Switching touch events from symbols/classes to the main stage?

For previous threads:
Bug ID #2940816
I have an app that wasn't compiling correctly. I sent the bug to Adobe who responded with a workaround. However, I can't figure out how to make their stated workaround work in my code.
I have puzzle pieces on the stage. Each is assigned to a separate class. Inside the class I have touch events defining multiple touch events for each piece.
I have another spot on the stage where, when it is touched, a puzzle piece appears. These are also each linked to a separate class. Inside this class I also have touch events defining multiple touch events for each piece.
Though it works fine on my computer, it wasn't working on an iPad. Adobe said that I needed to switch the touch events so that they were assigned to the main stage instead of to each individual object.
However, the code they gave me didn't really make sense in context and I'm confused how to implement it.
This is the code in the class for each piece that is created when you touch the stage:
        public function GeoPiece(): void {
            if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Name") {
            else if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Abbrev") {
            else if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Shape") {
            this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, geoPieceBegin);
        public function geoPieceBegin (e:TouchEvent): void {
            PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive = true;
            e.target.startTouchDrag(e.touchPointID, false);
            e.target.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPieceEnd);
            PuzzleGlobals.currentPiece = e.target.abbrev;
        public function geoPieceEnd (e:TouchEvent): void {
            PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive = false;
            if (currentObjOver.isLocked == true) {
                currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Lock");
            else {
                currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Out");
            if (this.dropTarget.parent is GeoPuzzle) {
                if (GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent).abbrev == e.target.abbrev) {
                    GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent).isLocked = true;
                else {
                    //play BOOP sound indicated wrong drop;
            if (PuzzleGlobals.statesCompletedUSA == PuzzleGlobals.TOTAL_NUMBER_USA) {
                //play fireworks game
            else {
                //do nothing
            e.target.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPieceEnd);
        public function interactionBegin () {
            if (this.dropTarget != null && this.dropTarget.parent is GeoPuzzle) { //check to make sure it's over a puzzle piece
                currentObjOver = GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent);
            if (lastObjOver != currentObjOver) {
                if (lastObjOver.isLocked == true) {
                else {
                lastObjOver = currentObjOver;
This is the code in the class for each piece that's already on the stage:
        public function GeoPuzzle(): void {
            if (this.isLocked == true) {
                this.gotoAndStop ("Lock");
            if (PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive == true) {
                this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, geoPuzzleBegin);
        public function geoPuzzleBegin (e:TouchEvent): void {
            e.target.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPuzzleEnd);
        public function geoPuzzleEnd (e:TouchEvent): void {
            if (e.target.isLocked == false) {
            else if (e.target.isLocked == true) {
            e.target.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPuzzleEnd);
You can see that each piece (whether it's already locked on the stage or movable) reacts differently to different touch events. However, this is the code that Adobe gave me as a workaround:
this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, onTouchEvent);
this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, onTouchEvent);
this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, onTouchEvent);
var beginCount:uint=0;
var moveCount:uint=0;
var endCount:uint=0;
function onTouchEvent(event:TouchEvent):void{
     switch (event.type){
          case TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN:
                         square.x = event.stageX;
                         square.y = event.stageY;
                         square.startTouchDrag(event.touchPointID, false);
          case TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE:
          case TouchEvent.TOUCH_END:
     trace("begin: "+beginCount+" move: "+moveCount+" end: "+endCount);
//     countText.text = "begin: "+beginCount+" move: "+moveCount+" end: "+endCount;
This doesn't make any sense to me because it seems that it would only work if touching the stage had to react in just a single way. I have multiple pieces that need to each react differently.
1. The pieces that are locked to the stage need to highlight when touched and display their name.
2. These pieces also need to keep themselves highlighted and their names displayed when the touch is dragged off of them instead of just removed.
3. Each piece needs to be created when touching the Puzzle Piece button the stage. As these pieces are dragged, they need to highlight the pieces underneath them and unhighlight them when they are dragged off. They also need to display their own names, and lock into place when they are dragged over the correct piece.
My questions are:
1. Why don't touch events work in the compiler?
2. How can I translate my current working code's touch events to all be directly linked to the stage instead of their objects?
Thanks so much!

