3.0 swfs to play in it. Any recommendations? Some of the effects and interactions are pretty basic (eyes following cursor, rain, etc.) but I haven't been able to find the Action Script 1 equivalents of these effects and I wasn't sure if there was a way to get this to work.

    Hey, thanks so much for your reply!
    I'm sorry, but I'm having a little trouble following your suggestion - do you mean I would need to reprogram and change all the AS 1 code to be AS 3? Or how would I create an AS 2 SWF Container swf? The piece is a website, there's already an AS 1 container (index) file loading the other swfs. So would I make a CONTAINER #1 (Actionscript 2) --> CONTAINER #2 (Action Script 1)--> Other swfs? What would be simplest?

  • Help with action script please

    hay guys, im having trouble with changing my action script to
    allow multiple layers of the same thing in order to show a greater
    sense of depth than the normal application. im using a flash
    toutorial on making a sort of matrix like falling text (
    and im not completely understanding what to change in order to
    accomplish my goal. i tryed to send them a message using their
    contact page, but its broken, forcing me to find a forum. im sure
    it has something to do with the third group of code where it
    identifies what its using. but whenever i change anything there to
    either match the identifiers or movie clip names the action script
    crashes when i test the movie. any help is appreciated.
    im using flash cs3 and made sure to create it all in action
    script 2.0
    please excuse my spelling, im sure i made a mistake

    "FlashTastic" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:e4ir4t$ru4$[email protected]..
    >I don't think an enterframe will be your best bet.
    > You might want to use something like
    > if(_root._currentframe >= _root.totalframes){
    > loadMovie("myMovie.swf",_root)
    Why in the world would you do that when you can just put a
    keyframe on the last frame and ..

Maybe you are looking for

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