Sync iCloud with 2 different identifiers

I have a problem with iCloud and 2 different apple identifiers. On the power book I have identifier and on the iPhone I have a identifier. How to sync the iCloud between the two ?

You can't actually sync between them, other than by copying all the data out of one manually and copying it into the other: but you can run both at once by entering the second on in System Preferences> or Settings>Mail, Contacts and Calendars. This will enable the email, calendars and contacts to appear as separate accounts alongside the 'primary account' (the one signed into in System Preferences>iCloud).
Only the primary account gets 'push' email - the other checks the server at intervals - and only the primary account can use PhotoStream.

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    Hi nprguy,
    It sounds like an earlier version of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software installed on your PC may be conflicting with this installation. 
    I would advise uninstalling both versions of the BlackBerry Desktop Software then reinstalling the latest version.
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    "Error 1316" InstallShield error is encountered when uninstalling or upgrading the BlackBerry Desktop Software
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    iTunes 11 for Windows: Set up syncing for iPod, iPhone, or iPad
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    Hi gemret, 
    Welcome to the Apple Support Community!
    To be able to sync your information across your Apple devices and your Windows computer, you will need the iCloud for Windows 4.0 control panel. Please use the following Apple link for information and download link for the control panel.
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    Hi mark_mcmurrey,
    Thank you for using the Apple Support Community. Given the nature of the issues you are describing and your current configuration, you may be better served by reaching out to one of Apple's other available resources for more direct support -
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    I agree. What I see is that it is creating an icloud calendar in Outlook but I want it to sync to Outook itself.
    That is what it does. There is no sync, you have a new calendar.

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    PhillyWorkInjury wrote:
    I appreciate your effort but you obviously have no idea what I am talking about. I have been using mobileme and iCloud for years to sync my outlook calender to my iPhone.
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