I am going to copy and paste this answer into all of the forums I've asked this question in case some noob like me comes along and needs the answer.
I found the problem! After 3 months I finally figured out what was wrong and why my app was working in Device Central when exported as Flash 10.1 and not on my iPad when exported as AIR for iOS.
The problem is that in the Flash runtime, if a line of code returns a bug, the flash runtime says "Error, shmerror, try again next time." So I had one if, else statement that was executing when it wasn't supposed to be - only once, at the very beginning of the program. It was throwing an error. When I exported as Flash, flash didn't care, and still executed the code later when it was supposed to. But Apple won't let their programs crash. So instead of just trying that code again, Apple decided, after the first error was thrown, that it would then COMPLETELY IGNORE that line of code. So the error was in the line where the states would unhighlight themselves. Apple just shut down that line of code, that's why it wouldn't execute properly.
I ended up changing this line of code
if (lastObjOver != null && lastObjOver.isLocked == true)
which threw an error when the piece was FIRST dragged over the puzzle, to to this
if (lastObjOver.parent != null && lastObjOver.isLocked == true)
which wouldn't throw the error.
Problem solved!
If anyone else is having this problem, I suggest you do what I did. Change all your touch events to mouse events so you can run the program in the adc debugger. That's when I discovered the error being thrown.

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  • Bug fix requires switching touch events from symbols/classes to the main stage?

    Also posted in Mobile Development, I'm still not sure which forum I should be in.
    For previous threads:
    Bug ID #2940816
    I  have an app that wasn't compiling correctly. I sent the bug to Adobe  who responded with a workaround. However, I can't figure out how to make  their stated workaround work in my code.
    I have puzzle  pieces on the stage. Each is assigned to a separate class. Inside the  class I have touch events defining multiple touch events for each piece.
    I  have another spot on the stage where, when it is touched, a puzzle  piece appears. These are also each linked to a separate class. Inside  this class I also have touch events defining multiple touch events for  each piece.
    Though it works fine on my computer, it wasn't  working on an iPad. Adobe said that I needed to switch the touch events  so that they were assigned to the main stage instead of to each  individual object.
    However, the code they gave me didn't really make sense in context and I'm confused how to implement it.
    This is the code in the class for each piece that is created when you touch the stage:
            public function GeoPiece(): void {
                if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Name") {
                else if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Abbrev") {
                else if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Shape") {
                this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, geoPieceBegin);
            public function geoPieceBegin (e:TouchEvent): void {
                PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive = true;
                e.target.startTouchDrag(e.touchPointID, false);
                e.target.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPieceEnd);
                MovieClip(this.parent.parent).nameDisplay.gotoAndStop(e.target.abbrev );
                PuzzleGlobals.currentPiece = e.target.abbrev;
            public function geoPieceEnd (e:TouchEvent): void {
                PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive = false;
                if (currentObjOver.isLocked == true) {
                    currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Lock");
                else {
                    currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Out");
                MovieClip(this.parent.parent).nameDisplay.gotoAndStop(PuzzleGlobals.c hosenPuzzle);
                if (this.dropTarget.parent is GeoPuzzle) {
                    if (GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent).abbrev == e.target.abbrev) {
                        GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent).isLocked = true;
                    else {
                        //play BOOP sound indicated wrong drop;
                if (PuzzleGlobals.statesCompletedUSA == PuzzleGlobals.TOTAL_NUMBER_USA) {
                    //play fireworks game
                else {
                    //do nothing
                e.target.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPieceEnd);
            public function interactionBegin () {
                 if (this.dropTarget != null && this.dropTarget.parent is  GeoPuzzle) { //check to make sure it's over a puzzle piece
                    currentObjOver = GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent);
                if (lastObjOver != currentObjOver) {
                    if (lastObjOver.isLocked == true) {
                    else {
                    lastObjOver = currentObjOver;
    This is the code in the class for each piece that's already on the stage:
            public function GeoPuzzle(): void {
                if (this.isLocked == true) {
                    this.gotoAndStop ("Lock");
                if (PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive == true) {
                    this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, geoPuzzleBegin);
            public function geoPuzzleBegin (e:TouchEvent): void {
                e.target.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPuzzleEnd);
            public function geoPuzzleEnd (e:TouchEvent): void {
                if (e.target.isLocked == false) {
                else if (e.target.isLocked == true) {
                MovieClip(this.parent).nameDisplay.gotoAndStop(PuzzleGlobals.chosenPu zzle);
                e.target.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPuzzleEnd);
    You  can see that each piece (whether it's already locked on the stage or  movable) reacts differently to different touch events. However, this is  the code that Adobe gave me as a workaround:
    this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, onTouchEvent);
    this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, onTouchEvent);
    this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, onTouchEvent);
    var beginCount:uint=0;
    var moveCount:uint=0;
    var endCount:uint=0;
    function onTouchEvent(event:TouchEvent):void{
         switch (event.type){
              case TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN:
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; trace("BEGIN")
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; beginCount++;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; square.x = event.stageX;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; square.y = event.stageY;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; square.startTouchDrag(event.touchPointID, false);
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; break;
              case TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE:
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; trace("MOVE")
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; moveCount++;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; break;
              case TouchEvent.TOUCH_END:
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; trace("END")
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; endCount++;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; square.stopTouchDrag(event.touchPointID);
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; break;
         trace("begin: "+beginCount+" move: "+moveCount+" end: "+endCount);
    //     countText.text = "begin: "+beginCount+" move: "+moveCount+" end: "+endCount;
    This  doesn't make any sense to me because it seems that it would only work  if touching the stage had to react in just a single way. I have multiple  pieces that need to each react differently.
    1. The pieces that are locked to the stage need to highlight when touched and display their name.
    2.  These pieces also need to keep themselves highlighted and their names  displayed when the touch is dragged off of them instead of just removed.
    3.  Each piece needs to be created when touching the Puzzle Piece button  the stage. As these pieces are dragged, they need to highlight the  pieces underneath them and unhighlight them when they are dragged off.  They also need to display their own names, and lock into place when they  are dragged over the correct piece.
    My questions are:
    1. Why don't touch events work in the compiler?
    2. How can I translate my current working code's touch events to all be directly linked to the stage instead of their objects?
    Thanks so much!

    I haven't changed much. I've been playing around and I think I know where the problem is coming from now. I just can't figure out how to fix it.
    This it the only code I've modified:
            public function interactionBegin () {
                trace ("Current: " + currentObjOver);
                trace ("Last: " + lastObjOver);
                if (this.dropTarget != null && this.dropTarget.parent is GeoPuzzle) { //check to make sure it's over a puzzle piece
                    currentObjOver = GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent); //make "currentObjOver" assigned to the puzzle piece the finger is currently touching
                    currentObjOver.gotoAndStop("Over"); //highlight the current piece
                    if (currentObjOver != lastObjOver) { //if your finger moves and you're now touching a different state
                        if (lastObjOver != null && lastObjOver.isLocked == true) { //if the previous state you were touching has been solved
                            lastObjOver.gotoAndStop("Lock"); //lock this state into place
                        else if (lastObjOver != null && lastObjOver.isLocked == false) { //if the previous state you were touching wasn't solved
                            lastObjOver.gotoAndStop("Off"); //unhighlight that state
                        lastObjOver = currentObjOver; //assign the current state to be the last state you were touching
    lastObjOver and currentObjOver are always assigned the same object. I can't figure out why, I've run it line by line but I can't figure out where I'm going wrong.

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    hi all,
    I found a lot of solutions to pass the events from the main VI to the subpanel(s) but none about passing the events from subpanel(s) to the main VI. In the attached VIs, I just want to generate an event in the main_VI.vi when I click on the button positionned in the subPanel1.vi. How can I do that ?
    main_VI.vi ‏13 KB
    subPanel1.vi ‏6 KB

    You could use a queue to transfer the button data to your main vi.
    See the attached files:
    subPanel1mod - Detects a button change and Enqueues the state.
    main_VI mod - uses the Timeout event to poll for data in the queue.
    main_VI mod1 - gets the queue data without having to poll.
    Like your orginals, these files are in LV2010.
    Help the forum when you get help. Click the "Solution?" icon on the reply that answers your
    question. Give "Kudos" to replies that help.
    subPanel1mod.vi ‏10 KB
    main_VI mod.vi ‏16 KB
    main_VI mod1.vi ‏15 KB

  • Access a nested symbol timeline from the main stage

    Hi all,
    Would love some help on accessing a nested symbol from the main stage please.
    To set the scene.....
    "Its an autumn day..
    no sorry...just joking...
    So i have a symbol called "NormalAnatomy" - its not on the main stage, but when a button is clicked it appears in the 'content' box which is just a rectangle on the main stage.
    Inside "NormalAnatomy" symbol is another symbol called "Scrub_all" which is an animation
    For users to view the animation they use a scrub bar like this lovely lady has invented:
    Create Click and Touch Draggable Scrubbers with Edge Animate CC | sarahjustine.com
    So for Sarah Justines scrubber to work - the main stage has a lot of actions added to it. Also the "timelinePlay" symbol is on the main stage
    Its starts:
    var symDur = sym.getSymbol("timelinePlay").getDuration();
    var mySymbol = sym.getSymbol("timelinePlay");
    var scrubber = sym.$("scrubber");
    var bar = sym.$("bar");
    var dragme = false;
    So I put my "NormalAnatomy" symbol on my main stage to see if the code would work and changed all the relevant details.. and indeed it worked!
    var symDur = sym.getSymbol("NormalAnatomy").getSymbol("Scrub_all").getDuration();
    var mySymbol = sym.getSymbol("NormalAnatomy").getSymbol("Scrub_all");
    var scrubber = sym.getSymbol("NormalAnatomy").$("scrubber");
    var bar = sym.getSymbol("NormalAnatomy").$("bar");
    var dragme = false;
    But i don't want the "NormalAnatomy" symbol to be on the main stage as I want it to appear in the 'content' box only when i hit a btn
    So as soon as I took this symbol off the main stage, the scrubber doesn't work. So I click a btn, and the symbol appears in the content box but the scrubber doesn't work.
    so I tried in front of the "NormalAnatomy"
    but nothing works
    The main problem must be the fact that the NormalAnatomy symbol appears inside a content box so the MainStage actions doesn't know how to find it??
    So my question is... what should I put in the main stage actions to make it access the "NormalAnatomy" symbol?
    Thanks for your help in advance!

    On click handler for the symbol use
    replace the italics with the literal name of the symbol as it appears in the Elements panel.
    Some API details found here (http://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/edgeanimate/api/current/index.html) in the Work With Symbols section.

  • Calling Portal event from ABAP class

    Hi Experts,
    I need a following clarificatrion, Please help,
    1. Is it possible to call a webdynpro method from a normal ABAP class?
    2. If no, we need a functionality of a class 'CL_WDR_HTTP_EXT_MIME_HANDLER' having method 'DO_DOMAIN_RELAX_HTML'.
    Is there any alternative method which can be used in ABAP having the same functionality.
    3. Is there any ways with which we can call portal event from ABAP class?

    >1. Is it possible to call a webdynpro method from a normal ABAP class?
    I wouldn't necessarily recommend this approach. You shouldn't try to trigger events or any of the standard WDDO* methods from outside the WD Component itself.  That said, you can pass the object reference (like the WD_COMP_CONTROLLER object reference or the View Object Reference) into methods of normal classes.  Be careful if you are finding yourself calling a lot of your added methods from outside WD.  This is probably a sign that these methods should be in the Assistance Class or some other Class functioning as a Model Object.
    >2. If no, we need a functionality of a class 'CL_WDR_HTTP_EXT_MIME_HANDLER' having method 'DO_DOMAIN_RELAX_HTML'.
    Is there any alternative method which can be used in ABAP having the same functionality.
    What exactly do you want to do here?  Do you just want to get the relaxation script?  For what purpose?  You should never need to inject the relaxation script into WDA. 
    >3. Is there any ways with which we can call portal event from ABAP class?
    To what purpose.  Do you just want to delegate the triggering of the event that is inside WD Component to be called from a class?  If so you can pass the portal API object reference into a class from the WD Component.  However this only works while running within WD.
    How is this class used?  Are you running in WD?  Are you trying to generate some HTML code that runs in the portal independent of WD?

  • Fire event from one class to another.

    I have a Login JFrame class that allows users to enter username and password. I then have another JFrame class which will monitor when someone logs in. I am trying to get the username and password to appear on the monitor login frame text area when the user presses enter on the login frame.
    I can get it ot work by passing the Monitor class into the Login classes constructor but I want to be able to open the classes separately.When I try to open separatley at present I get java.lang.NullPointerException
         at project.LoginGUI.actionPerformed(LoginGUI.java:70) which is referring to the following code:      
    Both classes are in the same package. What I want to know is how to fire an event from one class to another? when the class you are firing to is constructed separately.
    I hope this question is not too verbose.

    Generally for something like this you would use a listener.
    Your login window is its own entity--it has a user interface, and it gets some information which someone else could ask it for. It could even generate its own events, such as when the user presses "OK". You would first define an interface for anyone who wants to know when someone logs in:
    public interface ILoginListener extends java.util.EventListener
      public void login(LoginEvent event);
    }You would then define the LoginEvent class to contain information like what the user entered for username and password. You could give your login dialog a couple of methods:
      private Vector myListeners = new Vector();
      public void addLoginListener(ILoginListener listener) {
      public void removeLoginListener(ILoginListener listener) {
      protected void fireLogin(LoginEvent event) {
        for (Iterator it = myListeners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
          ILoginListener listener = (ILoginListener)it.next();
      }You'd have your login dialog call fireLogin every time the user logged in.
    Then, you could implement ILoginListener in your monitor window:
      public void login(LoginEvent event) {
        // now do something with the event you just got.
      }All the code I put in here is really generic stuff. You'll write this kind of stuff hundreds of times probably during your career. I haven't tested it though.
    Hope this helps. :)

  • Catching event from canvas class

    I want to catch an event from MyCanvas class/obect to MyMidlet class/object. I have implemented keypressed method in MyCanvas. can i use it pr do i have to do something else..
    Any ideas?

    hi mlk!
    well, i want to catch Canvas.Fire event. sorry but i should have given you an idea of the code. well here it is:
    public class MyMIDlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
    private Display display;
    private MyCanvas canvas;
    private Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.SCREEN, 1 );
    public MyMIDlet(){
    canvas = new MyCanvas(this);
    protected void startApp(){
    public void commandAction( Command c, Displayable d ){      
         if( c == exitCommand ){
    public class MyCanvas extends Canvas{
    protected void keyPressed(int keyCode) {
         if(keyCode < 0)
         int key = getGameAction(keyCode);
    if(key == Canvas.FIRE){
    So, when Canvas.FIRE is 'pressed' i want MyMIDLET to know that it happend..
    thanks again

  • HT5225 I have an imac 24 , imac 27, mac book pro, airbook and Iphone 3G.  I have switched to icloud from mobile and all the computers synch with each other but data entered from my iphone in ical won't sync to the other computers.

    I have an imac 24 , imac 27, mac book pro, airbook and Iphone 3G.  I have switched to icloud from mobile and all the computers synch with each other but data entered from my iphone in ical won't sync to the other computers.
    Is there a setting on the iphone that will allow ical entries on the iphone to sink to my other computers

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    First check that all your settings are correct, that calendar syncing is checked on all devices (system preferences > iCloud on a mac and settings > iCloud on a iPhone, iPad or iPod).
    Make sure the calendars you are using are in your 'iCloud' account and not an 'On My Mac', 'On My Phone' or other non iCloud account (you can do this by clicking/tapping the calendar button in the top left corner of the application ), non iCloud calendars will not sync.
    If you are sure that everything is set up correctly and your calendars are in the iCloud account, you might try unchecking calendar syncing in the iCloud settings, restarting your device and then re-enabling calendar syncing settings.

  • I would like to create a pop-up window appear from Labview Interface. In this window, I will have a slide control and an image taken from a camera. The main VI have to run while pop-up window is open. How can I do ?

    When I pushed a button, this pop-up window has to appear. There will be a slide control and a picture from a camera in this window. Is it possible to make appear this windows while main VI Interface continue to run ? How can I do this ? Thank you for your answers.

    Here you go. This is simple example. Maybe not the best way, I am just
    beginner in LV and still not comfortable with data flow that much. I prefer
    events, so I would change this to use Event Structures.
    When you click on OK button on SliderMain, it opens Slider.vi. Now both
    windows are open and you can interact with both. Now if you click on OK
    again with Slider.vi open, you run into problems. Only thing I did was
    change VI properties of slider.vi, mainly window appearance.
    "Cy" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > I would like to create a pop-up window appear from Labview Interface.
    > In this window, I will have a slide control and an image taken from a
    > camera. The main VI hav
    e to run while pop-up window is open. How can I
    > do ?
    > When I pushed a button, this pop-up window has to appear. There will
    > be a slide control and a picture from a camera in this window. Is it
    > possible to make appear this windows while main VI Interface continue
    > to run ? How can I do this ? Thank you for your answers.
    > Cyril.
    [Attachment SliderMain.vi, see below]
    [Attachment Slider.vi, see below]
    SliderMain.vi ‏16 KB
    Slider.vi ‏11 KB

  • Preventing the User from going back to the main page after logging out.

    Hi all,
    In my project I want to prevent the User from going back to the Main page, by clicking the back button of the browser, after the user has loggged out.I had invalidated the session so the user will not be able to do any operations, but he can vew the infos. I want to redirect to the login page if the user tries to go back using the back button after he has logged out.
    I tried the same in this forum after loging out. Surprisingly it is the same. I can browse through all the operations i did even after logging out from here.
    Is it not possible to do that in Servlets?Could somebody help?

    You can use a servlet filter to do this , as it can interceptany request to your application you can decide to allow user access or not to any page/servlet.
    public class Test implements Filter{
         public void destroy() {
         public void doFilter(ServletRequest arg0, ServletResponse arg1, FilterChain arg2) throws IOException,
                   ServletException {
              HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) arg0;
              if(!request.getRequestURI().contains("index")){ // set condition that will be checked to verify if the user is logged in
                   System.out.println("redirecting ... ");
                   RequestDispatcher d = arg0.getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp");
                   d.forward(arg0, arg1);
              arg2.doFilter(arg0, arg1);
         public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
    }in you web.xml add :

  • In iPhoto, can I file individual events from one year into one main event withouthout m muddling them up?ing them up

    In iPhoto, can I file individual events from one year into one main event without muddling them up?

    Perhaps I misunderstood you. You want to have a hierarchy
    Folder: 2000
    ->Contains Event for January, February, etc
    Folder 2001
    -> Contains Event for January, February etc
    That sort of thing? Well with Events, no you can't. Yes you can do that with Albums, but not Events.
    That said, it's a pretty limited way of organising your photos - in fact you might as well just use folders in the Finder. You can find the photos from any year, month, day with the Calendar tool. Simply click on the Search icon on the bottom, then on the the wee drop down and select the calendar tool.
    Want the photos from a particular range - say, June 11 1999 to September 30 2001? Then a Smart Album will do that.
    But the problem is that it's often hard to remember the year/month something happened. Did we go to Disney in 1997 or 98? There are other more useful ways that make your snaps more searchable.
    Here's a canned answer that I offer that suggests some of the richer organising possibilities of iPhoto. It might spark something.
    I use Events simply as big buckets of Photos: Spring 08, July - Nov 06 are typical Events in my Library. I use keywords and Smart Albums extensively. I title the pics broadly.
    I keyword on a
    Where basis (The When is in the photos's Exif metadata). I also rate the pics on a 1 - 5 star basis.
    Using this system I can find pretty much find any pic in my 50k library in a couple of seconds.
    So, for example, I have a batch of pics titled 'Seattle 08' and a  typical keywording might include: John, Anne, Landscape, mountain, trees, snow. With a rating included it's so very easy to find the best pics we took at Mount Rainier.
    File -> New Smart Album
    set it to 'All"
    title contains Seattle
    keyword is mountain
    keyword is snow
    rating is 5 stars
    Or, want a chronological album of John from birth to today?
    New Smart Album
    Keyword is John
    Set the View options to Sort By Date Ascending
    Want only the best pics?
    add Rating is greater than 4 stars
    The best thing about this system is that it's dynamic. If I add 50 more pics of John  to the Library tomorrow, as I keyword and rate them they are added to the Smart Album.
    In the end, organisation is about finding the pics. The point is to make locating that pic or batch of pics findable fast. This system works for me.

  • My ipod touch is stuck on the restore picture and when i try and sync it to itunes i cant sync to itunes because i have a password on my ipod touch and i cant get to the main screen so how do i reset my ipod ?

    my ipod touch is stuck on the restore picture and when i try and sync it to itunes i cant sync to itunes because i have a password on my ipod touch and i cant get to the main screen so how do i reset my ipod ?

    Connecting in recovery mode will help: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1808

  • Stream data from a subvi to the main vi - path refnum

    hello everyone
    sorry my english
    - refnum boolean worked
    - refnum graph worked
    - refnum numeric worked
    how to create a  path refnum? stream data from a subvi to the main vi
    where do I start?
    Go to Solution.

    Bom Dia Saille,
    Eu acredito que o que você tenha hoje seja isso aqui (Desenho bem simplificado):
    Hoje o que você tem é o Aplicativo do Medidor + USB Driver controlando o seu medidor. Basicamente, sua aplciação está dividida em três camadas:
    Aplicação - Onde estão as funcionalidades principais do programa (interface com o usuário, apresentação de dados, geração de arquivos, etc.)
    VISA - Uma arquitetura de Software para controle de instrumentos. Basicamente, ele se comunica com o Driver USB para poder enviar e receber pacotes de dados através do barramento USB.
    Device Driver - Intruções de SW de baixo nível para controlar um periférico através de um barramento.
    No desenho, eu aponto duas camadas onde você pode tentar atuar para automatizar suas medições:
    Aplicação - Você pode usar o VI Server para controlar o Aplicativo do Medidor (Se este aplicativo tiver sido desenvolvido em LabVIEW, o que eu suponho ser verdade). No entanto é necessário saber se o desenvolvedor do produto permitiu isso (Veja Using VI Server to Pass Data Between a VI and a LabVIEW Executable). Outra alternativa é conversar com o fabricante para ver se ele desenvolveu alguma API (Application Programming Interface) para que você consiga controlar o instrumento diretamente.
    VISA - O LabVIEW Fornece uma API chamada NI-VISA para poder enviar e receber informações através de diversos barramentos (Veja Serial Instrument Control Tutorial)
    É possível acessar o Driver diretamente também, mas eu não recomendo. O resultado não compensa o esfroço!
    Espero ter esclarecido suas dúvidas e espero que você tenha sucesso na sua aplicação!!
    Felipe Flores
    Engenharia de Aplicações
    National Instruments Brasil

  • Problem with access into the main stage

    hi, how are you guys ,, i hope you fine
    here is my problem
    i have file fla called "game.fla" and there are alot of frames in the main stage  i wanna move it from
    class called "admin" in the library but how??
    i tried to this
    but it doesn.t work i dont know why
    and this is the error message
    C:\Users\win7\Desktop\game1\admin1.as, Line 902 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.

    ahh sorry "
    I could be more help if I had some code to look at"
    here this is all the admin code
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.media.Sound;
    import flash.media.SoundChannel;
    public class admin1 extends MovieClip
    var moves:Boolean;
    var points:Number;
    var SCREAMING:screaming
    var SOUNDCHANNEL:SoundChannel
    var vx:Number;
    var EATING:eating;
    var CHIDORI:chidori
    var WIND:wind;
    public function admin1(){
      public function onAddedToStage(event:Event):void
       if (currentFrame ==20)
       WIND = new wind;
       SOUNDCHANNEL = WIND.play(0,1000)
       CHIDORI = new chidori
       EATING = new eating
       SCREAMING = new screaming
        SOUNDCHANNEL = new SoundChannel
       score.restrict = "0-9";
       burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .5;
       fireball1.alpha = .5;
       addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
       fireball1..addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onfireball1);
       burger1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onburger1);
       b1.visible = false
       b2.visible = false
       b3.visible = false
       c1.visible = false
       c2.visible = false
       c3.visible = false
       d1.visible = false
       d2.visible = false
       d3.visible = false
       e1.visible = false
       e2.visible = false
       e3.visible = false
       f1.visible = false
       f2.visible = false
       f3.visible = false
       a1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicka1);
       a2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicka2);
       a3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicka3);
       b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickb1);
       b2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickb2);
       b3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickb3);
       c1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickc1);
           c2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickc2);
           c3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickc3);
           d1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickd1);
           d2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickd2);
           d3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickd3);
           e1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicke1);
           e2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicke2);
           e3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicke3);
           f1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickf1);
       f2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickf2);
       f3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickf3);
       addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
      public function onRemovedFromStage(event:Event):void
       //Remove the onEnterFrame event if
       //this object is removed from the stage
       removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
       removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
       removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
       trace("Dungeon removed");
      public function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
       if (points == 0   ){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    burger1.alpha = .3;
    burger1.enabled = false;
    if (points == 1   ){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    burger1.enabled = true;
    if (herobar.width == 80){
    if (herobar.width == 60){
       else if (herobar.width == 40){
       else if (herobar.width == 20){
       else if (herobar.width == 0){
       if(evilbar.width == 40)
       evil1.gotoAndStop (2)
       else if (evilbar.width == 0){
    public function onmouseclicka1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    removeEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,onmouseclicka1)
    b1.visible = true
       b2.visible = true
       b3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclicka2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    removeEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,onmouseclicka2)
    b1.visible = true
       b2.visible = true
       b3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclicka3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    removeEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,onmouseclicka3)
    b1.visible = true
       b2.visible = true
       b3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickb1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    c1.visible = true
       c2.visible = true
       c3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickb2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    c1.visible = true
       c2.visible = true
       c3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickb3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    c1.visible = true
       c2.visible = true
       c3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    }public function onmouseclickc1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    d1.visible = true
       d2.visible = true
       d3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickc2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    d1.visible = true
       d2.visible = true
       d3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickc3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    d1.visible = true
       d2.visible = true
       d3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    }public function onmouseclickd1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    e1.visible = true
       e2.visible = true
       e3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickd2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    e1.visible = true
       e2.visible = true
       e3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickd3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    e1.visible = true
       e2.visible = true
       e3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    }public function onmouseclicke1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    f1.visible = true
       f2.visible = true
       f3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclicke2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    f1.visible = true
       f2.visible = true
       f3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclicke3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickf1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickf2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickf3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onfireball1(event:MouseEvent):void{
    if ( points >= 2 ){
    points -= 2
    evilbar.width -=40
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    public function onburger1(event:MouseEvent):void{
    if (points == 1 ){
    burger1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    burger1.enabled = false;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    herobar.width +=20
    if ( points >=  2 ){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
       herobar.width +=20
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    if (herobar.width >= 80){
    herobar.width = 80}
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;

  • How to load different html files in one page in order to load them without leaving the main stage?

    I'm new with edge animate, but i fell in love with it.
    I'd like to know, is it possible to load different html pages dynamically in the main stage in order to avoid the preloader to be load?
    I can figure out how to save all the pages of the site, but i can't merge them in a continuous animated browsing experience.
    As sample.
    I've got a index.html and home.html, how to switch form index to home without having a clear division between the two pages?
    I can place all the animations within a file and this will allow me to have a continuous surfing experience but it won't generate specific and google indexable pages within the site.
    Example, index.html will generate www.mysite.com, home will generate www.mysite.com/home. How ho switch dinamically between them and integrate them in a unique fading experience?
    Thanks in advance for any help. I'm a newby, but i would like to learn.

    Look into using the Loader class to load the swf files.  If you want to have it happen in different frames then you can put the code into the different frames.

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